Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Distortion estimation'
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Mitikiri, Praveen Kumar. "Rate distortion analysis for conditional motion estimation." Thesis, Wichita State University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10057/2010.
Full textThesis (M.S.)--Wichita State University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Includes bibliographic references (leaves 28-31)
Mitikiri, Praveen Kumar Namuduri Kamiswara. "Rate distortion analysis for conditional motion estimation." A link to full text of this thesis in SOAR, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10057/2010.
Full textCopyright 2008 by Praveen Kumar Mitikiri. All Rights Reserved. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 28-31).
Smith, Katherine Nicole. "New Methodology for the Estimation of StreamVane Design Flow Profiles." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/82039.
Full textMaster of Science
Kakarala, Avinash. "Hardware Implementation Of Conditional Motion Estimation In Video Coding." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2011. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc103341/.
Full textZhao, Zhanlue. "Performance Appraisal of Estimation Algorithms and Application of Estimation Algorithms to Target Tracking." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2006. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/td/394.
Full textBavikadi, Sathwika, and Venkata Bharath Botta. "Estimation and Correction of the Distortion in Forensic Image due to Rotation of the Photo Camera." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för tillämpad signalbehandling, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-15965.
Full textZANAJ, BLERINA. "Estimation of vital parameters through the usage of UWB radars." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/242700.
Full textThis work purpose is the building of an algorithm that estimate the vital parameters from the received signal of an UWB antenna. The research was part of a large project found by the Italian Space Agency, where are included different research groups from different universities in Italy beside the group at Università Politecnica delle Marche. The algorithm was thought to measure the vital parameters of the astronauts before, during and after their mission. The project was entitled NIMURRA (Non Invasive Monitoring by Ultra wide band Radar of Respiratory Activity of people inside a spatial environment). The antenna transmits toward the person and due to the lack of directivity of it we will have the reflected waves also from the other objects. The environment and person reflected signals will be modeled firstly by the impulsive response. By performing a convolution with the reflected pulse we create the simulation matrix. The reflected signal from the human chest reaches the antenna attenuated by the propagation of it in air and distorted by the multiple reflections of the inner tissues of human body. The receiving antenna will gather also the other contributions from the static objects. These last contributions create the static clutter. The algorithm needs to eliminate these other contributions in order to let only the human chest echo. After elimination of the clutter it searches for the maximum of the energy of the signal. Performing a transformation of the column that holds the maximum of energy we find that the harmonic with the highest peak is that of the breath frequency. Another vital parameter of interest is the amplitude of the chest displacement. To make an estimation of the amplitude of the chest movement we need to reconstruct the chest movement form from the received signal. It can be done by performing a correlation between the received signal and a chosen signal that we call as reference signal. The estimation of breath frequency can be estimated also by making the transformation of the chest movement reconstructed and the peak with the highest energy belong to breath frequency. Heart frequency was another parameter of interest for us but its detection comes out a little difficult as it is hidden by the breath harmonics and intermodulation harmonics. The analytical study and modeling were transferred into Matlab code. This algorithm estimates the breath frequency and reconstructs the chest movement. It is possible to choose between the different scenarios of realization of measurements with UWB radar. The scenarios developed were two other beside the main branch with which we started. These other scenarios were when the antenna is on the person body and moves with the chest, it transmits toward the other objects around the person that holds it. The last scenario was when the person under observation with UWB performs small movements. The estimation of breath in this case will follow another path when firstly now we need to estimate the movement of the person. Then this movement is subtracted, by doing so we leave only the moving of the chest during respiration. The estimation of the breath follows after the same algorithm developed for the case of a standing person while the antenna radiates toward him.
Toivonen, T. (Tuukka). "Efficient methods for video coding and processing." Doctoral thesis, University of Oulu, 2008. http://urn.fi/urn:isbn:9789514286957.
Full textBarr, Michael. "The Influence of the Projected Coordinate System on Animal Home Range Estimation Area." Scholar Commons, 2014. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/5343.
Full textLi, Junlin. "Distributed estimation in resource-constrained wireless sensor networks." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/26633.
Full textCommittee Chair: Ghassan AlRegib; Committee Member: Elliot Moore; Committee Member: Monson H. Hayes; Committee Member: Paul A. Work; Committee Member: Ying Zhang. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
Tian, Yuandong. "Theory and Practice of Globally Optimal Deformation Estimation." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2013. http://repository.cmu.edu/dissertations/269.
Full textD'Orlando, Marco. "Multimedia over wireless ip networks:distortion estimation and applications." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trieste, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10077/2583.
