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Beatrice Mukandungutse, Isabelle, James K. Tuitoek, Anthony M. King’ori, and Meshack A. Obonyo. "The Effect of Fermented Aflatoxins Contaminated Feed on Digestibility and Performance of Broiler Chickens." ANIMAL PRODUCTION 22, no. 1 (September 17, 2020): 55–60.

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Poultry is susceptible to mycotoxicoses caused by aflatoxins. Two experiments were carried out, where twenty-four, 28days old and 144 one-day-old broilers were assigned to six diets respectively. The diets were: diet1 (no aflatoxin and not fermented), diet2 (no aflatoxin and fermented without yeast), diet3 (no aflatoxin and fermented with yeast), diet4 (contained aflatoxin and not fermented), diet5 (contained aflatoxin and fermented without yeast) and diet6 (contained aflatoxin fermented with yeast). The aflatoxins were 20.034 and 30.08ppb for the first and second experiments respectively. In the first experiment, each diet was assigned to 4 chickens for 7days adaptation and 7days for feces and leftover collection. The feces were oven dried for the determination of dry matter digestibility (DMD), metabolizable energy (ME) and nitrogen (MN). In the second experiment, each diet was assigned to six chicks, replicated 4 times for 21days. Leftovers and mortalities were recorded daily and chicks were weighed on a weekly basis. The results showed that DMD and MN were significantly (p<0.05) affected by fermentation. Natural fermentation improved DMD of the clean and contaminated diets. No difference found in feed intake and body weight gain. However, gain: feed ratio was significantly (p=0.048) better in broilers fed diets fermented naturally. The mortality rate was 75.0% in chicks fed on aflatoxin diet which was not fermented. Therefore, natural fermentation is the best method of improving the quality of aflatoxin contaminated feed for broilers.
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Nuschati, Ulin, Budi Utomo, and Susanto Prawirodigdo. "INTRODUKSI DAUN KERING LEGUMINOSA POHON SEBAGAI SUMBER PROTEIN DALAM PAKAN-KOMPLIT UNTUK TERNAK DOMBA DARA." Caraka Tani: Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 25, no. 1 (March 1, 2010): 56.

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<p>An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of formulated complete feed containing either one of dried legume leave of leucaena (Diet1), gliricidia (Diet2), or calliandra (Diet3) for protein sources of feed on the reproduction performance of the thin tailed ewes. The experiment used 18 head of ewe lambs of about 8 months old, which were individually penned in an elevated barn belongs to The Central Java Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Ungaran. Each experimental animal was randomly fed either one of the three experimental diets. In addition, the study also employed 3 bucks of the fat tailed sheep for mating the ewes. Measurements were made for dry matter (DM) consumption of feed, weight gain, first oestrus occurrence, body weight at first oestrus, and pregnancy rate of the ewes. Results showed that the ewes fed Diet 2 consumed (535.7 g DM/d) larger (P&lt;0.05) amount of feed than that receiving Diet 1 (489.7 g DM/d) or either Diet 3 (500.3g DM/d). The data exhibited that palatability of Diet2 was superior among the three experimental diets. Consistently, weight gain of ewes (37.4 g/d) and the body weight at the first oestrous occurred (17.88 kg) of ewe fed gliricidia diet (Diet2) also higher (P&lt;0.05) than that consuming Diet1 (21 g/d and 15.88 kg) or the one consumed Diet3 (20.4 g/d and 16.37 kg). However, the distinction effect of various dried legume three leaves inclusion in the diets on the pregnancy rate was not significant (66.7% versus 66.7% versus 60%, for the animals fed Diet1 versus Diet2 versus Diet3). Overall, the present study concluded that the use of dried legume three leaves for protein sources in the complete feeds for ewes did not exhibit any negative effect.</p>
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Krasindh Hangsapreurke, Boonyarath Pratoomchat, Jiranan Seetaikum, and Nissara Kitcharoen. "Effect of dietary supplementation of minerals premix on growth performances and return in red tilapia (Oreochromis nilloticus x Oreochromis mossambicus)." Maejo International Journal of Energy and Environmental Communication 2, no. 1 (February 17, 2020): 23–28.

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Tilapia is a popular fish for consumers and aquaculture in every part of Thailand. This study was conducted to determine the level of mineral supplementation in the diet for the growth of red tilapia fingerlings, which gave the lower fish production cost. The fingerlings with an initial average weight of 3.1 ± 0.48 g and a length of 2.5±0.24 cm were raised in 3 m3 concrete tank with 1.5 m3 of water volume at 20 fish/m2 stocking density. Fish were fed with pellets diet (28 % crude protein), which contained different levels of mineral supplements (0 (control), 20 and 40 g/Kg) in triplicate replications. The experiment was conducted within 80 days. The results showed that fish fed with diet3 had better average daily weight gain (ADG) and food conversion ratio (FCR) than diet2 and diet1 significantly (P<0.05). The ADG and FCR of fish fed with diet3 showed 0.70 ± 0.02, 1.72 ± 0.02 respectively, but there was a non-significant difference in survival rate from all treatments (P>0.05), and the fish production cost of diet 3 is lower than those in diet1 and diet2. Thus, this experiment concluded that minerals supplementation at the level 40 g/kg diet were suitable for tilapia aquaculture.
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Simões, Silvana Aparecida Ribeiro, Nyvian Alexandre Kutz, Marcia Cristina Barbosa, Elias Ferreira Porto, and Marcia Maria Hernandes de Abreu de Oliveira Salgueiro. "Dieta enteral prescrita versus dieta infundida Prescribed enteral diet versus infused diet." Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online 9, no. 3 (July 11, 2017): 688.

