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Smits, Marie-Josée Elisa Hendrika. "Zorgen voor een draaglijk bestaan morele ervaringen van verpleegkundigen /." [Amsterdam : Maastricht : Aksant] ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 2004.

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Vugt, Mark van. "Social dilemmas and transportation decisions." [Maastricht : Maastricht : Rijksuniversitit Limburg] ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 1996.

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Berthelsen, Jens. "Dilemmaet som lærer : om undervisning med læring gennem dilemmaer /." Samfundslitteratur, 2007.

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Robertson, Paul. "Police dilemmas of interpretation and action : the 'shoot/no-shoot dilemma'." Thesis, University of Abertay Dundee, 2011.

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Porling, Anna-Maria, and Anna Hemlin. "Moral distress och dess konsekvenser för sjuksköterskans yrkesutövning : Littersturstudie." Thesis, University of Gävle, Department of Caring Sciences and Sociology, 2008.

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The aim of the present literature study was to describe the significant factors contributing to the development of moral distress and the consequences of moral distress can lead to in the nurse profession. A literature search was performed in the databases Medline through PubMed and Academic Search Elite on the basis of in advanced defined criterions. A total of 19 articles was reviewed and included in the study. The main result revealed that nurses experience moral distress and that it is frequent within the nurse profession. The findings revealed that there seem to be several significant factors in the development of moral distress, such as providing life-sustaining care, competing loyalties, conflicts with the physician, communication barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers, regulation and rules and working environment that gives the nurse difficult or unsolved ethical dilemmas. The consequences of moral distress can contribute to health problems both physical symptoms and mentally, such as headache, neck and muscle pain, stomach problems, depression, anger and guilt. Moral distress affects the nurse professionally, and contributes to distancing from patients, relatives and colleagues, a resistance against going to work and to perform work tasks. The conclusion is that the consequences of moral distress don’t just affect nurses but undeniably also patients, relatives and other instances in within the healthcare system.

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva de faktorer som har betydelse för utvecklingen av moral distress, och vilka konsekvenser moral distress kan leda till i sjuksköterskans yrkesutövning. En litteratursökning genomfördes i databaserna Medline via PubMed och Academic Search Elite utifrån i förväg uppsatta kriterier. Totalt 19 artiklar granskades och inkluderades i studien. Huvudresultatet visade att moral distress existerar och är frekvent inom vården och sjuksköterskeyrket. Av författarnas resultat framkommer att det tycks finnas flera faktorer av betydelse för utvecklingen av moral distress, som livsuppehållande vård, konkurrerande lojaliteter, konflikt med läkaren, kommunikationshinder, emotionella hinder, kulturella hinder, föreskrifter och regler och arbetsmiljöfaktorer ger sjuksköterskan svårlösta eller olösta etiska och moraliska dilemman. Konsekvenserna av detta kan bidra till långvariga stressrelaterade hälsoproblem, så som huvudvärk, smärta i nacke, muskler och mage, nedstämdhet, ilska, skuld och depression. Moral distress får även konsekvenser för professionen så som avståndstagande till patienter, anhöriga och arbetskamrater, motstånd att gå till jobbet och att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. Författarna drar slutsatsen att följderna av moral distress inte bara drabbar sjuksköterskan utan onekligen även patienter, anhöriga och övriga i vårdkedjan.

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Delerud, Elin, and Linda Viselli. "Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av etiska svårigheter i vården." Thesis, Ersta Sköndal högskola, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2012.

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Gruvsjö, Maria. "När det inte blir som man har tänkt sig : - En fallstudie av undervisningssituationer med elever med behov av särskilt stöd." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Pedagogiskt arbete, 2016.

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Fallstudien beskriver och diskuterar några lektioner med elever som har specifika inlärnings-svårigheter, utifrån skolverkets Allmänna råd, och belyser vilka pedagogiskt svårhanterliga problem och dilemman som kan uppstå när det inte blir som läraren har planerat. Teorin om den proximala utvecklingszonen åskådliggörs. Aktivitetens betydelse för inlärning belyses. Komplexiteten kring lärarskap och ledarskap illustreras. Skolverkets teori om kunskap genom progression, enligt givna årskurser med givet innehåll, stämmer inte alltid med erfarenheterna hos några av verklighetens elever. Samspelet mellan lärare och elever belyses i studien. Be-skrivningar av utvecklingsrelaterade funktionsnedsättningar och psykiskt sårbara barn visar ytterligare hur elevers individuella förutsättningar kan ge konsekvenser för inlärning.
This case study describes and discusses the outcome of some lessons, according to skolver-kets Allmänna råd, given for pupils with specific learning difficulties. It shows pedagogical problems and dilemmas which might occur when things do not turn out as it was planned for. The theory of the zone of proximal development is described in broad outline. The im-portance of action as the foundation to learning is illustrated. The complex role of teaching in the classroom is explained. Skolverket pursue (the theory of) a progression plan, according to the assumption that in a certain grade the pupils learn already defined knowledge based on success from previous learnings, even though it does not always square with the experiences of the pupils state of mind. A brief account of developmental disabilities and psychologically vulnerable children further more pictures how the individual conditions of the pupils can give consequences for the ability to learn.
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Sickeldal, Samuel, and Malin Thorell. "”…vid varje ny människa ställs man inför ett nytt dilemma…” : Professionsetiska dilemman i mötet med biblioteksanvändaren." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper (KV), 2020.

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This bachelor's thesis aims to shed light on the professional ethical dilemmas that may arise in public libraries, what tools the librarians use, and what role experience plays in ethical thinking. With a theoretical framework based on Dreyfus and Dreyfus, as well as Säljö, we paint a picture of how ethical learning takes place in accordance with the five-step model, as well as how different tools can be used at the different levels of learning. Our findings suggest that experience is not equal to be an ethical expert, and that the tools that the librarians uses are useful on the lower levels of awareness, but that the librarians tends to act with more intuition when he/she grows more in their experience, although there are some cases where the expert still uses rules.
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Andrade, Bianca Lima da Silva. "Bioethical dilemmas." Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2016.

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Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-08-25T12:44:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bianca Andrade_.pdf: 330379 bytes, checksum: d2155ed8ff3610cb77571fa1cada60bd (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T12:44:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bianca Andrade_.pdf: 330379 bytes, checksum: d2155ed8ff3610cb77571fa1cada60bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-14
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Esta é uma dissertação sobre os dilemas bioéticos. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar quais são os dilemas, quais são os dilemas em bioética, quais são os assuntos comuns a todos os dilemas e classificar dilemas em bioética dividindo-os em categorias para diminuir a incerteza em torno destas discussões políticas. Eu pretendo construir um sistema que poderia ajudar-nos especialistas em ética, eticistas, reconhecer o que questões que estamos lidando e que, provavelmente, seria um primeiro passo para a resolução de dilemas em bioética.
This is a dissertation about bioethical dilemmas. The aim of this work is to determine what are dilemmas, what are dilemmas in bioethics, what are the subjects common to all dilemmas and classify dilemmas in bioethics dividing them into categories to diminish the fuzziness around these polemical discussions. I plan to build a system that could help us, ethicists, recognize what issues we are dealing with and that would probably would be a first step towards the resolution of dilemmas in bioethics. The scope of the work will be: this introduction, a chapter about dilemmas divided into simplified dilemmas, amplified dilemmas and moral mathematics and bioethical dilemmas: why solve them, a chapter about problems involving all dilemmas: the matter of time and well-being and suffering, a chapter on a proposal on bioethical dilemmas: identity dilemmas, self-consciousness dilemmas, future suffering dilemmas and freedom dilemmas and the conclusion.
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Hamrin, Anita, and Maria Westerlund. "Etiska dilemman inom demensvården : utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv." Thesis, Mid Sweden University, Department of Health Sciences, 2009.

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I omvårdnaden av dementa uppstår ofta etiska överväganden där hänsyn skall tas till den demenssjuke, närstående, medboende samt lagar och riktlinjer. Sjuksköterskan ställs ofta inför svåra etiska situationer där beslut ska tas om eventuella tvångsåtgärder oberoende av vilket sorts stöd, moraliskt och/eller juridiskt, sjuksköterskan eventuellt har i sina beslut. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av etiska dilemman i demensvården i samband med olika tvångsåtgärder. Data samlades in via fokusgruppsintervjuer med sjuksköterskor (n=12) som ansvarade för personer med demenssjukdom inom särskilda boenden i en kommun i Norrland. En fallbeskrivning utgjorde grunden i fokusgruppsintervjuerna. Materialet analyserades via en kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom fyra kategorier. Etiska dilemman, etiskt förhållningssätt, rättsnormer och verklighet samt behov av stöd.  Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att de är ensamma i beslutsfattandet och behövde stöd i de svåra besluten kring åtgärder i olika etiska dilemman . Sjuksköterskorna upplevde närståendes delaktighet i vården av de dementa som ett bra och viktigt stöd och dialogen med närstående betonades. Det beskrevs också en känsla av stress då sjuksköterskan kommer i kläm mellan vårdpersonalens och de närståendes motstridiga krav som kan kännas svåra att tillmötesgå. En medvetenhet om de olika lagarna beskrevs men sjuksköterskorna upplevde det inte som ett etiskt dilemma att ibland behöva kringgå dem för att skydda den demente från skada eller lidande. Det skulle dock kännas bättre om de hade möjlighet att få stöd i lagen i sitt handlande. Den slutsats som vi drar är att sjuksköterskorna inte upplever några svårigheter att besluta om en tvångsåtgärd men behovet av stöd och handledning är stort.

