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Zaretsky, Yu V. "Psychological Counseling of Teachers Working Online and Offline." Консультативная психология и психотерапия 28, no. 2 (2020): 137–50.
Full textWatts, Rod. "Trauma Counseling and Rehabilitation." Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling 28, no. 1 (March 1, 1997): 8–10.
Full textBaulina, M. E. "Comparative analysis of internal consultations and internet counseling parents of children with disabilities." Консультативная психология и психотерапия 23, no. 3 (2015): 67–78.
Full textTakšić, Iva, Olivera Petrak, and Lada Perković. "Psychological Difficulties of Nursing Students." Croatian nursing journal 3, no. 2 (December 23, 2019): 121–31.
Full textGorohova, Irina, Mihail Filippov, and Mariya Erofeeva. "The main theoretical approaches to psychological counseling of children in residential care." Applied psychology and pedagogy 6, no. 3 (July 1, 2021): 82–91.
Full textSavarese, Giulia, Luigi Curcio, Daniela D’Elia, Oreste Fasano, and Nadia Pecoraro. "Online University Counselling Services and Psychological Problems among Italian Students in Lockdown Due to Covid-19." Healthcare 8, no. 4 (October 29, 2020): 440.
Full textAlvarez, Jennifer, Craig Rosen, Kim Davis, Greg Smith, and Malachy Corrigan. "“Stay Connected”: Psychological Services for Retired Firefighters after 11 September 2001." Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 22, no. 1 (February 2007): 49–54.
Full textFIRAT, Meryem, Yalçın KANBAY, Mehmet UTKAN, Burcu DEMİR GÖKMEN, and Ayşe OKANLI. "COVID-19 Pandemisinde Hizmet Veren Sağlık Çalışanlarının Psikososyal Zorlanmaları: Türkiyeden Nitel Bir Çalışma." Gevher Nesibe Journal IESDR 6, no. 13 (July 25, 2021): 74–80.
Full textMahmudah, Kharisma Noor Latifatul, Wantini Wantini, and Ruri Afria Nursa. "Strategi Bimbingan Konseling dalam Perspektif Islam untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar serta Akhlak Peserta Didik." Muaddib: Islamic Education Journal 3, no. 1 (June 26, 2020): 50–57.
Full textKhanova, Zoya G., Muslimat G. Akhmedova, and Olga I. Kaiasheva. "Distance learning of psychology students in the context of a pandemic: an analysis of the experience gained." SHS Web of Conferences 103 (2021): 01002.
Full textSikorski, Jacek. "Implementation of an individualized education path at school – legal assumptions and practical solutions." Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze 582, no. 7 (September 30, 2019): 13–26.
Full textShevchenko, Volodymyr, and Viktoriia Kopach. "Psychological features of working with destructive conditions of elderly people." Scientific Visnyk V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University. Psychological Sciences, no. 2 (21) (2021): 75–80.
Full textGroomes, Darlene A. G. "The Matrix: Suggesting a New Approach to Rehabilitation Assessment." Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling 33, no. 4 (December 1, 2002): 22–26.
Full textPadawe, Dimple, Vilas Takate, and Tanay Gunjikar. "Successful Management of Feeding Difficulties in Patient with Severe Bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate." Journal of Contemporary Dentistry 4, no. 2 (2014): 124–26.
Full textBiasi, Valeria, Luca Mallia, Paolo Russo, Francesca Menozzi, Rita Cerutti, and Cristiano Violani. "Homesickness Experience, Distress and Sleep Quality of First-Year University Students Dealing with Academic Environment." Journal of Educational and Social Research 8, no. 1 (January 1, 2018): 9–17.
Full textRosenthal, Susan L., Shari Knauer-Black, Mary Pat Stahl, Thomas J. Catalanotto, and Dennis L. Sprecher. "The Psychological Functioning of Children with Hypercholesterolemia and Their Families." Clinical Pediatrics 32, no. 3 (March 1993): 135–41.
Full textZaretsky, V. K., and T. M. Chernikova. "Solving creative tasks by the teenagers as a model of overcoming problem situation." Консультативная психология и психотерапия 23, no. 2 (2015): 37–56.
