Journal articles on the topic 'Diderms'
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Hall, Kari T., Melisha R. Kenedy, David K. Johnson, P. Scott Hefty, and Darrin R. Akins. "A conserved C-terminal domain of TamB interacts with multiple BamA POTRA domains in Borreliella burgdorferi." PLOS ONE 19, no. 8 (August 29, 2024): e0304839.
Full textPanigrahi, Priyabrata, Manas Sule, Ranu Sharma, Sureshkumar Ramasamy, and C. G. Suresh. "An improved method for specificity annotation shows a distinct evolutionary divergence among the microbial enzymes of the cholylglycine hydrolase family." Microbiology 160, no. 6 (June 1, 2014): 1162–74.
Full textMcClune, Mecaila E., Mari Davis, and Brandon Jutras. "Understanding the role of peptidoglycan and associated protein NapA in Lyme disease pathogenesis." Journal of Immunology 206, no. 1_Supplement (May 1, 2021): 99.17.
Full textKalinauskaitė-Žukauskė, Virginija. "LOPL gydymo optimizavimo svarba ir aklidinio / formoterolio veiksmingumas." Pulmonology and allergology 6, no. 2 (October 10, 2022): 214–20.
Full textZHAO, HUI-NAN, GU RAO, XIN-YA YANG, XIAO LI, HAI-LONG YU, BO ZHANG, and YU LI. "Two new species of Diderma (Physarales, Didymiaceae) from northern China." Phytotaxa 572, no. 1 (November 8, 2022): 61–73.
Full textSmolskas, Edgaras, Audrius Dulskas, Inga Kildušienė, Eugenijus Stratilatovas, and Narimantas E. Samalavičius. "Jatrogeninė kolonoskopinė storosios žarnos perforacija: vieno centro chirurginio gydymo rezultatai." Lietuvos chirurgija 16, no. 2 (April 12, 2017): 108–13.
Full textSmolskas, Edgaras, Audrius Dulskas, Inga Kildušienė, Eugenijus Stratilatovas, and Narimantas E. Samalavičius. "Jatrogeninė kolonoskopinė storosios žarnos perforacija: vieno centro chirurginio gydymo rezultatai." Lietuvos chirurgija 16, no. 2 (April 12, 2017): 108.
Full textJakuškaitė, Gabrielė, Giedrė Vanagaitė, Aušra Krivickienė, and Eglė Ereminienė. "FUNKCINIS TRIBURIO VOŽTUVO NESANDARUMAS." Health Sciences 33, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): 130–33.
Full textBezerra, Andrea Carla Caldas, and Laise de Holanda Cavalcanti. "Diderma albo-columella (Myxomycetes), a new species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest." Rodriguésia 61, no. 1 (March 2010): 105–8.
Full textGmoshinskiy, V. I., Yu K. Novozhilov, I. S. Prikhodko, F. M. Bortnikov, O. N. Shchepin, and M. Schnittler. "Morphology and phylogeny of Diderma aurantiacum (Myxomycetes) — a new species for Russia from the Far East." Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 57, no. 1 (2023): 27–42.
Full textZajankauskas, Vainius, Paulina Tursaitė, and Algirdas Musneckis. "PSORIAZĖS RYŠYS SU MIEGO SUTRIKIMAIS BEI DEPRESIJA." Health Sciences 33, no. 1 (January 1, 2023): 120–26.
Full textLiaudanskytė, Kristina, Dovilė Stonienė, and Andrius Macas. "PACIENTŲ, KURIEMS ATLIKTA CITOREDUKCIJA KARTU SU HIPERTERMINE INTRAPERITONINE CHEMOTERAPIJA, PERIOPERACINĖS PRIEŽIŪROS YPATUMAI." Health Sciences 5, no. 32 (August 1, 2022): 28–32.
Full textStephenson, Steven L., Yuri K. Novozhilov, Clive Shirley, and David W. Mitchell. "Additions to the myxomycetes known from New Zealand, including a new species of Diderma." Australian Systematic Botany 22, no. 6 (2009): 466.
Full textNovozhilov, Yuri K., Oleg N. Shchepin, Ilya Prikhodko, and Martin Schnittler. "A new nivicolous species of Diderma (Myxomycetes) from Kamchatka, Russia." Nova Hedwigia 114, no. 1-2 (February 18, 2022): 181–96.
Full textMOREIRA, IZABEL CRISTINA, LUCAS LEONARDO-SILVA, and SOLANGE XAVIER-SANTOS. "Diderma laiseae (Didymiaceae, Physarales), a new species of Myxomycetes from Brazil." Phytotaxa 682, no. 2 (January 21, 2025): 192–96.
Full textde Croismare, Marquis, Dan Valahu, and Heather Lloyd. "Three Croismare Documents: Weighing the Authenticity of Letters to Diderot's “Religieuse” and Mme Madin." PMLA/Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 121, no. 2 (March 2006): 532–45.
Full textConnon, Derek F., and Otis Fellows. "Diderot." Modern Language Review 86, no. 3 (July 1991): 724.
