Academic literature on the topic 'Différenciation in vitro des parasites'

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Journal articles on the topic "Différenciation in vitro des parasites"


Rottenberg, P., M. Freret, S. Calbo, T. Lequerré, and O. Vittecoq. "Effet de l’alpha-énolase sur la différenciation des monocytes in vitro." Revue du Rhumatisme 83 (November 2016): A143.

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Mandelbaum, Jacqueline. "Différenciation in vitro d’ovocytes fonctionnels à partir de souris mâles [1]." Médecine de la Reproduction 25, no. 2 (June 2023): 195–200.

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RICCOBONO, D., E. ROTA GRAZIOSI, S. FRANÇOIS, M. GAUTHIER, M. DROUET, and N. JULLIEN. "Régénération musculaire après une irradiation localisée à forte dose." Revue Médecine et Armées, Volume 50, Numéro 2 (June 6, 2024): 87–100.

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Ces vingt dernières années, une augmentation des accidents d'irradiation localisée à forte dose a été constatée, nécessitant le développement de nouvelles contre-mesures médicales pour assurer le traitement difficile des conséquences des rayonnements. L’exposition de la peau, mais aussi de la musculature sous-jacente, entraîne le développement d’un syndrome cutané radio-induit. Actuellement, le traitement de référence consiste en une chirurgie complétée par thérapie cellulaire ; ce qui améliore la survie fonctionnelle et globale du patient, mais laisse subsister un défaut musculaire limitant la mobilité, la motricité et la qualité de vie. L’identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques s’avère donc indispensable pour améliorer la régénération musculaire post-irradiation. Ainsi, ce projet vise à évaluer la modulation de la voie de signalisation Hedgehog comme potentielle stratégie médicale. Une étude in vitro a permis d'analyser la prolifération, la différenciation, la survie et les variations d'expression génique et protéique des cellules musculaires C2C12 irradiées et traitées avec deux conditionnements post-irradiation (prolifération ou différenciation), en présence d'un agoniste (Sonic Hedgehog) ou d'un antagoniste de la voie Hedgehog (la cyclopamine). Il a été mis en évidence que l'irradiation présente un impact négatif sur les mécanismes de prolifération et de différenciation des C2C12 qui peuvent être modulées par la voie Hedgehog. En effet, son activation permet de stimuler la survie et la prolifération cellulaire alors que son inhibition favorise la différenciation cellulaire. Ces résultats suggèrent qu'un traitement séquentiel des lésions radio-induites pourrait être envisagé, consistant 1- en l'activation de la voie Hedgehog pour permettre à un nombre suffisant de précurseurs myogéniques de survivre et de proliférer, suivi 2- d'une inhibition favorisant leur différenciation et donc la régénération musculaire. L'efficacité thérapeutique de ce traitement séquentiel in vivo reste à être évaluée, ce qui constitue la dernière étape de ce projet.
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Nakazawa, Shusuke, Takashi Maoka, Haruki Uemura, Yoshihiro Ito, and Hiroji Kanbara. "Malaria Parasites Giving Rise to Recrudescence In Vitro." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 46, no. 4 (April 2002): 958–65.

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ABSTRACT Recrudescences were simulated in vitro with drug treatment to examine how drug-sensitive parasites survive the treatment. Various numbers of cultured parasites were treated with lethal doses of pyrimethamine or mefloquine for various lengths of time. Recrudescences were observed in parasite populations with larger initial numbers of parasites when the treatment duration was prolonged. Equal numbers of parasitized erythrocytes were treated with various concentrations of pyrimethamine or mefloquine. There was no clear linear relationship between the incidence of recrudescence and the drug concentration. Parasites that had recrudesced were continuously allowed to recrudesce in the succeeding recrudescence experiments. Both the duration from the cessation of treatment to the time at which the recrudescent parasitemia level reached 1% and the growth rate of recrudescent parasites were equal among these recrudescences. The recrudescent parasites in these experiments were as sensitive to the drugs as the parasites tested before treatment were. These results suggest that a parasite culture may contain parasites in some phases that are not killed by drug for up to 10 days, which explains the recrudescences that occur even after treatment.
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Kocken, Clemens H. M., Hastings Ozwara, Annemarie van der Wel, Annette L. Beetsma, Jason M. Mwenda, and Alan W. Thomas. "Plasmodium knowlesi Provides a Rapid In Vitro and In Vivo Transfection System That Enables Double-Crossover Gene Knockout Studies." Infection and Immunity 70, no. 2 (February 2002): 655–60.

