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Hinton, Martin. "Changes in Received Pronunciation: Diachronic Case Studies." Research in Language 13, no. 1 (March 30, 2015): 21–37.

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This paper sets out to investigate changes and individual irregularities in the Received Pronunciation of a number of individuals over time and to compare them with the changes noted in contemporary RP in the literature. The aim of the study is to ascertain whether accent change affects individuals during their lifetimes or is only brought about by new generations of speakers accepting different pronunciations as the norm and effectively speaking with a different accent to older generations within their social circle. The variations/changes looked for were: CLOTH transfer, CURE lowering, GOAT allophony, R-sandhi, and T-voicing. The procedure of the study was to identify the presence or absence of these features in the speech of certain individuals in recordings made over a period of at least 35 years. The individuals studied were: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Baroness Thatcher, Sir David Attenborough and David Dimbleby. The results of these comparisons suggest that individual speakers are not greatly affected by changes in pronunciation taking place around them and generally stay with the preferred pronunciation of their youth. There are, however, cases where a general uncertainty amongst speakers of the accent, here found in CURE lowering, does influence the speech of individuals over time.
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Eshonkulova, Gulrukh Turakulovna. "SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDIES IN SYNCHRONOUS AND DIACHRONIC BASES." Theoretical & Applied Science 79, no. 11 (November 30, 2019): 541–44.

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Lehmann, W. P. "Papers on diachronic syntax: six case studies." Lingua 67, no. 4 (December 1985): 332–34.

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Blaxter, Tamsin. "Diachronic dialectology: new methods and case studies." Transactions of the Philological Society 119, S1 (December 2021): 1–250.

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Hartmann, Stefan. "Diachronic Cognitive Linguistics." Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 9, no. 1 (November 1, 2021): 1–34.

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Abstract Diachronic studies have played an increasingly important role in recent Cognitive Linguistics. This introductory paper provides an overview of some major lines of research in this field, starting with the inherently panchronic approach that characterizes most flavors of usage-based theory from Cognitive Grammar to recent complex adaptive systems approaches. In particular, the “constructionist turn” and the “quantitative turn” in Diachronic Cognitive Linguistics are discussed in detail. Diachronic Cognitive Linguistics is introduced as a multi-faceted, dynamic framework that aims at providing a holistic and nuanced picture of the complex interplay between language, cognition, and cultural evolution. In addition, this paper introduces the contributions to the present volume in some detail and discusses their relation to current research trends and paradigms within the broader framework of Diachronic Cognitive Linguistics.
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The last decade has witnessed a lively scholarly debate regarding the diachrony of biblical Hebrew and the validity of the differentiation between CBH and LBH. Lately, two of the prominent challengers of the traditional views have criticised the diachronic school from a new perspective, arguing against the use of the Masoretic Text as a basis for the linguistic discussion. This paper seeks to establish the validity of the Masoretic Text as a basis for diachronic linguistic analysis from the angle of Tiberian vocalisation. Three case studies from the Book of Qoheleth are examined, each involving an LBH component whose existence in the text is revealed to us only through Masoretic vocalisation. The case studies include the assimilation of third aleph with third he participles; the use of the abstract nominal pattern qitlôn; and the feminine demonstrative ז ֹה .The case studies show that the Masoretes had preserved the difference between CBH and LBH pronunciations, although they were probably unaware of the historical nature of these different pronunciations and of their diachronic dimension. These findings testify to a strong and stable oral Masoretic tradition which accompanied the written one. Both were transmitted for many centuries, and they were, in many cases, precise to the extant they could reflect dialectological differences within Biblical Hebrew. The paper concludes with a comment regarding Masoretic anachronisms and their place in the overall picture of Masoretic traditions.
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Adamopoulos, John, and Robert N. Bontempo. "Diachronic Universals in Interpersonal Structures." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 17, no. 2 (June 1986): 169–89.

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R.M., Sytniak. "CONFLICT OF SYNCHRONY AND DIACHRONY IN RESEARCH ON LEXICAL SEMANTICS (LINGVO-HISTORIOGRAPHIC ASPECT)." South archive (philological sciences), no. 87 (September 29, 2021): 72–76.

