Academic literature on the topic 'Didactique des langues-Cultures étrangères'
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Journal articles on the topic "Didactique des langues-Cultures étrangères"
Álvarez Correa, Emilce, and Juliana P. Lianes Sánchez. "Quand l'enseignement des langues étrangères s'intéresse a la bioethique." Interacción 13 (October 1, 2014): 29–36.
Full textGrimm-Pfefferli, Linda, Steffi Morkötter, and Anna Schröder-Sura. "Le matériel didactique dans le projet MEMO : développer les compétences plurilingues dans et pour l’apprentissage du français." Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning 12, no. 2 (December 3, 2024): 327–45.
Full textBen Harrat, Malika. "De l’apprenti locuteur au traducteur: les apports d’une formation à la réflexivité en langue étrangère." Cahiers du Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, no. 66 (February 16, 2023): 85–116.
Full textMartin, Gérard-Vincent. "Didactique des langues-cultures étrangères : questions de périmètres." Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée 133, no. 1 (2004): 33.
Full textDelahaie, Juliette, Laurence Rouanne, and Emmanuelle Canut. "Les verbes recteurs faibles dans l’expression de l’opinion en français et en espagnol." Travaux de linguistique 84-85, no. 1 (July 25, 2023): 131–57.
Full textBecerra, Lizandro. "Un scénario ludo-éducatif pour l'apprentissage des langues étrangères : vers une architecture didactique pertinente." SHS Web of Conferences 146 (2022): 03004.
Full textKIM, Hee-Kyung. "Réflexions sur l'avenir de la didactique du français langues étrangères: sous la didactique des langues étrangères face à l'évolution des technologies." Societe d'Etudes Franco-Coreennes 101 (April 30, 2023): 129–54.
Full textKIM, Hee-Kyung. "Réflexions sur l'avenir de la didactique du français langues étrangères: sous la didactique des langues étrangères face à l'évolution des technologies." Societe d'Etudes Franco-Coreennes 101 (April 30, 2023): 129–54.
Full textBoudalia-Greffou, Malika. "Pédagogie maternelle et didactique des langues étrangères." NAQD N° 5, no. 2 (1993): 42.
Full textNeves, Angela das. "Compétence plurilingue et pluriculturelle dans l'enseignement universitaire du FLE au Brésil." Gláuks - Revista de Letras e Artes 24, no. 2 (November 12, 2024): 131–50.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Didactique des langues-Cultures étrangères"
Da, Silva Akborisova Elena. "Linguistique de corpus et didactique des langues et des cultures étrangères : étude comparée français-russe." Thesis, Paris, INALCO, 2014.
Full textThis thesis aims to contribute to the DDL (Data-Driven Learning) approach in French vocabulary teaching. In the framework of the DDL approach we use corpora to teach different language phenomena. Vocabulary, one of the immediate needs of a language learner because it makes a communication in a foreign language possible, has become a popular research theme in the fields of linguistics and language teaching. Idiomaticity, an inherent part of all languages, manifests through various expressions. Phraseology studies different ways of expressing idiomaticity. Corpus linguistics permits to observe this language phenomenon in a structure/sense framework. Idiomatic expressions in general and collocations in particular are the heart and the main focus of the teaching perspective described in this thesis. Even advanced language learners make errors in light verb constructions. The teaching material presented in this study seeks to promote the search in bilingual corpora in the classroom in order to identify these collocations in L1 and in L2, to understand them, to find equivalents and finally, to use them correctly. A comparative French-Russian approach reinforced by a study of concordance lines from authentic corpora might contribute to better understanding of a particular language feature. This study falls in line with deductive learning practices and with the learners’ autonomisation perspective
Le, Goff Jean. "Idéologie et déontologie en didactique des langues étrangères : contribution à la création d'un C.E.L.C. (Comité d'éthique des langues et des cultures)." Aix-Marseille 1, 1995.
Full textVi, Van Dinh. "L'évaluation en didactique des langues étrangères : Essai d'analyse d'un contexte vietnamien." Rouen, 1999.
Full textChen, Yuchen. "Didactique des langues étrangères et ressources matérielles d'apprentissage en dispositif d'autoformation." Grenoble 3, 2005.
Full textLemoine, Véronique. "Diversités franco-allemandes : Pratiques interculturelles et autonomisantes en didactique des langues étrangères." Thesis, Lille 3, 2014.
Full textThe action-oriented approach which has been institutionalised by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is also called “the new methodology in the teaching and learning of languages”. It is widely used, both for official and for research purposes. This thesis aims to test and question the construction of understanding of this methodology both in France (the Educational Authority of Lille) and in Germany (Land Hessen, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) by looking at the practices and discourses of primary school teachers (écoles élémentaires and Grundschule) through the concepts of both the intercultural and independent approaches. These notions, as well as being cornerstones constructed by and for the research, are defined by interrelation and questioned with a reflexive and critical mind-set. They are especially debated in opposition to the reifying culturalist approach. These notions strain against the official requirements and the beliefs of the teachers with whom I collaborated on this project. The research is based on the intersection of much empirical data from both France as well as Germany, for example: focus groups with teachers, observation of foreign language lessons, interviews with the teachers, literature detailing official requirements (language syllabuses) and literature detailing recommendations (the online training packages of Pairform@nce and Intel Lehren Aufbaukurs Online). The discourses, which have been placed into context, are analysed with regards to the theories of enunciation and dialogism. The thesis offers a critical perspective of comparative differentialist visions, yet allows a visualisation of the results that enhance the Franco-German diversities in order to build an understanding of the research objective
Perrichon, Emilie. "Agir d'usage et agir d'apprentissage en didactique des langues-cultures étrangères : enjeux conceptuels, évolution historique et construction d'une nouvelle perpective actionnelle." Saint-Etienne, 2008.
