Academic literature on the topic 'Diagnostic médicale'
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Journal articles on the topic "Diagnostic médicale"
Felsenheld, Céline. "Diagnostic anténatal et décision médicale partagée." Soins 64, no. 833 (March 2019): 34–35.
Full textZordan, Cécile, Virginie Dorian, Laetitia Jameau, and Cyril Goizet. "Aspects réglementaires du diagnostic génétique en France." médecine/sciences 34 (November 2018): 13–15.
Full textDormont, Professeur Didier. "L'imagerie médicale dans le diagnostic des maladies neurodégénératives." Laennec 60, no. 4 (2012): 30.
Full textRobert, Raymond, Sandrine Nail-Billaud, and Nathalie Clément. "Les tests de diagnostic rapide en mycologie médicale." Revue Francophone des Laboratoires 2015, no. 474 (July 2015): 37–44.
Full textSanchez-Menegay, C., B. Mermillod, B. Vermeulen, P. F. Unger, and H. Stalder. "« Soins impossibles à domicile: Impression médicale ou diagnostic ?" Réanimation Urgences 3, no. 4 (January 1994): 421–24.
Full textVALADE, G., F. X. LABORNE, J. BANCAREL, E. DAZIN, S. RIGAL, and L. MATHIEU. "Evacuation médicale stratégique pour traumatisme du genou sans fracture associée." Médecine et Armées Volume 48 No. 1, Volume 48, Numéro 1 (October 5, 2022): 35–48.
Full textKEDZERIEWICZ, R., C. CHARGARI, S. LE MOULEC, N. JACQUES-FERRANDES, B. CECCALDI, A. HOULGATTE, and L. VÉDRINE. "Diagnostic précoce du cancer du testicule." Médecine et Armées Vol. 39 No. 1, Volume 39, Numéro 1 (February 1, 2011): 11–16.
Full textAmann, J. P. "Diagnostic prénatal et interruption médicale de grossesse: aspects éthiques." Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture 16, no. 3 (June 2003): 147–55.
Full textDaboussi, S., A. Naaroura, S. Marzouki, S. Mhamdi, C. Aichaouia, and Z. Moetamri. "Thoracoscopie médicale : apport dans le diagnostic des pathologies pleurales." Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités 16, no. 1 (January 2024): 146–47.
Full textRONCHEWSKI DEGORRE, Stéphanie. "Comment prendre soin de l’enfant hyperactif à l’école ? De l’élève indiscipliné à l’élève handicapé." Phronesis 6, no. 3 (July 24, 2017): 82–96.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Diagnostic médicale"
Zitouni, Djamel. "De la modelisation au traitement de l'information médicale." Antilles-Guyane, 2009.
Full textThe intensive care unit is a complex environment ; the practice of medicine is specific. The handling of a patient during his/her stay should be done by care staffs with specific knowledge. To help care staffs in their tasks, a plethora of equipment is dedicated to them. These equipments evolve constantly. In the search of a continuous improvement in this activity, the use of automated increasingly appears as a major support and a future challenge for medical practices. Over the last thirty years, several attempts have been made to develop automated guidelines. However, most of these tools are prone to numerous unsolved issues, both in the translation of textual protocols to formal forms and in the treatment of information coming from biomedical monitors. To overcome biases of diagnosis support systems, we chose a different approach. We have defined a formalism that allows caregivers formalizing medical knowledge. We spent the last three years in the intensive care unit of the university hospital of Fort de France with the aim to develop a complete chain of data processing. The final goal was the automation of guidelines in the room, at the patient’s bedside. We propose a set of methods and tools to establish the complete chain of treatment follow-up for a patient, from admission to discharge. This methodology is based on a bedside experimental station: Aidiag (AIDe aux DIAGnostic). This station is a patient-centered tool that also adequately fits to medical routines. A genuine methodology for analyzing biomedical signals allows a first signal processing prior to their physiological interpretation. An artificial intelligence engine (Think!) and a new formalism (Oneah)
Sommer, Sandrine. "Les procédures en biologie médicale : exemple des examens de parasitologie." Paris 5, 2001.
Full textQuintero, Ortiz Jose Matias. "Raisonnement collaboratif dans le diagnostic médical en radiologie." Rennes 1, 2008.
Full textIn this thesis we have described the information flow and the interactions of the different strategies of medical reasoning in decision-making diagnostic of hospital cases. One highlight is the repetitive sequence that may have the same reasoning strategies for formulating a hypothesis. The same strategy can derive different hypothesis. In general, specialization has been the most widely used strategy. The collaborative variables (negotiation and integration) are highly dependent on the overall analysis of the cases, and physicians in charge integrated patient data provided by other specialists. The decision of the radiological diagnostic hypothesis is important for the pure characteristics of the images regarding a pathology condition known. Radiologists found a complete consensus on at least one of the observations of x-ray film. Practical knowledge will be the most widely used by radiologists
Lamy, Brigitte. "Évaluation en bactériologie médicale : intérêt de la modélisation pour revisiter les pratiques." Lyon 1, 2004.
