Academic literature on the topic 'DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT'
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Journal articles on the topic "DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT"
Freeman, J. S., and S. A. Velinsky. "Comparison of the Dynamics of Conventional and Worm-Gear Differentials." Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design 111, no. 4 (December 1, 1989): 605–10.
Full textEsashi, Masayoshi, Hiroshi Kawai, and Kenichi Yoshimi. "Differential output type microflow sensor." Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part II: Electronics) 76, no. 8 (1993): 83–88.
Full textBRUUN, ERIK. "A differential-input, differential-output current mode operational amplifier." International Journal of Electronics 71, no. 6 (December 1991): 1047–56.
Full textDrung, D., J. Storm, and J. Beyer. "SQUID Current Sensor With Differential Output." IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23, no. 3 (June 2013): 1100204.
Full textOdinokov, V. F. "Differential converter with a frequency output." Measurement Techniques 33, no. 5 (May 1990): 499–501.
Full textQiu, Zhao Yun, Zong Bao Zhang, Qi Tao Liu, and Guang Dong Jiang. "Research of Linear Differential Hall Sensor Modeling and Output Characteristics Experiment." Advanced Materials Research 383-390 (November 2011): 1488–94.
Full textTenhunen, M., T. Hämäläinen, and T. Lahtinen. "Output factors of asymmetric and dynamic wedge fields: Differential output factor." Radiotherapy and Oncology 37 (October 1995): S17.
Full textGao, Jie, Ruobin Gong, and Fang-Yi Yu. "Subspace Differential Privacy." Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36, no. 4 (June 28, 2022): 3986–95.
Full textWitschel, Jonas. "On output stabilizability of differential–algebraic equations." Systems & Control Letters 165 (July 2022): 105232.
Full textAtkin, E. V., and V. V. Shumikhin. "Charge Sensitive Amplifier with Pseudo-differential Output." Russian Microelectronics 50, no. 3 (May 2021): 206–10.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT"
Chong, Kian Haur. "Self-calibrating differential output prediction logic /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 2006.
Full textZhang, Peichang. "Coherent versus differential multiple-input multiple-output systems." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2015.
Full textRobson, Andrew Peter. "A third order analysis of a low temperature differential Ringbom-Stirling engine." Thesis, Edinburgh Napier University, 2007.
Full textRovas, Dimitrios V. (Dimitrios Vasileios) 1975. "Reduced-basis output bound methods for parametrized partial differential equations." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (p. 189-200).
This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.
An efficient and reliable method for the prediction of outputs of interest of partial differential equations with affine parameter dependence is presented. To achieve efficiency we employ the reduced-basis method: a weighted residual Galerkin-type method, where the solution is projected onto low-dimensional spaces with certain problem-specific approximation properties. Reliability is obtained by a posteriori error estimation methods - relaxations of the standard error-residual equation that provide inexpensive but sharp and rigorous bounds for the error in outputs of interest. Special affine parameter dependence of the differential operator is exploited to develop a two-stage off-line/on-line blackbox computational procedure. In the on-line stage, for every new parameter value, we calculate the output of interest and an associated error bound. The computational complexity of the on-line stage of the procedure scales only with the dimension of the reduced-basis space and the parametric complexity of the partial differential operator; the method is thus ideally suited for the repeated and rapid evaluations required in the context of parameter estimation, design, optimization, and real-time control. The theory and corroborating numerical results are presented for: symmetric coercive problems (e.g. problems in conduction heat transfer), parabolic problems (e.g. unsteady heat transfer), noncoercive problems (e.g. the reduced-wave, or Helmholtz, equation), the Stokes problem (e.g flow of highly viscous fluids), and certain nonlinear equations (e.g. eigenvalue problems).
by Dimitrios V. Rovas.
Teichman, Jeremy Alan 1975. "Bounding of linear output functionals of parabolic partial differential equations." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Full textFoley, Dawn Christine. "Applications of State space realization of nonlinear input/output difference equations." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1999.
Full textParuchuri, Sai Tej. "Output Regulation of Systems Governed by Delay Differential Equations: Approximations and Robustness." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2020.
