Academic literature on the topic 'Didactic gestures and study gestures'

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Journal articles on the topic "Didactic gestures and study gestures"


Petrova, Daina. "READING TEACHING WITH THE HELP OF SOUND GESTURES FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN WITH MENTAL DEVELOPMENT DISORDERS." Education Reform: Education Content Research and Implementation Problems 2 (December 31, 2019): 114.

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The native language, its skills, understanding and sense are important to every member of society, it puts thinking, communicating, and text creating into order, and it indicates to educatedness. Literacy as a key skill in everyday life is essential for acquiring and implementing the nowadays’ life skills.There are situations where pupils have not yet acquired reading skills for several years, and the issue becomes topical on how to teach to read in their age and form group, and at different levels of psychological development. One of the options is to start intensive reading learning with the help of sound gestures, where each sound or letter is represented by a gesture. This approach allows pupils starting to read and understand what they read.The purpose of the study is to research the literature on reading learning possibilities and to develop didactic materials for reading teaching with the help of sound gestures for the primary school children with mental development disorders.Study methods: literature analysis, document study, observations, questionnaire, data collection and statistical processing.Based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of literature, the author of the paper has developed didactic materials for reading teaching with the help of the sound gestures for the primary school children with mental development disabilities. Taking into account the principles of special pedagogy and speech therapy, the process of reading teaching with the help of sound gestures focuses on the difficulty levels during reading, deliberate avoidance of difficulties.The research includes the seven primary school children with mental development disorders and three teachers from the mentioned school, 30 respondents from different educational institutions.At the conclusion of the research, evaluating the effectiveness of the didactic material developed, it was concluded that it is possible to contribute to reading teaching through sound gestures for the primary school age children with mental development disorders.
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Corica, Ana Rosa. "Comparison the Fee of Cell Phone Companies: Collaborative Study between a Mathematics Teacher-Trainee and High School Students." International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology 8, no. 1 (January 12, 2020): 16.

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This paper reports on the results of the design and implementation of a didactic device proposed by a mathematics teacher-trainee. This student did a course designed for didactic - mathematical training with the aim of adopting a non-traditional didactic model based on research, while linking mathematics with other disciplines. The teacher-trainee developed its implementation in a senior- course of an Argentine high school. This didactic device is based on the analysis of a real and present situation whose study allows to make some gestures of the questioning world paradigm, in the current conditions of an Argentine high school.
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Ad oggi in Italia il contatto con la lingua inglese fin dalla prima infanzia è piuttosto diffuso, sebbene la normativa lo renda obbligatorio solo a partire dalla scuola primaria; diverse strategie didattiche (in relazione ai diversi ordini e gradi scolastici) sono state definite. Lo studio propone un approccio basato su un ricorso “amplificato” al canale visivo-gestuale, canale presente in tutte le lingue in virtù della multimodalità. Il punto di partenza è il concetto di utterance visible actiondi Kendon, che elimina la netta differenziazione fra gesto e segno: data dunque la continuità tra gesti coverbali e segni delle lingue dei segni, con particolare riferimento alla LIS (Lingua dei Segni Italiana), vengono prese in considerazione le potenzialità glottodidattiche dell’accostare il gesto/segno alla parola in inglese, sfruttando l’iconicità e l’embodied cognition. L’approccio è stato sperimentato all’interno di un progetto condotto in provincia di Ragusa nell’a.s. 2022/2023, con destinatari di età compresa fra 3 mesi e 8 anni. Le attività proposte mostrano un miglioramento nella comprensione e produzione della lingua inglese. Il modello si pone come un approccio inclusivo e integrato, in linea con una visione gestaltica dell’educazione linguistica. An approach based on the ‘amplified’ use of the visual-gestural channel To date, in Italy, contact with the English language from early childhood is quite widespread, although the legislation makes it obligatory only starting from primary school. Various didactic strategies, in relation to the different school levels, have been defined. The study proposes an approach based on an ‘amplified’ use of the visual-gestural channel, which can be found in all languages ​​thanks to multimodality. The starting point is Kendon’s concept of utterance visible action, which eliminates the clear differentiation between gesture and sign. Given the continuity between coverbal gestures and signs of sign languages, with particular reference to LIS (Italian Sign Language), the glottodidactic potential of combining the gesture/sign with the word in English, exploiting iconicity and embodied cognition, is taken into consideration. The approach was tested within a project conducted in the province of Ragusa in the s.y. 2022/2023, with participants aged between 3 months and 8 years. The proposed activities show an improvement in understanding and producing the English language. The model turns out to be an inclusive and integrated approach, in line with a Gestalt vision of language education.
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Gorgon, Lembe, Mviri Hubert César, Entsiro François, Ewamela Aristide, and Massamba Alphonse. "Contextualization of Traditional Physical Activity “Ekienga” in Physical Education at Congolese Primary School." Journal of Educational Issues 6, no. 1 (March 25, 2020): 70.

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The aim of the study was to identify and analyze the motor behaviors of practitioners of the traditional Congolese Ekienga activity, and to offer teaching content for this activity at primary school level in the context of physical education. The research, observational and didactic, was based on the one hand on the evaluation of the bodily gestures carried out during Ekienga in 34 adult men, and on the other hand the construction of teaching programs. The results obtained showed that Ekienga’s internal logic allows the construction of knowledge and relevant teaching content in physical education at primary school in Congo.
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El Assraoui, Khadija, Zineb Al jalil, Yasmina Cheikh, Khadija Kaoun, Souad Chaouir, and Samira Bellemkhannate. "Perception of the Contribution of Video Demonstrations in Dental Practical Training." European Journal of Education and Pedagogy 5, no. 1 (January 24, 2024): 1–6.

