Academic literature on the topic 'Droit de la prévention'
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Journal articles on the topic "Droit de la prévention"
Pellegrini, Bernard. "Droit et prévention." VST - Vie sociale et traitements 94, no. 2 (2007): 81.
Full textDesjardins, Annick, and Céline Giguère. "Santé mentale au travail : l’échec du droit à épouser une approche systémique." Les Cahiers de droit 54, no. 2-3 (August 5, 2013): 359–88.
Full textLippel, Katherine, and Nathalie Lanctôt. "La violence physique au travail et la santé : le droit québécois régissant l’indemnisation et la prévention." Articles 69, no. 4 (January 21, 2015): 785–812.
Full textChaumette, Patrick. "La responsabilité du chef d’entreprise." Colloque : La responsabilité. Sens et essence 32, no. 3 (January 20, 2015): 675–95.
Full textHerzog-Evans, Martine. "Droit français et prévention du suicide en prison." Criminologie 34, no. 2 (July 31, 2007): 9–29.
Full textOrtiz, Laure. "LA DIALECTIQUE DE L’EXCEPTION ET DE L’URGENCE: CHASSES CROISES ADMINISTRATIFS ET JUDICIAIRES DANS LE PROCESSUS DE «CRIMMIGRATION»." Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de México 67, no. 269 (November 13, 2017): 921.
Full textLe Monnier de Gouville, Pauline. "DROIT PÉNAL ET TERRORISME." REVISTA ESMAT 12, no. 20 (April 1, 2021): 267–82.
Full textTessier, Hélène. "La lutte contre la pauvreté : question de droits de la personne et une mesure de prévention contre une violence systémique à l'égard des enfants." Les Cahiers de droit 37, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 475–505.
Full textGuematcha, Emmanuel. "La réglementation internationale du commerce international des armes classiques : le Traité du 2 avril 2013 et la protection de la personne." Revue québécoise de droit international 29, no. 2 (May 22, 2018): 75–109.
Full textPlattner, Denise. "La répression pénale des violations du droit international humanitaire applicable aux conflits armés non internationaux." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 72, no. 785 (October 1990): 443–55.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Droit de la prévention"
Garnier, Sophie. "Droit du travail et prévention." Thesis, Nantes, 2017.
Full textMeasures relating to occupational health, the obligation of reclassification in the dismissal for economic reasons, continuing vocational training or jobs and skills planning and training, are all means by which labor law aims to prevent the realization of risks in the workplace. Prevention has become a key concept in labor law, without having been subject to analyzes assessing the exact scope. To deepen links between labor law and prevention, a categorization of the main expressions of the labor law in prevention may first be proposed. It highlights the expansion of prevention in the field of labor law. The different risks inherent in the employment relationship are concerned and prevention today move towards consolidation, to determine how best to avoid or limit them. The various legal schemes enabling the implementation of the prevention in labor law can also be explored, as their legal regime reveals a certain unity. It is a right to prevention at workplace that can be identified. Its distinguishing feature is it involvement of different actors in the employment relationship, whose roles are organized so as to ensure effectiveness in prevention at the workplace
Nikolaeva, Desislava. "Le droit de la diplomatie préventive : étude de la règle de prévention en droit international public contemporain." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016.
Full textInternational law regulates States’ diplomacy for the purpose of preventing insecurity, and, by extension, armed conflicts. Accordingly, the law of preventive diplomacy reflects, in a sense, the idea that prevention of imminent risks of serious material damages defines a general principle of international law. The assertion of such a principle is based on an inductive analysis of the major treaties on collective security concluded between 1899 and 1945. It is verified in light of their application by Member States of the League of Nations and, since 1945, of the United Nations. The general nature of this principle is deduced from a combined study of the jurisprudence of a number of international courts and tribunals in various fields of international law. Those findings support the idea that individual and collective efforts of conflict prevention are subject to the respect of a general legal regime governing the current international system of peace-maintenance and collective security
Arzoumanian-Rumin, Naïri. "Le droit et la prévention du génocide." Aix-Marseille 3, 2009.
