Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Diritto delle società'
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Orlando, Antonio. "L’estinzione delle società." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2016. http://elea.unisa.it:8080/xmlui/handle/10556/3876.
Full textThe study discussed in this text aims at making a general survey about the procedure that begins with the company’s resolution of dissolution and wound up decreed by its members during an extraordinary meeting or under the impulse of its directors and ends with the company extinction. This analysis has taken in particular consideration all those issues that have always enlivened-also nowadays-the Science of Law and Jurisprudence as to the Judge Register’s powers and the Curator’s ones during the closing of the company and with reference to the claimed trasversality of the rule cited in art.2495 c.c. as well as the state of pendent societates’established judgements,the assets and the contigent ones adding the supposed mechanism that allows their transfer to the ex-members seen as a sort of phenomenon which echoes the right to successions sanctioned by the Legislator in favour of “natural person”. Particularly,they have been taken into consideration the many and various contributions offered by the Science of Law and Jurisprudence initially caused by the interpretation of the discipline dealing with the study-object included in the Mercantile Law and then strengthened in consequence of the Civil Code coming into force in ’42,of d.lgs.n.6/2003 and later of d.lgs.n.175/2014. In reference to this Legislator’s last intervention,it has been highlighted how art.28 d.lgs.n.175 having ascribed the Exchequer the possibility to “attack”-within five years from the company’s cancellation in the Company Register and by now exstingueshed-in order to carry out a better and more effective action of collection of the owing duties,seems to brush up the theories developed by Jurisprudence in the period from the Civil Code coming into entrance to the “news” of hthe Compay Law intervened in 2003,redevelopments debated in occasion of the latest arrest carried out by the Court of Cassation in joint divisions. [edited by Author]
XIII n.s.
Wei, Xiao <1981>. "La tutela della proprietà intellettuale nella società delle informazioni." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2011. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/3957/2/Weixiao.tesi.pdf.pdf.
Full textWei, Xiao <1981>. "La tutela della proprietà intellettuale nella società delle informazioni." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2011. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/3957/.
Full textBonavita, Simone <1982>. "Il diritto all'oblio e la gestione delle informazioni della società iperconnessa." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/7690/1/Full_9_Giugno_2016_FINAL_01.pdf.
Full textThe doctoral thesis is related to the right to be forgotten in the hyperconnected society. The author examins the topic with a multidisciplinary approach, analysing the questions about the management of Internet storage processes.
Cavanna, Maurizio <1970>. "Fusione e scissione delle società corporative." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/1184/1/cavanna_maurizio_tesi.pdf.
Full textCavanna, Maurizio <1970>. "Fusione e scissione delle società corporative." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/1184/.
Full textMarangoni, Francesca <1994>. "La tassazione delle società immobiliari in Italia." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/13638.
Full textSANDRELLI, GIULIO. "Derivati azionari e disciplina delle società quotate." Doctoral thesis, Università Bocconi, 2011. https://hdl.handle.net/11565/4054123.
Full textDagnino, Francesco <1980>. "Il trattamento delle società straniere e pseudostraniere nel Diritto Comunitario e nel Diritto Interno." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/1182/1/Tesi_dagnino_Francesco.pdf.
Full textDagnino, Francesco <1980>. "Il trattamento delle società straniere e pseudostraniere nel Diritto Comunitario e nel Diritto Interno." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2008. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/1182/.
Full textFacci, Nicola <1994>. "La fiscalità delle associazioni e società sportive dilettantistiche." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/15765.
Full textPavan, Riccardo <1996>. "La fiscalità delle società sportive professionistiche e dilettantistiche." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/18875.
Full textBevivino, Vito <1975>. "Capitale e struttura finanziaria delle società bancarie europee per azioni." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/15007.
Full textBasso, Eleonora <1989>. "Le società di comodo alla luce delle nuove riforme." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/3093.
Full textMaretto, Andrea <1994>. "Fiscalità dei consorzi tra imprese e delle società consortili." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/14323.
Full textDa, Rin Nicola Christian <1970>. "Dismissioni delle partecipazioni pubbliche nelle società operanti nei trasporti." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/600/1/Tesi_DaRin_Nicola.pdf.