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ABSTRACT Transfection technology for malaria parasites provides a valuable tool for analyzing gene function and correlating genotype with phenotype. Transfection models are even more valuable when appropriate animal models are available in addition to complete in vitro systems to be able to fully analyze parasite-host interactions. Here we describe the development of such a model by using the nonhuman primate malaria Plasmodium knowlesi. Blood-stage parasites were adapted to long-term in vitro culture. In vitro-adapted parasites could readapt to in vivo growth and regain wild-type characteristics after a single passage through an intact rhesus monkey. P. knowlesi parasites, either in vitro adapted or in vivo derived, were successfully transfected to generate circumsporozoite protein (CSP) knockout parasites by double-crossover mechanisms. In vitro-transfected and cloned CSP knockout parasites were derived in a time span of only 18 days. Microscopic evaluation of developing oocysts from mosquitoes that had fed on CSP knockout parasites confirmed the impairment of sporozoite formation observed in P. berghei CSP knockout parasites. The P. knowlesi model currently is the only malaria system that combines rapid and precise double-crossover genetic manipulation procedures with complete in vitro as well as in vivo possibilities. This allows for full analysis of P. knowlesi genotype-phenotype relationships and host-parasite interactions in a system closely related to humans.
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Bouthors, Charlie, Charles-Henri Flouzat-lachaniette, Béatrice Laurent, Jérôme Allain, Hélène Rouard, and Nicolas Jullien. "Stimulation des cellules stromales mésenchymateuses humaines vers une différenciation nucléopulpogénique in vitro." Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 100, no. 7 (November 2014): S316.

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Sereno, D., A. Monte Alegre, R. Silvestre, B. Vergnes, and A. Ouaissi. "In Vitro Antileishmanial Activity of Nicotinamide." Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49, no. 2 (February 2005): 808–12.

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ABSTRACT Our study represents the first report demonstrating the antileishmanial activity of nicotinamide (NAm), a form of vitamin B3. A 5 mM concentration of NAm significantly inhibited the intracellular growth of Leishmania amastigotes and the NAD-dependent deacetylase activity carried by parasites overexpressing Leishmania major SIR2 (LmSIR2). However, the transgenic parasites were as susceptible as the wild-type parasites to NAm-induced cell growth arrest. Therefore, we conclude that NAm inhibits leishmanial growth and that overexpression of LmSIR2 does not overcome this inhibition. The mechanism of the inhibition is not defined but may include other in vivo targets. NAm may thus represent a new antileishmanial agent which could potentially be used in combination with other drugs during therapy.
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BARTLEY, P. M., S. WRIGHT, J. SALES, F. CHIANINI, D. BUXTON, and E. A. INNES. "Long-term passage of tachyzoites in tissue culture can attenuate virulence of Neospora caninum in vivo." Parasitology 133, no. 4 (June 9, 2006): 421–32.

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To determine whether prolonged in vitro passage would result in attenuation of virulence in vivo, Neospora caninum tachyzoites were passaged for different lengths of time in vitro and compared for their ability to cause disease in mice. Groups of Balb/c mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 5×106 or 1×107 of low-passage or high-passage N. caninum tachyzoites. The mice were monitored for changes in their demeanour and body weight, and were culled when severe clinical symptoms of murine neosporosis were observed. Mice inoculated with the high-passage parasites survived longer (P<0·05), and showed fewer clinical symptoms of murine neosporosis, compared to the mice receiving the low-passage parasites. The parasite was detected in the brains of inoculated mice using immunohistochemistry and ITS1 PCR. Tissue cysts containing parasites were seen in mice inoculated with both low-passage and high-passage parasites. When the in vitro growth rates of the parasites were compared, the high-passage parasites initially multiplied more rapidly (P<0·001) than the low-passage parasites, suggesting that the high-passage parasites had become more adapted to tissue culture. These results would suggest that it is possible to attenuate the virulence of N. caninum tachyzoites in mice through prolonged in vitro passage.
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Visvesvara, Govinda S., and Lynne S. Garcia. "Culture of Protozoan Parasites." Clinical Microbiology Reviews 15, no. 3 (July 2002): 327–28.

