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van den Bold, I. F. D. "Dilemma's." TBV – Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde 13, no. 2 (February 2005): 38.

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Leget, Carlo. "Alledaagse dilemma's." Tijdschrift voor VerpleeghuisGeneeskunde 34, no. 3 (September 2009): 110–12.

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den Boer, Karin, and Chantal ter Huurne. "Dilemma's in pijnbestrijding." Pallium 22, no. 4 (August 2020): 22–24.

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Korrelboom, Kees. "Richtlijnen voor dilemma's?" Dth 25, no. 1 (March 2005): 44–45.

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Berding, Joop, and Toby Witte. "Praktijkonderzoek: spanningen en dilemma's." Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice 22, no. 1 (March 13, 2013): 85.

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VOS AWF, PLÖTZ FB, MARTIJN A, and DE LANGEN ZJ. "Dilemma's rond necrotiserende enterocolitis (NEC)." Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 55, no. 1 (January 1, 1999): 34–38.

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Heida, Anja, and Jan Mistrate Haarhuis. "Dilemma's rond werkplekleren en BPV." Onderwijs en gezondheidszorg 28, no. 4 (April 2004): 122–26.

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Neomagus, G. J. H., and J. J. A. van Boven. "Dilemma's rond het medisch dossier." Huisarts en Wetenschap 44, no. 1 (January 2001): 854–60.

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K@ldenb@ch, Yar☺n. "Online onderduiken en digitale dilemma's." Kind adolescent praktijk 8, no. 4 (December 2009): 181.

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Fleischmann, Klaas. "Beroepscode onmisbaar bij ethische dilemma's." Maatwerk 10, no. 4 (August 2009): 42.

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van Sprundel, Mariska. "3 dilemma's in de stervensfase." TvV Tijdschrift voor Verzorgenden 55, no. 1 (January 2023): 16–18.

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Koningsveld Eur, Ernst A. P. Erg, and Kiem A. Thé. "Ergonomics and economics, dilemma's and chances." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 44, no. 31 (July 2000): 5–621.

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Ang, Wim. "Diagnostische dilemma's bij diagnostiek van Lymeziekte." Bijblijven 35, no. 3 (April 2019): 59–66.

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Jonkman, Carla, and Willem de Vree. "Melding van kindermishandeling: dilemma's voor verpleegkundigen." Psychopraxis 10, no. 3 (June 2008): 110–13.

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Kaasenbrood, Ad. "Besluitvorming en dilemma's in de GGZ." Psychopraxis 7, no. 2 (April 2005): 47–51.

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Hullen, H. J., W. Koek, and N. H. Th Croon. "Dilemma's voor de verzekeringsarts: Ze mag niet!!" Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde 12, no. 11 (November 2004): 364–68.

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Ram, Ganesan, Deebak Kumar, and Vijayaraghavan Phagal. "Surgical dilemma's in treating distal third leg fractures." International Surgery Journal 1, no. 1 (2014): 13.

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Willems, Y. "Ethical dilemma's in the care of cancer patients." European Journal of Cancer 33 (September 1997): S306.

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Kingma, Annet, Renée Verbeek, and Aag Jennekens-Schinkel. "De symptoomvaliditeitstest: Dilemma's bij gebruik in de neuropsychologische diagnostiek." TVN 10, no. 2 (April 2015): 116–28.

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Coman, David J. "Diagnostic dilemma's: The congenital disorders of glycosylation are clinical chameleons." European Journal of Human Genetics 16, no. 1 (December 13, 2007): 2–4.

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Struijs, Alies, and Ingrid Doorten. "Sneller naar de voordeur, maar dan? Dilemma's in de jeugdzorg." Onderwijs en gezondheidszorg 33, no. 2 (February 2009): 23–26.

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de Rijke, Petra. "Ethische dilemma's bij medisch-technisch handelen in de terminale fase." Pallium 11, no. 5 (October 2008): 27.