Full textThe action-oriented approach has increasingly become the focus for development in language learning theory in Europe. Nowadays, working alongside others using the medium of a foreign language is more and more common both in one's native environment or abroad. This development implies the common aim of social co-action, that is to say achieving completed and joint targets by means of foreign language learning programmes which have been constructed with direct reference to specific social frameworks be these professional, for study or for everyday survival skills. The origin of this approach lies in the 2001 publication of the Common European framework for language learning wich accounts for the learner as social actor who indeed is no longer perceived as merely inhabiting alongside other foreigners but who is expected to interact with them jointly as social agents. It is within the process of acting and working together as social partners that common representations are constructed. By virtue of this emphasis on joint social action we must develop learning tasks wich take the learner further than what so far has been seen merely as his need to be able to communicate. The action-oriented approach presents us with a new methodological paradigm which takes into account the social aspects and aims of european citizenship, the ability via foreign language acquisition not only to communicate but to act, live and work with foreigners. The aim then of the action-oriented approach is that the process of learning a foreign language is simultaneously a process of learning to co-act by a series of appropriate tasks which require co-action
Suzuki, Elli. "Cultures d'enseignement et cultures d'apprentissage en didactique des langues-cultures : comparaison entre le japonais langue étrangère en France et le français langue étrangère au Japon." Paris 3, 2004.
Full textCultural diversity and alterity recognition are part of our everyday lives, particularly so for teachers and learners of culture-language. Communication disruptions may happen in a language classroom too. When facing the other, many questions may arise: in which situations should we take into account cultural specificities ? How can we manage cross-cultural conflicts caused by the gap between “cultures of teaching” and “cultures of learning” ? Would knowing the other’s culture be the key to cross-cultural understanding ? What constitute “cultures of teaching” and “cultures of learning” ? Are teachers aware of their words’ & attitudes’ impact on the culture-language learner’s perception, and on that culture-language’s teaching/learning ? How do teachers and students respond when facing another culture ? How can learners be led to learning autonomy ? All these questions will be dealt with through a comparative enquiry addressing four types of audience: native/non-native teachers and learners of FFL (French as a Foreign Language) in Japan, native/non-native teachers and learners of JFL (Japanese as a Foreign Language) in French higher education. Results of this enquiry’s analysis will show that the distinction between native and non-native teachers is the decisive factor in building “cultures of teaching”, while “cultures of learning” essentially involve emotional factors
Eisl, Margit. "Autriche-France : représentations croisées en milieu scolaire : Perspectives interculturelles en didactique des langues étrangères." Montpellier 3, 2006.
Full textStudies of the didactics of foreign languages confirm the superficial and reduced perception of the target language and culture in college students and even in university students. Fundamental research of the reception of Austria in France and that of France in Austria has been done only in a few fields. The present study (in German language teachers in France, and in French language teachers in Austria) breaks new ground on mutual perception (regards croisés), especially with regard to language teaching on a college level. It shows, on the one hand, stereotype images present in young people, and, on the other hand, the basic approach and the know-how of foreign language teachers vis-à-vis intercultural competence. Results were interpreted within the educational context (curricula, textbooks, relative official directives) as well as against the background of the impact of historical and current Franco-Austrian relations, official cultural policies and media transporting stereotype images and resentments present in either society. How to intervene with negative attitudes and reduced images present in foreign language teaching? The didactic section of the present study presents a model for a gradual introduction of intercultural competence in the second foreign language, focussing on differentiating reflections of the foreign, and the native, culture
Wang-Szilas, Jue. "Les enjeux de l’intégration de l’eTandem en didactique des langues-cultures étrangères : interactions entre apprenants et dynamique institutionnelle dans un dispositif universitaire sino-francophone." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016.
Full textBased on a Chinese-French eTandem course initiated and developed by the University of Geneva (Switzerland) and the University of Hubei (China) over five years, this thesis tackles two issues: instructional design of the course and co-construction of competences through the realization of the roles of expert (native speaker) and learner (non-native speaker). On the one hand, our research shows that the course design should take into account the influence of the institutional requirements, teaching methods and the educational cultures on students’ motivation, strategies, and performance. On the other hand, we analyse interactions between learners, which present varying organisational styles. Thanks to the institutionalisation of the eTandem course, the « didactical characteristics » identified in their interaction mobilizes technological and intercultural resources related to the learning process. We show particularly how problem-solving strategies (negotiation of meaning and form) are extended and enriched by new technologies
Atienza, José Luis. "La construction de programmes culturels en didactique des langues étrangères : quelles théories pour quelles pratiques ?" Paris 3, 1998.