Full textM.S.
Recent years have seen a surge in the everyday application of complex mechanical and electrical systems. These systems can perform complex tasks; however, the increased complexity makes it harder to control them. An example of such a system is a semi-autonomous car designed to stay within a designated lane. One of the most commonly used approaches for controlling such systems is called output regulation. In the above example, the output regulator regulates the output of the car (position of the car) to follow the reference output (the road lane). Traditionally, the design of output regulators assumes complete knowledge of the system. However, it is impossible to derive equations that govern complex systems like a car. This thesis analyzes the robustness of output regulators in the presence of errors in the system. In particular, the focus is on analyzing output regulators implemented to delay-differential equations. These are differential equations where the rate of change of states at the current time depends on the states at previous times. Furthermore, this thesis addresses this problem by employing the robust versions of the output regulators.
Dang, Xiaoyu. "An Optimum Detector for Space-Time Trellis Coded Differential MSK." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2007.
Full textThe accuracy of channel estimation plays a crucial role in the demodulation of data symbols sent across an unknown wireless medium. In this work a new analytical expression for the channel estimation error of a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system is obtained when the wireless medium is continuously changing in the temporal domain. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate our findings. Space-time (ST) coding using Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) has spectral advantages relative to linear modulations. In spite of the spectral benefits, Space-Time Trellis Codes (STTC) using the CPM implementation of Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) scheme has inherent inphase and quadrature interference, when the received complex baseband signal is the input into the matchfilter to remove the shaped sinusoid pulses. In this paper a novel optimum transmitting and detecting structure for STTC-MSK is proposed. Treating the Alamouti scheme as an outer code, each STTC MSK waveform frame is immediately followed by the orthogonal conjugate waveform frame at the transmit side. At the receiver first orthogonal wave forming is applied, then a new time-variant yet simple trellis structure of the STTC-MSK signals is developed. This STTC-MSK detector is absolutely guaranteed to be I/Q interference-free and still keeps a smaller computation load compared with STTC-QPSK. Simulations are made over quasi-static AWGN fading channel. It is shown that our detector for ST-MSK has solved the I/Q interference problem and has around 2.8 dB gain compared with the Alamouti Scheme and 3.8 dB gain for bit error rate at 5 X 10^(-3) in a 2 by 1 Multiple Input Single Output system.
Chu, D., and V. Mehrmann. "Minimum Norm Regularization of Descriptor Systems by Output Feedback." Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, 1998.
Full textChetham, Scott Matthew. "Measurement of cardiac output by multifrequency bioimpedance." Thesis, Queensland University of Technology, 2003.
Find full textBooks on the topic "DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT"
Blewitt, Nigel. The differential behaviour of regional employment and output. [s.l.]: typescript, 1993.
Find full textGrossman, Robert. The realization of input-output maps using bialgebras. [Washington, D.C: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1989.
Find full textGrossman, Robert. The realization of input-output maps using bialgebras. [Washington, D.C: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1989.
Find full textG, Larson Richard, and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. The realization of input-output maps using bialgebras. [Washington, D.C: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1989.
Find full textBorjas, George J. Market responses to interindustry wage differentials. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2000.
Find full textT, Patera Anthony, Peraire Jaume, and Langley Research Center, eds. A posteriori finite element bounds for sensitivity derivatives of partial-differential-equation outputs. Hampton, Va: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1998.
Find full textLancellotti, Patrizio, and Bernard Cosyns. Systemic Disease and Other Conditions. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT"
Delchamps, David F. "Linear Differential Equations: Existence and Uniqueness Theorems." In State Space and Input-Output Linear Systems, 31–49. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1998.
Full textGarcía-Planas, María Isabel, and Sonia Tarragona. "Functional Output-Controllability of Time-Invariant Singular Linear Systems." In Advances in Differential Equations and Applications, 169–82. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textvan der Schaft, A. J. "Representing a nonlinear input-output differential equation as an input-state-output system." In Open Problems in Mathematical Systems and Control Theory, 239–43. London: Springer London, 1999.