Full textThis thesis deals with multimedia communication over unreliable and resource constrained IP-based packet-switched networks. The focus is on estimating, evaluating and enhancing the quality of streaming media services with particular regard to video services. The original contributions of this study involve mainly the development of three video distortion estimation techniques and the successive definition of some application scenarios used to demonstrate the benefits obtained applying such algorithms. The material presented in this dissertation is the result of the studies performed within the Telecommunication Group of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the University of Trieste during the course of Doctorate in Information Engineering. In recent years multimedia communication over wired and wireless packet based networks is exploding. Applications such as BitTorrent, music file sharing, multimedia podcasting are the main source of all traffic on the Internet. Internet radio for example is now evolving into peer to peer television such as CoolStreaming. Moreover, web sites such as YouTube have made publishing videos on demand available to anyone owning a home video camera. Another challenge in the multimedia evolution is inside the house where videos are distributed over local WiFi networks to many end devices around the house. More in general we are assisting an all media over IP revolution, with radio, television, telephony and stored media all being delivered over IP wired and wireless networks. All the presented applications require an extreme high bandwidth and often a low delay especially for interactive applications. Unfortunately the Internet and the wireless networks provide only limited support for multimedia applications. Variations in network conditions can have considerable consequences for real-time multimedia applications and can lead to unsatisfactory user experience. In fact, multimedia applications are usually delay sensitive, bandwidth intense and loss tolerant applications. In order to overcame this limitations, efficient adaptation mechanism must be derived to bridge the application requirements with the transport medium characteristics. Several approaches have been proposed for the robust transmission of multimedia packets; they range from source coding solutions to the addition of redundancy with forward error correction and retransmissions. Additionally, other techniques are based on developing efficient QoS architectures at the network layer or at the data link layer where routers or specialized devices apply different forwarding behaviors to packets depending on the value of some field in the packet header. Using such network architecture, video packets are assigned to classes, in order to obtain a different treatment by the network; in particular, packets assigned to the most privileged class will be lost with a very small probability, while packets belonging to the lowest priority class will experience the traditional best–effort service. But the key problem in this solution is how to assign optimally video packets to the network classes. One way to perform the assignment is to proceed on a packet-by-packet basis, to exploit the highly non-uniform distortion impact of compressed video. Working on the distortion impact of each individual video packet has been shown in recent years to deliver better performance than relying on the average error sensitivity of each bitstream element. The distortion impact of a video packet can be expressed as the distortion that would be introduced at the receiver by its loss, taking into account the effects of both error concealment and error propagation due to temporal prediction. The estimation algorithms proposed in this dissertation are able to reproduce accurately the distortion envelope deriving from multiple losses on the network and the computational complexity required is negligible in respect to those proposed in literature. Several tests are run to validate the distortion estimation algorithms and to measure the influence of the main encoder-decoder settings. Different application scenarios are described and compared to demonstrate the benefits obtained using the developed algorithms. The packet distortion impact is inserted in each video packet and transmitted over the network where specialized agents manage the video packets using the distortion information. In particular, the internal structure of the agents is modified to allow video packets prioritization using primarily the distortion impact estimated by the transmitter. The results obtained will show that, in each scenario, a significant improvement may be obtained with respect to traditional transmission policies. The thesis is organized in two parts. The first provides the background material and represents the basics of the following arguments, while the other is dedicated to the original results obtained during the research activity. Referring to the first part in the first chapter it summarized an introduction to the principles and challenges for the multimedia transmission over packet networks. The most recent advances in video compression technologies are detailed in the second chapter, focusing in particular on aspects that involve the resilience to packet loss impairments. The third chapter deals with the main techniques adopted to protect the multimedia flow for mitigating the packet loss corruption due to channel failures. The fourth chapter introduces the more recent advances in network adaptive media transport detailing the techniques that prioritize the video packet flow. The fifth chapter makes a literature review of the existing distortion estimation techniques focusing mainly on their limitation aspects. The second part of the thesis describes the original results obtained in the modelling of the video distortion deriving from the transmission over an error prone network. In particular, the sixth chapter presents three new distortion estimation algorithms able to estimate the video quality and shows the results of some validation tests performed to measure the accuracy of the employed algorithms. The seventh chapter proposes different application scenarios where the developed algorithms may be used to enhance quickly the video quality at the end user side. Finally, the eight chapter summarizes the thesis contributions and remarks the most important conclusions. It also derives some directions for future improvements. The intent of the entire work presented hereafter is to develop some video distortion estimation algorithms able to predict the user quality deriving from the loss on the network as well as providing the results of some useful applications able to enhance the user experience during a video streaming session.
