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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Differentiable stacks'

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Waldron, James. "Lie algebroids over differentiable stacks." Thesis, University of York, 2014.

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We develop a theory of Lie algebroids over differentiable stacks that extends the standard theory of Lie algebroids over manifolds. In particular we show that Lie algebroids satisfy descent for submersions, define the category of Lie algebroids over a differentiable stack, construct a cohomology theory for these objects, and explain the relation to the theory of LA-groupoids. We construct a number of examples.
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Stefani, Davide. "Representations up to homotopy and perfect complexes over differentiable stacks." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2019.

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Cette thèse concerne l’étude de la géométrie des champs dans le contexte de la géométrie différentiable, utilisant les outils de la théorie de l’homotopie et des catégories supérieures. Ces techniques deviennent nécessaires pour traiter des généralisation aux champs d’objets géométriques fondamentales, tels que les fibrés tangent et cotangent, les formes sur un champs, leurs automorphismes et plus en général les complexes parfaits, qui sont un des objets principaux dans ce travail. Dans la première partie de cette thèse nous faisons une récapitulation des champs différentiables supérieurs, leur homotopie et cohomologie. Dans la deuxième partie nous étudions les représentations à homotopie près des groupoïdes de Lie et nous les relions avec une théorie des complexes parfaits sur les champs différentiables. Parmi nos résultat, nous montrons que une représentation à homotopie près d’un groupoïde de Lie est exactement un module cohésive sur la dg-algèbre des fonctions lisses et que les dg-catégories correspondants sont Morita invariantes. Ça nous permets de donner une définition de dg-catégorie des complexes parfaits sur un champ différentiable. De plus nous construisons un 2-groupoide de Lie des automorphismes des complexes des fibrés vectoriels de longueur 2, qui est un analogue supérieur du champs classifiant BGL_n. Nous concluons avec une définition du 2-champs différentiable des complexes parfaits de amplitude [0,1] par le biais d’une présentation par un 2-groupoide de Lie
This thesis is concerned with the geometry of stacks in the differential geometry context using homotopical and higher categorical techniques. These techniques becomes necessary to deal with simple stack generalizations of crucial objects such as tangent and cotangent bundles, forms on a stack, their automorphisms and more generally perfect complexes, which are one of the main object of study of this work. In the first part of this thesis we give an overview of higher and differentiable stacks, their homotopy theory and cohomology theories. In the second part we study one representation up to homotopy of Lie groupoids and rely them with a theory of perfect complex over differentiable stacks. Among our results, we show that a representation up to homotopy on a Lie groupoid is the same as a cohesive module on its dg-algebra of smooth functions and that the correspondent dg-categories are Morita invariant. This allows us to give a definition of dg-category of perfect complexes on a differentiable stack. We moreover construct a Lie 2-groupoid of automorphisms of 2-terms complexes of vector bundles, which is a higher analogue of the classifying stack BGL_n. We conclude by giving a definition of the differentiable 2-stack of perfect complexes of amplitude [0,1] by means of a Lie 2-groupoid presenting it
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Stachl, Clemens [Verfasser], and Markus [Akademischer Betreuer] Bühner. "Differential human factors in user data / Clemens Stachl ; Betreuer: Markus Bühner." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2017.

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Stachl, Clemens Verfasser], and Markus [Akademischer Betreuer] [Bühner. "Differential human factors in user data / Clemens Stachl ; Betreuer: Markus Bühner." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2017.

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Mir, Noreen. "Differential expression analysis during pre-neoplastic stages of azoxymethane (AOM) induced colon carcinogenesis." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2001.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2009.
"Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education." Includes bibliographical references (p. 110-126). Also available online.
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Staack, Karsten [Verfasser], and Christoph [Akademischer Betreuer] Garbe. "Image Analysis of Microfluidic Flows Using Partial Differential Equations / Karsten Staack ; Betreuer: Christoph Garbe." Heidelberg : Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, 2013.

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Vivekananda-Schmidt, Pirashanthie. "Differential effects of simulated visual impairment on locomotion and eye-movements in the built environment." Thesis, University of Ulster, 2001.

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Block, Carolin. "Differential proteomic analysis of isolated glomeruli from two murine nephropathy models at early stages of glomerulosclerosis." Diss., lmu, 2008.

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Block, Carolin. "Differential proteomic analysis of isolated glomeruli from two murine nephropathy models at early stages of glomerulosclerosis." kostenfrei, 2007.

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Lees, Lauren Elizabeth. "Stack the Deck: A Self-Monitoring Intervention for Adolescents with Autism for Balancing Participation Levels in Groups." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2020.

