Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Division cognitive du travail'
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Mahrez, Saïd. "Division technique, division cognitive : une mise en perspective historique et théorique." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010022.
Full textThis thesis has for object to characterize the concepts of technical and cognitive division of the work and also aims at highlighting the rise of the cognitive dimension of the work in the activities situated at the heart of the process of value creation, in particular in the postfordiste manufacturing industry. She emphasizes the historic transformations of the technical division of the work, which characterized the evolution of the industrial capitalism on the relatively hegemonic position of its principles in the organization of the manufacturing industry during the period Thirty Glorious. Then, she insists on the emergence of a new model of organization of the work which characterized the contemporary capitalism during period postfordiste. So, with the succession of the cognitive capitalism, the accent is put on the increase in importance of the principles of the cognitive division of the work, in the organization of the manufacturing industry postfordiste and in to the detriment of the principles of the technical division of the work, which lose their position in the organization of the work. Stylized fact was mobilized for justifying this trend to the development of the principles of the cognitive division of the work, in the postfordiste manufacturing industry
Barrère-Maurisson, Marie-Agnès. "La division familiale du travail." Paris 5, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA05H056.
Full textBeyond just a study of the effects of work on family, or even of the impact of family life on work activities, the subject of this book is to apprehend together work and family, and to built up a sociology of that. This one is able to show how family, by its composition, its structures, has a place in employment and contributes to define the forms of work and economic activity; and that also for people, groups or institutions, and countries. The analysis indicates how the relations between work and family lead to understand what happens through the labour force management in the firms, that seems to assign the individuals to the jobs according to their matrimonial status. It shows too, how the forms of work and family are different for the economic sectors (firms, public sector, and self-employment). Largely too, it helps to see precisely the mobile groups, and the evolutions of our society and for the whole developed countries; for these one, it connot be any economic without family development. The analysis is based on ten years of theoritical researches and surveys; it proposes a method, concepts, rules and allows many further investigations
Terssac, Gilbert de. "Travail et autonomie : division du travail et régulations sociales." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990IEPP0024.
Full textMispelblom, Beyer Frederik. "Unité et division du travail social." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37616537r.
Full textRenard, Mary-Françoise. "Division internationale du travail et emploi régional." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376092661.
Full textFontagné, Lionel Lassudrie-Duchêne Bernard. "Biens intermédiaires et division internationale du travail /." Paris : Économica, 1991. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35410458c.
Full textRENARD, MARY-F. "Division internationale du travail et emploi regional." Aix Marseille 2, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987AIX24006.
Full textThe new international division of labour had great effects on employment in industrialized countries such france. So, there is not only an economic constraint of efficiency, but also a social constraint. It is wrong to consider that the results and the solutions of such a problem are the same all over the national space. More relevant is a regional approach. Regions are more historical space than geographical ones what allowed to give them some power of choice and some capacity to define their own strategy of specialization. The analysis of regional integration in the world economy has been done in two ways : - first, by studying their international trade and their skills, a relation can be shown between a great competitivity for exports and a high number of skilled workers ; - secondly, a shift-share analysis has been done on the increase of exports and skills. It is obvious that the regional effect is much more important than sectorial one. This regional effect has been explained by the level of education, the enterprise organization and the history of regional firms. So appear for each region a particular fitness for building up their own strategy of insertion in the international division of labour
Ragot, Xavier. "Division du travail, progrès technique et croissance." Paris, EHESS, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000EHESA068.
Full textFontagné, Lionel. "Biens intermédiaires et division internationale du travail." Paris 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA010019.
Full textThe difference between international trade in final and intermediate goods has been lately introduced in the pure theory of international trade. On the one hand, this difference alters the results initially established. On the other hand a new result appears : trade in intermediate goods is the basis of a macroeconomic efficiency gain. This gain is a "gain of process-segmentation" if imports are intra-consumptions of the industries. The behaviour of economic units has to be reintroduced in the analysis. The microeconomic foundations of this process-segmentation are the characteristics of the product and the economies of scale. The localization of segments is founded on the comparative advantage of different countries if a public constraint influences the choices of the firms. Finally, this segmentation can be internalized or not. Data processing of the European 1959-80 input-output tables produces three main results : -increasing imports of intermediary products -development of process-segmentation practices - complementarity of the two main approaches : the technological and the factor models of international trade
Ollivier, Carine. "Les architectes d'intérieur : division du travail et concurrences." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010VERS005S.
