Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Diritti civici'
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Rovensky, Jan. "Voting: a citizen's right, or duty? The case against compulsory voting." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/11385/200771.
Full textFavuzza, F. "LA PROTEZIONE DELLA POPOLAZIONE CIVILE NEI TERRITORI OCCUPATI TRA DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE UMANITARIO E DIRITTI UMANI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/250233.
Full textDonato, Valerio. "Contributi di diritto civile /." Torino : Giappichelli, 2004. http://www.gbv.de/dms/sbb-berlin/474530620.pdf.
Full textMarcolla, Lorenzo. "«Improbe litigare». Ricerche sulle condotte non collaborative delle parti nel processo civile romano." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/11572/369057.
Full textStoppa, Laura <1992>. "Dal diritto di accesso al nuovo accesso civico." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/10755.
Full textGABELLINI, ELENA. "L'ARBITRABILITA' DEI DIRITTI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/218726.
Full textPescara, Marco <1988>. "Martin Luther King e il Movimento per i Diritti Civili Afroamericani." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/9023.
Full textGALLETTA, Chiara. "Su alcuni aspetti della sentenza nel processo civile romano." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/91205.
Full textThe work research titled “On some aspects of the sentence in the roman civil trial” aims to identify the subjects of the sentence in the roman civil trial and to reconstruct its contents with reference to the three types of trial historically succeeded. In the first chapter, after a brief terminological survey and a review of the different positions undertaken by operant academics at the origin of bipartition, the attention focuses on the thesis leaning toward an original and full iurisdictio of rex, inclusive then of the power to judge. Afterwards an analysis of the various judgemental authorities, from the iudex to the arbiter to the collective bodies (Centumviri, Decemviri stlitibus iudicandis, Recuperatores, Septemviri), whose origins and jurisdictions are defined. The chapter concludes with considerations on the judgemental authorities in the extra ordinem procedures of the imperial age and in the cognitional process. The second chapter, focused on the contents of the sentence, opens with the Gai exegesis 4.48, which, supported by numerous textual evidences, would assume that in range of lege agere, the sentence, even being actually a verdict on the sacramentum, would implicitly authorize the winning part to the use of self-defence for the recovery of the controversial res. At the closure of the research, the analysis of the exclusively pecuniary content of the sentence in the formulaic process and the affirmation , in regards to the cognitional process, of a new sentence able to make to winning part attain the object of the demand claimed in trial.
PORTONERA, GIUSEPPE. "FUNZIONE PUNITIVA E DIRITTO CIVILE. PROBLEMA E SISTEMA." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/120388.
Full textIn July 2017, the Civil Court of Cassation, Joint Sections issued a judgment opening to the exequatur of punitive damages award rendered by foreign courts. However, the Supreme Court did not limit its attention to the profile of private international law but went so far as to state that «in the current legal system, […] the functions of deterrence and punishment are inherent in the system». This dictum prompted the present research, which has been carried out with reference to the civil law system as a whole (tort law, so-called “relational” liability, and appropriative conflicts of resources in proprietary contexts). The problematic survey and the consequent systematic analysis carried out show that the role of the punitive function in the civil law system is very limited. The traditional civil law institutions appear capable of protecting private interests, thus the lack of compelling reasons to reconfigure them in a punitive sense. The main research results show that: de lege lata, punishment in private law does not rise to a general category; and de lege ferenda, there is no ground to promote a greater scope for it. Nevertheless, they have also outlined the possibility that punitive function plays a heuristic role – modest but not trivial – which may operate both in the negative (i.e., excluding eccentric interpretative outcomes), and in the positive (i.e., posing the question of a possible systematic innovation).
MARTINOLI, RICCARDO. "Il riscatto agrario tra diritto sostanziale e processo." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/96571.
Full textThe paper intended to analyze the procedural aspects of agrarian rent. The thesis addresses in the first instance the question relating to the dogmatic framework of redemption, as a figure generally traced back to the category of potestative rights, or among mere powers, according to the traditional distinction dear to both civil law and civil law scholars substantial. Having identified redemption as a power, the reflection focused on the substantive or procedural nature of its exercise (in parallel with the study of the dual qualification of potestative rights for judicial or extrajudicial exercise) and led to endorse the first hypothesis, on the basis of a precise discretionary choice of the legislator who intended to protect the farmer in a particular way, without imposing on him the need to establish a constitutive judgment in order to obtain the translation effect of the property right, but considering the mere unilateral declaration. The conclusion of the discussion is dedicated to the operational aspects of agrarian rent, with particular attention to the special discipline of the subject poses to the interpreter, especially with regard to the methods for paying the so-called price of ransom.
