Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Développement et génie logiciel'
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Laporte, Claude. "Contributions au génie logiciel et au développement et déploiement de normes internationales en génie logiciel pour de très petites organisations." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00483255.
Full textKintz, Michel. "Etude et mise en place d'un environnement de production de logiciels à dominante temps reel : démarche, mesures et modèles, méthodes." Mulhouse, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988MULH0075.
Full textMezrioui, Abdellatif. "Vers un modèle et une méthodologie de conception de procédés de développement de logiciels." Nancy 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993NAN10196.
Full textAlhalabi, Mohamad-Firas. "Modélisation et développement d'applications avec comportement adaptable." Lyon, INSA, 2009. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2009ISAL0038/these.pdf.
Full textIn the domain of software engineering, autonomous systems are able to modify their behavior and to evolve to fit their execution context (self-adaptation). These systems aim to work in unpredictable contexts, at least partially or in a graceful degraded way, under some conditions that are not defined in advance. In this context of autonomous systems, we are interested in the Quality of Service (QoS) management. The development of an autonomous system dedicated to manage the QoS that meets all the requirements is a hard task. In order to facilitate this task and to help developers, we propose a generic framework aiming to describe a family of related QoS management systems. In addition, we propose a generic model for the design of applications as a graph model. This model allows an application to communicate with the QoS management system by using a common protocol. Concerning the management architecture, we define different centralized vs. Decentralized management policies and then, we compare them by using the number of messages exchanged between the application and the QoS management system. In order to generalize our solution, we first propose a development methodology based on UML components and profiles. This methodology allows developing a generic framework for a family of related systems in any domain. Then, we detail the use of this methodology in the domain of QoS management system. Based on this development methodology, we focus on the description of the generic basic components that are necessary to build a QoS management system that adapt application?s behavior. We develop a generic framework that gathers these components, their connectors as well as constraints. This framework characterizes the functional and structural as well as behavioral aspects. From this coarse-grained generic framework, a user will be able to derive his/her specific own QoS management system. We show an example of specific system called PMQDA (Plan-based Middleware for QoS management of Distributed Applications) for QoS management of distributed applications
Razavizadeh, Azadeh. "BeeEye: approche et cadre de travail pour la construction des vues architecturales basées sur les points de vue." Chambéry, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010CHAMS034.
Full textChanges and Evolution of software systems constantly generate new challenges for system understanding. Recovering system architectural représentations is particularly nteresting when sucé représentations are not available. The work presented in this thesis joins the effort on software architecture reconstruction. This thesis proposes approach BeeEye as a generic engineering approach to enable the construction of architectural views from an existing object-oriented system. BeeEye uses viewpoints and lets users define new ones. BeeEye provides différent construction prouesses; gives the possibility to define user-specific construction processus. The viewpoints are used to model the expectations and wishes (or priory knowledge) of users about the software system in question. Two categories of architectural views construction are proposed: construction by mapping and construction by explo`ration. The proposed approach is generic enough to be used with all objects software svstems for which we have the source code
Hunel, Philippe. "Conception et réalisation d'un environnement intégré de génie logiciel pour le développement des protocoles." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994CLF21624.
Full textRolland, Jean-François. "Développement et validation d'architectures dynamiques." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00367994.
Full textBarais, Olivier. "Construire et maîtriser l'évolution d'une architecture logicielle à base de composants." Lille 1, 2005. https://ori-nuxeo.univ-lille1.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/1495c084-3273-41d6-aea6-c5343a3d2120.