Full textThis dissertation studies the division of labor and competition in the market for project management, focusing on the particular case of interior designers. The first part deals with the birth and development of this professional group. It shows that the relationship between interior designers, architects and decorators have transformed since the 1950s, from non-exclusive periods of ignorance or collaboration, to periods of conflict. In this context the issue of the autonomy of the group of interior designers according to the Anglo-Saxon model of "established professions" appears at a precise moment in its history as a competitive strategy in an oldest division of labor and then as a way for part of the group to reduce the uncertainty in the market for creation and direction of buildings. The second part of the dissertation focuses on how to identify the content and contours of the group, analyzing successive classes that allow the capture and content of the tasks its members perform. The third part deals with this market of services, analyzing the networks of cooperation between interior designers and construction companies, the nature of the relationship of service that this market institutes, and establishes the shape of the careers of these professionals
Pellissier, Tanon Arnaud. "Prudence et division du travail : analyses théoriques et pratiques d'entreprises." Aix-Marseille 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX32050.
Full textPrudence and division of labour being taken as the subject of research, the dissertation applies itself to describe how the practical reason which underlies the specialisation and coordination of labour are exercised, and to analyse the consequences of this exercise on this specialisation and this coordination. Thus, it analyses work as an action underlain by the exercise of prudence and, considering that any divided work is underlain by a divided prudence, it describes this division of prudence : imagination is a distinctive quality of the work producer, vigilance, a distinctive quality of the user, both exercising their foresight. The dissertation also analyses the consequences of the interaction of these different forms of prudence on the division of labour : the specialisation and the coordination of any work come from an unusual exercise of the imagination and of the vigilance underlying this work, leaving imagination to the one who becomes it producer and vigilance to the other who becomes it user, provided that, sharing the same experience, their foresights coincide. Furthermore, the dissertation points out how some management practices can affect the division of labour especially, by the effect of the foresight tacit in the community of experience that the firms are, the strategic management of abilities or, more precisely, the balance of abilities, and, by the effect of the specialists' imagination, the total quality management or, more precisely, taking stock of experience
Noumir, Said. "Division internationale du travail et processus d'industrialisation au Maroc." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37600073k.
Full textCardon, Claude-Alain. "Les formateurs d'adultes dans la division sociale du travail." Lille 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996LIL12013.
Full textHow is the social group of training personnel for adults organised and how does it work? In a critical sociological analysis, counter to any temptation to professionalise, the author puts forward a thesis which is objectively polemical. As the thesis lies within an eminently materialistic framework, bringing to light the objective existence of a technical and social division of labour for adult training comes down to raising the question of the technical and social determinants which differentiate the agents, in their background and in their current position within the social structure. In other words, training personnel for adults does not indiscriminately show the same social characteristics according to the type of the (presupposed) technical activity they perform, their position and role in the division of educational work. Three major concepts underlie and structure the analysis as a rigorous prerequisite: social classes and their foundation, intellectual work and its purpose, and finally social moves through which some individuals would go from production to supervisory activities in the global social praxis. Hence an operational proposal in the field of adult training presented in two parts: on the one hand collective agreements for professional posts and status, with their structural expected results and consequences; on the other hand mainly quantitative field research conducted with a population of 520 professionals in adult training and 72 organisations in the nord-pas de calais region
Bocher, Aurélie. "Défenses immunitaires et division du travail chez les fourmis." Paris 6, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA066294.