MARTINOLI, RICCARDO. "Il riscatto agrario tra diritto sostanziale e processo." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/96571.
Full textThe paper intended to analyze the procedural aspects of agrarian rent. The thesis addresses in the first instance the question relating to the dogmatic framework of redemption, as a figure generally traced back to the category of potestative rights, or among mere powers, according to the traditional distinction dear to both civil law and civil law scholars substantial. Having identified redemption as a power, the reflection focused on the substantive or procedural nature of its exercise (in parallel with the study of the dual qualification of potestative rights for judicial or extrajudicial exercise) and led to endorse the first hypothesis, on the basis of a precise discretionary choice of the legislator who intended to protect the farmer in a particular way, without imposing on him the need to establish a constitutive judgment in order to obtain the translation effect of the property right, but considering the mere unilateral declaration. The conclusion of the discussion is dedicated to the operational aspects of agrarian rent, with particular attention to the special discipline of the subject poses to the interpreter, especially with regard to the methods for paying the so-called price of ransom.
DUBINI, FANNY. "IL GIUDIZIO CIVILE DI RINVIO A SEGUITO DI ANNULLAMENTO DELLA SENTENZA PENALE AI SOLI EFFETTI CIVILI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/567862.
Full textThis paper addresses the proceedings called “giudizio di rinvio” before the civil judge following the declaration of the judgment as null and void (“annullamento”) with respect to its civil effects only, ex Article 622 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure. In particular, this paper aims at identifying - in the absence of ad hoc law provisions - the proper rules for this peculiar proceedings, the latter being a point of contact between the criminal procedure system and the civil procedure system. In Section first, with the aim at framing the procedure relating to the declaration as null and void (“annullamento”) of the criminal judgement with respect to its civil effects only, this paper briefly addresses how the rules applicable to the relationship between civil action and criminal action have developed. In the Section second, this paper addresses the cases wherein Article 622 of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure is applicable. Once the ratio and the scope of the “giudizio di rinvio” has been addressed, this paper analyses the solutions proposed by the Italian Authors and case laws with respect to structure, purpose, nature, characters, limitations and procedural rules, concluding that the civil procedure rules governing the “giudizio di rinvio” cannot be applied directly and exclusively. Accordingly, this paper illustrates how the applicable criminal procedure rules and civil procedure rules should be coordinated.
VIANELLO, Alessandro. "IL DIFENSORE CIVICO." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11392/2388790.
Full textMORISI, LUCA. "L'usura nel diritto civile: storia, problemi e prospettive di riforma." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1244467.
Full textCESPA, MICHELE. "PRINCIPIO DI PRECAUZIONE E RESPONSABILITÀ CIVILE - UN'ANALISI DI DIRITTO COMPARATO." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/217806.
Full textPolidoro, Stefania <1975>. "La tutela cautelare del diritto d'autore." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2948/1/Polidoro_Stefania_Tesi.pdf.
Full textPolidoro, Stefania <1975>. "La tutela cautelare del diritto d'autore." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2010. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/2948/.
Full textFINOCCHIARO, ALBERTO. "Arbitrato e diritto della concorrenza." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11385/201087.
Full textTomasetig, Francesca. "Usi civici e proprietà collettive sull'altopiano della provincia di Trieste." Bachelor's thesis, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/10077/21882.
Full textFINOCCHIARO, STEFANO. "CONFISCA DI PREVENZIONE E CIVIL FORFEITURE. VERSO UN NUOVO MODELLO DI 'CONFISCA CIVILE' DELLA RICCHEZZA ILLECITA." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/548698.