Full textDa, Rin Nicola Christian <1970>. "Dismissioni delle partecipazioni pubbliche nelle società operanti nei trasporti." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/600/.
Full textCeccoli, Deborah. "La legittimazione all'impugnativa delle delibere nelle società di capitali." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi del Molise, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11695/66303.
Full textThe invalidity system of corporate resolutions appears as a special system, that the reform of 2003 has deeply altered, so helping to accentuate the peculiarities of such the legitimation to impugnation represents a significant element. Made in the first part of the work an excursus on the evolution of the legislation, by the silence of the Commercial code of 1865 to date, the purpose of reconstruct the system of corporate impugnations should start from the revival in the impugnation of company meeting’s resolutions and partners decisions, of the traditional privatistic contraposition in terms of legitimation between specific individuals and anyone who is interested. Particularly, in invalidity of company meeting’s resolutions matters, remain in the title of articles 2377 and 2379 of the Civil code the distinction, its categories of invalid contracts, between annullability and nullity, which, however, does not distinguisch for precarious and eliminable efficacy on the one hand and absolute ineffectiveness on the other, but rather in terms of the defect claimed, and also of the legitimation and the expiry date to start legal proceedings. Given the organizational value of corporate resolutions, so it is a moment of the company’s activity and represents the value attributable to the process that takes place in accordance with the rules of the company’s organization, you can underline the distance from the contractual phenomenon and how the invalidity system of corporate resolutions seemingly follows the contractual system and actually shows an absolute peculiarity of discipline. Based on these premises, the work aims to investigate in its second part about what is the interest pursued and protected through the impugnation of a corporate resolution highlighting the diversity depending on whether the partners (with respect to which is valued the possibility of assimilation with the legitimate interest), the governing bodies of administration and control, and the thirds, and try to understand if the choice of legitimizing certain subjects in some cases, and anyone with an interest in others is warranted in an appreciable criterion, posed the critical setting that leads this contraposition to the diversity of interest, general or particular, injured from the defect of the decision. Highlighted the peculiarities of the system, in its third part the work intends to carry out an examination of the subjects which the legislature has in practice given the legitimation to impugn the corporate resolutions in the purpose of, on the one hand, deepen the various application problems that the discipline involves and, on the other hand, search for the possible presence of a common thread around which the system develops.
FOIS, EMILIA. "Continuità aziendale e scelte organizzative delle società in crisi." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11584/313091.
Full textGRANDINETTI, Mario. "La determinazione della base imponibile delle società : profili interni, soluzioni comparate e prospettive comunitarie." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10446/92.
Full textCarbonara, Umberto Michele <1976>. "L'invalidità delle decisioni dei soci nella società a responsabilità limitata." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2009. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2249/1/Carbonara_Umberto_Michele_tesi.pdf.
Full textCarbonara, Umberto Michele <1976>. "L'invalidità delle decisioni dei soci nella società a responsabilità limitata." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2009. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2249/.
Full textMONZANI, Saul (ORCID:0000-0002-4448-3038). "La disciplina delle società affidatarie dirette di servizi pubblici locali." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10446/346.
Full textCalovi, Marianna <1986>. "La salvaguardia della diversità culturale degli immigrati : una sfida per i musei delle moderne società multiculturali." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/1875.
Full textBrighenti, Stefano <1990>. "Il gruppo endosocietario : elementi istituzionali e problematiche specifiche delle società multicompartimentali." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/15017.
Full textCIMINO, MICHELE. "Lo strano caso della fallibilità delle società pubbliche in house providing." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/295528.