Questa tesi di dottorato affronta il problema della trasmissione efficiente di contenuti multimediali su reti a pacchetto inaffidabili e con limitate risorse di banda. L’obiettivo è quello di ideare alcuni algoritmi in grado di predire l’andamento della qualità del video ricevuto da un utente e successivamente ideare alcune tecniche in grado di migliorare l’esperienza dell’utente finale nella fruizione dei servizi video. In particolare i contributi originali del presente lavoro riguardano lo sviluppo di algoritmi per la stima della distorsione e l’ideazione di alcuni scenari applicativi in molto frequenti dove poter valutare i benefici ottenibili applicando gli algoritmi di stima. I contributi presentati in questa tesi di dottorato sono il risultato degli studi compiuti con il gruppo di Telecomunicazioni del Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica Elettronica ed Informatica (DEEI) dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste durante il corso di dottorato in Ingegneria dell’Informazione. Negli ultimi anni la multimedialità, diffusa sulle reti cablate e wireless, sta diventando parte integrante del modo di utilizzare la rete diventando di fatto il fenomeno più imponente. Applicazioni come BitTorrent, la condivisione di file musicali e multimediali e il podcasting ad esempio costituiscono una parte significativa del traffico attuale su Internet. Quelle che negli ultimi anni erano le prime radio che trsmettevano sulla rete oggi si stanno evolvendo nei sistemi peer to peer per più avanzati per la diffusione della TV via web come CoolStreaming. Inoltre siti web come YouTube hanno costruito il loro business sulla memorizzazione/ distribuzione di video creati da chiunque abbia una semplice video camera. Un’altra caratteristica dell’imponente rivoluzione multimediale a cui stiamo assistendo è la diffusione dei video anche all’interno delle case dove i contenuti multimediali vengono distribuiti mediante delle reti wireless locali tra i vari dispositivi finali. Tutt’oggi è in corso una rivoluzione della multimedialità sulle reti IP con le radio, i televisioni, la telefonia e tutti i video che devono essere distribuiti sulle reti cablate e wireless verso utenti eterogenei. In generale la gran parte delle applicazioni multimediali richiedono una banda elevata e dei ritardi molto contenuti specialmente se le applicazioni sono di tipo interattivo. Sfortunatamente le reti wireless e Internet più in generale sono in grado di fornire un supporto limitato alle applicazioni multimediali. La variabilità di banda, di ritardo e nella perdita possono avere conseguenze gravi sulla qualità con cui viene ricevuto il video e questo può portare a una parziale insoddisfazione o addirittura alla rinuncia della fruizione da parte dell’utente finale. Le applicazioni multimediali sono spesso sensibili al ritardo e con requisiti di banda molto stringenti ma di fatto rimango tolleranti nei confronti delle perdite che possono avvenire durante la trasmissione. Al fine di superare le limitazioni è necessario sviluppare dei meccanismi di adattamento in grado di fare da ponte fra i requisiti delle applicazioni multimediali e le caratteristiche offerte dal livello di trasporto. Diversi approcci sono stati proposti in passato in letteratura per migliorare la trasmissione dei pacchetti riducendo le perdite; gli approcci variano dalle soluzioni di compressione efficiente all’aggiunta di ridondanza con tecniche di forward error correction e ritrasmissioni. Altre tecniche si basano sulla creazione di architetture di rete complesse in grado di garantire la QoS a livello rete dove router oppure altri agenti specializzati applicano diverse politiche di gestione del traffico in base ai valori contenuti nei campi dei pacchetti. Mediante queste architetture il traffico video viene marcato con delle classi di priorità al fine di creare una differenziazione nel traffico a livello rete; in particolare i pacchetti con i privilegi maggiori vengono assegnati alle classi di priorità più elevate e verranno persi con probabilità molto bassa mentre i pacchetti appartenenti alle classi di priorità inferiori saranno trattati alla stregua dei servizi di tipo best-effort. Uno dei principali problemi di questa soluzione riguarda come assegnare in maniera ottimale i singoli pacchetti video alle diverse classi di priorità. Un modo per effettuare questa classificazione è quello di procedere assegnando i pacchetti alle varie classi sulla base dell’importanza che ogni pacchetto ha sulla qualità finale. E’ stato dimostrato in numerosi lavori recenti che utilizzando come meccanismo per l’adattamento l’impatto sulla distorsione finale, porta significativi miglioramenti rispetto alle tecniche che utilizzano come parametro la sensibilità media del flusso nei confronti delle perdite. L’impatto che ogni pacchetto ha sulla qualità può essere espresso come la distorsione che viene introdotta al ricevitore se il pacchetto viene perso tenendo in considerazione gli effetti del recupero (error concealment) e la propagazione dell’errore (error propagation) caratteristica dei più recenti codificatori video. Gli algoritmi di stima della distorsione proposti in questa tesi sono in grado di riprodurre in maniera accurata l’inviluppo della distorsione derivante sia da perdite isolate che da perdite multiple nella rete con una complessità computazionale minima se confrontata con le più recenti tecniche di stima. Numerose prove sono stati effettuate al fine di validare gli algoritmi di stima e misurare l’influenza dei principali parametri di codifica e di decodifica. Al fine di enfatizzare i benefici ottenuti applicando gli algoritmi di stima della distorsione, durante la tesi verranno presentati alcuni scenari applicativi dove l’applicazione degli algoritmi proposti migliora sensibilmente la qualità finale percepita dagli utenti. Tali scenari verranno descritti, implementati e accuratamente valutati. In particolare, la distorsione stimata dal trasmettitore verrà incapsulata nei pacchetti video e, trasmessa nella rete dove agenti specializzati potranno agevolmente estrarla e utilizzarla come meccanismo rate-distortion per privilegiare alcuni pacchetti a discapito di altri. In particolare la struttura interna di un agente (un router) verrà modificata al fine di consentire la differenziazione del traffico utilizzando l’informazione dell’impatto che ogni pacchetto ha sulla qualità finale. I risultati ottenuti anche in termini di ridotta complessità computazionale in ogni scenario applicativo proposto mettono in luce i benefici derivanti dall’implementazione degli algoritmi di stima. La presenti tesi di dottorato è strutturata in due parti principali; la prima fornisce il background e rappresenta la base per tutti gli argomenti trattati nel seguito mentre la seconda parte è dedicata ai contributi originali e ai risultati ottenuti durante l’intera attività di ricerca. In riferimento alla prima parte in particolare un’introduzione ai principi e alle opportunità offerte dalla diffusione dei servizi multimediali sulle reti a pacchetto viene esposta nel primo capitolo. I progressi più recenti nelle tecniche di compressione video vengono esposti dettagliatamente nel secondo capitolo che si focalizza in particolare solo sugli aspetti che riguardano le tecniche per la mitigazione delle perdite. Il terzo capitolo introduce le principali tecniche per proteggere i flussi multimediali e ridurre le perdite causate dai fenomeni caratteristici del canale. Il quarto capitolo descrive i recenti avanzamenti nelle tecniche di network adaptive media transport illustrando i principali metodi utilizzati per differenziare il traffico video. Il quinto capitolo analizza i principali contributi nella letteratura sulle tecniche di stima della distorsione e si focalizza in particolare sulle limitazioni dei metodi attuali. La seconda parte della tesi descrive i contributi originali ottenuti nella modellizzazione della distorsione video derivante dalla trasmissione sulle reti con perdite. In particolare il sesto capitolo presenta tre nuovi algoritmi in grado di riprodurre fedelmente l’inviluppo della distorsione video. I numerosi test e risultati verranno proposti al fine di validare gli algoritmi e misurare l’accuratezza nella stima. Il settimo capitolo propone diversi scenari applicativi dove gli algoritmi sviluppati possono essere utilizzati per migliorare in maniera significativa la qualità percepita dall’utente finale. Infine l’ottavo capitolo sintetizza l’intero lavoro svolto e i principali risultati ottenuti. Nello stesso capitolo vengono inoltre descritti gli sviluppi futuri dell’attività di ricerca. L’obiettivo dell’intero lavoro presentato è quello di mostrare i benefici derivanti dall’utilizzo di nuovi algoritmi per la stima della distorsione e di fornire alcuni scenari applicativi di utilizzo.
