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(Museum), DIVA. Room of wonder I: Axel Vervoordt. Antwerp, Belgium]: Lannoo, 2018.

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Vette, Anke, and Anke Vetter. Mein Kamerad - die Diva: Theater an der Front und in Gefangenenlagern des Ersten Weltkriegs. München: Et+k, Edition Text + Kritik, 2014.

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Mori, Hiroshi. Konya wa parashūto hakubutsukan e =: The last dive to parachute museum. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 2004.

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Mutava, Xhasim Muhammed. Muhammedi (alejhis-selam) në familje dhe realiteti ynë bashkëkohor: Meditime rreth disa fragmenteve të jetës bashkëshortore të Profetit (sal-lall-llahu alejhi ve sel-lem) parë më këndvështrimon tonë bashkëkohor. Shkup: SHB "Furkan ISM", 2006.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: [Ausstellung], Kleve, Städtisches Museum Haus Koekkoek, 21. April bis 9. Juni 1991. Kleve: Boss, 1991.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Wasserfarben 1942-1963, aus dem Bestand der Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland, Sammlung van der Grinten, Joseph Beuys Archiv des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje, 1998.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: With fat and felt : June 29 - September 30, 1993, Fuji Television Gallery. Tokyo: TheGallery, 1993.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Eine Werkübersicht : Zeichnungen und Aquarelle, Drucksachen und Multiples, Skulpturen und Objekte, Räume und Aktionen 1945-1985. München: Schirmer/Mosel, 1996.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: A private collection : 22. Februar bis 29. April 1990, A11 Artforum, München. München: Das Artforum, 1990.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Actions, vitrines, environments. Houston, TX: Distributed by Yale University Press, 2005.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Sei stanze per Beuys a Venezia. Milano: Electa, 2000.

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Armin, Zweite, Finkeldey Bernd, and gonstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany), eds. Joseph Beuys: Werke aus der Sammlung Ulbricht. Köln: DuMont, 1993.

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Friedhelm, Mennekes, Sala "Plana de l'Om" (Manresa, Spain), and Centre d'Art Santa Mònica (Barcelona, Spain), eds. Joseph Beuys: Manresa-Hauptbahnhof : una experiéncia de Joseph Beuys a Catalunya inspirada en Ignasi de Loiola i Manresa. [Manresa]: Fundació Caixa de Manresa, 1994.

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Julius, Hummel, Franchetti Bianca, Pertocoli Domenico, Accademia di belle arti (Milan, Italy), and Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta, eds. Joseph Beuys. Milano: Mazzotta, 1993.

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Lucrezia, De Domizio Durini, Tomassoni Italo, Bonomi Giorgio, and Rocca Paolina (Perugia Italy), eds. Joseph Beuys: Difesa della natura : diary of Seychelles. Milano: Charta, 1996.

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Lynne, Cooke, Kelly Karen, and Dia Center for the Arts (New York, N.Y.), eds. Joseph Beuys: Zeichnungen zu den beiden 1965 wiederentdeckten Skizzenbüchern "Codices Madrid" von Leonardo da Vinci. Düsseldorf: Richter Verlag, 1998.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys. Paris: Editions du Centre Pompidou, 1994.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Raum in der Neuen Galerie. Edited by Heinz Marianne and Staatliche Museen Kassel. Neue Galerie. Berlin: Kulturstiftung der Länder, 1993.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Early watercolors : with an introductory essay. Munich: Schirmer Art Books, 1998.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Honey is flowing in all directions. Heidelberg: Edition Staeck, 1997.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Dibujos, objetos y grabados. Stuttgart: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, 1992.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Eine innere Mongolei : Dschingis Khan, Schamanen, Aktricen : Ölfarben, Wasserfarben und Bleistiftzeichnungen aus der Sammlung van der Grinten. Hannover: Kestner-Gesellschaft, 1990.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: The revolution is us. Liverpool: Tate Gallery, 1993.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Actions, vitrines, environments. Houston: Menil Collection, 2004.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys. Zürich: Pro Litteris, 1993.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Späte Druckgraphik aus der Verlagsproduktion des Grafos Verlages, Vaduz. Bern: Benteli, 1996.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Drawings after the Codices Madrid of Leonardo da Vinci. New York: Dia Center for the Arts, 1998.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Druckgraphische Folgen. Bonn: Das Museum, 1995.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Wenn jemand meine Sache sieht, dann trete ich schon in Erscheinung. Edited by Assel Marina von, Sydow Helmut, Museen im Kulturzentrum Rendsburg, Stadtgalerie im Elbeforum Brunsbüttel, and Sønderjyllands Kunstmuseum Tønder. Heide: Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt, 1992.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: 26. November 1993 bis 20. Februar 1994. Zürich: Pro Litteris, 1993.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Plakate. Munich: Prestel, 2004.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Is it about a bicycle? New York, N.Y: Marisa del Re Gallery, 1986.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Ideas and actions. New York: Hirschl and Adler Modern, 1988.