Full textImmune defence is a fundamental trait determining fitness in social insects, both by increasing individual survival and by limiting contamination at colony level. We investigated how individual variation in immune defence, which is a costly trait, is related to division of labour concerning reproduction or sterile tasks. Indeed, the different worker functions within the colony may be associated to distinct selection pressures and thus induce a variation in immune defence. Reciprocally, including immune defence as a life-history trait can help to understand some aspects of social evolution. Ants offer interesting models to address these questions. Firstly, we studied the effects of reproductive conflicts on labour and immune defence in a queenless ant, Diacamma sp. From Nilgiri. The groups affected by conflicts showed a lower rate of labour and an immunosuppression, suggesting a cost of reproductive conflicts. Secondly, we investigated the levels of phenoloxidase (PO) and prophenoloxidase (PPO), two major enzymes of the insect immune system, in workers of the ant Cataglyphis velox. We found a higher PO activity in foragers than in intra-nidal workers, which could result from an adaptive up-regulation of PO in foragers in relation to the high risk of infection and wounding outside the nest. Finally, we hypothesized that inactive workers, often observed in social insect colonies, may invest more resources in immune defence. We conducted a behavioural and immunological study in Cataglyphis velox to analyse the relation between inactivity and immune defence. Our hypothesis was not supported but could be further studied by measuring other immune parameters. This work suggests that division of labour may influence the intra-colonial immune variation and highlights the importance of considering immune defence for the study of social insects
Zakhar, Ghislaine. "La Tchécoslovaquie dans la division internationale socialiste du travail." Paris Panthéon Sorbonne, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985PA010038.
Full textBotte, Sophie. "Les rationalités de la non-division du travail, analyses théoriques et empiriques." Lille 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LIL12015.
Full textSquire, Sarah B. "Young children's understanding of division." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.343529.
Full textFortino, Sabine. "Mixite sociale au travail et rapports sociaux de sexe : essai de transformation d'une notion en concept a partir d'une enquete menee dans deux organisations du secteur public francais." Paris 7, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA070010.
Full textDubois, Véronique. "Intégration cognitive d'informations multimedia et mémoire de travail." Paris 5, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA05H048.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis was to study the involvement of working memory's sub-systems (visuo-spatial sketchpad and phonological loop, Baddeley, 1986) in the comprehsion of texts and illustrations (Exp. 1 & 2) and in the integration of multimedia information (Exp. 3 & 4). In this purpose, the dual task paradigm was used , with a spatial concurrent task (tapping) and a verbal concurrent task (concurrent articulation). The results from experiments 1 and 2 showed that the visuo-spatial sketchpad is selectively involved in processing illustrated texts or illustrations presented alone. The phonological loop is specifically involved in processing texts. The experiments dealing with a realistic multimedia material suggested that the sub-systems of working memory are involved in the cognitive integration of multimedia information. The phonological loop would maintain verbal information, the visuo-spatial sketchpad would maintain pictorial information. Both sub-systems would maintain transitory mental representations which integrate verbal and pictorial information. Overall, the results underlined the influence of individual differences in verbal span and spatial span on the cognitive integration of multimedia information. Ergonomic reccomendations aiming a best adaptation of multimedia products tothe cognitive characteristics of individuals are proposed
Forte, Mylène Masclet Georges. "Approche psycho-socio-cognitive de la victimation au travail." Lille : A.N.R.T, 2007. http://documents.univ-lille3.fr/files/pub/www/recherche/theses/FORTE_Mylene.pdf.
Full textHaan, Francisca de. "Sekse op kantoor : over vrouwelijkheid, mannelijkheid en macht, Nederland 1860-1940 /." Hilversum : Verloren, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37147386d.
Full textMention parallèle de titre ou de responsabilité : Gender in the office : on feminity, masculinity and power, in the Netherlands 1860-1940 / Francisca Maria de Haan. Contient un résumé en anglais. Bibliogr. p.454-468. Index.
Forte, Mylène. "Approche psycho-socio-cognitive de la victimation au travail." Lille 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LIL30033.