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SUMMARY The in vitro culture of protozoan parasites involves highly complex procedures, which are subject to many variables. These parasites have very complex life cycles and, depending on the life cycle stage, may require different culture parameters. However, in vitro cultivation is important for many reasons, some of which include: diagnosis, antigen and antibody production, assessment of parasite immune modulating capabilities, drug screening, improvements in chemotherapy, differentiation of clinical isolates, determination of strain differences, vaccine production, development of attenuated strains, and the continued supply of viable organisms for studying host-parasite interactions.
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Bazin, Hervé. "L’histoire des vaccinations. 2e partie : des vaccins pastoriens aux vaccins modernes." Bulletin de la Société Française d'Histoire de la Médecine et des Sciences Vétérinaires 13, no. 1 (2013): 45–63.

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Cette présentation concerne la mise en route des vaccins à virulence atténuée par Pasteur et son équipe, donnant l’espoir d’obtenir un vaccin pour chaque maladie infectieuse. De nombreuses techniques ont été mises en oeuvre : vaccins chimiques, sérothérapie, séro-vaccination, vaccins tués (microbes) ou inactivés (virus), auto-vaccins, anatoxines, irradiation de parasites… pour les vaccins de première génération. La naissance de la biologie moléculaire et du génie génétique en microbiologie et en immunologie a conduit à une explosion de vaccins OGM dont les premiers exemples sont le vaccin hépatite B (production d’un ou plusieurs antigènes d’un agent pathogène dans un système d’expression : cellules eucaryotes, levures…), le vaccin vaccine-rage (expression d’antigènes dans un vecteur…) mais aussi, des vaccins à propriétés nouvelles d’emploi comme le premier vaccin à marqueur, appelé DIVA pour « Différenciation des animaux infectés de ceux vaccinés ».
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Différenciation in vitro des parasites"