Full textThe work aims at studying a particular kind of confiscation, called “confisca di prevenzione”, ruled by the Legislative Decree n. 159/2011, proposing a qualification of it as a civil measure in order to revise the current legislation. The dissertation starts from the analysis of the origins and evolution of this confiscation, then examines the current legal framework and the main issues related to its application and interpretation. The work thus focuses on the question of the qualification of the nature of the measure, going through the theories developed by Italian scholars and the Italian case law, also studying the European Union Law and the European Convention of Human Rights. By such a method the dissertation deals also with the civil forfeiture of the United States and the related case-law by the American Supreme Court, that offers important hints in order to detect the criteria identifying the nature of the Italian confisca di prevenzione. Indeed its nature, ultimately, does not seems to be “preventive” or “punitive”, since both these qualifications do not fit with the real goal of this confiscation, i.e. the neutralization, the resetting, of the illicit store of wealth. The measure should lead back the asset of the person to the situation in which he/she would have been if the unlawful conduct were not committed. The nature of the confiscation is therefore “civil”, since it is governed by private law rules, including the ways to legally acquire property and the general prohibition of unlawful enrichment. Finally, using a de iure condendo approach, the work drafts the main features ruling the application of this civil confiscation (the action of the State against the owner) and the guarantees, set by the Italian Constitution and the European Convention (articles 41, 42 Const. and article 1 of Protocol n.1 of ECHR), pointing out its potential benefits both on the efficiency of this tool and on the protection of the fundamental human rights.
Polinari, Jacopo. "Profili sistematici dell'arbitrato nel diritto amministrativo." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11385/200738.
Full textPelle, Lorenzo. "Le nullità degli atti processuali civili." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2015. https://hdl.handle.net/11572/368221.
Full textPuoti, Basilio. "La trasparenza amministrativa tra il diritto di accesso civico e la legge 150/2000." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10556/3117.
Full textThis essay proposes a comparison among three recent topics: the civic access right, the administration transparency and the law on public communication. The main goal of the present study is to prove that, only through a full application of the law 150/2000 and the employment of professional figures like journalists and public relators in public administration, it is possible to realize what the deputy Filippo Turati, in 1908, called “the glass house” in regard to the public administration, an expression which is still in use to indicate the citizen’s need to be granted a wider access to public administration, as a fundamental opportunity of participative action in the civil society. An effective and professional communication about the activities and life in public administrations is the necessary condition to grant transparency and positive finalization of those policies directed to ensure the basic services to citizens. ... [edited by Author]
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MOSCHELLA, CONSUELO. "LA GARANZIA IMPROPRIA: PROFILI DI DIRITTO PROCESSUALE." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/719368.
Full textTURRINI, MARYAM. "IL PRINCIPIO DI DIRITTO NELL'INTERESSE DELLA LEGGE." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/813867.
Full textTRIPODI, BRUNO. "L’arbitrato e la successione nel diritto controverso." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11385/201138.
Full textMORO, GABRIELE. "FEDERALISMO E DIRITTO DEL LAVORO." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/258.
Full textMORO, GABRIELE. "FEDERALISMO E DIRITTO DEL LAVORO." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/258.
Full textSERBLIN, MARIO. "INSOLVENZA CIVILE E STATUTO DELL'OBBLIGAZIONE." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/69054.
Full textThe research analyzes the issue of the civil debtor's inability to pay his debts through the prism of the contractual liability. It starts from the examination of the recent law established to compose the "over-indebtedness crisis", which, hypocritically, and with the abuse of the technique of special legislation, has conveyed antithetical rationes within the civil law system compared to those embodied by the common law of obligations. This resulted in a chaos of the sources of private law, which aims to resolve by restoring the centrality of the civil code. The cultural operation, which wants to be other than an unlikely interpretatio abrogans of the special law, passes through the demonstration that the common law is compatible with the economic and social reasons that led the legislator to pass the law on "over-indebtedness". Following this directive, the script re-reads the codicistic discipline of insolvency and contractual liability and, going beyond the veil of the apparent "pro-creditor autism" of common law, attempts to demonstrate how it is well suited to interpretations more benevolent to the insolvent debtor: this should allow the system to recover part of its lost unity.
SERBLIN, MARIO. "INSOLVENZA CIVILE E STATUTO DELL'OBBLIGAZIONE." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10280/69054.