Full textUn deuxième axe de la thèse part du constat qu'il est difficile de construire un assemblage de composants qui adresse l'ensemble des préoccupations d'une application en une seule étape. L'idéal est alors de proposer une démarche de construction incrémentale où l'architecte peut à chaque étape ajouter une nouvelle préoccupation à son architecture. Malheureusement, les modèles de composants ne proposent en générale qu'une unique dimension de structuration d'une application, SafArchie n'échappe pas à cette règle. Dès lors, certaines préoccupations comme la sécurité, la persistance ou la traçabilité ne peuvent être correctement structurées au sein d'un seul composant et se retrouvent alors noyées au sein de nombreux éléments de l'architecture. Cette mauvaise structuration est très préjudiciable pour l'intégration de ces préoccupations dans une architecture existante. Nous proposons donc, dans une deuxième partie de cette thèse, un canevas de conception d'architecture nommé TranSAT qui permet l'intégration de nouvelles préoccupations dans une architecture par transformation de cette dernière. Ce canevas introduit la notion de patron d'architecture pour structurer les différentes préoccupations transverses d'une application. Ce patron comprend les éléments d'architecture à intégrer, les transformations à apporter sur l'architecture de base, mais aussi un ensemble de contraintes génériques sur les éléments d'une architecture cible sur laquelle le patron peut être intégré. De plus, TranSAT propose un langage dédié pour spécifier les modifications à apporter sur l'architecture de base afin d'intégrer la nouvelle préoccupation. Ce langage est concis et expressif, sa spécialisation permet de produire différentes analyses statiques afin de garantir la cohérence de l'architecture résultante sans analyser la totalité de cette architecture
Hazem, Lotfi. "Développement d'architectures logicielles par application de patrons d'architecture prouvés : définition et application." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007VERS0005.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis aims to reuse proved architectural solutions by combining formal and semi-formal development techniques to solve architectural development problems. Our contribution relates to the definition, the validation and the integration of architectural patterns into software development environments. We propose to formalize architectural patterns definition taking into account the problem part, the solution part and relationships between them. On one hand, the provided description is based on UML/OCL specification and a stereotype set, on the other hand on a quality model who establishes quality characteristics in terms of functional and non-functional requirements. Quality characteristics are specified using the ISO/IEC 9126-1 quality model. Our patterns are semantically consolidated by their B formal specifications following a transformational approach from UML/OCL to B. The integration of our approach in the UML Objecteering Modeler aims at helping the developer by providing a semantic framework for the architectural patterns without revealing the formal aspect used for their validation
Bosco, Michel. "Contribution à la spécification et à la conception de systèmes d'information intelligents pour le génie logiciel." Toulouse, ENSAE, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988ESAE0004.
Full textRouillé, Emmanuelle. "Gestion de la variabilité et automatisation des processus de développement logiciel." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01061129.
Full textAhmed-Nacer, Mohamed. "Un modèle de gestion et d'évolution de schéma pour les bases de données de génie logiciel." Grenoble INPG, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994INPG0067.
Full textNous faisons d'abord le point des travaux concernant l'évolution de schémas et l’évolution des modèles de procédés logiciels ; nous définissons des critères d'évolution et nous montrons que les principales approches ne satisfont pas les besoins en génie logiciel
Nous présentons ensuite notre modèle : celui-ci permet l'existence simultanée de plusieurs points de vues de la base d'objets, la composition de schémas et enfin, l'expression de politiques différentes d'évolution de ces schémas ; chaque application pouvant définir la politique d’évolution souhaitée<
La gestion des points de vue se fonde sur le versionnement de la métabase. Le maintien de la cohérence de la base d'objets et du système global de gestion et d'évolution de schémas est assuré par l'expression de contraintes au niveau de cette métabase. La composition des schémas utilise une technique de configurations de logiciels appliqués aux types et la définition de politique d’évolution utilise les capacités de la base active du système Adèle"
Khammaci, Tahar. "Contribution à l'étude du processus de développement de logiciels : assistance à base de connaissance et modélisation des objets logiciels." Nancy 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991NAN10287.
Full textMatz, Frédéric. "Développement d'un module de rendu graphique et d'un cycle de développement de scénarios pour le Framework Apia." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24475/24475.pdf.
Full textKambale, Bernard. "Modèle de m-learning et conception d'applications mobiles comme outils de support pour l'enseignement à distance en informatique et génie logiciel." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/31325.
