Academic literature on the topic 'Différences femmes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Différences femmes"
Légaré, Andrée-Anne, Francine Ferland, Nadine Blanchette-Martin, Alexandra Champagne, Haniel Baillargeon-Lemieux, Pascal Garceau, and Isabelle Giroux. "Cibles du traitement des joueurs problématiques : existe-t-il des différences entre les hommes et les femmes ?" Drogues, santé et société 13, no. 1 (October 31, 2014): 53–67.
Full textMorosoli, Michèle. "Les avatars de la différence." Égalité, justice et différence 11, no. 2 (January 9, 2007): 389–413.
Full textTissier-Desbordes, Élisabeth, and Allan J. Kimmel. "Sexe, genre et marketing." Décisions Marketing N° 26, no. 2 (April 1, 2002): 55–69.
Full textWillingham, Emily. "Femmes/Hommes : quand l’égalité creuse les différences." Cerveau & Psycho N° 106, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 78–81.
Full textLebel, Estelle, and Marguerite Lavallée. "Création, maîtrise technique et gestion : les réalisatrices de télévision au Québec." Articles 9, no. 1 (April 12, 2005): 57–80.
Full textAUGER, M., S. HAKIM-HACHEMI, A. DEBORD, and I. ETTORI-AJASSE. "Un stage ambulatoire croisé afin de favoriser la collaboration entre les médecins généralistes et les sages-femmes exerçant en secteur libéral." EXERCER 35, no. 199 (January 1, 2024): 41–46.
Full textKing, Peter. "Female offenders, work and life-cycle change in late-eighteenth-century London." Continuity and Change 11, no. 1 (May 1996): 61–90.
Full textDandoy, Nathalie, Frédérique Granet, and Yann Favier. "Les logiques implicites de la prestation compensatoire dans le divorce : approches comparées européennes." Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit et Société 31, no. 02 (August 2016): 139–60.
Full textDamien, J., and A. Mendrek. "Santé mentale et douleur : les différences hommes–femmes." Douleur et Analgésie 31, no. 3 (October 2018): 129–36.
Full textMoriconi, Pascale-Audrey, Louise Nadeau, and Andrée Demers. "Drinking Habits of Older Canadians: A Comparison of the 1994 and 2004 National Surveys." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 31, no. 4 (December 2012): 379–93.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Différences femmes"
Godard, Ornella. "Reconnaissance des visages, asymétrie hémisphérique et différences hommes / femmes." Paris 5, 2010.
Full textOur researches aim at having a better understanding of sex-related hemispherical differences during facial information processing. Five behavioral and one electrophysiological studies, using ERPs, have been conducted with a total of 132 women and 125 men. Results of three experiments show that men and women process differently facial information. Contrary to men, women are not influenced by emotional expression to process facial identity. Women are also faster than men to detect a subtle modification relative to an invariant distance in a face, consisted of increasing the inter-ocular distance. These results suggest that women might have better abilities to extract invariant facial traits compared to men which could explain, in part, their advantage in several tasks of face recognition. In addition, a strong hemispheric lateralization was found, at both behavioral and electrophysiological levels, in men, whereas, women presented a bilateral cerebral functioning. In men, a left visual field superiority and a larger N170 over the right hemisphere compared to the left have been shown. This hemispheric asymmetry was coupled with an asymmetric interhemispheric transmission times with faster transfer from the non specialized hemisphere to the specialized one than the reverse direction. In women, the bilateral functioning was coupled with symmetric interhemispheric transmission times and equivalent N170 amplitude over both hemispheres. Moreover, peak latencies of the P100, N170 and N250 were earlier in women than in men, without sex differences at a behavioral response times. We propose the "serial-parallel" model to give an account of the organization of the sequence of different stages involved in face recognition for both men and women
Niedzwiecki, Patricia. "Phénoménologie du langage des femmes : psychologie et philologie du discours : de la dépréciation du "langage des femmes" à sa revalorisation." Paris 7, 1985.
Full textAncel, Pierre-Yves. "Différences sociales de grande prématurité en Europe." Paris 11, 2001.