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects the lives of 1 in 54 children in the United States. By definition, these children often have social communication deficits as well as restrictive and repetitive behaviors that are socially isolating. Inclusion of participants with disabilities such as ASD in classroom or group settings with peers is a high-priority goal for building skills that lead to independent living and higher quality of life for all. Balancing an individual’s class or group participation is not always easy with different levels of social skills, however. In a classroom, this can translate to difficulty in knowing how to participate in a way that is equal to that of their peers—oftentimes children with ASD do not realize that others also need a turn to speak or that other children are not as interested in their restricted ¬interests as they are. We used differential reinforcement and self-monitoring within an existing token system to reduce excess participation in group settings for some individuals, with the goal of better balancing opportunities for all group members to participate. Called "Stack the Deck," this simple intervention allowed for more uninterrupted instruction time with fewer talk outs and meltdowns from adolescents with ASD. Our intervention occurred in a clinical setting, a once-weekly social skills group utilizing the PEERS Social Skills manualized intervention for adolescents with ASD. Groups ran for 12–14 weeks in duration and taught skills such as how to make friends, how to enter and exit conversations, as well as how to host "get-togethers." Our sample size was 33, with 26 males and 7 females. These participants met criteria for autism spectrum disorder and/or had significant social impairment, and had age-appropriate verbal and cognitive abilities by parent report (later measured within the study). Across our A-B intervention, we saw changes over time when it came to participation rates for over-responders (participants who attempted to respond far above the group average during baseline) and under-responders (participants who attempted to respond at rates far below the group average during baseline), with no changes (the desired result) for individuals who were already participating at an appropriate rate. Over-responders showed the most significant changes. A secondary finding of reduced talk-outs overall within the groups was also found. These results suggest that a fairly simple group behavioral intervention was able to produce a group environment more conducive to direct instruction that has direct application to inclusive classrooms as well as clinical environments. Further research can determine if the effects within individuals seen in one setting carry over to others.
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Cavallo, Dora. "Differential activation and deactivation of cysteine proteinases isolated from various stages of the life cycles of the Dictyosteliaceae." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1996.

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Esch, Christina [Verfasser]. "Development of a one-step three dimensional approach for the phase unwrapping process in a differential InSAR stack based on Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) interferograms / Christina Esch." Bonn : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, 2020.

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Fromm, Alexander. "Theory and applications of decoupling fields for forward-backward stochastic differential equations." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2015.

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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Theorie der sogenannten stochastischen Vorwärts-Rückwärts-Differentialgleichungen (FBSDE), welche als ein stochastisches Anologon und in gewisser Weise als eine Verallgemeinerung von parabolischen quasi-linearen partiellen Differentialgleichungen betrachtet werden können. Die Dissertation besteht aus zwei Teilen: In dem ersten entwicklen wir die Theorie der sogenannten Entkopplungsfelder für allgemeine mehrdimensionale stark gekoppelte FBSDE. Diese Theorie besteht aus Existenz- sowie Eindeutigkeitsresultaten basierend auf dem Konzept des maximalen Intervalls. Es beinhaltet darüberhinaus Werkzeuge um Regularität von konkreten Problemen zu untersuchen. Insgesamt wird die Theorie für drei Klassen von Problemen entwickelt: In dem ersten Fall werden Lipschitz-Bedingungen an die Parameter des Problems vorausgesetzt, welche zugleich vom Zufall abhängen dürfen. Die Untersuchung der beiden anderen Klassen basiert auf dem ersten. In diesen werden die Parameter als deterministisch vorausgesetzt. Gleichwohl wird die Lipschitz-Stetigkeit durch zwei verschiedene Formen der lokalen Lipschitz-Stetigkeit abgeschwächt. In dem zweiten Teil werden diese abstrakten Resultate auf drei konkrete Probleme angewendet: In der ersten Anwendung wird gezeigt wie globale Lösbarkeit von FBSDE in dem sogenannten nicht-degenerierten Fall untersucht werden kann. In der zweiten Anwendung wird die Lösbarkeit eines gekoppelten Systems gezeigt, welches eine Lösung zu dem Skorokhod''schen Einbettungproblem liefert. Die Lösung wird für den Fall einer allgemeinen nicht-linearen Drift konstruiert. Die dritte Anwendung führt auf Lösbarkeit eines komplexen gekoppelten Vorwärt-Rückwärts-Systems, aus welchem optimale Strategien für das Problem der Nutzenmaximierung in unvollständingen Märkten konstruiert werden. Das System wird in einem verhältnismäßig allgmeinen Rahmen gelöst, d.h. für eine verhältnismäßig allgemeine Klasse von Nutzenfunktion auf den reellen Zahlen.
This thesis deals with the theory of so called forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDE) which can be seen as a stochastic formulation and in some sense generalization of parabolic quasi-linear partial differential equations. The thesis consist of two parts: In the first we develop the theory of so called decoupling fields for general multidimensional fully coupled FBSDE in a Brownian setting. The theory consists of uniqueness and existence results for decoupling fields on the so called the maximal interval. It also provides tools to investigate well-posedness and regularity for particular problems. In total the theory is developed for three different classes of FBSDE: In the first Lipschitz continuity of the parameter functions is required, which at the same time are allowed to be random. The other two classes we investigate are based on the theory developed for the first one. In both of them all parameter functions have to be deterministic. However, two different types of local Lipschitz continuity replace the more restrictive Lipschitz continuity of the first class. In the second part we apply these techniques to three different problems: In the first application we demonstrate how well-posedness of FBSDE in the so called non-degenerate case can be investigated. As a second application we demonstrate the solvability of a system, which provides a solution to the so called Skorokhod embedding problem (SEP) via FBSDE. The solution to the SEP is provided for the case of general non-linear drift. The third application provides solutions to a complex FBSDE from which optimal trading strategies for a problem of utility maximization in incomplete markets are constructed. The FBSDE is solved in a relatively general setting, i.e. for a relatively general class of utility functions on the real line.
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Sharma, Varun. "Evaluation of novel metalorganic precursors for atomic layer deposition of Nickel-based thin films." Master's thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015.