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Objetivo: Avaliar o volume prescrito de dieta enteral versus o volume infundido, identificando as causas de interrupção da dieta e os gastos gerados por essas interrupções. Métodos: Estudo observacional, com pacientes adultos e idosos, recebendo nutrição enteral em um hospital particular de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de prontuário eletrônico. Resultados: O volume infundido foi significantemente menor que o volume prescrito, nos cinco dias de acompanhamento, em toda a amostra. A principal intercorrência na administração da dieta foi a diarreia. Os gastos com a não administração da dieta somam 41,4% do valor despendido para esse serviço. Conclusão: Este estudo contribui para a atuação e desempenho do nutricionista em conjunto com a Equipe Multidisciplinar em Terapia Nutricional visando a melhora do paciente.
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Liu, Jiahui, Wenxuan Xu, Yongtao Liu, Yuntao Wang, Jianmin Zhang, Zhen Wang, Kangsen Mai, and Qinghui Ai. "Effects of Chitosan-Coated Microdiet on Dietary Physical Properties, Growth Performance, Digestive Enzyme Activities, Antioxidant Capacity, and Inflammation Response of Large Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys crocea) Larvae." Aquaculture Nutrition 2022 (September 5, 2022): 1–11.

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A 30-day feeding trial was designed to investigate the physical properties of chitosan-coated microdiet (CCD) and the effect of CCD on survival, growth performance, activities of digestive enzymes, intestinal development, antioxidant capacity, and inflammatory response of large yellow croaker larvae (initial weight: 3.81 ± 0.20 mg ). Four isonitrogenous (50% crude protein) and isolipidic (20% crude lipid) microdiets were prepared with different concentrations of chitosan wall material by spray drying method (0.00%, 0.30%, 0.60%, and 0.90%, weight (chitosan) : volume (acetic acid)). Results showed that the lipid encapsulation efficiency (control: 60.52%, Diet1: 84.63%, Diet2: 88.06%, Diet3: 88.65%) and nitrogen retention efficiency (control: 63.76%, Diet1: 76.14%, Diet2: 79.52%, Diet3: 84.68%) correlated positively with the concentration of wall material ( P < 0.05 ). Furthermore, the loss rate of CCD was significantly lower than the uncoated diet. Larvae fed the diet with 0.60% CCD had significantly higher specific growth rate (13.52 and 9.95%/day) and survival rate (14.73 and 12.58%) compared to the control group ( P < 0.05 ). Larvae fed the diet with 0.30% CCD had significantly higher trypsin activity in pancreatic segments than the control group (4.47 and 3.05 U/mg protein) ( P < 0.05 ). Larvae fed the diet with 0.60% CCD had significantly higher activity of leucine aminopeptidase (7.29 and 4.77 mU/mg protein) and alkaline phosphatase (83.37 and 46.09 U/mg protein) in the brush border membrane than those of the control group ( P < 0.05 ). The intestinal epithelial proliferation- and differentiation-related factors (zo-1, zo-2, and pcna) in larvae fed the diet with 0.30% CCD had higher expression than those of the control group ( P < 0.05 ). When the concentration of wall material reached 0.90%, the larvae had significantly higher superoxide dismutase activity than that of the control group (27.27 and 13.72 U/mg protein) ( P < 0.05 ). Meanwhile, malondialdehyde contents were significantly lower in larvae fed the diet with 0.90% CCD than that of the control group (8.79 and 6.79 nmol/mg protein) ( P < 0.05 ). 0.30%~0.60% CCD significantly increased the activity of total nitric oxide synthase (2.31, 2.60, and 2.05 mU/mg protein) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (1.91, 2.01, and 1.63 mU/mg protein) and had significantly higher transcriptional levels of inflammatory factor genes (il-1β, tnf-α, and il-6) than those of the control group ( P < 0.05 ). The results indicated chitosan-coated microdiet had great potential in feeding large yellow croaker larvae in addition to reducing nutrition loss.
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Khairuddin, Khairuddin, and Etisa Adi Murbawani. "Ketidaksesuaian Diet pada Pasien di ICU dan Faktot- faktor yang Berhubungan dengannya." JNH (JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND HEALTH) 6, no. 2 (August 1, 2018): 74.