Full textLindquist, Anders, and Vladimir A. Yakubovich. "Optimal Damping of Forced Oscillations in Discrete-time Systems by Output Feedback." In Stochastic Differential and Difference Equations, 203–31. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1997.
Full textWu, Ligang, and Zidong Wang. "Dynamic Output Feedback Control of Differential and Discrete LRPs." In Filtering and Control for Classes of Two-Dimensional Systems, 235–65. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textPaunonen, Lassi. "The Infinite-dimensional Sylvester Differential Equation and Periodic Output Regulation." In Spectral Theory, Mathematical System Theory, Evolution Equations, Differential and Difference Equations, 515–31. Basel: Springer Basel, 2012.
Full textBaumann, Manuel, Jan Heiland, and Michael Schmidt. "Discrete Input/Output Maps and their Relation to Proper Orthogonal Decomposition." In Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations and Control Theory, 585–608. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textChen, Bor-Sen. "Robust Observer-Based Output Feedback Control Design of Large Flexible Structures." In Robust Engineering Designs of Partial Differential Systems and Their Applications, 173–95. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2021.
Full textBarchielli, Alberto. "Input and output channels in quantum systems and quantum stochastic differential equations." In Quantum Probability and Applications III, 37–51. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textNiu, Zhongfeng, Siwei Sun, Yunwen Liu, and Chao Li. "Rotational Differential-Linear Distinguishers of ARX Ciphers with Arbitrary Output Linear Masks." In Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2022, 3–32. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT"
Bidare, Srinivas R. "Multi-output differential technologies." In AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 387. ASCE, 1997.
Full textMor´n, Emmanuel Garcia, and Daishi Alfredo Murano Labastida. "Input-Output Stability for Differential Neural Networks." In 2011 IEEE Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA). IEEE, 2011.
Full textTing Zhu and Paul D. Franzon. "An enhanced macromodeling approach for differential output drivers." In 2009 IEEE International Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference (BMAS 2009). IEEE, 2009.
Full textChipipop, Boonruk, Roungsan Chaisricharoen, and Boonchareon Sirinaovakul. "A Novel Balanced Differential-Pair Multi-Output CMOS CCCII." In 2008 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications. IEEE, 2008.
Full textKamper, Michael, and Georg Fischer. "Optimized output baluns for wideband differential class D PAs." In 2017 IEEE Topical Conference on RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers for Radio and Wireless Applications (PAWR). IEEE, 2017.
Full textGrizzle, J., M. Di Benedetto, and C. Moog. "Computing the differential output rank of a nonlinear system." In 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 1987.
Full textHuang, Chiau-Ling, and Yi-Hsin Pang. "Filtering power divider for differential input and output signals." In 2013 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference - (APMC 2013). IEEE, 2013.
Full textKaewdang, Khanittha, and Wanlop Surakampontorn. "Class AB differential input/output current-controlled current amplifier." In 2013 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS). IEEE, 2013.
Full textRivera-Escobar, C., F. Silva-Del-Rosario, M. Silva, and I. Padilla-Cantoya. "Multiple stage capacitor multiplier using dual-output differential amplifiers." In 2013 IEEE 4th Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems (LASCAS). IEEE, 2013.
Full textTanwani, Aneel, Bernard Brogliato, and Christophe Prieur. "On output regulation in systems with differential variational inequalities." In 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2014.
Full textReports on the topic "DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT"
Pearson, A. E. On Structure Determination for Polynomial Input-Output Differential Systems,. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1985.
Full textMabuchi, Hideo. Approximation of Quantum Stochastic Differential Equations for Input-Output Model Reduction. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2016.
Full textBustelo, Monserrat, Pablo Egana-delSol, Laura Ripani, Nicolas Soler, and Mariana Viollaz. Automation in Latin America: Are Women at Higher Risk of Losing Their Jobs? Inter-American Development Bank, August 2020.
Full textHertel, Thomas, and Padma Swaminathan. Introducing Monopolistic Competition into the GTAP Model. GTAP Technical Paper, September 2000.
Full textDimaranan, Betina, Thomas Hertel, and Roman Keeney. OECD Domestic Support and the Developing Countries. GTAP Working Paper, January 2003.
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