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The purpose of the article is to highlight the views of linguists of the second half of the XX – early XXI century on the importance of synchronic and diachronic studies of lexical meaning and identify the tendency of modern linguists to consider synchrony and diachrony as components of one whole. With the help of synchronic-diachronic study of language, studies of lexical semantics are presented in an extremely wide range of works, which receive new opportunities to explain semantic processes and highlight similar dominant features in both structurally related and unrelated languages. The scientific interest of linguists can be directed both to the study of a particular morpheme and to the derivation of universal laws for the development of the lexical meaning of the world’s languages. The vast majority of studies, however, have a more or less clear distribution on the principle of synchrony and diachrony. The article highlights the current perception of diachronic research as one that consists of a number of studies of synchronous sections in the history of lexical meaning, and as a result is considered as one holistic effective study. In accordance with the purpose of the article, a general scientific method is used – an actualist method, which is based on the principle of historicism and allows modern knowledge to trace the development of certain linguistic concepts in the past and predict some trends in future theories. The methodological basis of the actualist method is the principles of historicism, causality, systematics and the principle of general connection of phenomena. As the result of the research it was established that the linguists of our time accept the idea of not confrontation, but of fruitful joint work of synchronic and diachronic research of lexical meaning, unity of synchronic description and historical reconstruction. The author concludes that from the point of view of modern linguistics, the dichotomy of synchrony and diachrony is quite conditional. Synchronous research is not opposed, but, on the contrary, is an important component of diachronic research, because diachronic analysis without synchronic one does not exist. The tacit ban on the use of language history data in synchronic analysis has been overcome.Key words: synchrony, diachrony, dichotomy, non-linguistic concept, interdependence, flexible way of thinking, scientific subjectivism. Метою статті є висвітлення поглядів мовознавців другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ століття на важливість синхронічних та діахронічних досліджень лексичного значення та виявлення тенденції лінгвістів сучасності розглядати синхронію та діахронію як складники одного цілого. За допомогою синхронно-діахронного вивчення мови дослідження лексичної семантики представлені надзвичайно широким діапазоном праць, що отримують нові можливості пояснення семантичних процесів та виокремлення схожих домінантних рис як у споріднених, так і у неспоріднених мовах світу. Науковий інтерес мовознавців може бути спрямований як на дослідження окремої морфеми, так і на виведення універсальних законів розви-тку лексичного значення мов світу. Більшість досліджень усе ж мають більш-менш чіткий розподіл за принципом синхронії та діахронії. У статті висвітлюється сучасне сприйняття діахронного дослідження як такого, що складається із певної кількості досліджень синхронних зрізів в історії лексичного значення, і як результат – розглядається одним цілісним ефективним дослідженням. Відповідно до мети у статті використано загальнонауковий метод – актуалістичний, який бере за основу принцип історизму і дає змогу за допомогою сучасних знань простежити розвиток певних лінгвістичних концепцій у минуло-му та передбачити деякі тенденції майбутнього розвитку відповідних теорій. Методологічну основу актуалістичного методустановлять принципи історизму, причиновості, системності та принцип загального зв’язку явищ. У результаті дослідження встановлено прийняття лінгвістами сучасності ідеї не протистояння, а плідної сумісної праці синхронного та діахронного дослідження лексичного значення, єдність синхронного опису та історичної реконструкції. Автор доходить висновку, що з погляду сучасного мовознавства дихотомія синхронії та діахронії носить досить умовний характер. Синхронне дослідження не протиставляється, а навпаки, є важливою складовою частиною діахронного дослідження, тому що діахронний аналіз без синхронного не існує. Припинено мовчазну заборону на використання даних історії мови у разі синхронного аналізу. Ключові слова: синхронія, діахронія, дихотомія, нелінгвістична концепція, взаємозумовленість, мінливий образ мислення, науковий суб’єктивізм.
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Cho, Eunil David. "Do We All Live Story-Shaped Lives? Narrative Identity, Episodic Life, and Religious Experience." Religions 12, no. 2 (January 22, 2021): 71.

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This article focuses on exploring the concept of narrative identity, which has emerged as an integrative concept in various academic fields. Particularly in philosophy and psychology, scholars have claimed that humans are storytellers by nature and tell their stories that develop in them a sense of identity. However, this concept has been criticized by those who have argued that while some people are Diachronic (narrative), some are Episodic (non-narrative). People with an episodic disposition do not or are not able to live a narrative or story of some sort. In order to explore the distinction between Diachronic and Episodic dispositions, I analyze the autobiographical writing of Leo Tolstoy, namely Tolstoy’s personal religious experience presented in William James’ “The Varieties of Religious Experience”. This particular case study demonstrates how an Episodic person can become Diachronic and gain a sense of unity and a sense of self through religious experience. In the end, I argue that Episodic and Diachronic dispositions are not mutually exclusive in an individual’s life, but that individuals may at different points in life experience their lives in one manner or another.
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Klagge, James C. "When Are Ideologies Irreconcilable? Case Studies in Diachronic Anthropology." Philosophical Investigations 21, no. 3 (July 1998): 268–79.

