Academic literature on the topic 'Différences de différences'
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Journal articles on the topic "Différences de différences"
Full textLégaré, Andrée-Anne, Francine Ferland, Nadine Blanchette-Martin, Alexandra Champagne, Haniel Baillargeon-Lemieux, Pascal Garceau, and Isabelle Giroux. "Cibles du traitement des joueurs problématiques : existe-t-il des différences entre les hommes et les femmes ?" Drogues, santé et société 13, no. 1 (October 31, 2014): 53–67.
Full textMichalon, Jérôme, and Antoine Doré. "De différences en différends." Zilsel N°7, no. 2 (2020): 289.
Full textDubois, Bernard. "Typologie de consommateurs ou de situations de consommation ?" Décisions Marketing N° 2, no. 2 (June 1, 1994): 85–87.
Full textMolinier, Pascale. "Des différences dans les voix différentes." Articles 28, no. 1 (June 1, 2015): 45–60.
Full textd’Iribarne, Philippe. "Les cultures et les langues." FORUM / Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation 20, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 188–99.
Full textRoussel, Louis. "La famille en Europe occidentale : divergences et convergences." Population Vol. 47, no. 1 (January 1, 1992): 133–52.
Full textMercier, Jocelyn. "L’acquisition d’une habileté psychomotrice chez les déficients mentaux éducables." Revue des sciences de l'éducation 10, no. 2 (November 27, 2009): 273–91.
Full textLE NEINDRE, P., and J. P. GAREL. "Adaptation des bovins aux milieux d’élevage." INRAE Productions Animales 3, no. 3 (July 3, 1990): 189–94.
Full textNascimento, Regina Sonia Gattas Fernandes do. "The Impact of Education and/or Socioeconomic Conditions on Rorschach Data in a Brazilian Nonpatient Sample 1Collaborators: Alexandre P. de Mattos, Armando Mori Neto, Carla C. Hisatugo, Flávia C. Mucarbel, and Patrícia E.S. Calvaro." Rorschachiana 26, no. 1 (January 2004): 45–62.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Différences de différences"
Pichon, Apolline. "Différences morphologiques, biologiques et génétiques entre plusieurs populations d'origines géographiques différentes de Plutella xylostella (L. ) (Lepidoptera : Plutellidae)." Toulouse 3, 2004.
Full textPlutella xylostella (L. ) (Lepidoptera : Plutellidae) is a major pest of brassica crops worldwide. Problems to control pest's populations are mainly related to pesticides resistance and failure of biological control methods. Morphological, biological and genetic differences were assessed among world populations with different geographic origins. In the study of the morphological and biological differences, two parameters were measured: pupae size and females oviposition activity. The size of pupae and the fecundity were variable within and among populations. The distribution of the eggs laid during the laying period allowed differentiating populations in two groups, related to tropical or sub-tropical areas and to temperate areas. The local adaptation of the populations was discussed. In the study of genetic differences, two markers were used: allozymes and nucleotidic sequences of a part of cytochrome oxydase I mitochondrial gene. The genetic variability was relatively high in P. Ylostella species. The enzymes allelic frequencies exhibited heterozygotes deficits in a majority of the populations. Populations the most different were from Japan and Australia. Analysis of mitochondrial haplotypes exhibited the differentiation of groups of populations from a major group. Two groups were related to geographic areas: populations from Australia or South America. A third group consist of populations from different regions. The mechanisms of differentiation were discussed
Giabicani, Gabriel. "Théorie de l'intersection en géométrie aux différences." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2011.
Full textRoques, Julien. "Sur les équation aux (q-)différences." Toulouse 3, 2007.
Full textGheffar, Amel. "Analyse polyadique : équations linéaires aux différences." Limoges, 2013.