Full textBolstered by its productive, normative and socialising roots, the professional world reveals, nevertheless, a fragility in the inter-relational dynamic on which it is based. It is only recently that the idea of the victim has appeared in the professional vocabulary. The victim is the result of the confrontation between a specific adverse event and an ideological and emotional construct. Our research is therefore a desire to highlight these "ordinary" victims, symbols of individual suffering, but with a result that is just as much colective. Their look stamped with emotion, offers special insight into violent experiences and constitutes a way of understanding ruptures in mental equilibrium. This process of subjectivisation, by which the victim cognitively reconstructs the situation, models their psycho-physiological reaction. Our work on this topic tends to suggest than the nature of victimisation, chronic versus acute, intentional versus instrumental, brutal and cutting versus latent and insidious, configures the consequences engendered by favouring a level of differential tolerance
Bettio, Francesca. "The sexual division of labour : the Italian case /." Oxford : Clarendon press, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37398021m.
Full textHilger, Anne. "Cognitive and non-cognitive skills in developing countries." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH077.
Full textThis dissertation examines the role that cognitive and non-cognitive skills play in developing countries along three axes: measurement of these skills, wage returns to them, and as determinants of levels of trust. The first chapter uses panel data from two cohorts of a skills training program in Mozambique to contrast two types of skill measurement: self-assessments and observational exercises. The chapter shows that self-assessments capture underlying traits, while observational exercises are better suited for program evaluations. The second chapter is based on a novel matched employer-employee data set representing the formal sector in Bangladesh and provides evidence of both the relative importance of cognitive and non-cognitive skills in this part of the labor market and the interplay between skills and hiring channels in determining wages. Results demonstrate positive returns to non-cognitive skills, varying by hiring channel. This chapter also offers suggestive evidence that employers might use hiring channels differently, depending on which skills they deem important. The third chapter makes use of the demonetization policy of November 2016 in India and a newly collected data set to causally identify the determinants of trust in a rural setting, controlling for a variety of individual characteristics, such as non-cognitive skills and cognitive ability, that could influence network formation and trust. We find that social interactions determine trust, though this result holds only among men and varies along the lines of caste membership
Morawiak, Jocelyne. "L' idenité professionnelle du personnel de secrétariat et l'implantation de la bureautique." Aix-Marseille 1, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987AIX10056.
Full textLe, Floch Marie-Christine. "L'enseignant et sa doublure : qualifications et division du travail aux marges du système éducatif." Lille 1, 2002. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2002/50377-2002-19.pdf.
Full textBrossollet, Cécile. "Fondements de la division du travail dans les modèles économiques du ménage /." Paris (1 rue Gozlin, 75006) : Ed. Arguments, 1992. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb35513576g.
Full textLemaire, Elodie. "Division du travail dans l'institution policière : ethnographie d'un commissariat de Sécurité publique." Amiens, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AMIE0011.
Full textBrent, Megan E. "Cognitive-behavioral stress management intervention for Division I collegiate student-athletes /." Connect to this title online, 2004. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc%5Fnum=osu1090336658.
Full textTitle from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xii, 130 p.; also includes graphics Includes bibliographical references (p. 81-86). Available online via OhioLINK's ETD Center
Avnet, Mark Sean. "Socio-cognitive analysis of engineering systems design : shared knowledge, process, and product." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/52782.
Full textThis electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 213-222).
This research is based on the well-known but seldom stated premise that the design of complex engineered systems is done by people -- each with their own knowledge, thoughts, and views about the system being designed. To understand the implications of this social dimension, the Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE) environment, a real-world setting for conceptual space mission design, is examined from technical and social perspectives. An integrated analysis demonstrates a relationship among shared knowledge, process, and product. The design process is analyzed using a parameter-based Design Structure Matrix (DSM). This model, consisting of 682 dependencies among 172 parameters, is partitioned (reordered) to reveal a tightly coupled design process. Further analysis shows that making starting assumptions about design budgets leads to a straightforward process of well-defined and sequentially executed design iterations. To analyze the social aspects, a network-based model of shared knowledge is proposed. By quantifying team members' common views of design drivers, a network of shared mental models is built to reveal the structure of shared knowledge at a snapshot in time. A structural comparison of pre-session and post-session networks is used to compute a metric of change in shared knowledge. Based on survey data from 12 design sessions, a correlation is found between change in shared knowledge and each of several system attributes, including technological maturity, development time, mass, and cost. Integrated analysis of design process and shared knowledge yields three interdisciplinary insights.