Full textHronis, Anastasia, Lynette Roberts, and Ian Kneebone. "Assessing the Confidence of Australian Mental Health Practitioners in Delivering Therapy to People With Intellectual Disability." Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 56, no. 3 (June 1, 2018): 202–11.
Full textCoyle, Catherine T., Priscilla K. Coleman, and Vincent M. Rue. "Inadequate preabortion counseling and decision conflict as predictors of subsequent relationship difficulties and psychological stress in men and women." Traumatology 16, no. 1 (2010): 16–30.
Full textAslan, Mehmet. "Existence or Non-Existence of a Therapist in Group Counseling and Stages of the Group Development with Variant Characteristics Occurring Throughout the “Breakfast Club”." European Journal of Language and Literature 4, no. 1 (April 30, 2016): 144.
Full textGaranian, N. G., Y. V. Zakharova, and M. G. Sorokova. "Ethical Attitudes of Russian Counseling Psychologists: Field of Disagreement and Potential Conflicts." Консультативная психология и психотерапия 28, no. 1 (2020): 87–112.
Full textZaretsky, V. K., and I. A. Nikolaevskaia. "Multi-Dimensional Model of the Zone of Proximal Development as a Way to Analyze the Dynamics of the Child’s Development in Learning Activity." Консультативная психология и психотерапия 27, no. 2 (2019): 95–113.
Full textZaretsky, V. K., and A. B. Kholmogorova. "Pedagogical, Psychological And Psychotherapeutic Help In Overcoming Learning Difficulties To Facilitate Development." Консультативная психология и психотерапия 25, no. 3 (2017): 33–59.
Full textPopova, L. M., and T. S. Pukhareva. "Protective and coping behaviour of representatives of socionomic professions with different professional experience." Vestnik Universiteta, no. 7 (September 9, 2021): 199–204.
Full textSmadi, Entisar Yousef. "The Reality of Married Female Students in the Bachelor’s Degree at the World Islamic Science & Education University W.I.S. E/ Jordan." Modern Applied Science 14, no. 3 (February 26, 2020): 56.
Full textK. Zaretskii, Viktor, and Alla B. Kholmogorova. "Pedagogical, Psychological and Psychotherapeutic Help in Overcoming Learning Difficulties to Facilitate Development." Revue internationale du CRIRES : innover dans la tradition de Vygotsky 4, no. 1 (September 21, 2017): 134–53.
Full textRamaeker, Joey, and Trent A. Petrie. "Athletic Trainers’ Perspectives on Sport Psychology: Professional Roles, Training, and Referrals." Sport Psychologist 29, no. 3 (September 2015): 278–87.
Full textPilyugina, Elena R. "Two-dimensional classification of psychological defense mechanisms." Вестник Пермского университета. Философия. Психология. Социология, no. 2 (2020): 270–80.
Full textRomanova, Evgenya S., Ludmila I. Bershedova, Svetlana N. Tolstikova, Elina N. Rychikhina, and Tatiana Yu Morozova. "Fulfilment of personal potential by high school graduates in time of career choice." Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 15, no. 3 (June 29, 2020): 423–32.
Full textHönigová, Sylva, and Jana Mrázková. "Model spolupráce v rámci systému školního poradenství při stanovování podpůrných opatření." TESTFÓRUM 4, no. 5 (March 17, 2015): 79–92.
Full textOliveira, Maria Lilian Coelho de, Clarissa de Rosalmeida Dantas, Renata Cruz Soares de Azevedo, and Cláudio Eduardo Muller Banzato. "Demographics and complaints of university students who sought help at a campus mental health service between 1987 and 2004." Sao Paulo Medical Journal 126, no. 1 (January 2008): 58–62.
Full textDos Santos, Luis Miguel. "The Challenges of Public Health, Social Work, and Psychological Counselling Services in South Korea: The Issues of Limited Support and Resource." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, no. 8 (April 17, 2020): 2771.
Full textPham, Nam Tien, Le Tu Hoang, Nguyen Kim Oanh, Nguyen Khac Liem, and Hoang Van Minh. "Demands and Factors Associated to Psychosocial Support of Cancer Patients at Vietnam National Cancer Hospital." Asian Social Work Journal 4, no. 3 (July 11, 2019): 35–46.