Full textAndré, Valérie. "Diderot." Féeries, no. 3 (February 1, 2006): 137–57.
Full textStarobinski, Jean. "Diderot." Littérature 161, no. 1 (2011): 5.
Full textChiw, Charisee, Gordon Kindlmann, John Reppy, Lamont Samuels, and Nick Seltzer. "Diderot." ACM SIGPLAN Notices 47, no. 6 (August 6, 2012): 111–20.
Full textFowler, J. "Diderot." French Studies 67, no. 3 (April 23, 2013): 386–93.
Full textLe Ru, Véronique. "Diderot." Sciences Humaines Les Essentiels, HS15 (August 24, 2023): 55–57.
Full textVučelj, Nermin. "Le philosophe Diderot contre l’abbé Diderot." Црквене студије 19, no. 19 (2022): 597–607.
Full textPujol, Stéphane. "Auctoritas: Auteur et Autorité Chez Diderot." Studia Litterarum 2, no. 1 (2017): 62–75.
Full textRudinskaitė, Ieva, Giedrius Navickas, Robertas Stasys Samalavičius, and Pranas Šerpytis. "ŠIUOLAIKINIS KARDIOGENINIO ŠOKO GYDYMAS." Health Sciences 32, no. 1 (January 26, 2022): 159–66.
Full textSTEPHENSON, STEVEN L., and BARBARA C. STEPHENSON. "Distribution and ecology of myxomycetes on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean." Phytotaxa 416, no. 2 (September 10, 2019): 138–48.
Full textGil, Linda. "Une lettre inédite de Diderot à Charles Burney, ou le difficile métier d’éditeur d’une correspondance." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 59 (2024): 119–34.
Full textGorbatov, Inna. "Le voyage de Diderot en Russie." Analyses 38, no. 2-3 (September 5, 2007): 215–29.
Full textTamizari, Fabiana. "Diderot e a educação como projeto de Estado." EDUCAÇÃO E FILOSOFIA 33, no. 69 (January 5, 2021): 1401–32.
Full textSilva, Arlenice Almeida da. "A ideia de composição nos Salões de Diderot." Trans/Form/Ação 44, no. 2 (June 2021): 33–58.
Full textLaforge, Fr. "Diderot et le "journal intime"." Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France o 87, no. 6 (June 1, 1987): 1015–22.
Full textMatos, Franklin de. "A Dramaturgia do Quadro (Ensaio sobre O Filho Natural de Diderot)." Discurso, no. 26 (June 9, 1996): 93–112.
Full textEroğlu, Gönül. "Cribraria lepida, Physarum dictyosporum, P. diderma, and P. spectabile newly recorded from Turkey." Mycotaxon 136, no. 4 (February 8, 2022): 853–63.
Full textJimack, Peter, and Georges Dulac. "Editer Diderot." Modern Language Review 86, no. 3 (July 1991): 723.
Full textSaada, Anne. "Diderot revisité." Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 123, no. 3 (June 1, 1998): 95–100.
Full textFowler, J. E., and Diana Guiragossian Carr. "Diderot Studies." Modern Language Review 93, no. 1 (January 1998): 226.
Full textDelon, Michel. "Diderot hoje." Rapsódia, no. 15 (December 1, 2021): 05–13.
Full textSaada, Anne. "Diderot revisité." Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 123, no. 1 (1998): 95–100.
Full textVissière, Jean-Louis. "Diderot caricaturiste." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie 18, no. 1 (1995): 249–50.
Full textStarobinski, Jean. "Diderots Gezwitscher." Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte 4, no. 4 (2010): 51–66.
Full textBourdin, Jean-Claude, and Colas Duflo. "Diderot philosophe." Archives de Philosophie 71, no. 1 (2008): 5.
Full textBourdin, Jean-Claude. "Diderot métaphysicien." Archives de Philosophie 71, no. 1 (2008): 13.
Full textMota, Vladimir De Oliva. "Diderot salonnier." Discurso 45, no. 1 (August 19, 2015): 217–44.
Full textGuinsburg, Jacó. "Denis Diderot." Revista USP, no. 4 (February 28, 1990): 123.
Full textStrugnell, Anthony. "Diderot Studies." French Studies 59, no. 4 (October 1, 2005): 548–49.
Full textRenwick, John, Roland Mortier, and Michele Mat. "Diderot et son temps: Catalogue de l'Exposition Diderot." Modern Language Review 82, no. 1 (January 1987): 203.
Full textStrugnell, Anthony. "L’édition du dernier Diderot. Pour un Diderot électronique." Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie, no. 43 (October 29, 2008): 176–78.
Full textGigandet, Alain. "La leçon des atomes. L'influence lucrétienne chez diderot." RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA, no. 2 (May 2012): 253–66.
Full textGasse-Houle, Magali. "Les natures mortes de Chardin : l’échec de l’écriture dans les Salons de Diderot." Études françaises 40, no. 3 (December 20, 2004): 151–65.
Full textVitez, Primož. "La prise de la parole dans Les Contes philosophiques de Diderot." Acta Neophilologica 53, no. 1-2 (November 27, 2020): 231–43.
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