Full textMany studies undertaken in the field of education have revealed that m-learning is emerging more and more as an effective learning method with the use of smartphones. Always turned on and easily transported, smartphones can be used anywhere, at any given time and in any context. Considering this potential of smartphones in our current society, in this thesis we present an m-learning model designed as a learning support tool in computer science and software engineering. To achieve this goal, we first show the existing efforts to integrate smartphones into programming tools. Following the same idea, we show examples of using mobile applications for programming. We then demonstrate that smartphones have limitations that make the programming exercise ineffective. Given these limitations, we show that, especially for programming courses, m-learning plays its role fully when it provides access to useful information on an ongoing basis to support the learning process. Thus, we come up with the design of m-learning as a learning support tool in computer science and software engineering. In this sense, m-learning provides an environment to receive updates on the planned work, notifications, comments, task schedules, new tasks to be performed, etc. Then, after having studied different architectural styles and different types of applications, we present possibilities of implementation of this m-learning model. We identify the hybrid architecture as the ideal architecture for designing and developing m-learning tools. We show how this hybrid architecture works by using the Apache Cordova Framework to produce m-learning tools that are both customizable and portable.
Pinet, François. "Vers une Méthode de Conception pour la Télégéomatique : Intégration et Validation au sein d'un Atelier de Développement." Lyon, INSA, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ISAL0049.
Full textRecently, the important development of new communication technology (Internet/Intranet, GSM, and GPS) has implied new types of geoprocessing applications. These applications that we will call telegeoprocessing applications concern fields such as traffic monitoring in using GPS technology, risk monitoring, diffusion of geographie information with Internet. The goal of this thesis is to propose a case-tool T -AIGLE and an associated formalism T-OMEGA (based on UML) in order to facilitate the conception of telegeoprocessing applications. ' Our works have been released in the context of a CIFRE thesis with the company ClRIL SA. They follow the thesis of Ahmed Lbath named "AIGLE, a visual environment for the conception and automatic generation of geoprocessing applications"
Voisinet, Jean-Christophe. "Contribution aux processus de développement d'applications spécifiées à l'aide de la méthode B par validation utilisant des vues UML et traduction vers des langages objets." Besançon, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BESA2015.
Full textThe research works about software engineering allows to think up two approach types, the formal methods which allows to write and verify a system specification with a notation from mathematics and the semi-formal methods object-oriented which allows to model a system using graphic views. The departure of our works is the B formal method. We provide a contribution in two states of the software development. The first is the integration of the two method types by extraction of UML graphics views from a B formal specification. This extraction happen to maturity because it deals with state-charts, classes diagrams and OCL constraints like most integration works already done as graphic notation derivation to formal methods. In addition we also defined the extraction of concrete diagrams like sequence and activity ones. The second contribution of our works is the translation of B specifications to compilable and executable languages. This translation is targeted on a large domain because it is applied on standard software with Java and C# but also on embedded application with Java for JavaCard. A plate-forme merging the two contributions relatives tools was developed in order to factorize the common developments of syntactic and semantic analysis
Pribadi, Krishna. "Contribution à l'étude du développement d'un système C. A. O. -V. R. D. : extension du système V.E.R.D.I., coût des infrastructures : étude de la portabilité du système vers l'Indonésie." Lyon 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985LYO19036.
Full textBruneau, Julien. "Développement et test d'applications d'informatique ubiquitaire : une méthodologie outillée." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BOR14518/document.
Full textDespite much progress, developing a pervasive computing application remains a challenge because of a lack of conceptual frameworks and supporting tools. This challenge involves coping with heterogeneous devices, overcoming the intricacies of distributed systems technologies, working out an architecture for the application, and encoding it into a program. Moreover, testing pervasive computing applications is problematic because it requires acquiring, testing and interfacing a variety of software and hardware entities. This process can rapidly become costly and time-consuming when the target environment involves many entities.This thesis proposes a tool-based methodology for developing and testing pervasive computing applications. Our methodology first provides the DiaSpec design language that allows to define a taxonomy of area-specific building-blocks, abstracting over their heterogeneity. This language also includes a layer to define the architecture of an application. Our tool suite includes a compiler that takes DiaSpec design artifacts as input and generates a programming framework that supports the implementation and testing stages.To address the testing phase, we propose an approach and a tool integrated in our tool-based methodology, namely DiaSim. Our approach uses the testing support generated by DiaSpec to transparently test applications in a simulated physical environment. The simulation of an application is rendered graphically in a 2D visualization tool.We combined DiaSim with a domain-specific language for describing physical environment phenomena as differential equations, allowing a physically-accurate testing. DiaSim has been used to simulate various pervasive computing systems in different application areas. Our simulation approach has also been applied to an avionics system, which demonstrates the generality of our parameterized simulation approach
Soekirno, Purnomo. "Contribution à l'étude du développement d'un système C. A. O. -V. R. D. : extension du système V.E.R.D.I., réseaux basse tension et éclairage public : étude de la circulation d'informations dans un processus de conception en V.R.D." Lyon 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985LYO10008.