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de Rijke, Petra. "Ethische dilemma's bij medisch-technisch handelen in de terminale fase." Pallium 11, no. 5 (October 2009): 27.

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Van Donkersgoed, Lizet. "Morele dilemma's in de sociaal juridische dienstverlening: een professional is geen jukebox!" Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice 18, no. 2 (June 15, 2009): 43.

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Vanden Bulcke, Patricia. "De specificiteit van het juridisch discours en de dilemma's van de juridische vertaler." ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 117-118 (January 1, 1997): 51–78.

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van der Oije, P. J. C. Schimmelpenninck. "INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW FROM A FIELD PERSPECTIVE – CASE STUDY: NEPAL." Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 9 (December 2006): 394–417.

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AbstractWhat is it like to be working in the field with international humanitarian law during an armed conflict? In the article ‘International Humanitarian Law from a field perspective - case study: Nepal‘, the promotion of international humanitarian law is described through the eyes of a humanitarian aid worker. The author worked as a delegate for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) during the civil war in Nepal. International humanitarian law forms the legal basis of the ICRC's presence in Nepal, it's humanitarian activities and confidential interventions. Nepal and its conflict are introduced, as well as the warring parties and the Red Cross in Nepal. Various humanitarian activities and dilemma's are described. Through this article the YIHL seeks to link theory and practice, and focus on international humanitarian law from an operational perspective.
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Kempster, Steve, and Sarah H. Gregory. "‘Should I Stay or Should I go?’ Exploring Leadership-as-Practice in the Middle Management Role." Leadership 13, no. 4 (October 20, 2015): 496–515.

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This article explores dilemmas in middle manager work through the perspective of leadership-as-practice. An autoethnographic account is outlined of how a dilemma is addressed by a middle manager. The account shows how a dilemma faced by a middle manager needs to be understood as situated within the flow of activity that is itself nested in a context of roles and relationships as well as the strategic context. The authors show how the outcome of the dilemma became accommodated within the emergent practice in the organization with no sense of recognition of the dilemma’s impact. The notion of middle manager agency within leadership-as-practice is explored through aspects of moral disengagement. The article problematizes two aspects: firstly, that normative ethical theorizing has been unable to cater for the complexity of middle manager work seen through the practice lens; second, that notions of leadership as ‘leader’ appear absent from the narrative describing middle manager work when seen through the lens of traditional leadership theory. Finally, the article gives insight and structure to researching leadership-as-practice.
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Cress, Ulrike, and Joachim Kimmerle. "Computervermittelter Wissensaustausch als Soziales Dilemma: Ein Überblick." Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 27, no. 1-2 (January 2013): 9–26.

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Prozesse des computervermittelten Wissensaustauschs ermöglichen Gruppen den Aufbau eines Wissenspools, den alle Gruppenmitglieder nutzen können. Während die Vorzüge dieses Wissensaustauschs unmittelbar einsichtig sind, ist aus psychologischer Sicht zu konstatieren, dass der Aufbau solcher Wissenspools als Soziales Dilemma aufgefasst werden kann. Dieser Überblickartikel thematisiert den computervermittelten Wissensaustausch auf Basis der experimentellen Forschung zu Sozialen Dilemmata, und stellt Experimentalumgebungen vor, die dieses Informationsaustausch-Dilemma operationalisieren und seine empirische Untersuchung ermöglichen. Zunächst werden Ergebnisse zur subjektiven Wahrnehmung des Dilemmas berichtet, dann Befunde zu strukturellen und psychologischen Einflussfaktoren. Erstere verändern die Payoff-Struktur (Kosten und Nutzen der Informationsweitergabe), letztere die erlebte soziale Situation. Hier spielen präskriptive und deskriptive Normen, die Identifizierbarkeit des Verhaltens oder die Anonymität der Person eine Rolle. Darüber hinaus werden Befunde zum Einfluss einer Reihe von Persönlichkeitsvariablen vorgestellt. Die Befunde werden in einer integrativen Darstellung zusammengefasst und kritisch bewertet.
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Kalshoven, Karianne, and Renske Valk. "Integer handelen… een dilemma!" Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 85, no. 7/8 (July 1, 2011): 387–94.