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Nickel und Nickel (II) -oxid werden in großem Umfang in fortgeschrittenen elektronischen Geräten verwendet. In der Mikroelektronik-Industrie wird Nickel verwendet werden, um Nickelsilizid bilden. Die Nickelmono Silizid (NiSi) wurde als ausgezeichnetes Material für Source-Drain-Kontaktanwendungen unter 45 nm-CMOS-Technologie entwickelt. Im Vergleich zu anderen Siliziden für die Kontaktanwendungen verwendet wird NiSi wegen seines niedrigen spezifischen Widerstand, niedrigen Kontaktwiderstand, relativ niedrigen Bildungstemperatur und niedrigem Siliziumverbrauchs bevorzugt. Nickel in Nickelbasis-Akkus und ferromagnetischen Direktzugriffsspeicher (RAMs) verwendet. Nickel (II) oxid wird als Transistor-Gate-Oxid und Oxid in resistive RAM genutzt wird. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) ist eine spezielle Art der Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), das verwendet wird, um sehr glatte sowie homogene Dünnfilme mit hervorragenden Treue auch bei hohen Seitenverhältnissen abzuscheiden. Es basiert auf selbstabschließenden sequentielle Gas-Feststoff-Reaktionen, die eine präzise Steuerung der Filmdicke auf wenige Angström lassen sich auf der Basis. Zur Herstellung der heutigen 3D-elektronische Geräte, sind Technologien wie ALD erforderlich. Trotz der Vielzahl von praktischen Anwendungen von Nickel und Nickel (II) -oxid, sind einige Nickelvorstufen zur thermischen basierend ALD erhältlich. Darüber hinaus haben diese Vorstufen bei schlechten Filmeigenschaften führte und die Prozesseigenschaften wurden ebenfalls begrenzt. Daher in dieser Masterarbeit mussten die Eigenschaften verschiedener neuartiger Nickelvorstufen zu bewerten. Alle neuen Vorstufen heteroleptische (verschiedene Arten von Liganden) und Komplexe wurden vom Hersteller speziell zur thermischen basierend ALD aus reinem Nickel mit H 2 als ein Co-Reaktionsmittel gestaltet. Um die neuartige Vorläufer zu untersuchen, wurde eine neue Methode entwickelt, um kleine Mengen in einer sehr zeitsparend (bis zu 2 g) von Ausgangsstoffen zu testen. Diese Methodologie beinhaltet: TGA / DTA-Kurve analysiert der Vorstufen, thermische Stabilitätstests in dem die Vorläufer (<0,1 g) wurden bei erhöhter Temperatur in einer abgedichteten Umgebung für mehrere Stunden wurde die Abscheidung Experimenten und Film Charakterisierungen erhitzt. Die Abscheidungen wurden mit Hilfe der in situ Quarzmikrowaage überwacht, während die anwendungsbezogenen Filmeigenschaften, wie chemische Zusammensetzung, physikalische Phase, Dicke, Dichte, Härte und Schichtwiderstand wurden mit Hilfe von ex situ Messverfahren untersucht. Vor der Evaluierung neuartiger Nickelvorstufen ein Benchmark ALD-Prozess war vom Referenznickelvorläufer (Ni (AMD)) und Luft als Reaktionspartner entwickelt. Das Hauptziel der Entwicklung und Optimierung von solchen Benchmark-ALD-Prozess war es, Standard-Prozessparameter wie zweite Reaktionspartner Belichtungszeiten, Argonspülung Zeiten, gesamtprozessdruck, beginnend Abscheidungstemperatur und Gasströme zu extrahieren. Diese Standard-Prozessparameter mussten verwendet, um die Prozessentwicklung Aufgabe (das spart Vorläufer Verbrauch) zu verkürzen und die Sublimationstemperatur Optimierung für jede neuartige Vorstufe werden. Die ALD Verhalten wurde in Bezug auf die Wachstumsrate durch Variation des Nickelvorläuferbelichtungszeit, Vorläufer Temperatur und Niederschlagstemperatur überprüft
Nickel and nickel(II) oxide are widely used in advanced electronic devices . In microelectronic industry, nickel is used to form nickel silicide. The nickel mono-silicide (NiSi) has emerged as an excellent material of choice for source-drain contact applications below 45 nm node CMOS technology. As compared to other silicides used for the contact applications, NiSi is preferred because of its low resistivity, low contact resistance, relatively low formation temperature and low silicon consumption. Nickel is used in nickel-based rechargeable batteries and ferromagnetic random access memories (RAMs). Nickel(II) oxide is utilized as transistor gate-oxide and oxide in resistive RAMs. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is a special type of Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) technique, that is used to deposit very smooth as well as homogeneous thin films with excellent conformality even at high aspect ratios. It is based on self-terminating sequential gas-solid reactions that allow a precise control of film thickness down to few Angstroms. In order to fabricate todays 3D electronic devices, technologies like ALD are required. In spite of huge number of practical applications of nickel and nickel(II) oxide, a few nickel precursors are available for thermal based ALD. Moreover, these precursors have resulted in poor film qualities and the process properties were also limited. Therefore in this master thesis, the properties of various novel nickel precursors had to be evaluated. All novel precursors are heteroleptic (different types of ligands) complexes and were specially designed by the manufacturer for thermal based ALD of pure nickel with H 2 as a co-reactant. In order to evaluate the novel precursors, a new methodology was designed to test small amounts (down to 2 g) of precursors in a very time efficient way. This methodology includes: TGA/DTA curve analyses of the precursors, thermal stability tests in which the precursors (< 0.1 g) were heated at elevated temperatures in a sealed environment for several hours, deposition experiments, and film characterizations. The depositions were monitored with the help of in situ quartz crystal microbalance, while application related film properties like chemical composition, physical phase, thickness, density, roughness and sheet resistance were investigated with the help of ex situ measurement techniques. Prior to the evaluation of novel nickel precursors, a benchmark ALD process was developed from the reference nickel precursor (Ni(amd)) and air as a co-reactant. The main goal of developing and optimizing such benchmark ALD process was to extract standard process parameters like second-reactant exposure times, Argon purge times, total process pressure, starting deposition temperature and gas flows. These standard process parameters had to be utilized to shorten the process development task (thus saving precursor consumption) and optimize the sublimation temperature for each novel precursor. The ALD behaviour was checked in terms of growth rate by varying the nickel precursor exposure time, precursor temperature and deposition temperature
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Castro, Mariana Monteiro de. "Desenvolvimento pós-embrionário, oofagia e relação entre as interações de dominância e a atividade forrageadora na vespa social Mischocyttarus cassununga (von Ihering, 1903) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)." Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), 2010.

