Academic literature on the topic 'DIVA (Museum)'
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Journal articles on the topic "DIVA (Museum)"
WARE, JESSICA L., JOHN P. SIMAIKA, and MICHAEL J. SAMWAYS. "Biogeography and divergence time estimation of the relict Cape dragonfly genus Syncordulia: global significance and implications for conservation." Zootaxa 2216, no. 1 (September 1, 2009): 22–36.
Full textMeira, Marcel Ronaldo Morelli de. "Os Novos Museus e a Estética na Pós-modernidade." Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade 7, no. 14 (October 29, 2018): 207–14.
Full textFaria, Rafaella Librelon de, Daniela Franco Carvalho Jacobucci, and Renata Carmo Oliveira. "POSSIBILIDADES DE ENSINO DE BOTÂNICA EM UM ESPAÇO NÃO-FORMAL DE EDUCAÇÃO NA PERCEPÇÃO DE PROFESSORAS DE CIÊNCIAS." Ensaio Pesquisa em Educação em Ciências (Belo Horizonte) 13, no. 1 (April 2011): 87–104.
Full textMerino, Antonia, Carlos Márquez, and Ramón González. "APP 3D: el ciclo escultórico del foro de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba)." Virtual Archaeology Review 9, no. 19 (July 20, 2018): 89.
Full textBarros, Matheus, and Silvia Martins. "Artefatos digitais para o Museu DICA: contribuições para a formação de professores de Física." Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física 37, no. 1 (April 6, 2020): 283–314.
Full textGlöckler, Falko, and Markus Englund. "DINA Bits - Small Services Growing in the DINA System." Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 2 (May 18, 2018): e25579.
Full textAlves, Sabrina Eleuterio, Nilva Lúcia Lombardi Sales, and Silvia Martins. "Um olhar sobre o programa de formação continuada de professores no Museu Dica: Memória e identidade." Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física 38, no. 1 (March 25, 2021): 479–512.
Full textRicoldi, Arlene Martinez, and Isabela Pereira de Sena. "“Vocês vão me escutar, vão me entender”: o itinerário intelectual e político de Diva Moreira." PerCursos 25 (April 13, 2024): e0103.
Full textShupova, T. V. "Change in the area of distribution of the Greenish Warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides viridanus Blyth, 1843) in Ukraine and adjacent territories." Trudy of the Institute of Zoology RK 2, no. 1 (2023): 119–34.
Full textDobrogeanu, Ludmila, and Maria Cunichevici-moraru. "Museum Institutions in the City of Bălți: Historical Reconstructions." Dialogica. Revistă de studii culturale și literatură, no. 2 (September 2023): 60–66.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "DIVA (Museum)"
Oliveira, Cláudia Isabel Cabrita de. "A presença do espaço museológico na obra de Manoel de Oliveira : contributos do filme O Dia do Desespero." Master's thesis, 2021.
Full textBooks on the topic "DIVA (Museum)"
(Museum), DIVA. Room of wonder I: Axel Vervoordt. Antwerp, Belgium]: Lannoo, 2018.
Find full textVette, Anke, and Anke Vetter. Mein Kamerad - die Diva: Theater an der Front und in Gefangenenlagern des Ersten Weltkriegs. München: Et+k, Edition Text + Kritik, 2014.
Find full textMori, Hiroshi. Konya wa parashūto hakubutsukan e =: The last dive to parachute museum. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 2004.
Find full textMutava, Xhasim Muhammed. Muhammedi (alejhis-selam) në familje dhe realiteti ynë bashkëkohor: Meditime rreth disa fragmenteve të jetës bashkëshortore të Profetit (sal-lall-llahu alejhi ve sel-lem) parë më këndvështrimon tonë bashkëkohor. Shkup: SHB "Furkan ISM", 2006.
Find full textBeuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: [Ausstellung], Kleve, Städtisches Museum Haus Koekkoek, 21. April bis 9. Juni 1991. Kleve: Boss, 1991.
Find full textBeuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Wasserfarben 1942-1963, aus dem Bestand der Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland, Sammlung van der Grinten, Joseph Beuys Archiv des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje, 1998.