Full textThis thesis considers three objectives: 1. To base theoretically the necessity for cultural curricula for teaching of foreign languages; 2. To suggest -in accordance with the theories used for this purpose- a procedure for the desing of such curricula; 3. To propose a didactic model capable of assuring the aplication of the procedure as established. In order to approach the first objective we have based ourselves, on the one hand, on historical and cultural psychology and on the theory of activity which is its central nucleus and, on the other hand, on the pragmatic theories of the language. Based on these foundations, we have proposed a model of cultural construction of human nature -on the phylogenetic and ontogenetic levels- in which language plays a role of primary importance. In effect, it is the mediating instrument par excellence in the hominization processes that take place in the framework of daily social interactions. Moreover, as these interactions, as well as the languages themselves, are integral part of each cultural community, the acquisition of foreign language in the educational system require us to find a way of reconstructing -in a pedagogical context and so that they can be experienced by learners- communicative situations inherent to the target language. In order to try to accomplish the second objective -a procedure for cultural curricula desing, we have proposed a model for the identification of ecologically pertinent social interactions and procedure to make it operational, on the basis of the theoretical assumptions previously expounded. In short, related to the third objective, we have chosen play as a priviled classroom activitys since it has the peculiarity of being culture, space for reconstruction of cultural interactions and instrument of cultural transmission with which the humankind has been gifted throught history
Books on the topic "Didactique des langues-Cultures étrangères"
Eija, Suomela-Salmi, ed. Pour une didactique des imaginaires dans l'enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
Find full textVan, Dinh Vi. L'évaluation en didactique des langues étrangères: Essai d'analyse d'un contexte Vietnamien. Lille: A.N.R.T., Université de Lille III, 2000.
Find full textGoff, Jean Le. Idéologie et déontologie en didactique des langues étrangères: Contribution à la création d'un C.E.L.C. (Comité d'Éthique des Langues et des Cultures). Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1995.
Find full textGroupe de recherches en linguistique, informatique et sémiotique (France), ed. Autonomie et didactique des langues: Le Conseil de l'Europe et les langues étrangères (1970-1990). Paris: Diffusion Les Belles Lettres, 1995.
Find full textZarate, Geneviève. Représentations de l'étranger et didactique des langues. Paris: Didier, 1995.
Find full textPuren, Christian. La didactique des langues étrangères à la croisée des méthodes: Essai sur l'éclectisme. Paris: Didier, 2000.
Find full textIII, Université de Paris, ed. La construction de programmes culturels en didactique des langues étrangères: Quelles théories pour quelles pratiques. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1998.
Find full textMesnier-Galtier, Christine. Enseignement initial des langues étrangères et pratiques communicatives de la classe: Perspectives pour une didactique des langues à l'école primaire française. Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1997.
Find full textBorg, Serge. La notion de progression en didactologie des langues-cultures: Observations centrées sur la didactique du français langue étrangère. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1997.
Find full textAline, Gohard-Radenkovic, ed. Plurilinguisme, interculturalité et didactique des langues étrangères dans un contexte bilingue =: Mehrsprachigkeit, interkulturalität und fremdsprachendidaktik in einem zweisprachigen kontext. Bern: Peter Lang, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Didactique des langues-Cultures étrangères"
Kopeleva, Galina. "La civilisation française dans le cadre des événements culturels étudiants à l’Institut de la culture d’État de Saint-Pétersbourg." In Quelles compétences en langues, littératures et cultures étrangères ?, 41–50. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textCapucho, Filomena, and Guy Achard-Bayle. "8 Didactique des langues étrangères." In Manuel de linguistique populaire, 219–30. De Gruyter, 2023.
Full textYUN-ROGER, Soyoung. "Les temporalités dans les télécollaborations entre classes de langues étrangères." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 55–64. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textGONG, Junji. "Asymétrie culturelle entre les termes de parenté chinois et français." In Distance entre langues, distance entre cultures, 33–44. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textARGAUD, Evelyne. "Le cours de culture française." In Quelles compétences en langues, littératures et cultures étrangères ?, 95–104. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textEuch, Sonia El. "La didactique des langues secondes ou étrangères." In Didactiques: bilans et perspectives, 125–52. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2017.
Full textCHEN, Lian. "Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures en CLE - L1D." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 109–30. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textGlukhova, Yulia. "Documents authentiques dans l’enseignement du FLE pour débutants." In Quelles compétences en langues, littératures et cultures étrangères ?, 31–40. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textMIRAS, Grégory, and Najib ARBACH. "L’apport d’une plateforme numérique sur l’hybridation de cours de FLE pour les apprenants et les enseignants." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 23–36. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textBOOSTANI, Nooshin. "L’intégration du smartphone dans l’enseignement-apprentissage du vocabulaire en classe de FLE : le cas de la plateforme Wooclap." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 91–108. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Didactique des langues-Cultures étrangères"
Sagnier, Christine. "Objectif littératie : pour de nouvelles modélisations en didactique des langues étrangères." In 2ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2010.
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