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CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
A vespa social Mischocyttarus cassununga ocorre no sudeste do Brasil, Bahia e Santa Catarina e apresenta fundação do tipo independente por meio de uma fêmea inseminada ou por uma associação destas fêmeas, sendo o papel social dos indivíduos determinado por meio de interações de dominância. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o desenvolvimento dos estágios imaturos e analisar a ocorrência de oofagia durante as fases de pré e pós-emergência e sua relação com os fatores climáticos, além de identificar e relacionar as interações de dominância com a atividade forrageadora e verificar a participação da fêmea α no controle das atividades das forrageadoras de M. cassununga nas fases de pré e pós-emergência em ambiente antropizado. O estudo foi realizado em Juiz de Fora de julho/2008 a junho/2009, através de mapeamentos semanais em 60 colônias e de 150h de filmagens em cinco colônias. A duração média dos estágios imaturos nas fases de pré e pós-emergência foram de 13,2 ±4,2 (6-24) e 14,4 ±5,2 (6-28) dias para ovos, 34,8 ±11,9 (15-69) e 32,2 ±7,7 (18-55) para larvas e 17,4 ±6 (7-29) e 18,5 ±5,3 (629) para pupas, respectivamente. Não houve diferença para a duração entre as fases de desenvolvimento e entre as estações do ano. A média registrada da fase de ovo até a emergência adulto foi de 65 dias. Houve maior incidência de oofagia em pré do que em pós (x2=11,852; p=0,007) e diferença para a razão entre oofagia/célula (U=58; p=0,023). Houve maior ocorrência de oofagia na estação chuvosa (x2=53,878; p<0,001). Foram descritos para o etograma cinco atos de dominância e quatro de subordinação. A fêmea α permaneceu na primeira posição do rank, com maior frequência de comportamentos de dominâcia na pré (U=3; p=0,047) e na pós (U=3; p=0,047). Houve correspondência entre o Índice de Dominância e a Matriz de Dominância em 4 das 5 colônias para a posição da fêmea α, que participaram menos das atividades forrageadoras do que as demais na pré (x2=63,131; p<0,001) e na pós (x2=51,882; p<0,001). As saídas foram influenciadas pela fêmea α na pré (x2=10,652; p=0,001) e na pós (x2=52,509; p<0,001). A quantidade de retornos das forrageadoras provenientes de saídas influenciadas em que houve coleta de carboidrato foi superior aos demais na pós (x2=38; p<0,001) e a fêmea α teve participação em todos os retornos com recursos. Foram identificadas diferentes rotas das forrageadoras ao retornarem à colônia com os recursos 7 coletados no forrageio. Portanto, foi verificado que a fêmea α induz as saídas das forrageadoras e controla os retornos das mesmas à colônia.
The social wasp Mischocyttarus cassununga occurs in the southeast of Brazil, Bahia and Santa Catarina and presents independent foundation, by means of an inseminated female or an association of them, where individuals' social function determined by dominance interactions. The aim of this work was to characterize the development of the immature stages and to analyze oophagy occurrence during the pre and post-emergency phases and its relation with the climatic factors, besides to identify and to relate dominance interactions with the foraging activity and to verify the α female participation in foraging activities control of M. cassununga in the pre and post-emergency phases in antropized environment. The study was accomplished in Juiz de Fora from july/2008 to june/2009, through weekly mappings in 60 colonies and of 150h of videotape in five colonies. The average duration of the immature stages in the pre and post-emergency phases went of 13,2 ±4,2 (6-24) and 14,4 ±5,2 (6-28) days for egg, 34,8 ±11,9 (15-69) and 32,2 ±7,7 (18-55) for larvae and 17,4 ±6 (7-29) and 18,5 ±5,3 (6-29) for pupae, respectively. There was no difference on the duration among development phases and seasons. The average registered of the egg phase until the adult emergency belonged to 65 days. There was more oophagy in pre than in post-emergence (x2=11,852; P=0,007) and difference for the reason between oophagy/cells (U=58; P=0,023). There was more oophagy at the rainy season (x2=53,878; P<0,001). For etogram, there were described five dominance acts and four of subordination. The α female remained in the first rank position, with dominance behaviors larger frequency in the pre (U=3; P=0,047) and in the post (U=3; P=0,047). There was correspondence between Dominance's Index and Matrix in 4 of the 5 colonies for the α female position that joined less of the foraging activities than the others in the pre (x2=63,131; P<0,001) and in the post (x2=51,882; P<0,001). The exits were influenced by the α female in the pre (x2=10,652; P=0,001) and in the post (x2=52,509; P<0,001). The numbers of returns originating of foragers exits with carbohydrate collection was superior to the others resources in the post (x2=38; P<0,001) and the α female had participation in all returns with resources. They were identified foragers different routes to the return to the colony with resources collected in the forage. Therefore, It was verified that the α female induces the foragers exits and controls them returns to the colony.
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Králíková, Petra. "Urbanizace v Číně: udržitelnost čínských měst." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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The aim of the master thesis is to characterize development trends of Chinese urbanization since the establishment of People´s Republic of China until today, approaches to these trends and evaluate their sustainability. Thesis includes four main parts. The first part introduces main urbanization theories: Stages of Urban Development, Differential Urbanization, and Environmental Kuznets Curve. The second part characterizes the development of Chinese urbanization, defines two main determinants of the future development and tries to cover different potential future scenarios. The third part deals with Chinese urban policies, such as five-year-plans, Urbanization plan and reforms. After that, the sustainability issue is evaluated. Last part of the thesis deals with urbanization trends and policies in Chongqing municipality.
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Foissac, Romain. "Etude à l'échelle nanométrique par sonde locale de la fiabilité et de la dégradation de films minces d'oxyde pour applications MOS et MIM." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.

