Academic literature on the topic 'DRAFT GASIFIER'

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Journal articles on the topic "DRAFT GASIFIER"


Keerthivasan, K. C., and S. Nandhakumar. "Fabrication and Testing of Downdraft Gasifier for Solid Biomass." Applied Mechanics and Materials 854 (October 2016): 142–47.

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Bio mass was the fuel used for combustion and produce thermal energy. Gasification was a thermo chemical process it convert solid fuel into gaseous fuel. Gasification is the operation used to produce the combustible gas by burning solid biomass, that combustible gas is also named as producer gas. We are using downdraft gasifier to generate producer gas, why because the down draft gasifier produce a lesser amount of tar content and minimum pressure drop. In our country, large amount of solid waste like coconut shell, groundnut shell, carpentry wastage, bagasse this kind of waste is easily combustible biomass. So we can use that combustible waste to run the down draft gasifier to produce the producer gas. We have fabricated the down draft gasifier with 3.5kW power generation. Performance of gasifier has been analysed in-terms of different zone temperatures and pressure drop, wood consumption this things would be experimentally investigated.
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N.A.KURESHI, N. A. KURESHI, V. H. MODI V.H.MODI, and S. D. RAJKOTIA S.D.RAJKOTIA. "Performance and Development of Down Draft Gasifier: a Review." International Journal of Scientific Research 2, no. 5 (June 1, 2012): 139–41.

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Jangsawang, Woranuch. "Performance testing of a downdraft biomass gasifier stove for cooking applications." MATEC Web of Conferences 204 (2018): 04011.

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A down draft biomass gasifier stove with four steps of cleaning gas system was developed to produce the producer gas for replacing LPG for cooking applications in lunch project for the student in rural school area. This project has been implemented at Bangrakam primary school that located at Pitsanuloke Province, Thailand. The biomass fuels used are Mimosa wood twigs. The gasifier stove was developed based on down draft fixed bed gasifier with the maximum fuel capacity of fourteen kilograms. The performance testing of the biomass gasifier stove showed that the heating value of the producer gas is 4.12 MJ/Nm3 with the thermal efficiency in the percentage of 85.49. The results from this study imply that it has high potential to replace LPG with producer gas.
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Bhattacharya, S. C., and A. K. Basak. "Performance of a down-draft charcoal gasifier." Applied Energy 26, no. 3 (1987): 193–216.

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Siva Kumar, S., K. Pitchandi, and E. Natarajan. "Modeling and Simulation of Down Draft Wood Gasifier." Journal of Applied Sciences 8, no. 2 (January 1, 2008): 271–79.

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Radwan, Aly. "C++ Software Program for Downdraft Gasifier Design and Development." Journal of Technology Innovations and Energy 1, no. 2 (March 3, 2022): 1–7.

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Biomass gasification is an important process of converting biomass into a gaseous fuel through a sequence processes of thermochemical reactions. Prototype of down draft gasifier was designed to generate synthesis gas for house hold applications. C++ Software Program for the design and development of downdraft gasification system was done.
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Kane, Moustapha, Candela De la Sota, Mar Viana, and Issakha Youm. "Laboratory estimation of elemental and organic carbon emissions from advanced biomass stoves in Senegal." Journal de Physique de la SOAPHYS 2, no. 1b (March 5, 2021): C20A11–1—C20A11–8.

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In this study, we tested a natural draft gasifier, currently implemented in Senegal and the traditional three stones fire (TSF) in the laboratory, using the protocol of water boiling test (WBT). Pollutants emissions from three types of biomass full were investigated in this work. Our results show that, burning the same wood (Cordyla Pinnata, dimb), the gasifier had a fuel consumption 37% lower than the traditional three stones, and decrease emissions factors of fine particulate matter (PM) by 74%, organic carbon (OC) by 59 % and elemental carbon (EC) by 55%. The gasifier has also shown to reduce fuel used and emissions compared with the three stones using Casuarina Equisetifolia (Filao) though to a minor extent: 24 % in fuel consumption and emissions reduction of 53% of PM, 55% of OC and 18% EC. The micro-gasifier using typha pellets is the cooking system the most efficient with a reduction 70% of fuel and more than 85% of emissions comparing to the 3-stones-dimb combination. Our results agree with other studies and confirm that gasifier have a very low fuel consumption and low emissions of climate forcing particles. Further field studies are needed to evaluate the adoption of these new stoves and fuels and to analyze fuel consumption and emissions under real-world cooking practice
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Stephenson, J. D., and G. M. Reistad. "Analysis of a Wood-Fueled Trimburner System for Use in a Combined-Cycle, Wood-Fired Power Plant." Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 110, no. 2 (May 1, 1988): 82–89.