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In dit artikel wordt bepleit medewerkers actief te betrekken bij integriteitsvraagstukken door te discusseren over ethische dilemma’s binnen de eigen organisatie. Negen veelvuldig voorkomende dilemma’s worden gepresenteerd. Aan de hand van een dilemma van een financieel controller die door haar leidinggevende wordt gevraagd financiële cijfers aan te passen, bespreken we het beslissingsmodel van Rest, dat inzage geeft in individuele processen bij het maken van integere keuzes. Uit ons onderzoek blijkt dat de manier waarop individuen met dilemma’s omgaan zeer uiteenlopend is wat kan leiden tot verschillende uitkomsten in hetzelfde dilemma. Het artikel eindigt met de toepassingen van ethische dilemma’s.
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Kas, Judith, David J. Hardisty, and Michel J. J. Handgraaf. "Steady steps versus sudden shifts: Cooperation in (a)symmetric linear and step-level social dilemmas." Judgment and Decision Making 16, no. 1 (January 2021): 142–64.

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AbstractAre groups of people better able to minimize a collective loss if there is a collective target that must be reached or if every small contribution helps? In this paper we investigate whether cooperation in social dilemmas can be increased by structuring the problem as a step-level social dilemma rather than a linear social dilemma and whether cooperation can be increased by manipulating endowment asymmetry between individuals. In two laboratory experiments using ‘Public Bad’ games, we found that that individuals defect less and are better able to minimize collective and personal costs in a step-level social dilemma than in a linear social dilemma. We found that the level of cooperation is not affected by an ambiguous threshold: even when participants cannot be sure about the optimal cooperation level, cooperation remains high in the step-level social dilemmas. We find mixed results for the effect of asymmetry on cooperation. These results imply that presenting social dilemmas as step-level games and reducing asymmetry can help solve environmental dilemmas in the long term.
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Walker, Allan, and Clive Dimmock. "Leadership Dilemmas of Hong Kong Principals: Sources, Perceptions and Outcomes." Australian Journal of Education 44, no. 1 (April 2000): 5–25.

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With restructuring characterising many school systems throughout the world, and major change leaving few schools untouched, school leaders are facing major challenges. This study focuses on a group of Hong Kong principals who conceptualise some of their challenges as dilemmas. The paper draws on previous literature to highlight the importance of articulating principals' perceptions of dilemmas in their daily lives, and identifies typologies and categories of dilemmas. It notes that dilemma research to date is grounded in Western examples and cultural settings, and that dilemmas faced by principals in non-Western settings have been ignored. Analysing dilemma situations recounted by Hong Kong principals, we identify the sources, coping mechanisms and outcomes of their dilemmas and examine the relationships between these phenomena. Among our findings are that dilemmas are multifaceted and irresolvable situations, and that principals tend to rely on a narrow range of deeply embedded Chinese cultural values as coping strategies.
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Weinstein, Emily, and Carrie James. "Leaning Into Digital Dilemmas: How Educators’ Perspectives Can Inform New Civics Education." Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 123, no. 11 (November 2021): 38–56.