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Latar Belakang: Ketidaksesuaian dietyang ditentukan dengan diaet yang diterima pasien dapat terjadi pada pasien yang di rawat diunit perawatan intensif (ICU), tetapitidak ada penelitian yang mengamati perbedaan tersebut.Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis beberapa faktor yang terkait dengan perbedaan antara diet yang ditentukan dengan diat yang diterimapasien, dan untukmenentukan faktor yang memiliki hubungan kuat dengan perbedaan tersebut.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dengan mengamati perbedaan antara diet yang ditentukan dalam rekam medis dan diet yang diterima oleh pasien berdasarkan daftar makanan dari pantry ICY. Analisis data dari faktor yang diamati menggunakan uji chi-square diikuti engan uji regresi logistikHasil:Perbedaanantara diet yang ditentukan dengan diet yang diterima pasien dalam penelitian ini adalah 70 dari 249 (28,1%) koresponden. Hasil uji chi-square, nilai p dan koefisien kontingensi adalah: waktu penulisan resep (χ2 = 1,387; p = 0,239); hari penulisan resep (χ2 = 0,508; p = 0,476); perubahan dalam diet dalam hari yang sama (χ2 = 13,972; p <0,001, C = 0,231); kombinasi jenis diet (χ2 = 13,761; p <0,001, C = 0,229). Nilai p dan OR dari uji regresi logistik adalah: perubahan diet dalam hari yang sama (p <0,001, OR = 8,433); kombinasi jenis diet (p <0,001, OR = 5,013).Kesimpulan: Ketidaksesuain diet pasien di ICU dengan perubahan diet dalam hari yang sama dan adanya kombinasi jenis diet yang ditentukan. Faktor yang paling berkaitan dengan perubahan pola makan dalam hari yang sama.Kata kunci:pasien, ICU, Diet,Ketidaksesuain
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Applebaum, Michael. "Why diets fail--expert diet advice as a cause of diet failure." American Psychologist 63, no. 3 (2008): 200–202.

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Shono, Chizuru, Nobuhiro Suzuki, and Harry M. Kaiser. "Will China's diet follow western diets?" Agribusiness 16, no. 3 (2000): 271–79.<271::aid-agr1>;2-8.

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Burlingame, Barbara, and Sandro Dernini. "Sustainable diets: the Mediterranean diet as an example." Public Health Nutrition 14, no. 12A (December 13, 2011): 2285–87.

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AbstractObjectiveTo present the Mediterranean diet as an example of a sustainable diet, in which nutrition, biodiversity, local food production, culture and sustainability are strongly interconnected.DesignReview of notions and activities contributing towards the acknowledgement of the Mediterranean diet as a sustainable diet.SettingThe Mediterranean region and its populations.SubjectsMediterranean populations.Results and conclusionsThe acknowledgement of the Mediterranean diet as a sustainable diet needs the development of new cross-cutting intersectoral case studies to demonstrate further the synergies among nutrition, biodiversity and sustainability as expressed by the Mediterranean diet for the benefit of present and future generations.
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Lindeberg, Staffan. "Palaeolithic diet (“stone age” diet)." Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition 49, no. 2 (January 2005): 75–77.

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Rameshwar, Spandana. "Diet Plan for Weight Loss: Indian Diet Plan." International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 10, no. 3 (March 27, 2021): 1783–86.

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Liman, Bello. "Diet." Acta Scientifci Nutritional Health 4, no. 3 (February 7, 2020): 01–03.

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Acta Archaeologica, Editors. "Diet." Acta Archaeologica 86, no. 1 (April 22, 2015): 80–87.

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Fiocchi, Alessandro, and Julie Wang. "Diet." Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology 13, no. 3 (June 2013): 273–74.

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Hauenschild, A., M. Zygmunt, and K. Münstedt. "Diet." Der Gynäkologe 33, no. 1 (January 25, 2000): 11–17.

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Finelli, Carmine. "The Mediterranean diet: an “evergreen” diet." Journal of Public Health and Emergency 1 (June 4, 2017): 54.

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Carlson, Anders, and Richard E. Pratley. "Weight loss and diets: Which diet works best?" Current Diabetes Reports 9, no. 1 (February 2009): 35–36.

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'Afifah, Zulfa Nur'aini, Héctor Ochoa-Ortiz, and Georg Gartner. "Diet Map: Participatory Mapping Application for Specific Diets." Abstracts of the ICA 6 (August 11, 2023): 1–2.

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Silambuselvi, K., and B. Jayabharathi. "Paleo Diet." International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics 4, no. 3 (2016): 141–44.

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Amir, Yurni Sari, Ulva Mohtar Lutfi, Ramond Siregar, Nelzi Fati, and Dihan Kurnia. "The Response of The Addition of Ginseng Leaves (Talinum Paniculatum Gaertn) Mix Supplements in Rations to The Performance of Broiler Production." Jurnal Ternak 12, no. 2 (January 3, 2022): 54.