Full textMarquié, Laetitia. "Les mécanismes cognitifs du diagnostic médical dans un service d'urgences." Toulouse 2, 2004.
Full textThe main interrogation of this thesis is: "How to describe cognitive mechanisms of the physician's medical diagnosis in the complex situation of an emergency department? ". To answer this question, we test a model suggested by Raufaste (2001) called "the model of the three values of rationality" describing the cognitive mechanisms during the diagnosis. The first empirical study is a based on diagnostic errors that occurred in Toulouse hospitals. This test appears conclusive because it shows the existence of these three values. The two last studies carry out more detailed investigation of one among five values, "flexibility". This value is defined as the capacity of the subject to change its representation taking into account new information. We show that information can thus be transformed, modified and adjusted according to its coherence with other information of the representation but also according to the nature of the activity which the physician achieves
Balvet, Daniel. "La pièce à conviction : approche anthropologique de l'imagerie médicale." Paris 5, 1987.
Full textMedical images, plastic representations of the body (in part or as a whole) are used in scientific medicine in hospitals and universities, in popular medicine, in acupuncture, in homeopathy. . . However, it has rarely been a subject for research or analysis either in the field of epistemiology or art history. On the basis of nearly 600 medical documents, in black and white and in color, it was possible to demonstrate its inventive richness and its plastic quality and to highlight its typographical peculiarities and especially its ubiguitous presence in medical theory and practice. The analysis is based mainly on the iconic signifiance and internal "physiology" rather than on the function of each model this approach gives a new dimension to themes such as medical pluralism and the often polemical relationship between science and "soft" or "parallel" methods. The various styles demonstrate the cultural and historical dimension attached to all medical models, even the most scientific. Thus, the overabundance of comtemporary scientific imagery and a certain psychoanalytical or homeopathic aniconism are used to put into question the epistemiological and anthropological status of these different medical models
Coudouy-Berdoues, Sophie. "Exploration anatomique du tissu adipeux par imagerie médicale." Toulouse 3, 1997.
Full textTognarelli, Bruno. "Bilan d'extension des cancers digestifs : laparoscopie ou imagerie médicale ?" Montpellier 1, 1992.
Full textLopes, Renaud. "Analyses fractale et multifractale en imagerie médicale : outils, validations et applications." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009.
Full textFractal geometry is an emerging concept used in medical image analysis. The aim of this geometry is to measure global and local heterogeneities (1D, 2D or 3D). In medical imaging, it is often used to characterize 1D and 2D signals and restricted to discriminate between 2 states (healthy/pathological) by a global analysis of a signal. This thesis aims at providing 3D fractal geometry based tools for the measures of global (volume) and local (voxel) heterogeneities. Two indices are used: fractal dimension and multifractal spectrum (Hölder exponents). Since these algorithms estimate the theoretical value, fractal and multifractal synthetic volumes were used for the validation. This work also proposes texture segmentation tools. Two applications were studied; characterization of epileptic foci on single photon emission computed tomography images and the detection of prostatic tumors on T2-weighted MR images. The effectiveness of fractal and multifractal features are studied through a framework of supervised classification. The results for both applications demonstrate the usefulness of this geometry and its adaptability to several applications in medical imaging
Ansari, Ehsanollah. "Apport de l'imagerie médicale actuelle dans le diagnostic et traitement des dysplasies fibromusculaires de l'artère rénale." Montpellier 1, 1990.
Full textBooks on the topic "Diagnostic médicale"
J, Marshall William. Biochimie médicale: Physiopathologie et diagnostic. Paris: Elsevier, 2005.
Find full textJean-Pierre, Laissy, ed. Radiologie et imagerie médicale. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1995.
Find full textD, Murray A., ed. Atlas d'anatomie clinique: Radiologie et imagerie médicale. Paris: De Boeck Université, 2000.
Find full textNakos, Dorothy. Dictionnaire de l'imagerie médicale =: Dictionary of medical imaging. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1994.
Find full textAlain, Marchal, and Cavé Christian, eds. L'imagerie médicale pour l'étude de la parole. Paris: Lavoisier, 2009.
Find full textAlain, Marchal, and Cavé Christian, eds. L'imagerie médicale pour l'étude de la parole. Paris: Hermès science publications, 2009.
Find full textFrançoise, Dromer, and Lortholary Olivier, eds. Les mycoses. Paris: Elsevier, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Diagnostic médicale"
Séroussi, B., P. Le Beux, and A. Venot. "L’aide au diagnostic médical." In Informatique médicale, e-Santé, 147–73. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textJoly, C., and L. M. Joly. "Éthique et déontologie médicale: droits des malades, problèmes liés au diagnostic, au respect de la personne et à la mort." In Réanimation et urgences, 475–81. Paris: Springer Paris, 2010.
Full textCuvier, Caroline, and Marc Espié. "Facteurs de décision des traitements médicaux, conférences de consensus et recommandations." In Diagnostic et décision dans le cancer du sein à un stade précoce, 87–97. Paris: Springer Paris, 2012.
Full textDenis, F., and M. C. Ploy. "Diagnostic rapide en bactériologie par recherche d'antigènes." In Bactériologie Médicale, 35–42. Elsevier, 2011.
