Academic literature on the topic 'Douleur chronique – Psychologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Douleur chronique – Psychologie"
Bioy, A., and B. Lionet. "Mobilité psychique et douleur chronique : étude phénoménologique du vécu de 14 personnes souffrant de douleur chronique." Douleur et Analgésie 32, no. 3 (September 2019): 165–70.
Full textAguerre, Colette. "Regards croisÉs sur la santÉ, le rÉtablissement et le bien-Être : psychologie positive, psychopathologie clinique et psychologie de la santÉ." Revue québécoise de psychologie 38, no. 1 (June 8, 2017): 83–102.
Full textChambellan, Sylvie, Thierry Wable, Pierre Freger, Benoit Veber, and Olivier Vittecoq. "Formation à la relation médecin-malade dans le cadre d’une pathologie chronique. Un dispositif original basé sur l’intervention d’une psychologue clinicienne et d’un professeur de communication." Pédagogie Médicale 21, no. 3 (2020): 159–67.
Full textDugué, Sophie, and Barbara Tourniaire. "Les douleurs chroniques en pédiatrie : qu’en savons-nous ?" Perspectives Psy 60, no. 2 (April 2021): 148–54.
Full textSantiago Delefosse, Marie. "De la douleur physique chronique : étude comparative des positions de la médecine et de psychologie clinique." Psychologie clinique et projective 3, no. 1 (1997): 89–108.
Full textTourniaire, Barbara. "L’expérience d’un centre de la douleur chronique de l’enfant et de l’adolescent." Perspectives Psy 60, no. 2 (April 2021): 155–63.
Full textQueneau, P., A. Serrie, R. Trèves, and D. Bontoux. "Les douleurs chroniques en France Recommandations pour une meilleure prise en charge." Douleur et Analgésie 32, no. 3 (September 2019): 147–54.
Full textLoisel, Alexandra, Hervé Lefèvre, Pierre Quartier, and Jonathan Lachal. "Pourquoi le clinicien est-il en difficulté devant l’adolescent présentant une douleur musculo-squelettique chronique fonctionnelle ? Une étude qualitative." Perspectives Psy 60, no. 3 (July 2021): 235–42.
Full textReiter, F. "Le travail avec les familles en clinique de la douleur de l’enfant et de l’adolescent." Douleur et Analgésie 33, no. 4 (December 2020): 229–34.
Full textPagé, M. Gabrielle, Anaïs Lacasse, Lise Dassieu, Maria Hudspith, Gregg Moor, Kathryn Sutton, James M. Thompson, et al. "Une étude transversale sur l’évolution de la douleur et la détresse psychologique chez les personnes atteintes de douleur chronique : l’étude pancanadienne « Douleur chronique et COVID-19 »." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 41, no. 5 (February 2021): 157–69.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Douleur chronique – Psychologie"
Martin, Sentinelli Maria Laura. "Facteurs pronostiques de l'ajustement à la douleur chronique." Aix-Marseille 1, 2010.
Full textLionet, Bertrand. "Douleur et mobilité psychique : aspects psychologiques de la remise en mouvement chez les personnes atteintes de douleur chronique : étude qualitative du vécu de 14 personnes souffrant de douleur chronique en attente de consultation douleur." Thesis, Paris 8, 2018.
Full textIn this study we interest to psychological mobility. We consider psychic mobility as a movement of the subject defined as his ability to move in his representations, his investments and his relationship to pain. Our research method base on an observational study of fourteen patients with chronic pain. Each patient benefits from two research interviews conducted two months apart before the pain team takes charge of the treatment. Maintenance data are used using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith, 2009). The object relation quality is assessed through the Social Cognition Object Relation Scale (Westen, 1985). The pain experience is rated with ENS and EVA. Results show that the deleterious impact of chronic pain dominates the expression of spontaneous experience. Psychic mobility is still present in most of respondents. Two ways of changing are observed. Both involve a demand for care and active investment in care. First one, called "identity" way, uses the patient's ability to represent their future and integrate their identity as a chronic pain patient. Second one, called "uncertainty" way, no longer seeks to control the pain to cope with the uncertainty and anxiety it provides. A good quality object relation structuration is associated with a best psychic mobility, but that is not enough. Indeed, poor psychological mobility is linked with worsening experience of painful peaks evaluated with EVA.Considering psychological mobility is a relevant dimension for psychologists working in pain teams. It can be integrated into their evaluation and constitute an interesting lever in psychotherapy context
Irachabal, Sandrine. "Réactions cognitives et comportementales de douloureux chroniques pris en charge dans une unité spécialisée : vers une approche transactionnelle de la douleur." Bordeaux 2, 2002.