XIX Ciclo
Zadeh, Ramin Agha. "Performance control of distributed generation using digital estimation of signal parameters." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2010. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/47011/1/Ramin_Agha_Zadeh_Thesis.pdf.
Full textSilva, Leandro Rodrigues Manso. "Inteligência computacional aplicada à modelagem de cargas não-lineares e estimação de contribuição harmônica." Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), 2012. https://repositorio.ufjf.br/jspui/handle/ufjf/4156.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-24T17:59:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 leandrorodriguesmansosilva.pdf: 691785 bytes, checksum: 4024e0e319f1469cc354c2c346a90dbe (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-24T17:59:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leandrorodriguesmansosilva.pdf: 691785 bytes, checksum: 4024e0e319f1469cc354c2c346a90dbe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
A distorção harmônica, dentre outras formas de poluição na rede de sistemas de energia, é um importante problema para as concessionárias. De fato, o aumento do uso de dispositivos não-lineares na indústria resultou em um aumento direto da distorção harmônica nos sistemas elétricos de potência nos últimos anos. Com isso, a modelagem destas cargas e suas interações se tornaram de grande importância, e portanto, o uso de novas técnicas computacionais passou a ser de grande interesse para este fim. Neste contexto, este trabalho descreve uma metodologia baseada em técnicas de Inteligência Computacional (Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA)s e Lógica Fuzzy (LF)), proposta para modelagem de cargas não-lineares presentes em sistemas elétricos de potência, bem como a estimação de sua parcela na distorção harmônica do sistema. A principal vantagem deste método é que apenas as formas de onda de tensão e corrente no ponto de acoplamento comum precisam ser medidas, além disso esta técnica pode ser aplicada na modelagem de cargas monofásicas bem como cargas trifásicas.
The harmonic distortin, among other forms of pollution to the electric power systems is an important issue for electric utilities. In fact, the increased use of nonlinear devices in industry has resulted in direct increase of harmonic distortion in industrial power grids in recent years. Thus, the modeling of these loads and the understanding of their interactions with the system have became of great importance, then the use of computational-based techniques has emerged as a suitable tool to deal with these requirements. In this context, this work describes a methodology based on Computational Intelligence (Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)s and Fuzzy Logic (FL)) for modeling nonlinear loads present in electric power systems, as well as the estimation of their contribution in the harmonic distortion. The main advantage of this technique is that only the waveforms of voltages and currents at the point of common coupling must be measured and it can be applied to model single and three phase loads.
Werneck, Nicolau Leal. "Analise da distorção musical de guitarras eletricas." [s.n.], 2007. http://repositorio.unicamp.br/jspui/handle/REPOSIP/259107.
Full textDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T03:06:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Werneck_NicolauLeal_M.pdf: 1556046 bytes, checksum: 677310006250588d7e6a0fb0eedfc170 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007
Resumo: Existem diversos problemas ligados à análise de sinais musicais que podem se beneficiar de um conhecimento mais detalhado da estrutura dos sinais gerados pelos diferentes instrumentos. Entre eles se destaca a compressão de sinais baseada em áudio estruturado, onde o codificador determina a partir de um sinal parâmetros para reproduzí-lo com um sintetizador inspirado em modelos físicos dos instrumentos. Para realizar este tipo de análise e síntese é necessário conhecermos as características físicas dos instrumentos e dos sinais produzidos. Este conhecimento é ainda útil para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de instrumentos e outros equipamentos utilizados por músicos para obter o timbre desejado. Esta dissertação apresenta experimentos realizados com uma guitarra elétrica para revelar a dinâmica não-linear de suas cordas e seu filtro linear associado, comparação de sinais gravados com resultados esperados por modelos matemáticos da forma de onda, e ainda uma proposta de uma potencial técnica para a medição de parâmetros para um modelo matemático de um circuito de distorção musical, além de uma maneira de se mapear um par destes parâmetros para um espaço de maior significado psicoacústico
Resumo: Existem diversos problemas ligados à análise de sinais musicais que podem se beneficiar de um conhecimento mais detalhado da estrutura dos sinais gerados pelos diferentes instrumentos. Entre eles se destaca a compressão de sinais baseada em áudio estruturado, onde o codificador determina a partir de um sinal parâmetros para reproduzí-lo com um sintetizador inspirado em modelos físicos dos instrumentos. Para realizar este tipo de análise e síntese é necessário conhecermos as características físicas dos instrumentos e dos sinais produzidos. Este conhecimento é ainda útil para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de instrumentos e outros equipamentos utilizados por músicos para obter o timbre desejado. Esta dissertação apresenta experimentos realizados com uma guitarra elétrica para revelar a dinâmica não-linear de suas cordas e seu filtro linear associado, comparação de sinais gravados com resultados esperados por modelos matemáticos da forma de onda, e ainda uma proposta de uma potencial técnica para a medição de parâmetros para um modelo matemático de um circuito de distorção musical, além de uma maneira de se mapear um par destes parâmetros para um espaço de maior significado psicoacústico
Eletrônica, Microeletrônica e Optoeletrônica
Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica
Novanda, Happy. "Monitoring of power quality indices and assessment of signal distortions in wind farms." Thesis, University of Manchester, 2012. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/monitoring-of-power-quality-indices-and-assessment-of-signal-distortions-in-wind-farms(403a470c-279a-4b00-94dc-eaa2507dc579).html.
Full textElmansy, Dalia F. "Computational Methods to Characterize the Etiology of Complex Diseases at Multiple Levels." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 2020. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1583416431321447.
Full textPopa, Emil Horia. "Algorithms for handling arbitrary lineshape distortions in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Imaging." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00716176.
Full textBowman, Denise Michelle. "Estimating mechanical frequency tuning properties of the cochlea with f¦1- and f¦2-sweep distortion-product otoacoustic emission measurements in normal hearing human adults." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/tape15/PQDD_0001/NQ34658.pdf.