Full textThe analysis of the legal phenomenon of in-house companies is a particularly complex and evolving issue on the impulses of an often conflicting national jurisprudence and of a European jurisprudence that is sometimes fluctuating and not consolidated, which only in 2021 definitively outlined the issue of the fallibility of companies. in house. The issue of in-house companies is in fact quite recent, but nevertheless it has always fueled a strong debate on diametrically opposed aspects that have concerned both the real nature of the institution, based on jurisprudential orientations and national and supranational regulations, as well as its fallibility in the light of the TUSP and of the C.C.I. . The absence of a univocal position on the nature of in-house companies led to a heated jurisprudential debate in the nineties, culminating in the sentence of the C.G.U.E. of November 18, 1999, case C-107/98, Teckal Srl v. Municipality of Viano, 11 January 2005, case C-26/03 Stadt Halle. In the past, to a first position which identified in-house an exception to the ordinary rule of awarding by tender (Corte Cost., November 17, 2010, n.325; Corte Cost., March 20, 2013, n.46), then followed, prevailing, the thesis that the in house was an alternative, dictated by different reasons, to public tenders and not a minus compared to them. However, in 2020 and 2021, administrative jurisprudence seems to have overcome the theory of equating in-house and public evidence, considering the former residual and subordinate to the latter, also by virtue of the decisions of the C.G.U.E. (Section IX, February 6, 2020, n. 89/19 and C-91/19) and the sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 100/2020. This change of orientation was expressed by the jurisprudence of the Council of State and the T.A.R. prompting the A.N.A.C. to activate a consultation to prepare new Guidelines precisely on the reinforced motivation required by art. 192 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016, an expression of that debate on the nature of in-house. From the Guidelines it appeared that the intent of ANAC, to insert a reinforced motivation, was aimed at remedying the omissions of the Administrations, especially local, which in most cases tend to prefer the in-house entrustment to the public tender, in disregard for national and European rules on competition and transparency. The text of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) was also included in this framework, presented on 25 April 2021 by the Government to Parliament for the start of the legislative procedure, which dictates some principles on the subject of in-house and public services. and the much-needed reform of the C.C.C., which has had a strong impact on the matter of the fallibility of in-house companies as a gloss of a process already started with the T.U.S.P., putting an end, at least for now, to the 'heated doctrinal and jurisprudential dispute on this point.
TAJANI, FEDERICO. "I ruoli delle società di classificazione navale: analisi comparata delle responsabilità tra contratto ed illecito." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/78861.
Full textBERNASCONI, SARA. "La mobilità delle società nell’Unione europea: casi del trasferimento di sede sociale e della fusione transfrontalieri." Doctoral thesis, Università Bocconi, 2012. https://hdl.handle.net/11565/4054300.
Full textCAPOTI, VIVIANA. "L'elezione del consiglio di amministrazione delle società quotate mediante voto di lista." Doctoral thesis, Università Bocconi, 2013. https://hdl.handle.net/11565/4054308.
Full textOlmedo, Peralta Eugenio <1985>. "I doveri e le responsabilità contabili nella corporate governance delle società di capitali." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/5231/1/OlmedoPeralta_Eugenio_tesi.pdf.
Full textGetting an efficient model of corporate governance requires offering an appropriate design of accountability duties. Despite of that, the different legal systems configure these duties in an incomplete way, because the breach of these does not mean a direct sanction for the subject that has disobeyed them. As information about the economic and financial situation of the company, there’s a public interest on accountability, because this information could serve as the base considered by internal subjects and outsiders from the structure of the firm, for the adoption of their decisions. Having a wrong or inaccurate information about the truth situation of the company may produce an unjustified damage to the company itself, the shareholders or third parties. Therefore, these could suit actions to get a compensation of the damages they have suffered. To avoid the production of these damages, from a preventive point of view, corporate governance of public companies can set different sorts of control to reduce the risk of offering a wrong information. These controls could be settled using internal or external subjects (external auditor), and may have a different configuration depending on the monistic or dualistic structure of the company’s governance. This construction of duties and controls may produce an eventual situation of concurrency of faults, because the different subjects that can participate in the process of elaboration of the accounting information pour their contribution over the same document: the balance sheet. This makes crucial the task of determining the effective contribution of everyone, in order to analyse their level of responsibility in the production of the damage.