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The aim of this study was to determine the response of adding ginseng leaf supplements (Talinum Paniculatum Gaertn) to the diet on the introduction of meat products, including dietary intake, body weight gain and dietary transformation in broilers. The subjects of the study were 100 broilers with five treatments and four replicates grown from DOC for 33 days. A control treatment was a 100% mixed diet (A), and B was a mixed died with 0.5% ginseng leaf mixture supplement. Treatment C was a mixed died with 1% ginseng leaf mixture supplement, with 1.5% ginseng leaf mixture supplement (D treatment), and with 2% additive to the ginseng leaf mixture (E treatment). The blended diet consisted of corn, palm meal, soybean meal, fishmeal, oil, and top mix. The variables measured were diet intake, weight gain, and diet conversion. The research method used an experiment with a completely randomized design. The results showed that the addition of the ginseng leaf meal feed additive to the diet had no significant effect (P> 0.05) on dietary intake, body weight gain, and diet conversion. The conclusion of this study is that the addition of up to 2% of the ginseng leaf meal feed additive to the diet did not negatively affect the appearance of the product and broilers.
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Bando, Hiroshi. "Recommended Diet Therapy of Mediterranean Diet (MD) and Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD)." Journal of Health Care and Research 5, no. 2 (July 2, 2024): 49–52.

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To maintain health and achieve longevity, an adequate diet is crucial, such as the Mediterranean diet (MD) and the low-carbohydrate diet (LCD). The MD is characterized by whole grains, fruits, vegetables, less red meat, more fish, and four eggs per week. The MD may reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, and depression. The LCD shows remarkable weight reduction in a short period, but there may be a probable rebound effect within six months. In Japanese cuisine, the intake of fermented soy foods such as natto and miso can lower the risk of death. As a recommendation, the LCD can be started first, followed by the MD for the long term.
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Tobian, Louis. "High potassium diets markedly protect against stroke deaths and kidney disease in hypertensive rats, a possible legacy from prehistoric times." Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 64, no. 6 (June 1, 1986): 840–48.

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Male spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone (SHRsp) rats were fed 4% NaCl diets containing either 0.75% (normal) K or2.11% (high) K, starting at 6 weeks of age. After 8 months on these diets, 40 out of 58 SHRsp rats on the 0.75% K diet had died(69% mortality) versus 2 dead out of 95 on the 2.11% K diet (2% mortality), a 97% reduction in mortality, p < 0.00001. After 20weeks on the diets, the daytime and night time blood pressures of each rat were measured intraarterially under light ether anesthesia. Using these accurate blood pressures, we selected two groups precisely matched for blood pressure. One matched SHRsp group (BP 182) ate the 0.75% K diet and 30 out of 47 rats died (64% mortality). The other matched SHRsp group (BP 182) ate the 2.11% K diet and 2 out of 35 died (6% mortality), a 91% reduction of mortality, p < 0.0001. Seemingly, this striking reduction in mortality rate with the 2.11% high K diet does not depend on a lowering of blood pressure. High K diets do not change body Na or K. Dry weight of mesenteric arterioles was reduced 29% on the 2.11% K diet versus the 0.75% K diet (5.43 vs. 7.66 mg) (p < 0.0001), indicating a greatly reduced hypertensive hypertrophy. In nine surviving SHRsp rats on the 0.75% K diet, 13 of 36 brain hemisphere slides (4 slides per rat) showed infarcts (36%). In 11 surviving SHRsp rats on the 2.11% K diet, 1 of 44 brain slides showed infarcts (2%), a 94.5% reduction, p < 0.0001. High K diets allow cerebral arteries to carry very high blood pressures without sustaining damage to the artery wall, thereby drastically reducing brain infarcts and lowering the death rate.
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KAGOSHIMA, MASATOYO. "Application of micro diet to diet therapy." Rinsho yakuri/Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 26, no. 1 (1995): 335–36.

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Silk, D. B. "Diet formulation and choice of enteral diet." Gut 27, Suppl 1 (November 1, 1986): 40–46.

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Drewnowski, Adam, Pablo Monsivais, Matthieu Maillot, and Nicole Darmon. "Low-Energy-Density Diets Are Associated with Higher Diet Quality and Higher Diet Costs in French Adults." Journal of the American Dietetic Association 107, no. 6 (June 2007): 1028–32.

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Filippin, Denise, Anna Rita Sarni, Gianluca Rizzo, and Luciana Baroni. "Environmental Impact of Two Plant-Based, Isocaloric and Isoproteic Diets: The Vegan Diet vs. the Mediterranean Diet." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 5 (February 21, 2023): 3797.