Full textThe legal approach to genocide developed since 1945, remains focused to a scope, namely the prosecution. Although the legal framework entails allows to comprehend the dynamic dimension of genocide, by taking into account various forms of participation and the multitude of perpetrators involved, the definition of genocide remains centered on the constitutive element of the crime of genocide and unable to grasp its complexity. Beyond a destructive act, genocide is an institutional process targeting a group. Acknowledging that, the prevention of genocide shall be renewed. On one hand, because resorting to and manipulating law is a recurring element within the genocide process, legal prevention is appropriate. On the other hand, genocide prevention shall be organised around both immediate/operational and structural response. While immediate/operational response aims to change the behaviour of the perpetrator(s) at an advanced stage of the genocidal process, the structural response aims to avoid the emergence and conjunction of a genocidal plan and the means to implement it. By acting specifically against this conjunction of will and means, structural prevention allows to address the dynamic of the crime of genocide, in both its substance (multiplicity of perpetrators and forms of participation) and its sequencing dimension (from the emergence of genocidal project to its implementation). It is, as such, the most effective way of preventing
Ponseille, Anne. "L'infraction de prévention en droit pénal français." Montpellier 1, 2001.
Full textEl, Berry Lala Jamila. "L'obligation de prévention en droit du travail." Lille 2, 2004.
Full textThe logic of a risk mastery, and its corollary the prevention of the damage take up a deciding place in the substantive law. The legal construction of a general obligation of prevention in labour law is the result of a long gestation. Its instrumentalisation in the right of health in work environment contributed to make this obligation the part maitress, of an overall policy of health in the company. This protean obligation can be express or implicit. It is characterized by a plurility of more or less coercive legal instruments in order to prevent or to limit the damage born from the execution of the working relationship. Institutionalized for avoid the realization of the professional risk, this obligation of prevention is also illustrated in the prevention of the risk of the job loss, resulting from an individual or collective conflict of work. In this logic, it aims to prevent the economic damage. The legal mode, which provides this obligation of prevention, is composed of sanctions more or less drastic and dissuasive for the debitor who must respect it. The composite character of the obligations of prevention gives thus to the modes which are attached, a certain heterogeneity. In consequence, the constraining force of this obligation is alterable, and is different according to the field in which it is called to be implemented. This one is sometimes offensive, when it aims to prevent absolutely the supervening of damages, sometimes active when it has the aim of limiting the supervening of the damage, and constitutes a passive obligation when it displays some mechanisms of prevention, which conceal their name. Its application highlights a new approach of the risk management to the work and translate the will of the legislator in establishing a basic right of the protection of employment on the same basis as the protection of health into work environment
Marion-Nau, Sophie. "La prévention du dommage en droit civil français." Toulouse 1, 2005.
Full textCompensation for damage, although unquestionable in our regulation system, no longer is ideological. It is being aware of the necessity to intervene ahead of prejudice that we witness today and that appears in the eyes of the general public under the denomination of the principle of precaution. Such an aim however isn't quite new. When confronted to the repetitive or collective damages the Lawmaker didn't wait for this principle to emerge before setting up and array of preventive regulations whose applications was essentially entrusted to specific associations and more restrictively to the judge. In the same way, Civil Law completes the existent regulations by setting up its own rules of prevention, allowing experience to express itself feely by letting appear a suppler and often efficient spontaneous prevention. This set of preventive regulations, although it exists, can however show fautly that should be corrected. To reinforce the efficiency of prevention implies more daring and trusting judges. However, it is paradoxal if such our objective demands a reinforcement of dissuasive prevention, which is implemented when damages is being repaired since anticipation and prevention are closely limited by time and the respect of opposite interest. By optimising the curative function of civil responsability, prevention can become worthy of interest, which implies new judiciary techniques which were up to now, hidden or unknown in our law system, such as the use of punitive damages or the acceptance of collective actions
Ndongo, Céline. "Le nouveau visage de la prévention en droit OHADA." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Full textOn September 10, 2015, OHADA adopted a new law for companies in difficulty through reform of Uniform Act organizing Bankruptcy Proceedings for the wiping off debts . Indeed, eight years after the first works of amendment, the revised law has finally been adopted at Grand Bassam (Ivory Coast), during the 40th meeting of OHADA's Council of Ministers. The event is not unimportant insofar as the old text clearly showed its inability to safeguard viable enterprises and to liquidate quickly those that were no longer viable. On 24 December of the same year, in accordance with the Community texts, the new law came into force in the entire OHADA's space. One of the striking points of this reform is doubtless the special place granted to the prevention of the difficulties of companies by the legislator. Indeed, since prevention is better than cure, the legislator improved the old procedure, but also introduce a new one named « conciliation ». He has not failed to organize the status of judicial officers who intervene in both preventive and curative matters. Following this reform, two questions can mainly arouse the interest. Firstly, one can wonder what really changed in the legal prevention of the difficulties of the companies in OHADA's space, and secondly, one can wonder right now about the means of improving the reception of this law by his recipients namely debtors, experts and magistrates. The answers to these questions will hopefully facilitate the implementation of this new OHADA preventive policy
Toh, Aymar. "La prévention des difficultés des entreprises : étude comparée de droit français et droit OHADA." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015.