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Šimko, Ivan. "Standardization in Balkan Slavic Diachronic Research." Slovene 10, no. 2 (2021): 217–51.

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The present paper studies the problem of standardization of Bulgarian within the context of the emergence of the Balkan Sprachbund. Traditionally, standardization is considered to be a part of the nation-building process, understood as the codification of orthographic and other linguistic norms in authoritative documents. As they are legally binding within the national collective, the traditional view distinguishes texts from the era before standardization containing more dialectal phenomena and the standardized literature, where dialectal features are usually suppressed. This study presents the hypothesis that the codification of the Bulgarian language in the 19th century did not have such an impact on the later development of language norms. Rather, the codification merely led to changes in orthography. Other norms of the literary language gradually developed within the manuscript tradition of the so-called damaskini. This hypothesis is supported by a quantitative analysis of a sample of texts from various centuries and dialectal areas.
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Yakar, Emine Enise. "The Diachronic Change of the Practice of Iftā’." ISLAMIC STUDIES 60, no. 4 (December 31, 2021): 325–46.

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The connection between Islamic legal methodologies and practice in the development of Islamic law has been made by the practice of iftā’. Governmental and non-governmental religious institutions, along with individual Muslim scholars, emerged as the sources of legal authority. Although the origin of the practice of iftā’ can be traced back to the time of the Prophet Muḥammad (peace be on him), its nature has changed from individual to collective in the modern age. The contemporary Muslim world has witnessed a rapid proliferation of modern religious institutions of fatwās, which significantly contributed to the dynamism of Islamic law and the regulation of local and regional practices. The practice of iftā’ can be described as a legal formulation produced during the consultation process between a lay Muslim and a Muslim scholar. The product of iftā’ is known as fatwā, which is an Islamic legal opinion that Muslim scholars issue to clarify a legal problem that Muslims face. Since the twentieth century, the practice of iftā’ has begun to be assumed by modern religious institutions. This institutionalization process resulted in the practice of collective iftā’. Contrary to scholars who allege the immutability of Islamic legal methodologies, this change can be interpreted as demonstrating the progressive dimension of Islamic law within the area of legal theories and methodologies. The paper seeks to examine the diachronic transformation of fatwā and explores the driving factors behind the instrumentalization of collective fatwā. After giving a detailed terminological definition of fatwā, the research introduces the differences between fatwā (Islamic legal opinion) and ḥukm (court verdict) to forestall any terminological complexity. The diachronic process is then addressed by referring to key turning points that evidence the transformation of the practice of iftā’ from individual to collective. In the last instance, public, state, and collective fatwās are engaged to adduce the diversification within the end-products of the practice of iftā’.
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TANG, XURI. "A state-of-the-art of semantic change computation." Natural Language Engineering 24, no. 5 (June 18, 2018): 649–76.

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AbstractThis paper reviews the state-of-the-art of one emergent field in computational linguistics—semantic change computation. It summarizes the literature by proposing a framework that identifies five components in the field: diachronic corpus, diachronic word sense characterization, change modelling, evaluation and data visualization. Despite its potentials, the review shows that current studies are mainly focused on testifying hypotheses of semantic change from theoretical linguistics and that several core issues remain to be tackled: the need of diachronic corpora for languages other than English, the comparison and development of approaches to diachronic word sense characterization and change modelling, the need of comprehensive evaluation data and further exploration of data visualization techniques for hypothesis justification.
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Ilyinova, Elena, and Larisa Kochetova. "Diachronic Perspective in Text and Discourse Studies: Review of Approaches." Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija 2. Jazykoznanije 15, no. 4 (December 20, 2016): 18–25.

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Camilo-Alves, Constanca, Susana Saraiva-Dias, Cati Dinis, Maria do Rosário Felix, and Carla Varandas. "Modeling Diachronic Cork Oak Dieback–Comparison of Two Case Studies." FORMATH 19 (2020): n/a.

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Banks, David. "Diachronic ESP: at the interface of linguistics and cultural studies." ASp, no. 61 (March 15, 2012): 55–70.

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Edenburg, Cynthia. "Falsifiable Hypotheses, Alternate Hypotheses and the Methodological Conundrum of Biblical Exegesis." Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 132, no. 3 (September 10, 2020): 383–401.