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Background/Context: Digital life raises dilemmas that elude straightforward courses of action. These dilemmas are consequential to civic life, where participatory practices intersect with digital affordances to lend new power, stakes, and public consequences (Kahne et al., 2015). It is essential that students be able to recognize digital dilemmas and grapple with them in nuanced ways before acting (James, 2014). These realities engender calls for redesigning civic education for the digital age (Kahne et al., 2016). Engaging students with complex, authentic dilemmas builds on a rich tradition in moral education (Kohlberg, 1975). For educators on the front lines of this work, reflecting on polarizing digital civic dilemmas is an important precursor to effective classroom facilitation (Hess, 2005). Purpose and Research Questions: Doxing is the use of public social media to reveal personal information about an individual, often with the intent of inviting public shaming for their speech or other actions (Douglas, 2016). Doxing is a signature dilemma of today’s age that surfaces fundamental questions about freedom, privacy, and accountability. The current study examines educators’ varied responses to a doxing dilemma to illustrate how digital civic dilemmas can raise substantive themes for New Civics education. We ask: How do educators respond to a doxing dilemma? What considerations do they raise to justify different stances? Research Design: We draw on data from a larger survey about digital citizenship to examine views of educators (N = 769) who live and work with adolescents in varied contexts throughout the United States and in more than two dozen international contexts. We report on educators’ responses to the doxing dilemma based on an inductive analysis of their open-ended responses. Findings: The focal dilemma is indeed polarizing: 47% (n = 361) of educators surveyed agreed with the doxing case, while 53% (n = 408) disagreed. Respondents’ justifications reveal how the dilemma evokes reflection on the intersections of digital life with reasonable expectations of privacy, the bounds of constitutional rights and legal protections, salient moral principles, the importance of accountability and consequences for actions, and more. Conclusions/Recommendations: As educators are tasked with preparing youth for a New Civics era, we argue that digital civic dilemmas merit use in educator professional development settings and, ultimately, with students. Educators’ perspectives on the doxing dilemma surface diverse considerations, which we reframe as ten questions to guide and deepen engagement.
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Adiputra, Wisnu Martha. "DILEMA SOSIAL DALAM THE SOCIAL DILEMMA Analisis Naratif atas Absennya Wawasan Kewargaan dalam Film The Social Dilemma." Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia 3, no. 2 (September 30, 2022): 86.

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In general, the present narrative related to social media is its positive contribution to society. Social media is considered to contribute to a balanced relationship between the state, industry and citizens. Social media is assumed to improve a truly citizen-focused democracy. However, there is a different narrative in the docudrama film entitled The Social Dilemma. This film tells the story that social media as a product of a large information and communication technology company has a negative impact on society because their main goal is to make as much profit as possible. This research aims to analyze the narrative brought by a film that is different from the mainstream narrative. By using the narrative analysis method, it is found that this film has its own dilemma because in the end it is found in this film that civic insight tends to be inadequate or even absent from the narrative under study. It was found that there are four distinct social dilemmas in The Social Dilemma film, namely dilemmas in the aspects of character and characterization, series in the narrative, narrative plot, and the end point of the narrative. Real and fictional characters provide dilemmas for each element in the narrative that do not bring up civil society as the final form of citizens, the series in the narrative shows dilemmas in problem solving by citizens, linear and parallel plots create dilemmas in the narrative over the relationship between issues, the public, and citizens. The last dilemma is the presence of the state that replaces citizens as a dilemma at the end of the narrative, which shows the most unique dilemma of the content that actually provides an alternative narrative
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Bornmüller, Falk. "Das Dilemma moralischer Dilemmata." Philosophische Rundschau 61, no. 4 (2014): 309.

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Hadi Asri, Abdul, Efrizal Syofian, and Vita Fitria Sari. "Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan, Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif, Dan Gender Terhadap Dilema Etika." JURNAL EKSPLORASI AKUNTANSI 2, no. 2 (May 20, 2020): 2786–806.

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This study aims to examine 1) The effect of education level on ethical dilemmas in accounting students at Padang State University, 2) The effect of cumulative achievement index on ethical dilemmas in accounting students at Padang State University, and 3) The influence of gender on ethical dilemmas in accounting students at Padang State University. This research is a type of causative research. This research uses a research instrument in the form of an ethical dilemma scenario with 213 respondents of accounting students. Data analysis techniques using the chi square test. The results of the study found that 1) The level of education was proven to have a significant positive effect on ethical dilemmas with the sig value of questions 1, questions 2, questions 3, and questions 4 in the ethical dilemma scenario of 0.028; 0.026; 0.003; 0.004 which is smaller than 0.05. 2) The cumulative achievement index is proven to have a significant positive effect on ethical dilemmas with a sig in question 1, question 2, question 3, and question 4 of 0.001; 0,001; 0,000; 0,000 <0.05. 3) Gender was not proven to have a significant positive effect on ethical dilemmas with the value of question 1, question 2, question 3, and question 4 in the ethical dilemma scenario of 0.234; 0.288; 0.510; 0.444> 0.05.
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Carron, Robin, Nathalie Blanc, and Emmanuelle Brigaud. "Contextualizing sacrificial dilemmas within Covid-19 for the study of moral judgment." PLOS ONE 17, no. 8 (August 22, 2022): e0273521.