(cont.) First, certain features of the system serve a central role both in the design process and in the development of shared knowledge. Second, change in shared knowledge is related to the design product. Finally, change in shared knowledge and team coordination (agreement between expected and reported interactions) are positively correlated. The thesis contributes to the literature on product development, human factors engineering, and organizational and social psychology. It proposes a rigorous means of incorporating the socio cognitive aspects of design into the practice of systems engineering. Finally, the thesis offers a set of recommendations for the formation and management of ICE design facilities and discusses the applicability of the proposed methodology to the full-scale development of complex engineered systems.
by Mark Sean Avnet.
Perez, Margot. "Division du travail, apprentissage et perception des odeurs chez la fourmi Camponotus aethiops." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA132001.
Full textAnts in compex societies where different individuals are specialized in particular tasks. In their natural environnement, the majority of ants species rely on olfactory cues. We aimed at understanding division of labour, olfactory perception and learning in the ant C. aetiops. The species forages partly on extra-floral nectaries, therefore uncovering the mechanisms underlying olfactory learning and perception of floral volatiles, is biologically relevant. We reveal interindividual variability in sucrose responsiveness among reproductive and behavioural castes, arguing in favour of models positing that division of labour emerges from differences in sensitivity to task-related stimuli. Sucrose mediates olfactory appetive learning success : the more sensitive to sucrose is an ant, the better it learns the appetive association. Accordingly, foragers, more sensitive to sucrose than nurses, learned better the odour-sucrose association. We show that odour's chemical dimensions (carton-chain lenght ; functional group) and olfactury experience play a significant role in olfactury perception in this ant species. Perceptual similarity between odours belonging to the same functional group was inversely related to the difference in carbon-chain lenght between odours and could be affected by the conditioning procedure. Finally, we demonstrated that binary mixtureperception relies on the combination of functional group and carbon-chain lenght, with generally a larger salience for alcohol over aldehydes and of long carbon-chain lenght over shorter ones. Our study contributes to a better understanding of division of labour, olfactory perception and olfactory learning in ants
Netter, Julien. "La division du travail scolaire : segmentation, solidarité et inégalités dans l'école primaire contemporaine." Thesis, Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080106.
Full textThis thesis is based on a sociological survey with an ethnological methodology carried out within a sample of seven Parisian primary schools socially diversified. It aims at explaining the persistence of a social reproduction scheme in spite of numerous changes that occurred in primary schools since the 50’s. School is indeed now « open » to heterogeneous activities taken in charge by various stakeholders sometimes led by different logics. The concept of “transparent curriculum” is brought up to sustain the analysis. It refers to the way this “mosaic school” expects children to convert the prescriptions into activities. At this point, two processes are at stake: first is the synthesis of heterogeneous experiences that allows children to take benefit of an activity performed within very different contexts. Other consists in translating one logic into another, thus enabling the comparison between these activities. On the one hand, some children manage to perceive the discipline’s roots of thematic projects or the hidden knowledge at work in recreational activities, thus generating a “solidarity” that makes sense in the school division of work. On the other hand, other children keep the different logics apart, tending to focus, in the classroom, on tasks rather than on activities and acting as if there were no scholar benefit to be taken from the activities outside the classroom. The thesis thus gives a picture of a school which, in spite of its official will, gives up with part of the children, keeping up the contemporary risk of a social cohesion breakdown
Bustreel, Anne. "Contribution à l'analyse économique de la non division du travail dans les ménages." Lille 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997LIL10012.
