Academic literature on the topic 'Distributions of possibilities'

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Journal articles on the topic "Distributions of possibilities"


Söderström, S. "Possibilities and limitations of non-homogeneous dose distributions." European Journal of Cancer 29 (January 1993): S28.

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Polosin, Vitaly. "Mapping of Beta Distribution for the Study of Dispersed Materials." Materials Science Forum 1049 (January 11, 2022): 295–304.

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In the study of polydisperse materials, most of the experimental particle size distributions were obtained on bounded intervals. In these cases, it is also desirable to use bounded models with different shapes to simulate the results of studying polydisperse and powder materials. The beta distribution is often used to approximate results due to the fact that this distribution contains many forms for displaying realizations on a limited interval. With the development of computer technology, there has been an increased interest in the use of beta distribution in the modern practice of analyzing results. Meanwhile, there remains a limitation in the use of the beta distribution that is associated with the choice of distribution shape. The possibilities of using known shape measures for mapping beta distribution in this paper is discusses. On the example of the space of shape measure of kurtosis and skewness, the limited use of only probabilistic measures of shapes is illustrated. It is proposed to use the entropy coefficients as an additional informational parameter of the beta distribution shape. On the base of a features comparison of the entropy coefficients for biased and unbiased beta distributions, recommendations for their application are given. By using the example of beta distributions mapping in the space of asymmetry and the entropy coefficient, it is shown that the synergistic combination of probabilistic and informational measures of the shape allows expanding the possibilities of estimating the shape parameters beta distributions. Two methods to display the positions of realizations of beta distributions is proposed. There are trajectories on a constant ratio of shape and realizations position curve on equal values of one parameter. In particular, the features of the choice of beta distributions with negative skewness are discussed.
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Lotov, Vladimir Ivanovich. "Exact formulas in some boundary crossing problems for integer-valued random walks." Izvestiya: Mathematics 87, no. 1 (2023): 45–60.

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For a wide class of integer-valued random walks, we obtain exact expressions for the distribution of the first excess over level and the corresponding renewal function as well as for the distribution of the trajectory supremum if it is finite. We discuss possibilities of obtaining explicit expressions for pre-stationary and stationary distributions of a random walk with switchings at the strip boundaries. The research is based on the factorization representations for the double moment generating functions of the distributions under study.
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Tomy, Lishamol, and Gokul Satish. "A review study on trigonometric transformations of statistical distributions." Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal 10, no. 4 (October 13, 2021): 130–36.

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For the past few years, various forms of statistical distributions based on trigonometrical transformation were proposed by researchers to model data and thereby finding the suitable distribution to predict the possibilities, and application of it in real life. This article aims to review the recent developments and contributions brought about by the various families of trigonometric functions in statistical distribution and its application in data modelling. Several generalised trigonometric distributions are reviewed and compared along with their properties and uses.
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Antonuyk, Olha, and Alexandr Ushenko. "Possibilities of laser polarimetric diagnostics of umbilical blood and capillary maternal blood." Natural & Mathematical Sciences in Medicine and Medical Education 1, no. 1 (December 27, 2024): 22–29.

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A comparative analysis of the two types of samples showed differences in values of the statistical moments of the 3rd and 4th orders. In particular, the statistical moment of the 3rd order (asymmetry) is 2.5 times greater and the 4th parameter (kurtosis) is 2.5 times greater for the blood samples of newborns without pathological changes than the similar parameter for the blood samples of newborns with pathological changes. Fractal analysis showed the transformation of the distribution of power spectra from fractal for coordinate distributions of the Muller matrix element for blood samples without pathology to multifractal (fractal dimensions D1=1.66, D2= 2.90 and D3= 0.56) of blood samples with pathology. The diagnostic sensitivity of the statistical moments of the coordinate distributions of the orientation-phase elements of the Muller p34 matrix of higher orders (3rd and 4th) to structural changes occurring in blood samples of mothers of newborns with a normal physiological state and with pathological changes was revealed. In particular, with pathological changes, the statistical moments of the third order (asymmetry) decrease by 3.5 times, and accordingly, the statistical moment of the fourth order (kurtosis) increases by 2.5 times. The spread of the values of the statistical moments within the two groups did not exceed 5-10% of corresponding average values. The diagnostic possibilities of statistical and fractal analysis of the coordinate distributions of the elements of the Mueller matrix of blood samples of different physiological states of newborns and their mothers have been demonstrated. Fractal and statistical analysis of the coordinate distributions of the orientational elements of the Mueller matrix p33 are diagnostically sensitive when examining the blood of newborns. For maternal blood samples, the statistical analysis of the orientational-phase elements of the Muller p34 matrix (increase in the statistical moments of the 3rd and 4th orders with pathological changes) is diagnostically sensitive.
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Rumyantseva, Olga D., Andrey S. Shurup, and Dmitriy I. Zotov. "Possibilities for separation of scalar and vector characteristics of acoustic scatterer in tomographic polychromatic regime." Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems 29, no. 3 (January 16, 2021): 407–20.

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Abstract The inverse wave problem of tomographic type is considered. It consists in reconstruction of several scatterer’s characteristics in the form of spatial distributions for sound speed, medium density, absorption coefficient and power index of its frequency dependence, as well as vector of flow velocity. In the form of a survey material (based on several publications), a sequence of steps is discussed that leads to reconstruction of each individual spatial distribution in the presence of different combinations of the mentioned characteristics. The minimum number of frequencies required for reconstruction is discussed when the complete set of scattering data is available at each of the frequencies. For the first time, two possible approaches to reconstruct the scatterer characteristics in the presence of inhomogeneous spatial distributions of the density and the flow velocity vector are compared, and attention is drawn to the perspectives of reconstruction by functional algorithms in this case. The possibility of separating the sought spatial distributions during the inverse problem solution is illustrated by numerical modeling.
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Sauerbrei, Sonja, Uwe Sydow, and Peter J. Plath. "On the Characterization of Foam Decay with Diagram Lattices and Majorization." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 61, no. 3-4 (April 1, 2006): 153–65.

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We present possibilities of comparing and characterizing bubble size distributions during foam decay. We know that the temporal development of bubble size distributions does not follow an ordinary diffusion process. Instead of an equal distribution, we obtain a multi-modal distribution at the end of the rearrangement phase. It turns out that bubble size distributions are comparable to partition diagrams generating Ruch lattices which are expandable by permutations leading to partially ordered sets. If we map the partition diagrams and the bubble size distributions on the Shannon entropy, we obtain similar functions. Furthermore, the set of partition diagrams of a Ruch lattice and the set of the bubble size distributions of foam decay are both partially ordered. Via the theorems of Muirhead and of Hardy, Littlewood and Pólya (classical majorization) we construct transitions between every partition diagram of a Ruch lattice and between every bubble size distribution. These transitions can be reversible or irreversible
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Astola, Jaakko, and Eduard Danielian. "Dediscretization of distributions arising in macroevolution models." Facta universitatis - series: Electronics and Energetics 20, no. 2 (2007): 119–46.