Within the care of people with dementia ethical considerations often occurs and considerations has to be taken to the person with dementia, relatives, cohabitants and to laws and guidelines. Ethical dilemmas often occurs when the registered nurses (RNs) have to decide  whether or not to use constraints in the care, regardless of what kind of support these actions have in a moral or legal sense. The aim of this study was to describe the RNs experience of ethical dilemmas in relation to constraints in care of people with dementia. Data were collected in focus groups, with RNs (n=12) who worked in a municipal residential care for people with dementia in the north of Sweden. A case report initiated the interviews. Data were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Four categories emerged. Ethical dilemmas, ethical approach, legal norms and reality, the need of support.  The RNs experienced loneliness in their decision making of interventions in different ethical difficult care situations and felt the need of support. They experienced that relatives are an important and a fine support in the care and the dialogue are pointed out as important. The RNs described feelings of stress when they were caught between conflicting demands from nursing staff and relatives. The RNs were aware of the laws related to health care, but they didn`t think of it as an ethical dilemma if they had to take sidestep from the law to protect the person with dementia from harm or misery. However they would feel better if they were supported by the law. Conclusion: The RNs didn´t feel any difficulties if they had to decide to use constraints in the care of a person with dementia, but they are in need of support and coaching.

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Daniella, Annerhult. "Etikens utmaningar - moraliska dilemman i undervisningen : En intervjustudie om lärares resonemang vid bedömning av moraliska dilemman." Thesis, Högskolan i Jönköping, 2018.

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I denna studie uppmärksammas lärares resonemang om bedömning i etik med fokus på moraliska dilemman. Studiens empiriska data består av fyra kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare som arbetar som So-lärare i skolåren 4-6. Resultatet från analysen presenteras utifrån tre olika delar. Den första delen behandlar lärares syn på etik och bedömning av ett moralisk dilemma. Den andra delen visar att lärarna har olika uppfattningar när det kommer till bedömning av ett moraliskt dilemma där elevsvaret går emot skolans värdegrund. Den tredje delen uppmärksammar de svårigheter lärarna ställs inför när de bedömer elevers etiska förmågor. De resonerar om elevers resonemangsförmåga samt vad som egentligen kan godtas som ett etiskt begrepp.
This study draws attention to how teachers reason when assessing moral dilemmas. The study's empirical data consist of four qualitative semi-structured interviews with teachers working with pupils in primary school years 4-6. The result from the analysis is presented in three parts. The first part is about teachers' view of ethics and the assessment of moral dilemmas. The second part shows that the teacher have slightly different perceptions when it comes to assessing a moral dilemma where the pupil argues against the value of the school. The third part draws attention to the difficulties the teachers experince when assessing the pupils' ethical knowledge. They argue about how developing a reasoning must be for certain grade and what they can accept as an ethical concept.
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Reed, Andrew. "Dilemmas From Disagreement." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2018.

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When interpretations vary for the same set of evidence, what should be done? Options include just agreeing to disagree, maintaining one’s initial beliefs, or going all the way to completely suspending judgment. Taking this final option binds an agent to some interesting views, including an acceptance of epistemic dilemmas. However, the kind of total skepticism some philosophers want out of disagreement is probably a pipe dream – if there is no best option, no option can be eliminated.
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Eriksson, Mikael. "BESLUTSDILEMMAN – EN STUDIE AV TVÅ MYNDIGHETERS IT-INVESTERINGAR." Thesis, University of Gävle, Department of Business Administration and Economics, 2007.

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Informationsteknologin (IT) fortsätter att utvecklas snabbt. Det ger möjlighet för företag och organisationer att kostnadseffektivisera sina processer och hitta alternativa lösningar som ökar konkurrenskraften. Den höga utvecklingstakten och de stora kostnader som är inbegripna skapar samtidigt en genuin beslutsosäkerhet vid investering i IT. Företagare ställs inför en rad dilemman: var, när och hur ska investeringar göras? I de situationer där utfallen av ett beslut är oklara eller motstridiga befinner sig beslutsfattaren i ett dilemma. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera beslutsdilemman som beslutsfattare har vid dessa IT-investeringar.

Studien bygger på beslutsteori, där referensramen bestäms av såväl den rationella skolans mycket bestämda beslutskedja som av mer socialkonstruktivistiska beslutsmodeller. Beslutsperspektiven varierar med kontexten och intressenterna. Företaget är en koalition mellan olika aktörer, alla med sitt perspektiv på företagets beteende i den specifika branschen.

Empirin utgörs av två myndigheter (fallstudier), Skatteverket respektive Premiepensionsmyndigheten (PPM). Genom intervjuer, studier av arkivmaterial samt deltagande observation har jag samlat information om två beslutsprocesser: PPM:s val mellan att köpa ett färdigt IT-system och att utveckla ett eget samt Skatteverkets val mellan ett proprietärt IT-verktyg och ett baserat på öppen källkod.

Analysen av det empiriska materialet har resulterat i en typologi med tre typer av beslutsdilemman vid IT-investeringar. Den första typen av dilemman är de beslutspunkter som uppstår i samband med investeringar. Jag kallar dessa för (a) dilemmapunkter. Den andra typen av dilemman beror av att resultat och konsekvenser ofta är svårbestämda. Det leder till en hög beslutsosäkerhet och jag benämner därför det (b) konsekvensdilemman. Beslutsdilemmat kan också betyda att man ställs inför flera beslutsalternativ med både förväntat önskat och möjliga, oönskade resultat. Det ställer beslutsfattaren inför valet att balansera mellan alternativen. Jag kallar dessa för (c) balansaktsdilemman.

Summary: The rapid progress of Information Technology (IT) continues. IT can make processes more cost-effective and be a tool when identifying alternative solutions to increase competitiveness. However, the rapid pace of development and the high costs attached, creates a genuine uncertainty when it comes to IT-investments. Eventually, the organization will be confronted with dilemmas such when decisions or their outcomes are unclear or contradictory, you have a dilemma.

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze balance acts (dilemmas) of IT-investments. The base of study is decision theory, from the traditional rational way of reasoning to more socially constructed models. The perspective varies with the contexts and actors. The company is a coalition of actors, all with a different perspective on a specific part of the business.

The empirical data consist of two public authorities (case-studies), Swedish Tax Authority and Premium Pension Authority (PPM). I have collected data by conducting interviews, taking part of archived material and being an observant participator. PPM’s dilemma is whether to buy or to develop a system and Swedish Tax Authority’s dilemma is whether to use open source or a proprietary development tool.

The analysis of the empiric material have resulted in a typology of dilemmas in conjunction with IT-investments. The typology consists of:

(a) dilemma points - events where the dilemmas originate.

(b) dilemma consequences – dilemmas that are hard to discern and thus associated with a great deal of risk.

(c) balancing acts dilemmas - the decision maker must balance between multiple choices in order to reach a satisfying outcome. Each choice has its pros and cons.

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Nilsson, Edith, and Frida Sigvardsson. "Att anmäla eller inte anmäla - det är frågan : Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av etiska dilemman vid misstanke om att barn far illa samt anmälan därav - en intervjustudie." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap (HV), 2016.

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Sammanfattning   Bakgrund Skolsköterskan träffar alla barn under skolgången vid minst tre planerade tillfällen för hälsobesök. Tillsammans med andra professioner i skolan har skolsköterskan möjlighet att identifiera barn som far illa och har lagstadgad anmälningsplikt. Vid misstanke om samt anmälan av barn som far illa finns det risk för att skolsköterskor utsätts för stress och kan uppleva olika etiska dilemman. Detta gör det angeläget att ta reda på deras erfarenheter inom området. Syfte Att beskriva skolsköterskors erfarenheter av etiska dilemman vid misstanke om att barn far illa samt anmälan därav. Metod Studien genomfördes i två kommuner i sydsverige. Materialet samlades in vid elva intervjuer med skolsköterskor och analyserades med kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat De etiska dilemman som skolsköterskorna upplevde kategoriserades i fyra kategorier och elva underkategorier. Att bygga upp och bevara förtroendefulla relationer med barnen och föräldrarna var viktigt för skolsköterskorna. Viljan att göra rätt upplevdes som en svår uppgift eftersom det innebar att identifiera barn som far illa, att göra sin plikt, men även att göra nytta och inte skada. Skolsköterskorna kunde känna sig ensamma och utsatta i sin profession samt i behov av stöd, både från kollegor men även från andra professioner. De saknade återkoppling från socialtjänsten och önskade att de hade ett bättre samarbete. Slutsats Skolsköterskorna upplevde etiska dilemman i mötet med barn som far illa samt vid lagstadgad anmälan. Handledning, stöd under hela processen samt bättre samarbete med socialtjänsten skulle kunna leda till fler anmälningar. Utbildning samt standardiserade bedömningsinstrument bör kunna medföra att fler barn som far illa identifieras.   Nyckelord Skolsköterskor, barn som far illa, etiska dilemman, anmälningsskyldighet
Abstract Background The school nurse sees all children at least three times during their school years in connection to planned health visits. Together with other school professionals the nurse has the possibility to identify maltreated children and is obligated by law to report it. Suspecting and reporting child maltreatment might implicate an exposure to stress and dealing with various ethical dilemmas. It is therefore important to investigate the school nurses’ experiences concerning this issue. Aim To describe the school nurses’ experiences of ethical dilemmas when suspecting and reporting child maltreatment. Method The study was conducted in two counties in southern Sweden. Data was collected by interviewing eleven school nurses and analyzed by using a qualitative manifest content analysis. Results The ethical dilemmas experienced by the school nurses were categorized in four categories and eleven subcategories. Building and maintaining trustful relationships with the children and their parents was important for the school nurses. The wish to do right was experienced as difficult since it meant to identify maltreated children, to report it, and at the same do good and do no harm. The school nurses felt alone and vulnerable in this situation and needed support both from colleagues and other professionals. They lacked feedback from the child protection services and were yearning for a better collaboration. Conclusion The school nurses experienced ethical dilemmas when meeting maltreated children and being obligated to report it. Supervision, support during the process and a better teamwork with the child protection services may increase the reporting rate. Education and standard assessment instruments might increase the number of identified maltreated children.   Keywords School nurses, child maltreatment, ethical dilemmas, mandatory reporting
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Johansson, Linda, and Linnéa Petersson. "Undersköterskors hantering av etiska dilemman och känslomässiga påfrestningar inom demensvården : “Då hoppas man väl att någon begränsar en när man själv inte har den förmågan, för det är väl därför man bor såhär”." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), 2016.