Full textKadlčík, Libor. "Implementace rekonstrukčních metod pro čtení čárového kódu." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, 2013. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-220266.
Full textHassini, Sami. "Qualification multi-critères des gammes d'usinage : application aux pièces de structure aéronautique en alliage Airware®." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CLF22587/document.
Full textThe optimization of machining sequences is not easy because it suffers from two major shortcomings. The first focuses on the adaptability of existing ranges to current production facilities and their evolution over the years to respond to technological developments. The second point concerns the lack of consideration in the mechanical behavior of the part during the development of machining sequence. This thesis addresses these in relation to the FUI OFELIA project. At first, they study the influence of the machining parameters on the deformation of the workpiece. The aim is to predict the mechanical behavior of the part to identify recommendations with minimal distortion. The second issue deals with multi-criteria evaluation of manufacturing ranges. The criteria take into account are the deformation of the workpiece, productivity through a quick estimate of machining time and recyclability of chips produced during machining. On the other hand, we propose a geometric model of the intermediate states of the workpiece during machining in order to both assess the manufacturing recommendations and to drive the simulation calculations of the deformation of the workpiece during machining
Tai, Wei-Cheng, and 戴瑋呈. "Bandwidth-Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion Estimation." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/54972195086507966336.
Full text國立交通大學
Motion estimation (ME) processing is the most computational and memory intensive component in H.264 encoder. However, traditional ME algorithms focus on rate and distortion performance and thus do not take memory bandwidth into consideration. Therefore, the rate and distortion performance are not optimized under bandwidth constraint. In this thesis, we propose bandwidth-rate-distortion (B-R-D) optimized ME algorithm to solve the issue mentioned above. First, we mainly propose a B-R-D optimized modeling method to determine an appropriate search range (SR) for maximizing rate distortion efficiency while can dynamically meet the available bandwidth. Then, we propose two methods, skip mode detection with content-aware scheme and SR boundary prediction method, to enhance the performance of B-R-D optimized modeling method. The skip mode detection with content-aware scheme is presented to save the most memory bandwidth and thus gives other complex MBs more bandwidth for better quality, and the SR boundary prediction method is presented to determine a feasible SR boundary for SR refinement. Compared with reference software [3], when coding in low motion sequence, the simulation result shows the proposed BRD design could improve the bandwidth saving up to 70% with almost the same performance at bit rate and PSNR under average search range size 16, and up to 84% with negligible PSNR degradation with skip design added; while coding in high motion sequence, the simulation result shows our design could save average bit rate up to 13% and at the same time increase average PSNR up to 0.1dB under low bandwidth constraint. In summary, our design could achieve the same and sometimes even better performance under various bandwidth constraints and thus it is suitable for improving ME process.
Chen, Chien-Sheng, and 陳建昇. "Partial Distortion Based Computation-Aware Motion Estimation." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/72212258995089613494.
Full text義守大學
In recent years, the development of wireless networks and multimedia application services provide solutions to achieve watching digital videos on hand-held devices. Video compression is an important technique for digital video transmission and storage, and the motion estimation is the most important part of video compression. In the early design, traditional motion estimation algorithms consider the “quality” rather than the “computation”. For hand-held devices, the computations for motion estimation could be overloaded, even using the fast algorithms, i.e., the traditional ME algorithms are not suitable to be used on the hand-held devices. This thesis considers both “quality” and “computation”, and provides a better ME. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method achieves the best performance than the other methods for hand-held devices.
Lin, Tai-Chiun, and 林泰群. "Threshold Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/58811629980763606682.
Full text大同大學
With the improvement of science and technology, the development of the network, and the exploitation of the HDTV, the demands of audio and video are increasing more and more. The Video coding technology is the solution to achieve these requirements. The purpose of motion estimation technology, which plays an important role in the video coding, is to remove the redundancy in video frame. The quality of the video is dependent on whether the motion estimation algorithm is good or not. Among all kinds of motion estimation algorithms, the full search algorithm is the simplest and the most direct method. The full search algorithm is the optimum method but it will cost very complex computation. In this thesis, we propose a new motion estimation algorithm, called threshold partial distortion search algorithm (TPDS), whose performance is comparable to the full search algorithm but with the lower computation complexity. Finally, we also propose a simple architecture to implement our algorithm.
Po, Yi Shih, and 施伯宜. "Rate-Distortion Motion Estimation Algorithms Based on Kalman Filtering." Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/37744605252264267167.
Full text義守大學
Motion estimation and compensation is widely used in video coding systems. To find motion vectors (MV) that lead to high compression, most conventional motion estimation approaches use a source distortion measure, such as mean-square error (MSE) or mean absolute error (MAE), as a search criterion. The resulting MV is used to generate a motion compensated prediction block and the motion compensated prediction difference frame (called residue blocks). When used in low bit-rate or very-low bit-rate video coding system, the bit rate for motion vector is more important than for residue in total bit-rate. Thus a joint rate and distortion (R-D) optimal motion estimation has been developed to achieve the trade-off between MV coding and residue coding. We present a new algorithm using Kalman filter to enhance the performance of the conventional R-D motion estimation at a relatively low computation cost. We try to amend the incorrect and/or inaccurate estimate of motion with higher precision by using Kalman filter. We first obtain a measurement of motion vector of a block by using an existing R-D motion estimation scheme. Then generate the predicted motion vector utilizing the inter-block correlation in neighboring blocks. Based on these two motion information, a simple one-dimension motion model is developed and then Kalman filter applied to obtain the optimal estimate of motion vector. Simulation results show that the proposed technique can efficiently improve the R-D motion estimation performance.
吳文棋. "Adaptive motion estimation with partial distortion search for video coding." Thesis, 2008. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/83977466635137439205.
