Academic literature on the topic 'Diagnostic – Simulation par ordinateur'
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Journal articles on the topic "Diagnostic – Simulation par ordinateur"
Meadeb, Jean, Gerard Chales, Patrice Burgevin, Philippe Ingels, Rene Pedrono, Jean-Michel Roger, Catherine Frangeul, Marie-Jo Pedrono, and Pierre Lenoir. "Apprentissage du diagnostic médical par simulation sur ordinateur (AEDM)." Medical Informatics 11, no. 2 (January 1986): 167–75.
Full textHernández-Alfaro, Federico. "Syndrome d’hyperdivergence faciale." L'Orthodontie Française 87, no. 4 (December 2016): 479–89.
Full textCauvin, Jean-Michel, Clara Le Guillou, and Bassel Solaiman. "Diagnostic assisté par ordinateur en endoscopie digestive." Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 8, no. 1 (February 24, 2003): 55–73.
Full textBernard, C., J. M. Brodeur, A. Fournier, and H. Naccache. "Évaluation épidémiologique d'un instrument de diagnostic orthodontique assisté par ordinateur." Revue d'Orthopédie Dento-Faciale 27, no. 3 (September 1993): 279–94.
Full textSerhir, N., and C. Marche. "La simulation assistée par ordinateur dans le contrôle et l'utilisation optimale des ressources hydriques." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 19, no. 3 (June 1, 1992): 432–40.
Full textLecourtois, B., J. Frandon, I. Bricault, and G. Ferretti. "DIG-WS-19 Evaluation d’un outil de diagnostic assiste par ordinateur (CAD) en coloscopie virtuelle." Journal de Radiologie 90, no. 10 (October 2009): 1522.
Full textCharness, Neil. "Psychological Models of Aging: How, Who, and What? A Comment." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 14, no. 1 (1995): 67–73.
Full textCamarero, R., L. Granger, C. Marche, M. Soulié, and R. Tinawi. "L'intégration en conception assistée par ordinateur pour les projets pluridisciplinaires de génie civil." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 15, no. 6 (December 1, 1988): 990–1005.
Full textRiopel, Martin. "Riopel, M. (2005). Conception et mises à l’essai d’un environnement d’apprentissage intégrant l’expérimentation assistée par ordinateur et la simulation assistée par ordinateur. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal, Montréal." Revue des sciences de l'éducation 33, no. 1 (2007): 253.
Full textHamel, Marie-Josée. "Les outils de TALN dans SAFRAN." ReCALL 10, no. 1 (May 1998): 79–85.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Diagnostic – Simulation par ordinateur"
Girard, Patrick. "Diagnostic de pannes temporelles dans les circuits digitaux." Montpellier 2, 1992.
Full textMaalej, Mohamed-Amine, and Véronique Delcroix. "Diagnostic multiple des systèmes complexes à base de réseaux bayésiens." Valenciennes, 2006.
Full textModel Based Diagnosis approach revolutionizes the field of the diagnosis as overcoming the lack of knowledge by using Model. Our research focuses on the task of multiple diagnosis, from failure observations, for complex and highly-reliable large systems. We take the advantages of the Bayesian networks models to improve the diagnosis of this type of systems. These models integrate the components failures prior probabilities, and allow estimating posterior probabilities of diagnoses, by an approached calculation. We present a methodology of diagnosis using Bayesian network. Our approach integrates a model design method, in addition to two diagnosis algorithms : the first algorithm allows calculating the most probable diagnoses for a failing system; the second provides quickly representatives of the diagnosis classes, it reveals also the cases while additional observations are necessary. Finally we test these algorithms in terms of computing time and results quality for digital circuits of various sizes
Diallo, Ibrahima. "Etude physique de la détection pour la tomographie de transmission avec simulateur-scanneur : mise en oeuvre d'une barrette d'oxysulfure de gadolinium." Toulouse 3, 1995.
Full textValla, Anthony. "Une méthodologie de diagnostic de la performance d'une chaîne logistique." Lyon, INSA, 2008.