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The aim was to increase understanding of the ethical dilemma that assistant nurses in special accommodation for people with dementia experienc, how they handle them, and how they perceive and deal with emotional stress. We used a qualitative approach in form of semi-structured interviews and vignettes. Our selection were assistant nurses working in dementia care in southern Sweden. We found that ethical dilemmas in dementia care are many and affects different areas. The one thing they have in common was that at least two choices conflict with each other and none of them lead to any positive result for the residents. We have found three common categories for how the caregivers handle the dilemmas: attract and clamoring, white lies and the healthy. The caregivers experience and are influenced by ethical in different ways. But everyone finds it hard when plans don’t turn out the way they thought from the beginning. The assistant nurses found that external factors were most stressful because external factors are difficult to change. All the assistant nurses are affected, but in which way, and to what degree, depends on the individual. They handle the emotional stress in similar ways by taking a walk, taking a five minutes break or to consider the residents best interest. Our conclusion was that nurses deal on a daily basis with ethical dilemmas and that they experience a lot of stress because of them.
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Brown, Amy Lynn. "Decision-Making in Social Dilemmas: Positive and Negative Framing, Payoff Structure, and Affect." Oxford, Ohio : Miami University, 2006.

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Matzat, Dominik. "Cooperation in social dilemmas." Diss., lmu, 2012.

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Nakar, Sonal Alpesh. "Understanding VET teachers' dilemmas in providing quality education to international students in Brisbane." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2012.

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In the past fifteen years, increasing attention has been given to the role of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in attracting large numbers of international students and its contribution to the economic development of Australia. This trend has given rise to many challenges in vocational education, especially with regard to providing quality education that ensures international students' stay in Australia is a satisfactory experience. Teaching and learning is continuously scrutinized, teaching quality and student assessment are subject to regular audit (Takerei, 2010). VET teachers are key stakeholders in international education and share responsibility for ensuring international students gain quality learning experiences and positive outcomes, however, their experiences are generally not well understood. Therefore, this thesis, investigates particular challenges and associated dilemmas that VET teachers experience when teaching international students. The research participants were 15 teachers from several public and private VET institutions in Brisbane, Australia. The method involved responsive interviewing and inductive data analysis to identify and categorize teachers' challenges and dilemmas. The research reveals qualitatively different ways in which the 15 VET educators experienced challenges and associated dilemmas in their culturally diverse teaching context. The research shows that VET teachers experience numerous challenges and various inter-related professional, educational and personal dilemmas. These dilemmas result from ethical tensions teachers experience in their interactions with international students, teaching colleagues and their employment institutions. The dilemmas are often influenced by current economic and political conditions of international education. The dilemmas raised in the study by 15 VET teachers might be familiar to other teachers in VET and universities but to date they have received limited attention by researchers. This study's findings indicate significant implications for VET teachers, students, VET institutions and the government at a time of rapid economic, political, cultural and educational change. The findings are of potential interest to VET policy makers, managers and teachers. By giving voice to VET teachers, who are key stakeholders in the sustainability and future growth of VET, they contribute evidence for ongoing review and development of quality learning and teaching in the culturally diverse VET sector.
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Bajko, Kinga, Jenny Månsson, and Karen Rojas. "Drömmen om den turistfria stranden : En kvalitativ studie om marknadsföringsetiska ställningstaganden hos svenska resebolag." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för marknadsföring (MF), 2020.

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Abstrakt Studiens syfte Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra hur marknadsföringen från olika typer av resebolag speglar deras inställning och förhållningssätt till etiska dilemman samt att jämföra om eller hur de skiljer sig i frågan. Teoretiska referensramar Studiens slutsatser dras med stöd i Corporate social responsibility, hållbart agerande samt turismens etiska dilemman med code of conduct som främsta referens.    Metod En kvalitativ forskning utifrån pusselbitsansatsen har gjorts med en deduktiv utgångspunkt. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att samla in primärdata. Intervjuerna gjordes via telefon eller mejl, där även följdfrågor bifogats och svarats på efter vardera intervju.   Empiri Svar från fem olika intervjuer på fyra olika resebolag samt en skribent i ämnet. Intervjufrågor och svar finns bifogat i bilagor och sammanfattat i resultatdelen. Slutsats Studien visar på stora skillnader i hur de olika resebolagen marknadsför sig, vilket verkar ha att göra med dels typen av resebolag och storleken på företaget. Vissa har ett proaktivt förhållningssätt till hållbart agerande och arbetar förebyggande med det, medan andra har ett mer reaktivt eller till och med defensivt förhållningssätt. Branschen har visat sig ha en tendens att utesluta viss information i sin marknadsföring, vilket verkar bero på att de visar det kunderna vill se. Det kunder inte ser, tas inte hänsyn till och det är därmed företagets ansvar att presentera på rätt sätt. Enligt vår studie finns det särskilda typdrag som utmärker resebolagens etiska ställningstaganden i deras marknadsföring, och dessa typdrag speglas även i resebolagens respektive framtidsvisioner. Gällande framtida forskning ser vi gärna att ämnet undersöks ytterligare fast mer koncentrerat, inriktat på endast en typ av resebolag. Även forskning ur konsumentperspektivet hade vi funnit intressant.
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Persson, Julia, and Sarah Skog. "Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av moralisk stress. En litteraturstudie." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), 2015.

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Bakgrund: Det ställs inre och yttre krav på sjuksköterskor som i sin yrkesroll måste göra medvetna val. Valen skall baseras på individuell vård för varje patient, vara rättssäkra och samtidigt vara effektiva för såväl avdelningen som organisationen. Kraven som ställs på sjuksköterskor kan utgöra en psykisk påfrestning som kan yttra sig i form av moralisk stress. Moralisk stress är de känslor och upplevelser som utgörs av en moralisk motsättning, där personen i fråga vet vilken handling som är korrekt men blir begränsad att utföra den på grund av organisatoriska, strukturella och ekonomiska faktorer. Moralisk stress grundar sig i det fysiologiska fenomenet stress som är kroppens överlevnadsreaktion vid yttre belastning i form av stressorer. För att upprätthålla en god och säker omvårdnad ska sjuksköterskor följa olika styrande riktlinjer och förordningar inom hälso- och sjukvård. Syfte: Belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av moralisk stress. Metod: En litteraturstudie med elva kvalitativa artiklar som insamlats med hjälp av systematisk databassökning där datamaterial sedan granskades och analyserades. Goodmans sju-stegsmodell användes som stöd i metoden för att finna och bedöma relevant vetenskaplig litteratur. Resultat: Efter analys av datamaterial framkom fem teman: Bristande samverkan mellan yrkeskategorier, organisationen försvårar sjuksköterskans arbete, känsla av otillräcklighet, känslomässiga reaktioner och ökat kollegialt stöd. Konklusion: Moralisk stress är globalt förekommande bland sjuksköterskor som uttrycker olika erfarenheter kring fenomenet. Bristande samverkan mellan läkare och sjuksköterskor i kombination med organisatoriska svårigheter leder till en känsla av otillräcklighet för sjuksköterskor.
Background: There are internal and external demands on nurses who must make conscious choices. The choices must be based on individual care for each patient, be legally secure and at the same time be effective for both the ward and the organization. The demands set on nurses can become a psychological distress that can be seen as an internal conflict in the form of moral stress. Moral stress are the feelings and experiences that consist of a moral contradiction, where the person know the correct way to act but is limited to execute it because of organizational, structural and economic factors. Moral stress is based on the physiological phenomenon of stress, which is the body's survival reaction to external burden in the form of stressors. There are various controlling factors and guidelines that nurses should follow in healthcare in order to maintain a good and safe care. Objective: To illuminate nurses’ experience of moral stress.Method: A literature review of eleven qualitative studies that were generated by systematic database search and then reviewed and analysed. To support the method Goodman’s seven-step model was used to find and assess the relevant scientific literature.Results: After analysing data five themes were revealed: Lack of collaboration between professionals, organization that complicate nurses’ work, feelings of inadequacy, emotional reactions and increased support from colleagues. Conclusion: Moral stress is a globally occurring phenomenon which nurses’ express a variety of different experiences. Lack of collaboration between physicians and nurses combined with organizational difficulties leading to a feeling of inadequacy for nurses.
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Pethrus, Anton. "Informationens effekt i moraliska dilemman : Effekterna mängden tillgänglig information har på spelares beslut i prohibition dilemman." Thesis, Högskolan i Skövde, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, 2017.

