Academic literature on the topic 'Distribution'

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Journal articles on the topic "Distribution"


Omer, Abdeen. "Medicines Distribution, Regulatory Privatisation, Social Welfare Services and Financing Alternatives." International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports 2, Reports in Surgery and Dermatolo (2018): 1.

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Panton, Don B. "Distribution function values for logstable distributions." Computers & Mathematics with Applications 25, no. 9 (May 1993): 17–24.

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Guo, Ran, and Jiulin Du. "Are power-law distributions an equilibrium distribution or a stationary nonequilibrium distribution?" Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 406 (July 2014): 281–86.

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Gómez, Héctor W., Osvaldo Venegas, and Heleno Bolfarine. "Skew-symmetric distributions generated by the distribution function of the normal distribution." Environmetrics 18, no. 4 (2007): 395–407.

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Maity, Mahuya, and Papiya Saha. "Normal Distribution." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 12, no. 12 (December 5, 2023): 298–99.

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Chanda, Kiran. "Distribution Channels Used in Apple Distribution in Himachal Pradesh." International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research 6, no. 9 (September 27, 2018): 32–36.

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Çakmakyapan, Selen, and Gamze Özel Kadılar. "A New Customer Lifetime Duration Distribution: The Kumaraswamy Lindley Distribution." International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 5, no. 5 (October 2014): 441–44.

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Cousineau, Denis, Jean-Philippe Thivierge, Bradley Harding, and Yves Lacouture. "Constructing a group distribution from individual distributions." Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale 70, no. 3 (2016): 253–77.

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Moya-Cessa, J. R., H. Moya-Cessa, L. R. Berriel-Valdos, O. Aguilar-Loreto, and P. Barberis-Blostein. "Unifying distribution functions: some lesser known distributions." Applied Optics 47, no. 22 (April 24, 2008): E13.

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Deshmukh, S. R., and M. S. Kasture. "BIVARIATE DISTRIBUTION WITH TRUNCATED POISSON MARGINAL DISTRIBUTIONS." Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 31, no. 4 (May 14, 2002): 527–34.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Distribution"


Al-Awadhi, Shafeeqah. "Elicitation of prior distributions for a multivariate normal distribution." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 1997.

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This thesis focuses on elicitation methods for quantifying an expert's subjective opinion about a multivariate normal distribution. Firstly, it is assumed that the expert's opinion can be adequately represented by a natural conjugate prior distribution (a normal inverse-Wishart distribution) and an elicitation method is developed in which the expert performs various assessment tasks that enable the hyperparameters of the distribution to be estimated. An example illustrating use of the method is given. There are some choices in the way hyperparameters are determined and empirical work underlies the choices made. The empirical work aimed to provide a basis for choosing between alternative assessment tasks that may be used in the elicitation method and to examine different ways of using the elicited assessments to estimate the hyperparameters of the prior distribution. In particular, we compare two methods for estimating a spread matrix. The method is implemented in an interactive computer program that questions the expert and forms the subjective distribution. In some practical situations, it may not be possible to accurately represent an expert's opinions by a natural conjugate prior distribution, especially as the conjugate prior description suffers from some restrictions in the manner it represents dependencies between the mean vector and the covariance matrix. As a more flexible alternative, non-conjugate prior distributions are considered in which independent prior distributions for the mean vector and spread matrix are employed. A method of eliciting a prior distribution for the mean when it is assumed to be a multivariate normal distribution is developed. The implementation of the method is given through a pilot study. The prior distribution for the variance is assumed to have one of two forms: either an inverse-Wishart distribution or a generalised inverse-Wishart distribution. An elicitation method is developed for each of these forms of prior distribution. An example illustrating the implementation of the methods is given. Finally, the elicitation methods for the conjugate and the non-conjugate prior distributions are studied and compared in depth through an experiment with subject-matter experts. In this experiment two assessment tasks are used: one is related to the distribution of a sample mean and the other to the distribution of an individual item. A comparison is made between the expert assessments for these two types of task and marked differences are observed.
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King, Robert Arthur Ravenscroft. "New distributional fitting methods applied to the generalised [lambda] distribution." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 1999.