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AbstractIt has become fashionable to bemoan the state of diachronic biblical criticism since the application of its method involves subjective judgments. Should diachronic criticism be laid to rest? This programmatic essay engages Popper’s view of scientific propositions as falsifiable hypotheses, and reevaluates the importance of alternate hypotheses. The discussion considers the way the different purposes of scholars inform their practice of method and their evaluation of opposing explanations. The methodological observations are illustrated with examples from the Covenant Code and Deut 1–12.
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Alaja-Browne, Afolabi. "A diachronic study of change in juju music." Popular Music 8, no. 3 (October 1989): 232–42.

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Juju music, popular in Nigeria, first emerged in the island city of Lagos during the third decade of this century. Since its beginning, however, the music has undergone changes in both concept and practice as might be expected of any dynamic musical style. These changes have arisen not only through cultural contact and creative musical innovations, but also through the musical consequences of social, political, economic and other changes in contemporary Nigerian society and culture. This article seeks to identify and evaluate the change in juju music from two vantage points: (1) that of style which identifies it and provides a foundation against which continuity or stability through time can be measured; and (2) that of innovation whose creation and diffusion are examined diachronically against the contexts of society and culture.
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SABAN, Olesya, and Anatasiia SERAFYN. "Corpus-based diachronic study of the noun “challenge”." Humanities science current issues 2, no. 42 (2021): 121–27.

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Horváth, József. "Diachronic investigation of learner language." EduLingua 6, no. 1 (2020): 47–59.

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Corpus linguistics studies have by now become a staple of linguists and teachers worldwide. Even practitioners who are not directly involved with corpus development or analysis are increasingly aware of this domain and its results. Thus, we can say that the time has come to investigate the long-term effects of the findings connected to corpus linguistics. This paper focuses on a specific sort of corpus: the learner corpus. It argues that what used to be a more traditional approach represented in the EFL (English as a foreign language) discipline has evolved into a perhaps more appropriate one represented in ELF (English as a lingua franca) partly because of the work of learner corpus research. To demonstrate any existing long-term effects of work with learner corpora on language education, an L2 corpus, the JPU Corpus, is presented. Five of the ten hypotheses originally set up in the early 2000s are revisited and critiqued by applying both quantitative and qualitative investigations. The results indicate that a diachronic learner corpus approach further establishes the shift from EFL to ELF approaches, a potentially useful and relevant change for students and their teachers across the world, especially within the framework of writing pedagogy.
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Behr, John. "Synchronic and Diachronic Harmony: St. Irenaeus on Divine Simplicity." Modern Theology 35, no. 3 (March 27, 2019): 428–41.

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Savchuk, Svetlana. "On the diachronic aspect of gestural communication." Languages and Modalities 1 (October 25, 2021): 95–107.

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Modern studies of gesturing conclusively prove that a gestural communication system accompanies oral speech the units of which, like linguistic ones, can be described using a limited set of reproducible features assigned to certain classes and correlated with certain contexts of use. The diachronic aspect of gesturing has been little studied, although there is an understanding that human gesture behaviour, like speech, changes in space, time as well as under the influence of changing sociocultural conditions. Changes in the gestural system usually refer to innovations, the emergence of new gestures. It is much more difficult to describe the gestures that have gone or are going out of use since due to the lack of video recording they have to be restored from descriptions preserved in literature. Examples of gestures that have recently entered the Russian gestural system as well as examples of gestures that have gradually become obsolete are considered in this work. The data of the Multimodal Russian Corpus and some other corpora within the Russian National Corpus (RNC) used in this survey enable a clarification of the semantic and pragmatic characteristics of the gestures and changes in their use to be tracked.
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Huang, Danqing, Dirk Geeraerts, and Weiwei Zhang. "A diachronic analysis of the FIRE character." Chinese Semiotic Studies 17, no. 1 (January 14, 2021): 1–44.

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Abstract Chinese radicals are the semantic components of Chinese characters that generally indicate major concepts and categories. Characters that share the same radical may be semantically linked in various ways to the broad semantic category that the radical represents, and radicals may thus be considered a categorization mechanism to distinguish lexical meanings. Given the fact that FIRE is an independent character that can also be used as a radical in composite characters, the question arises as to what extent the semantic developments of the FIRE character and the FIRE radical are similar, i.e. does the FIRE radical develop independently of the FIRE character? Against the background of this question, this paper studies the diachronic semantic structure of the FIRE character, which will be compared to the FIRE radical in composite characters in follow-up studies. The analysis shows that the overall diachronic development of the FIRE character exhibits prototypical characteristics and a radial network structure.
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Goddard, Ives. "Leonard Bloomfield’s descriptive and comparative studies of Algonquian." Historiographia Linguistica 14, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1987): 179–217.