Full textThe research analyzes the issue of the civil debtor's inability to pay his debts through the prism of the contractual liability. It starts from the examination of the recent law established to compose the "over-indebtedness crisis", which, hypocritically, and with the abuse of the technique of special legislation, has conveyed antithetical rationes within the civil law system compared to those embodied by the common law of obligations. This resulted in a chaos of the sources of private law, which aims to resolve by restoring the centrality of the civil code. The cultural operation, which wants to be other than an unlikely interpretatio abrogans of the special law, passes through the demonstration that the common law is compatible with the economic and social reasons that led the legislator to pass the law on "over-indebtedness". Following this directive, the script re-reads the codicistic discipline of insolvency and contractual liability and, going beyond the veil of the apparent "pro-creditor autism" of common law, attempts to demonstrate how it is well suited to interpretations more benevolent to the insolvent debtor: this should allow the system to recover part of its lost unity.
Casagrande, Marco. "Il porto nel diritto internazionale." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3422442.
Full textNell'esaminare la disciplina del porto civile nel diritto internazionale e dell'Unione europea, la tesi parte necessariamente dalla spiccata evoluzione da cui è stato interessato negli ultimi decenni, appunto, il porto civile. Quest'ultimo non solo ha subito mutamenti radicali nei suoi sistemi di governance, ma ha assunto un ruolo strategico nell'economia globalizzata mondiale. Dopo i disastri petroliferi che hanno interessato l'Europa a partire dagli anni '70, inoltre, il porto civile è stato progressivamente valorizzato come luogo di controllo ed enforcement degli standard marittimi. Infine, dopo l'11 settembre 2001 ci si è resi conto che il porto civile è l'unico luogo in cui sia possibile controllare il traffico dei container. Questi ultimi, infatti, sono concepiti per attraversare il porto rimanendo sigillati, e sono potenzialmente un mezzo ideale per il contrabbando di merci vietate, anche a scopo terroristico. Questa rinnovata importanza dei porti ha condotto alla stipula dei Memorandum d'intesa regionali sul port State control, e all'adozione del Codice ISPS sulla port and ship security. Questi strumenti internazionali e i relativi atti di recepimento nel diritto dell'Unione europea, peraltro, non sono sufficienti a bilanciare la scarsità, eterogeneità e frammentarietà della norme internazionali ed europee sul porto civile, ambito a lungo trascurato per una varietà di fattori: la statalizzazione dei porti conseguente alla decolonizzazione, la località dei cluster marittimo-portuali e la persistente riluttanza di questi ultimi a dialogare con contesti extraportuali anche nazionali, men che meno sovranazionali o internazionali.
BERETTA, DAVIDE. "LA SUCCESSIONE NEL DIRITTO CONTROVERSO. PREMESSE PER UNO STUDIO." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/625849.
Full textIMBROSCIANO, CHIARA. "Il dovere di sinteticità e chiarezza nel sistema del diritto processuale civile." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/329267.
Full textThe code of civil procedure does not establish a binding legal principle of clarity and concision in written pleadings. Nevertheless, the duties of clarity and conciseness have a constitutional basis. They are related to the principles of reasonable duration and procedural economy. The research examines the different possible points of view that, whit regard to the principles of clarity and simplicity, the judge and the lawyer might have.
Salvioni, Sergio. "Profilo di una sistematica sulle limitazioni temporali dei diritti /." Bellinzona : Salvioni, 2005. http://aleph.unisg.ch/hsgscan/hm00124042.pdf.
Full textBARBATO, MARIA ROSARIA. "La frode alla legge nel diritto del lavoro italiano e brasiliano." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/1063.
Full textThe two parties to a contract have generally a wide autonomy in choosing the type of contractual form used to achieve a certain interest. This happens even more under the Labour Law also considering that the parties – more in Italy than in Brazil – have several tools to regulate their interests during the employer-employee relationship. It recurrently happens that the parties identify tools to achieve, in different ways, the aim of a not allowed agreement: this is attained through the simulation (directly against the rules) or the fraud (indirectly against the rules). So, there is the need to recognize when a behaviour is “in fraudem legis” or “contra legem”. This study begins with the examination of the Civil Law concept of fraud in both Countries; through the Roman Law, the Code of Justinian and the traditional up to the most contemporary theories, the work tries to find an interpretation to qualify the concept of fraud, distinguishing it from the direct violation of the law. This evaluation is essentially based on the Italian doctrine, by considering the absence of interest on the subject in Brazil since the complete lack (up to the 2002) in the Brazilian Civil Code of any reference to the fraud to law. The work goes therefore on by considering the concept of fraud in the Labour Law. In Italy, in the absence of a specific provision of fraud in the Labour Law, the 1.344 item of the Civil Code is applied; in Brazil, instead, there is a specific rule provided by the item n° 9 of the “Consolidação das leis do Trabalho”. It was chosen to analyze, as regards to Italy, the problem of the interposition of labour, the “commando” or “distacco”, the work at home and some other fraudulent topics in the hypothesis of the succession of enterprises or in the case of fixed-term labour contracts. The work, as regards to Brazil, is instead basically focused on the most fascinating cases of fraud in the Country.