La construcción de un modelo eficiente de gobierno corporativo tiene que ofrecer una configuración adecuada de los deberes contables. Pese a ello, los ordenamientos jurídicos configuran los deberes contables de forma incompleta, porque el incumplimiento de éstos no lleva aparejada una sanción directa para el sujeto que los incumple. Como información sobre la situación económica y financiera de la sociedad, existe un interés público en la contabilidad, y ésta puede servir como base de juicio que empleen sujetos internos y externos a la empresa, para la adopción de sus decisiones. Disponer de una información falsa o inexacta al respecto puede derivar un daño injustificado a la propia sociedad, a los socios o a terceros, que podrán ejercitar las acciones precisas para el resarcimiento del daño producido. Para evitar la producción de estos daños, desde una perspectiva preventiva, la corporate governance de las sociedades de capital puede prever mecanismos de control que reduzcan el riesgo de ofrecer una información errónea. Estos controles se podrán ejercitar por parte de sujetos internos o externos (auditores) a la estructura de la sociedad, y tendrán una configuración distinta en función de que la sociedad adopte una estructura monista o dualista de gobierno. Ello nos sitúa de frente a una eventual situación de concurrencia de culpas, puesto que los distintos sujetos que intervienen en el proceso de elaboración de la información contable vuelcan su actuación sobre el mismo documento: las cuentas anuales. Resulta por tanto crucial determinar la contribución efectiva de cada uno para analizar su grado de responsabilidad en la producción del daño.
Olmedo, Peralta Eugenio <1985>. "I doveri e le responsabilità contabili nella corporate governance delle società di capitali." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/5231/.
Full textGetting an efficient model of corporate governance requires offering an appropriate design of accountability duties. Despite of that, the different legal systems configure these duties in an incomplete way, because the breach of these does not mean a direct sanction for the subject that has disobeyed them. As information about the economic and financial situation of the company, there’s a public interest on accountability, because this information could serve as the base considered by internal subjects and outsiders from the structure of the firm, for the adoption of their decisions. Having a wrong or inaccurate information about the truth situation of the company may produce an unjustified damage to the company itself, the shareholders or third parties. Therefore, these could suit actions to get a compensation of the damages they have suffered. To avoid the production of these damages, from a preventive point of view, corporate governance of public companies can set different sorts of control to reduce the risk of offering a wrong information. These controls could be settled using internal or external subjects (external auditor), and may have a different configuration depending on the monistic or dualistic structure of the company’s governance. This construction of duties and controls may produce an eventual situation of concurrency of faults, because the different subjects that can participate in the process of elaboration of the accounting information pour their contribution over the same document: the balance sheet. This makes crucial the task of determining the effective contribution of everyone, in order to analyse their level of responsibility in the production of the damage.
La construcción de un modelo eficiente de gobierno corporativo tiene que ofrecer una configuración adecuada de los deberes contables. Pese a ello, los ordenamientos jurídicos configuran los deberes contables de forma incompleta, porque el incumplimiento de éstos no lleva aparejada una sanción directa para el sujeto que los incumple. Como información sobre la situación económica y financiera de la sociedad, existe un interés público en la contabilidad, y ésta puede servir como base de juicio que empleen sujetos internos y externos a la empresa, para la adopción de sus decisiones. Disponer de una información falsa o inexacta al respecto puede derivar un daño injustificado a la propia sociedad, a los socios o a terceros, que podrán ejercitar las acciones precisas para el resarcimiento del daño producido. Para evitar la producción de estos daños, desde una perspectiva preventiva, la corporate governance de las sociedades de capital puede prever mecanismos de control que reduzcan el riesgo de ofrecer una información errónea. Estos controles se podrán ejercitar por parte de sujetos internos o externos (auditores) a la estructura de la sociedad, y tendrán una configuración distinta en función de que la sociedad adopte una estructura monista o dualista de gobierno. Ello nos sitúa de frente a una eventual situación de concurrencia de culpas, puesto que los distintos sujetos que intervienen en el proceso de elaboración de la información contable vuelcan su actuación sobre el mismo documento: las cuentas anuales. Resulta por tanto crucial determinar la contribución efectiva de cada uno para analizar su grado de responsabilidad en la producción del daño.
LAUDONIO, ALDO. "La trasformazione eterogenea delle associazioni." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/530.
Full textThe operation of conversion has undergone a deep change through the corporate law reform of 2003, which broadened the group of allowed conversions with the aim to solve several difficulties noticed in the practice. However, the introduction of the conversion of associations also brought about new problems, that were attempted to be solved by taking into due consideration the opinions of the scholars, the courts’ rulings and the constitutional principles on associationism. In the course of the research, the physiology of the conversion procedure is reconstructed by coordinating its scanty rules with other provisions from the Civil Code and other acts. It has been concluded that the cases of conversion listed in the art. 2500-octies c.c. are not mandatory, but merely illustrative, and it has also been proposed the identification of some systematic limits to convertibility. In the end, there is a analysis of the protective measures set down for the different interests referred to the subjects involved in the conversion, while at the same time it has been evaluated the aptitude of this operation to be an effective mean of resolution of the conflicts that arise in the transition through various legal regimes of the joint activity.