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Summary Bloomfield’s Algonquian studies comprise a large body of descriptive and comparative work on Fox, Cree, Menominee, and Ojibwa. The materials he used were derived from his own fieldwork, for the most part, and especially in the case of Fox from the published work of others. His major achievement was to bring explicitness and orderliness to the description of Algonquian inflectional and derivational morphology. An examination of the development of his solution to certain phonological problems in Menominee and of his practices in editing his Menominee texts shows his struggle to reconcile the conflicting goals, formulated in his general statements (in his 1933 Language and elsewhere), of describing a language by determining the norm of the speech community and documenting a language in exhaustive objective detail. In his diachronic studies Bloomfield reconstructed the phonology of Proto-Algonquian and worked out the historical phonology of the languages he was concerned with; his work on morphology was largely confined to the comparison and reconstruction of directly corresponding features. A normative approach to variation is evident in these diachronic studies as well.
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Nobel, Paul R. "SYNCHRONIC AND DIACHRONIC APPROACHES TO BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION1." Literature and Theology 7, no. 2 (1993): 130–48.

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Pons, Francisco, and Jacques Montangero. "Is diachronic thought a specific reasoning ability? 1The authors are grateful to Fawzia Campana, Florence Dokic, Stéphanie Jaccard, Rachel Luternauer, Isabelle Maeder, Delphine Rinaldi and Lise Rubin for their important help during the collection and analysis of the data. They also wish to thank the children who participated in the experiment and their teachers for their cooperation." Swiss Journal of Psychology 58, no. 3 (September 1999): 191–200.

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Several experiments have shown that cognitive abilities involved in the representation and understanding of change over time (what we term “diachronic thought”) develop strikingly in various domains between the ages of 8 and 12 years. Do these abilities simply reflect the child's general cognitive level or are they specific reasoning competencies related to change over time? The present research deals with this question and studies the relationships between three tasks assessing diachronic thought (Qualitative transformation, Temporal dissociation and Dynamic synthesis) and two tasks assessing the children's operatory level (Probabilistic reasoning and Spatial reasoning). Each set of tasks was presented during a separate session to 45 children aged 8, 10 and 12 years. As expected, a significant development in the subjects' answers to diachronic and operatory tasks was observed. Moreover, the results revealed that there was a significant correlation between two diachronic tasks and the operatory tasks as long as the effect of age was not controlled, but that only the correlation between tasks in the same set (either diachronic or operatory) remained significant when the age effect was controlled. We interpret these results as showing that diachronic thought, as assessed with our three tasks, can be considered as a specific reasoning ability.
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Boukhelif, Naima, and Sane M. Yagi. "Diachronic Cognitive Studies of Modality, Tense, and Aspect: A Systematic Review." International Journal of Linguistics 12, no. 3 (June 28, 2020): 172.

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Grammaticalization is a challenging topic in the study of historical semantics. The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic review of all publications (i.e., journal articles, chapters, books, and dissertations) which study grammaticalization within a cognitive semantic framework. It seeks to offer an exhaustive summary of the literature and to appraise it critically for the purpose of identifying how words get grammaticalized and begin to express modality, tense, and aspect.
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Sun, Xiyan, and Young Hwan Pan. "Study on diachronic persona for minority studies : centered on naxi nationality." Journal of Digital Contents Society 20, no. 7 (July 31, 2019): 1343–51.

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Shuya, Zhang, and Fan Jingming. "Brag-bar kinship system in synchronic and diachronic perspectives." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 83, no. 3 (October 2020): 479–503.

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AbstractThe Rgyalrong languages are a group of unwritten non-Tibetic languages spoken in north-western Sichuan Province, China. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the Brag-bar (a dialect of Situ Rgyalrong) kinship terminology at the synchronic level, and then by using both internal reconstruction and comparative method, we attempt to explain the directionality of both formal and semantic changes in the Brag-bar terminology. Thus we demonstrate that the present kinship system of Brag-bar (Situ) originates from a system with Omaha skewing.
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ZA, Tabrani. "Islamic Studies dalam Pendekatan Multidisipliner (Suatu Kajian Gradual Menuju Paradigma Global)." Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun 2, no. 2 (May 28, 2014): 211.

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Education is a vicious circle phenomenon, which we can not go out with just rely on one approach is diachronic. Moreover, the Islamic education that still has a serious problem faced by most of the drafter of Islamic education is the ability to understand the low level of Islamic education as a “science” and Islamic education as an “educational institution”. The existence of Islamic education and also should be able to provide a solution to various problems and development needs of the people. Thus, finding new formats in the dynamics of Islamic education is a necessity to help humanity. Here the author tries to describe Islamic education with a combination approach that the synchronic diachronic history of the social sciences, namely sociology and anthropology to bring its characteristics and also the characters. As well as the last author tries to provide an alternative-solution-based approach should be used to study the future of Islamic education.
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Song, Fei, and Minghui Xu. "A New Paradigm for the Etymology and Trend Study from the Perspective of Culturomics." Journal of Language Teaching and Research 10, no. 3 (May 1, 2019): 509.