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The standard birth-death process with intensities of moderate growth generates stationary skewed distributions suitable for modeling frequency distributions of events arising in large-scale biomolecular systems. We study a large class of such distributions that can be used to model, for instance frequency distributions of the number of expressed genes in the transcriptome, the number of protein domain occurrences in the proteomes etc. In the present paper a new dediscretization approach is suggested discussed and applied to the chosen class. This approach conserves the qualitative properties of the original class of distributions. The advantages of the approach consist in following: 1. It simplifies the form of distributions; 2. It allows simple mathematical analysis of the properties of the original class by applying the tools mathematical analysis continuous functions 3. It allows to find out the optimal form of stationary distributions, i.e. suggests new classes of distributions for biomolecular applications. The deviations of the dediscretized continuous distribution functions from the original distribution functions is estimated. Several typical examples are considered which illustrate the possibilities of the dediscretization approach. The reverse procedure to dediscretization, i.e. the procedure of discretization, back to discrete distributions is described.
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Tomanová, Dagmar, and Petr Schneider. "Possibilities of determining the polymodal pore-size distribution from physical adsorption of nitrogen." Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 52, no. 5 (1987): 1160–66.

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It is shown, on the basis of experimentally determined adsorption isotherms of physical adsorption of nitrogen on two- and three-component mixtures of fine grained porous glasses with narrow pore-size distributions, that the polymodal mesopore-size distribution curves can be evaluated in case that the porous sample contains groups of mesopores differing rather significantly in size. The differentiation of groups of pores gets worse with wider pores where the demands on the accuracy of the relative pressure measurement grow stronger.
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Kollo, Tõnu, Meelis Käärik, and Anne Selart. "Multivariate Skew t-Distribution: Asymptotics for Parameter Estimators and Extension to Skew t-Copula." Symmetry 13, no. 6 (June 11, 2021): 1059.

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Symmetric elliptical distributions have been intensively used in data modeling and robustness studies. The area of applications was considerably widened after transforming elliptical distributions into the skew elliptical ones that preserve several good properties of the corresponding symmetric distributions and increase possibilities of data modeling. We consider three-parameter p-variate skew t-distribution where p-vector μ is the location parameter, Σ:p×p is the positive definite scale parameter, p-vector α is the skewness or shape parameter, and the number of degrees of freedom ν is fixed. Special attention is paid to the two-parameter distribution when μ=0 that is useful for construction of the skew t-copula. Expressions of the parameters are presented through the moments and parameter estimates are found by the method of moments. Asymptotic normality is established for the estimators of Σ and α. Convergence to the asymptotic distributions is examined in simulation experiments.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Distributions of possibilities"


Malinowski, Roman. "Uncertainty characterisation in stereophotogrammetry using satellite images." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Compiègne, 2024.

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Actuellement, les Modèles Numériques de Surface (MNS) sont nécessaires pour de nombreuses applications, telles que la gestion des ressources en eau, le suivi de la biomasse, l’évaluation des dommages causés par les catastrophes naturelles ou la planification urbaine. Les MNS peuvent principalement être produits par interférométrie Radar, photogrammétrie ou en utilisant des instruments LiDAR. Dans ce contexte, le CNES et Airbus préparent le lancement de la constellation de satellites CO3D afin d’assurer la production massive de MNS à haute résolution par photogrammétrie. Fournie avec le MNS, une carte de performance permettra de caractériser les erreurs liées aux incertitudes dans les données d’entrée ainsi qu’aux incertitudes des méthodes utilisées. L’objectif de cette thèse et de caractériser l’incertitude associée à la production de MNS par photogrammétrie. Nous utilisons des modèles d’incertitude spécifiques, à savoir des probabilités imprécises, et plus particulièrement des distributions de possibilité, afin de caractériser l’incertitude résultant du traitement des images stéréo. Ces modèles définissent des “ensembles crédaux”, qui sont des ensembles convexes de distributions de probabilité. L’intérêt de ces ensembles crédaux est d’être mieux adaptés pour représenter l’incertitude résultant de connaissances incomplètes ou imparfaites, par rapport aux simples distributions de probabilité. En présence de plusieurs sources d’incertitudes, il est également nécessaire de considérer leurs relations de dépendance. Pour cela, il est courant d’utiliser des copules, qui sont des modèles représentant la dépendance entre plusieurs variables aléatoires. Dans cette thèse, trois méthodes distinctes sont introduites afin de joindre des ensembles crédaux marginaux en des ensembles crédaux multivariés à l’aide de copules. Les relations entre ces méthodes sont ensuite étudiées pour des copules spécifiques ainsi que pour différents modèles de probabilités imprécises. Une application de ces ensembles crédaux multivariés est ensuite proposée, afin de propager l’incertitude d’images stéréo dans un problème d’appariement. Différentes optimisations et façons de faciliter la propagation de l’incertitude sont présentées. La propagation correcte de l’incertitude est enfin validée à l’aide de méthodes de Monte-Carlo. Une seconde contribution de cette thèse concerne la modélisation de l’incertitude intrinsèque de l’algorithme d’appariement en utilisant des distributions de possibilité. Une méthode est proposée pour générer des intervalles de confiance associés aux résultats de l’étape d’appariement, et ces intervalles sont propagés jusqu’à la fin du pipeline stéréo, produisant ainsi des intervalles de confiance d’élévation pour les MNS. La taille et la précision de ces intervalles est évaluée en utilisant des images satellites réelles et des MNS pour lesquels une vérité terrain est disponible. Les intervalles ainsi créés contiennent correctement la vérité terrain au moins 90 % du temps
Currently, Digital Surface Models (DSMs) are required in many applications, such as for managing water resources, monitoring biomass, evaluating damages caused by natural catastrophes, or for urban planning. DSMs can mainly be produced by Radar interferometry, photogrammetry or LiDAR scanning. In this context, CNES and Airbus are planning the launch of the CO3D constellation of satellites to massively provide highly accurate DSMs using photogrammetry. A performance map will also be provided alongside the DSM to characterize potential errors resulting from the uncertainty on input data or on its processing. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the uncertainty associated with the production of DSMs using photogrammetry. To do so, special uncertainty models, namelyimprecise probabilities, and more specifically possibility distributions, are employed to characterize the uncertainty arising from stereo images processing. Those models define credal sets, which are convex sets of probability distributions. Credal sets are well-suited to represent uncertainty resulting from incomplete or imperfect knowledge, which can be a limitation for a single probability distribution. In the presence of multiple sources of uncertainty, their dependency must also be considered. For this purpose, it is possible to consider copulas, which are models used to represent the dependency between multiple random variables. In this thesis, three different methods are introduced to join marginal credal sets into multivariate credal sets using copulas. The relationships between those methods are then investigated, for specific copulas and different models of imprecise probabilities. An application of those multivariate credal sets is then proposed, for propagating the uncertainty of stereo images in a dense stereo-matching problem. Different optimizations and ways to facilitate the uncertainty propagation are presented. The correct uncertainty propagation is validated using Monte Carlo sampling. A second contribution of this thesis concerns the uncertainty modeling of the dense matching algorithm itself using possibility distributions. A method is presented for generating confidence intervals associated with the results of the dense-matching step. Those intervals are then propagated to the end of the stereo pipeline, therefore producing elevation confidence intervals for the DSMs. The size and accuracy of intervals are then evaluated, using real satellites images and DSMs for which a ground truth is available. Elevation intervals correctly contain the ground truth at least 90% of the time
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Chen, Samantha. "Identifying Power Quality Issues in LV Distribution Grid by Using Data from Smart Meters : Exploring possibilities of machine learning algorithms." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2020.