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Detta arbete redogör för effekterna tillgången eller avsaknaden av omfattande karaktärsinformation samt information om beslutens direkta konsekvenser har på spelarens beslutsprocess i narrativa prohibition dilemman. Då det finns avsaknad av konsensus om dess effekter i ämnesområdet och en frånvaro av objektiva studier för att undersöka de aktuella ståndpunkterna, är studien nödvändig för att förbättra kunskapen inom området och för att generera objektiva resultat av dess effekter på spelare. För att undersöka problemformuleringen skapades två likadana textbaserade spel, där skillnaden mellan dem var att den ena gav spelaren omfattande karaktärsinformation och information om beslutens direkta konsekvenser i spelet narrativa prohibition dilemman, medan den andra artefakten saknade den informationen. Respektive artefakt testades på en separat testgrupp för att generera resultat om dess respektive effekt på testgruppen som spelade den. Resultaten var blandade i de olika testgrupperna. Det gick dock att finna tendenser i resultaten i de olika grupperna. När spelare inte hade omfattande karaktärsinformation samt information om beslutens konsekvenser, var de mer benägna att välja de beslut de kände var rätt utifrån deras egna värderingar när de inte kunde härleda beslutens konsekvenser. När de kunde härleda beslutens konsekvenser valde de ofta det val vilket gav dem den mest fördelaktiga utkomsten. När spelaren hade tillgång omfattande karaktärsinformation samt information om beslutens direkta konsekvenser motiverades deras beslut av att väga fördelarna och nackdelarna av respektive beslutsalternativ mot varandra, utifrån en strategisk och/eller moralisk basis, där de tog det alternativ som gav dem den mest optimala utkomsten. I fall där spelarna hade en emotionell investering i besluten valde de oftast oavsett mängden tillgänglig information vid beslutet att välja det beslut som kändes rätt. Något som även framkom i studien var att bättre resultat för att besvara problemformuleringen och explorativt undersöka ämnesområdet, skulle vara att göra ett liknande test av artefakterna på grupper av definierade spelartyper. Det skulle ge en bättre översikt av respektive utgångspunkts påverkan på specifika spelartyper och generera tydligare samt mer användbara resultat att besvara problemformuleringen med.
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Östberg, Ida, and Maisaa Mousa. "Dilemman och svårigheter biståndshandläggare beskriver i sin yrkesroll inom äldreomsorgen." Thesis, Ersta Sköndal högskola, Institutionen för socialvetenskap, 2015.

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Studien ämnade söka förståelse och kunskap om biståndshandläggarnas yrkesroll inom äldreomsorgen. Utifrån detta fördjupade vi oss i de svårigheter som kan uppstå under handläggningsprocessen och vilka stödresurser som finns tillgängliga. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ forskningsansats med hjälp av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med biståndshandläggare som arbetar inom äldreomsorg i olika kommuner i Stockholms län. Resultatet analyserades utifrån teoretiska referensramar som belyser olika typer av dilemman på både individuellt och strukturellt plan. Dessa teorier var Lipskys teori om Gräsrotsbyråkrati, konsekvensetik, dygdetik samt begreppen äkta dilemman och skendilemman.  Studien kom fram till att det finns ett flertal svårigheter som biståndshandläggare möter i arbetsvardagen. Vidare framkom att biståndshandläggarna upplever att de är alltför styrda av riktlinjer och lagar vilket minskar deras inflytande. Studien bekräftar tidigare forsknings resultat inom området.
The study aimed to seek understanding and knowledge about care managers professional role in elderly care. Whit that basis we went in-depth of the difficulties that can occur during the process of care managing and what kind of support resources that are available. We used qualitative research approach and performed six semi structured interviews with care managers in the elderly care in different municipalities in the county of Stockholm. The result was analyzed with the basis of theoretical reference frames that illustrate different kinds of dilemmas on both an individual and a structural level. The theories we used were Lipskys theory about street level bureaucrats, consequence ethics, virtue ethics and the concept of real dilemmas and deceptive dilemmas. The study shows that there are a number of difficulties that care managers face in their everyday work environment. Furthermore it emerged that care managers experience that they are too controlled by guidelines and laws which would therefore diminish their influence. The study is verifying of earlier research made in the same field.
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Urseth, Leif H. "Bedell Smith and functionalist dilemmas." Diss., Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2010.

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Kazemi, Ali. "Distributive preferences in social dilemmas /." Göteborg : Dept. of Psychology, Göteborg University, 2006.

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Pienaar, Petrus Jacob Johannes. "Juvenile courts : problems and dilemmas." Thesis, University of Zululand, 1993.

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Submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Mater of Arts in the Department of Criminal Justice at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 1993.
This investigation examined certain problems and dilemmas in the juvenile court. Three problem areas were included: The accusatorial - inquisitorial view as the main approach in the juvenile justice system. The rehabilitative - retributive approach and its application to juvenile offenders. (Magistrates' sentencing objectives and their application to juvenile offenders.) The possibility of the application of the pre-trial judicial investigation in the juvenile court. In addition, a number of items were simultaneously included in the investigation and, where applicable, are included in this report The research questionnaires were delivered by hand to a number of magistrates in the Eastern Cape, Orange Free State and Transvaal. After a few weeks the questionnaires were collected and unstructured interviews were conducted with some of the magistrates. A total of 39 questionnaires were collected and use was made of the descriptive statistical technique to summarize and condense the data to measurable units. Because of the explorative-descriptive nature of the investigation the results can only be generalized to Eastern Cape, Orange Free State and Transvaal The following are the more significant findings: 1. Adjudication of Juvenile Offenders • 10,3% of magistrates accepted the accusatorial, 25,6% the inquisitorial, 33,3% the accusatorial - inquisitorial, and 30,8% the inquisitorial - accusatorial approaches. • 82,1% of magistrates agreed that in no country would one find a system which is purely accusatorial or inquisitorial. • a substantial record of previous convictions is to 74,4% of magistrates on aggravating circumstances. • The majority 89,7% of magistrates would feel justified in making allowance for mitigating circumstances if they had a particular sentencing objective in mind. • 89,7% of magistrates would regard mitigating circumstances as a juvenile's right to have sentence reduced. 2. Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders • 74,3% of magistrates rated reformation as a sentencing objective for juvenile offenders, as Very important'. • 743% of magistrates rated the need to expose the juvenile offender to treatment • 64,1% of magistrates rated the sentencing principle of protecting society from juvenile crime and helping the juvenile offender's development as complementary. • The most important factor which influences magistrates in reaching a sentence of community service is where the offender will benefit, 84,6%. • 61,5% of magistrates kept punishment in mind for assault on police. The results demonstrate that the rehabilitative - treatment objective and the retributive - punishment objective are the main objectives of sentencing in the juvenile court. 3. Pre-trial judicial investigation in juvenile courts • Approximately 74,4% of magistrates were in favour of pre-trial judicial investigation. • 71,8% of magistrates agreed that probation officers, and 71,8% agreed that criminologists can be helpful in the juvenile court. • Finally, one can accept that the majority of magistrates in this investigation support the implementation of a pre-trial judicial investigation in the juvenile justice system.
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Widborg, Olivia, and Sara Samuelsson. "Etiska dilemman för sjuksköterskor i omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom - en kvalitativ intervjustudie." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), 2015.

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Bakgrund: Varje år insjuknar cirka 25 000 personer i Sverige i någon form av demenssjukdom, och antalet personer med demens i Sverige beräknas 2014 vara cirka 160 000 personer (Socialstyrelsen, 2014). I omvårdnaden av personer med demens ställs sjuksköterskan inför etiska dilemman där hen hamnar i kläm mellan rättsligt läge, och sin skyldighet att bevara vårdtagarens värdighet och integritet (Lejman et al, 2013). Syfte: Att undersöka etiska dilemman sjuksköterskan upplevt i samband med att vårdtagare med demens motsatt sig omvårdnad. Studien avsåg även undersöka om situationer fanns då sjuksköterskan ansåg tvång vara berättigat, om strategier användes för att övertyga vårdtagare med demens som motsatte sig omvårdnad samt om strategier användes för att förekomma detta.Metod: En studie med kvalitativ ansats gjordes, bestående av sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor som arbetade inom demensvård, alternativt hade en konsultativ roll inom demensvård i Malmö stad. En modifierad version av Burnards (1991) metod för innehållsanalys gjordes.Resultat: Ett tema, komponenter för en etiskt god omvårdnad, tre kategorier och sju underkategorier framkom i resultatet. Kategorin anhöriga innefattade underkategorierna anhöriga som del av teamet och när meningar går isär. Kategorin samarbete innefattade underkategorierna samverkan med arbetskamrater och andra professioner och behov av kunskap. Kategorin att göra gott och inte skada innefattade underkategorierna att handla mot vårdtagarens vilja, vårdtagarens självbestämmande och personcentrerad vård.Konklusion: I omvårdnaden av personer med demens hamnade sjuksköterskan ofta i etiskt svåra situationer. Dessa underlättades av en personcentrerad omvårdnad, ett tillåtande arbetsklimat samt en god relation med anhöriga. Etiskt svåra beslut försvårades då anhörigas åsikt gällande omvårdnad skiljde sig från den medicinska bedömningen. Behov av kunskap om demens ansågs finnas. Lagar ansågs inte alltid vara tillämpbara i verkligheten. Vårdtagarens självbestämmande förbisågs då denne utsatte sig själv eller andra för skada.
Background: Every year about 25 000 individuals in Sweden develop some form of dementia, and the number of people living with dementia in Sweden 2014 is estimated to be 160 000 (Socialstyrelsen, 2014). When caring for persons with dementia, nurses faces ethical dilemmas and get caught between the law and the obligation to preserve the care recipients’ integrity (Lejman et al, 2013).Aim: To examine ethical dilemmas nurses faced when caring for persons with dementia in connection to situations where care recipients opposed themselves to care. The study also aimed to examine whether situations occurred when nurses felt that coercion was justified, if strategies were used in situations where people with dementia opposed themselves to care, and if strategies were used to prevent those situations.Method: A qualitative study design was applied, consisting of six semi-structured interviews with nurses who were practicing in dementia care, or had a consultative role in dementia care, within the city of Malmö. A modified version of Burnard’s (1991) data analysis was used.Results: An overall theme, components of ethically good nursing, three categories and seven subcategories emerged. The category relatives contained the subcategories; relatives as part of the team and difference of opinion. The category collaboration contained the subcategories collaboration with colleagues and other health care professions and need for knowledge. The category to do good and not harm contained the subcategories to act against the care recipients’ will, care recipients’ self-determination and person-centred care.Conclusion: The study revealed that nurses in dementia care often experienced ethical dilemmas. Decision making in ethically difficult situations was facilitated by person-centred care, a permissive working climate and good relation with relatives. Ethically difficult decisions were complicated when the relatives’ opinion regarding nursing differed from the medical assessment. Respect for the care recipients’ self-determination was overlooked when the care recipients’ subjected himself or others to harm. A need for knowledge about dementia was identified among other health professions and government officials. Laws were not always considered to be applicable in reality.
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Räihä, Helge. "Lärares dilemman." Doctoral thesis, Örebro universitet, Humanistiska institutionen, 2008.