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As an emerging discipline in 2011, culturomics belongs to cultural studies mainly by way of diachronic research and large-scale corpora, so it could be significative for the etymology and trend studies. In this paper, a large-scale diachronic corpus was established based on culturomics, and the condition and quality basic-level category vocabulary (BLCV) is taken as examples for analyses, so as to obtain relevant data and conclusions. It is shown that about 90% of the condition and quality BLCV was originated earlier than Sui, Tang and the Five Dynasties, and the first-level BLCV is earlier than the second-level and the third-level in aspect of origin time. The higher BLCV level, the greater the use rate increase, with more obvious stable development in the diachronic respect. Thus, culturomics, as a new paradigm in linguistic researches, is confirmed to be feasible, distinctive and irreplaceable in an era of big data.
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Jenset, Gard B. "Mapping meaning with distributional methods." Journal of Historical Linguistics 3, no. 2 (December 31, 2013): 272–306.

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The semantics of existential there is discussed in a diachronic, corpus-based perspective. While previous studies of there have been qualitative or relied on interpreting relative frequencies directly, the present study combines multivariate statistical techniques with linguistic theory through distributional semantics. It is argued that existential uses of there in earlier stages of English were not semantically empty, and that the original meaning was primarily deictic rather than locative. This analysis combines key insights from previous studies of existential there with a Construction Grammar perspective, and discusses some methodological concerns regarding statistical methods for creating computational semantic maps from diachronic corpus data.
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Frermann, Lea, and Mirella Lapata. "A Bayesian Model of Diachronic Meaning Change." Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 4 (December 2016): 31–45.

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Word meanings change over time and an automated procedure for extracting this information from text would be useful for historical exploratory studies, information retrieval or question answering. We present a dynamic Bayesian model of diachronic meaning change, which infers temporal word representations as a set of senses and their prevalence. Unlike previous work, we explicitly model language change as a smooth, gradual process. We experimentally show that this modeling decision is beneficial: our model performs competitively on meaning change detection tasks whilst inducing discernible word senses and their development over time. Application of our model to the SemEval-2015 temporal classification benchmark datasets further reveals that it performs on par with highly optimized task-specific systems.
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Orm, Stian, Ella Holt Holmberg, Paul L. Harris, Maria Nunez, and Francisco Pons. "Diachronic Tendency and Thinking Style Across the Broader Autism Spectrum: Sources of Individual Differences?" Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5, no. 3 (July 7, 2021): 326–38.

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Abstract Objectives First, to see whether previous studies showing a limited capacity to spontaneously evoke the past and the future of a present moment (diachronic tendency) and a prevalence of mental images over inner speech (thinking style) in individuals with autism spectrum disorder could be replicated in individuals belonging to the broader autism phenotype. Second, to test the hypothesis that individuals thinking with mental images have a more limited diachronic tendency compared with individuals thinking with inner speech. Methods Adults (N = 309, Mage = 31.5 years, 76% women) with at least a high school degree were assessed with the Autism Spectrum Quotient, a test of diachronic tendency comprising four pictures varying in social interactivity and dynamicity, and a thinking style scale comprising three items representing three different everyday situations. Results The results showed that adults with many autistic traits have a limited diachronic tendency but only when the situation is socially interactive and dynamic, think more in mental images than individuals with no or few autistic traits but nevertheless still think more with inner speech than with mental images, and the more the participants reported thinking in inner speech, the more they evoked past and future events when describing a socially interactive and dynamic situation. Conclusions More autistic traits are associated with a limited diachronic tendency in socially interactive and dynamic situations and more thinking in mental images, and thinking style could be one of the determinants of diachronic tendency in socially interactive and dynamic situations.
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Su, Hang. "Local grammars and diachronic speech act analysis." Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21, no. 1 (August 28, 2020): 109–36.

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Abstract This paper proposes a method that is designed to facilitate diachronic speech act analysis. The proposed method draws on the corpus linguistic concept of local grammar – an approach which seeks to account for, not the whole of a language, but one meaning or function only. Local grammar descriptions capture both formal and semantic regularities of speech act realisations, and local grammars offer a more reliable way to quantify speech act realisations across time. It is particularly in this respect that it is argued that a local grammar approach can be useful for diachronic speech act studies, which is demonstrated subsequently by tracing one particular speech act, namely “apology”, in a sample of the Corpus of Historical American English (coha).
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Degand, Liesbeth, and Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul. "Grammaticalization or pragmaticalization of discourse markers?" Journal of Historical Pragmatics 16, no. 1 (April 3, 2015): 59–85.