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Since there is a significant potential to supervise the low voltage network with the assistance of the end-customer smart meters, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB wants to take advantage of such data. Therefore, this project’s overall goal is to investigate how some specific grid disturbances could be detected in certain meter data types. There is a plethora of event data from several different grid areas with their own unique set of customers and power flow. Furthermore, the project aims to propose a detection method within the smart meter’s capability and explore the possibility of using smart meter data to identify the grid’s state. The literature study suggested that the machine learning approaches k-means and SVM were suggested to be used within this study’s scope. Several supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms have been identified and applied to power quality issues in various ways. Furthermore, each approach had four cases applied as well to broaden the analysis. After conducting the study, the project results show that smart meter data indeed has the potential to be used in machine learning methods to identify weak grids. However, the study shows that the information gained from smart meter data in its current state alone is not enough to distinguish weak grids from strong grids. For instance, the current data could complement grid data, such as loop impedance and topology data. Future work could include using the same machine learning methods on higher dimensions input data to separate the data points. One way to diversify the data could be to include data describing grid topology and data from PQ-meters. Furthermore, it will be possible to continuously monitor the low voltage grid conditions with future smart meters. In turn, this may give a better insight into how the voltage levels behave for weak and strong grids, respectively.
Vattenfall Eldistribution AB har en stor andel smarta mätare som registrerar elkvalitetsproblem på lågspänningsnätet. Detta medför att det finns stor potential att övervaka lågspänningsnätet med hjälp av data från dessa mätare. Därför är det övergripande målet med detta projekt att undersöka hur vissa specifika nätstörningar uppstår i vissa typer av mätdata. Det finns dessutom en uppsjö av data från många olika nätområden där alla har sin egna unika uppsättning av kunder och energi- flöden. Vidare syftar projektet till att utveckla en detekteringsmetod inom smartmätarens kapacitet och utforska möjligheten att använda smarta mätdata för att identifiera nätets tillstånd. Från litteraturstudien drogs slutsatsen att k-means och SVM var de mest lämpade metoderna att användas för denna studie. Flera maskininlärningsmetoder har identifierats och tillämpats på elkvalitetsproblem. Vidare analyserades data för fyra olika fall per metod. Efter att ha genomfört studien visade resultatet att data från smarta mätare sannerligen har potential att analyseras med maskininlärningsmetoder för att identifiera svaga nät. Däremot indikerar studien att den information som kan utvinnas från smarta mätare i det nuvarande läget inte är tillräckligt för att urskilja svaga nät från starka nät. Exempelvis kan data från smarta mätare kompletteras med nätdata, såsom impedans, och information om nätets topologi. Framtida projekt skulle därför kunna applicera samma maskininlärningsmetoder på indata med högre dimensioner för att möjliggöra en separation av data på flera plan. Ett sätt att diversifiera data vore att inkludera exempelvis information som beskriver nättopologi och data från PQ-mätare. Vidare kommer framtida mätare ha möjlighet att övervaka nätets spänning och ström kontinuerligt.
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Nehme, Bilal. "Techniques non-additives d'estimation de la densité de probabilité." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2010.

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Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode d'estimation non-paramétrique de la densité de probabilité. Cette méthode d'estimation imprécise combine la théorie de distribution de Schwartz et la théorie de possibilité. La méthode d'estimation que nous proposons est une extension de la méthode d'estimation à noyau. Cette extension est basée sur une nouvelle méthode de représentation de la notion de voisinage sur laquelle s'appuie l'estimation à noyau. Cette représentation porte le nom de noyau maxitif. L'estimation produite est de nature intervalliste. Elle est une enveloppe convexe d'un ensemble d'estimation de Parzen-Rosenblatt obtenus avec un ensemble de noyaux contenus dans une famille particulière. Nous étudions un certain nombre des propriétés théoriques liées à cette nouvelle méthode d'estimation. Parmi ces propriétés, nous montrons un certain type de convergence de cet estimateur. Nous montrons aussi une aptitude particulière de ce type d'estimation à quantifier l'erreur d'estimation liée à l'aspect aléatoire de la distribution des observations. Nous proposons un certain nombre d'algorithmes de faible complexité permettant de programmer facilement les mathodes que nous proposons.
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Pezet-Si-Mohamed, Yvonne. "Caracterisation des potentialites morphogenes du chataignier castanea sativa miller : distribution et possibilites de translocation des reserves insolubles et solubles associees a des gradients de ph intracellulaires." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1987.

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Le port arborescent ou buissonnant du chataignier depend des interactions entre les territoires de l'axe et des bourgeons. Le ph intracellulaire est un bon marqueur du sens du flux de nutriments. Les reserves amylacees et l'enrichissement de la seve brute en sucres solubles influencent la reprise d'activite apicale
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Pezet-Si-Mohamed, Yvonne. "Caractérisation des potentialités morphogènes du châtaignier Castanea sativa Miller distribution et possibilités de translocation des réserves insolubles et solubles associées à des gradients de pH intracellulaires /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.

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Ghazouani, Haythem. "Navigation visuelle de robots mobile dans un environnement d'intérieur." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012.

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Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent le thème des fonctionnalités visuelles qu'il convient d'embarquer sur un robot mobile, afin qu'il puisse se déplacer dans son environnement. Plus précisément, ils ont trait aux méthodes de perception par vision stéréoscopique dense, de modélisation de l'environnement par grille d'occupation, et de suivi visuel d'objets, pour la navigation autonome d'un robot mobile dans un environnement d'intérieur. Il nous semble important que les méthodes de perception visuelle soient à la fois robustes et rapide. Alors que dans les travaux réalisés, on trouve les méthodes globales de mise en correspondance qui sont connues pour leur robustesse mais moins pour être employées dans les applications temps réel et les méthodes locales qui sont les plus adaptées au temps réel tout en manquant de précision. Pour cela, ce travail essaye de trouver un compromis entre robustesse et temps réel en présentant une méthode semi-locale, qui repose sur la définition des distributions de possibilités basées sur une formalisation floue des contraintes stéréoscopiques.Il nous semble aussi important qu'un robot puisse modéliser au mieux son environnement. Une modélisation fidèle à la réalité doit prendre en compte l'imprécision et l'incertitude. Ce travail présente une modélisation de l'environnement par grille d'occupation qui repose sur l'imprécision du capteur stéréoscopique. La mise à jour du modèle est basée aussi sur la définition de valeurs de crédibilité pour les mesures prises.Enfin, la perception et la modélisation de l'environnement ne sont pas des buts en soi mais des outils pour le robot pour assurer des tâches de haut niveau. Ce travail traite du suivi visuel d'un objet mobile comme tâche de haut niveau
This work concerns visual functionalities to be embedded in a mobile robot for navigation purposes. More specifically, it relates to methods of dense stereoscopic vision based perception, grid occupancy based environment modeling and object tracking for autonomous navigation of mobile robots in indoor environments.We consider that is important for visual perception methods to be robust and fast. While in previous works, there are global stereo matching methods which are known for their robustness, but less likely to be employed in real-time applications. There are also local methods which are more suitable for real time but imprecise. To this aim, this work tries to find a compromise between robustness and real-time by proposing a semi-local method based on the definition of possibility distributions built around a fuzzy formalization of stereoscopic constraints.We consider also important for a mobile robot to better model its environment. To better fit a model to the reality we have to take uncertainty and inaccuracy into account. This work presents an occupancy grid environment modeling based on stereoscopic sensor inaccuracy.. Model updating relies on the definition of credibility values for the measures taken.Finally, perception and environment modeling are not goals but tools to provide robot high-level tasks. This work deals with visual tracking of a moving object such as high-level task
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Ghazouani, Haythem. "Navigation visuelle de robots mobiles dans un environnement d'intérieur." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2012.