Full textLestideau, Vincent. "Modèles et environnement pour configurer et déployer des systèmes logiciels." Phd thesis, Chambéry, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00005525.
Full textCette thèse propose un environnement de déploiement nommé ORYA, c'est à dire une plate-forme offrant un support automatisé aux activités du cycle de vie du déploiement. ORYA est basé sur la réutilisation et l'intégration des outils de déploiement existants. Pour cela, nous proposons une abstraction des différents acteurs et entités du déploiement, ainsi qu'une infrastructure permettant de faire interopérer des outils hétérogènes et ne se connaissant pas. Ce travail traite plus particulièrement de l'activité de sélection avec l'utilisation d'un modèle de composant générique et la mise en place d'un framework basé sur un système d'annotations et de règles. La deuxième activité étudiée en détail est celle de l'installation qui est basée sur un langage de procédés permettant la description et la réalisation des procédés dans le monde réel.
Une implémentation d'ORYA a été réalisée afin de valider notre approche dans le cadre d'une expérimentation industrielle en vraie grandeur..
Sriplakich, Prawee. "ModelBus : un environnement réparti et ouvert pour l'ingénierie de modèles." Paris 6, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA066265.
Full textLepreux, Sophie. "Approche de développement centré décideur et à l'aide de patron de systèmes interactifs d'aide à la décision : Application à l'investissement dans le domaine ferroviaire." Valenciennes, 2005. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/007a05a5-88ef-48c2-bcaf-993bcac935dc.
Full textThis thesis presents the problematic of the choice between investment projects and focus to the need of Decision Support Systems (DSS) to help the railway authorities. We consider the case where the decision-making is mainly knowledge-based. In order to capitalize and reuse this knowledge, the component-based development (CBD) was studied. The approaches found in various domains such as software engineering, HCI, DSS, knowledge-based systems and CBD were investigated to match the development requirements. So, our work aims at the proposal of a new approach which includes a model, a method and an architecture as well. The approach aims at the decision-maker centered development and using patterns. It was applied to develop a DSS in the railway infrastructure investment domain. The first evaluation allowed to globally validate the approach and the end users agreed with the developed system. The perspectives of this work aims at extending the approach to other kinds of DSS
Feugas, Alexandre. "Une approche agile, fiable et minimale pour le maintien de la qualité de service lors de l'évolution d'applications à base de processus métiers." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01073193.
Full textDamou, Elmehdi. "ApAM : Un environnement pour le développement et l'exécution d'applications ubiquitaires." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00911462.
Full textCeret, Eric. "Flexibilité des processus de développement à la conception et à l'exécution : application à la plasticité des interfaces homme-machine." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENM041/document.