El, Kadri Mohammad. "Role(s) of glycerol metabolism in the biology of African trypanosomes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Trypanosoma brucei, un parasite extracellulaire responsable de la trypanosomiase africaine, doit s’adapter à différents environnements dans ses hôtes mammifères et l’insecte vecteur (la mouche tsétsé). Dans le sang des mammifères, le glucose est la principale source de carbone soutenant une croissance rapide du parasite, en alimentant son métabolisme et la production d'ATP. Lorsque les formes sanguines prolifératives « slender » atteignent des densités cellulaires élevées, un quorum sensing induit leur différenciation en formes non réplicatives « stumpy » (stumpy-QS). Ces formes stumpy-QS protègent l’hôte d’une parasitémie létale et sont également compétentes pour la transmission à la mouche tsétsé. Cependant, le glucose peut être remplacé par le glycérol pour alimenter le métabolisme central du parasite, suggérant un rôle significatif in vivo. Cela s'aligne avec la démonstration récente que les trypanosomes résident principalement dans les espaces extravasculaires de la peau et du tissu adipeux, où le glycérol interstitiel est 5 à 20 fois plus concentré que dans le plasma. Le glycérol est produit par les adipocytes via la glycolyse et la lipolyse, cette dernière induite par les trypanosomes, pourrait protéger l'hôte contre l'infection. Ces données suggèrent que les interactions entre les adipocytes et les trypanosomes, potentiellement médiées par le glycérol, jouent un rôle dans le cycle de vie du parasite.Cette thèse explore l’impact du glycérol sur les formes sanguines slender de Trypanosoma brucei. Nos résultats ont démontré que le glycérol induit la différenciation des formes prolifératives en formes non réplicatives (stumpy-Glyc) ressemblant aux formes stumpy-QS, mais avec une survie allongée. Des conditions similaires à celles des tissus (4 mM glucose, 0,2-0,5 mM glycérol) induisent la production de formes intermédiaires prolifératives (intermédiaire-Glyc) capables de se différencier in vitro en formes procycliques (parasites de l’intestin de l'insecte vecteur) et d’infecter les mouches tsétsé. De plus, le glycérol prolonge considérablement la durée de vie des formes stumpy-QS induites par le quorum sensing. Ces données nous ont conduit à proposer un modèle révisé de la transmission du parasite de l’hôte mammifère à l’insecte vecteur, où les formes stumpy-QS protègent l'hôte contre une parasitémie élevée, tandis que les formes intermédiaires-Glyc prolifératives et les formes stumpy à longue durée de vie, induites par le glycérol des adipocytes, assurent la transmission à l’insecte vecteur.Un autre aspect de ma thèse concerne la dissection de la voie de signalisation impliquée dans la différenciation induite par le glycérol. En exploitant la durée de vie prolongée des cellules stumpy-Glyc en culture, nous avons sélectionné des mutants résistants à la différenciation induite par le glycérol. L'analyse génomique comparative entre ces mutants a permis d'identifier des mutations candidates associées au phénotype de résistance. Une mutation a notamment été trouvée dans le gène de la sous-unité régulatrice de la protéine kinase A (PKAR), dont le rôle dans la voie de signalisation a été ensuite validé.Enfin, nous avons exploré la capacité de T. brucei à métaboliser le glycérol sécrété par les adipocytes, même en présence d'un excès de glucose. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé un système de co-culture in vitro permettant d'analyser les interactions entre les trypanosomes parentaux ou mutants et les adipocytes. Le profilage métabolique par résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) couplé à des approches de marquage au 13C a permis de tracer les métabolites produits par les adipocytes et les trypanosomes. Nos données ont montré que T. brucei utilise efficacement le glycérol sécrété par les adipocytes pour alimenter son métabolisme central, même en présence de grandes quantités de glucose.En conclusion, ces données ont démontré que le glycérol est un acteur clé dans la biologie de Trypanosoma brucei
Trypanosoma brucei, an extracellular parasite responsible for African trypanosomiasis, must adapt to distinct environments in its mammalian hosts and the tsetse fly vector. In the mammalian bloodstream, glucose serves as the primary carbon source, fueling the parasite's central carbon metabolism and ATP production, which supports its rapid growth. Once the parasites reach high cell densities, a quorum-sensing mechanism induces a transition from proliferative slender forms to growth-arrested stumpy forms (stumpy-QS). These stumpy forms help prevent host mortality by limiting parasitaemia and are primed for transmission to the tsetse fly. However, it has been demonstrated that glycerol can effectively replace glucose in feeding the parasite’s central carbon metabolism, suggesting a significant role in vivo. This aligns with findings that trypanosomes predominantly reside in the extravascular spaces of tissues such as the skin and adipose tissue, where interstitial glycerol concentrations are 5 to 20 times higher than in plasma. Glycerol is released from adipocytes through both lipolysis and lipolysis-independent processes such as glycolysis, and it has been suggested that trypanosome-induced adipocyte lipolysis may even protect the host against trypanosome infection. Together, these data suggest that interactions between adipocytes and trypanosomes, potentially mediated by glycerol, play a critical role in the parasite’s life cycle.This thesis explores the impact of glycerol on bloodstream form (BSF) Trypanosoma brucei. Our findings demonstrated that glycerol induces the differentiation of slender BSF into growth-arrested forms that resemble stumpy-QS, but with enhanced survival. Furthermore, under tissue-like conditions, characterized by glycerol levels between 0.2-0.5 mM and glucose at 4 mM, proliferative intermediate forms were generated, which were capable of differentiating into the insect vector stage (procyclics) and sustaining infections in tsetse flies. Additionally, glycerol extended the lifespan of quorum-sensing-induced stumpy forms, which normally have a limited lifespan of a few days. All these data led us to propose a revised model for transmission, in which quorum sensing-induced stumpy-QS forms protect the host from high parasitaemia, while glycerol from adipocytes induces intermediate-Glyc or long-lived stumpy forms that facilitate transmission to the fly.Another key aspect of my thesis concerns the dissection of the signalling pathway involved in glycerol-induced differentiation. By exploiting the extended lifespan of stumpy-Glyc cells in culture, we selected mutants resistant to glycerol-induced differentiation through extended in vitro culturing in a glycerol-containing medium. Comparative genomic analyses between these mutants and cells grown in glucose, which are sensitive to glycerol-induced differentiation, identified candidate mutations associated with the resistance phenotype. Notably, these mutations were found to affect the protein kinase A regulatory subunit (PKAR), whose role in the signalling pathway was validated.Finally, we explored whether T. brucei can metabolize glycerol secreted by adipocytes even in the presence of excess glucose. To investigate this, we used an in vitro co-culture system using a transwell assay, which allowed us to analyse the interactions between parental and mutant trypanosomes and adipocytes. We examined growth and exometabolome profiles using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolite profiling, coupled with 13C-labeling to trace specific metabolites. Our data showed that T. brucei efficiently utilized glycerol secreted by adipocytes to support its central carbon metabolism, even when glucose was abundant.Together, these data demonstrated that glycerol is a key player in the biology of Trypanosoma brucei
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Leducq, Régine. "Echinococcose alvéolaire : migration et différenciation dans l'hôte intermédiaire expérimental. Aspects morphologiques et biochimiques." Montpellier 2, 1992.

