Academic literature on the topic 'Développement communautaire – Aspect économique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Développement communautaire – Aspect économique"
Lemelin, André, and Richard Morin. "L’approche locale et communautaire au développement économique des zones défavorisées : le cas de Montréal." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 35, no. 95 (April 12, 2005): 285–306.
Full textFontan, Jean-Marc. "Le développement économique communautaire québécois : éléments de synthèse et point de vue critique." II. Au-delà des intentions : les équivoques de l’informel sous enquête, no. 32 (October 2, 2002): 115–25.
Full textMalo, Marie-Claire, and Cédriane Moreau. "Corporations de développement économique communautaire (CDEC) et Caisses Desjardins : quelle configuration partenariale ?" III. Nouveaux débats, no. 41 (October 2, 2002): 119–28.
Full textAndrew, Caroline. "L’individu et le communautaire : impasse ou nouveau modèle de développement ?" II. Le développement local en pratique, no. 22 (November 13, 2015): 81–85.
Full textFavreau, Louis, and Lucie Fréchette. "Pauvreté urbaine et exclusion sociale. Les nouvelles figures du travail social auprès des personnes et des communautés locales en difficulté." Service social 44, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 71–93.
Full textCharpentier, Céline. "Origine et mission des Corporations de développement économique communautaire." Nouvelles pratiques sociales 9, no. 1 (January 28, 2008): 179–83.
Full textNinacs, William A. "Le service social et l’appauvrissement : vers une action axée sur le contrôle des ressources." Cahiers de recherche sociologique, no. 29 (April 29, 2011): 59–77.
Full textKlein, Juan-Luis, Darío Enriquez, Ping Huang, and Reina Victoria Vega. "Le développement économique communautaire et la cohésion sociale à Montréal : un rôle de médiation et d’intermédiation." Économie et Solidarités 42, no. 1-2 (March 5, 2015): 9–35.
Full textRené, Jean-François, Christine Lefebvre, and Monique Provost. "L’employabilité en contexte de développement économique communautaire : vers quel empowerment ?" Nouveaux c@hiers de la recherche en éducation 5, no. 3 (1998): 433.
Full textBagaoui, Rachid, Donald Dennie, and Nérée St-Amand. "Développement économique communautaire en Ontario français : tour d’horizon et questions." Reflets: Revue d’intervention sociale et communautaire 5, no. 1 (1999): 8.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Développement communautaire – Aspect économique"
Liennard, Alain. "Analyse de la durabilité socio-économique d"un processus de développement insulaire." Montpellier 1, 2003.
Full textAlves, Carlos-Manuel. "La protection intégrée de l'environnement en droit communautaire." Bordeaux 4, 2002.
Full textIn the face of increasingly significant ecological imbalances, the question of the relationship between the environment and economic development has become international. The integration or the integrated protection of the environment seeks to es ablish equilibrium between these two essential needs. Its consist of placing environmental considerations in development policies. Taking account of its call, the European Community, regional organisation for. . . Economic integration, could not stay in the background of such a movement. Integration has taken the form of a legal duty in the treatry. .
Andong, baubebet Reine sandrine. "L’écorécréativité communautaire : une perspective de développement local dans les parcs nationaux du Gabon?" Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019.
Full textCassan, Guilhem. "Etat et identité de caste en Inde : une approche économique." Paris, EHESS, 2011.
Full textThis PhD studies identity, to show its multiple and ambiguous aspects. The first part is a study of the role of the British colonial presence in the evolution of the caste system in the Province of Punjab. Using Census data from 1881 to 1921, l built a panel of caste population over the long run. Using the creation of the "agricultural caste" category by the Government of Punjab in 1901 as a natural experiment on the incentive to manipulate cast identity. Using double differences, l can show that the abnormal evolution of the demography of the caste groups can be explained only by identity manipulation. The second chapter takes the point of view of the Government of Punjab to evaluate the extent to which this manipulation led to the misallocation of land that was supposed to be distributed to agricultural castes only. Using the data from the first chapter, l can build estimates of the quantity of land obtained by the members of the non agricultural castes who had been able to pass as members agricultural ones: more than 6% of the land allocated by the Government to agricultural castes was in fact obtained by individuals who had manipulated their identity. The second part of the PhD deals with contemporary positive discrimination policies in India. The difficulty to clearly distinguish untouchable for touchable caste led to the creation of different "Scheduled Castes" lists in each State. However, in 1956, the borders of thoses States have been but the lists were not changed before 1976: a member of a same caste could or not be considered as Scheduled Caste depending on its location within a State. Using two identification strategies, it is shown that the access to the status did not change the average educational level. The causes of this absence of effect are explored, and it is shown that it is mainly due to the absence of proper schooling infrastructure that this policy failed
Bourion, Alain. "Logiques publiques et stratégies des acteurs économiques : essai de modélisation pour un développement local plus équilibré." Saint-Etienne, 1996.