Full textObjective: The seriousness of the consequences of very preterm deliveries requires the investigation of their risk factors. At the beginning of this research, the limited knowledge available suggested that very preterm deliveries were more strongly associated with medical factors than with social factors. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the relationship between social status of women and the risk to deliver before 33 completed weeks of amenorrhoea. In order to improve knowledge of these risk factors, statistical analyses have been performed in two European geographical areas, and in populations with different medical risk level. Methods: Two databases have been used. The first one is a case-control survey carried out in 15 European countries in 1996, the EUROPOP project. The study included 278 late abortions (14-21 weeks), 1675 very preterm births, 3652 moderate preterm births (33-36 weeks) and 7965 full-term births. In the second one, data from two French perinatal surveys, carried out in 1995 and 1998 arid based on national random samples of births, were combined. These surveys included 248 very preterm births, 1024 moderate preterm births and 24714 full-term births. The analysis of both databases bas been limited to single pregnancies (stillbirths and live births). Results: From Europop data, large social differences of very preterm births have been observed. These differences were larger in countries with high infant mortality (higher than 10 per thousand live births). French data showed a higher risk of very preterm births among under-privileged women. Social differences were larger among low risk women than among women with previous severe pregnancy outcome. The investigation of medical and social risk factors suggests continuity in the aetiology of late abortions, very and moderate preterm births. Conclusion: Social differences in very preterm births exist; they are clearly stated. Social environment contributes mostly in countries where the socioeconomic situation is difficult for pregnant women, and among women with a low medical risk. This study reinforces the need of further research on interactions between medical and social environments
Colas-Bucco, Delphine. "Femmes et criminalité : approche sociologique de la construction identitaire." Nantes, 2007.
Full textEach of us may know own identity owing to his/her identity card or professionnal position. As we exist, we are able to introduce ourselves. But how does this polymorphous identity concept build up ? Through the stories of 5 years of life-convicted women, we study their reidentification processes. Relying on these women's life experiences we try to understand the way they regard the story of their lives. To achieve this we met eight women in the utmost frame of the Prison for Women in Rennes and collected their stories. These lifestories hightlight the way they deal with their identities as they are in jail and lead us to a couple of questions : Does being in jail modify their relation to their own identity ? Which identity changes occur during their imprisonment ?
Lalem, Torkia. "Biomarqueurs de la fonction ventriculaire après un infarctus du myocarde : différences hommes-femmes." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018.
Full textCardiovascular disease is the first cause of mortality worldwide. Ischemic heart diseases among which myocardial infarction (MI), are responsible for half of these deaths. In order to cope with the loss of cardiomyocytes after MI and to attenuate the alteration of contractility, a repair process is implemented in the heart. If this repair process is dysregulated, it could lead to a maladaptive left ventricular remodeling (LVR) altering LV function and leading to heart failure. The discovery of novel biomarkers able to predict accurately the risk of LVR could lead to a better management of the patients at risk and reduce the incidence of heart failure. Many differences have been highlighted between men and women with MI, regarding the pathophysiology, the symptoms, levels of cardiac biomarkers and the process of LVR. These differences imply the discovery of novel sex-specific biomarkers for LVR prediction or the use of the known biomarkers in a sex-specific manner. The aim of this work was to discover novel biomarkers of left ventricular function (LVF) after an AMI, focusing on sex-differences. First, we aimed to validate the association between five genes previously found to be associated with LVF in small-scale studies. A panel of three genes (LTBP4, TGFBR1 and TNXB) was able to improve the ability of a clinical model to predict LVF. Second, we observed that the cardiac biomarker NT-proBNP was not predictor of LVF in women, whereas cardiac troponin was associated with LVF in this sex-group. A third study showed the association of the gene CDKN1C with LVF post-MI in a female-specific manner. In conclusion, our studies contribute to the discovery of novel biomarkers of LVF and draw the attention to sex differences in the clinical use of biomarkers towards the implementation of personalized medicine
Beauvarlet, Marie-Pierre. "Caractéristiques des malades alcooliques hospitalisés dans un service de médecine interne : différences hommes-femmes." Montpellier 1, 2001.