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The topic of the present dissertation is teachers’ everyday dilemmas and the use of language to deal with these dilemmas. The concept of dilemma is compared to the concept of risk and the concept of paradox. The theoretical background consists of sociological systems theory and linguistic pragmatic theory. The empirical data consist of observations of teachers in everyday situations. The theoretical and empirical approaches are used to illuminate each other. Teachers’ ways of dealing with dilemmas are described as use of linguistic resources. Results show that dilemmas are complex social phenomenon that include global system media, trust and language use. Teachers face dilemmas as unpredicted clashes of conflicting expectations. The conflicting expectations come into view as global system media and local trust. The resources required in the constructing of trust and rationality shows how teachers are dealing with dilemmas. Teachers’ ways of dealing with dilemmas come into view as use of linguistic resources for logic and modality.
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Willis, Malcom Richard. "The ethical dilemmas of school leaders." Thesis, University of the West of England, Bristol, 2007.

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Gallant, Jenny Jin Ying. "Dilemmas in an online academic discussion." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2009.

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Since the application of Web-based templates in distance education, the threaded discussion forum is regarded as one of the most effective tools for promoting interaction in a virtual learning community (Smith, Ferguson, & Caris, 2003). However, as interactions are being encouraged, facilitated, and evaluated in the discussion online forum, what do students do when they interact with each other, with course content, and with their instructors? What problems do they face as they ‘talk’ with each other? What strategies do they use to balance and negotiate the embedded institutional discourse, course objectives and requirements, personal ideals and goals? This qualitative case study investigated some of the complexities of different aspects of the online threaded discussion in a Canadian university graduate online course. The data was collected from an asynchronous graduate seminar. The goal of the study was to examine the tensions and conflicts that pertain to the interactions in the online community in order to better understand the nature of the interaction in an online learning community and to provide insights for more effective online learning environment. The findings suggest that a major challenge for establishing a successful online academic community is the recognition and better understanding of the complex nature of the online discussion. The issues of academic versus interpersonal, freedom versus constraints, vulnerability versus the need to socialize underpin students’ engagement in academic learning and satisfaction. The finding also indicates that the notion of ‘academic community’ unfolded in discussion forum needs to recognize the legitimacy of and to include and facilitate a space for social/interpersonal interactions in addition to academic content learning. The study indicated that the perceptions of the functions of online academic discussion needed to be considered in the context of personal education ideologies and learning goals. Students’ ideologies of education play a role in their perceptions of the functions of the learning environment. Their perceptions affect their participation and satisfaction of their online experience. Knowledge of their perceptions helps the instructor adjust to allow variations of styles and degrees of interactions.
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Myers, Joanna Sylvia. "Religiously committed psychologists : issues and dilemmas." Thesis, University of East London, 1997.

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Goodall, K. "International management : the dilemmas of distance." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2000.

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This is a qualitative study of the work of the international manager. After a brief introduction the work beings with a review of the academic literature on the multinational corporation and its management, tracing the shift over time from a focus on formal mechanisms of co-ordination and control, to inform mechanisms. This review includes a critique of Bartlett and Ghoshal's influential analysis of the transnational, and Nohria and Ghoshal's development of this work. Within the existing literature a defining feature of the multinational is held to be the need to work across distance. Despite the centrality of distance, it is argued that there has been little attempt within the MNC literature to conceptualise distance. The next chapter attempts to remedy this by drawing on elements of Giddens' analysis of time-space distanciation. Giddens looks at distance in terms of the interplay of presence and absence; offering a typology of co-presence, presence availability, and (technologically) mediated co-presence. The related importance of treating the manager as a 'knowledge agent' is also discussed here. The critique of the existing treatment of informal mechanisms of co-ordination and control within the MNC literature, together with Giddens' conceptual framework for understanding the social nature of distance, forms the theoretical basis for the analysis of the fieldwork. This is then reported in three chapters, offering case-based analyses of the experiences of each manager in operating at and over distance. A fourth chapter gives a headquarters perspective on the dilemmas of distance, and further illuminates the situations of the three managers. There is then an analysis of the four empirical chapters in which a framework of 'first-order' concepts for the resolution of dilemmas of distance is developed. The dynamic interplay between patronage, networking, and the development of a trackrecord is explored. This analysis is then compared back to both the MNC literature, and Giddens, and the earlier critique is elaborated in the light of the empirical findings. It is claimed that while Giddens' framework is of value in the analysis of the cases, it is not wholly adequate, and must be further supplemented by drawing on Heidegger's notion of 'remoteness'.
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Sangha, Sangeeta. "Neo-Aristotelian Flourishing and Tragic Dilemmas." Bowling Green State University / OhioLINK, 2011.

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Cobb, Ryan Daniel. "Dissolving some dilemmas for acquaintance foundationalism." Diss., University of Iowa, 2016.

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This essay purports to be a “negative” defense of acquaintance foundationalism. It is “negative” in that I do not do much in the way of advancing novel argument for the position, nor do I extend the position very much. Rather, I focus on demonstrating that the position has the resources to overcome objections that have been proposed to it. In particular, I argue that it can overcome the dilemma proposed by Wilfrid Sellars and developed by Laurence BonJour against foundationalism, as well as dilemmas proposed by Jack Lyons and Michael Bergmann targeting internalism. Acquaintance foundationalism is what I will call any theory of justification that is internalist in what may justify us, foundationalist in the structure of justification, and relies on the concept of acquaintance in justifying our basic beliefs. Internalism requires that what justifies us improves the belief from the perspective of the believing subject. Foundationalism states that the justification for all beliefs depends ultimately on basic beliefs. Finally, acquaintance is a relation between a person and other things such that these other things are before the “mind’s eye” of the subject. The general idea behind each of these dilemmas, so I will argue, is to claim that acquaintance foundationalism cannot provide epistemic reasons for basic beliefs, where epistemic reason means something that contributes to justification from the subject’s perspective. Each dilemma will ask whether the alleged justifier has some feature x. However, each dilemma contends that, whether the alleged has the feature x or not, it cannot serve as an epistemic reason. For example, BonJour will ask whether our allegedly basic beliefs are cognitive or not. He argues that if they are cognitive, they need justification (and so cannot be basic), but if they are not cognitive, they cannot provide justification. Thus, no allegedly basic belief can serve as an epistemic reason. I argue that the notion of acquaintance allows us to escape such dilemmas because our states of acquaintance allow us to justify our basic beliefs without requiring justification themselves. I do so by borrowing, in part, Richard Fumerton’s theory of non-inferential justification, plus adding on a few epicycles to allow us to base our basic beliefs on our acquaintances. The first chapter sets up the issues of the dissertation: it gives context to the project, defines acquaintance foundationalism and epistemic reason, and discusses our dilemmas in broad outline. It also summarizes the rest of the essay. I use epistemic reasons in a specialized sense in the dissertation, which necessitates an extended discussion. This is the focus of chapter two. I argue that an epistemic reason is a mental complex that consists of Fumertonian acquaintances. When we have an epistemic reason, we have a mental complex that is related in the appropriate way to a belief. This is just what provides justification for the belief. This chapter explicates this notion. It includes an extended discussion of Richard Fumerton’s theory of non-inferential justification, which I follow in outline but diverge from in detail. This discussion focuses on his notion of acquaintance, and the items with which we may be acquainted. I then move to a discussion of the metaphysics of epistemic reasons, explaining how they consist of these acquaintances. I also discuss the relationship between epistemic reasons and epistemic justification. The third chapter is historical in focus. I examine Sellars’s famous dilemma for foundationalism, and contend that it can be best understood as an attempt to deny the foundationalist epistemic reasons for his beliefs. I also examine Laurence BonJour’s later formulation of the Sellarsian dilemma, and again argue that it is best understood as denying epistemic reasons to foundationalists. I then review the options that an acquaintance foundationalist has to respond to these dilemmas, as these responses will allow us to see where our more recent dilemmas go wrong. Chapter four address Jack Lyons’s dilemma. I consider what Lyons says about his dilemma at some length. I then argue that it is structurally similar to the Sellarsian dilemma, and tries to undermine the internalist’s (including the acquaintance foundationalist’s) ability to offer epistemic reasons for his beliefs. I then argue that Lyons’s dilemma only seems persuasive because he misunderstands what is required for experience to provide us with an epistemic reason. When properly understood, his dilemma fails to tell against the acquaintance foundationalism. I also argue that Lyons’s version of externalism is much more radical than it might initially appear, helping to motivate acquaintance foundationalism. The fifth chapter focuses on Michael Bergmann. I give his dilemma an extended discussion, which I follow up by reframing it in terms of epistemic reasons. I argue that his dilemma, while seemingly persuasive, fails to trouble the acquaintance foundationalism. I argue that we may be strongly aware (a Bergmannian technical notion) of our epistemic reasons without starting a regress, which vitiates his dilemma. I conclude with some short remarks on possibility of skepticism.
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Lindgren, Eneflo Elisabeth. "Dokumentationens dilemman : Förskollärare samtalar om pedagogisk dokumentation." Licentiate thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Pedagogiskt arbete, 2014.