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This paper investigates the use of wood to fuel a trimburner incorporated in a combined-cycle, wood-fired power plant. The trimburner is designed to boost the temperature of the air stream entering the gas turbine. Wood conversion processes capable of producing a clean synthetic fuel were investigated since direct wood combustion products are too “dirty” to be allowed to pass through the turbine blading. Of the three wood conversion processes considered (pyrolysis, gasification, methanol production), gasification was selected as the most applicable process for the trimburner concept. Three wood-fired trimburner systems employing an up-draft gasifier design were developed and simulated. These subsystems differ in the way the producer gas, formed in the gasifier, was compressed to the trimburner operating pressure. The effects of changing system variables, such as wood moisture content and gasifier air/fuel equivalence ratio, on the performance of the subsystems and the overall system were evaluated. It was determined that the most efficient operation of all the trimburner subsystems occurred at the lowest allowable operating gasifier equivalence ratio, about 0.275. Increasing the wood moisture content from 15 percent to 50 percent decreased the efficiency of the overall system about 3 percentage points, regardless of the specific trimburner system. At the usual wood moisture content of 50 percent, the best trimburner system, operating at the optimum equivalence ratio, increased the overall system performance about 8 percent (1.7 percentage points) relative to the equivalent metallic heat exchanger based system with no trimburner. The system that used air from the gas turbine compressor in a pressurized gasifier exhibited slightly superior performance (approximately 0.5 percentage points) relative to the system using the other trimburner designs. However, this performance superiority must be tempered since the pressurized gasifier system is more sensitive to the efficiency of the heat exchanger used to recover energy from the dirty producer gas.
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Gumino, Brian, Nicholas A. Pohlman, Jonathan Barnes, and Paul Wever. "Design Features and Performance Evaluation of Natural-Draft, Continuous Operation Gasifier Cookstove." Clean Technologies 2, no. 3 (July 15, 2020): 252–69.

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Biomass cookstoves are used as a common source of heating and cooking in developing countries with most improved cookstove design focusing on developing efficiency in thermal conversion of fuels and safer operation than open flame fires. A top-lit-up-draft (TLUD) cookstove utilizes a gasification process similar to pyrolysis where the solid biomass fuels are heated within a oxygen-limited environment and the syngas are burned which reduces carbon content and particulate matter being introduced into the air. The new continuous-operation design is described to have features for: (1) safe addition of solid fuels during combustion of syngas, (2) removal of biochar at the primary air inlet to manage gasification location, and (3) temperature control of the cooksurface through adjustable exhaust paths. The designed cookstove is found to have a diameter to height ratio 0.42-0.47 in order to offer the cleanest burning of the biofuel. The cooking surface is experimentally studied and the thermal gradient is found for compressed wood pellets. Tracking of the coal-bed is studied as a function of time in order to better understand when additional fuel should be added to ensure constant cooking temperature and operation. Numerous exhaust paths explore the cookstove user’s ability to control the temperature contour of the cooksurface.
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Patil, K. N., R. N. Singh, and S. U. Saiyed. "Case study of SPRERI natural draft gasifier installation at a ceramic industry." Biomass and Bioenergy 22, no. 6 (June 2002): 497–504.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "DRAFT GASIFIER"


Gunarathne, Duleeka. "Optimization of the performance ofdown-draft biomass gasifier installedat National Engineering Research &Development (NERD) Centre ofSri Lanka." Thesis, KTH, Kraft- och värmeteknologi, 2012.

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Using biomass gasification to produce combustible gas is one of the promising sustainable energy optionsavailable for many countries. At present, a few small scale community based power generation systemsusing biomass gasifiers are in operation in Sri Lanka. However, due to the lack of proper knowledge, thesesystems are not being operated properly in full capacity. This stands as an obstacle for further expansionof the use of gasifier technology.The objective of this study was to identify the most influential parameters related to fuel wood gasificationwith a down draft gasifier in order to improve the gasification processes.A downdraft gasifier of 10kW electrical capacity was used to study the effect of equivalent ratio (Actual airfuel ratio to Stoicheometric air fuel ratio: ER) on the specific gas production, the heating value of gasproduced and the cold gas efficiency using three throat diameters (125mm, 150mm and 175mm). Six trialswere carried out for each throat diameter by varying the supply air flow to change the ER. The gassamples were tested for their compositions under steady state operating conditions. Using mass balancesfor C and N, the cold gas efficiencies, calorific values and the specific gas production rates weredetermined.The results showed that with all throat diameters the calorific value of gas reduced with the increase ofER. The cold gas efficiency reduced with ER in a similar trend for all three throat diameters. The specificgas production increased with ER under all throat diameters.Calorific value and specific gas production are changing inversely proportional manner. The ER to beoperated is depends on the type of application of the gas produced and engine characteristics. When alarge heat is required, low ER is to be used in which gas production is less. In the opposite way, when alarge amount of gas is needed, higher value of ER is recommended.
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Mkosi, Lungisa. "Characterization of various garden grass species for energy conversion in a down draft biomass gasifier." Thesis, University of Fort Hare, 2016.