LAUDONIO, ALDO. "La trasformazione eterogenea delle associazioni." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/530.
Full textThe operation of conversion has undergone a deep change through the corporate law reform of 2003, which broadened the group of allowed conversions with the aim to solve several difficulties noticed in the practice. However, the introduction of the conversion of associations also brought about new problems, that were attempted to be solved by taking into due consideration the opinions of the scholars, the courts’ rulings and the constitutional principles on associationism. In the course of the research, the physiology of the conversion procedure is reconstructed by coordinating its scanty rules with other provisions from the Civil Code and other acts. It has been concluded that the cases of conversion listed in the art. 2500-octies c.c. are not mandatory, but merely illustrative, and it has also been proposed the identification of some systematic limits to convertibility. In the end, there is a analysis of the protective measures set down for the different interests referred to the subjects involved in the conversion, while at the same time it has been evaluated the aptitude of this operation to be an effective mean of resolution of the conflicts that arise in the transition through various legal regimes of the joint activity.
DE, NADAI MARCO. "Libertà di circolazione dei capitali e corporate governance delle società con poteri speciali." Doctoral thesis, Università Bocconi, 2013. https://hdl.handle.net/11565/4054343.
Full textSCALIA, GIOVANNI SERGIO. "ALLE ORIGINI DELL'INDUSTRIALIZZAZIONE MILANESE: IL FALLIMENTO DELLE 'NUOVE' SOCIETÀ (1883-1903)." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/349648.
Full textPellizzari, Jenny <1989>. "Trasferimento di residenza delle società all'estero e libertà di stabilimento nel contesto dell'Unione Europea." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/3312.
Full textSANTAMARIA, Angelo. "L’evoluzione delle forme aggregative per l’esercizio delle professioni intellettuali: dallo studio associato alla società tra professionisti." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10446/30691.
Full textLucchetti, Alessandro <1968>. "L'integrazione verticale tra pubblico e privato.Una ricostruzione delle società a capitale misto per i servizi pubblici locali secondo le categorie della teoria economica dell’organizzazione." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/7670/1/Lucchetti_Alessandro_tesi.pdf.
Full textCore assumption of the research is that the joint participation and cooperation of public and private parties in a corporatized entity could be regarded and reconstructed as a hybrid organization within the theoretical model of the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE). The research is inteded to affirm that the IPPP is a hybrid” where the two parties (the public and the private one) combine joint efforts and competing goals. The research reveals the most distinctive legal features, within the Italian Jurisdiction, of this form of “Institutionalized PublicPrivate Partnerships (IPPP)” where the joint participation takes place within a corporatized entity. The TCE Approach to Institutionalised Public-Private Partnerships (IPPP) offers a new perspective on the legal reconstruction of the cooperation between the public entity and the private party. The Corporatized Hybribs organizations provide solutions to manage uncertainty due to contract incompleteness by means of embedded relationships within the corporate governance framework. Due to the long-term functioning, the IPPP must be able to adjust to changes in the economic, legal or tecnological environment and those changes must be assessed and approved in the context of the corporate relationship between the public entity and the Private Partner. The analysis, focused on the Italian legal system, confirms that company law and administrative law do matter and play a key role in the appropriate design of the transaction in order to avoid unbalanced relationship between the Private Partner and the Public Party which acts as Public Authority too (the so called “double alignment problem”).
Lucchetti, Alessandro <1968>. "L'integrazione verticale tra pubblico e privato.Una ricostruzione delle società a capitale misto per i servizi pubblici locali secondo le categorie della teoria economica dell’organizzazione." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/7670/.