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Food consumption is one of the major causes of climate change, resource depletion, loss of biodiversity, and other kinds of environmental impact by modern households. According to evidence, a global change in dietary habits could be the single most effective and rapid intervention to reduce anthropic pressure on the planet, especially with respect to climate change. Our study applied Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to investigate the total environmental impact of two plant-based diets: the Mediterranean and the Vegan diets, according to relevant Italian nutritional recommendations. The two diets share the same macronutrient rates and cover all the nutritional recommendations. Calculations were made on the basis of a theoretical one-week 2000 kcal/day diet. According to our calculations, the Vegan diet showed about 44% less total environmental impact when compared to the Mediterranean diet, despite the fact that the content of animal products of the latter was low (with 10.6% of the total diet calories). This result clearly supports the concept that meat and dairy consumption plays a critical role, above all, in terms of damage to human health and ecosystems. Our study supports the thesis that even a minimal-to-moderate content of animal foods has a consistent impact on the environmental footprint of a diet, and their reduction can elicit significant ecological benefits.
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Mengelkoch, Jean M., Gerald J. Niemi, and Ronald R. Regal. "Diet of the Nestling Tree Swallow." Condor 106, no. 2 (May 1, 2004): 423–29.

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Abstract Dietary samples from nestling Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in northwestern Minnesota were compared to invertebrate availability as measured by aerial tow nets. The majority of the biomass in the nestlings' diet was adult insects with larval stages of aquatic origin, while absolute numbers of insects of both aquatic and terrestrial origin were similar. Orders of invertebrates in the diet and available were similar in number but not in biomass. Diet showed little variation by time of day, date of sampling or the age of the nestling. The mean number of odonates in the nestling Tree Swallows' diet increased exponentially as the percentage of open water and open water + cattail marsh increased within a 400-m foraging radius. Dieta de los Pichones de Tachycineta bicolor Resumen. Se compararon muestras dietarias de pichones de la golondrina Tachycineta bicolor tomadas en el noroeste de Minnesota con la disponibilidad de invertebrados medida con redes aéreas. La mayor parte de la biomasa en la dieta de los pichones correspondió a insectos adultos con estadíos larvales de origen acuá tico, mientras que los números absolutos de insectos de origen acuático y no acuático fueron similares. Los órdenes de invertebrados presentes en la dieta y disponibles en el ambiente fueron similares en números pero no en biomasa. La dieta mostró poca variación entre horas del día, fechas de muestreo o edad de los pichones. El número promedio de odonatos en la dieta de los pichones de T. bicolor aumentó exponencialmente a medida que se incrementó el porcentaje de agua abierta y de agua abierta + pantanos de espadañas dentro de un radio de forrajeo de 400 m.
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Mercer, Julian G., and Zoë A. Archer. "Putting the diet back into diet-induced obesity: Diet-induced hypothalamic gene expression." European Journal of Pharmacology 585, no. 1 (May 2008): 31–37.

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Ansari, Shabnam. "Low Carb Diet Outrank Low Fat Diet in Weight Loss." International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine 3, no. 1 (2019): 1–2.

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As per the study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a racially diverse group of 150 men and women were recruited to follow a specific diets for one year which particularly restricted them to eat wither carbohydrate or fat, but not overall calories.
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LEVINE, GARY M. "Another Diet Revolution? The Latest Fashion in Fad Diets." Annals of Internal Medicine 107, no. 1 (July 1, 1987): 109.

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Siitonen, Paul H., and Harold C. Thompson. "Cadmium contamination in cereal-based diets and diet ingredients." Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 38, no. 11 (November 1990): 2009–10.

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Archer, Zoë A., and Julian G. Mercer. "Brain responses to obesogenic diets and diet-induced obesity." Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 66, no. 1 (February 2007): 124–30.

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Rodent models of diet-induced obesity (DIO) mimic common human obesity more accurately than obese single-gene mutation lines, such as the ob/ob mouse. Sprague-Dawley rats sourced in the UK develop obesity when fed a high-energy diet, but susceptibility to DIO is normally distributed, as might be anticipated for a polygenic trait in an outbred population, in contrast to reports in the literature using ostensibly the same strain of rats sourced in the USA. Nevertheless, the responses of these rats to solid and liquid obesogenic diets are very similar to those reported elsewhere, and this model of DIO has much to commend it as a vehicle for the mechanistic study of susceptibility to DIO, development and reversal of obesity on solid and liquid diets and the response of peripheral and central energy balance systems to the development of obesity and to the obesogenic diets themselves. In general, hypothalamic energy-balance-related systems respond to obesogenic diets and developing obesity with activity changes that appear designed to counter the further development of the obese state. However, these hypothalamic changes are apparently unable to maintain body weight and composition within normal limits, suggesting that attributes of the obesogenic diets either evade the normal regulatory systems and/or engage with reward pathways that override the homeostatic systems. Since diets are a risk factor in the development of obesity, it will be important to establish how obesogenic diets interact with energy-balance pathways and whether there is potential for diets to be manipulated with therapeutic benefit.
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Wang, Luping, Enrique Caviedes-Vidal, and William H. Karasov. "Diet composition modulates intestinal hydrolytic enzymes in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus)." Journal of Mammalogy 100, no. 5 (July 20, 2019): 1512–21.