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Mild, Axel, and Arvid Mild. "Hållbar last mile distribution : Sustainable Last Mile Distribution." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2020.

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Syftet med examensarbetet är att utforma en distributionscentrals processer för identifiering, sortering och packning av gods, för att möjliggöra en hållbar last mile-distribution med cykel. Varulogistik i städer är en stor utmaning för att främja en hållbar stadsutveckling. Transporter är nödvändiga för att förse verksamheter och invånare med gods. Samtidigt bidrar dessa transporter till negativa miljöpåverkningar, i form av buller och utsläpp. Kommuner har en central roll i att främja en hållbar utveckling på grund av deras planmonopol och möjligheter att reglera trafiken. Ett sätt att minska tyngre trafik i innerstäder är genom införandet av mindre, energieffektiva distributionsfordon för last mile-leveranser av lättare paket. Studien bygger på en mix av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Intervjuer med experter inom området, samt studiebesök hos framgångsrika transportföretag har gett en bred kunskap i området. Tillgång till data inom nuvarande processer har dessutom hjälpt forma de två lösningsförslag som slutligen presenteras i studien. Resultatet av studien framkommer i två lösningsförslag, ett nutidsförslag och ett framtidsförslag. Nutidsförslaget innehåller förändringar i såväl nuvarande processer som införandet av nya. Förslagen som presenteras här är mindre resurskrävande att implementera och ses därför vara möjliga att genomföra i dag. Framtidsförslaget presenterar vidare förbättringar som kan tillämpas inom terminalens processer. Dessa förslag är mer resurskrävande. Trots att studien är utförd efter specifika önskemål från uppdragsgivaren täcker den relevanta områden som är av intresse för alla företag som vill implementera en last mile-lösning med hjälp av cykelfordon.
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Krech, Anthony. "Feasibility study of centralized distribution in a regional building materials distributor." Online version, 2009.

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Hopkins, Michael. "Critical Node Analysis for Water Distribution System Using Flow Distribution." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2012.

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The expansive nature of water distribution system makes them susceptible to threats such as natural disasters and man-made destructions. Vulnerability assessment research efforts have increased since the passing of “Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act” in 2002 to harden WDS. This study aimed to develop a method that locates critical nodes without hydraulic analysis of every failure scenario, applicable for any size WDS, incorporates critical infrastructure, and capable of verifying method accuracy. The Flow Distribution method is the application of the gravity model, typically used to predict traffic flows in transportation engineering, to a distribution system. Flow distribution predicts the amount of demand and population that would be affected if any node in the system were disabled by solving for the distribution of each node’s outflow. Flow Distribution is applied to the hypothetical city, Anytown, USA using the computer simulation program WaterCAD to model two different disaster scenarios. Results were verified by analyzing sixteen failure scenarios (one for each node) to measure the actual demand and population effect, which was then compared to the nodes predicted by Flow Distribution. Flow Distribution predicted the critical nodes with 70% accuracy and can still be improved with future work.
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Bavouzet, Nicolas. "Les galaxies infrarouges : distribution spatiale, contributions au fond extragalactique et distributions spectrales d'énergie." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2008.

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Si la formation des grandes structures de l'Univers est plutot bien comprise, celle des galaxies ainsi que leur évolution l'est beaucoup moins. On s'intéresse en particulier aux mécanismes de mise en route de la formation stellaire dans les galaxies. L'étude des galaxies lumineuses en infrarouge constitue une des approches pour répondre à ces questions. Le travail effectué au cours de cette thèse repose essentiellement sur l'analyse de données infrarouges provenant du satellite Spitzer.

La première partie de ce travail porte sur l'étude de la
distribution spatiale des galaxies infrarouges. Nous avons introduit une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer la fonction de corrélation angulaire des galaxies. Cette méthode a été validée sur des simulations et des données. Nous avons également montré comment les effets de corrélation spatiale pouvaient biaiser les mesures de flux moyen réalisées par la méthode d'empilement. De plus, la
fonction de corrélation angulaire mesurée pour les sources sélectionnées à 3.6 microns et 24 microns montre un excès de corrélation aux petites échelles angulaires. Ceci pourrait être lié à l'interaction des galaxies à l'intérieur d'un meme halo de matière noire qui favoriserait alors les mécanismes d'émission infrarouge.

Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes attachés à mieux caractériser le fond diffus infrarouge (CIB) en déterminant la contribution à ce fond des sources détectées à 3.6 microns et en la comparant à celle des sources sélectionnées à 24 microns. Nous avons également estimé la contribution au CIB à 3.6 et 24 microns des sources sélectionnées à 3.6 microns en fonction de leur taux de formation stellaire spécifique.

Enfin, nous avons étudié les distributions spectrales d'énergie d'un grand nombre de galaxies situées entre z=0 et z=2 : nous avons montré d'une part que les luminosités à 8 et 24 microns étaient de bons traceurs de la luminosité totale infrarouge (et donc du taux de formation stellaire) et, d'autre part, que les propriétés de ces galaxies ne semblaient pas évoluer entre entre z=0 et z=1. Nous avons également étudié de façon détaillée le spectre infrarouge de 17 galaxies sélectionnées à 70 microns et nous avons montré que la luminosité relative des PAHs diminuait lorsque le champ de rayonnement
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Godin, Antoine. "Deciphering synaptic receptor distributions, clustering and stoichiometry using spatial intensity distribution analysis (SpIDA)." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=96774.

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Measuring protein interactions in subcellular compartments is key to understanding cell signalling mechanisms, but quantitative analysis of these interactions in situ has remained a major challenge. This thesis presents a novel analysis technique, spatial intensity distribution analysis (SpIDA), which may be applied to images obtained using fluorescence microscopy. SpIDA measures fluorescent particle densities and oligomerization states within individual images. The method is based on fitting intensity histograms from single images with super-Poissonian distributions to obtain density maps of fluorescent molecules and their quantal brightness. Since distributions are acquired spatially rather than temporally, this analysis may be applied to both live and chemically fixed cells and tissue. The technique does not rely on spatial correlations, freeing it from biases due to subcellular compartmentalization and heterogeneity within tissue samples. First, we validated the analysis technique evaluating its limits and demonstrating how it can be used to obtain useful information from complex biological samples. Analysis of simulations and heterodimeric GABAB receptors in spinal cord samples shows that the approach yields accurate estimates over a broad range of densities. SpIDA is applicable to sampling within subcell areas and reveals the presence of monomers and multimers with single dye labeling. We show that the substance P receptor (NK-1r) almost exclusively forms homodimers on the membrane and is primarily monomeric in the cytoplasm of dorsal horn neurons. Triggering receptor internalization caused a measurable decrease in homodimer density on the membrane surface. Finally, using GFP-tagged receptor subunits, we show that SpIDA can resolve dynamic changes in receptor oligomerization in live cells and is applicable to detection of high order oligomerization states. We then compared SpIDA results with those obtained from fluorescence lifetime imaging, and used it to extract information on receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) dimerization at the cell membrane in response to GPCR activation. We show that RTK dimerization can be used as an index of activation or transactivation and then characterize the level of transactivation of many RTK-GPCR pairs, with cell cultures and primary neuron cultures with endogenous levels of RTKs and GPCRs. Dose-response curves were obtained from which pharmalogical parameters can be compared for each GPCR studied. Our data demonstrates that by allowing for time and space quantification of heterogenous oligomeric states, SpIDA enables systematic quantitative mechanistic studies not only of RTK transactivation at the cell membrane, but also of other cell signaling processes involving changes in protein oligomerization, trafficking and activity in different subcellular localizations. Finally, we studied the changes in number of synaptic sites in the neurons of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord of rats after a peripheral nerve injury (PNI), which consists of our model for chronic pain. We show that, after the PNI, there is a general decrease in synaptic sites together with a scaling or increasing of some of the GABAA receptor subunits. This scaling of the GABAA receptors at the postsynaptic sites was replicated by incubating the histological sections in a brain derivative nerve factor. Furthermore, we use SpIDA to obtain stoichiometry information for the GABAA receptor subunits directly at the postsynaptic sites. In short, we observe a switch from receptors containing two alpha1 to receptors containing two alpha2 and alpha3. This general change in subunits will have a direct effect on the cell as it will have different effects on the cell membrane conductance in response to GABA. As demonstrated, the advantages and greater versatility of SpIDA over current techniques opens the door to a new level of quantification for studies of protein interactions in native tissue using standard fluorescence microscopy.