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"Sacrificial dilemmas" are the scenarios typically used to study moral judgment and human morality. However, these dilemmas have been criticized regarding their lack of ecological validity. The COVID-19 pandemic offers a relevant context to further examine individuals’ moral judgment and choice of action with more realistic sacrificial dilemmas. Using this context, the purpose of the present study is to investigate how moral responses are influenced by the contextualization of the dilemma (i.e., contextualized or not within the Covid-19 pandemic). By comparing two versions of one dilemma, Experiment 1 revealed that the more realistic version (the one contextualized within the Covid-19 pandemic) did not elicit more utilitarian responses than the less realistic version (the one not contextualized within the Covid-19 pandemic). In Experiment 2, we examined more specifically whether both the perceived realism of the dilemma and the plausibility of a utilitarian action influence moral responses. Results confirmed that the contextualization of the dilemma does not make any difference in moral responses. However, the plausibility of an action appears to exert an influence on the choice of action. Indeed, participants were more inclined to choose the utilitarian action in the plausible action versions than in the implausible action versions of the dilemma. Overall, these results shed light on the importance for future research of using mundane and dramatic realistic dilemmas displaying full information regarding a sacrificial action and its consequences.
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Trevethan, Shelley D., and Lawrence J. Walker. "Hypothetical versus real-life moral reasoning among psychopathic and delinquent youth." Development and Psychopathology 1, no. 2 (April 1989): 91–103.

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AbstractDifferences in moral reasoning concerning hypothetical versus real-life conflicts were examined with a sample of 44 youths (aged 15–18 years) who were classified as psychopathic, delinquent, or normal. All subjects were individually interviewed and assessed on (a) Hare's Psychopathy Checklist, (b) two of Kohlberg's hypothetical moral dilemmas, and (c) a subject-generated real-life moral dilemma. The results revealed that the normal youths attained a higher level of moral reasoning than either the delinquents or psychopaths. All groups scored lower on the real-life than the hypothetical dilemmas, indicating that hypothetical dilemmas may best elicit a person's level of moral reasoning competence, whereas real-life dilemmas may entail factors that lower the level of reasoning used in a situation of moral conflict. These two dilemma types also were found to elicit differing moral orientations. Finally, psychopaths were found to orient more to egoistic concerns than did delinquents when discussing real-life dilemmas.
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Zhang, Changdong. "A Fiscal Sociological Theory of Authoritarian Resilience." Sociological Theory 35, no. 1 (March 2017): 39–63.

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The “institutional turn” of comparative authoritarianism enriches our understanding of authoritarian politics, but its lack of institutional theory, tendency to focus on epiphenomena or exogenous force, and failure to address autocrats’ dilemmas constitute weaknesses. Focusing on the taxation institution, this article builds an endogenous institutional explanation of authoritarian resilience. The author argues that while the taxation infrastructural power matters, it causes autocrats two dilemmas: the representation dilemma and the growth dilemma. Taking China as an ideal case, the author argues that two mechanisms, under-institutionalized taxation system and a half-tax state, help in resolving two dilemmas so far, but in the long term, these two mechanisms may counteract each other and weaken the authoritarian regime.
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Bostyn, Dries H., Sybren Sevenhant, and Arne Roets. "Of Mice, Men, and Trolleys: Hypothetical Judgment Versus Real-Life Behavior in Trolley-Style Moral Dilemmas." Psychological Science 29, no. 7 (May 9, 2018): 1084–93.