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Abstract We tested whether white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) modulate the activity of three key intestinal digestive enzymes (maltase, sucrase, and aminopeptidase-N [APN]) based on diet composition. To test the adaptive modulation hypothesis (AMH), we fed mice either of three kinds of synthetic diet, high starch (HS, 50% carbohydrate), high protein (HP, 60% protein), and high lipid (HL, 25% lipid), and determined their digestive responses. First, there was no effect of either diet itself, or time eating the diet, on body mass, or mass and length of small intestine. Second, the activity of both disaccharidases summed over the entire small intestine was highest on the HS diet, which was higher than on the HP diet by about 45% and higher than on the HL diet by 400%. This was consistent with our prediction that starch induces disaccharidase activity, and demonstrated induction of disaccharidase activities by high dietary carbohydrate in a wild mammal. Third, both summed and mass-specific activity of maltase and sucrase of HL mice were lower than those of HP mice, even though their diets had the same content of starch, which suggests that lipid in the HL diet inhibited disaccharidase activity. Finally, the summed activity of APN was highest on the HP diet, which was higher than on the HS diet or HL diet by ~100%, consistent with our prediction that high protein content induces peptidase activity. Taken together, our results support the AMH, though they also illustrate that high lipid content in the diet can confound some predicted patterns. Flexibility of digestive enzyme activity is likely important in allowing white-footed mice to cope with fluctuations in the environmental availability of different food types. Probamos si el ratón de patas blancas (Peromyscus leucopus) modula las actividades de tres enzimas digestivas intestinales claves – maltasa, sacarasa y N-aminopeptidasa- al modificarse la composición de la dieta. Para someter a prueba la hipótesis de la modulación adaptativa, se alimentaron paralelamente ratones con tres tipos de dietas semi-sintéticas, una alta en almidón (HS, 50% carbohidratos), otra alta en proteína (HP, 60% proteínas), y una alta en lípidos (HL, 25% lípidos), y se determinaron sus respuestas digestivas. No se observó un efecto de la dieta o del tiempo que la consumieron sobre la masa corporal o la masa y el largo del intestino delgado (SI). La sumatoria de las actividades de cada una de las disacaridasas a lo largo de todo el intestino delgado fue más alta con la dieta HS que con las dietas HP y HL, un 45% y un 400% mayor, respectivamente. Esto fue consistente con nuestra predicción acerca de que el almidón induce la actividad disacaridásica, constituyendo el primer estudio que demuestra inequívocamente en un animal silvestre, que la inducción de las actividades de las disacaridasas intestinales es mediada por un incremento de los carbohidratos en la dieta. Las actividades hidrolíticas totales y masa-específicas de la maltasa y sacarasa de los ratones HL fueron más bajas que las de los alimentados con dieta HP, aun cuando sus dietas tenían el mismo contenido de almidón, lo que sugiere que los lípidos en la dieta HL inhiben la actividad de las disacaridasas. La actividad hidrolítica total de la N-aminopeptidasa fue mayor con la dieta HP, ~100% más alta que para las dietas HS y HL, de manera consistente con la predicción que propone que la presencia de mayor cantidad de proteína en la dieta induce la actividad peptidásica. En conjunto nuestros resultados dan soporte a la hipótesis de la modulación adaptativa, además de ilustrar que los lípidos en las dietas pueden confundir la predicción de patrones de procesamiento de alimentos. La flexibilidad de la actividad de las enzimas digestivas es probablemente importante para los ratones de patas blancas, ya que les permite adecuarse a las fluctuaciones ambientales de disponibilidad de diferentes tipos de recursos.
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Lakshmi, E. "Diet in Dengue." Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 5, no. 1 (June 15, 2018): 41–44.

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Dengue is an acute viral infection spread by mosquitoes with potential fatal complications. Dengue fever is a kind of flu type illness otherwise called as break bone fever as it causes severe pain in the joints. Good nutritional status, increased appetite balanced electrolytes and increase RBC count along with. diet therapy is an important remedy helpful in recovering from dengue. The literature reviewed was identified using various searches in PubMed, WorldCat, and Google Scholar as well as citation tracking on original research articles related to Dengue.
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Ainley, David G., Grant Ballard, Kerry J. Barton, Brian J. Karl, Greg H. Rau, Christine A. Ribic, and Peter R. Wilson. "Spatial and Temporal Variation of Diet Within a Presumed Metapopulation Of Adélie Penguins." Condor 105, no. 1 (February 1, 2003): 95–106.