Full textThe importance of supply chain management has gre ally lncreased lately in the se arch for company performance. The analysis of su chextended systems, of the ir various types of flows and of the in coordination has been studied by several modelling approaches in the field of lndustrial Engineering. None of them seems suitable to supply chain context, taking account of: several views, dynamic and stochastic characteristics, combined global and detailed models. Our contribution consists in proposing a methodology for supply chain performance diagnostic supported by generic decision support tools and easily usable by actors. Lt is a four-step methodology. The first step aims at precisely defining the sequence and the positioning of the methodology within the company. The goal of the second step is modelling supply chain processes. Thirdly, the functioning analysis step deals with a complete analysis of every process in order to identify malfunctionings which penalise supply chain performance. Lastly, the optimisation step leads to the implementation of improvement actions. The methodology supported by ARIS and ARENA, was experimented on an industrial case with Company Valrhona
Grondin, Olivier. "Modélisation du moteur à allumage par compression dans la perspective du contrôle et du diagnostic." Rouen, 2004.
Full textThis thesis has described an investigation into the modelling of compression ignition engine for control and diagnosis purpose. The Diesel engine is the most efficient and clean internal combustion engine due to modern electromechanical actuators. However, pollutant emission regulations are much more stricter, thus, these complex systems need sophisticated and efficient control algorithms to reach very low emission levels. For this task, engine models are required at each step of the control system development : control laws synthesis, simulation and validation. The system under study is a six cylinder direct injection Diesel engine fitted with a turbocharger. The model of this system is based on physical laws for some parts of the engine such as cylinders, manifolds, turbocharger and crank-slider system. In order to reduce computing time we choose to model heat transfer and heat release during combustion using simple empirical correlations. Resulting model has been implemented in the Matlab-Simulink environment and it can predict variables of interest for control purpose with one degree crank angle resolution. The model has been tested numerically and compared with an industrial engine simulation code with good results. Moreover, model output variables are in good agreement with experimental data recorded on a heavy-duty research engine. The engine model has been embedded on a board providing enough computing performances to perform real-time simulations, this will be helpful for “hardware-in-the-loop” simulations. Another part of this study is dedicated to the combustion process modelling using a non linear phenomenological model : the NARMAX model. The goal is to predict the in-cylinder pressure evolution using other measurements available on the engine. The NARMAX model parameters have been identified using input-output data carried out from the experimental engine. Such model is well suited for real-time applications compare to numerically cost effective physical models. First results are promising and demonstrate that non linear “black-box” models can be employed to model the combustion process with the crankshaft speed as main model input
Mama, Daouda. "Méthodologie et résultats du diagnostic de l'eutrophisation du lac Nokoué (Bénin)." Limoges, 2010.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the methodology and results of the diagnosis of eutrophication of Nokoue lake in Benin (West Africa). It dealt mainly with the question of water hyacinth infest. The problem of water hyacinth, a consequence of eutrophication and the need for a systemic approach by computer modeling have been reported. The chemical quality of water and sediment were monitored for two years (2006 and 2007). The results confirmed eutrophic status of Nokoue lake and showed the water quality changes with seasons. The production of water hyacinth is regulated by salinity with a threshold of growth lower than in temperate zone (10 ‰ for Nokoue against 15 ‰ in temperate zone). The model results show that nutrient inputs are mainly from the Sô River (97% N 89% P). Salinity has a dominant effect on the integrated index of water hyacinth growth (SII) in all followed stations
Gil, Marion. "Rétrodiffusion lumineuse pour le diagnostic précoce et le suivi de pathologies du stroma cornéen : étude expérimentale ex vivo et modélisation." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019.
Full textOne of the main functions of the cornea is to allow light to enter the eye. This characteristic is especially related to a very particular organization of its volume at the nanometric scale. This makes it possible to minimize light scattering. The apparition of certain pathologies will induce an increase of this scattering. As scattering can be directly linked to structural modification of the tissue at different scales, the objective of this thesis work is to show how the study of angular scattering provides a way to characterize the condition of the cornea. This is based on both experimental results and numerical simulations. This information leads to diverse applications including monitoring of the growth of edema, sorting corneal grafts and testing the efficiency of drugs. An early diagnosis tool for corneal pathologies is also proposed giving a quantification of the rate of tissue disorganization at the nanoscale
Devanneaux, Vincent. "Modélisation des machines asynchrones triphasées à cage d'écureuil en vue de la surveillance et du diagnostic." Toulouse, INPT, 2002.
Full textAfnouch, Marwa. "Machine Learning Applications in Medical Diagnosis, case study : bone metastasis." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Valenciennes, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2023.
