Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Détectives – Dans les représentations sociales'
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Le, Hiress Sophie. "Le détective herméneute en fiction sérielle : origines et évolutions d'une figure mythique, du texte à l’image." Thesis, Brest, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021BRES0095.
Full textSherlock Holmes is probably the most famous detective in the world, and one of the most popular literary figures since he was created by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887. His fame even exceeds his creator’s. The character has become a true mythical figure that has been appropriated by collective imagination, particularly through numerous transfictionnal fictions and adaptations from on media to another. The serial format used for the first detective fictions in the 19th century has been continuously used to depict him on television until our contemporary era. This dissertation focuses on the way the detective’s identity has formed by repetition and variation, through transfictions but also thanks to the countless reuses of the figure, even on social media. This study will analyze the construction of a palimpsestic identity that shapes the expectations of the audience. We will start with the first detectives from literature(Poe’s Chevalier Dupin, Gaboriau’s inspecteur Lecoqand Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes) and we will also studycontemporary TV series such as Sherlock (Gatissand Moffat), Hannibal (Fuller), Mindhunter (Penhall)and The Alienist (Fukunaga and Verbruggen) inorder to explore the detective’s possible futures inthe digital culture of the 21st century.The hermeneutic detective’s evolution, from hisorigins to our contemporary era, and the issue of thetransposition from the text to the screen, will be atthe heart of this analysis that will aim atunderstanding the construction of the character’sidentity, what constitutes it and how it is representedin fiction
Viaud, Jean. "Changement des représentations sociales ou déplacement social des sujets dans l'espace des représentations ? : étude longitudinale des représentations sociales de l'économie." Paris 5, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA05H067.
Full textMogos, Andreaa Alina. "Réalités sociales médiatisées : représentations sociales des Roumains dans la presse écrite française." Paris 8, 2009. http://octaviana.fr/document/150240635#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Full textMedia have the power to cultivate specific views about the reality. The selection, framing, production of the media discourse and the staging of the everyday events are leading to the construction of a media reality, which is frequently different from the social reality. The aim of the research is to analyze the media representations regarding the otherness and to discuss how discursive and representational strategies contributed to the construction, dissemination and perpetuation of the Romanians' images in the French main newspapers : Le Figaro, Le Monde and Liberation between 1995 and 2005
Bonetto, Eric. "Représentations sociales et identité sociale : le rôle des représentations sociales et de leur structure dans l'affiliation au groupe." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AIXM0282.
Full textThe observation of Jahoda (1988) about the lack of test of the theory of social representations remains relevant about the identity features of SRs. This PhD thesis is particularly interested in the role of these representations in the affiliation to the group. In this perspective, it takes place at the articulation between the structural approach to social representations and the social identity perspective. Twelve studies test different hypotheses in the framework of this articulation. Studies 1a (N = 324) and 1b (N = 268) are interested in the potential effect of the structure of social representations on group identification. Studies 2, 3a and b, 4a and b (from N = 143 to N = 358) are interested in the potential role of SRs in the recognition of group members and in their prototypicality. Studies 3a and b, 4a and b, 5a and b (from N = 161 to N = 358) explore the social value of social representations. Finally, studies 6a, b and c (from N = 49 to N = 52) deal with perceived sharedness in the structural approach to social representations. The consequences for the theory of social representations of theinconsistent results observed are discussed in the light of Popper’s and Lakatos’ epistemological considerations. Different research perspectives are also presented, some being accompanied of empirical studies
Monteilhet, Véronique. "Les représentations sociales du monde balzacien dans ses adaptations filmiques." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CLF20009.
Full textOrfanos, Charalampos. "Représentations sociales et comédie : les classes d'âge dans trois pièces d'Aristophane." Paris, EHESS, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994EHES0336.