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Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent le thème des fonctionnalités visuelles qu'il convient d'embarquer sur un robot mobile, afin qu'il puisse se déplacer dans son environnement. Plus précisément, ils ont trait aux méthodes de perception par vision stéréoscopique dense, de modélisation de l'environnement par grille d'occupation, et de suivi visuel d'objets, pour la navigation autonome d'un robot mobile dans un environnement d'intérieur. Il nous semble important que les méthodes de perception visuelle soient à la fois robustes et rapide. Alors que dans les travaux réalisés, on trouve les méthodes globales de mise en correspondance qui sont connues pour leur robustesse mais moins pour être employées dans les applications temps réel et les méthodes locales qui sont les plus adaptées au temps réel tout en manquant de précision. Pour cela, ce travail essaye de trouver un compromis entre robustesse et temps réel en présentant une méthode semi-locale, qui repose sur la définition des distributions de possibilités basées sur une formalisation floue des contraintes stéréoscopiques. Il nous semble aussi important qu'un robot puisse modéliser au mieux son environnement. Une modélisation fidèle à la réalité doit prendre en compte l'imprécision et l'incertitude. Ce travail présente une modélisation de l'environnement par grille d'occupation qui repose sur l'imprécision du capteur stéréoscopique. La mise à jour du modèle est basée aussi sur la définition de valeurs de crédibilité pour les mesures prises. Enfin, la perception et la modélisation de l'environnement ne sont pas des buts en soi mais des outils pour le robot pour assurer des tâches de haut niveau. Ce travail traite du suivi visuel d'un objet mobile comme tâche de haut niveau.
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YEN, Yi-hsin, and 顏亦昕. "The possibilities of participation in dividend distributions for high turnover mutual funds." Thesis, 2011.

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This paper focuses on the possibility of participation in dividends for high turnover mutual funds. The data for analysis are collected from SITCA, January, 1999 to December, 2008, and there are 845 samples of information. Because of limitations, this paper makes four assumptions, and research methods are average returns, t-test of average return and paired t-test. The result shows that the t-test of average returns are significantly different in possibility of non-participation in dividend and paired comparison of participation in dividends. This study concludes that high turnover mutual funds have high possibility to participate in dividends.
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"CYOA: An Examination of the Possibilities of Dynamic Musical Objects as a New Format for Music Distribution." Doctoral diss., 2013.

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abstract: CYOA is a prototype of an iPhone application that produces a single, generative, musical work. This document details some of the thoughts and practices that informed its design, and specifically addresses the overlap between application structure and musical form. The concept of composed instruments is introduced and briefly discussed, some features of video game design that relate to this project are considered, and some specifics of hardware implementation are addressed.
D.M.A. Composition 2013
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Brown, Adrian W. "Could "The Cleveland Model" or the "Mondragon model" work within New South Wales? : exploring the possibilities of distributist political-economies in New South Wales." Thesis, 2017.

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This paper explores the possibilities of the political-economy theory, distributism, both as a form of analysis and as a practical source of cooperative economy ideas. Regarding analysis, in this paper distributist thought will be used to analyse the currently hegemonic political-economy theory, globalised neoliberalism, and offer that the historical critique of liberal derived economic theories which reference their internal priority disorders, is still pertinent and valid. The paper will then explicate the underpinning anthropocentric concepts of distributism – the person, the common good, the good life, subsidiarity, and familial and community sources of authority – and how these can help manifest technologically dynamic, participatory, egalitarian, stable, sustainable, localised political-economies. To demonstrate this, the integrated and coordinated cooperative economies of Mondragon Corporacion Cooperativa (MCC) and The Cleveland Model (TCM) will be analysed and contextualised, and the critiques of both models discussed. Furthermore, the debates regarding distributism and cooperative economies more generally will be explicated, so too the apparent strengths and failings of the Australian cooperative political-economy terrain. Finally, it will be suggested that due to its already distributist nature, the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney appeared to be a pertinent research direction for deeper explorations into the applicability of distributist economies in New South Wales.
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Books on the topic "Distributions of possibilities"


Duann, Daniel J. Restructuring local distribution services: Possibilities and limitations. Columbus, Ohio: National Regulatory Research Institute, 1994.

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Thurow, Lester C. The zero-sum society: Distribution and the possibilities for economic change. New York, NY: Basic Books, 2001.

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The Zero-Sum Society: Distribution and the Possibilities for Economic Change. Basic Books, 2001.

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Lewis, Tyson E. The Aesthetics of Education. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012.