Full textMetastases are a group of abnormal cells that develop outside the original organ bound aries and spread to other organs. In particular, bone metastases originate in one organ of the body, such as the breast, lung, or prostate, and spread to the bone. Although this disease was discovered more than a century ago, it is still not well defined, and exist ing treatments are weakly effective, possibly because it is difficult and time-consuming to detect. To help physicians, new machine learning technologies promise to improve overall accuracy. This dissertation aims to help radiologists routinely detect bone metas tases using machine learning algorithms. The discovery of methodological biases in studies of bone metastasis diagnosis and the lack of consensus on the interpretability of machine learning have shifted the focus of this dissertation. It now focuses primarily on data collection and overcoming the challenges of validation and interpretability of machine learning. In order to properly assess the ability of machine learning to detect bone metastases, three experimental studies were conducted. The first proposing a novel segmentation approach supported by an attention mechanism to localize bone lesions. The second is a study of machine learning methods for identifying bone metastases cases. Finally, the last study highlights the lack of robustness of classification using machine learning methods and proposes a method to improve accuracy based on both CNN and Transformer approaches. The experimental results of this dissertation are evaluated on our introduced BM-Seg dataset, which is the first benchmark dataset for bone metasta sis segmentation and classification using CT-scans. This novel open-source dataset was used to improve the reproducibility of machine learning experiments. The results of the various preliminary studies are encouraging and promising
Vela, Valdes Luis Gerardo. "Etude et élaboration d'une approche fonctionnelle pour la localisation de défauts en diagnostic : application à la simulation d'un moteur à courant continu." Nancy 1, 1998.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis deals with the development of a functional approach in the fault diagnostic field. This approach is based on the classIfication of knowledge about the system in order to detect and isolate faults with respect to the principal characteristics in the behavior of the system. The objective of this work is to end at a best knowledge specification and utilization of abilities and tools in order to increase the quantity of isolated faults. The functional approach in diagnostic is based on the function. This approach is used in order to isolate the faults that have same signatures. The principal characteristics of parity space, observers and parameter estimation are classified using an ontological model. The function, in the ontological model frame, let to interpret otherwise the knowledge contents in residuals and signatures. This interpretation is based on the definition and. Specification of a generic frame using a structural, behavioral and functional analysis of residual generation, residual evaluation and decision tasks. The proposed approach is used on a simulated application concerning a D. C. Motor in open and closed loop, in order to detect and isolate sensor, actuator and component faults which have the same signatures. The contribution of this work is placed on the intersection of two fields: artificial intelligence and automatic control
Books on the topic "Diagnostic – Simulation par ordinateur"
Trigeassou, J. Cl. Recherche de modèles expérimentaux assistée par ordinateur. Toulouse: Langage et informatique, 1988.
Find full textRiopel, Martin. Conception et mises à l'essai d'un environnement d'apprentissage intégrant l'expérimentation assistée par ordinateur et la simulation assistée par ordinateur. [Repentigny, QC]: Martin Riopel, 2005.
Find full textChevrier, Jacques. L' ordinateur, outil d'apprentissage. Hull, Qué: Université du Québec à Hull, 1985.
Find full textNeelamkavil, Francis. Computer simulation and modelling. Chichester [Sussex, England]: Wiley, 1987.
Find full textTreuil, Jean-Pierre. Modélisation et simulation à base d'agents: Exemples commentés, outils informatiques et questions théoriques. Paris: Dunod, 2008.
Find full textLarry, Hovey, and Hovey Kathleen, eds. Computer simulations: A source book to learning in an electronic environment. New York: Garland Pub., 1987.
Find full textZ, Zao Peter, and Gibson Marcia C, eds. PhysioEx 4.0 laboratory simulations in physiology. San Francisco: Benjamin/Cummings, 2003.
Find full textConference papers on the topic "Diagnostic – Simulation par ordinateur"
Elmoutawakkil, N., S. Bouzoubaa, S. Bellemkhannate, and I. Benyahya. "Flux de travail du guidage tridimensionnel en chirurgie orale." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textDray, X., C. Li, JC Saurin, F. Cholet, G. Rahmi, JP Le Mouel, C. Leandri, et al. "CAD-CAP: une base de données française à vocation internationale, pour le développement et la validation d'outils de diagnostic assisté par ordinateur en vidéocapsule endoscopique du grêle." In Journées Francophones d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie et d'Oncologie Digestive (JFHOD). Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2018.
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