Measuring protein interactions in subcellular compartments is key to understanding cell signalling mechanisms, but quantitative analysis of these interactions in situ has remained a major challenge. This thesis presents a novel analysis technique, spatial intensity distribution analysis (SpIDA), which may be applied to images obtained using fluorescence microscopy. SpIDA measures fluorescent particle densities and oligomerization states within individual images. The method is based on fitting intensity histograms from single images with super-Poissonian distributions to obtain density maps of fluorescent molecules and their quantal brightness. Since distributions are acquired spatially rather than temporally, this analysis may be applied to both live and chemically fixed cells and tissue. The technique does not rely on spatial correlations, freeing it from biases due to subcellular compartmentalization and heterogeneity within tissue samples. First, we validated the analysis technique evaluating its limits and demonstrating how it can be used to obtain useful information from complex biological samples. Analysis of simulations and heterodimeric GABAB receptors in spinal cord samples shows that the approach yields accurate estimates over a broad range of densities. SpIDA is applicable to sampling within subcell areas and reveals the presence of monomers and multimers with single dye labeling. We show that the substance P receptor (NK-1r) almost exclusively forms homodimers on the membrane and is primarily monomeric in the cytoplasm of dorsal horn neurons. Triggering receptor internalization caused a measurable decrease in homodimer density on the membrane surface. Finally, using GFP-tagged receptor subunits, we show that SpIDA can resolve dynamic changes in receptor oligomerization in live cells and is applicable to detection of high order oligomerization states. We then compared SpIDA results with those obtained from fluorescence lifetime imaging, and used it to extract information on receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) dimerization at the cell membrane in response to GPCR activation. We show that RTK dimerization can be used as an index of activation or transactivation and then characterize the level of transactivation of many RTK-GPCR pairs, with cell cultures and primary neuron cultures with endogenous levels of RTKs and GPCRs. Dose-response curves were obtained from which pharmalogical parameters can be compared for each GPCR studied. Our data demonstrates that by allowing for time and space quantification of heterogenous oligomeric states, SpIDA enables systematic quantitative mechanistic studies not only of RTK transactivation at the cell membrane, but also of other cell signaling processes involving changes in protein oligomerization, trafficking and activity in different subcellular localizations. Finally, we studied the changes in number of synaptic sites in the neurons of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord of rats after a peripheral nerve injury (PNI), which consists of our model for chronic pain. We show that, after the PNI, there is a general decrease in synaptic sites together with a scaling or increasing of some of the GABAA receptor subunits. This scaling of the GABAA receptors at the postsynaptic sites was replicated by incubating the histological sections in a brain derivative nerve factor. Furthermore, we use SpIDA to obtain stoichiometry information for the GABAA receptor subunits directly at the postsynaptic sites. In short, we observe a switch from receptors containing two alpha1 to receptors containing two alpha2 and alpha3. This general change in subunits will have a direct effect on the cell as it will have different effects on the cell membrane conductance in response to GABA. As demonstrated, the advantages and greater versatility of SpIDA over current techniques opens the door to a new level of quantification for studies of protein interactions in native tissue using standard fluorescence microscopy.
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Persson, Erold. "Multicast Time Distribution." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2004.

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The Swedish National Testing and Research Institute is maintaining the Swedish realization of the world time scale UTC, called UTC(SP). One area of research and development for The Swedish National Laboratory of Time and Frequency is time synchronization and how UTC(SP) can be distributed in Sweden. Dissemination of time information by SP is in Sweden mainly performed via Internet using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) as well as via a modem dial up service and a speaking clock (Fröken Ur). In addition to these services, time information from the Global Positioning System (GPS) and from the long-wave transmitter DCF77 in Germany, is also available in Sweden.