Full textSmirni, Pietro, Gioacchino Lavanco, and Daniela Smirni. "Anxiety in Older Adolescents at the Time of COVID-19." Journal of Clinical Medicine 9, no. 10 (September 23, 2020): 3064.
Full textNingsih, Fitriani. "UPAYA PENINGKATAN KUALITAS HIDUP LANSIA DI PANTI WERDHA SINTA RANGKANG." PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 3, no. 1 (July 18, 2018): 15–19.
Full textZavatska, Nataliya, Marianna Toba, Yevgeniya Kashirina, and Liliya Boiaryn. "Psychological correction of preschool children with adaptation disorders." Теоретичні і прикладні проблеми психології, no. 3(50)T3 (2019): 108–18.
Full textDeahl, Martin P., Adrian B. Gillham, Janice Thomas, Margaret M. Searle, and Michael Srinivasan. "Psychological Sequelae Following the Gulf War." British Journal of Psychiatry 165, no. 1 (July 1994): 60–65.
Full textMezey, Gillian C., and Pamela J. Taylor. "Psychological Reactions of Women Who Have Been Raped." British Journal of Psychiatry 152, no. 3 (March 1988): 330–39.
Full textVikhristyuk, O. V., L. A. Gayazova, and G. S. Bannikov. "Educational Psychologists Training Problems in the Field of Prevention of Suicidal Behavior of Adolescents and Youth." Psychology and Law 9, no. 3 (2019): 18–34.
Full textGobaeva, I. R., Z. Kh/ Gusova, and O. O. Soboleva. "Preventive Psychological and Pedagogical Program “I Am a Fifth Grader”." Вестник практической психологии образования 17, no. 4 (2020): 31–39.
Full textStránská, Zdenka, Ivana Poledňová, and Tereza Koběrská. "Forms of Social Conflicts in Schoolchildren as Perceived by the Children’s Teachers." Polish Journal of Applied Psychology 14, no. 1 (March 1, 2016): 9–24.
Full textMaunder, Robert G., Elizabeth C. de Rooy, Brenda B. Toner, Gordon R. Greenberg, A. Hilary Steinhart, Robin S. McLeod, and Zane Cohen. "Health-Related Concerns of People who Receive Psychological Support for Inflammatory Bowel Disease." Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 11, no. 8 (1997): 681–85.
Full textCastelão Fernandes, T., F. Protti, and P. Belz. "Sexuality of Pregnant Women." Klinička psihologija 9, no. 1 (June 13, 2016): 172.
Full textZmysłowska, Magdalena. "Current possibilities of psychological and pedagogical assistance in therapy for dyslexic students." Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze 589, no. 4 (April 30, 2020): 33–44.
Full textMorozova, Nadezda N., Sergey I. Balyaev, Sergey N. Nikishov, and Boris F. Kevbrin. "Cognitive Psychotherapy Techniques as a Means of Overcoming Negative Experiences of Students." Humanitarian: actual problems of the humanities and education 19, no. 4 (December 31, 2019): 454–63.
Full textKovyazina, M., O. Dobrushina, G. Aziatskaya, E. Zarudnaya, D. Spiridonov, and N. Varako. "Specifics of Psychological Consulting of Patients After TBI According to the Structure of Neuropsychological Deficit." European Psychiatry 41, S1 (April 2017): s788.
Full textSieveking, Nicholas, and Greg Perfetto. "A Student-Centered Individual-Level University Retention Program Where Attrition is Low." Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 2, no. 4 (February 2001): 341–53.
Full textSiemionow, Justyna. "Wsparcie rozwoju psychospołecznego ucznia – propozycja nowego modelu działań poradni psychologiczno-pedagogicznej." Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, no. 65/4 (July 19, 2021): 79–92.
Full textValluvan, Sahaana, Kruthika Murali, Vinola Duraisamy, and Thiruvenkadam Gopalam. "Temporomandibular joint reankylosis: A case report." Journal of Academy of Dental Education 6 (December 29, 2020): 35–40.
Full textField, Thomas A., William H. Snow, and J. Scott Hinkle. "The Pipeline Problem in Doctoral Counselor Education and Supervision." Professional Counselor 10, no. 4 (December 2020): 434–52.
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