Academic literature on the topic 'Documents historiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Documents historiques"
Richer, Nicolas. "De l'authenticité des documents historiques." Les Cahiers du Musée des Confluences. Revue thématique Sciences et Sociétés du Musée des Confluences 8, no. 1 (2011): 17–26.
Full textArchibald, Samuel. "Vraie fiction et faux documents." Protée 39, no. 1 (December 5, 2011): 77–88.
Full textBerthon-Dumurgier, Alexandre. "Apprentissages historiques et métier d’historien Un parcours de compétences." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 70, no. 01 (March 2015): 161–70.
Full textBergeron, Bertrand. "Les prêtres et religieux historiens et promoteurs desociétés d’histoire et de généalogie." Domaines d'action I (Canada français), no. 24-25-26 (October 31, 2013): 273–89.
Full textButtiens, Michel. "Les Documents parlementaires : jusqu’à quel point les traductions de documents historiques ont-elles en elles-mêmes une valeur historique ?" Meta 49, no. 3 (November 25, 2004): 475–80.
Full textBoyer, Régis. "Les sagas islandaises sont-elles des documents historiques ?" Cahier des Annales de Normandie 23, no. 1 (1990): 109–26.
Full textZhenzhong, Wang. "Les documents de Huizhou et l’histoire chinoise." Cahiers d'Extrême-Asie 31, no. 1 (2022): 21–68.
Full textQuerrec, Lydia, Réginald Auger, and Louise Filion. "Perceptions environnementales et description du paysage de la Nouvelle-France aux xviie et xviiie siècles." Histoire 138, no. 1 (January 6, 2014): 45–55.
Full textBeaudry, Nicole. "Le « dynamisme » d’une tradition : la danse à tambour chez les Dènès (Canada, Territoires du Nord-Ouest)." Canadian University Music Review 19, no. 2 (March 1, 2013): 79–93.
Full textSmith, Miriam. "L’héritage institutionnaliste de la science politique au Canada anglais*." Articles 21, no. 3 (February 13, 2003): 113–38.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Documents historiques"
Bernard, Guillaume. "Détection et suivi d’événements dans des documents historiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2022.
Full textCurrent campaigns to digitise historical documents from all over the world are opening up new avenues for historians and social science researchers. The understanding of past events is renewed by the analysis of these large volumes of historical data: unravelling the thread of events, tracing false information are, among other things, possibilities offered by the digital sciences. This thesis focuses on these historical press articles and suggests, through two opposing strategies, two analysis processes that address the problem of tracking events in the press. A simple use case is for instance a digital humanities researcher or an amateur historian who is interested in an event of the past and seeks to discover all the press documents related to it. Manual analysis of articles is not feasible in a limited time. By publishing algorithms, datasets and analyses, this thesis is a first step towards the publication of more sophisticated tools allowing any individual to search old press collections for events, and why not, renew some of our historical knowledge
Villetard, Magali. "L'hôpital de Tonnerre d'après ses documents d’archives historiques (1789-1814)." Thesis, Paris 10, 2015.
Full textAt the end of the 18th Century, Tonnerre hospital is relatively prosperous.Founded by the Queen of Sicily at the end of the 13th C, it berefitted from a financial inheritance allows it to continue it's charitable vocation as it's founder had wished.But the revolution arrives and up sets, an institution which has been working well for centuries.The whole of hospital life is affected the administration, the finance, the religion and the care of the patients. The suppression of the fendal laws, then the confiscation of it's financial support, pushes the hospital into financial ruin.Then, when it was about to close in Summer year III, it's land was finally returned and with it prospect of a new future.It took 15 years to recover, both administratively and financially and big 1810, the hospital could be proud to have found it's prosperity of before the revolution. But as time passes the future becomes darkes and the hospital suffers from the Napoleonic wars.Many french and foreign soldiers arrive to be treated at the hospital and this increases the finance and personel needed to run the institution wich afterwards is bonbed and occupied by the enemy.Twice in 25 years Tonnerre Hospital suffers two destructive incidents. Many institutions would not have recovered, however each time Tonnerre hospital recuperates and continues to move on sure that it has an exceptionnal role to play and a heaver sent heritage
Fizaine, Florian. "Transcription de documents historiques avec des algorithmes de Deep Learning." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024.