Full textNiedzwiecki, Patricia. "Théâtralité des parlers et des comportements féminins et masculins." Paris 7, 1992.
Full textThe 1st part of this 2nd phd about "women's" and men's language" (the very 1st one dating from april '85 mainly dealing with analysing 13 taped conversation groups all female-all male, mixed - in english & dutch & french, univ. Paris 7) is partly based on some of the results of my 1st study "phenomenology of women's language"). It also examins sexism in speech & behaviour, gender, sex, feminity, masculinity, but from a more literary point of view, since it does not use any taped material but written documents. The 2nd part consists of a code of practice for the correct use of female language forms, which could be applied to virtually all languages, since it is clear there is no shere linguistic reason for ingoring female language forms other than biases. Indeed, through analysing the principles of femininity & masculinity, one comes to realise how fabricated our images of the world are, from infancy onward. Deciphering etymology also makes clear that our symbolic representations of life can easily be altered by bad habits. At the outset of life on earth, the powerful sun seems to have been feminine, and the moon masculine, whereas in the 17th cy, english & other european grammarians imposed their own masculine ideas puon society, so that the sun became masculine, and the moon feminine. The same probably happened to female & male voice pitches & behavioural patterns. But how feminine & or masculine are women's & men's speech & behaviour? This study mainly focuses on such question
Havet, Nathalie. "Analyse théorique et pratique des différences de salaire et de carrière entre hommes et femmes." Orléans, 2002.
Full textLeblanc, Vicky. "Adoption de l'alimentation méditerranéenne basée sur la théorie de l'autodétermination : différences entre les hommes et les femmes." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015.
Full textL’alimentation méditerranéenne est reconnue comme un modèle de saine alimentation et ses bienfaits sur la santé cardiovasculaire sont bien documentés. Puisque des différences entre les hommes et les femmes ont été rapportées quant aux habitudes alimentaires et à la modification de celles-ci en réponse à des interventions, on peut se questionner à savoir si les hommes et les femmes peuvent retirer les mêmes bénéfices en adoptant cette alimentation. D’autre part, la motivation constitue un facteur déterminant dans les changements alimentaires et des évidences suggèrent que la motivation autodéterminée est associée à l’adoption et au maintien de comportements alimentaires sains. Peu d’études ont cependant évalué l’importance de la qualité de la motivation impliquée dans les changements alimentaires, et aucune ne semble avoir considéré les différences potentielles entre les hommes et les femmes. L’étude présentée dans cette thèse visait à déterminer l’influence du genre dans l’adoption d’une alimentation de type méditerranéen en réponse à un programme d’éducation en nutrition basé sur une approche motivationnelle auprès d’individus présentant certains facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. Afin de rencontrer cet objectif, 64 hommes et 59 femmes préménopausées ont participé à un programme d’éducation en nutrition de 12 semaines basé sur l’approche de l’entretien motivationnel. L’intervention nutritionnelle visait à promouvoir la motivation autodéterminée, plus particulièrement en soutenant la satisfaction des besoins d’autonomie, de compétence et du sentiment d’attachement des individus dans la détermination d’objectifs alimentaires et de stratégies favorables à adopter. L’intervention comportait trois rencontres de groupe, trois rencontres individuelles et quatre suivis téléphoniques avec une nutritionniste. Une amélioration similaire de l’adhésion à l’alimentation méditerranéenne a été observée chez les hommes et les femmes en réponse à l’intervention, mais avec des changements plus prononcés de certaines composantes alimentaires chez les hommes. Une augmentation de la motivation autodéterminée était associée à une amélioration de l’adhésion à l’alimentation méditerranéenne chez les hommes seulement. Des changements métaboliques plus prononcés ont été observés chez les hommes. En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent que le programme d’éducation en nutrition basé sur une approche motivationnelle a contribué à l’amélioration des apports alimentaires et à la diminution de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, plus particulièrement chez les hommes.