Full textAlthough a number of problems are commonly associated with chronic pain, there appears to be considerable variability in individual responses to pain. Transactional model of stress, in which appraisals and coping processes are believed to play a central role, has been invoked to explain adjustment differences among chronic pain patients. To test the utility of such conceptual model for understanding chronic pain, 145 patients entering a multidisciplinary pain treatment center completed measures of sociobiographic, pain and personality characteristics at their admission and the measures of pain beliefs, control appraisals, social support and coping 3 months later. Chronic pain adjustment (distress, disability and quality of life) was assessed 9 months later. Path analyses revealed that primary (beliefs) and secondary appraisals (control and social support) make statistically significant contributions to the prediction of coping strategies. Results showed significant relationships between some primary appraisals and secondary appraisals. The results support transactional model that view appraisal and coping processes as interacted reciprocally and dynamically over time. Among antecedents variables, employment and family status, pain severity, multidisciplinary treatment, depression and anger have a direct influence on adjustment criteria. Some antecedents have indirect effects on adjustment criteria, their effects are mediated through process variables. Permanence belief about pain has a mediator effect on the relation between anger and quality of life, and on the relation between anger and external control. Catastrophizing and solicitous responses from family members have a mediator effect between marital status and passive coping strategies. These findings are consistent with a multifactorial and integrative model of pain that hypotheses a role for contextual, psychosocial and transactional factors as contributing to adjustment chronic pain
Calcagni, Anne. "Composantes psychologiques et incidence psychiatrique dans la plainte somatique du douloureux chronique : à propos de l'étude de sept observations." Bordeaux 2, 1989.
Full textBonnet, Christian. "Entre récit et douleur : psychopathologie des récits de plaintes." Aix-Marseille 1, 2000.
Full textDupim, da Silva Gabriella Valle. "Angústia, corpo e dor : particularidades nas escolhas amorosas." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2014.
Full textThe existence of painful condition, chronic and without organic substrate, disease of pain, are reported from the nineteenth century. Pain, such as perception, which is a subjective experience includes various sensations. Different chronic pain syndromes have pain as the main symptom and is characterized by a set of signs that do not correspond to a modelof organic causes unlocated. While acute pain is a valuable indicator in establishing a diagnosis, chronic pain, to have lost its character as a warning, we refer to a multiplicity of determinations order somatic, psychological and / or ambient. The contribution of psychoanalysis, in partnership with the medicine is useful in understanding the meaning of symptoms in the particularity of the case and in relation to the singularity of the subject. Instead of supporting the idea that it is necessary, at any cost, permanently eradicate a painful syndrome whatsoever and mental suffering associated with it, it is useful to consider what is involved in structural terms and unconscious. In other words, to "speak" the body, pain (psychic) Unable to symbolize. Possibly pain of love is the basic assumption of our hypothesis
A existência de condição dolorosa crônica e sem substrato orgânico , a doença de dor, são relatados a partir do século XIX. Dor, tais como percepção, que é uma experiência subjetiva inclui várias sensações . Diferentes síndromes de dor crônica tem a dor como o principal sintoma e é caracterizada por um conjunto de sinais que não correspondem a um modelo de causas orgânicas não localizados. Enquanto a dor aguda é um indicador valioso para estabelecer um diagnóstico, dor crônica, ter perdido seu caráter de advertência, nos referimos a uma multiplicidade de determinações ordem somática ,psicológica e / ou ambiente . A contribuição da psicanálise, em parceria com o medicamento é útil na compreensão do significado dos sintomas na particularidade do caso e em relação à singularidade do sujeito. Em vez de apoiar a ideia de que é necessário , a qualquer custo, eliminar permanentemente uma síndrome dolorosa que seja e sofrimento mental associado a ele, é útil considerar o que é envolvido em termos estruturais e inconsciente. Em outras palavras, para "falar" do corpo, dor ( psíquica ) Não é possível simbolizar . Possivelmente dor do amor é o pressuposto básico da nossahipótese
Bachelart, Maximilien. "La relation médecin-patient en consultation douleur : dynamique de l'alliance thérapeutique comme perspective au changement." Thesis, Dijon, 2013.
Full textThe goal is to understand how therapeutic alliance develops and breaks in medical consultations for chronic pain. Our population is made up of forty two patients who are seeing a physician for the first time in a chronic pain unit. The patients were assessed during the first five consultations and a social cognition and object relations scale was filled in. Perception of pain, self-regulation and medication adherence were assessed. A therapeutic alliance questionnaire was completed at both to the doctor and the patients. A questionnaire of countertransference was filled in by the doctor after the fifth consultation. Our results show a link between the patient’s perception of the therapeutic alliance and the assessment of physician countertransference. Part of the assessment of social cognition and object relations is related to the countertransference assessment and to the physician’s therapeutic alliance assessments. The medication adherence is partly related to the perception of the physician’s therapeutic alliance. Sensory evaluation of pain is negatively correlated to the third interview with the evaluation of the patient’s therapeutic alliance. Expression of the Feelings and Needs is positively correlated with several items of the SCORS and patient perception of the therapeutic alliance. Controllability is correlated with pain ratings. Qualitative data allow to differentiate through patients discourses who leave prematurely or did follow appointments, and those who describe increased or decreased pain sensations
Saïd, Cirine. "L'activation des schémas cognitifs dans la douleur, la représentation du corps, la périnatalité et en lien avec le contrôle du moi et le coping." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2013.