AYTANO, CHIARA. "Verso la semplificazione delle forme di tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/202119.
Full textThe theme of the thesis is the analyst of the form of safeguarding simplified because changed by of the basic rules of controlling and training in a lawsuit, from the point of view of speeding up and deflationary to the contentious. In particular, the enquires were made into the aspects of the safeguard summary, in its different classifications based on the authorities and the different trial applications, - from the chamber procedure to the new procedure summary – the light is on the main constitution of the correct trial and rights of the defence of the sides, although the annulling of the institution of the company abbreviated procedure, looked into side by side with the similar procedure expected in the administration trial, which represents a model process that one hopes can become newly adopted in the civil procedure. The aim of this brief close examination of this subject is therefore to show and share the idea of the authorities of the civil law trial that maintains and values the elasticity of the form of the trial and surely works properly in civil justice and also is perfectly compatible with the constitutional picture.
Baroncini, Valentina. "I profili processuali dell'automatic stay nel diritto fallimentare statunitense." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2015. https://hdl.handle.net/11572/369083.
Full textESTEPHAN, STEPHANIE. "Matrimoni misti e legislazione civile in libano: verso una progressiva laicizzazione del diritto." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/201657.
Full textRUGGIERO, VINCENZO. "Interessi ed usura nel diritto civile. Riflessioni, rimedi, percorsi giusprudenziali e profili applicativi." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/52463.
Full textGarzon, Elisa. "La riscoperta del diritto civile nell'ottica della strategia differenziata di lotta al crimine." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2016. https://hdl.handle.net/11572/368428.
Full textDEPETRIS, ELENA. "La responsabilità delle agenzie di rating tra diritto europeo e soluzioni di diritto interno." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10281/50987.
Full textD'Aprea, Ciro. "I diritti gli obblighi e le responsabilità degli arbitri derivanti dal contratto di arbitrato." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11385/200903.
Full textMiriello, Cesare <1975>. "La responsabilità civile nelle attività sanitarie." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/4259/1/miriello_cesare.pdf.
Full textThe thesis is based on the consideration that the medical liability system is configured today as a composite system: it is not only based on the doctor-patient direct relationship, a traditional topic for the study of medical liability, but rather on the overall relationships that, in addition to the private one, are established when a person is the beneficiary of medical services of any sort: diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, surgical, welfare, etc. Furthermore, the attention to the condition of the subject of this activity (the patient) has increased, giving particular consideration to the terms and conditions whereby the consent has been granted, its premises, its contents and effects. Thus, the matter of civil liability affects several fields of law, which range from the healthcare to the organization and discipline of public and private institutions providing medical, hospital and welfare services and of course aspects of professional ethics. Many of these aspects have been interrelated and coordinated in the thesis in order to accomplish a multidisciplinary study. The thesis, from the particular point of view of civil law, shows a significant reverse in trend: until the late 90's the doctor-patient relationship was characterized by a substantial favor for the doctor, because, by practicing a free profession – typical of an uncertain science - the result of the performance was only tendentious, so that any negligence or fault were to be evaluated considering the difficulty of the performance. Nowadays, the issue has become more complex for several reasons: from the development of the profession, practiced with a less "personal" approach, with a less close relationship between doctor and patient to gradually more advanced stages.
Miriello, Cesare <1975>. "La responsabilità civile nelle attività sanitarie." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/4259/.