This master’s thesis considers how different available commercial communication systems could be used for multicast time distribution. DECT, Bluetooth, Mobile Telecommunication and Radio Broadcasting are different techniques that are investigated. One application of Radio Broadcasting, DARC, was found to be interesting for a more detailed study. A theoretical description of how DARC could be used for national time distribution is accomplished and a practical implementation of a test system is developed to evaluate the possibilities to use DARC for multicast time distribution.

The tests of DARC and the radio broadcast system showed that these could be interesting techniques to distribute time with an accuracy of a couple of milliseconds. This quality level is not obtained today but would be possible with some alterations of the system.

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Carlsson, Daniel, and Johan Dvärsäter. "Flexibel Fysisk Distribution." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2001.

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Bakgrund: Vi anser att en framtida utmaning är att bygga in en flexibilitet i den fysiska distributionen. Detta innebär att ett detaljhandelsföretag skall ha möjlighet att växla mellan att stundtals distribuera en och samma produkt via centrallager och stundtals direkt från producent till varuhus i förädlingskedjan, en flexibel fysisk distribution.

Syfte: Syftet är att utröna förutsättningar för och konsekvenser av en flexibel fysisk distribution för de olika aktörerna i en förädlingskedja, i vilken detaljhandelsföretaget besitter en påtaglig maktposition.

Genomförande: Empirisk data har samlats in genom en fallstudie i IKEA:s förädlingskedja.

Resultat: En integrerad förädlingskedja med ett tydligt supply chain synsätt, i vilken samtliga aktörer samarbetar och har incitament till medverkan, utgör en förutsättning för en flexibel fysisk distribution. Vi vill även framhålla vikten av att de produkter i ett detaljhandelsföretags sortiment som säljer bäst och endast de varuhus med störst kapacitet, bör ingå. Om den fysiska distributionen skall kunna växla i en förädlingskedja måste berörda aktörer vidare erhålla en planeringshorisont. Detta implicerar att skiften avseende fysisk distribution måste ske säsongsvis och då företrädesvis med direktleveranser i högsäsong. Den flexibla fysiska distributionen kommer att få konsekvenser gällande lager och därmed kostnader för aktörerna.

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Helgason, Ólafur. "Opportunistic Content Distribution." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Kommunikationsnät, 2011.

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In recent decades, communication networks have had a profound effect on society. Wireless communication has affected our lifestyle and altered how humans communicate and the Internet has revolutionized how we access, publish and disseminate information. In recent years we have also witnessed a radical change in how information is generated on the Internet. Today, information is no longer only generated by a small group of professionals but it is created by the users themselves and shared with a broad community with matching interests. This is evident with ”Web 2.0” applications such as blogs, podcasts, YouTube and social platforms like Facebook and Flickr. As a result of these trends, the Internet is today mainly used to provide users with access to contents. With recent advances in mobile platforms, information generation and consumption has spread from personal computers and Internet into people’s palms. This calls for efficient dissemination of information to and from mobile devices. This thesis considers content-centric networking in the context of mobile wireless networks. The main focus is on opportunistic distribution of content where mobile nodes directly exchange content items when they are within communication range. This communication mode enables dissemination of content between mobile nodes without relying on infrastructure, which can be beneficial for several reasons: infrastructure may be absent, overloaded, unreliable, expensive to use, censored or limited to certain users or contents. Opportunistic networking also has different properties than infrastructure based wireless networking, particularly in terms of scalability, locality and dissemination delay. The contributions of this thesis lie in two areas. Firstly we study the feasibility and performance of opportunistic networking among mobile nodes in urban areas using both analytic models and simulations. In particular we study the effect of two enablers of opportunistic networking: cooperation and mobility. By applying models from epidemic modeling, we show that if nodes cooperate by sharing, even in a limited manner, content can spread efficiently in a number of common case scenarios. We also study in detail which aspects of human mobility affect wireless communication and conclude that performance is not very sensitive to accurate estimation of the probability distributions of mobility parameters such as speed and arrival process. Our results however suggest that it is important to capture the scenario and space in which mobility occurs since this may affect performance significantly. Secondly, we present our design and implementation of a middleware architecture for a mobile peer-to-peer content distribution. Our system uses a decentralized content solicitation scheme that allows the distribution of content between mobile devices without requiring Internet connectivity and infrastructure support. Our system is based on the publish/subscribe paradigm and we describe the design and implementation of key components. We evaluate the performance and correctness of the system using both large-scale simulations and small-scale experimentation with our implementation. Finally we present the design and evaluation of an energy-efficient radio subsystem for opportunistic networking.
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Books on the topic "Distribution"