The Mediterranean diet is now recognized as one of the best models of food patterns and its cardioprotective effects are well established in the literature. As evidence suggests differences between men and women in eating habits and in dietary changes in response to interventions, it can be questioned whether men and women could get the same health benefits from the adoption of the Mediterranean diet. It has also been suggested that motivation is an important factor in the context of dietary changes and some studies indicate that self-determined motivation toward eating is associated with the adoption of healthy dietary behaviors and long-term adherence to those changes. However, few studies assessed the importance of quality in motivational factors related to dietary changes, and to our knowledge, none has considered potential differences between men and women. This study aimed at assessing the impact of gender in the adoption of a Mediterranean diet in response to a nutritional education program based on a motivational approach, in men and women presenting risk factors for cardiovascular disease. To meet this objective, 64 men and 59 premenopausal women were recruited into our 12-week nutritional education program based on the motivational interviewing approach. The nutritional intervention aimed at promoting self-determined motivation, more precisely in a context that fosters satisfaction of basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness in the determination of dietary changes and potential strategies. The nutritional intervention included three group sessions, three individual sessions and four follow-up telephone calls with a registered dietitian. Both men and women increased their adherence to the Mediterranean diet in response to the nutritional intervention, although men showed more pronounced changes in some specific food groups. A positive association between increases in self-determined motivation and increases in the adherence to the Mediterranean diet was observed in men only. Men also showed more pronounced changes in metabolic variables. In conclusion, our results indicate that the nutritional intervention program based on a motivational approach led to improvement in dietary intakes and to decreases in cardiovascular risk factors, more particularly in men.
LaRue, Andrée. "L'accès des femmes aux savoirs rentables." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1986.
Full textBooks on the topic "Différences femmes"
Niedzwiecki, Patricia. Femmes & langage. Bruxelles: Commission des Communautés européennes, 1993.
Find full textCampbell, Anne. Hommes et femmes: L'épanouissement. Paris: France loisirs, 1990.
Find full textFarina, Annick, and Rachele Raus, eds. Des mots des femmes: rencontres linguistiques. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008.
Full textMorissette, R. Pourquoi l'inégalité des gains hebdomadaires a-t-elle augmenté au Canada? Ottawa, Ont: Statistique Canada, 1995.
Find full textThiessen, Victor. Les études et le travail au Canada: Différences entre les sexes. Hull, Qué: Développement des ressources humaines Canada, Direction générale de la recherche appliquée, 2002.
Find full textPierre, Aïach, and École nationale de la santé publique (France), eds. Femmes et hommes dans le champ de la santé: Approches sociologiques. Rennes: Éditions de l'École nationale de la santé publique, 2001.
Find full textSarraute, Claude. Des hommes en général, et des femmes en particulier. Paris: Plon, 1996.
Find full textLascombes, André. Identités et différences: Portraits de femmes : Troilus and Criseyde : a late Middle English sermon cycle. Paris: Société des anglicistes de l'enseignement supérieur, 1992.
Find full textZinczenko, David. Vos amis les hommes: Petit guide à l'usage des femmes. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2007.
Find full textBadinter, Elisabeth. L' un est l'autre: Des relations entre hommes et femmes. [Paris]: [Librairie Générale Française], 1986.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Différences femmes"
Guijarro Arribas, Delia. "Classements d’âges, classements des publics : Bayard et la segmentation des lecteurs." In De la Bonne Presse à Bayard : 150 ans d'histoire d'un groupe de presse et d'édition catholique (1873-2023), 223–36. Lyon: LARHRA, 2023.
Full textCorre, Nicolas. "Rien n’est caché." In Dossier : L'agentivité divine dans le monde romain, edited by Yann Berthelet, Corinne Bonnet, Francesco Massa, Francesca Prescendi, and Françoise Van Haeperen, 261–86. Paris: Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2024.
Full textGianformaggio, Letizia. "Différences, inégalités, pouvoirs." In La place des femmes, 394–406. La Découverte, 1995.
Full textMoller Okin, Susan. "Sur la question des différences." In La place des femmes, 57–69. La Découverte, 1995.