Full textCore assumption of the research is that the joint participation and cooperation of public and private parties in a corporatized entity could be regarded and reconstructed as a hybrid organization within the theoretical model of the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE). The research is inteded to affirm that the IPPP is a hybrid” where the two parties (the public and the private one) combine joint efforts and competing goals. The research reveals the most distinctive legal features, within the Italian Jurisdiction, of this form of “Institutionalized PublicPrivate Partnerships (IPPP)” where the joint participation takes place within a corporatized entity. The TCE Approach to Institutionalised Public-Private Partnerships (IPPP) offers a new perspective on the legal reconstruction of the cooperation between the public entity and the private party. The Corporatized Hybribs organizations provide solutions to manage uncertainty due to contract incompleteness by means of embedded relationships within the corporate governance framework. Due to the long-term functioning, the IPPP must be able to adjust to changes in the economic, legal or tecnological environment and those changes must be assessed and approved in the context of the corporate relationship between the public entity and the Private Partner. The analysis, focused on the Italian legal system, confirms that company law and administrative law do matter and play a key role in the appropriate design of the transaction in order to avoid unbalanced relationship between the Private Partner and the Public Party which acts as Public Authority too (the so called “double alignment problem”).
Gonzato, Alessandro Maria <1981>. "La libertà di stabilimento delle società nel diritto dell'Unione Europea : "stato dell'arte" e prospettive per il futuro." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/1131.
Full textThe subject of the present thesis is the principle of freedom of establishment under EU company law. This principle has involved relevant questions concerning its application within the internal market since the entering into force of the EC Treaty. Freedom of establishment has also generated a long debate over the last fifty years, in doctrine papers as well as in EU Court of Justice' judgements.The discussion on the principle of freedom of establishment is mainly related to the companies’ mobility in Europe. Secondly, the process between harmonization and liberalisation in EU company law has to be further devoloped, considering also the risks of “forum shopping” between EU member states. Referring to the mobility of companies in Europe, analysis has been enlarged with the discussion about european directives (i.e. Merger Directive 2005/56/CE) concerning the right to exercize mobility from one member state to another, european company statutes (i.e. SE), the proposal of “fourteenth directive” and European Private Company (SPE). The mobility of companies in EU implies international law matter referred to the important choice between “incorporation theory” or “real seat theory” as criteria in transferring company seat, and in cross-boarder mergers among industrial and commercial companies. Comparison between the above-mentioned subject of mobility in Europe with the freedom of establishment's principle, as defined in banking, insurance and financial law, is common so as to stress an in-depth difference in the legislative approach: registered office and administrative office must be positioned in the same member state, european authorisation admitted by the country of origin, establishing branches in other member states. The aforesaid conceptual framework allows to formulate some conclusions based on the right of free establishment next upgrade and fixing perspectives on balance between harmonisation and liberalisation in European company law.
Full textThe thesis analyses the determinants and effects on firm value of listed companies of a dual class share structure, made of two classes of shares with different voting power. Part I examines the theoretical and empirical studies concerning dual class companies in the United States; Part II focuses on a selected group of companies, the publishing companies, to verify whether in this sector dual class structures help safeguard the editorial integrity of newspapers, protecting them from the market pressure to maximize profits.
FICO, Antonio. "Il modello privatistico nella governance delle società a partecipazione pubbliche e le esigenze pubblicistiche nella gestione ordinaria e nella crisi. L’impatto della “Riforma Madia”." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Cassino, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11580/75230.
Full textCito, Federica <1992>. "Il diritto d'autore tra pervasività di internet e creatività. Problematiche relative alla protezione delle opere d'ingegno nella società dell’informazione." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/13210.
Full textSOBRERO, VANESSA. "Contributo allo studio del comitato per il controllo interno delle società quotate: inquadramento giuridico, analisi economica e profili applicativi." Doctoral thesis, Università Bocconi, 2008. https://hdl.handle.net/11565/4051217.
Full textGRILLI, STEFANO. "La residenza delle società dotate di personalità giuridica ai fini delle imposte dirette in base al diritto tributario interno e alle convenzioni per evitare le doppie imposizioni sottoscritte dall'Italia." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Bergamo, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10446/26690.
Full textVESCOVI, MATTEO. "CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELLE SOCIETÀ A PARTECIPAZIONE PUBBLICA ALLA LUCE DEL NUOVO TESTO UNICO (D.LGS. 19 AGOSTO 2016, N. 175)." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/707978.