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Abstract We investigated temporal and spatial variability in the diet of chick-provisioning Adélie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at all colonies within one isolated cluster in the southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica, 1994–2000. We wished to determine if prey quality explained different population growth and emigration rates among colonies. Diet composition was described both by conventional means (stomach samples) and by analysis of stable isotopes in chick tissues (toenails of individuals killed by skuas [Stercorarius maccormicki]). Diets were similar among the four study colonies compared to the disparity apparent among 14 widely spaced sites around the continent. Calorimetry indicated that fish are more energetically valuable than krill, implying that if diet varied by colony, diet quality could attract recruits and help to explain differential rates of colony growth. However, a multiple-regression analysis indicated that diet varied as a function of year, time within the year, and percent of foraging area covered by sea ice, but not by colony location. Stable isotopes revealed similarity of diet at one colony where conventional sampling was not possible. We confirmed that sea ice importantly affects diet composition of this species in neritic waters, and found that (1) quality of summer diet cannot explain different population growth rates among colonies, and (2) stable isotope analysis of chick tissues (toenails) is a useful tool to synoptically describe diet in this species over a large area. Variación Espacial y Temporal de la Dieta en una Supuesta Metapoblación de Pygoscelis adeliae Resumen. Investigamos la variabilidad temporal y espacial en la dieta de Pygoscelis adeliae que se encontraban aprovisionando a sus polluelos en todas las colonias dentro de un grupo aislado en el mar de Ross sud-occidental, Antártica, entre 1994 y 2000. Deseábamos determinar si la calidad de la presa explicaba las diferentes tasas de crecimiento poblacional y emigración entre colonias. La composición de la dieta fue descrita por medios convencionales (muestras estomacales) y por el análisis de isótopos estables en tejidos de los polluelos (uñas de las patas de los individuos matados por Stercorarius maccormicki). Las dietas fueron similares entre las 4 colonias estudiadas en relación a la disparidad de la dieta evidente entre 14 sitios dispersos a través del continente. Las análisis de calorimetría indicaron que los peces tienen un mayor valor energético que el krill, sugiriendo que si la dieta varía entre colonias, la calidad de la dieta podría atraer a reclutas y ayudaría a explicar los diferentes índices de crecimiento entre colonias. Sin embargo, un análisis de regresión múltiple indicó que la dieta varió en función del año, de la época dentro de un año, y del porcentaje de área de forrajeo cubierta por el hielo del mar, pero no en función de la localización de la colonia. Los isótopos estables revelaron la semejanza de la dieta en una colonia en que no era posible el muestreo convencional. Confirmamos que el hielo en el mar afecta de manera importante la composición de la dieta de esta especie en aguas neríticas, y encontramos que (1) la calidad de la dieta de verano no puede explicar las diferentes tasas de crecimiento poblacional entre colonias, y que (2) el análisis de isótopos estables de los tejidos de polluelos (uñas de las patas) es una herramienta útil para describir, sinópticamente, la dieta en esta especie a través de un área extensa.
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Hyeda, Adriano, and Élide Sbardellotto Mariano da Costa. "Economic analysis of costs with enteral and parenteral nutritional therapy according to disease and outcome." Einstein (São Paulo) 15, no. 2 (June 2017): 192–99.

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ABSTRACT Objective To conduct an economic analysis of enteral and parenteral diet costs according to the type of disease and outcome (survivors versus deaths). Methods It is a cross-sectional, observational, retrospective study with a qualitative and quantitative design, based on analysis of hospital accounts from a healthcare insurance provider in the Southern region of Brazil. Results We analyzed 301 hospital accounts of individuals who used enteral and parenteral diets. The total cost of the diet was 35.4% of hospital account total costs. The enteral modality accounted for 59.8% of total dietary costs. The major costs with diets were observed in hospitalizations related to infections, cancers and cerebro-cardiovascular diseases. The major costs with parenteral diet were with admissions related by cancers (64.52%) and dementia syndromes (46.17%). The highest ratio between total diet costs with the total of hospital account costs was in dementia syndromes (46.32%) and in cancers (41.2%). The individuals who died spent 51.26% of total of hospital account costs, being 32.81% in diet (47.45% of total diet value and 58.81% in parenteral modality). Conclusion Enteral and parenteral nutritional therapies account for a significant part of the costs with hospitalized individuals, especially in cases of cancers and dementia syndromes. The costs of parenteral diets were higher in the group of patients who died.
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Parker, Haley W., and Maya K. Vadiveloo. "Diet quality of vegetarian diets compared with nonvegetarian diets: a systematic review." Nutrition Reviews 77, no. 3 (January 8, 2019): 144–60.

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Sikalidis, Angelos K., Anita H. Kelleher, and Aleksandra S. Kristo. "Mediterranean Diet." Encyclopedia 1, no. 2 (April 25, 2021): 371–87.

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The Mediterranean diet is a food pattern incorporated into a set of lifestyle practices typical of Greece and Southern Italy in the early 1960s, where adult life expectancy was notably high, while rates of diet-related chronic diseases were low. The Mediterranean diet was described initially by the work of LG Allbaugh, commissioned by the Rockefeller foundation and the Greek government post-WW2 on the Greek island of Crete in 1948. The Mediterranean diet was accepted as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2013. The primary advantages of the Mediterranean diet include health benefits pertinent to cardiovascular, metabolic syndrome, and cognition.
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Haque, Sirajul, Shehla Basit, Ramesh Kumar Tanwani, Tabassum Zehra, and Nazir Ahmad Solangi. "BALANCED DIET." Professional Medical Journal 22, no. 10 (October 10, 2015): 1304–8.