Full textIn this thesis, the sexual division of labor is viewed as kind of employment relationship. One member of the household supplies household services to her partnber. The labor time of this second member is then devoted to the labor market with an increased efficiency (increasing returns in the human capital accumulation, wage gap between men and women). The spouse who is specialized in the non-market sector expects her household services to be paid for. The sexual division of labor is considered as an exchange of labor income and household services between spouses. On the basis of this employment relationship, the organisation of household economic activity is analyzed as a non-cooperative game. A non-division of labor appears to be the unique equilibrium outcome. Such an analysis seems to be especially relevant to developed western countries. Formally, this equilibrium stems from a "trust game" or the well-known one-sided version of the prisoners' dilemma game. To cooperate in spite of this theoretical impediment, the spouses might sign a contract at the outset of their relation, or behave altruistically, or also devise an internal governance structure. But in fact, these possibilities are not convincing. So the question remains : how to sustain cooperation in an household? given the nature of the exchange, that is intricated with durable and personal relations, we model it as a repeated game in which a trigger strategy should permit to sustain cooperation, ie a division of labor. The complete model predicts an extent of the non-division of labor in households. The specialization principle is refused when the exogenous probability of divorce, or more generally, of splitting, is too high and when the relative economic benefits of specialization are too low
Bense, Ferreira Alves Celia. "Travail théâtral : travail, implication et culture au Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord." Phd thesis, Université Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint Denis, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00845963.
Full textGérardin, Frédéric. "Transférabilité des qualifications et mutations productives." Paris 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA010022.
Full textThe main objective of this research is to develop an alternative concept of transferability of skills which is available to analyse the realities of skills in their social complexity and dynamics. Defined as a permanent process of reproduction of social modalities of, vocational training, individual and collective productive use of the vocational knowledges and recognition of individual degrees of vocational quality, the transferability is here conceptualized in opposition to the G. S. Becker's theory of the investment in human capital. By this way, the social aspects of the skills are reintegrated in the economical analysis of the dynamic of the capitalist system, especially during the periods of crisis. Finally, the previous alternative concept of transferability is applied in an analysis of the transformations of skills in the French construction industry during the last half-century
L'Harmet, Corine. "Organisation de l'industrie et espace : éléments pour une analyse économique de l'agglomération d'entreprises." Saint-Etienne, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995STETT031.
Full textMany among today's towns and cities, whether in France or abroad, are characterized by a geographical concentration of their firms. Competing with, and complementing, one another, they prove particularly influential on the world market, and tend to form a more or less complete production process. The objective of this thesis is to make clear the economic foundations underlying the making and the development of those areas, while taking into account the diversity of their evolution processes. To do so, we have studied the works that joined together industrial economics and spatial economics. In this light, we have defended the following points : - abandoning the usual view of the firm as an isolated element whose internal organization is given and not surveyed (which) permits to promote the first economic elements about the making and the development of firm agglomeration, taking into account the diversity of their evolution processes : - more specifically, the extent of the market of intermediate products needed to produce a good, when considered from a more localized point of view and in a problematics of division of labour, permits to clarify the economic foundations underlying the making of an agglomeration of competing and complementing firms, which are specialized in one stage of the producing of goods, and which form collectively a more or less complete production process
Vinceneux, Hélène. "Une analyse historicisée de l'évolution du rapport salarial : division du travail et configurations productives." Toulouse 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008TOU10024.
Full textWithin the general context about the mutation of industrial capitalism, the defended thesis is that a transition towards a revitalized productive paradigm that values cognitive configurations. This research is centered on the transformations of labor relation resulting from this change. Within this framework, the main research questions are : what is the evolution of the capital/labor relation ?. .
Loué, Christophe. "Analyse cognitive de situations professionnelles." Nancy 2, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000NAN21029.
Full textThis research is based on the acknowledgement of the profound transformations in production and organization within enterprises. Economical globalisation and exchange liberalization have, indeed, induced constant requirements in flexibility and adaptability. Massive use of New Information and Communication Technologies (N. T. I. C. ) constitute one of the most convincing effects of it. Before these postulates, another one emerges : low qualified labour force seem to be the less prepared to face these evolutions. Stakes in training appear to be imperative. In this perspective, we propose a cognitive analytical method of the task, where concepts are inspired by methodological principles of the analysis of the task in cognitive ergonomics, by Jean Piaget's operating theory of intelligence as well as Pierre Higelé's work in this field. This methodology of analysis is centred : - on one hand, on the formalization of the outlines of task stipulated in terms of operations and intellectual level required, - on the other hand, on the precise location of the cognitive progress of the operator in working situation. Taking into account the principle of measure of distances between the ordered and the real task, we propose - every time it is justified - a training centred on the reduction of these distances. In this field, we were inspired by works in cognitive remediation, and particulary on the ARL (Work-groups of Logical Reasoning)
Eijl, Corrie van. "Het werkzame verschil : vrouwen in de slag om arbeid, 1898-1940 /." Hilversum : Verloren, 1994. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39991663t.