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This innovative book examines the aesthetic event of education. Extending beyond the pedagogy of art or art appreciation, Tyson E. Lewis takes a much broader view of aesthetics and argues that teaching and learning are themselves aesthetic performances. As Jacques Ranciere has recently argued, there is an inherent connection between aesthetics and politics, both of which disrupt conventional distributions of who can speak and think. Here, Lewis extends Ranciere’s general thesis to examine how there is not only an aesthetics of politics but also an aesthetics of education. In particular, Lewis’ analysis focuses on several questions: What are the possibilities and limitations of building analogies between teachers and artists, education and specific aesthetic forms? What is the relationship between democracy and aesthetic sensibilities? Lewis examines these questions by juxtaposing Ranciere’s work on universal teaching, democracy, and aesthetics with Paulo Freire’s work on critical pedagogy, freedom, and literacy. The result is an extension and problematization of Ranciere’s project as well as a new appreciation for the largely ignored aesthetic dimension of Freire’s pedagogy of the oppressed.
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Dezzani, Raymond J., and Christopher Chase-Dunn. The Geography of World Cities. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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World cities are a product of the globalization of economic activity that has characterized post-World War II capitalism, and exhibit characteristics previously found in primate cities but with influence extending far beyond the range of the metropolitan state. They are the culmination of postwar urbanization mechanisms coupled with the rise of transnational corporations that have served to concentrate unprecedented population and economic power/potential. The potential for both human development advantage and disadvantage is historically unprecedented in these new and highly interconnected urban amalgams. In general, human settlement systems are usually understood to include the systemic (regularized) ways in which settlements (hamlets, villages, towns, cities) are linked with one another by trade and other kinds of human interaction. Geographers, historians, and economists have developed models of urban structure and patterning incorporating population location/movement and the location of economic activity to be able to rationally explain and predict urban growth and allocate resources so as to implement equitable distributions. The resulting models served to illustrate the importance of the interactions between specific geographic location, population concentrations, and economic activity. But given the development of world cities, there is the relationship between the size of settlements and political power in intergroup relations to consider. The spatial aspect of population density is, after all, one of the most fundamental variables for understanding the constraints and possibilities of human social organization.
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Newman, Mark. The configuration model. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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A discussion of the most fundamental of network models, the configuration model, which is a random graph model of a network with a specified degree sequence. Following a definition of the model a number of basic properties are derived, including the probability of an edge, the expected number of multiedges, the excess degree distribution, the friendship paradox, and the clustering coefficient. This is followed by derivations of some more advanced properties including the condition for the existence of a giant component, the size of the giant component, the average size of a small component, and the expected diameter. Generating function methods for network models are also introduced and used to perform some more advanced calculations, such as the calculation of the distribution of the number of second neighbors of a node and the complete distribution of sizes of small components. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of extensions of the configuration model to directed networks, bipartite networks, networks with degree correlations, networks with high clustering, and networks with community structure, among other possibilities.
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The Universal Social Safetynet And The Attack On World Poverty Pressing Need Manageable Cost Practical Possibilities Favourable Spillovers. Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2013.

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Holmes, Craig. The Individual Benefits of Investing in Skills. Edited by John Buchanan, David Finegold, Ken Mayhew, and Chris Warhurst. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter considers returns to the individual from investing in skill. It describes the earnings and employment outcomes of people who have completed different levels of formal education across different countries, and goes on to consider the possible causal mechanisms at work. The methodology for estimating wage returns is critically discussed. Whilst much attention has been devoted to considering ability bias, other issues have received less attention. In particular qualifications or amounts of time spent studying are imperfect proxies for skills produced. Furthermore estimates from wage regressions are almost invariably interpreted through the lens of human capital theory -- the existence of a wage premium indicates that the productivity has increased due to the educational investment. Alternative interpretations are considered. These include the possibility that the premium represents a reward for obtaining a job on a fixed distribution of jobs -- in other words winning a positional competition race. Such possibilities raise several concerns. These include under-utilisation, both of general skills and of skills acquired through work-based training programmes, low marginal returns relative to average returns, and a widening and more risky distribution of payoffs.
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Eid, Cherrelle, Rudi Hakvoort, and Martin de Jong. Global Trends in the Political Economy of Smart Grids. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The global transition towards sustainable, secure, and affordable electricity supply is driving changes in the consumption, production, and transportation of electricity. This chapter provides an overview of three main causes of political–economic tensions with smart grids in the United States, Europe, and China, namely industry structure, regulatory models, and the impact of energy policy. In all cases, the developments are motivated by the possible improvements in reliability and affordability yielded by smart grids, while sustainability of the electricity sector is not a central motivation. A holistic smart grid vision would open up possibilities for better integration of distributed energy resources. The authors recommend that smart grid investments should remain outside of the regulatory framework for utilities and distribution service operators in order to allow for such developments.
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Eva Maich, Katherine, Jamie K. McCallum, and Ari Grant-Sasson. Time’s Up! Shorter Hours, Public Policy, and Time Flexibility as an Antidote to Youth Unemployment. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter explores the relationship between hours of work and unemployment. When it comes to time spent working in the United States at present, two problems immediately come to light. First, an asymmetrical distribution of working time persists, with some people overworked and others underemployed. Second, hours are increasingly unstable; precarious on-call work scheduling and gig economy–style employment relationships are the canaries in the coal mine of a labor market that produces fewer and fewer stable jobs. It is possible that some kind of shorter hours movement, especially one that places an emphasis on young workers, has the potential to address these problems. Some policies and processes are already in place to transition into a shorter hours economy right now even if those possibilities are mediated by an anti-worker political administration.
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Book chapters on the topic "Distributions of possibilities"


Max, Christina, Lilian Gustafsson, Elisabet Wijk, and Stefan Olsson. "CD-ROM Used for Literature Reference Distribution Within a Pharmaceutical Company." In Health Information — New Possibilities, 149–51. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1995.

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Greschner, Georg S. "Phase distribution chromatography. Possibilities and limitations." In Chromatography/Foams/Copolymers, 1–61. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.

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Watterston, Jim, and Yong Zhao. "Global Distribution of Students in Higher Education." In Rethinking Higher Education, 129–45. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractThis chapter explores the potential of having students globally distributed in future higher education. There are many reasons for students to be globally distributed. The pandemic has in effect created the reality for many higher education institutions to teach students remotely. This experience can be the beginning of a new model of higher education: the global campus. The chapter discusses the possibilities and challenges of developing and operating global campuses to meet the needs of students who might be located anywhere on the globe.
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Saeed, Khalid. "Dynamics of Income Distribution in a Market Economy: Possibilities for Poverty Allevation." In Complex Systems in Finance and Econometrics, 163–89. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.

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Saeed, Khalid. "Dynamics of Income Distribution in a Market Economy: Possibilities for Poverty Alleviation." In System Dynamics, 491–522. New York, NY: Springer US, 2020.

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Saeed, Khalid. "Dynamics of Income Distribution in a Market Economy: Possibilities for Poverty Alleviation." In Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 1–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2017.

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Saeed, Khalid. "Dynamics of Income Distribution in a Market Economy: Possibilities for Poverty Allevation." In Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, 2284–310. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.

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Cantat, Céline. "Conclusions: Participating as Power? The Possibilities and Politics of Participation." In IMISCOE Research Series, 237–50. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThis chapter reflects on the possibilities and challenges of using participatory research methods in the production of critical knowledge about migration – including visual knowledge. It first reflects on dominant regimes of representations and on the consolidation of a visual knowledge-power nexus around migration. Against this background, it discusses whether and under which conditions participatory approaches may enable the production of counter-hegemonic accounts and knowledges, with a particular focus on the way in which participation can challenge the displacement of violence that underpins dominant and exclusionary representations of migration. After thinking through processes of collective knowledge distribution and exploring the possibilities opened up by participatory dissemination practices, the chapter concludes with a call for further theorisation of participation and for the recognition of its relational and contested nature.
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Honari, Sina, Brigitte Jaumard, and Jamal Bentahar. "An Approach on Merging Agents’ Trust Distributions in a Possibilitic Domain." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 283–99. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Schneider, Gerold. "Chapter 4. Digital Dickens." In Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 62–98. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.