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R, Logan Claude, and Marisa del Re Gallery, eds. Joseph Beuys: Is it about a bicycle?, January-February 1986. New York, N.Y: Marisa del Re Gallery, 1986.

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1940-, Adriani Götz, Messer Thomas M, and Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, eds. Joseph Beuys: Drawings, objects, and prints. [Stuttgart]: Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, 1989.

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Armin, Zweite, and Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany), eds. Joseph Beuys: Natur, Materie, Form. München: Schirmer/Mosel, 1991.

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Wilfried, Dickhoff, and Werhahn Charlotte, eds. Joseph Beuys: Zeichnungen, Skulpturen, Objekte. Düsseldorf: Edition Achenbach, 1988.

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Köhne, Julia B., Britta Lange, and Anke Vetter, eds. Mein Kamerad - Die Diva. edition text + kritik im Richard Boorberg Verlag, 2014.

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Theater bot für die Kriegsgefangenen und Soldaten des Ersten Weltkriegs nicht nur eine willkommene Abwechslung, sondern auch die Möglichkeit, das Grauen der Fronterlebnisse für eine gewisse Zeit zu vergessen. Das Spiel mit den Rollen brachte auch "die Frau" in das Leben nahezu isolierter Männergesellschaften – ausgewählte Gefangene und Soldaten wurden im Damenfach häufig als Stars gefeiert. Der interdisziplinäre Band "Mein Kamerad – Die Diva" fokussiert das Theaterspiel an der Front und in Gefangenenlagern als kollektives Phänomen in traditionell männlich konnotierten Räumen. Internationale WissenschaftlerInnen aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen, Jason Crouthamel, Eva Krivanec, Christoph Jahr, Peter Marx, Iris Rachamimov, gehen einer Bandbreite von Fragen nach: Wie spielen die gegensätzlichen Begriffe Krieg und Theaterspiel, Kameraden und Diven, Bomben und Bühnen zusammen? Wie begegneten sich das Bild eines "heldenhaften Frontkämpfers" und das eines Damendarstellers in Korsett und Spitzenhöschen? Fragestellungen der Genderforschung kommen ebenso zum Tragen wie Perspektiven der Theater- und Zeitgeschichte sowie der Psychologie. Das Phänomen des Front- und Gefangenenlagertheaters wird hier im internationalen Kontext und erstmalig disziplinüberschreitend und quellenkritisch beleuchtet. Ab dem 5. September 2014 findet im Schwulen Museum* Berlin, in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Kinemathek und der theaterwissenschaftlichen Sammlung der Universität zu Köln, finanziert vom Hauptstadtkulturfonds, eine Ausstellung statt, die am 8. November 2014 mit einem Symposium am Institut für Kulturwissenschaft an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ergänzt wird.
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Antonio, Santini, and Dan Sickles. Dina. 2018.

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Le secret de Dina: L'égérie de Maillol. Paris]: Marie Barbier éditions, 2018.

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Cohn, Arthur B., and Joanne M. Dennis. Maritime Archaeology, the Dive Community, and Heritage Tourism. Edited by Ben Ford, Donny L. Hamilton, and Alexis Catsambis. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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In modern times, the development of new survey, navigation, diving, and remotely operated vehicle technologies have made the location, exploration, and excavation of historic shipwrecks feasible to the general public. The debate on the value of underwater cultural heritage is recent and the issues of protecting underwater sites are now accepted. The diving community has been engaged in this debate for several decades, and a wide variety of viewpoints have developed. Museums focusing on underwater cultural heritage serve as platforms to foster discussions on submerged cultural resource protection. As any archaeological site, shipwrecks excite the general public. While museums provide a venue to share the story of the wrecks, or the historical contexts in which they existed, there are multiple ways to share this information with the public that will allow them a first-hand experience with a shipwreck. This notion has given rise to the concept of heritage tourism.
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Schimmel, Annemarie, and Stuart C. Welch. Anvari's Divan: A Pocket Book for Akbar. Yale University Press, 2012.