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Discourse markers are a crucial component of natural language, which is why a description and account of their diachronic evolution must be part of our linguistic models. However, researchers have different views on whether this evolution should be accounted for in terms of grammaticalization and/or pragmaticalization. In this paper, we provide a structured overview of the accounts given for the diachronic evolution of DMs. It is shown that the different positions encountered in the literature can be brought back to diverging views on the conceptualization of grammar, the categorization of discourse markers, and the weight that is put on specific processes involved in the diachronic change. We provide case studies for each of the positions that we present and discuss.
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Kapches, Mima. "The Spatial Dynamics of Ontario Iroquoian Longhouses." American Antiquity 55, no. 1 (January 1990): 49–67.

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In both diachronic and synchronic studies of archaeological examples of Ontario Iroquoian longhouses, the standard method of analysis is spatially static. In this paper, the spatially dynamic method is used to analyze longhouses representative of diachronic and synchronic episodes encompassing over 800 years of Ontario Iroquoian prehistory. The results of the analysis using this approach provide significant quantifiable data on the development of Iroquoian matrilocal residence systems and functional and tribal variation in longhouse settlement patterns.
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Khukhuni, Georgy T., Irina I. Valuitseva, and Anna A. Osipova. "Variation in Diachronic Translation of Bible." RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics 12, no. 3 (October 3, 2021): 547–58.

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Variation is one of the most commonly used concepts in translatology. To one degree or another, it becomes obvious in an interlingual transfer of texts of various genres; however, first of all, one has to deal with it when translating pieces of fiction (broadly speaking). This becomes especially evident in cases when one and the same source text has several versions in another language (or in other languages). First of all, this applies to the Bible, which surpasses other literary masterpieces in the number of existing translations into different languages and also has the longest tradition of interlingual transfers. Such fact determines the relevance of the subject of this article. Despite a large number of studies on various aspects of the Holy Writ translations, a number of issues related to their variation cannot be considered fully investigated, which makes it possible to speak of the scientific novelty of this article. A few fragments of the versions created in different languages were used as the material for this research, and the method of comparative analysis was applied for their study. The research results lead to the following conclusions: a) the variation in different translations of the selected fragments may be caused by both objective and subjective factors; b) the availability of the so-called unclarities in the source text, which allow for different interpretations, leads to significant differences in their representation in the target language; c) the aiming for pragmatic adaptation of the content for a foreign cultural audience in a number of cases entails the replacement of realities, sometimes distorting the actualness shown in the original text; d) modern translations may reflect issues related to political correctness, an inclusive language, etc., which do not always correspond to the ideology of the source text.
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la Roi, Ezra. "A rephilologized diachronic analysis of “Post-Classical Greek”." Journal of Greek Linguistics 20, no. 2 (November 12, 2020): 213–38.

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Abstract Picking up on the notion of “rephilologization” promoted by the editors of the 2020 volume Postclassical Greek as a recurring theme in the book under consideration here, I offer in this review article an overview and critique of the ways in which philological analysis intersects with grammatical and diachronic analysis in the 12 studies contained in this work. In addition, I discuss various pitfalls and principles for progress in analysing Greek in its Postclassical instantiations.
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Kotcheva, Kristina. "Leslie K. Arnovick, Diachronic Pragmatics. Seven Case Studies in English Illocutionary Development." Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB) 127, no. 1 (June 2005): 93–102.

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Godnič Vičič, Šarolta. "Variation and Change in the Grammatical Marking of Stance: The Case of That-Complement Clauses in Research Articles." ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries 12, no. 2 (December 29, 2015): 9–28.

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Variation in the genre of research articles has been extensively studied across different disciplines and languages; however, diachronic change and intradisciplinary variation in this academic genre have received less attention. Therefore this paper aims to shed light on change and variation in research articles within a multidisciplinary field of research by focusing on the use of that-complement clause constructions which are known to mark stance. The corpus-based study uses tourism studies as an example, and covers the time span from 1995 to 2010. Diachronic change in the use of that-complement clause constructions was found in instances when they are marked by a verb as well as in the kinds of stance meanings conveyed. Significant intradisciplinary variation was also found across the journals.
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Lai, Mirko, Viviana Patti, Giancarlo Ruffo, and Paolo Rosso. "#Brexit: Leave or remain? the role of user’s community and diachronic evolution on stance detection." Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 39, no. 2 (August 31, 2020): 2341–52.