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Objectives: Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become integral part of our our students’ daily lives. Their use in practical teaching facilitates the learning process. With the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstration videos were integrated into the pre-clinical practical activities. This work aims to evaluate the students’ appreciation of the demonstration videos made for the pre-clinical practical activities (PPA) of the removable partial denture for the students of the 5th semester.Methods: The Removable Prosthodontics Department professors produced 10-minute didactic video recordings describing the themes of the pre-clinical practice activities. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted during the 2021–2022 academic year to assess students’ perceptions of the effectiveness and relevance of these videos. Data were collected using an anonymous questionnaire given to student volunteers at the end of the third year (June 2022).Results: The majority of students favorably appreciated the role of videos in saving time during the session, reducing stress, and better understanding of practical gestures, as well as the average length of videos, the quality of videos in terms of sound, magnification, and the usefulness of text annotations.Conclusion: Videos allow students to preview the practical gestures severaltimes before the PPA session to better see the demonstration with sufficient magnification and to reduce stress. Both techniques have proven to be effective, and their combination will bring better satisfaction to the students.
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Corica, Ana Rosa, and María Rita Otero. "The perspective of teacher trainees about the mathematics teacher´s professionLe point de vue des enseignants stagiaires sur le métier de professeur de mathématiques." Educação Matemática Pesquisa : Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática 22, no. 4 (September 15, 2020): 809–16.

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AbstractWe present some results of the design and implementation of a research and study course for the Mathematics teacher trainees. The research is based on the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic. We analyze which gestures of the paradigm of the questioning and the research are identified in teacher trainees that study the question: how to teach mathematical knowledge.Keywords: Teacher Training, Mathematics, Anthropological Theory of the Didactical.RésuméNous présentons quelques résultats de la conception et de la mise en œuvre d'un programme d'étude et recherche pour la formation des enseignants en mathématiques, basé sur la Théorie Anthropologique du Didactique. On analyse les gestes du paradigme de la recherche et du questionnement du monde identifiés chez les étudiants quand ils étudient la question: comment enseigner des mathématiques ?Mots-clés: Formation des enseignants, Mathématiques, Théorie anthropologique de la didactique.
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Corica, Ana Rosa, and María Rita Otero. "The perspective of teacher trainees about the mathematics teacher´s professionLe point de vue des enseignants stagiaires sur le métier de professeur de mathématiques." Educação Matemática Pesquisa : Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educação Matemática 22, no. 4 (September 15, 2020): 809–16.

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AbstractWe present some results of the design and implementation of a research and study course for the Mathematics teacher trainees. The research is based on the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic. We analyze which gestures of the paradigm of the questioning and the research are identified in teacher trainees that study the question: how to teach mathematical knowledge.Keywords: Teacher Training, Mathematics, Anthropological Theory of the Didactical.RésuméNous présentons quelques résultats de la conception et de la mise en œuvre d'un programme d'étude et recherche pour la formation des enseignants en mathématiques, basé sur la Théorie Anthropologique du Didactique. On analyse les gestes du paradigme de la recherche et du questionnement du monde identifiés chez les étudiants quand ils étudient la question: comment enseigner des mathématiques ?Mots-clés: Formation des enseignants, Mathématiques, Théorie anthropologique de la didactique.
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Zaytseva, O. A., and M. V. Terskikh. "Didactic Potential of News Videos in Russian as a Foreign Language Classes." Current Issues in Philology and Pedagogical Linguistics, no. 2 (June 25, 2023): 216–28.

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The article is devoted to the study of the didactic potential of authentic journalistic news videos in classes in Russian as a foreign language. By authentic materials, authors mean printed texts, videos and audio recordings that students face in everyday life – outside the classroom; at the same time, the main purpose of such materials is not to teach the language, but to transfer information and organize real communication. This kind of journalistic video material is considered in this study as a means of forming the language and socio-cultural competencies of students of the Russian language as a foreign language. The article emphasizes the specifics of this kind of educational content: the use in a large number of colloquial vocabulary, speech clichés, professional terms, words with emotional coloring, evaluative vocabulary, equivalent vocabulary, phraseological units, metaphors, quotes and reminiscences that imply knowledge of precedent texts, specific gestures, facial expressions, etc. The authors cover various approaches to the problem of using authentic texts in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language, determine the main criteria for selecting authentic news video materials for Russian as a foreign language lessons, depending on the level of students. The authors emphasize that it is advisable to use news videos as authentic materials in classes in Russian as a foreign language starting from the B1 level: foreign students who speak Russian at this level are able to perceive by ear and understand monological statements within the framework of current socio-cultural topics. As a practical material, the article presents an algorithm for working with news journalistic content in accordance with the level of proficiency in the Russian language, proposed samples of tasks for use in classes in Russian as a foreign language. The methodological basis of the study was the use of the following methods: a descriptive and analytical method, a method of systematization and classification, a design method, as well as a communicative methodology for teaching a foreign language.
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Bouchebcheb, Leila. "Innover pour apprendre la langue étrangère : Traduire le numérique en gestes didactiques via les plateformes." Traduction et Langues 22, no. 2 (December 31, 2023): 308–22.