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This investigation employs computational linguistic methods such as document classification, topic modelling, and distributional semantics to scrutinize eight novels by Charles Dickens, uncovering dimensions of social criticism, literary realism, and narrative structures. While affirming positive results for automated analysis of social criticism, the study emphasizes that it could discover differing associations only due to semantic abstraction, which distributional semantics, word embeddings, and topic modelling can offer. Literary realism is successfully traced through detailed descriptions and everyday activities. Plotting plots with computational linguistic methods, specifically conceptual maps with textplot, shows promise but requires refinement. The study shows that current methods in content analysis offer new possibilities for literary analysis and digital humanities.
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Conference papers on the topic "Distributions of possibilities"


Aerts, Wouter, Thomas De Bruecker, and Anna Lytek. "Possibilities of Soil Washing for Decontamination at Belgoprocess." In ASME 2013 15th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Contaminated soils form a large part of the nuclear waste arising from decommissioning activities. The storage and disposal of these large volumes of waste is costly. For this reason techniques which can decontaminate this waste stream to free release levels are economically very interesting. A feasibility study of the possibilities of soil washing to decontaminate such soils was ordered by NIRAS/ONDRAF and performed at Belgoprocess in collaboration with DEC. Initial contamination level and particle size distributions of contaminated soils from three different sources were determined. The main isotopes detected with gamma spectrometry contained in the waste were 241Am, 137Cs, 226Ra, 60Co and 232Th. The particle size distribution revealed that more than half of the mass of the quartz sand that makes up the soil has a particle size between 125 and 212μm. This fraction is less contaminated than the fractions containing smaller particles. However, separation of the fines fraction (< 125 μm) was not enough to achieve the free release limit. Soil attrition was tested as an extra decontamination step for the sand fraction. The removal efficiencies for the different radionuclides contained in the soil were measured. The process conditions were optimized to achieve maximum removal and a treatment method for the secondary waste coming from this process step was determined. The soil washing process was not only performed with water but also with nitric acid to assess the possibilities of a combination of a mechanical and a chemical decontamination process. Reduction efficiencies of 60–80% for the most relevant radionuclides were recorded.
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Ameta, Gaurav, Joseph K. Davidson, and Jami J. Shah. "Allocating Tolerances Statistically With Tolerance-Maps and Beta Distributions: The Target a Planar Face." In ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2005.

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A new math model for geometric tolerances is used to build the frequency distribution for clearance in an assembly of parts, each of which is manufactured to a given set of size and orientation tolerances. The central element of the new math model is the Tolerance-Map® (T-Map®); it is the range of points resulting from a one-to-one mapping from all the variational possibilities of a feature, within its tolerance-zone, to a specially designed Euclidean point-space. A functional T-Map represents both the acceptable range of 1-D clearance and the acceptable limits to the 3-D variational possibilities of the target face consistent with it. An accumulation T-Map represents all the accumulated 3-D variational possibilities of the target which arise from allowable manufacturing variations on the individual parts in the assembly. The geometric shapes of the accumulation and functional maps are used to compute a measure of all variational possibilities of manufacture of the parts which will give each value of clearance. The measures are then arranged as a probability density function over the acceptable range of clearance, and a beta distribution is fitted to it. The method is applied to two examples.
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Discusses the possibilities of using the MC TOPAS and GEANT4 libraries for design of dose dis-tribution generation systems. It is shown that both passive and dynamic elements can be modeled. Variants of various device that can be used for irradiation in oncophthalmological targets are pre-sented
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Della Martina, A., and J. G. Hilborn. "Functional Macroporous poly(dicyclopentadiene)." In ASME 2000 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000.

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Abstract The synthesis and processing of functional macroporous poly(dicyclopentadiene) is addressed in this paper. The basic principle of chemically induced phase separation, which can produce either closed or open pore materials, is described. The produced materials showed narrow pore size distributions and micrometric average access diameters. Linearity between the initial porogen contents and the final porosity was observed, allowing easy tailoring of the final materials. The wide possibilities of this technique are presented. Porous monoliths as well as porosity gradient rods and porous microspheres have been produced. Pore sizes distributions modification as well as surface functionalization have also been performed.
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Samokhvalov, N., K. Kovalenko, N. Skibitskaya, O. Ponomarenko, L. Zaripova, and A. Muminov. "Application of NMR Relaxometry in Petrophysical Properties Determination and Pore Structure Characterization for Clastic and Carbonate Rocks." In GOTECH. SPE, 2024.

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Abstract This paper discusses the use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry to effectively determine the porosity and irreducible water saturation of rocks. The rapidity, efficiency and lack of influence on the core sample integrity actualizes the development of methodological approaches for experiment procedures and interpretation of measurement results in order to increase the information content of the method [24]. The paper presents the results of NMR investigation of clastic and carbonate rocks at full water saturation, irreducible water saturation and residual gas saturation, trapped during spontaneous imbibition. The first section of the paper presents possibility of NMR to evaluate separated distribution of pores and throats by size, which provides characterization of pore space structure of the reservoir and distribution of fluids by different types and the degree of bonding with rock surface. The second section presents results of suggested "subtractive distributions" of transverse relaxation time (T2) for characterizing various elements of the pore space and obtaining their distributions according to the volume ratio. The third section presents technique for determination of the irreducible water saturation and gas saturation trapped during spontaneous imbibition based on the T2 cutoffs. And fourth section presents review and consideration regarding possibilities and limitations of the NMR method in determination throat size distributions and capillary pressure curves modeling. In the conclusion the future research directions from current conducted researches have been suggested. The matters concerned in this research provides an insight into mechanism of fluid displacement through the drainage and spontaneous imbibition processes. Suggested techniques of investigations and data interpretation intended to improve understanding of rock pore space structure and reservoir properties.
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Ouyang, H., W. Shyy, V. I. Levit, and M. J. Kaufman. "Simulation and Measurement of a Vertical Bridgman Growth System for β-NiAl Crystal." In ASME 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.

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Abstract A coordinated theoretical and experimental study of the temperature distributions inside a customized vertical Bridgman system for growing β-NiAl crystal has been conducted. This model accounts for the combined effects of phase change dynamics, coupled heat transfer processes of conduction, convection and radiation, variable material properties, and complex geometry pertaining to the system. Comparisons between numerical predictions and experimental measurements show satisfactory agreement. Important processing parameters such as interface curvatures and temperature gradients across the interface, along with possibilities of improving the solidification process have been explored.
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Popov, S. Yu, and A. T. Friberg. "Holographic Axicons as Diffractive Optical Elements for Real Space Image Formation." In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1996.

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Since their first implementation into optics by McLeod in 1954 [1], axicons and their generalizations [2,3] have been a subject of continual interest and research. Due to their unique properties to form light distributions with substantially elongated focal depth, axicons allow in practice to overcome the Rayleigh-Abbe condition, which prevents producing deeply focused beams with high transverse resolution. The recent developments and achievements in the field of diffractive and micro-optics reveal new possibilities for axicon applications in the form of flat computer simulated holograms. This broadens the potential usage of the basic axicon principle to real space image formation.
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DE PEINDRAY D’AMBELLE, Lilou. "Thermal multi-sensor instrumentation for the enhancement of a directed energy deposition process." In Material Forming. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024.