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L'intégration de diélectriques High-k dans les empilements de grille des dispositifs MOS a fait naître de nouvelles interrogations concernant la fiabilité des futurs nœuds technologiques. La miniaturisation constante des dispositifs conduisant à l'amincissement des épaisseurs d'oxyde de grille, leur caractérisation électrique est rendue de plus en plus complexe à l'échelle du dispositif. Pour palier à ce problème, l'utilisation d'un microscope à force atomique en mode conducteur sous ultravide permet grâce à la faible surface de contact entre la pointe et l'échantillon de réduire suffisamment le courant tunnel pour pouvoir étudier la dégradation et le claquage diélectrique d'oxyde ultra fin. La comparaison systématique des résultats de fiabilité de l'empilement High-k du nœud 28nm et de la couche interfaciale seule ayant subi les mêmes étapes de développement que celles présentes dans l'empilement, obtenus par C-AFM sous ultra vide, ont permis de montrer expérimentalement que la probabilité de claquage des oxydes de grille High-k est gouvernée par la fiabilité propre des couches qui la composent, et de déduire une loi d'extrapolation de la durée de vie en tension et en surface ce qui permet de prédire la statistique de défaillance du dispositif. Les impacts d'un pré-stress en tension de l'ordre de la milliseconde sur les distributions de claquage des oxydes de grille simples et bicouches ont été rapportés. Ces résultats sont expliqués dans ce manuscrit par le déclenchement lors de l'application du stress, d'une dégradation au sein de l'oxyde, prenant naissance dans la couche interfaciale des oxydes High-k et conduisant à une réduction locale de l'épaisseur de diélectrique. Des phénomènes de résistance différentielle négative au moment de la rupture diélectrique ont été étudiés et modélisés pour différentes épaisseurs d'oxyde, par une croissance filamentaire de la dégradation. Il a été possible de donner une expression analytique reliant le temps caractéristique de croissance filamentaire et le temps moyen de claquage observé sur les distributions statistiques. Enfin, les mesures C-AFM de ce travail ont été étendues au cas des structures MIM utilisées pour le développement des futurs mémoires résistives OxRAM. Dans ce cas un effet d'auto-guérison à l'échelle nanométrique a été mis en évidence
Integration of High-k dielectrics in gate oxides of MOS raised new issues concerning the reliability of futur technology nodes. The constant miniaturisation of devices leads to thinner gate oxides, making their electrical caracterisation more complex at the device scale. To solve this problem, an atomic force microscope in conductive mode under ultra high vacuum can be used thanks to the readuce contact area between the tip and the sample which allow a drastic decrease of the tunneling current and thus the study of the degradation and the dielectric breakdown of ultra-thin oxides. The systematic comparaison of the TDDB distributions obtained on the High-k gate oxide of the 28nm technology node on one side and obtained on the Interfacial layer alone revealed that the failure probability of High-k oxides is governed by the failure probability of each layer present in the stack. This allow to give an extrapolation law of the High-k gate oxide lifetime as a function of the applied voltage and the electrode area and to predict the failure statistic of the 28nm tehcnology node. The impact of voltage pre-stress with a microseconde range of duration on the TDDB and VBD distributions of both single layer and High-k gate oxides is given is the manuscript. The results are then interpreted by an invasive degradation nucleating from an interface during a stress and leading to a local thinned oxide. Pre-breakdown negative differential resistance have been studied and modeled for several oxide thickness, using a growing mecanism of the elctrical degradation. An analytic expression linking the growth caracteristic time of the filament and the mean time to breakdown observed on the statistical distributions has then been given. Finally, C-AFM measurements developped in this work has been extended to MIM structures used for oxide resistive random access memories (OxRAM). A self healing has been observed at the nanometric scale for these samples
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Boiger, Wolfgang Josef. "Stabilised finite element approximation for degenerate convex minimisation problems." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2013.