Full textThis thesis has three parts, the first one concerning social representations of age groups in acharnians, the second, in knights and the third, in birds. Its aim is not only to shows the consequences of the age of each mask on each character's attitude. It is, above all, to give an interpretation of the gap often observed in old comedy between the age and the dramatic action of each character. This is why i tried to read these three plays under different points of view, including narrative elements hardly related to the principal matter of my study, such as education, sexuality - above all pederastic sexuality - and even hunting or fishing, the function of the last two of these elements often beign to place the caracters conerned in the margin of the adult male community
Gazaille, La Rue Héloïse. "Les représentations sociales de la nation dans le quotidien La Presse." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2012. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/5188/1/030331424.pdf.
Full textLassaire, Jean-Paul. "Les savoirs savants dans les représentations du métier d'éducateur spécialisé." Paris, EHESS, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999EHES0024.
Full textLaporte-Mitjana, Geneviève. "Implication et représentations professionnelles dans l'insertion par l'activité économique." Toulouse 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU20034.
Full textThis research was conducted on the basis of "implication professional mode" as suggested by Christine Mias. The thesis exposed here tends to assert that the manner with which the three elements Sense/meaning ; Reference Points, Feeling of Control are requested within the professional sphere induces an "own way of being" which influences the actor's professional representations which thereby can be numerous in the same area. The survey was conducted in the field of integration through economic activity (I. A. E. : Insertion par l'Activité Economique). People working in this activity are in a paradoxical position between : economic balance – social take in charge of people on the verge of exclusion. Through this choice of area, we intended to verify that the actors' attitude and approach of their mission were impacted by these two opposite ideological references. The results confirm that context, implication mode and professionnal representations work in a systemic relation
Salesses, Lucile. "Rôle du niveau de connaissance dans le processus de structuration d'une représentation sociale : l'exemple d'Internet." Aix-Marseille 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004AIX10019.
Full textApostolidis, Thémis. "Penser le rapport au sexuel à l'époque du sida : représentations sociales de la sexualité dans une population de jeunes adultes en France et en Grèce." Paris, EHESS, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998EHES0035.
Full textMoise, Raluca. "Représentations culturelles et pratiques sociales de genre dans le SMS des adolescents." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209891.
Full textdifférentes. Dès son premier usage, le SMS était vu par les compagnies de téléphonie mobile
comme un moyen de transmission d’informations utiles pour les adultes – l’évolution de la
Bourse, des informations sur la météo (Ling, 2001). Par son passage à l’adoption par les
jeunes dans les années 1995 et 1997 et jusqu’aujourd’hui, le SMS devient un phénomène qui
suscite des représentations diverses et des discours assez contradictoires, même virulents par
rapport à son appropriation par les jeunes. Si, dans l’espace francophone et anglophone, le
sujet du “langage SMS” est bien connu, constituant une figure récurrente des discours des
mass-médias et des enseignants qui sortent en évidence les effets négatifs sur les compétences
orthographiques des élèves, ailleurs, et notamment en Roumanie, les discours des massmédias
constatent l’existence du phénomène, sans mettre en évidence les aspects négatifs, s’il
en existe. Un autre registre est celui de l’espace soi-disant virtuel, où des sites Internet relèvent les divers usages du SMS dans le monde3, dans le cadre des diverses industries (le politique4, les
services publics5, le divertissement6). Hors de ces présences qui attestent l’explosion de la
communication par l’intermédiaire du SMS, il existe aussi, par exemple, des concours de
poésie par SMS: leur enjeu est de voir comment la créativité individuelle peut être compactée
en 160 caractères, en résultant un possible mélange entre le hai-ku et cette technologie de
dernière génération. Le SMS, dont on décriera l’évolution plus tard, dépasse ainsi ses
fonctions primaires de communication et de socialisation, en devenant un milieu de créativité