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Scholars have been using hypothetical dilemmas to investigate moral decision making for decades. However, whether people’s responses to these dilemmas truly reflect the decisions they would make in real life is unclear. In the current study, participants had to make the real-life decision to administer an electroshock (that they did not know was bogus) to a single mouse or allow five other mice to receive the shock. Our results indicate that responses to hypothetical dilemmas are not predictive of real-life dilemma behavior, but they are predictive of affective and cognitive aspects of the real-life decision. Furthermore, participants were twice as likely to refrain from shocking the single mouse when confronted with a hypothetical versus the real version of the dilemma. We argue that hypothetical-dilemma research, while valuable for understanding moral cognition, has little predictive value for actual behavior and that future studies should investigate actual moral behavior along with the hypothetical scenarios dominating the field.
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Soemantri, Diantha, Nadia Greviana, Ardi Findyartini, Tiara Berliana Azzahra, Kemal Akbar Suryoadji, Rita Mustika, and Estivana Felaza. "“To obey or not to obey” - Medical students’ response towards professional dilemmas in a hierarchical and collectivist culture." PLOS ONE 16, no. 12 (December 23, 2021): e0261828.

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Background Clinical clerkship programme in medical schools were developed to provide students with direct interactions with patients and observe clinical teachers in practice. However, professional dilemmas are prone to occur due to the nature of experiential learning. Several studies across different cultures showed that medical students responded differently towards professional dilemma. Aims This study aims to explore how medical students respond to professional dilemmas occurred during their clinical clerkships and to what extent culture influences the responses. Method A qualitative descriptive approach was used in this study. We conducted four focus group discussions with final year medical students who were selected using maximum variety sampling method. Thematic analysis was conducted following the transcription of the focus groups. Results We identified the impact of dilemmas on students’ emotions and concerns, students’ responses towards professional dilemmas, and factors affecting responses to dilemmas in clinical clerkship, which confirmed that cultures played roles in how students responded towards professional dilemmas. Conclusion This study has identified that culture, to some extent, influenced the way students responded to professional dilemmas. Therefore, it is paramount to develop a conducive and culturally sensitive educational environment and students’ ability to learn from professional dilemma experienced in the workplace for developing their professional identity.
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Wesugi, Shigeru. "Analysing and Solving the Reduced-Ability and Excessive-Use Dilemmas in Technology Use." Proceedings of the Design Society: International Conference on Engineering Design 1, no. 1 (July 2019): 1393–402.

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AbstractTechnology use provides great benefits by extending human ability, but the negative effects cannot always be ignored. The author examined the dilemmas of technology use based on Shibata's analysis of McLuhan's extension theory and indicated two types of dilemmas in continuous technology use. First is the decreased human ability as the innate functionality is substituted by the technology. Second is excessive utilisation of the technology, which may instil a false sense of naturally extended ability.Subsequently, the author considered and suggested approaches for mitigating both types of dilemmas. The decreased-ability dilemma might be resolved by continuously utilising the technology and designing technology relevant to the degree of human ability. Meanwhile, the excessive-utilisation dilemma might be resolved by regulating the technology use and designing technology that achieves the desired disposition change in users.Finally, the possibility of advancing the existing design approaches to further resolve the dilemmas was discussed.
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Tanner, Alan. "Dilemmas in treatment: the patient’s dilemma." Haemophilia 4, S1 (June 1998): 3.

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Tanner, Alan. "Dilemmas in treatment: the patient's dilemma." Haemophilia 4, S1 (June 1998): 3.

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Daniel, G., M. Arce, and Todd Sandler. "The Dilemma of the Prisoners' Dilemmas." Kyklos 58, no. 1 (February 2005): 3–24.

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Faure, Guy Olivier. "Negotiating Hostages with Terrorists: Paradoxes and Dilemmas." International Negotiation 20, no. 1 (March 17, 2015): 129–45.