Full textDavisse, Annick, and Catherine Louveau. "17. Pratiques sportives : inégalités et différences." In Femmes, genre et sociétés, 139–47. La Découverte, 2005.
Full textGallant, Jolaine, Douglas A. Bors, and François Vigneau. "Les différences entre hommes et femmes au Test de rotation mentale." In Vive(nt) les différences, 151–55. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2012.
Full textPedersen, Susan. "Histoire comparée et histoire des femmes : convergences et différences." In Histoire comparée des femmes, 105–24. ENS Éditions, 2009.
Full textAmoros, Célia. "Modulations hispaniques de la polémique féministe : égalité et différences." In La place des femmes, 70–83. La Découverte, 1995.
Full text"Différences hommes-femmes dans les perspectives d'emploi." In Panorama des régions de l'OCDE. OECD, 2012.
Full textTkhostov, Alexander. "Lien entre agressivité et sexualité chez les femmes." In Le sexuel, ses différences et ses genres, 235. EDK, Groupe EDP Sciences, 2011.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Différences femmes"
RAHEM, Salima. "Le rôle de la femme dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique." In I . I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E S E A R C H S C I E N T I F I C C O N G R E S S O F H U M A N I T I E S A N D S O C I A L S C I E N C E S. Rimar Academy, 2022.
Full textGonzález Hernández, Ana Teresa. "La femme au colt 45: un parcours dans imaginaire aquatique de Marie Redonnet." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textBahíllo Sphonix-Rust, Emma. "Espaces de l’eau : lieux féminins dans la littérature médiévale française." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textHaderbache, Ahmed. "Prise de parole et quête de liberté : les espaces de l’eau dans Aïcha de Yamina Benguigui." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textAragón Ronsano, Flavia. "Renata Mauperin, la liberación de la feminidad a través del elemento líquido." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textBourgeois-Bougrine, Samira, and Todd Lubart. "Les processus créatifs en sciences et en arts." In Journées d'étude "Les multiples dimensions de l'Homme et de la connaissance : questions épistémologiques, éducatives et culturelles. MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textBouhoute, M., K. El Harti, and W. El Wady. "Gestion des dysplasies osseuses florides symptomatiques : série de cas et revue de littérature." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textHadj SaÏd, M., L. Thollon, Y. Godio-Raboutet, J. H. Catherine, C. M. Chossegros, and D. Tardivo. "Modélisation 3D de l’os maxillaire dans l’analyse par éléments finis en implantologie orale : une nouvelle approche utilisant CBCT et anthropométrie." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textAbrougui, Olfa. "Les métaphores de l'eau dans l'œuvre poétique de Joachim du Bellay." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textFricain, M., P. Weidmann, Y. Roche, and J. C. Fricain. "Vitiligo labial associé à une pathomimie." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Différences femmes"
Amos, Joanna, Gerhard Gmel, and Florian Labhart. Traitements par agonistes opioïdes (TAO) et à la diacétylmorphine (DAM) : similitudes et différences de ces approches thérapeutiques. Addiction Suisse, May 2024.
Full textBOUCHIAT, Hélène, Etienne GHYS, and Juliette ROCHET. Sciences : où sont les femmes ? Académie des sciences, June 2024.
Full textBattams, Nathan. Coup d’œil sur les femmes, le travail et la famille au Canada. L’Institut Vanier de la famille, 2017.
Full textClark, Louise, Jo Carpenter, and Joe Taylor. Des idées pour le travail d’influence : comprendre les chemins d’impact dans la réponse aux crises. Institute of Development Studies, February 2024.
Full textLemiere, Catherine, Diane Lougheed, Teresa To, Lucie Blais, and Brian White-Guay. Validation du questionnaire pour le dépistage de l'asthme relié au travail (QDART(L)TM) pour l'amélioration de sa détection précoce. IRSST, October 2024.
Full textLes femmes dans l’administration fiscale éthiopienne : données sur la représentation et la performance. Institute of Development Studies, January 2025.
Full textÀ qui appartient l’eau ? Analyse comparative des lois et réglementations nationales reconnaissant le droit à l’eau des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales. Rights and Resources Initiative, September 2020.
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