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Energy plays a vital role in socio-economic development and raising living standards of human beings. The overreliance on fossil fuels results in the depletion of fossil fuels as well as environmental pollution from the green-house gases that result from the use of fossil fuels. Biomass feedstock are able to ameliorate this situation by utilizing the CO2 that has been used by plants during photosynthesis. This study investigated the suitability of the three garden grass species (Chloris gayana, Cynodon dactylon and Pennisetum clandestum) as biomass feedstock for gasification purposes. The three garden grass species were collected at the Alice Campus of the University of Fort Hare. These grass species were characterized using elemental analyser (CHNS), FT-IR, EDX and TGA. The Activation energy (Ea) of the three grass species were 48.22 kJ/mol for P. clandestum, 36.8 kJ/mol for C. gayana and 258 kJ/mol for C. dactylon. Of the three grass species, C. gayana had the lowest Activation energy of 36.8 kJ/mol and also had the highest maximum efficiency of 69 percent compared to 65.3 percent for P. clandestum and 63.5 percent for C. dactylon. Actual gasification was not carried out but the results on maximum efficiency were obtained from computer simulation of gasification.
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The aim of this study is to find out the Optimize Equivalence Ratio of biomass mixture with an open top down draft gasifier in order to improve the gasification processes & to make it commercially viable on different type of available biomass not just only woody biomass but also agro residues like rice husk briquette. A single reactor design handles all the bio-residues. While most gasifier designs are intended to operate with wood chips, the current design is aimed at handling agro-residues that are light, fine sized and with varying ash content. The reactor design replaces the grate by a screw for extracting ash and residual carbon. The problems of handling fine biomass and low melting ash created by the presence of alkalis in the biomass are overcome by briquetting the fine Bioresidue to solid pieces of high density and low moisture content. An open downdraft gasifier of 35kg/hr was consider to find the effect of equivalent ratio (Actual air fuel ratio to Stoichimetric air fuel ratio: ER) on the specific gas production, the heating value of gas produced and the cold gas efficiency using four combination of biomass viz 100% woody biomass, 100% rice husk briquettes, mixes of 70% wood & 30% rice husk briquettes & 50% wood & 50% rice husk briquettes. Six trials were carried out for each mixture by varying the supply air flow to change the ER. The gas samples were tested for their compositions under steady state operating conditions. Using mass balances for C and N, the cold gas efficiencies, calorific values and the specific gas production rates were determined. The results showed that with all types of biomass mixes the calorific value of gas reduced with the increase of ER. The cold gas efficiency reduced with ER in a similar trend for all the mixes. The specific gas production increased with ER. Only with 100% rice husk because of its high ash content Low heat value observed & the Equivalence ratio observed is more than 0.5 which showed the process approached towards Combustion instead gasification & the formation of clinker takes place result in poor gas quality because of the high ash fusion temperature of ash. Though if the rice husk blend with other biomass in such a way that the effective bulk density & the corresponding ash content should not exceed more than 750kg/cu.m & 10-12%, then the equivalence ratio close to 0.36 is observed but with the very frequent removal of ash based on the percentage of mixture from the char extraction system.
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Book chapters on the topic "DRAFT GASIFIER"


Ahmad, Riaz, Hafiza Nabila Ilyas, Wang Yin, Xuejiao Liu, Bin Li, Muhammad Sultan, Muhammad Ali Imran, Adnan Abbas, Zeeshan Javed, and Perumal Raman. "Agricultural Residue Management Using Forced Draft Gasifier Cookstove." In Handbook of Energy Management in Agriculture, 1–17. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Getahun, Eshetu, Dawit Tessema, and Nigus Gabbiye. "Design and Development of Household Gasifier Cooking Stoves: Natural Versus Forced Draft." In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 298–314. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Manurung, R. K., and A. A. C. M. Beenackers. "Modeling and Simulation of an Open Core Down-Draft Moving Bed Rice Husk Gasifier." In Advances in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, 288–309. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.