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Innovating to Learn the Foreign Language: Translating digital into didactic gestures via platforms Information and Communication Technologies for Information (ICT) play a crucial role in language learning within the constructivist didactic context. This perspective encompasses not only learning itself but also acquiring the ability to learn, interact, and train effectively. The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Constantine has actively collaborated with educational and ministerial units, engaging in program restructuring to integrate ICT within a constructivist pedagogical framework. In this approach, learning is viewed as a socially situated phenomenon, and the interaction between the instructor and the learner is considered a social aspect of both knowledge and skill acquisition in the teaching/learning process. The utilization of ICT in higher education is gaining increasing attention. This study focuses on online training systems that bring together sixty teachers who have undergone ICT training over various periods. These initiatives aim to reshape traditional teaching practices and teacher behaviours, fostering a path towards "learning to learn" that diverges from conventional approaches. To assess the reality on the ground and understand ongoing educational projects that integrate ICT, the study delves into the collective efforts within the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Constantine. Conducted as part of teacher training in ICT usage, the study investigates the integration of ICT into face-to-face teaching through remote platforms, exemplified by making online courses available on the Moodle platform. The primary objective is to incorporate ICT into students' training programs through innovative practices, emphasizing the development of technological skills such as PowerPoint usage, document sharing, blog creation, forum participation, and utilization of the platform's messaging system. As both a trainer and trainee, having participated in various ICT programs, I find it imperative to analyze the teacher training process to assess the effectiveness of implemented innovations. Teachers expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to participate in the training program, highlighting the development of previously unfamiliar technological skills. Innovation in ICT is directly associated with positive changes in learning outcomes, introducing socio- pedagogical modes of interaction that redefine the roles of both teachers and students. This shift enables them to adeptly appropriate new technological tools, emphasizing the transformative impact of ICT in the educational landscape.
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Urazaeva, Nailya, and Liudmila Sergeevna Komisarova. "Cultural aspect of teaching students a foreign language based on video blogs." Человек и культура, no. 4 (April 2024): 100–110.

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The subject of the study is the process of teaching German classes using video blogs not only as a means of teaching speaking and listening, but also as a means of forming socio-cultural competence. The article discusses the concept of "blog" and its role in the process of teaching German to students of higher educational institutions. The authors raise the question of the need to include Internet resources, in particular video blogs, in the educational process, the formation of students' socio-cultural competence, one of the components of foreign language communicative competence. This competence contributes to the acquisition of skills and knowledge necessary for effective intercultural communication. The main idea of using video blogs is the interrelated and complementary teaching of a foreign language and the culture of the language being studied in the context of intercultural dialogue. It is possible to extract valuable linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge from video blogs, to master models of speech behavior in various situations of intercultural communication. Also, video blogs contain up-to-date information on various topics and provide feedback opportunities that contribute to the formation of the ability to express and argue your point of view in German. As with any didactic tool, certain selection criteria are imposed on video blogs. With a competent selection and presentation of the material, the teacher will be able to form a foreign language competence of the student in a complex, taking into account all language levels: lexical, phonetic, grammatical, as well as extralinguistic factors, such as the communication situation, facial expressions, gestures, etc.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Didactic gestures and study gestures"


Marrot, Gilles. "Les transitions codiques comme indicateur des dynamiques communicationnelles conjointes. : Vers une caractérisation des gestes d’étude des élèves." Thesis, Antilles, 2019.