Full textOur work is part of a research project led by the Archives of the Côte-d'Or Department, the "Lettres en Lumière" project, which aims to adapt artificial intelligence algorithms to the automatic transcription of historical documents held by the Archives. At the beginning of the project, these documents were selected from the 18th century manuscripts of the Registres des Délibérations des Etats de Bourgogne.Today's most competitive approaches to automatic transcription of handwritten texts involve a two-step process: optimal segmentation of the lines of the text, followed by the actual transcription process, in which the characters are deciphered to reconstruct the words of the text.After a first chapter describing the context of the project, in the second chapter we present our study on the optimal segmentation of text lines. Our choice of line segmentation method turned on two main deep learning algorithms: Unet and MaskRCNN. This choice was based on a thorough state-of-the-art review of the various segmentation algorithms. We show that MaskRCNN, which is an instance segmentation algorithm, performs best in the case of optimized line extraction from handwritten text.Our work on line transcription, described in chapter three, led us, after a thorough study of the state of the art, to select architectures based on Transformer neural networks. We show that the Transformer TrOCR neural network, combined with our line segmentation algorithm, allows us to achieve transcriptions with a maximum error rate per character of 3.4%.While the results obtained and presented in these chapters suggest that a transcription platform usable by the general public interested in paleography could be made available in the short term, a major problem arises concerning the excessive use of computational resources related to the underlying complexity of AI algorithms. To solve this major problem, many artificial intelligence researchers are working on frugal AI.In this context, in Chapter 4, we propose an approach to line-of-text transcription based on bio-inspired neural networks. More specifically, we rely on spiking neural networks (SNNs). After a thorough study of the state of the art in such networks, we decided to use the Spikformer neural network, which we optimized for line-of-text transcription. We show that our bio-inspired approach is advantageous and promising: a maximum error rate per character of 4.2% for typed texts and 12.7% for texts simulating handwriting. This study is the first in the literature to tackle such a complex application for this type of network and demonstrates the interest in pursuing this avenue of research
Lanfranca, Dario. "L’autonomie politique en Sicile entre nationalisme et mafia dans les documents historiques et les textes littéraires." Paris 8, 2013.
Full textThis dissertation focuses on Sicilian political culture and its history, particularly in connection with the concept of autonomy. It analyzes historical documents and literary texts that all bear traces of this political culture with its complex, unique, and shadowy character. The first articulations of autonomy in specifically ideological terms appear in the early forms of national rhetoric mobilized after the Sicilian Vespers. Within nationalist discourse, the aspiration for self-government remains inseparable from efforts to eliminate a central pole of power, displacing and distributing authority, transferring it instead to the hands of the local governing classes who form peripheral power nodes. When contextualized within the long history of Sicilian political culture and its main traditions, the so-called conquest of the Special Sicilian Statute granted at the end of the Second World War appears in a new light. This dissertation also examines the failure of the industrial model for development in the 60 years following the approval of the statute and its articles concerning the economic riparazionismo, which sought to provide reparation for the historic damage caused by the Italian state and its practice of allocating funding but not defining timetables. Analysis of the stakes that nationalism and autonomy put in play throughout the history of the island highlights the centerpiece of the Sicilian political system : the use of violence as an instrument to manage tensions caused by peripheral nodes of power administering economic and financial resources. The history of this political violence leads us to investigate certain aspects of the origins of the Mafia in the 19th century and of its development in the 20th century
Sceau, Richard. "Lyon et ses campagnes : héritages historiques et mutations contemporaines." Lyon 2, 1994.
Full textBaas, Vincent Le Bourgeois Frank Leroy-Turcan Isabelle. "Numérisation et valorisation des archives historiques de Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne dans l'Ain." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2004.
Full textDugast, Fabienne. "Les édifices de spectacles antiques de Gaule Narbonnaise : documents iconographiques, interprétations, restaurations." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Sorbonne - Paris IV, 2003.
Full textMolnar, Goitein Margalit. "Sh'chur : texte cinématographique et document historique socioculturel." Paris 8, 2006.