Full textAlbeck, Patrick. "La sexualisation de la relation d'emploi durant la révolution proto-industrielle : essai sur la naissance du capital humain, de l'entreprise et de la gestion." Paris 9, 1994. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1994PA090027.
Full textThe subject of this thesis is, due to the birth and implementation of management practice, the employment relation sexualization process, which structures the employment relation, governs the institutionalization of enterprise. The transition of the institution of the commercial enterprise to that of the proto-industrial enterprise, which is archived through management, particularly by the historical transformation of the internal and external subcontracting relation into an employment relation, generates the rural urban, mixed and hybrid (dispersed as well as concentrated workshops) manufacture. The slow historic burst of management practices aimed at reducing the intrinsic uncertainty which undermines the sub-contracting relation (risk concerning product quality and delivery delay) leads inexorably to the change of its nature. The institutionalization of employment relation and its sexualization process which conditions it, follows from this. Because there is a will to manage the intrinsic uncertainty, which permanently eats away at the employment relation - quality of work -, the control of a shift of uncertainty becomes henceforth predominant. Taking into account the socio-economic movement impulsed by this engine of capitalist world economy which is the institution of enterprise, it is thus that the manufacture characterizes the economic and socio-technical paradigm of the different phases of development - "life cycle" - of the historical regime of management, education and innovation of the proto-industrial revolution (essentially a regional demonstration). From this follows a live phenomenon of economic and socio-sexual accretion of human capital, notably by way of profitable investments, both by subsumption (first simple then mature) and education
Gouider, Abdessalem. "La discrimination par genre sur le marché du travail : fondements théoriques et application au marché du travail tunisien." Paris 13, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA131021.
Full textRecio, Adolfo Leon. "Spectrum-Aware Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/30193.
Full textPh. D.
Attias, Mimoun. "Technologies du savoir et de l'information : effets et impact sur la division internationale du travail." Paris 10, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA100091.
Full textThis research is basically aiming at understanding the economic stakes conveyed by the merging between informatics and telecommunications made possible by the rapid development of information technology. It comprises two parts. The first one is devoted to the examination of the information concept and its economic nature. Furthermore it intends to be a critical appraisal of the so called information economy but tries also to provide a comprehensive approach of the recent development of information technology within the framework of advanced capitalism. As far as the second part is encored, it enters the topic of transborder data flows focusing mainly on their economic dimension. They are viewed in relationship with the word economy market by the predominance of transnational economic systems. A particular attention is deserved to the use of telematics network by transnational companies. We also stress the existence of new markets and products generated by the penetration of data processing systems with the world economy. A final stage studies the impact of international data transmission of developing economies and discusses briefly the computerization of the Third world
Trachman, Mathieu. "Des hétérosexuels professionnels : genre, sexualité et division du travail dans la pornographie française (1975-2010)." Paris, EHESS, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011EHES0052.
Full textThis study aims at uncovering the gender and sexuality logics underlying pornographic work in France since 1975. Focusing on heterosexual pornography, the author shows how these logics result in a sex and sexuality-based division of labor. Operating as entrepreneurs on a fantasies market, « professional » pornographers distance themselves from « amateurs » and undertake to capture male desires into moving pictures. However, a strictly business approach to pornographic work tends to eclipse its sexual economy. Focusing on the latter, the study shows that the pornographer's profession is about accumulating sexual as much as economic capital and that actresses are the goods exchanged by pornographers. Furthermore, while pornography is defined as male and heterosexual, the study shows that actresses develop and claim an expertise in the direction of porn movies and that pornographers are ambivalent about male homosexuality. Finally, pornographic work exposes the contradictions of heterosexuality as a mode of categorization that implies an ordering of men and women sex roles and does not prevent the expression of homosocial desire
Vallat-Azouvi, Claire. "Evaluation et rééducation cognitive de la mémoire de travail chez des patients cérébrolésés." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066418.
