Academic literature on the topic 'Diritti civici'
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Journal articles on the topic "Diritti civici"
Redazione, A. cura della. "Diritto italiano. Diritti civili." DIRITTO, IMMIGRAZIONE E CITTADINANZA, no. 4 (April 2013): 155–64.
Full textRepetto, Giorgio. "LA CIVILIZZAZIONE. L’ESPANSIONE DEI DIRITTI NEGLI ANNI ‘60 E ‘70." Il Politico 251, no. 2 (March 3, 2020): 52–76.
Full textIndellicato, Michelle. "L’etica nei procedimenti giudiziari." Zeszyty Naukowe KUL 60, no. 3 (October 27, 2020): 201–8.
Full textTarantino, Antonio. "Sul fondamento dei diritti del nascituro: alcune considerazioni bioetico-giuridiche (TI)." Medicina e Morale 44, no. 6 (December 31, 1995): 1209–48.
Full textSimone, Anna. "Corpi a-normali. Eccedenze del diritto e norma eterossessuale." SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO, no. 1 (July 2010): 65–79.
Full textCasadonte, Annamaria, and Alberto Guariso. "L'azione civile contro la discriminazione: rassegna giurisprudenziale dei primi dieci anni." DIRITTO, IMMIGRAZIONE E CITTADINANZA, no. 2 (July 2010): 59–85.
Full textItaliano, Diritto. "Diritti civili." DIRITTO, IMMIGRAZIONE E CITTADINANZA, no. 2 (July 2006): 110–27.
Full textDi Viggiano, Pasquale Luigi. "ETICA, ROBOTICA E LAVORO: PROFILI D’INFORMATICA GIURIDICA." Revista Opinião Jurídica (Fortaleza) 16, no. 22 (March 23, 2018): 247.
Full textSeveroni, Cecilia. "La sicurezza dell'aviazione civile e i limiti alla libertà di circolazione: riflessioni a seguito della pandemia da COVID-19." RIVISTA ITALIANA DI DIRITTO DEL TURISMO, no. 30 (September 2020): 148–84.
Full textBeni, Paolo. "Crisi e politicitŕ della cittadinanza." QUESTIONE GIUSTIZIA, no. 3 (September 2011): 7–18.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Diritti civici"
Rovensky, Jan. "Voting: a citizen's right, or duty? The case against compulsory voting." Doctoral thesis, Luiss Guido Carli, 2008.
Full textDonato, Valerio. "Contributi di diritto civile /." Torino : Giappichelli, 2004.
Full textMarcolla, Lorenzo. "«Improbe litigare». Ricerche sulle condotte non collaborative delle parti nel processo civile romano." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2018.
Full textStoppa, Laura <1992>. "Dal diritto di accesso al nuovo accesso civico." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2017.
Full textGABELLINI, ELENA. "L'ARBITRABILITA' DEI DIRITTI." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2013.
Full textPescara, Marco <1988>. "Martin Luther King e il Movimento per i Diritti Civili Afroamericani." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2016.
Full textGALLETTA, Chiara. "Su alcuni aspetti della sentenza nel processo civile romano." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2014.
Full textThe work research titled “On some aspects of the sentence in the roman civil trial” aims to identify the subjects of the sentence in the roman civil trial and to reconstruct its contents with reference to the three types of trial historically succeeded. In the first chapter, after a brief terminological survey and a review of the different positions undertaken by operant academics at the origin of bipartition, the attention focuses on the thesis leaning toward an original and full iurisdictio of rex, inclusive then of the power to judge. Afterwards an analysis of the various judgemental authorities, from the iudex to the arbiter to the collective bodies (Centumviri, Decemviri stlitibus iudicandis, Recuperatores, Septemviri), whose origins and jurisdictions are defined. The chapter concludes with considerations on the judgemental authorities in the extra ordinem procedures of the imperial age and in the cognitional process. The second chapter, focused on the contents of the sentence, opens with the Gai exegesis 4.48, which, supported by numerous textual evidences, would assume that in range of lege agere, the sentence, even being actually a verdict on the sacramentum, would implicitly authorize the winning part to the use of self-defence for the recovery of the controversial res. At the closure of the research, the analysis of the exclusively pecuniary content of the sentence in the formulaic process and the affirmation , in regards to the cognitional process, of a new sentence able to make to winning part attain the object of the demand claimed in trial.