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Infimalfolgen nichtkonvexer Variationsprobleme haben aufgrund feiner Oszillationen häufig keinen starken Grenzwert in Sobolevräumen. Diese Oszillationen haben eine physikalische Bedeutung; Finite-Element-Approximationen können sie jedoch im Allgemeinen nicht auflösen. Relaxationsmethoden ersetzen die nichtkonvexe Energie durch ihre (semi)konvexe Hülle. Das entstehende makroskopische Modell ist degeneriert: es ist nicht strikt konvex und hat eventuell mehrere Minimalstellen. Die fehlende Kontrolle der primalen Variablen führt zu Schwierigkeiten bei der a priori und a posteriori Fehlerschätzung, wie der Zuverlässigkeits- Effizienz-Lücke und fehlender starker Konvergenz. Zur Überwindung dieser Schwierigkeiten erweitern Stabilisierungstechniken die relaxierte Energie um einen diskreten, positiv definiten Term. Bartels et al. (IFB, 2004) wenden Stabilisierung auf zweidimensionale Probleme an und beweisen dabei starke Konvergenz der Gradienten. Dieses Ergebnis ist auf glatte Lösungen und quasi-uniforme Netze beschränkt, was adaptive Netzverfeinerungen ausschließt. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt einen modifizierten Stabilisierungsterm und beweist auf unstrukturierten Netzen sowohl Konvergenz der Spannungstensoren, als auch starke Konvergenz der Gradienten für glatte Lösungen. Ferner wird der sogenannte Fluss-Fehlerschätzer hergeleitet und dessen Zuverlässigkeit und Effizienz gezeigt. Für Interface-Probleme mit stückweise glatter Lösung wird eine Verfeinerung des Fehlerschätzers entwickelt, die den Fehler der primalen Variablen und ihres Gradienten beschränkt und so starke Konvergenz der Gradienten sichert. Der verfeinerte Fehlerschätzer konvergiert schneller als der Fluss- Fehlerschätzer, und verringert so die Zuverlässigkeits-Effizienz-Lücke. Numerische Experimente mit fünf Benchmark-Tests der Mikrostruktursimulation und Topologieoptimierung ergänzen und bestätigen die theoretischen Ergebnisse.
Infimising sequences of nonconvex variational problems often do not converge strongly in Sobolev spaces due to fine oscillations. These oscillations are physically meaningful; finite element approximations, however, fail to resolve them in general. Relaxation methods replace the nonconvex energy with its (semi)convex hull. This leads to a macroscopic model which is degenerate in the sense that it is not strictly convex and possibly admits multiple minimisers. The lack of control on the primal variable leads to difficulties in the a priori and a posteriori finite element error analysis, such as the reliability-efficiency gap and no strong convergence. To overcome these difficulties, stabilisation techniques add a discrete positive definite term to the relaxed energy. Bartels et al. (IFB, 2004) apply stabilisation to two-dimensional problems and thereby prove strong convergence of gradients. This result is restricted to smooth solutions and quasi-uniform meshes, which prohibit adaptive mesh refinements. This thesis concerns a modified stabilisation term and proves convergence of the stress and, for smooth solutions, strong convergence of gradients, even on unstructured meshes. Furthermore, the thesis derives the so-called flux error estimator and proves its reliability and efficiency. For interface problems with piecewise smooth solutions, a refined version of this error estimator is developed, which provides control of the error of the primal variable and its gradient and thus yields strong convergence of gradients. The refined error estimator converges faster than the flux error estimator and therefore narrows the reliability-efficiency gap. Numerical experiments with five benchmark examples from computational microstructure and topology optimisation complement and confirm the theoretical results.
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Jan, Hau-Chern, and 詹皓程. "Cloning of differentially expressed genes in different growth stages of green bamboo Bambusa oldhamii by differential display-PCR." Thesis, 2005.