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There are few negotiations where it is so necessary to be fast and effective than in those that deal with hostages. This is an almost unfeasible task that has to be carried out with the most unlikely negotiator, the terrorist, in an extremely hostile context. Considering the issues at stake – the freedom of the hostages and, very often, their lives – a negotiator has to manage many challenges. There are seven dilemmas and paradoxes in reaching agreement. A negotiator has to solve a Shakespearian dilemma, manage contradictory objectives, deal with incompatible rationales, handle the toughness dilemma, come to grips with contradictions between empathy and assertiveness, handle cultural dilemmas, and cope with a moral dilemma.
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Hristov, Slavca, Branislav Stankovic, Dusica Ostojic-Andric, Nevena Maksimovic, and Dimitar Nakov. "The most important dilemmas regarding the welfare of farm animals." Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade 64, no. 4 (2019): 319–40.

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In this review paper, contradictions in modern livestock production as dilemmas of farm animal welfare are considered. The main dilemma concerns the question of whether extensive production in small farms is generally better than intensive production in large farms. The next dilemma relates to an intensive selection of animals and its impact on the emergence of welfare problems. Another dilemma is related to the two main interconnected problems of pig welfare in individual farrowing pens: the piglet death by crushing and the sows? movement restriction. Similarly, welfare dilemma is the paradox of parent flocks of broiler line breeding that could not be solved until the pressure for genetic advancement in production is required due to the economic efficiency. The next example of the dilemma is the widespread practice of tail docking in piglets in order to reduce the risk of tail biting. Although the tail docking is painful and may cause death, anaesthesia is usually not applied on farms. A similar example of the dilemma is debeaking in the laying hens and the occurrence of feather pecking in free rearing systems. It is important to notice the difference between the described dilemmas, where one premise opposes the other, which is essentially a conflict between the animal welfare goals and other values, such as economic, ethical and moral issues. Finally, there are also some dilemmas about the consumers? willingness to pay a higher price of products that originate from welfare friendly rearing conditions.
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Qin, Zhong Fu, and You Tao Shu. "A Power-Dilemma Model for Demolition Conflict Analysis From the Perspective of Social Psychology." Advanced Materials Research 671-674 (March 2013): 3073–78.

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Focusing on actual demolition conflicts,which have exerted negative effects upon society, a power-dilemma model has been constructed, which illustrates three power dilemmas in demolition conflicts including power-dilemma caused by spatial distance, power-dilemma caused by psychological distance and power-dilemma caused by responsibility shifting. Besides, detailed analysis on demolition conflicts based on asymmetrical power was presented from the perspective of social cognition.
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Enikolopov, S., T. Medvedeva, O. Boyko, O. Vorontsova, and O. Kazmina. "Changes in moral decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic." European Psychiatry 64, S1 (April 2021): S660.

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IntroductionStress can influence moral decisions.ObjectivesThe aim of the study was to evaluate whether the stress experienced by people during the COVID-19 pandemic can change moral decision making.Methods311 respondents took part in the Internet survey 30.03.20-31.05.20, including SCL-90-R, and a subset of moral dilemmas proposed by Greene J.D (30 dilemmas in Russian), with «footbridge dilemma» among them as a personal dilemma and «trolley dilemma» as impersonal. The relationship of utilitarian personal dilemmas choices with psychopathological characteristics was analyzed. Personal moral dilemma choices were considered separately, in subgroups with a high level of somatization (N=107) and a high level of psychopathological symptoms (N=76).ResultsThe results showed an increase in personal dilemmas choices: 2.84 mean utilitarian choice in March - April and 3.17 in May (Univariate Analysis of Variance, age, gender as Covariates, p<0.01). At the beginning of the study the groups did not differ in the number of utilitarian personal choices, and at the end of the study the number of personal choices increased in the subgroup with a high level of psychopathology (4.7 utilitarian choices in May) and became statistically higher than in other groups (ANOVA with Bonferonni correction). In the subgroup with a high level of somatization, personal choices slightly decreased by the end of the survey (2.68 choices).ConclusionsThe level of stress during the COVID-19 ambiguously affects moral decisions: a higher level of psychopathological symptoms leads to an increase in utilitarian choices and a high level of somatization leads to a decrease in utilitarian choices.DisclosureNo significant relationships.
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Trasmundi, Sarah B., Marie S. Bloch, Stine S. Høgenhaug, Vicki T. Jensen, Katharina K. Wrist, Thomas W. Jensen, and Sune V. Steffensen. "Patient Psychopathology and the Management of Clinical Dilemmas in Psychotherapy: A Qualitative Analysis of Clinical Decision-Making." Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 10, no. 1 (March 19, 2020): 29.