Full textEarly maladaptive schemas (EMS) are associated with different forms of psychopathology being not only a source of its manifestation but also a means for maintaining maladaptive behaviour. It is likely that EMS are not the only element linked to psychopathology; coping, irrational beliefs, and ego control are likely linked to both schemas and maladaptive behaviour. The objective of this work was to better understand activation of EMS as well as the influence of cognitive and psychopathological factors in the general population, in individuals suffering from chronic debilitating pain, in future parents, and in those suffering from eating disorders. The objective of the first study is the EMS activation and their relationship to coping strategies and ego control in the general population. The second study explores the expression of EMS in future parents and identify the relationship between EMS, coping, and ego control. The third study is about the EMS activation in relationship to body image and the manifestation of eating disorder sand. The fourth one studies EMS in relationship to chronic pain in a Tunisian sample. Significant and meaningful correlations were found between coping strategies, ego control and EMS. Gender differences were also identified and explored
Rimasson, Dahlia. "Le rôle de la gestion émotionnelle dans l'expérience émotionnelle de la douleur chronique et le handicap, chez les personnes atteintes de fibromyalgie : une approche trans-théorique." Thesis, Paris 10, 2015.
Full textResearch does not provide information about the role of some manifestations of emotional management such as cognitive strategies of emotional regulation and emotional suppression, in fibromyalgia. Objective: the main objective of this study is to determine the links between emotional management, emotional distress (irritability, anxiety and depression) caused by pain and disability. Methods: this study is based on two different and complementary methodological approaches: (1) a quantitative approach, with a total sample of 417 participants who replied to questionnaires (TAS-20, CERQ, ERQ, PCS-CF, HADS, CHIP, MPI, FIQ) ; (2) a qualitative approach, with a sample of 10 participants who was subject to a semi-directive interview. Results: Quantitative results of this study show that there is an effect of pain emotional distress caused by pain on disability, mediated by emotional management. Qualitative approach enhances a better understanding of processes involved, through the recounting of participants. Indeed, some of them not know how they manage their emotions. Moreover, emotional distress caused by pain does not allow them to be able to manage other emotional event. Conclusion: Results of this study can have psychotherapeutic implications. Notably, it would be beneficial to work on pain management, in the first time, and subsequently to provide patients a psycho-educational and psychotherapeutic approach of emotional management (explain that we can manage emotions, how and what are the consequences)
Hertzog, Stéphanie. "La résistance thérapeutique dans la douleur chronique nociplastique : de la relation mère-enfant à la relation médecin-patient : expériences subjectives de femmes fibromyalgiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2023.
Full textThe fight against chronic pain is a public health issue, linked to the government politics and medical practices. Faced to the fibromyalgia, the lack of evidence and the therapeutics failures, stigmatize patient’s narratives, prevent its recognition and emphasize the uncertainty of doctors, while reconsidering their role of caregivers. It’s in this context that we question the function of therapeutic resistance on an unconscious level. Our hypothesis is put to work with a content analysis of five research interviews, leaded with women with fibromyalgia, supported by data from a Rorschach test. An unconscious resistance acts constantly and jointly with the physiological resistance, when the subject is struggling with a certain ideal self-image, especially that of sacrifice and devotion to others
Books on the topic "Douleur chronique – Psychologie"
La douleur chronique: Une face cachée de la résilience. Montpellier, France: Sauramps medical, 2005.
Find full textSwanson, David W. La douleur chronique: Approche globale. Boucherville, Qc: Lavoie Broquet, 2000.
Find full textZeltzer, Lonnie K. Comprendre et vaincre la douleur chronique de votre enfant. Paris: Retz, 2007.
Find full textChildhood abuse and chronic pain: A curious relationship? Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
Find full textRoy, R. Chronic pain and the family: A problem-centered perspective. New York, N.Y: Human Sciences Press, 1989.
Find full text1943-, Miller Thomas W., ed. Chronic pain. Madison, Conn: International Universities Press, 1990.
Find full textAndrew, Block, Kremer Edwin F, and Fernandez Ephrem, eds. Handbook of pain syndromes: Biopsychosocial perspectives. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1999.
Find full textCatalano, Ellen Mohr. The chronic pain control workbook: A step-by step guide for coping with and overcoming your pain. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Douleur chronique – Psychologie"
Bioy, Antoine. "52. La douleur chronique et la question du psychogène." In L'Aide-mémoire de psychologie médicale et de psychologie du soin, 317–20. Dunod, 2012.
Full textWilliams, A. C. C., F. J. Keefe, and J. W. S. Vlaeyen. "Approche psychologique des mécanismes d’incapacité dans la douleur chronique pour les non-psychologues." In Réadaptation du Handicap Douloureux Chronique, 65–120. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textGauchet, Aurélie, and Sonia Pellissier. "Pleine conscience et gestion des douleurs chroniques : l’impact psychologique et neurophysiologique." In Introduction à la pleine conscience, 105–18. Dunod, 2016.
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