Full textThe thesis is based on the consideration that the medical liability system is configured today as a composite system: it is not only based on the doctor-patient direct relationship, a traditional topic for the study of medical liability, but rather on the overall relationships that, in addition to the private one, are established when a person is the beneficiary of medical services of any sort: diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, surgical, welfare, etc. Furthermore, the attention to the condition of the subject of this activity (the patient) has increased, giving particular consideration to the terms and conditions whereby the consent has been granted, its premises, its contents and effects. Thus, the matter of civil liability affects several fields of law, which range from the healthcare to the organization and discipline of public and private institutions providing medical, hospital and welfare services and of course aspects of professional ethics. Many of these aspects have been interrelated and coordinated in the thesis in order to accomplish a multidisciplinary study. The thesis, from the particular point of view of civil law, shows a significant reverse in trend: until the late 90's the doctor-patient relationship was characterized by a substantial favor for the doctor, because, by practicing a free profession – typical of an uncertain science - the result of the performance was only tendentious, so that any negligence or fault were to be evaluated considering the difficulty of the performance. Nowadays, the issue has become more complex for several reasons: from the development of the profession, practiced with a less "personal" approach, with a less close relationship between doctor and patient to gradually more advanced stages.
Villani, Livia <1980>. "La responsabilità civile da prodotto farmaceutico." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/4553/1/villani_livia_tesi.pdf.
Full textIn this research there is a description of pharmaceutical products, drugs (d.lgs. n. 219 del 2006, Community Code relating to medicinal products for human use and 85/374CEE Directive)and medical devices (93/42 CEE Directive). The aim of the research is the analysis of civil liability for damages caused by pharmaceutical product (drugs and medical device). After this first investigation the research analyses the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle enables rapid response in the face of a possible danger to human, animal or plant health, or to protect the environment. In particular, where scientific data do not permit a complete evaluation of the risk, recourse to this principle may be used to stop distribution or order withdrawal from the market of products likely to be hazardous. In the 85/374CEE Directive there are important concepts: duty to warn (sentence of Supreme Court n. 20985 of 2007) and state of art (sentence of Rome Court, July, 20th 2002 and July, 27th 1987, Milan Court November, 19th 1987, Supreme Court n. 6241 of 1987). About state of art, there is a big difference between the proof that is in the article 2050 of Civil Code and in the article 6 of 85/374CEE Directive (“the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the time when he puts the product into circulation was not such as to enable the existence of the defect to be discovered”). Another important issue is the duty to warn because in the absence of a suitable warning, an individual who carries a genetic polymorphism that increases the risk of an adverse drug reaction (ADR) from a particular drug could bring a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer, arguing, that the manufacturer should have provided a warning about this susceptibility.
Villani, Livia <1980>. "La responsabilità civile da prodotto farmaceutico." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/4553/.
Full textIn this research there is a description of pharmaceutical products, drugs (d.lgs. n. 219 del 2006, Community Code relating to medicinal products for human use and 85/374CEE Directive)and medical devices (93/42 CEE Directive). The aim of the research is the analysis of civil liability for damages caused by pharmaceutical product (drugs and medical device). After this first investigation the research analyses the precautionary principle. The precautionary principle enables rapid response in the face of a possible danger to human, animal or plant health, or to protect the environment. In particular, where scientific data do not permit a complete evaluation of the risk, recourse to this principle may be used to stop distribution or order withdrawal from the market of products likely to be hazardous. In the 85/374CEE Directive there are important concepts: duty to warn (sentence of Supreme Court n. 20985 of 2007) and state of art (sentence of Rome Court, July, 20th 2002 and July, 27th 1987, Milan Court November, 19th 1987, Supreme Court n. 6241 of 1987). About state of art, there is a big difference between the proof that is in the article 2050 of Civil Code and in the article 6 of 85/374CEE Directive (“the state of scientific and technical knowledge at the time when he puts the product into circulation was not such as to enable the existence of the defect to be discovered”). Another important issue is the duty to warn because in the absence of a suitable warning, an individual who carries a genetic polymorphism that increases the risk of an adverse drug reaction (ADR) from a particular drug could bring a lawsuit against the drug manufacturer, arguing, that the manufacturer should have provided a warning about this susceptibility.
Mazzola, Massimo. "Responsabilità civile e gestione del rischio assicurativo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2017. https://hdl.handle.net/11572/369185.
Full textRizzo, Stefano <1989>. "Corporate Social Responsibility - La gestione del rischio reputazionale e la violazione dei diritti civili. Analisi del caso H&M." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/9583.
Full textCarra', Simone <1986>. "Percorsi evolutivi della funzione della responsabilità civile." Doctoral thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/8300.
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