Full text國立彰化師範大學
With the advances of digital technologies and the proliferation of communication networks, multi-media contents consisting of both audio and video recordings continue to grow rapidly. Multi-media data generally takes huge storage space and also requires substantial amount of channel bandwidth to transmit. Many video coding standards exploit motion estimation (ME) to compress the video data by removing the inter-frame redundancy. This paper presents a new motion estimation algorithm, called the adaptive motion estimation with partial distortion search (AMEPDS). The AMEPDS algorithm exploits the information gathered from the previous frame to derive a parameter, called CP (Correlation parameter), and employs CP to classify the blocks in the current frame into potentially dependent blocks and potentially independent blocks. AMEPDS applies different motion estimation methods and adaptive search areas for different types of blocks to achieve better estimation accuracy and lower computational complexity. Early search termination is also introduced in AMEPDS to further speed up the process of motion estimation. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm AMEPDS can achieve a speedup of 15.58 to 150.5 times compared to the traditional full search algorithm, while maintaining similar visual quality.
Chen-YaoYeh and 葉鎮僥. "Depth Map Coding Based on Distortion Estimation of Synthesized View." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/82536959461884920139.
Full text國立成功大學
3D video becomes more and more popular recent years. The multi-view video plus depth (MVD) format assisted with depth-image-based rendering (DIBR) technique is an efficient representation of 3D video. Conventionally in depth map coding, the distortion in the rate-distortion optimization (RDO) procedure is only measured with the sum of squared differences (SSD) of depth map. But depth map is just a supplementary data for view synthesis. So the quality of depth map is not highly correlated with the quality of the synthesized view, instead we should take the quality of synthesized view into consideration in the RDO procedure. In this thesis, the relationship between the synthesized view distortion and the depth coding error is analyzed in the frequency domain. Thus an efficient depth map coding based on a new distortion metric is proposed. Then in the RDO procedure, the depth distortion is replaced by the estimated synthesized view distortion. The simulation results show that the proposed distortion metric could achieve about 45% BDBR saving for depth data compared to the conventional scheme.
Guo, Bin, and 郭賓. "Rate-Distortion-Computation Optimized Search Range Decision for Motion Estimation." Thesis, 2009. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/51016122940924866625.
Full text國立東華大學
In video coding standard, the motion estimation technique is widely adopted to significantly eliminate the temporal redundancies existing in video signal at the cost of intensive computational burden. To reduce the computational overhead of motion estimation, a dynamic search range decision algorithm is proposed in this thesis based on the Lagrange optimization approach which aims at optimizing the tradeoff between computational complexity and rate distortion performance. In addition, with the rapid popularity of computation resource constrained devices, computation aware design receives more and more attentions recently. To address this issue, this thesis proposes a computation aware motion estimation algorithm which adaptively allocates the computational resource to the motion estimation process according to the available computation budgets. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms can distribute the proper computation resource to each macroblock (MB) and thus saving the encoding time up to 70% when compared to full search motion estimation algorithm.
Jackson, Edmund Stephen. "High ratio wavelet video compression through real-time rate-distortion estimation." Thesis, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10413/9044.
Full textThesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.
"Advances in end-to-end distortion estimation for error-resilient video networking." UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA, 2010. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=3371682.
Full textChien, Yu-Ming, and 簡裕民. "Suboptimal Quantization Control with Estimation of Rate- Distortion Relationship for Motion Video Coding." Thesis, 1996. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/34784852886020596267.
Full text國立交通大學
For image and video coding under transmission constraints, determination of quantization steps at encoder plays an important role in controlling the generated bit-rate and coding performance. In this thesis, we analyze the quantization information from some Video CD titles and compare them with several known rate control algorithms. In addition, we investigate how to determine quantization steps for good coding quality. We approach this by improving on a well-known quantizer control algorithm, namely, Test Model of MPEG2. We know that the rate-distortion curve of a macroblock fully characterize the relationship between rate and distortion and can thus be used in determination of good quantization steps. Becasue of the heavy computational load required for calculating the real R-D curves, we develop a piecewise approximation model to predict the real curves. In deciding an appropriate quantization step, we first calculate a reference step on the buffer status to prevent the buffer from overflow and underflow. Next, the human vision factor and the slope of the estimated rate-distortion curve are incorporated into adjustment of this quantization step to obtain a suboptimal quantization step. Simulation reesults show that, we can attain not only higher PSNR values but also higher human visual quality in coded video.
Wang, Chih-Cheng, and 王志晟. "A Hybrid Error Concealment Technique for H.264/AVC Using Boundary Distortion Estimation." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/78950349271165472578.
Full text國立東華大學
Packet loss is prone to occurrence in the transmission channel due to error-prone network environments. It usually causes serious distortion, especially in highly compressed video coding standard. The distortion not only damages to single frame but also propagates to successive frames. To improve the distortion, error concealment techniques are adopted to restore lost video data in the decoder. In this thesis, a hybrid error concealment technique for H.264/AVC based on boundary distortion estimation has been proposed. It could efficiently restore the corrupted data by appropriately switching temporal error concealment approach to spatial error concealment approach. Both of the proposed temporal and spatial error concealment approaches adopt the boundary distortion estimation procedure to be the evaluation criterion. The recovery result with minimal boundary distortion will be selected to restore the corrupted data by the proposed adaptive weight-based switching algorithm. Therefore, the proposed hybrid error concealment technique effectively improves the recovery performance and outperforms other methods, especially packet loss in scene-change frames or high motion regions. Experimental results show the proposed hybrid error concealment technique could effectively enhance the recovery performance.
Zeng, Zhi-Xiu, and 曾智修. "Predistorter Based on Frequency Domain Estimation for Compensation of Nonlinear Distortion in OFDM Systems." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/56160915341228780722.