Full textA cinematographic analysis of the film and a research on the sociocultural, historical background of the Israeli society in the '70s, as reflected in the film. An analysis of the media reaction and the public conflict triggered by the controversial issues in the film
Nguyen, Thi duong. "Les médecines traditionnelles au Viêtnam à l'époque de la colonisation française (1862-1945)." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019.
Full textIn the 19th and 20th centuries, the Western expansion in some of East Asia countries and in the world provoked deep changes in the Vietnamese society. In the period of 1862-1945, Vietnam was under the regime of the French colonization. In the field of public health and medicine, Western medicine was used officially in spite of the existence of Vietnamese medicines. How did the Vietnamese, in particular the actors who were traditionally involved in the medical assistance of the people, react to protect and develop their traditional medicines while the French colonial medical policy was established officially? What were their attitudes toward Western medicine? And do the texts produced by these Vietnamese medical practitioners bear a trace of this encounter? This dissertation, entitled “The traditional medicines in Vietnam during the French colonization (1862-1945)”, studies specifically the modalities of the encounter between Vietnamese medicines and Western medicine. To do so, this dissertation is based on a rich corpus of original sources written in French, Hán Nôm and Quốc ngữ : the French colonial archives, the imperial archives and the historical documents of Nguyen’s court, the contemporary medical literature and some specialized or general journals
Ndione, Joseph. ""Les Ethiopiques" d'Héliodore : document historique sur Méroé ou fiction romanesque." Thesis, Nancy 2, 2009.
Full textThe literary and historical reflection in which we take an interest here, concerns the Meroitic Kingdom such as presented in the works of Greek and Roman authors, particularly Heliodorus. Aethiopika of Heliodorus, composed in the third century A.D., constituted a romantic narrative rich in descriptions of the land of the Ethiopians. Its originality lies in the fact that it conserves testimonies likely to establish a field of experience for the modern reader in search of information on the Meroitic Kingdom. Heliodorus does not only take interest in the geography and in the society of Meroe, but also in its language and its writings, in its religion and its economy. During almost all the millennium which separates Homer from Heliodorus, a whole tradition had been shaped, and then perpetuated, on the Ethiopians' ways of life. In order to gauge the value of Heliodorus' data, we appeal to archaeological discoveries and the body of Ethiopian references in ancient literature. Homer, the epic and tragic poets, the philosophers, Herodotus, the Hellenistic authors, Diodorus Siculus, Strabo and Pliny the Elder, constitute the main axes of our investigations. Certainly, the image of the Ethiopian Kingdom in the ancient texts is not always clear, but the contribution of these authors in the reconstruction of Ethiopian history cannot be hidden. Compilers in numerous cases, they recapitulate past and contemporary historical trends. So, the Ethiopian testimonies are reviewed to allow us to picture Aethiopika's outlines and to define the image and the reality of Heliodorus' Ethiopians. In approaching a subject which is not without interest, it is important that we should place this novel in a literary and historical perspective. Our project is not the pursuit of a subject. In its itinerary through the Greek and Latin literary genres, it presents itself as the collection of testimonies that would be the echo of a reality such as it could be perceived by the authors who bequeathed the pages that lie before us today. This study teaches us the mentality, the tastes and the ways of life of the Ethiopians. It develops around three major axes. The first concerns the study of Heliodorus' work and life. The attentive examination, in the novel, of the way that Heliodorus sees things, the way he imagines Ethiopia, brings us round to wondering about the author and the architecture of his novel. For what concerns the second axis, we try to understand the interpretatio of Ethiopia. In other words, what were the characteristics of Meroe? How did the metropolis of the Ethiopians appear before the eyes of the Ancients? And what ideas where they able to make of it? Finally, these questions raise yet one more question, our third axis of study, on the share of construction and imagination as opposed to the real Ethiopia in Aethiopika. Insofar as one of our concerns is to analyze the gap between reality and its representation, it is advisable to wonder if Heliodorus' testimonies raise commonplaces, mental images, stereotypes or reality
Books on the topic "Documents historiques"
ainé, Maison Jacques Charavay. Lettres autographes et documents historiques. Paris: Maison Jacques Charavay ainé, 2003.