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Notre projet de recherche ambitionne de mesurer l’impact sur les activités d’apprentissage des élèves du recours, par les acteurs de la situation didactique, à un enchainement de canaux de communication. Ce phénomène d’enchaînement orchestrant les activités du faire apprendre et de l’apprendre, sont nommés transitions codiques. Il s’agit dans un premier temps d’en montrer l’enjeu scientifique dans le champ de la didactique. Ensuite, il est question d’en circonscrire les caractéristiques essentielles. Enfin, il s’agit d’étudier l’impact différentiel de ces caractéristiques sur les gestes d’étude des élèves. Cette étude, en s’inscrivant dans le paradigme de l’interactionnisme symbolique, exige l’exploitation croisée de trois cadres théoriques en didactique : celui de la théorie des situations didactiques (TSD) qui identifie des typologies de situations organisées autour d’étapes dans la construction d’une connaissance en jeu, celui de la théorie anthropologique du didactique (TAD) qui articule au savoir en jeu la notion de rapport au savoir, et qui substitue cette notion de savoir à celle de praxéologie, et enfin celui de la théorie de l’action conjointe en didactique (TACD), organisé autour de l’idée essentielle que le savoir scolaire ne se définit pas de façon descendante et prescriptive, mais relève aussi d’une transposition ascendante qui induit la nécessaire prise en compte des dimensions d’épistémologie pratique de l’enseignant dans son institution, des actions didactiques et de ces différents descripteurs. Le dispositif mis en place, nous inscrit dans les perspectives comparatistes en didactique selon une approche descriptive et compréhensive en croisant des entretiens, des observations vidéos, et traces prises au vol.Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence que les transitions codiques constituent l’essentiel du temps d’interaction et s'organisent selon une charge directionnelle, des délais, des degrés d’ostension qui évoluent dans le temps et qui renseignent sur le registre d'action enseignante. Ces caractéristiques varient également selon le mode de convocation des savoirs qui les sous-tendent, à l’interface entre cognition consciente et intuition. Elles structurent une rythmique de l’intervention et de l’interaction différentielle au regard des niveaux de pratique et du genre. Elles pilotent en conséquence les gestes d’étude des élèves
Our research project aims to measure the impact on pupils' learning activities of the use, by the actors of the didactic situation, of a series of channels of communication. This phenomenon of sequencing orchestrating the activities of learning and learning are called code transitions. It is a question of first showing the scientific stake in the field of didactics. Then, it is a question of circumscribing its essential characteristics. Finally, it is a question of studying the differential impact of these characteristics on the students' gestures of study.This study, in keeping with the paradigm of symbolic interactionism, requires the cross-exploitation of three theoretical frameworks in didactics: that of the theory of didactical situations (TSD) which identifies typologies of situations organized around stages in the construction of a knowledge at stake, that of the anthropological theory of didactics (TAD) which articulates to the knowledge at stake the notion of relation to knowledge, and which substitutes this notion of knowledge for that of praxeology, and finally that of the theory of joint action in didactics (TACD), organized around the essential idea that school knowledge is not defined in a top-down and prescriptive way, but is also an upward transposition which induces the necessary consideration of the dimensions of practical epistemology of the teacher in his institution, didactic actions and these different descriptors.The system put in place, inscribes us in the comparatist perspectives in didactics according to a descriptive and comprehensive approach by crossing interviews, video observations, and traces taken in flight.The results show that the codic transitions constitute the bulk of the interaction time and are organized according to a directional charge, delays, degrees of evolution which evolve over time and which inform the action register. teacher. These characteristics also vary according to the mode of convocation of the knowledge that underlies them, at the interface between conscious cognition and intuition. They structure a rhythm of intervention and differential interaction in terms of levels of practice and gender. They pilot the pupils' gestures of study accordingly
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Billon, Virginie. "Éclairage des modes de parler-penser l’agir professionnel d’enseignant·e·s néotitulaires au travers d’une recherche accompagnante longitudinale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Notre recherche, à visée essentiellement compréhensive, s’attache à décrire certaines caractéristiques du développement professionnel d’enseignant·e·s débutant·e·s au cours d’un dispositif accompagnant. Elle s’intéresse à ce que révèlent les mouvements discursifs lors d’interactions langagières entre pairs et entre pairs et chercheur·e·s, interactions centrées sur des éléments de leur pratique ainsi que sur les articulations théorie/pratique. Dans notre étude, l’analyse de pratique est adossée à un scénario didactique portant sur un atelier d’écriture autonome. Les dimensions théoriques mobilisées par les participant·e·s ont trait au modèle du multiagenda (Bucheton, Soulé, 2009) et à la notion de geste (professionnel, didactique, d’ajustement, d’étude et d’apprentissage). À terme, nos résultats doivent nourrir les dispositifs de formation d’enseignant·e·s, en articulant l’analyse de pratiques aux apports des didactiques disciplinaire et professionnelle
The aim of our research, which is essentially comprehensive, is to describe certain features of the professional development of novice teachers during the course of a mentoring scheme. It is interested in what discursive movements reveal during language interactions between peers and between peers and researchers, interactions centred on elements of their practice as well as on the theory/practice links. In our study, the analysis of practice is based on a didactic scenario relating to an independent writing workshop. The theoretical dimensions mobilised by the participants relate to the multiagenda model (Bucheton, Soulé, 2009) and the notion of gesture (professional, didactic, adjustment, study and learning). Ultimately, our results should provide input for teacher training schemes, by linking analysis of practice to contributions from disciplinary and professional didactics
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Devaney, Jason Wayne. "A study of articulatory gestures for speech synthesis." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1995.

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Wu, Xiaolong. "A comparative study about cognitive load of air gestures and screen gestures for performing in-car music selection task." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014.

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With the development of technology, people's viewpoints of the automobile have shifted; instead of merely a means of transportation, the automobile has become a space in which a driver can still perform daily activities besides driving, such as communicating with other people, interacting with electronic devices, and receiving information. In the meantime, different ways of interaction have been explored. Among all the modalities, gestures have been considered as a feasible way for performing in-car secondary tasks because of their intuitiveness. However, few researches have been conducted in terms of subjects' cognitive load. This thesis has examined four gesture interfaces (air swipe, air tap, screen swipe, and screen tap), in terms of their effects on drivers' driving performance, secondary task performance, perceived cognitive load, and eye glance behavior. The result demonstrated that air gestures are generally slower than screen gestures with regard to secondary performance. Screen swipe gesture requires the lowest cognitive load while air swipe and screen tap gesture remain the same. Subjects in this study tend to prefer screen swipe gesture the most while prefer air tap gesture the least. However, there is no significant difference between air swipe and screen tap gesture. Although air tap gesture and screen tap gesture generated the largest amount of dwell times, no variance among the four gesture interfaces in driving performance has been found. The result indicated that even though air gestures are not limited by space, screen swipe in this study still seemed to be the most ideal way for performing in-car secondary task of music selection.
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Bohlin, Stina. "Meaningless movement or essential expression : A study about gestures." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik, konst och samhälle, 2021.