Full textThe character more global of the world economy cannot ignore that it depends on economic health of cities and territories. Their economic development implies the existence, inside the local industries, of special ones, called here "jacobian", whose caracteristics and behavior with their environment make them appear as the very heart of the local economy : frequent in many industrial districts namely, they are at the origin of their dynamism a study conducted in Montreal (Canada) puts in evidence that the special behavior of the jacobian enterprises with the local environment may be due to the "local reinvestment" of those firms; the report defines that concept and gives, through a short exercise of modelization, the description of its effects on the local environment. Consequently, it is possible to think about a new definition of the public policies regarding the local economic development, in order to maximize their efficiency
Gingras, Patrick. "Entre innovation économique et cohésion sociale : les coopératives forestières et le développement des régions périphériques du Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007.
Full textDam, Duy Long. "Développement touristique et développement local : la communauté lagunaire à Tam Giang-Cau Hai, province de Thùa Thiên Hué, Vietnam." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2017.
Full textThừa Thiên Huế inherites a strategic geographic position with many majestic landscapes, traditional villages and a diverse culture with two world cultural heritages. Among various potential natural resources of the place, Tam Giang – Cầu Hai Lagoon (TG-CH), with its precious resources, is an emerging tourist destination of the province. Althought tourism has established at TG-CH since 2010, it, in fact, has not shown as an effective tool for poverty alleviation. This research is aiming to a sustainable development of the area through analysing various factors. Analysises on the impacts of tourism and the involvement of local community in tourism have a very strong connection with the community perceived value in tourism. Specifically, a proposal for a model “tourism in the ghost town” at TG-CH would bring a unique aspect of a lost world which could not even be in the mind Thừa Thiên Huế authorities. For the first time, local culture becomes a significant key to understand and elaborate social changes. This research will continuously develop toward the sustainable development of TG-CH
Malki, Zahia. "L’impact des radios communautaires sur le développement économique et humain dans les pays en développement : la théorie à l'épreuve de la réalité sénégalaise." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to examine the conviction of international organisations that consider community radios as an effective tool for economic and human development. Community radios are in fact regarded as a new source of growth to stand up to failing states due to their local presence and ability to broadcast information in local language. They are also representative of a participatory development considered as more effective than the traditional development "top-down" axis. This issue, which is quite recent in theoretical level, is very crucial since successive development policies promoted by states and international organisations have generated disappointments in many developing countries, particularly on the African continent.Due to a lack of theoretical literature in regards to the relationship between community radios development and economic and human development, the field survey was the mainstay of our analysis. We chose to perform the field survey in Senegal for reasons of practicalities and representativeness. Supported by statistics, particularly logistic regressions, and by a summary of a rich theoretical literature on development issues, our analysis convincingly argue that if community radios are a good development tool, their impact is nevertheless currently constrained by a number of limits, including their low budget. Once these limitations are identified, we will put forward proposals to allow community radios to become a truly effective tool for economic and human development while considering cooperatives or promoting the development of radio listening clubs
Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre. "Essais sur l’évaluation des préférences des ménages en matière d’assurance communautaire." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2013.
Full textThe financing of quality healthcare is a major challenge for developing countries. Despite efforts to improve the provision of healthcare services, a significant proportion of the population does not always have access to healthcare services. Low economic growth, lack of economic resources, corruption and constraints on the public sector could explain why the design of a system of financing healthcare is complex. Over the past two decades, there has been a decline in the use of healthcare services after the introduction of cost recovery in public health facilities. Those most affected by this policy are low-income households particularly in rural areas that are most often vulnerable to diseases. The community-based health insurance has been proposed as an alternative to improve better access to low-income households to healthcare services. The community-based health insurance is thus a tool of social protection for many households who otherwise would not have formal insurance. However, such a health insurance scheme can have long-term effects if households have a strong preference for it, and there is social capital in rural areas. Assessing the preferences of households for the community-based health insurance is important for the formulation of policy recommendations. Adequate knowledge on the determinants of demand for the community-based health insurance is essential for developing strategies to increase resource allocation, and improve the quality of services. This study aims at assessing the preferences of households for community-based health insurance in rural areas of Cameroon. The use of contingent valuation method suggests that low-income households are willing to pay for the community-based health insurance. Furthermore, social capital has a positive and significant effect on the demand, and the use of double-bounded dichotomous choice to assess the preferences of households is incentive incompatible. We also found that there is heterogeneous shift effect in preferences anomalies and could be mostly explained by the salient characteristics of households. A striking result is that more certain households are not subjected to preference anomalies. Lastly, there is spatial dependence in the preferences of households explained by social norms
Didier, Raphaël. "Monnaie : communauté ou institution ? Un éclairage théorique et empirique à partir d’une monnaie locale." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2022.