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Dans le cadre des interactions heterospecifiques durables, une etude des relations hote-parasite est realisee a partir du modele metacestode e. Multilocularis/hote intermediaire experimental (la gerbille de chine meriones unguiculatus). Dans un premier temps, les parametres influencant la dissemination de l'echinocoque (en tant que population clonale) sont etudies au travers de differents protocoles d'infestations secondaires. Les differents types de formes larvaires a l'origine des migrations dans l'hote sont decrits ainsi que les voies de migration preferentiellement empruntees. Une attention particuliere est portee a l'atteinte du systeme lymphatique. Les caracteristiques des infestations secondaires sous-cutanees et intra-peritoneales, sont discutees et comparees a celles de l'echinococcose primaire. Dans un deuxieme temps, les modes de differenciation du metacestode en tant qu'individu sont analyses grace a des etudes morphologiques et biochimiques. Les phases de l'ontogenese du parasite sont etablies en fonction des transformations tegumentaires. Les marquages des glycoconjugues a l'aide de lectines confirment la mise en evidence d'une regionalisation tegumentaire et d'une evolution des relations hote-parasite favorisant le developpement du metacestode. Une etude preliminaire des glycoproteines parasitaires est realisee a l'aide des techniques de sds-page et western blotting. Ces resultats suggerent que l'ontogenese du parasite serait determinee par des facteurs intrinseques et extrinseques (milieux physico-chimiques et immunologiques) evoluant dans le temps et l'espace
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Devine, Maree Anne. "The response of nematodes to stress, in vitro." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1995.

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Grégoire, Arnaud. "Démographie et différenciation chez le Merle noir Turdus merula : liens avec l'habitat et les relations hôtes-parasites." Dijon, 2003.

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L'incidence de l'anthropisation des habitats sur les populations naturelles est actuellement une préoccupation importante dans les domaines fondamentaux ou appliqués. Historiquement, la réaction des espèces face au milieu neuf et singulier que représentent les zones urbaines a été abordée au niveau communautaire. Cependant, si l'urbanisation a des conséquences au niveau des communautés, les pressions et contraintes s'exercent en premier lieu sur les populations et les individus qui les constituent. Le Merle noir Turdus merula est un oiseau originaire des forêts qui a colonisé les habitats urbanisés au XIXème siècle. Ce travail s'est intéressé à comparer des populations urbaines et forestières du Merle noir afin d'explorer leurs fonctionnements démographiques respectifs en liaison avec d'éventuelles contraintes propres aux différents habitats et en intégrant la dimension individuelle. En relation étroite avec ces préoccupations, la structuration génétique et morphologique a été envisagée
The consequences of human-induced disturbances on wild populations is a stimulating topic raising fundamental as well as applied questions. The effects of urbanization on wild life have been initially studied at the community level. However, even if urbanization influences communities, the selective pressures occur first on populations and individuals. Consequently, it is also crucial to consider the ecological problems at the population level. The Blackbird Turdus merula has colonized urban landscapes in Europe since the middle of the 19th century and provides good opportunities to explore the influence of urbanization on population biology. The aim of this work was to compare urban and forest Blackbird populations in terms of different population characteristics (survival, reproductive success and dispersal) and selective contraints (parasites). Direct (i. E. Capture and census of individuals) and indirect methods (i. E. Genetic) were used in order to assess the dynamics of these populations
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Wakid, Majed Hamdi. "Investigation of flagellar attachment by Leishmania promastigotes in vitro." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2000.

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Asselineau, Daniel. "Différenciation et morphogénèse de l'épiderme humain in vitro : modulation par l'acide rétinoïque." Nice, 1989.