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The thesis investigates how body movements influence a musical performance, with the aim to reach a more expressive performance by an increased awareness of gestures. In the study, three versions of the same clarinet piece were recorded on video; one with me, one with my clarinet teacher and one with a fellow clarinet student. The study addresses the following research questions: - How do body movements correspond to musical intentions? - How are my gestures formed and influenced by my teachers’ gestures? - In what ways can a raised awareness of gestures affect my musical performance? The videos were coded and analysed using open coding. As a reference, each clarinettist notated their intended phrasing in the score. This was marked as phrases (slurs) and Goal Points, and was also annotated in ELAN. With the intention to answer the first research question, the body movements were compared with the performers intended phrasing. In order to answer the second research question, coded sequences from each performance were compared with each other to find similarities and differences, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Finally, I recorded a second performance of the same piece to investigate whether awareness of gestures affected my performance. Results align with previous research and indicate that body gestures are unique for each performer and connected to musical intentions. Results also indicate a resemblance in movement patterns between my teacher’s performance and my own, suggesting that gestures can be transferred from teacher to student.
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Yunus, Fajrian. "Prediction of Gesture Timing and Study About Image Schema for Metaphoric Gestures." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2021.

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Les gestes communicatifs et la parole sont étroitement liés. Nous voulons prédire automatiquement les gestes en fonction du discours. Le discours lui-même a deux constituants : l'acoustique et le contenu du discours (c'est-à-dire le texte). Dans une partie de cette thèse, nous développons un modèle basé sur un réseau de neurones récurrents avec un mécanisme d'attention pour prédire le moment des gestes, c'est-à-dire quand les gestes doivent se produire et quels types des gestes doivent se produire. Nous utilisons une technique de comparaison de séquences pour évaluer les performances du modèle. Nous réalisons également une étude subjective pour mesurer comment nos répondants jugent le naturel, la cohérence temporelle et la cohérence sémantique des gestes générés. Dans une autre partie de la thèse, nous travaillons avec la génération des gestes métaphoriques. Les gestes métaphoriques portent le sens, et il est donc nécessaire d'extraire la sémantique pertinente du contenu du discours. Ceci est fait en utilisant le concept d’image schéma tel que démontré par Ravenet et al. Cependant, pour pouvoir utiliser l’image schéma dans les techniques d'apprentissage automatique, les image schémas doivent être convertis en vecteurs de nombres réels. Par conséquent, nous étudions comment nous pouvons transformer l’image schéma en vecteur en utilisant des techniques du plongement de mots. Enfin, nous étudions comment nous pouvons représenter les formes des gestes des mains. La représentation doit être suffisamment compacte mais elle doit également être suffisamment large pour pouvoir couvrir suffisamment de formes pouvant représenter une gamme suffisante de sémantique
Communicative gestures and speech are tightly linked. We want to automatically predict the gestures based on the speech. The speech itself has two constituents, namely the acoustic and the content of the speech (i.e. the text). In one part of this dissertation, we develop a model based on a recurrent neural network with attention mechanism to predict the gesture timing, that is when the gesture should happen and what kind of gesture should happen. We use a sequence comparison technique to evaluate the model performance. We also perform a subjective study to measure how our respondents judge the naturalness, the time consistency, and the semantic consistency of the generated gestures. In another part of the dissertation, we deal with the generation of metaphoric gestures. Metaphoric gestures carry meaning, and thus it is necessary to extract the relevant semantics from the content of the speech. This is done by using the concept of image schema as demonstrated by Ravenet et al. However, to be able to use image schema in machine learning techniques, the image schemas has to be converted into vectors of real numbers. Therefore, we investigate how we can transform the image schema into vector by using word embedding techniques. Lastly, we investigate how we can represent hand gesture shapes. The representation has to be compact enough yet it also has to be broad enough such that it can cover sufficient shapes which can represent sufficient range of semantics
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Bernardi, Dario. "A feasibility study on pairinga smartwatch and a mobile devicethrough multi-modal gestures." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2019.

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Pairing is the process of establishing an association between two personal devices. Although such a process is intuitively very simple, achieving a straightforward and secure association is challenging due to several possible attacks and usability-related issues. Indeed, malicious attackers might want to spoof the communication between devices in order to gather sensitive information or harm them. Moreover, offering users simple and usable schemes which attain a high level of security remains a major issue. In addition, due to the great diversity of pairing scenarios and equipment, achieving a single, usable, secure association for all possible devices and use cases is simply not possible.In this thesis, we study the feasibility of a novel pairing scheme based on multi-modal gestures, namely, gestures involving drawing supported by accelerometer data. In particular, a user can pair a smart-watch on his wrist and a mobile device (e.g., a smart-phone) by simply drawing with a finger on the screen at the device.To this purpose, we developed mobile applications for smart-watch and smart-phone to sample and process sensed data in support of a secure commitment-based protocol. Furthermore, we performed experiments to verify whether encoded matching-movements have a clear similarity compared to non-matching movements.The results proved that it is feasible to implement such a scheme which also offers users a natural way to perform secure pairing. This innovative scheme may be adopted by a large number of mobile devices (e.g., smart-watches, smart-phones, tablets, etc.) in different scenarios.
Parkoppling är processen för att etablera en anslutning mellan två personliga enheter. Även om den processen rent intuitivt verkar väldigt enkel så är det en utmaning att göra det säkert på grund av en uppsjö olika attackvektorer och användbarhets-relaterade problem. Faktum är att angripare kanske vill spionera på kommunikationen mellan enheterna för att samla information, eller skada enheten. Dessutom kvarstår problemet att erbjuda användaren ett simpelt och användarvänligt sätt att parkoppla enheter som håller en hög nivå av säkerhet. På grund av mängden av olika enheter och parkopplingsscenarier är det helt enkelt inte möjligt att skapa ett enskilt säkert sätt att parkoppla enheter på.I den här uppsatsen studerar vi genomförbarheten av ett nytt parkopplingsschema baserat på kombinerade rörelser, nämligen en målande rörelse supportat av data från accelerometern. I synnerhet kan en användare parkoppla en smart klocka på sin handled med en mobiltelefon genom att måla med sitt finger på mobiltelefonens skärm. För ändamålet utvecklar vi en mobilapplikation för smarta klocka och mobiltelefoner för att testa och processa inhämtad data som support för ett säkert engagemangsbaserat protokoll. Utöver det genomförde vi ett antal experiment för att verifiera om synkroniserade rörelser har tydliga liknelser i jämförelse med icke synkroniserade rörelser.Resultatet visade att det är genomförbart att implementera ett sådant system vilket också erbjuder användaren ett naturligt sätt att genomföra en säker parkoppling. Detta innovativa system kan komma att användas av ett stort antal mobila enheter (t.ex. smarta klockor, mobiltelefoner, surfplattor etc) i olika scenarion.
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Pérez, Carrillo Alfonso Antonio. "Enhacing spectral sintesis techniques with performance gestures using the violin as a case study." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2009.