Full textThis thesis consists in two independent parts. The first one gathers some contribution to polyadic analysis. We summarize properties of the (not entire) ring of the polyadic integers, seen in a global way as the projective limit of the finite quotients of the ring of rational integers, rather than as a product of p-adic rings. We study linear recurrence sequences, giving a natural criterium for the interpolation of linear recurrence sequences to continuous functions over the ring of polyadic integers. We give a « van der Put » basis for continuous functions on the ring of polyadic integers, and we end by investigation of the theory of logarithm in polyadic analysis. In the second part, we consider the problem of computing rational solutions of linear difference systems (or scalar equations) with polynomial coefficients over a field of zero characteristic. We discuss algorithms that are currently used and propose some new algorithms for solving this problem. A complexity analysis and a time comparison of the algorithms implemented in Maple are presented
Auffray, Caroline. "Vieillissement, remédiation cognitive et différences individuelles." Rennes 2, 2000.
Full textIn last years, aging was defined like an non irreversible phenomenon. Thus, many research try to remediate intellectual problems in the elderly. The results reveal that aged people who receive training can perform better in domains that are close to those directly trained. The existence of important interindividual variability was also currently pointed. Experimental sample was composed of 116 older (from 65 to 96). Before and after they receive remediation program (experimental group) or discussion sessions (control group), they perform cognitive and conative variables. Results show that performance evaluated in some cognitive variables decline near 70 years'old although others only decrease after 90. The intellectual habilities'organisation seems to comfort the assumption of dedifferenciation with old age. Our results are too consistent with cognitive plasticity assumption in the elderly; aged people are able to increase their performances with exercise. Nevertheless, when we considers more complex tasks, peope who receive remediation drop their performances greater than people on control groups. After remediation, aged peope are less depressive, less anxious and less worried about cognitive functioning. A last, it seems that younger and more educated people more benefit of remediation. This result indicate that we should develop other programs more useful for those people
Sellama, Hocine. "Equations aux différences et scission de séparatrices." Phd thesis, Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg I, 2007.
Full textAncel, Pierre-Yves. "Différences sociales de grande prématurité en Europe." Paris 11, 2001.
Full textObjective: The seriousness of the consequences of very preterm deliveries requires the investigation of their risk factors. At the beginning of this research, the limited knowledge available suggested that very preterm deliveries were more strongly associated with medical factors than with social factors. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the relationship between social status of women and the risk to deliver before 33 completed weeks of amenorrhoea. In order to improve knowledge of these risk factors, statistical analyses have been performed in two European geographical areas, and in populations with different medical risk level. Methods: Two databases have been used. The first one is a case-control survey carried out in 15 European countries in 1996, the EUROPOP project. The study included 278 late abortions (14-21 weeks), 1675 very preterm births, 3652 moderate preterm births (33-36 weeks) and 7965 full-term births. In the second one, data from two French perinatal surveys, carried out in 1995 and 1998 arid based on national random samples of births, were combined. These surveys included 248 very preterm births, 1024 moderate preterm births and 24714 full-term births. The analysis of both databases bas been limited to single pregnancies (stillbirths and live births). Results: From Europop data, large social differences of very preterm births have been observed. These differences were larger in countries with high infant mortality (higher than 10 per thousand live births). French data showed a higher risk of very preterm births among under-privileged women. Social differences were larger among low risk women than among women with previous severe pregnancy outcome. The investigation of medical and social risk factors suggests continuity in the aetiology of late abortions, very and moderate preterm births. Conclusion: Social differences in very preterm births exist; they are clearly stated. Social environment contributes mostly in countries where the socioeconomic situation is difficult for pregnant women, and among women with a low medical risk. This study reinforces the need of further research on interactions between medical and social environments
Leroux-Sostènes, Marie-Josèphe. "Marketing-achat et partenariat : différences et complémentarités." Grenoble 2, 1994.