Full textDue to the inadequate judicial processing of difficulties encountered by enterprises today, the right to prevention is becoming more and more attractive. In France as in Ohada, the law of July 26 2005 and the uniform act concerning collective procedures of passive clearance have stressed the importance of the negociated solutions in order to straighten the curve of the numerous company failures. On account of incitative mesures in favor of debtors and creditors, the confrontation of the French prevention system and the Ohada prevention system have limited results despite the quality of the various prevention systems. Even though the French prevention system, which appears to be better structured and better organized, serves as a model to the juidicial system of Ohada, it must be noted that both legislators are far from achieving their goals. In fact, company failures are increasing rapidly, highlighting the ineffectiveness of the judicial prevention mecanisms that have been proposed until now. Consequently, a reform of all prevention devices in both judicial orders is required. Moreover, the comparative approach set by this matter's principle aim is to develop a new approach in company law which henceforth advocates contractualization of the matter in order to make it more effective
Ouedraogo, Wend-Lamanegda Diane Nathalie. "Prévention et lutte contre le terrorisme en Afrique." Rouen, 2013.
Full textInternational terrorism is a phenomenon that spares no continent. His renewed energy with the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States challenged the entire international community and attracts the attention of the world on a phenomenon whose struggle became urgent. All the measures should be implemented for this purpose. The African continent had already begun to organize the fight against terrorism since the 1990's, long before it became a priority in the agenda of the international community. Indeed, facing the attacks that it suffered in 1998, Africa had decided to take measures to combat terrorism which is a serious violation of human rights and a hindrance to socio-economic development. To do this, African leaders have agreed to set up a legal instrument to ensure security, peace and development. Hence the adoption of the Convention of the OAU in the prevention and combating against terrorism 14 July 1999 in Alger. The Convention, as its name suggests, deals with both prevention and repression but not without first giving a definition of what is considered as terrorist act. It imposes on States both unilateral obligations and cooperation actions. The African Convention is concerned with prevention. A prevention that passes through eradication of underlying causes of terrorism. It also imposes repression during which the implementation of its provisions is not without difficulties. To what extent is this effective ? Is the fight against terrorism in Africa through its legal instrument effective ? This is the question to which we will try to respond through an analysis of the Convention to fully appreciate the efficiency
Bambery, Lamott Yamilet. "La prévention des agressions sexuelles contre les enfants: perspectives juridiques." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014.
Full textBooks on the topic "Droit de la prévention"
Kom, Jacqueline. Droit des entreprises en difficulté OHADA: Prévention, traitements, sanctions. Yaoundé, Cameroun: Presses universitaires d'Afrique, 2013.
Find full textLe terrorisme. Paris: Ellipses, 2003.
Find full textLe droit à l'éducation: De la prévention à la protection. Haiti]: [publisher not identified], 2011.
Find full textBenaiche, Lionel. Droit pénal des produits de santé: Infractions, contrôle-inspection, prévention. Paris: Litec, 2002.
Find full textCarcel, Jean-Paul. Drogues et toxicomanie: S'informer, comprendre, agir. Paris: Ellipses, 2006.
Find full textMargossian, Nichan. Risques professionnels: Caractéristiques, réglementation, prévention. 2nd ed. Paris: Dunod, 2006.
Find full textService, Canada Environmental Protection. Pollution prevention =: La prévention de la pollution. Hull, Qué: CEPA Office, Environment Canada = Bureau de la LCPE, Environnement Canada, 1994.
Find full textDebock, Chantal. Face à la drogue: Quelle politique? Paris: Documentation française, 1995.
Find full textCanada. Service de la protection de l'environnement. Mesures législatives sur la protection de l'environnement conçues pour l'avenir - une LCPE renouvelée: Une proposition. Hull, Qué: Bureau de la LCPE, Environnement Canada, 1995.
Find full textCanada. Unité de la santé de la famille et de l'enfance. Vers des progrès décisifs dans la prévention des blessures: Perspective législative sur la prévention des blessures non intentionnelles chez les enfants et les jeunes au Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Santé Canada, 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Droit de la prévention"
Adam, Thierry. "Prévention." In Gynécologie du sport, 375–77. Paris: Springer Paris, 2012.