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Abstract. Directed energy deposition (DED) is an additive manufacturing process with growing industrial interests. Nonetheless, its industrialization will not be possible until it is fully mature. Such maturity lies in the upstream research to optimize and control it. In DED, process parameters, physical quantities and parts properties are interrelated which makes it a complex process. To have a better understanding of these relations, the experimental approach of instrumentation has been chosen. Multi-sensor method has been implemented for its more extensive possibilities in comparison to single-sensor methods. A bichromatic pyrometer was coupled to an IR camera to measure the temperature distributions in real time. Post-process characterizations of the aspects and geometries of the parts were related to the sensors’ measurements and consequently, to the process parameters. Twelves sets of parameters were tested to conclude that the energy input impacts the size of the melting pool and the temperature distribution. High energies lead to defects such as edge defects and layer thickening but can mitigate surface roughness. Both the pyrometer and camera proved to have a relevance in this study for the enhancement of the DED process.
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Ehret, G., and W. Renger. "Atmospheric Aerosol and Humidity Profiling Using an Airborne DIAL System in the Near IR." In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1990.

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Differential absorption Lidar (DIAL) is a powerful technique for active remote sensing of a number of atmospheric parameters and trace gases. Particularly, DIAL-systems operating in the near IR are suitable instruments for humidity profiling in the Troposphere, either from a fixed station on ground (Cahen et al., 1982) or mounted in an aircraft (Browell et al., 1984). However, airborne DIAL'S offer the possibilities to determine vertical and horizontal distributions of aerosol and water vapor in different regions and to monitor the seasonal variability and concentration. Tropospheric water vapor plays a significant role in cloud physics and climate research. The meteorological data derived from airborne DIAL measurements in the lower troposphere can be used to study growing up and stratification of the PBL. In addition, the measurements provide the opportunity to investigate aerosol and humidity interaction or to study latent heat exchange between the PBL and the free troposphere.
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Schweitzer, Edmund O., David E. Whitehead, Armando Guzman, Yanfeng Gong, Marcos Donolo, and Roy Moxley. "Applied synchrophasor solutions and advanced possibilities." In 2010 IEEE/PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition (T&D). IEEE, 2010.

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Reports on the topic "Distributions of possibilities"


Duann, D. J. Restructuring local distribution services: Possibilities and limitations. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 1994.

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Gölles, Markus, Daniel Muschick, Viktor Unterberger, Paolo Leoni, Ralf-Roman Schmidt, and Gunnar Lennermo. Control of DHC networks and Reduction of the operating temperatures in DH systems. IEA SHC Task 55, January 2021.

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Overview on different approaches for the control of the heat distribution networks in case of the integration of large-scale solar thermal systems, and different possibilities for the reduction of the operating temperatures in DH systems.
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Dostie, Benoit, and Genevieve Dufour. Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019. CIRANO, October 2024.

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Dans quelle mesure l’augmentation des inégalités dans la productivité des entreprises se reflète-t-elle dans les inégalités de salaires ? La réponse dépend essentiellement du degré de transmission des différentiels de productivité en différentiels salariaux. Dans cette étude, les auteurs examinent cette question à partir des données de la Base de données canadienne sur la dynamique employeurs-employés (BDCEE) pour la période 2001-2019 et dégagent un ensemble de faits stylisés. De 2001 à 2019, on observe une hausse sans équivoque des inégalités de productivité entre les entreprises au Québec, un résultat conforme à ce qu'on observe dans plusieurs autres pays. Cette tendance à la hausse est plus importante au Québec qu'en Ontario. Il est intéressant de contraster cette hausse des inégalités de productivité à la baisse des inégalités de revenus. Une explication possible est que la transmission des différences de productivité en différences de revenus ait aussi diminué au cours de la période. Plusieurs possibilités pourraient expliquer cette diminution et l’une d’elles serait une diminution de la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre. Les auteurs examinent cette question en effectuant des décompositions de la croissance de la productivité pour le cas particulier du secteur manufacturier. Ils montrent que la croissance de la productivité dans ce secteur provient très majoritairement de la croissance de la productivité à l’intérieur de l’entreprise. La réallocation de main-d’œuvre et l’effet net d’entrée contribuent assez peu à la croissance de la productivité.
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Kholoshyn, I., T. Nazarenko, O. Bondarenko, O. Hanchuk, and I. Varfolomyeyeva. The application of geographic information systems in schools around the world: a retrospective analysis. IOP Publishing, March 2021.

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The article is devoted to the problem of incorporation geographic information systems (GIS) in world school practice. The authors single out the stages of GIS application in school geographical education based on the retrospective analysis of the scientific literature. The first stage (late 70 s – early 90s of the 20th century) is the beginning of the first educational GIS programs and partnership agreements between schools and universities. The second stage (mid-90s of the 20th century – the beginning of the 21st century) comprises the distribution of GIS-educational programs in European and Australian schools with the involvement of leading developers of GIS-packages (ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo Corp., etc.). The third stage (2005–2012) marks the spread of the GIS school education in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America; on the fourth stage (from 2012 to the present) geographic information systems emerge in school curricula in most countries. The characteristics of the GIS-technologies development stages are given considering the GIS didactic possibilities for the study of school geography, as well as highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.
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Холошин, Ігор Віталійович, Тетяна Геннадіївна Назаренко, Ольга Володимирівна Бондаренко, Олена Вікторівна Ганчук, and Ірина Миколаївна Варфоломєєва. The Application of Geographic Information Systems in Schools around the World: a Retrospective Analysis. КДПУ, 2020.

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The article is devoted to the problem of incorporation geographic information systems (GIS) in world school practice. The authors single out the stages of GIS application in school geographical education based on the retrospective analysis of the scientific literature. The first stage (late 70s – early 90s of the XX century) is the beginning of the first educational GIS programs and partnership agreements between schools and universities. The second stage (mid-90s of the XX century – the beginning of the XXI century) comprises the distribution of GIS-educational programs in European and Australian schools with the involvement of leading developers of GIS-packages (ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo Corp., etc.). The third stage (2005–2012) marks the spread of the GIS school education in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America; on the fourth stage (from 2012 to the present) geographic information systems emerge in school curricula in most countries. The characteristics of the GIS-technologies development stages are given considering the GIS didactic possibilities for the study of school geography, as well as highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.
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Холошин, Ігор Віталійович, Тетяна Геннадіївна Назаренко, Ольга Володимирівна Бондаренко, Олена Вікторівна Ганчук, and Ірина Миколаївна Варфоломєєва. The Application of Geographic Information Systems in Schools around the World: a Retrospective Analysis. КДПУ, 2020.