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Rudolph, V., and M. R. Judd. "CIRCULATION AND SLUGGING IN A FLUID BED GASIFIER FITTED WITH A DRAFT TUBE." In Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology, 437–42. Elsevier, 1986.

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Verdone, N., P. De Filippis, M. Scarsella, and B. de Caprariis. "Experimental study and model validation of waste gasification in an up-draft fixed-bed gasifier." In Waste to Energy, 133–42. WIT Press, 2015.

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"Biomass Gasification Systems for Small-Scale Power Generation: Design Rules and Considerations for Systems Including the Down-Draft Gasifier." In Biomass Power for the World, 399–418. Jenny Stanford Publishing, 2015.

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Conference papers on the topic "DRAFT GASIFIER"


Dev, S. Prabhat Bhuddha, G. Naveen, S. Parthasarathy, S. Saiyath Mohaiyuddin Samdani, and V. Kirubakaran. "Effect on particle size of poultry litter in a down draft gasifier." In 2016 International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS). IEEE, 2016.

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Verdone, N., P. De Filippis, M. Scarsella, and B. de Caprariis. "Waste gasification in an up-draft fixed-bed gasifier: experimental study and model validation." In WASTE MANAGEMENT 2012. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2012.

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Safarianbana, Sahar, Runar Unnthorsson, and Christiaan Richter. "Development of a New Stoichiometric Equilibrium-Based Model for Wood Chips and Mixed Paper Wastes Gasification by ASPEN Plus." In ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract Wood and paper residues are usually processed as wastes, but they can also be used to produce electrical and thermal energy through processes of thermochemical conversion of gasification. This study proposes a new steady state simulation model for down draft waste biomass gasification developed using the commercial software Aspen Plus for optimization of the gasifier performance. The model was validated by comparison with experimental data obtained from six different operation conditions. This model is used for analysis of gasification performance of wood chips and mixed paper wastes. The operating parameters of temperature and moisture content (MC) have been varied over wide range and their effect on the high heating value (HHV) of syngas and cold gas efficiency (CGE) were investigated. The results show that increasing the temperature improves the gasifier performance and it increases the production of CO and H2 which leads to higher LHV and CGE. However, an increase in moisture content reduces gasifier performance and results in low CGE.
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Sharma, Tejasvi, Diego Yepes, Yunye Shi, Albert Ratner, and Electo Silva Lora. "Steam Gasification of Miscanthus in a Double Stage Downdraft Gasifier." In ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

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Gasification is the incomplete combustion of biomass, which produces syngas, biochar and tar. A study of steam gasification of Miscanthus was done on a double stage down draft gasifier at Federal University of Itajuba. The main objective of this paper is to analyze and characterize the syngas produced from the double stage downdraft system. Compared to the previous publication that focused on the gasification of corn using air, this paper elaborates on the steam gasification of Miscanthus. In a double stage downdraft gasifier, Miscanthus with 12% moisture was inserted into the system from the top. The gasifier has two inlets: primary and secondary. The steam was inserted through these inlets. The Miscanthus briquettes entering the gasifier were passed through a drying zone where the moisture content was removed. The fuel was then passed through a combustion and pyrolysis zone followed by a reduction zone. The syngas produced exited the gasifier through a grate and was analyzed for a continuous period of time. When using steam as a gasifying agent, it was found that the syngas showed a 15 % increase in hydrogen, a 50% decrease carbon monoxide with no change in methane composition. The increase in hydrogen can be used for alternate energy such as in fuel cells. The syngas heating value was obtained to be 4.64 MJ/Nm3. This paper compares the syngas composition evolved from the gasification of Miscanthus when using air and steam as gasifying agents.
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Cocco, Daniele, Fabio Serra, and Vittorio Tola. "Fixed-Bed Coal Gasifiers Integrated With MCFC-GT Hybrid Systems for Distributed Power and Heat Generation." In ASME Turbo Expo 2008: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2008.