Full text國立中正大學
OFDM signal is very sensitive to the nonlinear distortion mainly caused by a power amplifier (PA) as a result of its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). Predistortion, an effective countermeasure for balancing off the nonlinearity of a PA, is usually necessary for the sake of mitigating in-band distortion and spectrum regrowth. In the conventional schemes, a memoryless polynomial is generally used in modelling the PA characteristic or designing the predistorter. The polynomial coefficients are solved by least square (LS) estimation or adaptive identification algorithms in the time domain. However, most of the time domain schemes are not easy to implement owing to the practical difficulty in compensating the delay effect caused by the transmission filter and the receiving filter in the feedback path. In this thesis we examine this issue from frequency domain and propose five predistortion schemes. Two different criteria are used in the proposed algorithms. The first one is based on the minimization of the square error of the PA input, termed PA-Input-LS criterion. The second one is based on the minimization of the square error between the input of the predistorter and the output of the PA, termed PA-output-LS criterion. We also propose an easy method to cope with the delay effect. Finally, the simulation of application of the proposed schemes to a 64-QAM OFDM system is presented.
Huang, Chen-Yi, and 黃振億. "Efficient Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation by Dynamically Selecting the Representative Pixels." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/17771141698446361117.
Full text長庚大學
Motion estimation and Motion compensation are used in the compression standard such as MGEG x and H.26x in order to eliminate the temporal redundancy of the video sequences. But the techniques of the motion estimation need a large amount of computation to complete and waste a lot of time. The long time of the compression is not suitable in the present day. So, many fast block matching algorithms have been proposed in order to solve this problem. But most of the fast block matching algorithms degrade the image quality. In this thesis, we proposed the improved method for partial distortion algorithm to increase the speed of the motion estimation and avoid to make the quality of the image decrease. In our algorithm, the scan way of dynamically selecting is proposed. Using the scan way of dynamically selecting can find efficiently the more representative pixels. In our method, the unsuitable candidate blocks will be eliminated early. And using the scan way to find the center of the search windows, the computation complexity of the block matching will be reduced. Moreover, we have modified two skills in HGPDS. The skills are the early termination skill and spiral scan in search window respectively. The modifications make the algorithm faster. Experiments have showed that our method has better performance than previous algorithms.
Jiang, Yan-ting, and 江彥廷. "Quality Estimation for H.264/SVC Spatial Scalability based on a New Quantization Distortion Model." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/81656358005251732964.
Full text國立中央大學
Scalable Video Coding (SVC) provides efficient compression for the video bitstream equipped with various scalable configurations. H.264 scalable extension (H.264/SVC) is the most recent scalable coding standard. It involves state-of-the-art inter-layer prediction to provide higher coding efficiency than previous standards. Moreover, the requirements for the video quality on distinct situations like link conditions or video contents are usually different. Therefore, how to efficiently provide suitable video quality to users under different situations is an important issue. This work proposes a Quantization-Distortion (Q-D) model for H.264/SVC spatial scalability to estimate video quality before real encoding is performed. We introduce the residual decomposition for three inter-layer prediction types: residual prediction, intra prediction, and motion prediction. The residual can be decomposed to previous distortion and prior-residual that can be estimated before encoding. For single layer, they are distortion of previous frame and difference between two original frames. Then, the distortion can be modeled as a function of quantization step and prior-residual. In simulations, the proposed model can estimate the actual Q-D curves for each inter-layer prediction, and the accuracy of the model is up to 94.98%.
Ciou, Jian-Hong, and 邱建宏. "New String Techniques on Partial Distortion Search for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation of the Video Encoding." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/y65nu9.
Full text國立臺中科技大學
Motion estimation has been widely used in many video applications such as video compression, video segmentation, and video tracking. Efficient block matching algorithms (BMAs) have received considerable attention and have been adopted in modern video compression standards such as ISO/IEC MPEG1/2/4 and ITU-T H.263/H.264. The experimental results have shown motion estimation can consume 60% (1 reference frame) to 80% (5 reference frames) of the total encoding time of H.264 codec. The Full-Search MB-Matching (FSBM) method was first proposed to search for the best matching image MB. As this algorithm has large computational overhead, it is not suitable for real time purposes. Partial distortion search (PDS) is a good example of the fast matching method. PDS, which is a basic early termination scheme, uses the accumulated partial sum of absolute difference (SAD) to eliminate the impossible candidates of motion vector in a matching block. In this thesis, we proposed two new sorting techniques to get a better matching order on the lossless partial distortion search algorithm. In the first method, by sorting the level difference sets calculated from the approximate distortion between the two-bit transformed coding block and candidate block, the matching order can be computed to apply to the typical PDS. In the second method, we sort pixel calculation of the matching order of SAD by the difference between the block mean and inter pixel value. Experimental results show that two proposed methods can effectively reduce the computational complexity without affecting the video quality, reductions in computational complexity were achieved.
Tonini, Andrea. "Remote estimation of target height using unmanned air vehicles (UAVs)." Master's thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/84351.
Full textEstimation of target height from videos is used for several applications, such as monitoring agricultural plants growth or, within surveillance scenarios, supporting the identification of persons of interest. Several studies have been conducted in this domain but, in almost all the cases, only fixed cameras were considered. Nowadays, lightweight UAVs are often employed for remote monitoring and surveillance activities due to their mobility capacity and freedom for camera orientation. This paper focuses on how the height could be swiftly performed with a gimballed camera installed into a UAV using a pinhole camera model after camera calibration and image distortion compensation. The model is tailored for UAV applications outdoor and generalized for any camera orientations defined by Euler angles. The procedure was tested with real data collected with a regular-market lightweight quad-copter. The data collected was also used to make an uncertainty analysis associated with the estimation. Finally, since the height of a person who is not standing perfectly vertical can be derived by relationships between body parts or human face features ratio, this paper proposes to retrieve the pixel spacing measured along the vertical target, called here Vertical Sample Distance (VSD), to quickly measure vertical sub-portions of the target.