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The article is devoted to the problem of incorporation geographic information systems (GIS) in world school practice. The authors single out the stages of GIS application in school geographical education based on the retrospective analysis of the scientific literature. The first stage (late 70s – early 90s of the XX century) is the beginning of the first educational GIS programs and partnership agreements between schools and universities. The second stage (mid-90s of the XX century – the beginning of the XXI century) comprises the distribution of GIS-educational programs in European and Australian schools with the involvement of leading developers of GIS-packages (ESRI, Intergraph, MapInfo Corp., etc.). The third stage (2005–2012) marks the spread of the GIS school education in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America; on the fourth stage (from 2012 to the present) geographic information systems emerge in school curricula in most countries. The characteristics of the GIS-technologies development stages are given considering the GIS didactic possibilities for the study of school geography, as well as highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.
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Noah, Alphonse, and Ruth Tacneng. Cameroon’s Tax on Mobile Money: Implications for Agents' Performance and Revenue Sustainability. Institute of Development Studies, May 2024.

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Mobile money taxation gives African governments an opportunity to broaden their fiscal base and explore new revenue-generating possibilities. Cameroon introduced a 0.2 per cent tax on mobile money transfers and withdrawals from 1 January 2022. Our research analyses the behaviour of agents, who act as intermediaries between mobile money account holders and mobile money service providers, before and after the tax on mobile money (MM tax). Agents play a key role in the distribution of mobile money services. Their presence is vital for achieving financial inclusion, especially in areas less served by banks and other traditional financial service providers. An agent’s revenue is mainly derived from commission earned on each transaction – they receive an average of 40–45 per cent of the commission, and the remaining 55–60 per cent is shared between the mobile network operator, partner banks, and agent’s manager (superagent). Given their importance in the mobile money ecosystem, factors that negatively affect the attractiveness of the business for agents could have policy implications on financial inclusion. Summary of ICTD Working Paper 192.
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Warrick, Arthur, Uri Shani, Dani Or, and Muluneh Yitayew. In situ Evaluation of Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties Using Subsurface Points. United States Department of Agriculture, October 1999.

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The primary information for accurately predicting water and solute movement and their impact on water quality is the characterization of soil hydraulic properties. This project was designed to develop methods for rapid and reliable estimates of unsaturated hydraulic properties of the soil. Particularly, in situ methodology is put forth, based on subsurface point sources. Devices were designed to allow introduction of water in subsurface settings at constant negative heads. The ability to operate at a negative head allows a direct method of finding unsaturated soil properties and a mechanism for eliminating extremely rapid preferential flow from the slow matrix flow. The project included field, laboratory and modeling components. By coupling the measurements and the modeling together, a wider range of designs can be examined, while at the same time realistic performance is assured. The developed methodology greatly expands the possibilities for evaluating hydraulic properties in place, especially for measurements in undisturbed soil within plant rooting zones. The objectives of the project were (i) To develop methods for obtaining rapid and reliable estimates of unsaturated hydraulic properties in situ, based on water distribution from subsurface point sources. These can be operated with a constant flow or at a constant head; (ii) To develop methods for distinguishing between matrix and preferential flow using cavities/permeameters under tension; (iii) To evaluate auxiliary measurements such as soil water content or tensions near the operating cavities to improve reliability of results; and (iv: To develop numerical and analytical models for obtaining soil hydraulic properties based on measurements from buried-cavity sources and the auxiliary measurements. The project began in July 1995 and was terminated in November 1998. All of the objectives were pursued. Three new subsurface point sources were designed and tested and two old types were also used. Two of the three new designs used a nylon cloth membrane (30 mm) arranged in a cylindrical geometry and operating at a negative water pressure (tension). A separate bladder arrangement allowed inflation under a positive pressure to maintain contact between the membrane and the soil cavity. The third new design used porous stainless steel (0.5 and 5 mm) arranged in six segments, each with its own water inlet, assembled to form a cylindrical supply surface when inflated in a borehole. The "old" types included an "off-the-shelf" porous cup as well as measurements from a subsurface drip emitter in a small subsurface cavity. Reasonable measurements were made with all systems. Sustained use of the cloth membrane devices were difficult because of leaks and plugging problems. All of the devices require careful consideration to assure contact with the soil system. Steady flow was established which simplified the analysis (except for the drip emitter which used a transient analysis).
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Toivonen, Tuuli, Aina Brias Guinart, Johanna Eklund, Hästbacka Matti, Leppämäki Tatu, and Torkko Jussi. Potential of mobile big data for visitor monitoring : Report of the MOBICON workshop held in Helsinki 28.9.2023. Digital Geography Lab, University of Helsinki, 2023.

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The Changes in Nature Visitation and the Potential of Mobile Big Data for Visitor Monitoring workshop was held in Helsinki on 28.9.2023. We organized the workshop as part of the five-year MOBICON research project (Mobile Big Data for Understanding People in Nature - Detecting short- and long-term changes and their implications for biodiversity conservation) funded by Kone Foundation. The aim of the workshop was to collect expert opinions related to the changes in the recreational use of nature, the monitoring needs related to the changing visitations, and to discuss the possibilities of various new data sources to meet managerial information needs. Eight experts from different organisations (Metsähallitus, City of Helsinki, Uusimaa Recreation Area Association Uuvi and Suomen Latu r.y.) participated in the event. Prior to the workshop, the participants had answered a survey about their experiences and information needs related to the changing visitations. The discussion progressed from the results of the survey to more in-depth discussions. Below we summarize the key results from the discussions. The recreational use of nature was seen to be changing. Recreational use is increasing and its temporal rhythms are changing. At the same time, the visitor base becomes more diverse because of the general diversification of society and the fact that new user-groups have started to explore nature. Activities and ways of being in nature are also diversifying. Approaching the changes through four megatrends (social, environmental, political and technological changes). The social and environmental drivers of change were seen as the most important. social changes were identified to be related to the ageing of the population and the diversification of nature visitors. Climate change, as an environmental factor, was identified as the most important driver of change, impacting both nature but also human behaviour. Among the political drivers of change, particularly the increasing polarisation of society emerged in the discussion. In addition, political decisions relating to everyone's rights, biodiversity protection and resources directed for the management of recreational areas were seen as important. Technological changes were identified as important and this change taking place as part of the broader technologization of society. On the one hand, this general technologization increases the opportunities for access to and sharing of information. On the other hand, the increased ‘measurement culture’ also affects the amounts of recreational use, as people are aiming to reach their kilometer or step targets. The information needs of organisations were recognized to include 1) planning of management actions, 2) justifying one's own activities for securing funding and 3) informing visitors. Information is needed on visitor flows and their spatial and temporal distribution. In addition, information about the visitors themselves was considered necessary, especially as the visitor base is becoming more diverse. The workshop participants also expressed concern about those who do not visit recreational areas: how get more information about them and the factors that limit nature visits. Collecting visitor data was seen as expensive and time-consuming, which is why finding new kinds of data sources has potential. Mobile data was evaluated as an interesting source of information and its various aspects were discussed through a SWOT analysis. However, it was clear that in operational use, information must be reliable and easily accessible and some doubts were raised on the potential of mobile big data from this aspect. The event was organised by Aina Brias Guinart, Matti Hästbacka, Tatu Leppämäki, Jussi Torkko and Tuuli Toivonen. Johanna Eklund participated in the workshop from maternity leave. More information about the event or research can be found on the project's website or by e-mail to the project's researchers: The MOBICON project will operate from 2022 to 2026 and it is funded by Kone Foundation. Website:
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