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Differential display-PCR (DD-PCR) was employed to compare the gene expression profiles among diverse tissues of growing bamboo shoot Bambusa oldhamii. Forty-six differentially expressed fragments were isolated, reamplified, and cloned. Reverse northern analysis showed that only twelve clones exhibited differential expression in patterns in bamboo shoot. The identity of the clone AA23100b-2 was predicted to be homeoboxes gene as revealed by sequencing analysis and BLAST analysis. To clone the full-length cDNA for AA23100b-2, a cDNA library from bamboo shoots was screened by using AA23100b-2 cDNA as probe. A cDNA whose sequence was highly homologous to the homeodomain leucine zipper protein of rice was obtained. This cDNA, designated BoHDZip was 1869bp in length, but still lacted the 5’-end region. The deduced amino acid sequence contained the conserved START domain of homeobox proteins. It might belong to the HD-GL2 family of homeobox protein in plant.
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Juan, Chieh-Wei, and 阮致維. "Using signals from explicit body activities to differentiate sleep stages." Thesis, 2005.

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nvestigations show that more than 50% of adults in Taiwan do not sleep well. Especially for the age groups over 45, many people feel that they have sleep disorders. However, current tools of sleep quality assessment are not suitable for people to do long=term sleep quality assessment in the home environment. This research is part of the project for developing a sleep quality assessment system in a home environment. This system uses signals from explicit body activities behaviors such as respiration frequency, body activities and snores, to different whole-night-sleep into 4 sleep stages, awake, light sleep, deep sleep, and REM. The critical part of this system is the algorithm, which differentiates sleep stages using signals from explicit body activities to three body’s behaviors. This research first obtained sleep data from 14 testers with Polysomnography (PSG). From this data, the relations between explicit body activities and sleep stages are analyzed. An algorithm is developed to differentiate sleep stages with respiration frequency and frequency of leg movements to differentiate sleep into four sleep stages including awake, deep sleep, light sleep and REM. The results of algorithm were compared to the results of PSG, and the success rate is 56.44%.
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Varela, Londoño Omar Javier. "Stochastic inversion of pre-stack seismic data to improve forecasts of reservoir production." 2003.

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Varela, Londoño Omar Javier. "Stochastic inversion of pre-stack seismic data to improve forecasts of reservoir production." 2003.

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Ke, Ying-Ru, and 柯穎如. "Differential Gene Expressions of NQO1, p53 and Survivin in Different Stages of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tissue." Thesis, 2006.

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Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common cancer in Taiwan, but the mechanism is still unclear. p53 is an important tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in more than 50% of human cancer. It is known that the stability of the p53 gene is regulated by NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1). Compared with normal tissues of the same origin, the expression of NQO1 is up-regulated in tumor tissue. Previous studies reported that the gene coding for NQO1 has a genetic polymorphism, C609T, which is associated with reduced enzymatic activity and the incidence of lung cancer. Survivin, a novel inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP), regulates cell division and inhibits apoptosis by blocking caspase activation and interacting with spindle bundle. In most cancer cell lines, the overexpression of survivin protein and the dysfunction of p53 protein have always been found. In this study, we investigated the differential expressions of p53, NQO1 and survivin by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. In addition, the prevalence of the NQO1 polymorphism, C609T, was determined by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Our results indicated that the expression of NQO1 mRNA is up-regulated in tumor part compared with adjacent normal part. The incidence of NQO1 mutation significantly increased in stage II & III HCC patients. Furthermore, p53 mutation is not significantly related to HCC stage, but the risk of p53 mutation in HCC is associated with NQO1 polymorphism. Moreover, the up-regulation of survivin mRNA expression, but down- regulation of survivin protein expression is found in HCC tissue while compared with normal adjacent liver tissue.
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Induction of apoptosis by paclitaxel was investigated in human leukemic U937 cells. Treatment of U937 cells with 20 nM paclitaxel for 24 h induced apoptotic cells in 35-45% of cells, but were rescued by pretreatment of caspase inhibitor (Z-VAD-fmk) and KN-62, a CaMKII specific inhibitor. It was found that caspase-1 and caspase-3 were involved in the apoptotic pathway. Synchronous cells at different cell cycle stages exhibited differential involvement of caspases toward paclitaxel, and the reversion by caspase inhibitors was also varied with stages. Both caspase-1 and -3 were activated at the stage of G1 phase, also their inhibitors partial rescued cells. However, the caspase-3 inhibitor rescued higher percentage of apoptotic cells in the G2/M-phase, which exhibited little response to general caspase inhibitor and caspase-1 inhibitor. In S phase, cells were only slightly recovered using these three caspase inhibitors. It suggests that paclitaxel induced apoptosis is mediated by caspase-1 and -3 and the mechanism is modulated differently from caspases through cell cycle. Furthermore, KN-62 can not only rescue apoptotic cells, but also reduce both caspase-1 and -3 activity in the cell assay. It is concluded that CaMKII is probably upstream in the signaling pathway that regulates caspase-1 and -3 in the paclitaxel-induced apoptotic pathway. And paclitaxel triggers death signals through different mechanisms which are cell cycle-specific.
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KUNZOVÁ, Michaela. "Differential gene expression as a tool to sort individual life stages of a mammalian parasite \kur{Trypanosoma brucei}." Master's thesis, 2018.