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Interest has grown around the classification of stance that users assume within online debates in recent years. Stance has been usually addressed by considering users posts in isolation, while social studies highlight that social communities may contribute to influence users’ opinion. Furthermore, stance should be studied in a diachronic perspective, since it could help to shed light on users’ opinion shift dynamics that can be recorded during the debate. We analyzed the political discussion in UK about the BREXIT referendum on Twitter, proposing a novel approach and annotation schema for stance detection, with the main aim of investigating the role of features related to social network community and diachronic stance evolution. Classification experiments show that such features provide very useful clues for detecting stance.
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Szczęsna, Ewa. "Semiotic, Media, Discourses Comparative Studies. Perspectives of their Development." Tekstualia 4, no. 31 (April 1, 2012): 37–50.

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The paper discusses the status, the research problems and the goals of comparative studies in the area of diverse media and discourses. It explores the differences between inter-semiotic, inter-media and inter-discursive approaches. It characterizes the media comparison in the synchronic and diachronic models. It emphasizes the advantages of media comparative studies, the impact of inter-semiotic, inter-media and inter-discursive studies on media communications and texts of culture in general.
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Szczęsna, Ewa. "Semiospheres, Media, Discourses, and Comparative Studies: Some Developmental Perspectives." Tekstualia 1, no. 1 (January 2, 2013): 49–60.

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The paper discusses the status, the research problems and the goals of comparative studies in the area of diverse media and discourses. It explores the differences between inter-semiotic, inter-media and inter-discursive approaches. It characterizes the media comparison in the synchronic and diachronic models. It emphasizes the advantages of media comparative studies, the impact of inter-semiotic, inter-media and inter-discursive studies on media communications and texts of culture in general.
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Wukasch, Charles, and Mark J. Elson. "A Diachronic Interpretation of Macedonian Verbal Morphology." Slavic and East European Journal 35, no. 2 (1991): 303.

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González-García, A. César, and Lourdes Costa-Ferrer. "The diachronic study of orientations: Mérida, a case study." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 7, S278 (January 2011): 374–81.

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AbstractThe study of orientations is a key ingredient in most archaeoastronomical research. Typically, a number of synchronistic monuments belonging to a given culture or cultural horizon are measured and studied in order to see if they share a similar orientation. If an astronomical orientation appears, we may apply other archaeoastronomical procedures to justify further conclusions.On a few occasions we perform studies that compare, for a given site, monuments of different periods. At most two or three periods are usually compared to verify persistence or to check for evolution in customs of orientation. We argue here that it would also be interesting to study orientations from a diachronic point of view, in order to investigate the persistence/evolution of this particular conception of space through time.Mérida (Extremadura, Spain) and the neighbouring areas present a rich and highly interesting monumental heritage spanning from the Neolithic to the present, with monuments belonging to several different periods and cultures.In the present study we will review the orientation of the monuments in that area. We will present some conclusions on the evolution/persistence of customs of orientation and value the applicability of this method to other areas.
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Seke, Igor. "The Myth of Huitzilopochtli: Diachronic and Structural Interpretation." Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology 10, no. 1 (February 28, 2016): 95.

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The paper investigates the myth about the birth of Huicilopochtli, the deity considered by the Spanish conquistadors to be the supreme god of the Aztecs. Aztec myths are even today usually interpreted diachronically, strictly following the sequence of events. Structural analysis, on the other hand, in attempting to uncover the message a myth holds, doesn’t deem the sequence of events in the story important, but rather, studies the interrelation of chains of essential units of myth – mythemes. These two kinds of analysis provide two different interpretations of the same myth: while formal analysis gives a cosmological interpretation, structural analysis points to the powerful social contradictions which this myth tries to reconcile.
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Rissanen, Matti. "Three problems connected with the use of diachronic corpora." ICAME Journal 42, no. 1 (March 1, 2018): 9–12.

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Abstract In compiling and testing the diachronic part of the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts, our project group has come across three problems which arise from the use of computer corpora in studies of syntax and vocabulary. While these problems are mainly associated with work on diachronic corpora, they may be universal enough to deserve somewhat more general consideration. They could be called “The philologist’s dilemma”, “God’s truth fallacy”, and “The mystery of vanishing reliability”. The first could be described as pedagogical, the second methodological and the third pragmatic.
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Jamison, Stephanie W., and Bertil Tikkanen. "The Sanskrit Gerund: A Synchronic, Diachronic, and Typological Analysis." Journal of the American Oriental Society 109, no. 3 (July 1989): 459.

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