Supply, Chartered Institute of Purchasing and. Distribution. Stamford: The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply, 1995.

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Smith, Keith. Distribution. 2nd ed. Stamford: Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, 1998.

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Ross, David Frederick. Distribution. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Moir, Christopher. Distribution. London: Chapman & Hall, 1992.

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Association, American Gas, ed. Distribution. Arlington, Va: American Gas Association, 1986.

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LOWE, David. Distribution. Stamford: Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply, 2000.

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Lamy, Claude. Distribution. Repentigny, Québec: L'Ami rebelle, 1999.

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Brudey, Nathalie. La distribution. 3rd ed. Paris: Vuibert Entreprise, 2000.

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Auler, Fabian, and Danièle Huberty. Content Distribution. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019.

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Teodorescu, Petre P., Wilhelm W. Kecs, and Antonela Toma. Distribution Theory. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2013.

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Book chapters on the topic "Distribution"


Ross, David Frederick. "Enterprise Integrative Management." In Distribution, 3–38. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "Inventory Acquisition." In Distribution, 439–503. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "Warehousing." In Distribution, 504–78. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "Transportation." In Distribution, 579–647. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "International Distribution." In Distribution, 651–712. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "Information Technology in Logistics." In Distribution, 713–52. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "The Distribution Management Environment." In Distribution, 39–82. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "Business And Strategic Planning." In Distribution, 87–117. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "Forecasting in the Distribution Environment." In Distribution, 118–58. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Ross, David Frederick. "Marketing, Sales, and Logistics Planning." In Distribution, 159–207. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1996.

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Conference papers on the topic "Distribution"


Ram, Dhananjay, Aditya Rawal, Momchil Hardalov, Nikolaos Pappas, and Sheng Zha. "DEM: Distribution Edited Model for Training with Mixed Data Distributions." In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 19287–301. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.

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Liu, Hong, and Peiwen Li. "CFD Assisted Design Optimization of a Flow Distributor for Uniform Fluid Distribution." In ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011.

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This study addresses a fundamental issue of distributing a fluid flow into a number of flow channels uniformly. A basic mechanism of flow distribution is accomplished through a channel bifurcation that symmetrically split one flow channel into two downstream channels. Applying the basic mechanism, cascades flow distributions are designed to split one flow into a large number of downstream flows uniformly. Some key parameters decisive to the flow distribution uniformity in such a system have been recognized, and the flow distribution uniformity was studied for several versions of flow distributor designs using CFD analysis. The effect of the key parameters of the flow channel designs to the flow distribution uniformity was investigated. As an example of industrial application, a novel fluid packaging device was proposed and some CFD analysis results for the device were provided. The optimized flow distributor makes a very good uniform flow distribution which will significantly improve the efficiency of fluid packaging. The technology is expected to be of great significance to many industrial devices that require high uniformity of flow distribution.
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Eliason, Kiya L., and Steven Jones. "Students’ “multi-sample distribution” misconception about sampling distributions." In 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. PMENA, 2020.

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Teryaev, Oleg. "Pressure in generalized parton distributions and distribution amplitudes." In 23rd International Spin Physics Symposium. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2019.

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Southerlin, S. R. "New distribution automation switchgear and its contribution to overhead distribution reliability." In 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 1997 - Distributing Power for the Millennium). IEE, 1997.

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Bergman, S. "Visions of future distribution systems." In 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 1997 - Distributing Power for the Millennium). IEE, 1997.