et d’innovation artistique.La vie quotidienne est aussi un domaine où le SMS est très visible et qui détermine la création d’une représentation collective qui attribuerait le SMS aux jeunes à part d’autre type de public. Constamment, autour de soi, on peut voir des jeunes utilisant le téléphone mobile pour envoyer des messages. La scène déjà évoquée, issue de mes observations
ethnographiques, en est particulièrement illustrative. Toutes ces contextes donnent une présence active de l’usage du SMS. A chaque
contexte, un discours spécifique. Cette diversité contextuelle et discursive incontestable a
constitué une première raison d’approfondir le sujet du SMS. Alors, la question fondamentale surgit :comment peut-on traiter d’un tel sujet ?Quelle est la « bonne » voie interprétative ?Nous nous proposons de relier deux aspects, la
communication et les usages, ce qui nous semble essentiel pour la construction de l’objet du
SMS. Il s’agit donc d’étudier les discours caractéristiques de la culture des jeunes, sur le plan des pratiques comme des représentations, en mettant un accent particulier sur leur façon de
construire des stratégies pour surmonter les contraintes imposées par l’objet technique (le
SMS présente en fait des caractéristiques linguistiques liées aux spécificités du support
technique) mais aussi sur leur façon de « se mettre en scène » dans les SMS. Nous verrons
ainsi en quoi il y a une prise en compte des règles du groupe de pairs dans la culture
adolescente, en même temps qu’une élaboration de stratégies de distanciation. C’est la
démarche spécifique à l’anthropologie de la communication. On pourrait aborder le SMS en mobilisant les approches de réseau, dans des termes de fonctionnabilité du réseau, de rôles de chaque acteur qui y participe et du principe du pouvoir qui leur serait intrinsèque (Latour 1991) :le message reçu par le jeune légitime la bonne
fonctionnalité du réseau, dont les autres jeunes font partie, ainsi que leurs positions à
l’intérieur du réseau social. Le fait d’avoir partagé le SMS est un signe de pouvoir symbolique
envers les autres. Ces approches omettent cependant un aspect que nous considérons comme
important, à savoir le caractère ludique, que ce soit le ludique intrinsèque du message
(exprimé par un contenu amusant, une blague, un ragot, etc.) ou le ludique extérieur du
message (exprimé par l’acte d’envoyer un message, qui surmonte l’ennui temporel).
J’argumenterai que le ludique est le facteur qui explique le grand succès du SMS et de sa
consolidation auprès des jeunes.
Par rapport à la constitution de l’anthropologie comme discipline, les études
anthropologiques de nouvelles technologies informationnelles et communicationnelles
(NTIC) sont apparues très récemment, au cours des années 1990 du dernier siècle. S’agissant
d’un groupe assez réduit de chercheurs qui, en plus, ne connaissaient pas les travaux de leurs
pairs, les études initiales étaient plutôt descriptives et empiriques ;le SMS y était présenté en tant qu’une réalité « exotique ». Son « exotisme » a penché sur le discours anthropologique assez longtemps, jusqu’à la fin des années 1990, quand l’anthropologie fait son bilan et elle découvre que la période des études descriptives doit finir et commencer l’étape de
problématisation. Ainsi, les anthropologues se ciblent sur le rapport entre le nouveau et
l’ancien dans la communication médiatisée par NTIC, commencent à rechercher dans le passé
des usages similaires, pour construire une théorie des nouveaux modèles communicationnels.
L’anthropologie de la communication du fin des années 1990 et le début des 20008
s’éloigne de la sociologie par sa démarche diachronique et comparative. L’usage est remplacé
par le concepte de la pratique (ce qui impliquait une interprétation des usages dans leur
dynamique). Par la suite, la perspective synchronique laisse la place à une démarche
diachronique, les anthropologues décrivant la façon dont les pratiques communicationnelles
d’un certain médium prennent des nouvelles significations, en fonction de contexte et des
individus. Si la sociologie réalisait des comparaisons entre les usages des divers NTIC dans le même contexte temporel, l’anthropologie de la communication emploie la méthode
comparatiste au niveau diachronique aussi. L’ancien et le nouveau dans la communication
médiatisée par NTIC constituent la cible scientifique des anthropologues. Cette focalisation est importante aussi pour la spécialisation de l’objet de la recherche ;son évolution poursuit le schème suivant en anthropologie de la communication :NTIC → type d’objet électronique (téléphone mobile, ordinateur, tam-tam etc) → une fonctionnalité de l’objet technologique qui connaît des développement surprenants (SMS, vidéo-appel, MMS, chat, Instant Messenger,Facebook, MySpace etc). On passe de la « computer mediated communication » aux pratiques communicationnelles spécifiques à chaque fonctionnalité, de singulier au pluriel.