Yang, Chao-Cing, and 楊趙清. "Priority-Based Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/z5zkmv.
Full text國立東華大學
The newest video coding standard called H.264 provides considerable performance improvement over a wide range of bit rates and video resolutions compared to previous standards. In H.264, the motion estimation module occupies the largest computational complexity in an encoder, and it supports seven various block sizes with a tree structured macroblock partition. In order to reduce the computational complexity of motion estimation in H.264, Priority-Based Normalized Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation, Adaptive Search Range Decision, Search Method Decision and Early Termination for Very Low Motion MBs are proposed in this thesis. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms provide significant coding time improvement with only slightly PSNR degradation compared to several fast motion estimation algorithms which are implemented under the JM12.2 reference software platform.
Xu, Zhi-Xiong, and 許智雄. "Combining Dynamic Search Range with Improved Normalized Partial Distortion Search for Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm in Video Coding." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/cg67wv.
Full text國立臺中科技大學
H.264/AVC is JVT video coding standard developed by a good video coding efficiency, in recent years, with the network bandwidth improvements, and advances in technology, multimedia products and services continued to emerge, such as video telephone, on-demand video system (VOD), video conferencing, high-definition digital television (HDTV), etc.. All need a good video compression standards support in the H.264/AVC encoder architecture. Motion estimated (ME) is the compression of the entire video, accounted for the largest amount of computation, this thesis has proposed a new motion estimation algorithm to reduce number of search points in motion estimation algorithm maintaining a certain visual quality. This study has by analyzed a variety of fast motion estimation algorithms. Normalized Partial Distortion Search(N PDS) algorithm is one of algorithm with better coding performance. However, NPDS in the block matching search points of order and arrangement are fixed, can not be the basis of each depending characteristics of the information screen to arrange the search order, this study proposes to combine dynamic search partial distortion search video coding fast motion estimation algorithm. This method is based on various video picture characteristics of video encoding, video screen different pixels to calculate the arrangement, based on changes in the characteristics of the screen and motion vectors of adjacent blocks to adjust the distribution range of the search window. Compare to the proposed algorithm. Experimental results show that this study can efficiently reduce video encoding of search points, and to maintain a certain video quality.
Hong, Hao-feng, and 洪浩峰. "Estimation of nonlinear distortions of loudspeakers." Thesis, 1997. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/46384440177344027798.
Full text國立海洋大學
The loudspeaker in a sound system has much to do with the quality of speech or music signals replayed by the system. However, it is also the weakest link of the overall sound system. This is due to the fact that nonlinear phenomena may exist in the electronic circuit, mechanical structure, and material design of a loudspeaker. This causes the loudspeaker to generate harmonic and intermodulation distortions which degrade the performance of the sound system. To be able to evaluate the goodness of a loudspeaker, an accurrate and efficient technique for estimating the nonlinear distortions is required. Conventional approaches to measure nonliner distortion parameters of a loudspeaker are time-consuming and cumbersome tasks. In this thesis, we use a Volterra model to describe the relation between the input signal and the nonlinear distortion introduced by the loudspeaker, and then formulate a parameter-measurement problem into a parameter-estimation problem. In this proposed method, we send a bandlimited noise to the loudspeaker and record both the input and the response signals. These signals are then used by an algorithm to estimate the transfer functions of the Volterra model. Once the transfer functions are estimated, the distortion parameters can be obtained. In this thesis, we adopt two parameter-estimation methods based on the Volterra model--- the frequency-domain method and the anti-aliasing frequency-domain method. Through computer simulation and practical application of measuring loudspeaker distortions, we demonstrate that the anti-aliasing frequency-domain method better estimates the nonlinear distortions than the frequency-domain method does. The estimation result indicates that the second-order distortions of a loudspeaker are more significant in low frequencies than in high frequencies. This result matches with our understanding of the loudspeaker characteristics.
Luo, Shih-Chung, and 羅世崇. "Estimating Total-Harmonic-Distortion of Analog Signal in Time-Domain." Thesis, 2012. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/54418096252022565708.
Full text國立雲林科技大學
In this work, we propose a methodology to estimate Total-Harmonic-Distortion (THD) in time domain. Instead of using Fast-Fourier-Transform (FFT), we express the signal under test into Taylor expansion and derive the relationship between coefficients of Taylor series and composition of harmonic. Furthermore, through analyzing syndromes on signal under test with respect to coefficients of Taylor series and extracting effective information, we calculate these coefficients and translate into harmonic distortion by Parseval’s theorem. The required instrument of proposed method is oscilloscope which is more conventional than spectrum analyzer. Especially for those low speed voice or physiology analog signals, the required spectrum analyzer is particular and expensive. In addition, the stability of THD estimation by proposed method is better than FFT which its accuracy is proportional to quantity of samples.
"Estimation and correction of geometric distortions in side-scan sonar images." Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/4196.
Full textAlso issued as Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, 1990.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-141).
Supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency monitored by the Office of Naval Research. N00014-89-J-1489 Supported in part by the National Science Foundation. MIP-87-14969 Supported in part by Lockheed Sanders, Inc.
Raju, Jampana V. S. "Air-Sea Flux Measurements Over The Bay Of Bengal During A Summer Monsoon." Thesis, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2005/437.
Full textLindsey, Laurence Francis. "Estimating the effects of lens distortion on serial section electron microscopy images." Thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/ETD-UT-2012-08-6210.
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De, Michele Anne McGrath. "Estimating human cochlear traveling wave velocity using distortion product otoacoustic emission and auditory brainstem response measurements /." 2003. http://wwwlib.umi.com/dissertations/fullcit/3073584.
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