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Kaur, Navdeep, and Harleen Dahiya. "Generalized parton distributions and transverse momentum distribution of pion." In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MESON-NUCLEON PHYSICS AND THE STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLEON. AIP Publishing, 2020.

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Krahl, S., S. Ohrem, and H. J. Haubrich. "Probability distributions of reliability indices of electrical distribution networks." In 20th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2009). IET, 2009.

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Nurminen, Niilo, Shohini Bhattacharya, Wojciech Chomicki, Krzysztof Cichy, Martha Constantinou, Andreas Metz, and Fernanda Steffens. "Unveiling Generalized Parton Distributions through the Pseudo-Distribution Approach." In The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2023.

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Gonzalez, D. A. "Distribution transformer for the 21st Century." In 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 1997 - Distributing Power for the Millennium). IEE, 1997.

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Reports on the topic "Distribution"


Sala-i-Martin, Xavier. The World Distribution of Income (estimated from Individual Country Distributions). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, May 2002.

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Bielinskyi, Andrii, Vladimir Soloviev, Serhiy Semerikov, and Viktoria Solovieva. Detecting Stock Crashes Using Levy Distribution. [б. в.], August 2019.

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In this paper we study the possibility of construction indicators-precursors relying on one of the most power-law tailed distributions – Levy’s stable distribution. Here, we apply Levy’s parameters for 29 stock indices for the period from 1 March 2000 to 28 March 2019 daily values and show their effectiveness as indicators of crisis states on the example of Dow Jones Industrial Average index for the period from 2 January 1920 to 2019. In spite of popularity of the Gaussian distribution in financial modeling, we demonstrated that Levy’s stable distribution is more suitable due to its theoretical reasons and analysis results. And finally, we conclude that stability α and skewness β parameters of Levy’s stable distribution which demonstrate characteristic behavior for crash and critical states, can serve as an indicator-precursors of unstable states.
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Skone, Timothy J. Distribution combustion. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2018.

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Skone, Timothy J. Distribution Fugitives. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2018.

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Skone, Timothy J. Distribution Venting. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2018.

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Aiello-Lammens, Matthew E., Robert Anderson, Mary E. Blair, Bethany A. Johnson, Jamie Kass, Sarah I. Meenan, Andrea Paz, Richard Pearson, and Gonzalo E. Pinilla-Buitrago. Species Distribution Modeling for Conservation Educators and Practitioners. American Museum of Natural History, 2023.

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Models that predict distributions of species by combining known occurrence records with digital layers of environmental variables have much potential for application in conservation. Through using this module, teachers will enable students to develop species distribution models, to apply the models across a series of analyses, and to interpret predictions accurately. In addition to its original components, this module features an updated and condensed synthesis document ("A Brief Introduction to Species Distribution Modeling for Conservation Educators and Practitioners," which provides theoretical and practical guidance for the expanding field of species distribution modeling. The synthesis is supplemented by a new exercise where learners create and optimize species distribution models using Wallace, an R-based GUI (Graphical User Interface) application for ecological modeling that currently focuses on building, evaluating, and visualizing models of species niches and distributions. Additionally, there are four new PowerPoint presentations on species distribution models (the history and theory, data and algorithms, and evaluating SDMs), as well as a presentation on how to use Wallace. The original Synthesis, "Species' Distribution Modeling for Conservation Educators and Practitioners," introduces learners to the modeling approach, outlines key concepts and terminology, and describes questions that may be addressed using the approach. A theoretical framework that is fundamental to ensuring that students understand the uses and limitations of the models is then described. Additionally, it details the main steps in building and testing a distribution model, and describes three case studies that illustrate applications of the models. This module is targeted at a level suitable for teaching graduate students and conservation professionals.
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Winterbottom, Alan, and John Snell. The Reduction of Component Reliability Distributions to a System Reliability Distribution. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 1987.

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Figliozzi, Miguel. Distribution Logistics Course. Portland State University Library, August 2009.

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Kauffman, R. SUPERTHERMAL ELECTRON DISTRIBUTION. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2007.

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Skone, Timothy J. Electricity Distribution (Primary). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2013.

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