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Abstract  Pedagogical documentation is a certain procedure for documenting that, in recent years, has been embraced in several Swedish preschools. Teachers document children’s actions and conversations usually by photos or video recordings. This documentation is to be used for a pedagogical purpose. However, studies and governmental inspections have shown that pedagogical documentation gives rise to many questions among preschool teachers. The purpose of this study is to gain insight into what is being expressed when preschool teachers discuss pedagogical documentation, focusing on themes of content and on the participants’ expressions of their points of view. The data is comprised of transcriptions from audio recordings of discussions conducted in a research circle. The participants are eight preschool teachers that met over the course of one year. Each meeting focused on the documentation provided by a different participant. In that way the contents of the discussions were framed by the teachers own questions and narratives. Theoretically, the study departs from Social Constructionism and Discursive Psychology. The preschool teachers’ utterances have been analyzed using concepts of interpretative repertoires and ideological dilemmas. The results show the main themes to be: Knowledge content in a preschool setting, children’s learning, the teacher’s role and implementation of pedagogical documentation. The participants’ joint position is that the knowledge content at the preschool level is defined by the curriculum for the preschool. Concerning children’s learning and the teacher’s role, two main standpoints are disclosed. Ideologically those standpoints derive from two opposing theories of education. Based on how the standpoints have been expressed I have called them ”predetermined learning” versus ”non-predetermined learning”. One main distinction between the standpoints is that predetermined learning emphasizes the results of learning, while non-predetermined learning emphasizes the processes of learning. The participants’ utterances show that teachers tend to subscribe to the idea that there is only one acceptable way of working with pedagogical documentation. This sometimes creates performance anxiety and feelings of not succeeding and has led to arguments advocating an alternate approach; pedagogical documentation can be done in many ways. The ideological dilemmas within the discourse can be perceived as resources by which the participants argue about knowledge, learning, teaching and about the implementation of pedagogical documentation.
Forskarskola för förskollärare "Utforskande lärprocesser och literacy:Förskolebarns lärande i språk, matematik och naturvetenskap"
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Hansen, Ellen, Lisa Jansohn, and Gabriel Korodi. "Vård av personer med demenssjukdom på sjukhus : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonals upplevelser." Thesis, Jönköping University, Hälsohögskolan, 2021.

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Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Varje år insjuknar omkring 10 miljoner personer i världen i en demenssjukdom. Dessa personer behöver ibland vårdas på sjukhus på grund av olika akuta försämringar. Sjuksköterskor behöver arbeta utifrån ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt för att kunna tillgodose alla de behov en person med demenssjukdom har.     Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonals upplevelser i vården av personer med demenssjukdom på sjukhus. Metod: Kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats. Analys av elva vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes utifrån Fribergs beskrivning av fem-stegsanalys.    Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två teman och sju subteman. Under temat “Omvårdnadsaspekter av betydelse” presenteras subteman bemötande, kommunikationshinder, etiska dilemman och anhörigas inflytande. Under temat “Organisatoriska aspekter av betydelse” presenteras subteman vårdmiljö, tidsbrist samt utbildning och kunskap. Slutsats: Vårdpersonal har en viktig roll i främjandet av en god vård för alla parter i omvårdnaden av personer med demenssjukdom på sjukhus. Ett flertal omvårdnadsaspekter och organisatoriska aspekter begränsar vårdpersonalen i deras omvårdnadsarbete och behöver ses över. För att uppnå en säker vård av kvalitét för personer med demenssjukdom på sjukhus behövs förslagsvis ökad kunskap och utbildning. En anpassad vårdmiljö samt ett bra samarbete inom det interprofessionella teamet och med anhöriga är även stor betydelse.
Summary Background: Around 10 million people worldwide get dementia every year. These people sometimes need to be cared for in hospital due to various acute deteriorations. Nurses need to work in a person-centered approach in order to meet all the needs of a person with dementia. Aim: To describe nursing staffs’ experience in the care of people with dementia in hospitals. Method: A qualitative literature review with an inductive approach. Analysis of eleven scientific articles was carried out based on Friberg's description of five-step analysis. Result: The analysis resulted in two themes and seven subthemes. The theme “Aspects of importance in nursing” presents the subthemes personal treatment, communication barriers, ethical dilemmas and the influence of relatives. The theme “Organizational aspects of importance” presents the subthemes healthcare enviroment, lack of time, and education and knowledge.  Conclusion: Nursing staff play an important role in promoting good care for all parties in the care of people with dementia in hospitals. A number of nursing aspect and organizational aspects limit the nursing staff in their work and need to be considered. In order to achieve safe, quality care for people with dementia in hospitals, increased knowledge and education are suggested. An adapted healthcare environment and a good collaboration within the interprofessional team and with relatives is also of great importance.
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Puech, Sébastien. "Le tragique de l'action humanitaire." Thesis, Reims, 2020.

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Ce travail cherche à montrer comment la philosophie peut éclairer la pratique de l’action humanitaire, qui soulève sur le terrain une multitude de problématiques, ayant une portée philosophique (souffrances, politique, altruisme, don, bien, mal, espoir…). L’acteur humanitaire n’est pas préparé à affronter les situations dramatiques et complexes du terrain, le cadre normatif de l’action humanitaire et les principes humanitaires n’étant pas suffisants. Nous présentons une nouvelle lecture de l’action humanitaire, notamment par sa dimension profondément tragique, qui résulte de son échec insurmontable et de sa confrontation inévitable au mal. Afin d’aider l’acteur à affronter le tragique de l’action et les dangers qui le guettent, nous proposons un guide de l’action et définissons les qualités nécessaires à l’acteur humanitaire. Cette recherche explore les différents troubles qu’il affronte : ses motifs d’action multiples, les souffrances à considérer, les dilemmes tragiques, son engagement politique. Acteur humanitaire sur différents terrains d’urgence (Irak, Soudan du Sud, Kenya, Ouganda) puis Directeur Pays en Centrafrique au cours de cette recherche, j’étais en position, par les responsabilités qui m’incombaient, d’expérimenter les différentes hypothèses émises, à travers les situations de dilemmes, stratégies de réponse humanitaire et interactions politiques de haut niveau. Ce travail prend la forme, en partie, d’un carnet de bord, retraçant mes tourments, réflexions et interrogations depuis le terrain. In fine, cette recherche, élaborée à partir de ma propre expérience, porte sur la formation du sujet moral (et sa transformation) confronté aux réalités complexes du monde
This work seeks to demonstrate how philosophy can provide guidance on the practice of humanitarian action, which raises a multitude of issues with a philosophical aspect, in particular in the fieldwork (suffering, politics, altruism, giving, good, evil, hope...). The humanitarian actor is not prepared to face the dramatic and complex situations he encounters on the field; the normative framework of humanitarian action and humanitarian principles are not sufficient enough. We aim to offer a new reading of humanitarian action, particularly through its profoundly tragic dimension, which results from its overwhelming failure and its inevitable confrontation with evil. In order to help the actor face the tragedy of the action and its inherent dangers, we aim to offer a set of guidance and key skills for the actor. This research will explore the different issues the actor faces during his work on the ground: the multiple causes for action, the suffering to be considered, the tragic dilemmas and his political commitment. As a humanitarian actor in different emergency fields (Iraq, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda) and then Country Director in Central African Republic during this research, I was in a position, thanks to my responsibilities, to live through the different theories and hypotheses put forward, the situations of dilemmas, the humanitarian response strategies as well as the high-level political interactions. This work partly takes the form of a logbook, retracing my torments, thoughts and questioning from the field. In fine, this research, developed from my own experience, focuses on the shaping of the moral subject (and his transformation) who faces the complex realities of the world
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Nilsson, Johan. "Det etiska dilemmat i Religionskunskap 1 : En kvalitativ fallstudie i momentet etik och moral med fokus på lärares didaktiska val i förhållande till etiska dilemman." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, 2019.