Full textHœrni, Bernard, and Pierre Soubeyran. "Prévention primaire." In La cancérologie au quotidien, 15–29. Paris: Springer Paris, 2011.
Full textHuguier, Michel, and Pierre-Yves Boëlle. "Prévention et dépistage." In Biostatistiques pour le clinicien, 271–72. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textGnecchi, Sébastien, and François Moutet. "Constat et prévention." In Escalade: pathologies de la main et des doigts, 151–90. Paris: Springer Paris, 2010.
Full text"La prévention en droit international." In Le Droit international entre la lettre et l’esprit, 191–220. Brill | Nijhoff, 2017.
Full textCartuyvels, Yves. "Les politiques de prévention socio-pénales en Belgique, métamorphose de l'action étatique ?" In Droit négocié, droit imposé ?, 581–603. Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis, 1996.
Full textZiller, Jacques. "La régulation comme prévention des crises." In Droit et économie de la régulation. 3, 51–58. Presses de Sciences Po, 2005.
Full textSyndex. "Le droit d’alerte du CHSCT. Protection individuelle et prévention collective." In Les risques du travail, 411–14. La Découverte, 2015.
Full textZiegler, Edward H., and Pauline Abadie. "Villes américaines, planification urbaine et prévention situationnelle de la délinquance." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2008, 115–30. GRIDAUH, 2008.
Full textVon Coester, Suzanne. "La règle nationale d’urbanisme, arme ultime de prévention du risque naturel." In Droit de l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat 2017, 39–47. GRIDAUH, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Droit de la prévention"
"Wi-DroIT 2019 Committees." In 2019 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). IEEE, 2019.
Full textMarsot, Jacques, and Virginie Govaere. "Prévention des risques en maintenance industrielle." In the 20th International Conference of the Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2008.
Full textDurand, Étienne. "La transition énergétique : enjeux juridiques. Partie 2 : Le droit à l'épreuve de la transition énergétique." In MOlecules and Materials for the ENergy of TOMorrow. MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2021.
Full textZolynski, Célia, and Sylvain Allemand. "Un fructueux dialogue entre droit et informatique." In MSH Paris-Saclay. 5 ans d'interdisciplinarité sur un Plateau. MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2019.
Full textMollard, Régis, Alban Gibert, and Marion Wolff. "Transformation du travail et prévention des risques." In the Ergonomie et Informatique Avancee Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.
Full text"Message from the Wi-DroIT 2019 Workshop Chairs." In 2019 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). IEEE, 2019.
Full text"Message from the Wi-DroIT 2021 Workshop Chairs." In 2021 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). IEEE, 2021.
Full text"Message from the Wi-DroIT 2022 Workshop Chairs." In 2022 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS). IEEE, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Droit de la prévention"
Kaboré, Gisele, Julien Ouedraogo, Annabel Erulkar, and Sara Dwyer. Prévention du mariage d’enfants dans la région de l’Est, Burkina Faso. Population Council, 2019.
Full textMartinais, Emmanuel. L’élaboration du PPRT de la vallée de la chimie lyonnaise: La prévention des risques industriels comme moteur du développement économique. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, October 2016.
Full textForest, C., and C. Prévost. L'apport de la télédétection pour la prévention, le suivi et l'évaluation des désastres naturels : quelques exemples de produits réalisés par le Centre canadien de télédétection et ses partenaires. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1999.
Full textCoultas, Mimi, Ruhil Iyer, and Jamie Myers. Compendium sur le lavage des mains dans des contextes pauvres en ressources : Document évolutif 3e édition. The Sanitation Learning Hub, Institute of Development Studies, October 2020.
Full textL' "expropriation indirecte" et le "droit de réglementer" dans le droit international de l'investissement. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), September 2004.
Full textKenya: L'identification des IAR demeure hasardeuse: la prévention est primordiale. Population Council, 2000.
Full textLa norme du traitement juste et équitable dans le droit international des investissements. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), September 2004.
Full textLe traitement de la nation la plus favorisée dans le droit international des investissements. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), September 2004.
Full textConsentement éclairé dans les essais de prévention du VIH: Points saillants d'un atelier international. Population Council, 2008.
Full textÉtat de la reconnaissance juridique des droits des peuples autochtones, des communautés locales et des peuples Afro-descendants sur le carbone stocké dans les terres et forêts tropicales. Rights and Resources Initiative, June 2021.
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