Full textMariani-Kurkdjian, P., and E. Bingen. "Diagnostic bactériologique et suivi biologique des méningites bactériennes." In Bactériologie Médicale, 159–66. Elsevier, 2011.
Full textSentilhes, L., M. Mezzadri, C. Bélanger, B. Porcheron, P. Gillard, F. Biquard, and M. Hérault. "Interruption médicale de grossesse." In Le diagnostic prénatal en pratique, 417–36. Elsevier, 2011.
Full textBonneau, D. "Génétique médicale et diagnostic prénatal." In Le diagnostic prénatal en pratique, 55–63. Elsevier, 2011.
Full textFRÉVILLE, B., R. CASTELLO, B. LAVENIR, L. CAVALIER, G. DOUILLARD, and L. AIGLE. "Diagnostic et devenir des patients admis en salle d’urgence du Centre médical des armées de Calvi." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 45 No.2, 157–66. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
Full textANOFEL, Sandrine Houzé, and Laurence Delhaes. "Diagnostics immunologiques." In Parasitologie et Mycologie Médicales, 155–56. Elsevier, 2022.
Full textANOFEL, Sandrine Houzé, and Laurence Delhaes. "Diagnostics moléculaires." In Parasitologie et Mycologie Médicales, 197–98. Elsevier, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Diagnostic médicale"
Hû, Olivier, Christine Cavaro-Ménard, and Lindsey Cooper. "Analyse de la tâche de diagnostic et évaluation d'IHM en imagerie médicale." In 23rd French Speaking Conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.
Full textGossiome, C., F. Rufino, G. Herve, M. Benassarou, P. Goudot, V. Descroix, and G. Lescaille. "Découverte fortuite d’une lésion mandibulaire, un cas de kyste anévrismal." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textSilva, Carlos Eduardo Emídio da, DURVAL DE FREITAS RODRIGUES NETO, MARIA CLARA OLIVEIRA COSTA, and SABRINA DE OLIVEIRA GONTIJO. "DESAFIOS NO DIAGNOSTICO DE LEISHMANIOSE VISCERAL CANINA NA ROTINA CLINICA." In I Congresso Brasileiro On-line de Clínica Médica Veterinária. Revista Multidisciplinar em Saúde, 2022.
Full textCarvalho de Andrade, Evandro. "APLICANDO UM MODELO HIBRIDO PARA OTIMIZAÇÃO NO DIAGNOSTICO DE AUTISMO NA PERÍCIA MÉDICA." In Congresso Internacional de Gestão da Previdência Social - Congeps. Brasília, Distrito Federal: Even3, 2023.
Full textOlescki, Gabriel, João Mario Clementin de Andrade, Dante Escuissato, and Lucas Ferrari de Oliveira. "Detecção de Tromboembolia Pulmonar utilizando Redes Neurais Convolucionais e Extração de Características." In Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2021.
Full textMesquita, Laércio, Antônio De C. Filho, Alcilene De Sousa, and Patrícia Drumond. "Redução de falsos positivos em imagens de mamografias digitais usando os índices phylogenetic species variability, phylogenetic species richness e múltiplos classificadores." In XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.
Full textSilveira, Filomena Aste, João Alfredo Seixas, Paloma Mandina Rodrigues, Mariana Alves Durante, Mariana Lyrio, and Maria Eduarda Richa Fonseca. "Pólipo himenal em uma recém-nascida: relato de caso." In 45º Congresso da SGORJ XXIV Trocando Ideias. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2021.
Full textGomes, Sarah Veloso Araújo, Douglas Vinicius Reis Pereira, Ana Paula Machado Botelho, and Gabriel Martins Cruz Campos. "Vasa prévia: uma revisão de literatura sobre a importância do diagnóstico precoce e manejo adequado." In 44° Congresso da SGORJ - XXIII Trocando Ideias. Zeppelini Editorial e Comunicação, 2020.
Full textGarcía Sánchez, Cándido Manuel. "Descompensación psicótica versus cuadro obsesivo de inicio durante el periodo de confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID-19." In 6º Congreso SEDUP. FASE 20, 2021.
Full textSilva, Cecilia Aparecida Santos, Lucas Alexandre Alvarenga Cardoso, Danton Diego Ferreira, José Manoel Seixas, Mayara Lisboa Soares Bastos, and Anete Trajman. "Ensemble de especialistas para avaliação de adesão ao procedimento operacional padrão de fotografias de radiografias de tórax." In Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional. SBIC, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Diagnostic médicale"
Haeck, Catherine, Geneviève Lefebvre, Pierre Lefebvre, and Philip Merrigan. Surdiagnostic du TDAH au Québec: Impact de l’âge d’entrée à l’école, différences régionales et coûts sociaux et économiques. CIRANO, April 2023.
Full textHaeck, Catherine, Pierre Lefebvre, Geneviève Lefebvre, and Philip Merrigan. Confondre comportements immatures en classe et TDAH. Résultats d’analyses inédites sur les liens entre l’âge d’entrée à l’école et les diagnostics du TDAH chez les enfants québécois. CIRANO, March 2023.
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