Full textAfter analysing to caracterize the reverse marketing, we compare this process with the partnership process. This study allows on the one hand, to suggest a new analysis as concerns partnership: a reverse marketing perspective, and on the other hand to define the variables that have an effect on the two types of purchasing management. Factors analysis enabled us to measure the reverse marketing and the partnership of eighty-three companies, and then to find procedures clusters based on these two processes. Analysis of variance were made inorder ot test the impact of the product-risk, the market-risk, the risk of wasting time and money. The partner-risk and the importance of trust in rever se marketing and partnership. The product-risk only influences the reverse marketing, whereas the market risk influences both purchasing management types. So, risks do not seem to get bigger when the buyer uses partnership compared with to use of reverse marketing. This statement should make him increase long term relationship with the upstream marketT
Bailly, Sophie. "La différenciation sexuelle dans la conversation : étude descriptive et interprétative des modalités, des thèmes et des représentations, à partir d'entretiens et d'enquêtes." Paris 5, 1992.
Full textAlthough they speak the same language, men and women who belong to the same speech community seem to differ in their speech behaviour. The choice of conversational topics and strategies depends on the sex of the speaker and of the hearer. Socio-cultural representations of the conversational behaviour of men and women also correlate with gender
Fortin, Guérin Samanta. "Évaluation des différences en immunité et en survie entre les oisillons de statut paternel différents chez l'hirondelle bicolore." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014.
Full textBooks on the topic "Différences de différences"
Louise, Lafortune, and Mouvement international pour les femmes et l'enseignement des mathématiques, eds. Quelles différences? Montréal: Les Éditions du remne-ménage, 1989.
Find full textartists, Disney Storybook, Walt Disney Company, and Pixar Animation Studios, eds. Les différences. Montréal: Presses Aventure, 2011.
Find full textCasanova, Gaston. Logique de l'identité-différence et différences de masses: Masse du troisième neutrino. Bologna: International Logic Review, 1986.
Find full textBernard, Alazet, and Calle-Gruber Mireille 1945-, eds. Les récits des différences sexuelles. Paris: Lettres modernes Minard, 2005.
Find full textStatistique Canada. Direction des études analytiques. Différences de productivité entre les provinces. Ottawa, Ont: Direction des études analytiques, Statistique Canada, 2001.
Find full textCardin, Jean-Francois. Histoire du Canada: Espace et différences. Québec, Qué: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1995.
Find full textEDITION, A. R. T. Cherche les Différences: Énigmes d'images - Repérer et Trouver les Différences. Independently Published, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Différences de différences"
Diener, Roger, Jacques Herzog, Marcel Meili, Pierre Meuron, and Christian Schmid. "Différences." In La Suisse Portrait urbain, 117–36. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2006.
Full textSoranzo, Matteo. "« Concordance » et différences religieuses." In Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, 7–19. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017.
Full textFournier, Laurent, and Édith Rivoire. "Les “fonds de cabane” de l’Antiquité tardive dans le nord de la région Centre-Val de Loire." In Les modes de construction privée de l’Antiquité tardive en région Centre-Val de Loire, 57–85. Tours: Fédération pour l’édition de la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 2022.
Full text"Différences." In La Suisse - portrait urbain, edited by ETH Studio Basel - Institut pour la, 115–34. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 2005.
Full text"LES DIFFÉRENCES." In Initiation mathématique suivie de L'éducation de demain, 27–29. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.
Full textWieviorka, Michel. "Les différences culturelles." In Un lien à recomposer, 178–87. Éditions de l'Attribut, 2012.
Full textGianformaggio, Letizia. "Différences, inégalités, pouvoirs." In La place des femmes, 394–406. La Découverte, 1995.
Full textBiagioli, Mario. "Différences non intentionnelles." In Galilée et ses publics, 279–87. Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2022.
Full text"6 DIFFÉRENCES INDIVIDUELLES." In Psychologie, 106–23. EDP Sciences, 2023.
Full textPicton, Aurélie, Patrick Drouin, and Julie Humbert-Droz. "Exploration et visualisation de la variation terminologique en corpus spécialisés complexes." In Lexique(s) et genre(s) textuel(s) : approches sur corpus, 99–116. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Différences de différences"
Smith, Caroline. "Réalisation de syntagmes accentuels avec différents nombres de syllabes : Différences entre locutrices L1 et L2." In XXXIVe Journées d'Études sur la Parole -- JEP 2022. ISCA: ISCA, 2022.