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Objective: Non-pharmacological intervention to manage the health by healthybalanced diet and life style modifications. Study Design: Randomized Cross sectional Study.Place & Duration: Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) laboratoryKarachi from March 2012 to June 2013. Material & Methods: In this study, 210 volunteers wereincluded (137 male and 73 female) aged between 25-60 years. The study was conducted withthe questionnaire being filled at PCSIR labs, Karachi. The study period included from March toMay 2012. One year later the same group of volunteers were re-examined from March to June2013, who managed to alter the diet and life style for one year. The questionnaire was filled by anexpert well versed in collecting the data from the patients who attended the OPD at PCSIR labs.Results: The results indicate that a lot of people in our population lead a sedentary life styleand do not take part in physical activity which leads to health problems due to comparativelyless energy / calories expenditure. Conclusion: Efforts should be made globally to createa public awareness and provide healthy environment to the people about pursuing healthylifestyles. Several life style behaviors may influence to maintain energy balance over long term.The primary approach for achieving weight loss is lifestyle changes which includes reducedintake of calories and increase in physical activity. Regular, moderate intensity physical activityenhances long term weight maintenance and balance between energy input and output.
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Dwiyanti, Dewa Ayu Ari, and Putu Adi Suputra. "Diet Divertikulitis." Ganesha Medicine 1, no. 1 (October 15, 2021): 1.

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Divertikulitis adalah peradangan pada divertikula ( kantong kecil yang menonjol yang dapat terbentuk di lapisan sistem pencernaan,terutama di usus besar) dan merupakan komplikasi penting dari penyakit divertikular. Patofisiologi dari divertikulitis adalah penyumbatan kantung divertikulum oleh fecalith, yang dengan iritasi pada mukosa menyebabkan peradangan tingkat rendah, kemacetan dan obstruksi lebih lanjut. Divertikulitis dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu divertikulitis tidak rumit dan divertikultis rumit. Diverikulitis ini memiliki gejala seperti mual, muntah , nyeri abdomen, konstipasi, Kelemahan dan keletihan. Pengobatan divertikulitis dilakukan sesuai dengan tergantung pada seberapa parah kondisi yang dialami. Jika divertikulitis yang dialami berat atau rumit maka diperlukan penanganan reseksi bedah, sedangkan divertikulitis ringan atau tidak rumit dimana belum mengalami komplikasi dapat diberikan pengobatan antibiotik ataupun modifikasi diet. Modifikasi diet contohnya diet tinggi serat untuk mengoptimalkan pergerakan usus mereka, namun ini disarankan setelah episode akut telah diselesaikan dan diet FODMAP (Fermentable, Oligo, Disakarida, Monosakarida, serta Poliol) yang rendah dapat membantu mencegah terulangnya divertikulitis. Diet tinggi serat adalah modifikasi dari susunan makanan biasa dengan menambah bahan pangan yang banyak mengandung serat pangan, sedangkan FODMAP (Fermentable, Oligosakarida, Disakarida, Monosakarida, serta Poliol), adalah kelompok heterogen dari karbohidrat dan poliol rantai pendek yang sangat mudah difermentasi tetapi kurang terserap. Kata kunci: Divertikulitis, Diet Tinggi Serat, dan Diet Rendah FODMAP
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Watson, Walter H., Jiyang Cai, and Dean P. Jones. "DIET ANDAPOPTOSIS." Annual Review of Nutrition 20, no. 1 (July 2000): 485–505.

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Skinner, B. "Atkins diet." British Dental Journal 196, no. 6 (March 2004): 311.

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Viciani, Elisa. "Carpe diet." Nature Reviews Microbiology 15, no. 11 (October 3, 2017): 644.

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Ntaba, Dziwe. "BRAT Diet." Emergency Medicine News 26, no. 13 (January 2004): 27.

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Kossoff, Eric H., Sarah C. Doerrer, Steven P. Winesett, Zahava Turner, Bobbie J. Henry, Stacey Bessone, Anthony Stanfield, and Mackenzie C. Cervenka. "Diet Redux." Journal of Child Neurology 31, no. 8 (March 9, 2016): 1052–56.

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Schneider, Manuel. "Tempo Diet." Time & Society 6, no. 1 (February 1997): 85–98.

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Alderton, Gemma. "Sensing diet." Science 365, no. 6460 (September 26, 2019): 1415.6–1416.

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Breakey, Joan, and Cary Breakey. "DIET THERAPY." Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 36, no. 8 (August 1997): 1014–15.

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Contillo, Christine. "Muffin Diet." AJN, American Journal of Nursing 105, no. 7 (July 2005): 39.

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Greenhalgh, T. "Diet therapy." BMJ 310, no. 6990 (May 20, 1995): 1337.

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