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In this paper, a performance assessment of coal gasification processes integrated with molten carbonate fuel cells (IG-MCFC) is reported on. The main aim of the study was to evaluate the performance of small and medium size IG-MCFC systems based on fixed-bed gasifiers for distributed power and heat generation. In particular, the plant configuration considered here was developed on the basis of the 700 kg/h fixed-bed up-draft coal gasifier located in the Sotacarbo Research Centre in Carbonia, Italy. The MCFC section is based on the DFC/T® hybrid system developed by FCE Inc., and includes a MCFC stack integrated with an indirectly heated gas turbine. Two different coals, namely a low and a high sulphur coal, were considered. Moreover, the performance of MCFC hybrid systems fuelled by natural gas and coal gas were also compared. The results of the performance assessment show that the optimum value of the gas turbine pressure ratio is around 3, which is very similar to that used by the DFC/T systems proposed by FCE Inc. and fuelled by natural gas. However, replacing methane with coal gases leads to a significant decrease in MCFC efficiency, on the order of 10–11 percentage points. On the whole, the performance assessment carried out in this paper demonstrates that IG-MCFC systems could be an interesting option for small- and medium-size power generation plants fuelled by coal as they can reach efficiencies of nearly 40%.
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Corradetti, Alessandro, and Umberto Desideri. "Analysis of Biomass Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell Plants in Industrial CHP Applications." In ASME 2006 4th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology. ASMEDC, 2006.

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The gasification of biomass wastes deriving from certain industrial processes is an interesting option for cogenerating heat and power. The utilization of the syngas in a high temperature fuel cell could lead to the improvement of electrical efficiency in comparison with traditional CHP plants. In this paper the performance of various Biomass Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell (BIGFC) plants are investigated. In particular an atmospheric down-draft gasifier has been considered for syngas production. The fuel cell used for power generation is a 250 kW solid oxide fuel cell, which has been simulated through a zero-dimensional steady-state model and integrated in Aspen Plus® software for evaluating the performance of the entire plant. Various system lay-outs have been investigated to analyze the effect on plant efficiency of the following parameters: (i) gasification air pre-heating; (ii) use of 90% pure oxygen for gasification; (iii) use of enriched air (55% O2) for gasification; (iv) recirculation of anodic gas flow; (v) installation of a SOFC/GT hybrid cycle for power production. BIGFC plants show an electrical efficiency in the range 20–27%, and a thermal efficiency of 39–59%. If a SOFC/GT hybrid cycle is installed electrical efficiency grows up to 39%.
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Alfaro, Jose´ A., A. Lecuona, J. Roa, and E. Ferru´s. "Integrated Pressurized Gasification of Biomass for Small Gas Turbines." In ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2006.

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Nowadays small and micro gas turbines are increasingly used for on-site cogeneration. Although this means a dramatic increase in energy efficiency, liquid or gaseous fossil fuels are used. At the same time, there is interest in using solid biomass for electricity production in a distributed generation scheme. Unfortunately, conventional gas turbines can not burn solid biomass. This paper presents a thermodynamic simulation of a pressurized gasification system integrated into a gas turbine Brayton cycle, in order to study the feasibility of using biomass. The critical process of burning the resulting low-calorific-value gas is experimentally scrutinized for feasibility using a LOWNOX-LPP combustor and a synthetic gas. The results are promising. The thermochemical processing of biomass gasification using air produces a fuel barely suitable for gas turbines. Biomass gasification using air with no cooling provides outlet temperatures in the range from 700 K to 900 K and heat values of around 6 MJ/kg, being the tar content low and in a gaseous state, especially with down-draft moving bed gasifiers. Fuel gas cleaning is possible in a cyclone particle separator without previous cooling. This system requires a special design to bear the high temperature and to separate the ash particles down to turbine tolerance, without causing too much pressure loss and clogging. Additional hot filtering using porous media is also feasible. Two benefits arise due to high temperature cleaning. Firstly, tars do not condense but burn in the combustor increasing the biogas calorific value. Secondly, the thermal enthalpy from gasification is recovered. Therefore, the whole biomass primary energy is injected in the working gases, except heat losses. On the other hand, the gasification reactor needs to work pressurized (at a slightly higher pressure than the combustor pressure) thus requiring an additional power to overcome the head loss caused by the biomass bed and the cyclone particle separator. Thermodynamic analysis shows that under favourable conditions, a fall of around 1% of the overall efficiency appears. The heat value of gas and fuel-to-air ratio of the mixture affect flame stability inside the combustor. Nevertheless, with a swirl stabilized flame it has been demonstrated that it is possible to obtain stable flames down to 6 MJ/kg heating value with low CO and NOx emissions. For these preliminary experiments synthetic gases representing gasifiers output have been used. Using the integrated scheme here studied for feasibility, off-the-shelf gas turbines could be transformed into biomass burning micro-cogenerators, thus contributing to greenhouse gases emission reduction.
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