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Målet med detta examensarbetet är att undersöka hur sex religionslärare inom det svenskagymnasiet anger att dem arbetar med etiska dilemman i momentet etik och moral ur ettdidaktiskt perspektiv. Examensarbetet kommer att samla lärarnas tankar och ståndpunkterangående etiska dilemman genom en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Resultaten visar att de flestalärarna anger liknande åsikter och att deras åsikter stämmer överens med vad tidigare forskninginom etik och moral hävdar är de bästa arbetssätten ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Majoriteten avlärarna anger att etiska dilemman främst används som ett kognitivt verktyg för eleverna attförstå normativa etiska teorier. Lärarna är även överens om att etiska dilemman som är tagnafrån vardagssituationer som eleverna kan relatera till är dem bästa. Sist anger lärarna att de helstarbetar med etiska dilemman elevaktivt i klassrummet.
The aim of this essay is to examine how six teachers in religious education within the Swedishupper secondary school say they use ethical dilemmas within their ethics and morals classesfrom a didactic perspective. The essay will gather the six teachers’ thoughts and standpoints onethical dilemmas with the help of a qualitative interview method. The results show that most ofthe teachers have very similar opinions to each other and what the previous studies in this topicsay is the best course to take with dilemmas in education. Most of the teachers primarily useethical dilemmas a cognitive tool for which to understand ethical theories. The teachers alsochoose their dilemmas from everyday events that are relevant for their students. Lastly, theteachers work with dilemmas in a way that makes the students have an active learning role inthe classroom.
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Jensen, Tobias, and Ulrika Hindersson. "Etiska dilemman på Stockholms Jobbtorg : Ur ett studie- och yrkesvägledarperspektiv." Thesis, Stockholm University, Department of Education, 2009.

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Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare på Jobbtorg arbetar med de dilemman som kan uppstå kring de etiska riktlinjerna. Författarnas hypotes har varit att det är svårt att tillämpa de etiska riktlinjerna i en målstyrd verksamhet som Jobbtorg. En kvalitativ metod har används där fem slumpmässigt utvalda studie- och yrkesvägledare på Jobbtorg Stockholm har intervjuats. Resultatet visar på att studie- och yrkesvägledarna upplever dilemman kring deras yrkesetik, men har utarbetat olika strategier för att hantera dessa dilemman. Det visade sig att studie- och yrkesvägledarna hade skapat sig ett stort arbetsutrymme kring studie- och yrkesvägledningen på Jobbtorg. Dilemman som de intervjupersonerna istället belyste var bland annat ekonomiska riktlinjer inom försörjningsstöd, att förmedla objektiv information och aspiranternas önskan om expertutlåtanden.

The purpose of this essay was to examine how the guidance counselour on Jobbtorg Stockholm works with the dilemmas which may arise over the ethical guidelines. The authors' hypothesis has been that it is difficult to apply the ethical guidelines of a targeted activity such as Jobbtorg. A qualitative approach was used in which five randomly selected guidance counselours on Jobbtorg Stockholm were interviewed. The result shows that guidance counselours experience dilemmas about their professional ethics, but have developed different strategies to deal with these dilemmas. It turned out that the guidance counselours have created a wide space around the guidance and counseling on Jobbtorg. Dilemmas that the interviewees rather highlighted, among other was economic policies, to provide objective information and the clients desire for expert advice.

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Andersson, Maria. "Ett fritidshem för alla : En kvalitativ studie om inkludering i fritidshemmets sociala miljö." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap, 2019.

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Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fritidslärare uppfattar och tolkar fritidshemmets uppdrag, att arbeta för en socialt inkluderande och tillgänglig lärmiljö för alla elever samt hur de hanterar de etiska dilemman som kan uppstå. Studien utgår från kvalitativ intervju av fem lärare i fritidshem, vid tre olika skolor. Resultatet visar att fritidslärarna anser att det är viktigt att arbeta med inkludering men att det inte finns någon entydig tolkning av hur inkluderingsarbetet ska implementeras i det praktiska arbetet samt att förutsättningarna i de olika fritidshemmen ser mycket olika ut. Resultatet visar vidare att fritidslärarna upplever att stora barngrupper leder till att de inte räcker till för alla elever i den utsträckning de skulle vilja. Sådana situationer leder i sin tur till dilemman då de tvingades välja mellan olika elevers behov, både på individ- och gruppnivå och att prioritera vad eller vilka behov som väger tyngst för stunden.
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Harris, Howard J. "Requirements Dilemma." Thesis, Brunel University, 2006.

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Knowing ‘what’ to build is an integral part of an Information System Development, and it is generally understood that this, which is known as Requirements, is achievable through a process of understanding, communication and management. It is currently maintained by the Requirements theorists that successful system design clarifies the interrelations between information and its representations. However, this belief can be shown to be based on flawed assumptions, as there are persistent reports of failures, indicating that there is a gap between the theory and the practice, and that this gap needs to be bridged. A year long in-depth case study of a project group, starting with their strategy announcement and ending with the commissioning system hand-over meeting, followed the group in their ‘doing’ of the Requirements. These mundane meetings were recorded and transcribed, forming a detailed data set of ‘what-is-done’ and ‘how-it-is-done’. The developed research approach adhesively maintained the practical situation, aiming to investigate and make sense of the here-and-now actions of the scoping and defining processes that were at work. The results of the investigation led the researcher to question previous beliefs and assumptions in Requirements, because of ambiguities that were uncovered, also because there was no sufficiently distinct process found that could assuredly be labelled as Requirements. This phenomenon evoked further questioning of “how strange?”, which triggered the testing of the validity of the Requirements theory. The second stage adapted an analysis framework on decision-making in order to reveal a causal connection between the actions found in the ‘doing’ and in the stocks of knowledge that form the Requirements theory. This phase analysed the operationalization of the theory to examine its commensurate, incommensurate and defective activities. The analysis revealed the existence of other dominant processes that affect the Requirements theory, leaving it underdetermined, with no true causal connections that can be established. This led to the inevitable conclusion that the current Information Systems thinking on Requirements is on the horns of a dilemma without any prospective resolution, because of the elliptical misalignment between the theoretical and the empirical worlds.
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von, Haken Boris, Frieder Reininghaus, Gesine Schröder, and Peter Tiefengraber. "Davids Dilemma." Georg Olms Verlag, 2016.

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Jutendahl, Pia, and Håkan Pettersson. "Diagnosens dilemma." Thesis, Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen (LUT), 2011.

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Denna studie hade som avsikt att undersöka om att få en diagnos är en fördel eller en nackdel för individen. Vi använde oss av den kvalitativa intervjun som stöd för en undersökning. Sammanlagt genomfördes åtta intervjuer med fyra ungdomar och deras föräldrar, om hur diagnosbeskedet påverkat dem, familjen, kamrater och skolgång.Resultatet pekar på att en diagnos innebär en fördel p.g.a. att den ger en förklaring till problemen, stöd och hjälp i skolan, samt medför positiva förändringar i familjen och bland kamrater.
The purpose of this essay was to investigate if to get a diagnose is an advantage or a disadvantage for the individual. We used the qualitative interview in support of our investigation. We made eight interviews. We interviewed four teenagers and their parents about the influence the receiving a diagnose has on themselves, the family, friends and school attendance.
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Kok, Jin-Kuan. "Dilemmas or no dilemmas : the role and experience of eleven counsellors working in the Singapore secondary school system." Thesis, Durham University, 2008.

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The role definition of school counsellors has always presented a variety of difficulties. This is especially true when changes occur because of local counselling movements or educational reforms which are closely linked to the contextualized socio-economic or political agenda. This is well documented in the literature. This study is an attempt to make a critical enquiry into the ways in which school counsellors describe and experience their role working in the Singapore secondary school system. It is essentially exploratory and qualitative in nature. The aim of this study is to explore the internal landscape, their feelings and thoughts; their perceptions about their roles and work, and to examine the factors that contribute to their role descriptions and experience. The unique environmental factors that shaped and define their role and experience will be explored. In-depth face to face interviews were carried out with the eleven participants involved in this study, two sessions for each participant. An adapted grounded theory methodology was used to guide the data collection and data analysis process. The findings show that the role experienced by the 11 counsellors was less restricted to role-base and operates on a flexible role description regime. Most counsellors described their role as being defined by pupils' profiles, and by the counselling approach they used. These interviews revealed that role and job scope were ill defined, there was a mis-match of expectations held by the counsellors and within the overall educational climate, and some uncontrollable factors from the wider environment were found. The emergent over-arching theme of dilemmas was identified and factors that enable and inhibit the role of the counsellors as described by the participants were also highlighted. As a result of this study, an ecosystemic approach is proposed.
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Söderman, Hanna, and Lina Olsson. "Etiska dilemman i vården av kognitivt sviktande personer : Distriktssköterskors erfarenheter i hemsjukvården." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, 2016.