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In this work we investigate new sound synthesis techniques for imitating musical instruments using the violin as a case study. It is a multidisciplinary research, covering several fields such as spectral modeling, machine learning, analysis of musical gestures or musical acoustics. It addresses sound production with a very empirical approach, based on the analysis of performance gestures as well as on the measurement of acoustical properties of the violin. Based on the characteristics of the main vibrating elements of the violin, we divide the study into two parts, namely bowed string and violin body sound radiation. With regard to the bowed string, we are interested in modeling the influence of bowing controls on the spectrum of string vibration. To accomplish this task we have developed a sensing system for accurate measurement of the bowing parameters. Analysis of real performances allows a better understanding of the bowing control space, its use by performers and its effect on the timbre of the sound produced. Besides, machine learning techniques are used to design a generative timbre model that is able to predict spectral envelopes corresponding to a sequence of bowing controls. These envelopes can then be filled with harmonic and noisy sound components to produce a synthetic string-vibration signal. In relation to the violin body, a new method formeasuring acoustical violin-body impulse responses has been conceived, based on bowed glissandi and a deconvolution algorithm of non-impulsive signals. Excitation is measured as string vibration and responses are recorded with multiple microphones placed at different angles around the violin, providing complete radiation patterns at all frequencies. Both the results of the bowed string and the violin body studies have been incorporated into a violin synthesizer prototype based on sample concatenation. Predicted envelopes of the timbre model are applied to the samples as a time-varying filter, which entails smoother concatenations and phrases that follow the nuances of the controlling gestures. These transformed samples are finally convolved with a body impulse response to recreate a realistic violin sound. The different impulse responses used can enhance the listening experience by simulating different violins, or effects such as stereo or violinist motion. Additionally, an expressivity model has been integrated into the synthesizer, adding expressive features such as timing deviations, dynamics or ornaments, thus augmenting the naturalness of the synthetic performances.
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Rodrigues, Miquéias. "A qualitative study of speech and gestures in the vocabulary explanations of one efl teacher." Florianópolis, SC, 2005.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente
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The study presented in this thesis seeks to identify the linguistic strategies and the gestures used by one English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher in her elaboration of unplanned vocabulary explanations. Additionally, the present work attempts to unveil the relations between gestures and speech in the context investigated. Finally, particular attention is given to the potential contribution that the study of gestures might bring to the understanding of EFL classroom explanatory discourse. The results point to the fact that the relation between gestures and speech is of a semantic and pragmatic nature (McNeill, 1992). Furthermore, gestures have been found to perform important functions in the episodes of vocabulary explanation studied. Those functions include illustrating and/or highlighting the content of speech, and establishing cohesion within the discourse event. O estudo apresentado nesta dissertação teve por objetivo identificar as estratégias lingüísticas e os gestos empregados por uma professora de inglês como língua estrangeira na elaboração de explicações de vocabulário não planejadas. Além disso, o presente trabalho buscou descobrir as relações existentes entre gestos e fala no contexto investigado. Por fim, foi dada especial atenção à provável contribuição que o estudo dos gestos pode trazer para a compreensão do discurso explanatório no contexto da sala de aula de inglês como língua estrangeira. Os resultados sugerem que a relação entre gestos e fala é de natureza semântica e pragmática (McNeill, 1992). Além do mais, demonstrou-se que os gestos desempenham importantes funções nos episódios de explicação de vocabulário analisados. Essas funções incluem a ênfase e/ou ilustração do conteúdo da fala, bem como o estabelecimento de coesão no interior do evento discursivo em questão.
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Sikes, Evan E. M. A. "A Matter of Perspective: Anti-Authoritarian Gestures in the Political Art of Ai Weiwei." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2013.

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Books on the topic "Didactic gestures and study gestures"


Stam, Gale, Gale Stam, and Mika Ishino. Integrating gestures: The interdisciplinary nature of gesture. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub., 2011.

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Inge, Godøy Rolf, and Leman Marc 1958-, eds. Musical gestures: Sound, movement, and meaning. New York: Routledge, 2010.

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Rajan, Sreedevi. Mudrākhyam: Mudrākhyaṃ : a visual dictionary on mohiniyattam hand gestures. Kochi, Kerala, India: Kalyana Krishna Foundation, 2012.