Full textThe increasing diversity of devices and services makes the engineering of user interfaces (UI) more complex: in particular, the UIs need to be capable of dynamic adaptation to the user's context of use. This property is named plasticity and so far addressed by model-based approaches. However, these approaches suffer from a high threshold of use. Therefore there is a need to support designers and developers with a flexible guidance, i.e. a guidance capable of adaptation to the evolving variety of skills and practices.Software development methods engineering has long been concerned with flexibility of process models at design time, but very few work has been done about enactment-time although several studies show that designers and developers, who are the primary users of methods, call for such a flexibility. For instance, they expect process models to be expressed in languages they master, to let them make decisions about design choices, and to help them in learning the approach.Our proposition of process models flexibility at both design time and runtime meets these expectations and thus opens the possibility of providing adequate guidance for the development of plastic UIs.We first focused on the conceptualization of flexibility. Thanks to this study, we elaborated Promote, a taxonomy of process models, which defines and graduates six kinds of flexibility. Then we transcribed this definition of flexibility into M2Flex, a flexible process metamodel, and implemented it in two tools: D2Flex (with a D as "Design time"), a collaborative tool for the Design of process models, and R2Flex (with a R as "Runtime") , a tool for enacting the process models defined in D2Flex. We applyed our approach to the development of plastic UIs by making the UsiXML methodology flexible. FlexiLab, our software environment, is actually under technological maturation for being transferred to companies. These contributions have been validated, especially with novice designers, in the fields of the engineering of plastic UIs and Information Systems
Perrin, Amandine. "Tools for massive bacterial comparative genomics : Development and Applications." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022. https://theses.hal.science/tel-03789655.
Full textBacterial comparative genomics consists in comparing the gene contents of different strains: their pangenome. With the increasing number of strains sequenced, the tools available when I started this PhD were reaching their limits in terms of computation time and space. The aim was to develop a method able to handle thousands of genomes, accurately and in a reasonable amount of time. Besides, to our knowledge, no tool was able to do all key steps of any comparative genomics study. This spurred the development of PanACoTA, a tool to standardize and automatize the process to build the key collections of data needed for these studies. This includes all steps from downloading genomes with a quality control until the inference of a phylogenetic tree based on the core genome (genes shared by all strains). In order to be able to adapt to specific needs (exploration of parameters, additional steps), we implemented it in a modular way. For the “pangenome” module, we developed a new method, based on recent tools of genome comparison and clustering. Robust to changes in sampling size, this method can infer a pangenome of 4000 strains in 30 minutes. During its development, we applied PanACoTA to different kinds of studies. We showed its usefulness for short-term studies (find specificity of a pathogenic strain of E. anophelis), long-term (genomic diversity of E. coli species), or to identify different species in an little-known genus (Morganella)
Le, Goaer Olivier. "Styles d'évolution dans les architectures logicielles." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00459925.
Full textAit, Lahcen Ayoub. "Développement d'Applications à Base de Composants avec une Approche Centrée sur les Données et dans une Architecture Orientée Service et Pair-à-Pair : Spécification, Analyse et Intergiciel." Phd thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00766329.
Full textPatel, Pankesh. "Environnement de développement d'applications pour l'Internet des objets." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00927150.
Full textPapoulias, Nikolaos. "Le Débogage à Distance et la Réflexion dans les Dispositifs à Ressources Limitées." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00932796.
Full textAït-Ameur, Yamine. "Application des techniques d'interprétation abstraite aux développements formels de programmes." Toulouse, ENSAE, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992ESAE0014.
Full textMou, Lei. "Toward a customized privacy preservation method in mobile tourism applications." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAM063.
Full textThe rapid development of ICT(Information and Communication Technology) brought huge impact to all industries. Mobile internet, Web 2.0, positioning technology are deployed world-widely, that initialized inner request of new technologies in the field of tourism as well. By enjoying the convenience brought by new technologies, more and more users starting to focus on privacy issues.As known, there is a contradiction between the quality of recommended location-based services and privacy. Detailed user profile and precise location information are needed for providing location-based service with high efficiency and quality, while privacy preservation requires hiding user's profile and location. Many recent researches aims to seek a balance between them, to obtain the best quality of the LBS in the context of the least exposed user profile content and location information.In this thesis, the author focused mainly on the privacy of mobile user profile, which covers both personal characteristics and location information.1, Customized user privacy model considering both personal attributes and spatial and temporal location is defined for mobile user.In this research, we proposed customized privacy model for every user to define, his/her own meaning of privacy. With this model, for different travel purpose, or even for different time and location, they can have different definitions for their privacy.2, Minimized the data to be stored on server.Profiles are stored in two different ways, complete profile is stored on the client side, and only the values of the attributes that are able for the users to share are stored on the server side, thus minimized the data to be stored on server.3, Customized levels of granularity of disclosure of location and time are adjustable for users.For frequently changing attributes such as location and time, user can disclose them with suitable granularity, in order to obtain expected service from the service providers.Keywords: privacy, location, user profile, mobile, tourism
Aljer, Ammar. "Co-design et raffinement en B : BHDL tool, plateforme pourr la conception de composants numériques." Lille 1, 2004. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2004/50376-2004-Aljer.pdf.