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Inledning: Att vårda kognitivt sviktande personer är ofta en stor utmaning för distriktssköterskan. Syfte: Att belysa distriktssköterskors erfarenhet av situationer i hemsjukvården där kognitivt sviktande personers självbestämmande har skapat etiska dilemman. Metod: Intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats. Tio distriktssköterskor verksamma inom hemsjukvården i två av Sveriges kommuner intervjuades med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom fyra kategorier och 13 underkategorier. Kategorin Mycket svåra situationer av olika karaktär visar på hur svåra situationer kan komma akut eller pågå över lång tid. De svåra situationerna gestaltas även genom att patienterna nekar behandling och hjälp av hemtjänst. Patienterna kan även leva under dåliga förhållanden samt hot eller misshandel. Den andra kategorin som var Distriktssköterskans hantering av situationerna har underkategorier som beskriver på vilket sätt distriktssköterskorna hanterar situationerna för att det i slutänden ska bli så bra som möjligt för patienten. Kategorin Närstående påverkar situationerna lyfter hur närstående både kan fungera som stöd och som hinder för patienterna. Slutligen kommer kategorin Skapar reflektion hos distriktssköterskan där distriktssköterskorna reflekterade över hur självbestämmandet för patienten kan se ut samt vilka möjligheter de har att påverka vården inom hemsjukvård. Slutsats: Etiska dilemman uppstår i vården av kognitivt sviktande personer. Distriktssköterskorna använder sig av flera strategier för att lösa dem på bästa sätt.
Introduction: To provide nursing care for patients who suffer from cognitive impairment is often a big challenge for the district nurse. Aim: To illuminate the district nurses´ experience in home care when situations with cognitive impaired person’s autonomy creates ethical dilemmas. Method: A qualitative interview study. Ten district nurses´ in two different counties in Sweden were interviewed using semi-structured interview. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: Four generic categories and 13 sub-categories emerged. The generic category Very difficult situations of different nature show how situations can emerge acute or develop over a long period of time. The difficult situations are also demonstrated when patients´ decline help or treatment, live under poor circumstances or have assault and violence around them. The second generic category How the district nurses´ handle the situations has subcategories which describe how the district nurses´ handle the situations with the aim of what´s best for the patient. The generic category The relatives influence in the situations lifts how relatives can work as support for the patient as well as obstacle for the patients wellbeing. The final generic category was Leaves the district nurse with reflections where the district nurses´ reflected on how the patients’ autonomy should be and what possibilities they have to affect the home care situations. Conclusion: Difficult ethical dilemmas emerge when caring for patients´ with cognitive impairment. The district nurses have a lot of strategies to solve them the best way possible.
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Marklund, Lyles Erika. "Upplevelser av gåvor i psykoterapi : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem psykologiska behandlare." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för sociala och psykologiska studier (from 2013), 2021.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate how psychological therapists experience receiving gifts from their patients. Five respondents participated in the study and data was collected using a qualitative method consisting of semi-structured interviews. The analysis was conducted by means of an interpretive phenomenological analysis which resulted in two main themes describing how the respondents experienced gifts in the therapy room: reciprocity and dilemma. Reciprocity in the relationship with the patient, and dilemmas to cope with in relation to the patient as well as colleagues, guidelines and laws.
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur psykologiska behandlare upplever att få gåvor av sina patienter. Fem respondenter deltog i studien och data samlades in med en kvalitativ metod bestående av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen har gjorts med hjälp av en tolkande fenomenologisk analys som gav två huvudteman i hur respondenterna upplevde att få gåvor; ömsesidighet och dilemma. Ömsesidighet i relationen med patienten och dilemman att hantera i relation till såväl patient som kollegor, riktlinjer och lagar.
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Rahbaran, Shiva. "The paradox of freedom : a study of Nicholas Mosley's intellectual development in his novels and other writings." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2002.

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Reid, Daniel. "PsychD in clinical psychology conversion programme." Thesis, University of Surrey, 1998.

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Papadomichelakis, Giorgos. "Essays on the Economics of Social Dilemmas." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2020.

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The purpose of this dissertation is to study specific cases of all those aforementioned questions in a number of different settings, all of which share one common characteristic of particular economic relevance. The settings that will be studied all involve a two-ways interaction of an individual with the group of his peers. More specifically, the essays in this thesis are concerned with a problem classified in the literature under the umbrella term of, “Social Dilemma” (Olson 1965, Kollock, 1998). A social dilemma is any strategic situation (in the game-theoric sense of the term) in which there is a conflict between individual and collective interest. To be more precise, the defining characteristics of a social dilemma situation is that everyone collectively is better off if everyone cooperates towards a specific action, but each one individually is better off defecting, regardless of the actions of others. The famous “Prisoner’s Dilemma” (Rappoport and Chammah, 1965) is a classical example showcasing the conflict of interest. The reason why social dilemmas are interesting from an economist’s perspective, is because this conflict of interest is at the heart of many issues of economic importance, such as labor productivity, public finance, crime and environmental policy among others. Understanding the drivers of individual behavior, as well as the interaction of individuals within a group, and identifying problematic points to these interactions is the key to the design of the appropriate policies, and this thesis aims to contribute towards that goal. Two distinct cases of social dilemma, represented mathematically as two seminal games, are studied. These two cases are a standard public good game augmented by the presence of a mechanism for the enforcement of cooperation, and a social learning game, where information can only be communicated among the individuals of the group through their actions. As explained before, what connects these two games, is the interdependence of actions and payoffs of their players, as well as the misalignment between individual, and collective best, creating a classical problem of externalities. These two cases are formally defined, their respective equilibria and other features are identified, and potential welfare-improving mechanism are discussed. An additional common element of these two studies, that constitutes another point of contribution of this body of work, is that I study the role of mechanisms that do not solely rely on the provision of extrinsic (monetary) incentives, as it is the standard approach of the economic literature. In the public good game case, I model the role of endogenous norms that reinforce cooperation among agents and how it interacts with the presence of a punishment mechanism for defectors. In the case of the social learning game, the mechanism to address the inefficiencies that I shall demonstrate, is one that relies on the strategic disclosure of available information, instead of a provision of payoff-relevant incentives to implement the socially optimal behavior. Finally, this thesis which is primarily involved with theoretical analysis of social dilemma problems, is supplemented with a laboratory experiment on social learning, aimed at both testing empirically the propositions of the theoretical work, and other hypotheses that remain ambiguous in the literature.
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Medina, Bustos Ayeray Mirta. "Seeking Justice after a Dictatorship: Ethical Dilemmas." Thesis, Linköping University, Centre for Applied Ethics, 2006.

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The meaning that Justice has after a conflict in a society might vary regarding the political development and cultural and shared values of a certain society.

Rawls, in his Theory of Justice gives his idea of what justice is and presents two principles of justice that he argues are required to live in a good society: a first principle that secures equal rights and liberties for all individuals and a second egalitarian principle that restrains the consequences of economic inequalities within societies. He also introduces the concept of “overlapping consensus” which I will use regarding the idea of Reconciliation, at the end of this paper.

In the cases presented in this paper (i.e. Argentina and South Africa), essential human rights were violated, therefore wrongdoers made the society unjust.

The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the conditions that are necessary to re-establish justice when a society goes through a conflict. I will introduce some ideas concerning that issue: ideas of retribution, reparation and reconciliation. These are seen as different paths for several countries when trying to tackle to the matter of achieving justice.

In my view, this question can be answered appealing first to an intuitive conception of moral justice that may exist at an individual and collective level, as well.

The ethical dilemmas both levels have are in relation to the harm done, punishments and how to balance them, limiting, for instance, the punishment in order to accomplish a just and a better society. I will also present how shared values can result from a process of reconciliation, which is considered as the ideal alternative to achieve justice.

However, when the equilibrium between members of a community is broken, some people claim that punishment can restore that lost equilibrium that existed before in the community.

Nevertheless, peace, reconciliation and justice cannot be constructed under the basis of silence. One way to keep memory alive is to let survivors, for instance, narrate what they have lived through; telling stories also creates a new space to share with others their experiences, revealing their fears and emotions. Regarding this theme, I will present the NUNCA MAS (Never Again) report, which is fundamental as it gives some testimonies, facts and proposals that will help to reach a consensus and therefore, future reconciliations.

Why is important to achieve justice? Because then members of a certain community will be able to interact in the present with common shared values and thus, deal with the past.

Not to consider reconciliation as one important step to achieve justice, and only think in terms of punishment, instead of giving way to peace and justice, could perhaps promote the possibility of further conflicts. To consider both punishment and reconciliation might just be one possible blueprint in the long and difficult way of searching for a just society.

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au, g. mackenzie@murdoch edu, and Gaye Mackenzie. "Sandpit Dilemmas: Challenges of researching young children." Murdoch University, 2005.

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In the past twenty years there has been a movement against the tradition of positivist, scientific research that treats children as the ‘object’ of research. This movement has been led by the sociology of childhood literature but also has supporters in disciplines such as developmental psychology and early childhood studies. Research within this new paradigm often seeks to gain the perspectives and lived experiences of children, giving them a voice through naturalistic methodologies such as ethnography and informal interviews. However, giving children a ‘voice’ has not been purely an academic endeavour. Supported by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) which stipulates that States should assure that children have the right to express their views in all matters affecting them, there is a push at all levels of government for children to be given a chance to express their views on issues that concern them. In Australia and overseas, the consulting of children on issues that concern them has become more commonplace. Thus in both research and policy development, methodologies which enable adults to get closer to the world of the child and to hear their views are being explored. This thesis explores some of the issues involved in this form of qualitative research with children. It does so through combining theoretical exposition and systematic reflection with the author’s own empirical research which sought to gain an understanding of young children’s views of ‘difference’ through an ethnographic methodology. Part One provides the theoretical base for the thesis, by exploring how ‘the child’ and childhood have been conceptualised within western thought. Drawing on the sociology of childhood, it also probes a number of the implications of this tradition and examines how it has shaped research on children both in terms of the methods that have been employed and the topics that have been of interest. Both chapters in Part Two focus on the empirical component of the study. The first is an extended methodology chapter which explores not only the method employed and the research setting but also some of the challenges that the author faced in the field and a discussion of issues such as ethics and the status of the researcher. Using logs of the children’s activities and the author’s field journal, the next chapter explores how the initial research question altered and the issues that came to the fore during the research. Part Three reconsiders a number of the theoretical issues raised in Part One in light of the fieldwork discussed in Part Two. It asks how certain ethnographic studies, claiming affiliation with the sociology of childhood, nevertheless ended up with depictions of children not far from the positivistic studies their authors had critiqued. It argues that this can be explained by the persistence of a ‘problem centred’ adultcentric frame which privileges understanding of a particular issue (e.g. the development of racism in children) over the actual experiences of individual children. Given the renewed interest in consulting children this proposition has practical as well as theoretical significance as it reveals how easy it is for slippage to occur and the importance of preventing it.
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