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Bollingen Foundation Collection (Library of Congress), ed. Mudrā: A study of the symbolic gestures in Japanese Buddhist sculpture. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1985.

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Frederick, Bridge. Musical gestures: A practical guide to the study of the rudiments of music. London: Novello, Ewer, 1985.

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Sam, Chan Moly. Khmer court dance: A comprehensive study of movements, gestures, and postures as applied techniques. Newington, CT, USA: Khmer Studies Institute, 1987.

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Lewis, Karron G. The development and validation of a system for the observation and analysis of choral conductor gestures. Ann Arbor, Mich: U.M.I., 1989.

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Månsson, Ann-Christin. The relation between gestures and semantic processes: A study of normal language development and specific language impairment in children. Göteborg: Dept. of Linguistics, Göteborg University, 2003.

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Grunne, Bernard De Hemricourt de. Divine gestures and earthly gods: A study of the ancient terracotta statuary from the inland Niger delta in Mali. Ann Arbor (Mich.): University Microfilms, 1987.

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Freeman, Ena G. Phonovibratory Influences from Offset to Onset in Repeated Phonation: A Study of Sung Gestures using High-Speed Digital Imaging. [New York, N.Y.?]: [publisher not identified], 2018.

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Book chapters on the topic "Didactic gestures and study gestures"


Yang, Cheng-Xiang, and Yen-Liang Lin. "Chapter 9. Multimodal story-retelling." In Studies in Bilingualism, 232–53. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.

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Cognitive load has been shown to influence speakers’ gesture production, but how it effects the duration, form, and functions of gestures is not yet well understood. This study examines how increased cognitive load influenced the production of co‑speech and co‑thought gestures by second language (L2) learners, and further looks at how different types of gestures correspond to specific functions. Twenty-four English as an L2 participants were recruited and required to watch a pre-determined cartoon and then retell the story in English. Participants were divided into two cognitive load conditions for the story retelling: one group was given a task structure for story retelling, while the other was not. The results of this study show that enhancing cognitive load significantly increased the frequency of both co‑speech and co‑thought gestures and the duration of co‑speech gestures, but not co‑thought gestures. With regard to the correspondence of gesture types and their functions for conceptualization (i.e., activation, manipulation, packaging, exploration), this study found co‑speech and co‑thought gestures serve different functions in L2 narrative tasks. Activation is dominant in every type of co‑speech gesture, especially in iconic and metaphoric gestures. Deictic gestures mostly function for packaging and exploration and co‑thought gestures for exploration and manipulation. This study provides necessary clarification on the relationship between cognitive load and gestures, including novel interactions of gesture duration and functions of gestures for conceptualization.
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Chetan, H., S. Praveen, S. Shreyas, Samridhi Singh, and R. Urvi. "Relative Study Between Technology to Perceive Hand Gestures." In ICT Analysis and Applications, 621–28. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Wang, Ming-Hong, and Shuo-Fang Liu. "Study on Innovative Gestures Applicable to the Elderly." In Cross-Cultural Design. User Experience of Products, Services, and Intelligent Environments, 200–211. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Zafar, Zuhair, Karsten Berns, and Aleksandar Rodić. "Recognizing Hand Gestures Using Local Features: A Comparison Study." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 394–401. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Ramis, Silvia, Francisco J. Perales, Cristina Manresa-Yee, and Antoni Bibiloni. "Usability Study of Gestures to Control a Smart-TV." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 135–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.

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Rasamimanana, Nicolas, Delphine Bernardin, Marcelo Wanderley, and Frédéric Bevilacqua. "String Bowing Gestures at Varying Bow Stroke Frequencies: A Case Study." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 216–26. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Rekik, Yosra, Laurent Grisoni, and Nicolas Roussel. "Towards Many Gestures to One Command: A User Study for Tabletops." In Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013, 246–63. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Gnisci, Augusto, and Antonio Pace. "The Effects of Hand Gestures on Psychosocial Perception: A Preliminary Study." In Recent Advances of Neural Network Models and Applications, 305–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Gullberg, Marianne, Kees de Bot, and Virginia Volterra. "Gestures and some key issues in the study of language development." In Benjamins Current Topics, 3–33. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010.

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Meier, Alison, Kelly Goto, and Michael Wörmann. "Thumbs Up to Gesture Controls? A Cross-Cultural Study on Spontaneous Gestures." In Cross-Cultural Design, 211–17. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Conference papers on the topic "Didactic gestures and study gestures"


Wolf, Katrin, Marilyn McGee-Lennon, and Stephen Brewster. "A study of on-device gestures." In the 14th international conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2012.

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Bohnenkamp, Lisa Michelle, Olga Abramov, and Stefan Kopp. "Are Robots' Gestures Understood? A Study on the Factors Influencing how Humans Perceive Information Present in Robot Gestures." In HRI '24: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2024.