Full textIn this doctoral work, we sought to shed theoretical and empirical light on the communal or institutional nature of money. To do so, we have used the particular case of a local currency, the Florain, as we had the rare opportunity to study it since its launch in 2017 and during four full years.The first part focuses on the community dimension of the currency. Taking a socioeconomic approach, we study the Florain user community as a hybrid community, in the Weberian sense of the term, that is, as a community with both economic and extra-economic goals. Based on the results of our survey, we show that the users of the Florain form a sociation of individuals participating in social activity on the basis of an alliance of interests rationally motivated in value and purpose. Then, we try to characterize the users by their socioeconomic profile and their social representations. Our main result is that this monetary community is characterized by the existence within it of four socioeconomic user profiles (monomers), which we describe as a polymerized monetary community, insofar as the existence of the Florain user community requires the coordinated association of all these profiles through an adapted form of governance.At the end of this first part, our survey and interviews have certainly shed light on the community dimension of money, but they have also offered us the possibility of a complementary interpretation of the community in relation to the institutional dimension of money. We therefore analyzed the institutional approaches to money. We then looked at the traditional economic functions assigned to money, as well as at monetary supports and instruments, the functions of the latter being intimately linked to their legal nature. From there, we addressed the question of monetary sovereignty and its evolution in history, insofar as alternative currencies directly question this concept. Second, we have shown that money is not limited to four economic functions, but on the contrary sets in motion all spheres of social life: money is thus a "total social fact" (Mauss, 1968), whose existence must be embodied in the experience of each individual (Lévi-Strauss, 1950/1973), hence, among other things, the social marking of money (Zelizer, 2005). Money is thus a "social reality" (Simiand, 2006), which Polanyi (1944/1983, 2011) studied from an original angle in a market society and from which we derive a grid for analyzing alternative currencies (Blanc, 2013). Finally, we show that money is a social institution essential to life in society, a major institutional form analyzed in the framework of regulation theory.However, because this monetary community is born within a society, it is necessarily inscribed in the pre-existing structures: in more Polanyian terms, the monetary community is embedded. By analyzing a few examples of communities of local currency users, we first show that the monetary community is embedded in a catchment area, characterized by a culture, a spatial proximity and a political construction of the territory. Then, using the analytical grid developed by Amable and Palombarini (2018), we show that the monetary community is embedded in socio-political structures, beyond the traditional left/right divide, and that its perpetuation is essentially due to a particular social group, which is similar to the "bourgeois bloc"
Books on the topic "Développement communautaire – Aspect économique"
Tremblay, Diane Gabrielle. Le développement économique local: La théorie, les pratiques, les expériences. Sainte-Foy, Qué: Télé-université, 1994.
Find full text(Canada), Comité national de développement des ressources humaines pour la comunauté minoritaire anglophone. Perspectives de développement économique communautaire : rapport d'évaluation des besoins dans les diverses communautés de la minorité de langue anglaise du Québec - mai 2000. Huntingdon, Qué: Comité national de développement des ressources humaines pour la communauté minoritaire anglophone, 2000.
Find full textJacques, Boucher. Développement local, organisation communautaire et économie sociale: Une recension des écrits, 1990-2000. Hull, Québec: Chaire de recherche en développement communautaire, 2000.
Find full textRamsay, Meredith. Community, culture, and economic development: The social roots of local action. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996.
Find full textLocal Economic and Employment Development (Program), Canada. Human Resources Development Canada, Institut de formation en développement économique communautaire (Montréal, Québec), and Local Strategies for Employment and the Social Economy (1997 : Montréal, Québec), eds. Micro-financing and local development. [Paris]: OECD, 1998.
Find full textVeltmeyer, Henry. Illusion or opportunity: Civil society and the quest for social change. Halifax, NS: Fernwood Pub., 2006.
Find full textIllusion or opportunity: Civil society and the quest for social change. Halifax, N.S: Fernwood Pub., 2007.
Find full textCommunity, culture, and economic development: Continuity and change in two small southern towns. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2013.
Find full textThe cultural politics of markets: Economic liberalization and social change in Nepal. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Find full textWard, Richardson Harry, and Bae Chang-Hee Christine, eds. Globalization and urban development. Berlin: Springer, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Développement communautaire – Aspect économique"
"Front Matter." In Développement économique communautaire, i—vi. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"MODÈLE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT ET INSTITUTIONNALISATION DES NOUVELLES PRATIQUES." In Développement économique communautaire, 165–92. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"ANNEXE I." In Développement économique communautaire, 193–200. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"REPÈRES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES." In Développement économique communautaire, 201–16. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"BIBLIOGRAPHIE GÉNÉRALE." In Développement économique communautaire, 217–31. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"Back Matter." In Développement économique communautaire, 232–34. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"REMERCIEMENTS." In Développement économique communautaire, vii—viii. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"Table of Contents." In Développement économique communautaire, ix—xii. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"LISTE DES SIGLES." In Développement économique communautaire, xiii—xiv. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full textFavreau, Louis, and Benoît Lévesque. "AVANT-PROPOS." In Développement économique communautaire, xv—xxiv. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full textReports on the topic "Développement communautaire – Aspect économique"
Cadre de travail sur les opportunités 2020: Identifier les opportunités d’investissement dans la sécurisation des droits de tenure collectifs au sein des forêts des pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire. Rights and Resources Initiative, June 2021.
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