Full textDiaw, Samba. "Spem4mde : un métamodèle et un environnement pour la modélisation et la mise en œuvre assistée de processus IDM." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00668956.
Full textSouquières, Jeanine. "Aides au développement de spécifications." Nancy 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993NAN10026.
Full textAntonio, Wendell De Oliveira Rodrigues. "Une Méthodologie pour le Développement d'Applications Hautes Performances sur des Architectures GPGPU: Application à la Simulation des Machines Éléctriques." Phd thesis, Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00670221.
Full textGiron, Patricia. "Introduction de méthodes rigoureuses de génie logiciel pour le développement d'applications spatiales embarquées." Toulouse 3, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996TOU30235.
Full textZhang, Jun. "Conception et réalisation de l'interface Moduleco-TSP." Paris 9, 1990. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1990PA090035.
Full textGhabach, Eddy. "Prise en charge du « copie et appropriation » dans les lignes de produits logiciels." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AZUR4056/document.
Full textA Software Product Line (SPL) manages commonalities and variability of a related software products family. This approach is characterized by a systematic reuse that reduces development cost and time to market and increases software quality. However, building an SPL requires an initial expensive investment. Therefore, organizations that are not able to deal with such an up-front investment, tend to develop a family of software products using simple and intuitive practices. Clone-and-own (C&O) is an approach adopted widely by software developers to construct new product variants from existing ones. However, the efficiency of this practice degrades proportionally to the growth of the family of products in concern, that becomes difficult to manage. In this dissertation, we propose a hybrid approach that utilizes both SPL and C&O to develop and evolve a family of software products. An automatic mechanism of identification of the correspondences between the features of the products and the software artifacts, allows the migration of the product variants developed in C&O in an SPL The originality of this work is then to help the derivation of new products by proposing different scenarios of C&O operations to be performed to derive a new product from the required features. The developer can then reduce these possibilities by expressing her preferences (e.g. products, artifacts) and using the proposed cost estimations on the operations. We realized our approach by developing SUCCEED, a framework for SUpporting Clone-and-own with Cost-EstimatEd Derivation. We validate our works on a case study of families of web portals
Bernas, Pierre. "Bases de projet pour les environnements de développement de logiciel." Paris 11, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA112229.
Full textA software development environment is an integrated frame for storing, processing and developing all information concerning the development of a software. An environment should make it possible for several users to work, simultaneously or not, on the same project, this project being able to evolve, and have different states. For solving the problems raised by this situation, and particularly the problems of configuration management. A software evolution model is defined: the derivation-Jock model. The principle of the project database gen ration from the specification of the environment is defined, in association with this model. This principle makes it possible to handle very easily software development environments, to change their structure with no risk, and to get procedures for exchanging structured software between different environments. A formal framework, using the formalism of algebraic specifications makes it possible to prove the correctness of the project database generation. The generation of a project data base is defined in this framework as an abstract implementation between the specification of an environment and the specification of a database system. Some prototypes illustrate these works: a multi-user database system devoted to software development processes, a generator of project database kernels, and environments which integrate these works: Asspégaz and PEGASE
Huang, Lidan. "Analyse et contrôle de la qualité du logiciel." Lyon, INSA, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989ISAL0084.
Full textMercadal, Julien. "Approche langage au développement logiciel : application au domaine des systèmes d’informatique ubiquitaire." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14315/document.