Full textThe thesis aims at analyzing the model of company emerging from the new Consolidated law on public bodies owned companies, coming at the conclusion that the reform has chosen for a private characterization, according to the types envisaged by the Civil Code. Conversely, the need of pursuing public interest has permanently lost the ability to denaturalize the company. It represents an extrasocial interest, that may be satisfied only during the public law phase. To fully appreciate the importance of these results, the analysis of the Consolidated law is preceded by a reconstruction of the tortuous itinerary of public bodies owned companies in the Italian legal system, which over the years has seen oscillations between opposite polarities and deep interpretative contrasts, result of the complex relationship between public authorities and the economy.
DELLA, TOMMASINA LUCA. "LA TUTELA INDENNITARIA DELL'INFORMAZIONE NELLE SOCIETA' PER AZIONI." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/11454.
Full textThe paper deals with the role of information in shareholder decision-making. The attention is paid to companies which do not have an actual market: in these companies the meeting is often an unnecessary encumbrance (Davies-Worthington, Gower and Davies’ Principles of modern company law9, London, 2012, 436) and the members can rely on a set of rules that are flexible. In my paper the information is regarded from the perspective of: (i) the relationship between directors and members of the company, and (ii) the conflict among majority and minority shareholders. And the paper tries to check if the articles of incorporation can give the majority the power of sacrificing minority’s rights to information in exchange for a compensation.
DELLA, TOMMASINA LUCA. "LA TUTELA INDENNITARIA DELL'INFORMAZIONE NELLE SOCIETA' PER AZIONI." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/11454.
Full textThe paper deals with the role of information in shareholder decision-making. The attention is paid to companies which do not have an actual market: in these companies the meeting is often an unnecessary encumbrance (Davies-Worthington, Gower and Davies’ Principles of modern company law9, London, 2012, 436) and the members can rely on a set of rules that are flexible. In my paper the information is regarded from the perspective of: (i) the relationship between directors and members of the company, and (ii) the conflict among majority and minority shareholders. And the paper tries to check if the articles of incorporation can give the majority the power of sacrificing minority’s rights to information in exchange for a compensation.
AGSTNER, PETER. "IL GRUPPO COOPERATIVO GERARCHICO." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/999.
Full textMy doctorate thesis considers a vertically organized corporation in which the mother company is a cooperative, with particular reference to the repercussions of such a structure on the mutual relationship involved. As the need to compete on the market through a single management body in charge of diversified activities becomes more pressing, the cooperatives currently find themselves at a disadvantage with respect to profit-making enterprises, as their adoption of a holding structure to run their business activities is looked upon with a certain suspicion. There are many who sustain in fact that such a structure is in open conflict with the principles of the cooperative movement, such as, inter alia, the open door principle. In particular, doubts have been raised as to whether the mutual-benefit purpose on which cooperatives are founded, involving the supply of management services to the members at conditions which are more beneficial than those generally available on the market, can be fully applied within a holding structure. In my doctorate thesis, I assert the full legitimacy of the holding cooperative on the basis of a series of arguments which I have developed by comparing several European legal systems, focusing in particular on the key concept of my research, the mutual-benefit purpose in vertical integrated companies.
AGSTNER, PETER. "IL GRUPPO COOPERATIVO GERARCHICO." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/999.
Full textMy doctorate thesis considers a vertically organized corporation in which the mother company is a cooperative, with particular reference to the repercussions of such a structure on the mutual relationship involved. As the need to compete on the market through a single management body in charge of diversified activities becomes more pressing, the cooperatives currently find themselves at a disadvantage with respect to profit-making enterprises, as their adoption of a holding structure to run their business activities is looked upon with a certain suspicion. There are many who sustain in fact that such a structure is in open conflict with the principles of the cooperative movement, such as, inter alia, the open door principle. In particular, doubts have been raised as to whether the mutual-benefit purpose on which cooperatives are founded, involving the supply of management services to the members at conditions which are more beneficial than those generally available on the market, can be fully applied within a holding structure. In my doctorate thesis, I assert the full legitimacy of the holding cooperative on the basis of a series of arguments which I have developed by comparing several European legal systems, focusing in particular on the key concept of my research, the mutual-benefit purpose in vertical integrated companies.