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L'étude de la distribution des différents marqueurs de différenciation en fonction de la concentration de l'acide rétinoïque a montré, sur l'épiderme humain, que 1) les marqueurs sont différemment affectés par la concentration en acide rétinoïque, 2) il y a une corrélation étroite entre l'ordre d'apparition des marqueurs dans l'épithélium et leur sensibilité relative à l'acide rétinoïque
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Binet-Vicard, Elisabeth. "Différenciation, in vitro, de cellules de carcinome murin : réponse et sécrétion hormonale." Lyon 1, 1986.

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Guironnet, Géraldine. "Étude de la différenciation in vitro de monocytes en cellules dendritiques cutanées." Lyon 1, 2000.

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Ris, Nicolas. "Hétérogénéité spatiale, plasticité phénotypique et trade-off environnementaux : rôle de l'espèce hôte et de la température dans la différenciation génétique des populations du parasitoi͏̈de Leptopilina heterotoma (Hymenoptera)." Lyon 1, 2003.

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Cette thèse examine le rôle de deux facteurs écologiques majeurs, la température de développement et l'espèce hôte, ainsi que leur interaction sur l'origine et le maintien de la différenciation génétique d'un insecte parasitoi͏̈de, Leptopilina heterotoma (Hymenoptera). Les résultats montrent que l'espèce hôte induit non seulement une forte plasticité phénotypique mais également certaines réponses génétiques qui pourraient avoir des conséquences importantes en terme d'évolution locale des spectres d'hôtes. De plus, il existe de fortes interactions entre l'espèce hôte, la température de développement et le génotype sur des composantes majeures de la fitness (fécondité et survie pré-imaginale notamment). Même si ces interactions génotype-environnement complexes contribuent probablement au maintien de la différenciation des populations, elles ne peuvent l'expliquer à elles seules et d'autres mécanismes doivent être envisagés.
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How, S. J. "Aspects of the in vitro susceptibility of Chlamydia trachomatis to antimicrobial agents." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1985.

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Books on the topic "Différenciation in vitro des parasites"


R, Taylor Angela E., and Baker John R, eds. In vitro methods for parasite cultivation. London: Academic Press, 1987.

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Jensen, James B. In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites. CRC Press, 2019.

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Jenson, Patsy. In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.

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Jenson, Patsy. In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.

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Jenson, Patsy. In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites. Taylor & Francis Group, 2017.

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Jenson, Patsy. In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.

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Jenson, Patsy. In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.

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Book chapters on the topic "Différenciation in vitro des parasites"


Bitonti, Alan J., Peter P. McCann, and Albert Sjoerdsma. "The Effects of Polyamine Analogues on Malaria Parasites In Vitro and In Vivo." In Progress in Polyamine Research, 717–26. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1988.

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du Preez, Iwanette, Stefan Louw, and Davis Ropafadzo Mumbengegwi. "Chemical Composition and Inhibitory Effects of Guibourtia coleosperma against Plasmodium Parasites In Vitro." In ACS Symposium Series, 153–70. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2020.

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Trager, William. "Cultivation of Parasites in Vitro with Special Reference to Differentiation in the Life Cycle." In Living Together, 121–46. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1986.

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Sheng, Yong H., Sumaira Z. Hasnain, Chin Wen Png, Michael A. McGuckin, and Sara K. Lindén. "Techniques for Assessment of Interactions of Mucins with Microbes and Parasites In Vitro and In Vivo." In Methods in Molecular Biology, 297–312. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2011.

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Levy, Michael G., and Miodrag Ristic. "Cultivation And In Vitro Studies Of Babesia *." In In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites, 221–42. CRC Press, 2019.

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Speer, Clarence A. "The Coccidia." In In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites, 1–64. CRC Press, 2019.

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Diamond, Louis S. "Lumen Dwelling Protozoa: Entamoeba, Trichomonads, And Giardia." In In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites, 65–110. CRC Press, 2019.

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Chang, K. P., and Wallace R. Fish. "Leishmania." In In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites, 111–54. CRC Press, 2019.

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James, B. Jensen. "Plasmodium." In In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites, 155–92. CRC Press, 2019.