Full textThe sheer size and complexity of today's software systems posechallenges for both their programming and verification, making itcritical to raise the level of abstraction of software developmentbeyond the code. However, the use of high-level descriptions in thedevelopment process still remains rudimentary, improving and guidingthis process marginally.This thesis proposes a new approach to making software developmentsimpler and safer. This approach is based on the use ofdomain-specific languages and a tight coupling between a specificationand architecture layer, and an implementation layer. It consists ofdescribing functional and non-functional aspects of a software systemat a high level of abstraction, using the specification andarchitecture layer. These high-level descriptions are then analyzedand used to customize the implementation layer, greatly facilitatingthe programming and verification of the software system.We have validated our approach in the domain of pervasive computingsystems development. From a complete domain analysis, we haveintroduced two domain-specific languages, Pantaxou and Pantagruel,dedicated to the orchestration of networked smart devices
Réveillère, Laurent. "Approche langage au développement de pilotes de périphériques robustes." Rennes 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001REN10136.
Full textGuelfi, Nicolas. "Les réseaux algébriques hiérarchiques : un formalisme de spécifications structurées pour le développement de systèmes concurrents." Paris 11, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA112292.
Full textChaudet, Christelle. "π-Space : langage et outils pour la description d'architectures évolutives à composants dynamiques : formalisation d'architectures logicielles et industrielles." Chambéry, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CHAMS022.
Full textSéguin, Normand. "Inventaire, analyse et consolidation des principes fondamentaux du génie logiciel." Mémoire, École de technologie supérieure, 2006. http://espace.etsmtl.ca/528/1/S%C3%89GUIN_Normand.pdf.
Full textLe, Guennec Alain. "Génie logiciel et méthodes formelles avec UML : : spécification, validation et génération de tests." Rennes 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001REN10156.
Full textBertrand, Christian. "Ateliers de génie logiciel : études, modèles de bases de données, contribution du modèle entité-association au cycle de vie du logiciel." Mulhouse, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989MULH0115.
Full textBurgy, Laurent. "Approche langage au développement du support protocolaire d'applications réseaux." Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00359948.
Full textsuel de règles régissant la communication, appelé protocole. Cette communication est gérée par la
partie de l'application connue comme la couche de support protocolaire qui gère la manipulation de
messages protocolaires. Elle s'avère être un composant critique d'une application réseau puisqu'elle
représente l'interface entre celle-ci et le monde extérieur. Elle est donc soumise à deux contraintes
fortes : une contrainte d'efficacité pour pouvoir traiter un grand nombre de messages et une contrainte
de robustesse pour faire face à des attaques visant à déstabiliser l'application ou la plate-forme maté-
rielle sous-jacente. Malgré ces contraintes, le processus de développement de cette couche demeure
rudimentaire et requiert un haut niveau d'expertise. Il consiste à traduire manuellement une spécifi-
cation du protocole écrite dans un formalisme haut niveau comme ABNF vers du code bas niveau tel
que du C. Le fossé entre ces niveaux d'abstraction favorise l'apparition d'erreurs.
Cette thèse propose une approche langage au développement de la couche de support protocolaire
d'applications réseaux, pour améliorer leur robustesse sans compromettre leur performance. Notre ap-
proche est fondée sur l'utilisation d'un langage dédié, Zebu, pour décrire la spécification des couches
de support protocolaire d'applications réseaux qui utilisent des protocoles applicatifs textuels à la
HTTP. La syntaxe de Zebu est très proche de celles du formalisme ABNF, favorisant ainsi l'adoption
de Zebu par des experts du domaine. En annotant la spécification ABNF d'un protocole, l'utilisateur
de Zebu peut adapter une couche de support protocolaire à une application donnée. Dans un premier
temps, le compilateur Zebu vérifie la spécification annotée pour déceler d'éventuelles incohérences.
Ensuite, une couche de support protocolaire définie par les annotations fournies est générée automati-
quement. Cette couche consiste en un ensemble de structures de données pour représenter un message,
un analyseur syntaxique qui remplit ces structures de données et des fonctions utilitaires pour l'ac-
cès à ces données ou piloter l'analyse syntaxique des messages. Par défaut, l'analyseur syntaxique de
messages généré n'accepte que les messages respectant scrupuleusement la spécification. Ce critère
de validation peut être modifié pour plus de flexibilité ou de meilleures performances.