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Introduction: Clinical dilemma management is an important part of daily decision-making processes in psychotherapy, and hence important for the quality of mental healthcare. However, the situated particularities of such dilemmas have been given little systematic attention &ndash; both in research and in practice, even though an improved understanding of the nature of clinical dilemmas is a central key to managing dilemmas successfully. Method: Eight cases of authentic clinical dilemma management in psychotherapy have been analysed from the perspective of interaction analysis and psychopathology. The article uses video data and narrative interviews from a larger cognitive ethnography study conducted at a psychiatric Hospital in Denmark. Results: The analysis demonstrates how clinical dilemma management in psychotherapy is particularly difficult due to the nature of a patient&rsquo;s psychopathology. Thus, it is often difficult to discern whether a given dilemma is intrinsically ethical, or if it is a manifestation of the patient&rsquo;s pathology. Two overall interaction patterns were identified: In the first pattern, the therapist fails to manage the clinical decision-making in accordance with the therapeutic goal, which strengthens the patient&rsquo;s psychopathological behaviour, for instance by giving in and do what the patient demands. In the second pattern, the therapist uses the situation as an opportunity to work with the patient&rsquo;s psychopathological behaviour in situated interaction. Conclusion: This article presents a model for integrating an understanding of patient pathology into clinical and ethical decision-making. It establishes a window into how psychotherapists manage clinical dilemmas (successfully or not) through interaction. This illustration might impact on how we address, evaluate and understand clinical and ethical dilemma management, which again can contribute to the reduction of moral distress amongst healthcare practitioners, as well as amongst patients.
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Troitskiy, Konstantin E. "The Hypothesis of a Genuine Moral Dilemma and the Method of Thought Experiment in Ethics." Ethical Thought 21, no. 1 (2021): 24–39.

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The article provides a critical overview of the hypothesis of a genuine moral dilemma and the method of thought experiment in ethics. The relevance of the research topic is due to a) the mess in academic publications on ethics created by the application of the expres­sions “moral dilemma” and “thought experiment” to the same imaginary situation without clarifying their meaning and relationship, and also b) the increase of justified doubts con­cerning the concepts which are hidden behind these expressions. Between the examples of moral dilemmas and thoughts experiments is close connection because all the examples that the advocates of the possibility of genuine moral dilemmas put forward are thought experiments, but not all thought experiments, even if we allow the possibility of genuine moral dilemmas, are such examples. Moreover, thought experiments are used both in at­tempts to prove the possibility of genuine moral dilemmas and to negate this possibility. To consider at the theoretical level issues related to the possibility of genuine moral dilemmas, the place of thought experiments in ethics and the connection between them, I think it necessary to investigate the hypothesis of a genuine moral dilemma, that is, a conceptually formulated assumption about the possibility of unsolvable conflicts be­tween moral obligations in life, and the method of thought experiment, that is, a set of cri­teria and rules for creating imaginary cases. The hypothesis of a genuine moral dilemmas is, in reality, an assumption about the manifestation of morality in life, and the active ap­plication of thought experiments to the field of ethics is a fact, any reflection on which raises the question of the possibility and validity of using the method of thought experi­ment regarding moral matters.
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