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Tumkor, Serdar, Sven K. Esche, and Constantin Chassapis. "Hand Gestures in CAD Systems." In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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When designing products, networked computers are increasingly used to facilitate the collaboration among team members from remote locations. Design visualization plays a critical role in understanding the design concepts shared by the design team members. CAD systems have 3D visualization capabilities that are designed to help users to understand complex structures easily and to design better products. However, 3D visualization on a 2D screen has limitations in communicating complex structures. Furthermore, gestures play a significant role in face-to-face communication but are missing in remote collaboration. Object manipulation in 3D using gestures in the real physical space without a cumbersome hand-held peripheral device may ease the visualization and understanding of the concept model. Today, peripheral devices for human-computer interfaces are not only becoming more advanced but also less expensive. Some of the game controllers are now equipped with depth cameras (RGB-D cameras) and have a great potential for complementing or even replacing the traditional keyboard and mouse interface with hand or body gestures. In this paper, new low-cost mixed reality devices for 3D user inputs and visual outputs are investigated and their possible uses with CAD systems in the process of collaborative design are discussed. In this study, a hand tracking system built based on two Kinect sensors has been used to track the position and orientation of the user’s hands. In this system, CAD models can be manipulated and disassembled using hand gestures. The new user interface provides for a user-friendly interaction between designer and CAD system.
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Li, Yanhui, and Ren-Ke He. "Interaction preferences of human body's natural gestures and gestures in smart Large displays scenarios." In 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023). AHFE International, 2023.

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With the rapid development of smart Large displays and motion sensing technology in the past ten years, gesture interaction based on smart Large displays has become more and more popular in home and public environments. The freehand interaction of smart large screen can be applied to traditional desktop displays and input Situations where equipment is unsuitable or insufficient for information presentation and task manipulation.This paper discusses the influence of natural body posture factors and interaction distance on the gesture interaction of the home smart Large displays. The user completes the specified task by customizing gestures in the home smart screen in a natural posture. The gestures displayed by the user are counted and the smart Large displays is designed. A set of user-defined interactive gestures in household scenarios. The perceived usability evaluation experiment of the user-defined interactive gesture set is conducted, the perceived usability and workload of the user gesture set are recorded, and the best gesture command preference is screened out.The results showed that the same natural posture had a significant impact on the application variation of gestures, with significant differences in interaction performance, perceived usability, and workload between sitting and lying postures. This study provided implications that are likely to improve the design and deployment of large display-based freehand interaction techniques.
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Thakur, Aditya, and Rahul Rai. "User Study of Hand Gestures for Gesture Based 3D CAD Modeling." In ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.

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Gestures are an important medium of human communication and have been studied throughout the centuries from different viewpoints and in different domains ranging from arts, linguistics, philosophy and engineering. Recent developments in gestures based human-computer interaction (HCI) studies are noteworthy. However, commercial application of hand gestures in computer aided sketching and modeling is rarely found. The present study focuses on identifying various aspects of hand gestures that can be used as an input to a gesture based CAD software for sketching and 3D modeling tasks. First, we experimentally observed and studied hand gestures performed by users to convey CAD sketch and 3D modeling commands. Next, we performed literature study to compile a repository of gestures used by researchers in conveying various commands for gesture based human computer interaction. With the knowledge gleaned from these two steps a simplified yet representative taxonomy was created to classify hand gestures which can be used for drawing tasks in CAD. During the course of these studies we identified various attributes/requirements of a gesture based CAD software, consideration of which will help in enhancing the CAD designer experience.
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Benedikt, Lanthao, Darren Cosker, Paul L. Rosin, and David Marshall. "3D Facial Gestures in Biometrics: from Feasibility Study to Application." In 2008 IEEE Second International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems. IEEE, 2008.

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Hatori, Ayaka, and Hiroyuki Kobayashi. "A preliminary study of IoT-device control using gestures recognition." In 2017 56th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE). IEEE, 2017.

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Neto, António, and Carlos Duarte. "A STUDY ON THE USE OF GESTURES FOR LARGE DISPLAYS." In 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2009.

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Hermann, Julia, Aysegül Dogangün, and Marc Hesenius. "Age-Based Differences in Drone Control Gestures: An Exploratory Study." In OzCHI 2023: OzCHI 2023. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2023.

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Dasen, Pierre, Nilima Changkakoti, Milena Abbiati, Shanta Niraula, Ramesh Mishra, and Harold Foy. "Geocentric Gestures as a Research Tool." In International Association of Cross Cultural Psychology Congress. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 2009.

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This study1 is part of a large-scale cross-cultural research project on the development of spatial language and cognition, in India, Indonesia and Nepal, that focuses on a culturally particular way of organizing small-scale, table space, using a large-scale geocentric spatial orientation system (Dasen & Mishra, in preparation). One of the main questions is at what age this geocentric frame of reference starts to be effective. The study of language development does not provide a clear answer, because young children (ages 4 to 7) use ambiguous “deictic” descriptions, i.e., they just say “this way” accompanied by a gesture. Can these gestures be used to clarify the meaning of language? To answer this question, 234 video recordings of Nepalese children performing the “Perspectives” task (in which they have to describe the location of three objects placed on a table in front of them, under three different conditions) were analyzed separately for both language and gestures. The results show a good correspondence between language and gestures in 9 to 12 year olds. This allows us to interpret further the frame of reference used by the younger children. Out of 367 items on which young children (4 to 9 years) give an ambiguous deictic answer, only 17% are accompanied with an egocentric gesture, and 83% with a geocentric one (combining 48% large gestures linked to the use of cardinal directions, and 35% medium-large gestures linked to the use of situational local landmarks). This shows that a geocentric frame is at play as early as age 4, even when the child cannot express it clearly in the language.
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Reports on the topic "Didactic gestures and study gestures"


Wendel, Sue. Insights into the Mental Imagery and Gestural Awareness of Representational Gestures Produced in Everyday Talk: An Exploratory Study of Using Participants' Comments as Data. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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