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Amirpur, Katajun, ed. MuslimInnen auf neuen Wegen. Ergon Verlag, 2020.

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Is there such a thing as "Islamic" feminism? What does gender and gender justice mean in Islam? In a series of essays, this volume examines theoretical questions, studies, issues and controversial topics that are intensely debated when it comes to concepts of gender, gender justice and real-life gender roles in Islam. The authors are an intergenerational group of Islamic studies scholars and theologians. They present a variety of methodological approaches: a resource for students, scholars and those interested in Islamic feminism, Muslim women, gender justice and Islam. With contributions by Dr. Noha Abdel-Hady; Dr. Katajun Amirpur; Canan Bayram; Dr. Dina El Omari; Dr. Meltem Kulaçatan; Ingrid Overbeck; Dr. Fahimah Ulfat
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Silva, Maísa G. Iniciação Científica de Jovens Pesquisadores: uma coletânea Ciência Viva. Editora Colab, 2021.

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A Alfabetização Científica, por meio do desenvolvimento da Iniciação Científica, com alunos pesquisadores da Educação Básica, é um espaço para estudantes apresentarem ideias criativas e inovadoras na forma de projetos científicos, onde possam experimentar e fazer ciência, além de viabilizar integração e troca de experiências entre estudantes pesquisadores e professores orientadores, culminando em suas descobertas científicas. Tais produtos científicos são divulgados em eventos científicos, que representam uma ferramenta de promoção da cultura científica, da experimentação, da disseminação e da popularização do conhecimento, instigando a criatividade, a inovação e o uso de novas tecnologias. Nessa direção, a obra Iniciação Científica de Jovens Pesquisadores: uma Coletânea Ciência Viva, foi organizada com o intuito de reunir pesquisas realizadas por estudantes da Educação Básica que tiveram destaque no desenvolvimento e apresentação dos seus trabalhos no Ciência Viva, evento científico promovido pelo Museu Dica, do Instituto de Física, da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Essa obra busca incentivar as habilidades dos alunos pesquisadores, e dos professores orientadores no campo da pesquisa, abrindo oportunidade para instigar o desenvolvimento da curiosidade científica, em suas dimensões biológica, histórica, social e cultural, considerando os questionamentos que nascem das experiências, expectativas e estudos teóricos dos projetos dos estudantes.
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Seggerman, Alex Dika. Modernism on the Nile. University of North Carolina Press, 2019.

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Analyzing the modernist art movement that arose in Cairo and Alexandria from the late nineteenth century through the 1960s, Alex Dika Seggerman reveals how the visual arts were part of a multifaceted transnational modernism. While the work of diverse, major Egyptian artists during this era may have appeared to be secular, she argues, it reflected the subtle but essential inflection of Islam, as a faith, history, and lived experience, in the overarching development of Middle Eastern modernity. Challenging typical views of modernism in art history as solely Euro-American, and expanding the conventional periodization of Islamic art history, Seggerman theorizes a “constellational modernism” for the emerging field of global modernism. Rather than seeing modernism in a generalized, hyperconnected network, she finds that art and artists circulated in distinct constellations that encompassed finite local and transnational relations. Such constellations, which could engage visual systems both along and beyond the Nile, from Los Angeles to Delhi, were materialized in visual culture that ranged from oil paintings and sculpture to photography and prints. Based on extensive research in Egypt, Europe, and the United States, this richly illustrated book poses a compelling argument for the importance of Muslim networks to global modernism.
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Verspohl, Franz-Joachim, and Joseph Beuys. Joseph Beuys: Spate Druckgraphik. Benteli Verlag, 1998.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: The Felt Hat (Charta Risk, 3). Charta, 1997.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Early Watercolors (Schirmer's Visual Library). W. W. Norton & Company, 1991.

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Beuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Doppelaggregat, Bergkönig. Michael Werner, 1999.

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Lauf, Cornelia, Joseph Beuys, and Ann Temkin. Joseph Beuys: Drawings Based On The Codices Madrid By Da Vinci. Dia Art Foundation, 1999.

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