Find full textNouvel-Ontario, Société historique du, ed. Documents historiques - nos 86-89. Sudbury, Ont: Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, 1988.
Find full textÉcole, polytechnique (Montréal Québec) Section des archives. De la description des documents historiques. Montréal: École polytechnique de Montréal, Direction générale, Section des archives, 1989.
Find full textCharpentier, Charles. La ville de Bruyères-et-Montbérault: Documents historiques. Paris: Office d'édition du livre d'histoire, 1996.
Find full textChampagne, Michel. Le traitement d'un fonds d'archives: Ses documents historiques. La Pocatière, Québec: Documentor, 1987.
Find full textLaunay, Adrien. Histoire de la mission de Siam, 1662-1811: Documents historiques. Paris: Missions étrangères de Paris, 2000.
Find full textLaunay, Adrien. Histoire de la mission du Tonkin: Documents historiques 1658-1717. Paris: Missions étrangères de Paris, 2000.
Find full textTabrizli, Ahmad. Histoire du Daglig (Haut)-Garabagh á la lumière de documents historiques. Frankfurt: Dağyeli, 1989.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Documents historiques"
Kim, Kyong-Kon. "Le roi indo-grec Ménandre d’après les documents chinois Naxian biqiu jing." In Mondes grec et indien, d’Alexandre le Grand à Kaniṣka, 81–153. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2023.
Full textJorge, Muriel. "Trois carrières, un savoir ? Circulations, rivalités et filiations autour de la langue française dans l’enseignement supérieur parisien (années 1860-1920)." In La linguistique et ses formes historiques d’organisation et de production, 211–34. Paris: Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences du langage, 2022.
Full textLivet, Jérôme, Matthieu Gaultier, Philippe Salé, and Sylvain Badey. "Nouveaux éléments pour la chrono-typologie des tombes à inhumation en région Centre-Val de Loire et dans le département du Maine-et-Loire, de la Préhistoire à nos jours." In Rencontre autour des typo-chronologies des tombes à inhumation, 301–14. Tours: Fédération pour l’édition de la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 2022.
Full textBussotti, Michela. "Une « lettre ouverte » sur les débuts de la sinologie." In Documenter et décrire les langues d’Asie : histoire et épistémologie, 465–87. Paris: Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences du langage, 2025.
Full textPerreaux, Nicolas. "Les documents pontificaux dans la masse (VIIe–XIIIe siècle) : Machine learning, stylométrie et sémantique historique." In Abhandlungen der Niedersächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Neue Folge, 39–90. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press, 2024.
Full textGuillier, Béatrice. "Le développement du secteur jeunesse de la Maison de la Bonne Presse dans l’après-guerre : le cas de l’hebdomadaire pour petites filles Bernadette." In De la Bonne Presse à Bayard : 150 ans d'histoire d'un groupe de presse et d'édition catholique (1873-2023), 237–52. Lyon: LARHRA, 2023.
Full textKim, Sung Do. "Essai d’une archéologie de la modernité linguistique en Corée à travers la première grammatisation par les Pères des Missions étrangères de Paris au xixe siècle : une approche épistémologico-historique." In Documenter et décrire les langues d’Asie : histoire et épistémologie, 165–91. Paris: Société d’histoire et d’épistémologie des sciences du langage, 2025.
Full text"Présentation générale de la frontière burkinabé-malienne (Aspects historiques et géographiques)." In Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents, 24–40. United Nations, 2024.
Full textDECOCQ, Guillaume. "Introduction générale à l’écologie historique." In Écologie historique, 1–10. ISTE Group, 2024.
Full textSalvaing, Bernard. "Documents historiques écrits en arabe et en peul au Fouta‑Djalon (Guinée)." In Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies, 455–70. Presses de l’Inalco, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Documents historiques"
Campbell, Bryan, Michel Magnan, Benoit Perron, and Molivann Panot. Modélisation de règles budgétaires pour l’après-COVID. CIRANO, January 2022.
Full textCarter, J., and N. L. Hastings. Current state of coastal change monitoring and mapping in Canada: towards a national framework. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Full textLanglais, Pierre-Carl. Bibliométrie. Comité pour la science ouverte, 2024.
Full textRousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
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