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This master thesis aimed to develop a system to sort individual life cycle stages of the mammalian parasite Trypanosoma brucei generated in vitro. T. brucei cell lines expressing developmentally regulatable fluorescent protein due to the stage specific 3'UTRs were generated. Furthermore, a double knock-out of a protein (TbIF1) presumably involved in the parasite's differentiation was attempted.
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Block, Carolin [Verfasser]. "Differential proteomic analysis of isolated glomeruli from two murine nephropathy models at early stages of glomerulosclerosis / by Carolin Block." 2007.

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Бобкова, Дарія Вікторівна. "Взаємозв’язок рефлексії та ступеня задоволеності життям на різних вікових етапах." Магістерська робота, 2020.

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Бобкова Д. В. Взаємозв’язок рефлексії та ступеня задоволеності життям на різних вікових етапах : кваліфікаційна робота магістра спеціальності 053 «Психологія» / наук. керівник Н. О. Губа. Запоріжжя : ЗНУ, 2020. 65 с.
UA : Робота викладена на 65 сторінках, 3 таблиці, 2 рисунка, 2 додатків. Перелік посилань включає 45 джерел. Об’єкт дослідження: задоволеність життям. В період соціально-економічних криз дослідження задоволеності життям характеризуються особливою актуальністю зважаючи на зниження економічного благополуччя населення, яке у свою чергу призводить до збільшення показників незадоволення соціальним і економічним положенням і обумовлює бажання окремих індивідів почати пошуки "щасливішого місця", що сприяє збільшенню міграції, відходу від дійсності, зростанню залежностей і т. д. Частенько такі пошуки не призводять до бажаних змін у зв'язку з тим, що благополуччя індивіда багато в чому залежить не лише від його оточення, матеріальної забезпеченості і інших об'єктивних чинників. Це підтверджується рядом досліджень, що виявили дуже низькі кореляції між об'єктивними умовами і задоволеністю життям особистості. Наукова новизна кваліфікаційної роботи полягає у досліджені взаємозв’язоку між показниками диференційних типів рефлексії та ступенем задоволеності життям людини; виявленій віковій специфіці показників диференційних типів рефлексії.
EN : The work is set out on 65 pages, 3 tables, 2 figures, 2 appendices. The list of links includes 45 sources. Object of study: life satisfaction. In the period of socio-economic crises, life satisfaction surveys are characterized by topicality given the decline in economic well-being of the population, which in turn leads to an increase in indicators of dissatisfaction with social and economic conditions and leads to the desire of individuals to seek a "happier place", which contributes to increasing the place from reality, increasing dependencies, etc. Often, such searches do not lead to the desired changes due to the fact that the well-being of the individual is largely a hall one's not only on its environment, physical security and other objective factors. This is confirmed by a number of studies that have found very low correlations between objective conditions and life satisfaction. Scientific novelty of qualification work The novelty of research is the investigation of the relationship between the indicators of differential types of reflection and the degree of satisfaction with human life; revealed age-specificity of indicators of differential types of reflection.
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Chimhanda, Francisca Hildegardis. "An incarnational Christology set in the context of narratives of Shona women in present day Zimbabwe." Thesis, 2002.

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Implicit in the concepts Incarnation, narrative, Christology, Shona women of Zimbabwe today is the God who acts in human history and in the contemporaneity and particularity of our being. The Incarnation as the embodiment of God in the world entails seizing the kairos opportunity to expand the view and to bear the burdens of responsibility. A theanthropocosmic Christology that captures the Shona holistic world-view is explored. The acme for a relational Christology is the imago Dei/Christi and the baptismal indicative and imperative. God is revealed in various manifestations of creation. Human identity and dignity is the flipside of God's attributes. Theanthropocosmic Christology as pluralistic, differential and radical brings about a dialectic between the whole and its parts, the uniqueness of the individual, communal ontology and epistemology, the local and the universal, orthodoxy and orthopraxis, Christology and soteriology. God mediates in the contingency of particularity. Emphasis is on life-affirmation rather than sex determination of Jesus as indicated by theologies of liberation and inculturation. At the interface gender, ethnicity, class and creed, God transcends human limitedness and artificial boundaries in creating catholic space and advocating all-embracing apostolic action. Difference is appreciated for the richness it brings both to the individual and the community. Hegemonic structures and borderless texts are view with suspicion as totalising grand~narratives and exclusivist by using generic language. The kairos in dialogue with the Incarnation is seizing the moment to expand the view and to share the burdens, joys and responsibility in a community of equal discipleship. In a hermeneutic of engagement and suspicion, prophetic witness is the hallmark of Christian discipleship and of a Christology that culminates in liberative praxis. The Christology that emerges from Shona women highlights a passionate appropriation that involves the head, gut, womb and heart and underlies the circle symbolism. The circle is the acme of Shona hospitality and togetherness in creative dialogue with the Trinitarian koinonia. The Shona Christological designation Muponesi (Deliverer-Midwife) in dialogue with the Paschal Mystery motif captures the God-human-cosmos relationship that gives a Christology caught up in the rhythms, dynamism and drama of life.
Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology
D.Th. (Systematic Theology)
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