Full textJomni, Sophia. "Le travail informel des femmes en Tunisie." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002IEPP0027.
Full textBeaulieu, Nadia. "Liens entre le stress au travail, l'évaluation cognitive, les stratégies d'adaptation et l'épuisement professionnel chez des adultes en milieu de travail /." Trois-Rivières : Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2003. http://www.uqtr.ca/biblio/notice/resume/17805916R.html.
Full textBeaulieu, Nadia. "Liens entre le stress au travail, l'évaluation cognitive, les stratégies d'adaptation et l'épuisement professionnel chez des adultes en milieu de travail." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2003. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/4510/1/000105194.pdf.
Full textBird, Sarah (Sarah Amelia). "Entrepreneurship policy for entrepreneurs : a cognitive approach to the entrepreneurial environment." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/50608.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 109-113).
Entrepreneurship stimulates economic growth, creates jobs, and provides opportunities for independence and self-realization. Over the last 10 years, policy makers around the globe have been actively pursuing the elusive goal of an entrepreneurial economy. Often building on existing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) policy, efforts have been taken to encourage entrepreneurship by, for example, reducing red-tape and improving access to financing. However, these efforts do not appear to be having the hoped effect of fostering more entrepreneurship. Starting from the maturing field of literature that applies cognitive science to entrepreneurship, this thesis examines what motivates entrepreneurs to start new ventures. I then use this understanding to develop policy options that aim to directly target individuals and foster more entrepreneurship as a unique interdisciplinary contribution to the literature on entrepreneurship policy. This thesis develops a framework for a cognitive approach to policy, which aims to put the entrepreneur at the heart of entrepreneurship policy. The cognitive approach is a tool for policy-makers to enable them to more readily understand entrepreneurs' mindsets and the policy options that can foster entrepreneurial intentions in their constituencies. In applying the cognitive approach to the entrepreneurial environment, this thesis shows that the types of policies necessary for fostering entrepreneurship are different from those currently favored by policy makers. Unlike SME policies, fostering entrepreneurship requires policies that help individuals build self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions through personal experiences, networks, feedback and mentorship. In the final chapters, the cognitive framework is applied to the MIT-Portugal Program, demonstrating how to apply this framework pragmatically and highlighting considerations for exporting entrepreneurship curricula from MIT to Portugal.
by Sarah Bird.
S.M.in Technology and Policy
Cattanéo, Nathalie. "Le travail à temps partiel : un rêve ou un cauchemar ? du volontariat à la contrainte, ou les variations de la disponibilité selon les logiques du temps partiel." Paris 7, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA070034.
Full textThe aim is to compare the impact of two kinds of part-time work - constrained and volontary - on the structuration and organisation of working time and on the kind of relationship of female workers to their professional and domestic working time. The sociology of social and sexual division of labour is the theoretical framework for this research. After a presentation of different sociological problematics and statistical data concerning part-time work, the historical evolution of representations and legislation about working time is analysed. The analysis of forms of legal "translation" of gender relations shows that the laws allow the permanence of the gendered nature of working hours. A field study conducted with two groups, hospital nurses of the french public health sector (assistance publique) and hypermarkets cashiers, allows us to analyse household and professional social practices of part-timers. One finding is that the logic of permanent availability at work in the domestic sphere is "exported" to the professional one. The concept of professional permanent availability is created to formalize the kind of skills mobilized from the domestic sphere to the professional one by women part-timers. In the two chosen occupations, this availability in the working place varies according to the permanent versus part-time nature of work and the volontary or constrained character of part-time work. These variations have consequences on the aptitudes to do different workers and occupations and on the relationships of these women to professional and domestic labour. If part-time work reduces permanent professional availability while improving the relationship of the nurses to their work, this same part-time work constrains the cashiers to extreme forms of flexible-hours scheduling strongly underline the unpredictability of their working hours. As well, this forces their permanent availability at work, and leads to a destructuration of their relationship to work and of their private time and life. The main finding of this research is that the same quantitative reduction of working time has opposite effects from a qualitative point of view, depending on the forms of organisation of work time