PORTONERA, GIUSEPPE. "FUNZIONE PUNITIVA E DIRITTO CIVILE. PROBLEMA E SISTEMA." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2022.
Full textIn July 2017, the Civil Court of Cassation, Joint Sections issued a judgment opening to the exequatur of punitive damages award rendered by foreign courts. However, the Supreme Court did not limit its attention to the profile of private international law but went so far as to state that «in the current legal system, […] the functions of deterrence and punishment are inherent in the system». This dictum prompted the present research, which has been carried out with reference to the civil law system as a whole (tort law, so-called “relational” liability, and appropriative conflicts of resources in proprietary contexts). The problematic survey and the consequent systematic analysis carried out show that the role of the punitive function in the civil law system is very limited. The traditional civil law institutions appear capable of protecting private interests, thus the lack of compelling reasons to reconfigure them in a punitive sense. The main research results show that: de lege lata, punishment in private law does not rise to a general category; and de lege ferenda, there is no ground to promote a greater scope for it. Nevertheless, they have also outlined the possibility that punitive function plays a heuristic role – modest but not trivial – which may operate both in the negative (i.e., excluding eccentric interpretative outcomes), and in the positive (i.e., posing the question of a possible systematic innovation).
MARTINOLI, RICCARDO. "Il riscatto agrario tra diritto sostanziale e processo." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2021.
Full textThe paper intended to analyze the procedural aspects of agrarian rent. The thesis addresses in the first instance the question relating to the dogmatic framework of redemption, as a figure generally traced back to the category of potestative rights, or among mere powers, according to the traditional distinction dear to both civil law and civil law scholars substantial. Having identified redemption as a power, the reflection focused on the substantive or procedural nature of its exercise (in parallel with the study of the dual qualification of potestative rights for judicial or extrajudicial exercise) and led to endorse the first hypothesis, on the basis of a precise discretionary choice of the legislator who intended to protect the farmer in a particular way, without imposing on him the need to establish a constitutive judgment in order to obtain the translation effect of the property right, but considering the mere unilateral declaration. The conclusion of the discussion is dedicated to the operational aspects of agrarian rent, with particular attention to the special discipline of the subject poses to the interpreter, especially with regard to the methods for paying the so-called price of ransom.
Books on the topic "Diritti civici"
Carrabba, Achille Antonio. I diritti civili dello straniero. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2001.
Find full textPescatore, Valerio. Diritto civile. Milano: Giuffrè, 2011.
Find full textGiovanni, Comandé, ed. Diritto privato europeo e diritti fondamentali: Saggi e ricerche. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2004.
Find full textLuiso, Francesco Paolo. Diritto processuale civile. 3rd ed. Milano: Giuffrè, 2000.
Find full textDiritto processuale civile. 2nd ed. Padova: CEDAM, 2000.
Find full textRicci, Gian Franco. Diritto processuale civile. 2nd ed. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2008.
Find full textAttardi, Aldo. Diritto processuale civile. Padova: CEDAM, 1994.
Find full textMontesano, Luigi. Diritto processuale civile. 3rd ed. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 1999.
Find full textMandrioli, Crisanto. Diritto processuale civile. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2005.
Find full textMonteleone, Girolamo Alessandro. Diritto processuale civile. Padova: CEDAM, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Diritti civici"
Ferretti, Niccolò, and Alessandro Zito. "Introduzione al diritto brevettuale italiano." In Italienisches, europäisches und internationales Immaterialgüterrecht, 63–75. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020.
Full textCondorelli, Orazio. "Il testamento confermato dal giuramento tra diritto civile e diritto canonico (secoli XIII-XVIII)." In Der Einfluss der Kanonistik auf die europäische Rechtskultur, 311–36. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2009.
Full textTrampus, Antonio. "MORTE CIVILE E DIRITTI DELL’UOMO:." In Las fronteras de la Ilustración, 187–208. Dykinson, 2021.
Full textSammarco, Giovanni. "Dal diritto civile ai profumi." In A lume di naso, 171–74. Quodlibet, 2019.
Full textCalvo, Javier Martínez, and Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza. "IL DIBATTITO ACCADEMICO COME STRUMENTO DI APPRENDIMENTO DEL DIRITTO CIVILE." In Investigación educativa en contextos de pandemia., 919–31. Dykinson, 2021.
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