Full textRabourdin, Sabine. "La subjectivité culturelle dans l’interprétation de la physique quantique. Une comparaison des physiciens indiens et français." In Journées d'étude "Les multiples dimensions de l'Homme et de la connaissance : questions épistémologiques, éducatives et culturelles. MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textVo Quang Costantini, S., S. Petit, A. Nassif, F. Ferre, and B. Fournier. "Perspectives thérapeutiques du matrisome gingival dans la cicatrisation pathologique." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textRojas, Luc. "Le Bulletin de la Société de l’industrie minérale ou la participation d’une revue à l’émergence de la figure de l’ingénieur civil (1855-1914)." In Séminaire PéLiAS (Périodiques, Littérature, Arts, Sciences). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, 2023.
Full textBeyaert-Geslin, Anne. "Faire un point." In Arts du faire : production et expertise. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2009.
Full textYoon, Dayeon, Nicolas Audibert, and Cécile Fougeron. "Différences mélodiques et spectrales entre sexes comparées chez les locuteurs coréens et français." In XXXIVe Journées d'Études sur la Parole -- JEP 2022. ISCA: ISCA, 2022.
Full textRosner, E., F. Brissaud, B. Declerck, Y. Flauw, and V. de Dianous. "Différences entre approche probabiliste et semi-quantitative pour l’évaluation des barrières de sécurité." In Congrès Lambda Mu 19 de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Dijon, 21-23 Octobre 2014. IMdR, 2015.
Full textBourgeois-Bougrine, Samira, and Todd Lubart. "Les processus créatifs en sciences et en arts." In Journées d'étude "Les multiples dimensions de l'Homme et de la connaissance : questions épistémologiques, éducatives et culturelles. MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Full textPépiot, Erwan, and Aron Arnold. "Différences acoustiques inter-genres chez des bilingues Anglais/Français : une étude du Voice Onset Time." In XXXIVe Journées d'Études sur la Parole -- JEP 2022. ISCA: ISCA, 2022.
Full textMicó Romero, Noelia. "Problèmes de terminologie dans « Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan/ Plan d’urgence de bord contre la pollution par les hydrocarbures » sur la Méditerranée à partir d’une traduction de l’anglais vers le français." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Différences de différences"
Amos, Joanna, Gerhard Gmel, and Florian Labhart. Traitements par agonistes opioïdes (TAO) et à la diacétylmorphine (DAM) : similitudes et différences de ces approches thérapeutiques. Addiction Suisse, May 2024.
Full textHaeck, Catherine, Geneviève Lefebvre, Pierre Lefebvre, and Philip Merrigan. Surdiagnostic du TDAH au Québec: Impact de l’âge d’entrée à l’école, différences régionales et coûts sociaux et économiques. CIRANO, April 2023.
Full textAryeetey, Richmond, Afua Atuobi-Yeboah, Mara van den Bold, and Nick Nisbett. Comprendre les différences entre la réduction du retard de croissance et de l’anémie et identifier les défis à relever. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2020.
Full textFonseca, Raquel, and Markus Poschke. L’évolution et la composition de la richesse des ménages Québécois. CIRANO, September 2023.
Full textDostie, Benoit, and Genevieve Dufour. Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019. CIRANO, October 2024.
Full textRigaud, Éric. Résilience et management de la sécurité: pistes pour l’innovation en sécurité industrielle. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, September 2011.
Full textRoyer, Annie, Patrick Mundler, and Julie Ruiz. L’évolution du secteur bioalimentaire au Québec de 1961 à 2016. CIRANO, November 2023.
Full textGruber, Verena, Ingrid Peignier, and Charlotte Dubuc. Pratiques et tactiques de vente des concessionnaires automobiles au Québec. CIRANO, October 2023.
Full textSamochowiec, Jakub, and Johannes Bauer. Dissemblables ensemble? La grande étude suisse sur la diversité. Gdi-verlag, Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, September 2024.
Full textLewis, C. F. M. Contributions to the glacial and postglacial history of Houghton Lake Basin in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
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