Find full textBeuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: With fat and felt : June 29 - September 30, 1993, Fuji Television Gallery. Tokyo: TheGallery, 1993.
Find full textBeuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Eine Werkübersicht : Zeichnungen und Aquarelle, Drucksachen und Multiples, Skulpturen und Objekte, Räume und Aktionen 1945-1985. München: Schirmer/Mosel, 1996.
Find full textBeuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: A private collection : 22. Februar bis 29. April 1990, A11 Artforum, München. München: Das Artforum, 1990.
Find full textBeuys, Joseph. Joseph Beuys: Actions, vitrines, environments. Houston, TX: Distributed by Yale University Press, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "DIVA (Museum)"
Gerbich, Christine. "Exploring the Futurabilities of Museums. Making differences with the Museum Divan at the Museum for Islamic Art in Berlin." In Cultural Heritage Studies, 229–46. Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag, 2022.
Full textSalković, Avdija, Fuad Baćićanin, and Mersiha Kardović. "Divan Ahmeda Valija Jenipazarlija: kulturno i književno blago Novog Pazara." In MELISSA - Museums, Ethics, Library and Information Science, Studies, Archives, 53–61. Београд: Филолошки факултет, Универзитет у Београду, 2017.
Full textDamodaran, A. "Animating the Inanimate." In Managing Arts in Times of Pandemics and Beyond, 101–24. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Full textViera, Alicia, and Pat Villeneuve. "Engaging Communities With Supported Interpretation." In Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts, 33–57. IGI Global, 2021.
Full textGerbich, Christine. "Exploring the Futurabilities of Museums. Making differences with the Museum Divan at the Museum for Islamic Art in Berlin." In Doing Diversity in Museums and Heritage, 229–46. transcript Verlag, 2022.
Full textJames, Henry. "I." In The American. Oxford University Press, 2009.
Full textCubbon, Alexandra. "Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art (TMoCA)." In Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism. London: Routledge, 2018.
Full textNachmani, Amikam. "East meets the West: Fiqh al-Aqalliyat (Muslim jurisprudence on minorities); Dina de-Malchuta Dina (the law of the kingdom is the law); Dar al-Islam (abode of Islam); Dar al-Harb (abode of war)." In Haunted Presents. Manchester University Press, 2017.
Full textCoarelli, Filippo. "The Lucus Pisaurensis and the Romanization of the Ager Gallicus." In The Religious History of the Roman Empire, 295–310. Oxford University PressOxford, 2023.
Full textSiberry, Elizabeth. "Images of the Crusades in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries." In The Oxford History of the Crusades, 363–84. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1999.
Full textConference papers on the topic "DIVA (Museum)"
Chaves Machado, Gustavo, and Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Ferreira. ""Um dia no museu de arte": narrativas docentes a partir de uma pesquisa de campo." In 30º Encontro Nacional da ANPAP - (RE)EXISTÊNCIAS. ,: Even3, 2022.
Full textCosta, Anna Luisa Veliago. "Laboratório da liberdade: estética e política nos "domingos da criação" do MAM/RJ." In Encontro de História da Arte. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2018.
Full textNeto, José Valdevino De Andrade, and Helde Leuthier Pimentel Pereira. "DIA DO FÍSICO: A IMPORTÂNCIA DE UM NOVO OLHAR A DISCIPLINA." In II Congresso Brasileiro de Educação a Distância On-line. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2022.
Full textComas Camacho, Carme. "Talleres inclusivos #elsMELacasa ¿Cómo deben ser los materiales digitales accesibles?" In Congreso CIMED - I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021.
Full textGaleazzi, Annelise Estrella. "O verbovisual nas obras de Hélio Oiticia." In Encontro de História da Arte. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2008.
Full textSantana, José Almir, Zênia Maria Santos Silva, João Lucas Tavares de Lima, Marco Aurélio Oliveira Goes, Katia Marília Ribeiro Silva Lima, and Mayara Karoline Freire Gomes. "Ações no primeiro de dezembro no momento da pandemia da COVID-19." In XIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de DST - IX Congresso Brasileiro de AIDS - IV Congresso Latino Americano de IST/HIV/AIDS. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.
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