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Hill, George C., and Hiroyuki Hirumi. "African Trypanosomes." In In Vitro Cultivation of Protozoan Parasites, 193–220. CRC Press, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Différenciation in vitro des parasites"


Safarianti, Aty Widyawaruyanti, Hilkatul Ilmi, Achmad Fuad, Indah Tantular, and Maryatun. "In Vitro Effect of 96% Ethanol Extract of Bitter Herbs (Andrographis paniculata Nees) on Heme Detoxification Process of Plasmodium falciparum Parasites." In The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2018.

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Štrbac, Filip, and Dragica Stojanović. "Anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep: Current situation and novel strategies." In Zbornik radova 26. medunarodni kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produkciju preživara - FeMeSPRum. Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad, 2024.

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Gastrointestinal nematodes nowadays represent a major obstacle to sustainable sheep farming due to their negative effect on animal health, welfare and productivity. Commercial drugs such as benzimidazoles, macrocyclic lactones and imidazothiazoles have been used with success in previous decades to control these parasites. However, their irrational application has led to the development of anthelmintic resistance and large economic losses, while the situation is expected to further deteriorate in the future due to the spread of resistance and the emergence of multi-resistant nematode strains. Thus, monitoring is of key importance, which involves the application of various in vitro and in vivo tests, as well as modern molecular methods in order to early detect the development of resistance and monitor the situation in a certain area. In addition, the problem of the exclusive application of chemical preparations is also reflected in the residues in meat and milk, as well as in the environment. This poses a risk to various organisms, including humans. For these reasons, it is necessary to define new strategies, which are based on the rational application of anthelmintics in terms of targeted treatments, targeted selective treatments, but also combination and rotation of preparations. The introduction of alternative methods into practice, such as phytotherapy, i.e. the use of plant preparations such as extracts and essential oils, direct and indirect biological control, development of vaccines, genetic selection of naturally resistant animals with appropriate management of pastures and nutritional status of animals are also needed, all with the aim of reducing application of commercial drugs. This implies an integrated approach to the control of gastrointestinal nematodes, which is the basis of future treatments.
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Reports on the topic "Différenciation in vitro des parasites"


Noga, Edward J., Angelo Colorni, Michael G. Levy, and Ramy Avtalion. Importance of Endobiotics in Defense against Protozoan Ectoparasites of Fish. United States Department of Agriculture, September 2003.

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Infectious disease is one of the most serious causes of economic loss in all sectors of aquaculture. There is a critical need to understand the molecular basis for protection against infectious disease so that safer, more reliable and more cost-effective strategies can be designed for their control. As part of this effort, the major goal of our BARD project was to determine the importance of endobiotics as a defense against protozoan ectoparasites in fish. Endobiotics, or antimicrobial polypeptides, are peptides and small proteins that are increasingly recognized as having a vital role in the innate defense of virtually all animals. One objective of our BARD project was to determine the antiparasitic potency of one specific group of endobiotics that were isolated from hybrid striped bass (Morone saxatilis x M chrysops). We found that these endobiotics, which we had previously named histone-like proteins (HLPs), exhibited potent activity against Amyloodinium and that the putative levels of HLPs in the skin were well within the levels that we found to be lethal to the parasite in vitro. We also found evidence for the presence of similar antibiotics in sea bream (Sparus aurata) and Mediterranean sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). We also examined the effect of chronic stress on the expression of HLP in fish and found that HLP levels were dramatically decreased after only one week of a crowding/high ammonia sublethal stress. We also began to explore the feasibility of upregulating endobiotics via immunostimulation. However, we did not pursue this objective as fully as we originally intended because we spent a much larger effort than originally anticipated on the last objective, the attempted isolation of novel endobiotics from hybrid striped bass. In this regard, we purified and identified four new peptide endobiotics. These endobiotics, which we have named piscidins (from "Pisces" meaning fish), have potent, broad-spectrum activity against a number of both fish and human pathogens. This includes not only parasites but also bacteria. We also demonstrated that these peptides are present in the mast cell. This was the first time that the mast cell, the most common tissue granulocyte in vertebrates, was shown to possess any type of endobiotic. This finding has important implications in explaining the possible function of mast cells in the immune response of vertebrates. In summary, the research we have accomplished in this BARD project has demonstrated that endobiotics in fish have potent activity against many serious pathogens in aquaculture and that there is considerable potential to use these compounds as stress indicators in aquaculture. There is also considerable potential to use some of these compounds in other areas of medicine, including treatment of serious infectious diseases of humans and animals.
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