Il n’est resté que peu de temps jusqu’à ce que l’objet technologique devienne sujet des
interrogations dans la culture matérielle. De date très récente, dans l’espace anglo-saxon9 et
francophone10, ces études mettent dans le centre de leur analyse la relation entre l’individu et
l’objet technologique, donc la consommation. Les rapports entre les deux instances de la
relation décrivent deux directions de l’action :l’incorporation de l’objet (l’objet agit sur
l’individu) et l’excorporation de l’objet (l’individu agit sur l’objet). Cette relation est vue dans ces concrétisations en divers lieux du monde, les anthropologues présentant une localisation des pratiques et des représentations d’un certain objet technologique. La culture matérielle reprend la dimension synchronique d’un objet technologique (les usages en divers contextes)dans le cadre plus large diachronique, segmenté en fonction des étapes d’appropriation :
l’adoption, la création de l’utilité, la consolidation des usages. Cette trajectoire de l’objet décrit une démarche paradigmatique, dont chaque étape est construite par les pratiques et les représentations créées par les usagers. Le processus d’appropriation est donc le cadre
théorique plus large dans lequel les anthropologues intègrent les conceptes de la sociologie et de l’anthropologie communicationnelle. Influencée par la sémiotique, la culture matérielle décrit, donc, les significations complexes de la relation entre l’individu et l’objet technologique (que nous allons décrire en détail dans le premier chapitre de la thèse). On comprend assez facilement pourquoi le téléphone mobile est un objet technologique soumis au processus d’appropriation, mais pourrait-on dire que le SMS est un objet de consommation ?
Gérald Gaglio ainsi l’interprète :« Ce tour d'horizon a permis d'identifier les étapes de la
diffusion d'une nouvelle pratique sociale liée à un support technique, le SMS. Elle apparaît
suite à une ruse qui consiste à contourner le coût de l'appel téléphonique et profite d'un effet
de réseau. Elle s'enrichit de la création d'un univers de sens puis interpelle par l'action d'une "
minorité active " constituée par les adolescents. Elle sort enfin de son contexte de création
9 Heather Horst et Daniel Miller 2006, The cell phone: An Anthropology of communication, Berg. In press,
10 Bernard Blandin 2002, La construction du social par les objets, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.
puisqu'elle est appropriée par d'autres populations qui élargissent les types de contenus
transmis. »11
Dominique Desjeux partage la même opinion quand elle compare la diffusion du SMS
en Chine, France et Pologne: « In the field of telephony, mobile or fixed, and more generally
in that of electronic information technologies, SMS is an interesting example of the spread of
an innovation because it has occurred without the need for any special marketing action. Its
spread has been spontaneous except in Poland where the later arrival of SMS meant that it
was immediately associated with uses of mobile phones. Hence, its success is linked to
invisible uses and associations that existed potentially in society before the expansion of
SMS. It is interesting to review these in order to understand at least partially the logic
underlying the spread of future innovations. Hence the purpose of this article is to show the
invisible uses that have been gradually revealed by surveys on SMS practices, especially
qualitative ones and mostly on a micro-social scale, carried out in France (partly under my
direction) by Catherine Lejealle (2003), in Poland by Malgorzata Kamieniczna (2004) and in
China by Anne Sophie Boisard (2004). Another aim is to show the shared or singular
practices of the three cultures analysed. The social uses of SMS in the world fit into a
dynamic that is constantly evolving among users, from the youngest to the oldest, and are
based on a written expression that constantly invents new codes or forms of the written
language. »12
Les deux chercheurs se situent en continuité avec notre grille d’analyse ;tous les deux
reconnaissent l’émergence du SMS dans des pays différents, dans le cadre des sous-cultures
délimitées par l’âge. G. Gaglio et D. Desjeux voient dans la pratique du SMS un exemple de
détournement du préscrit, déterminé par la capacité des usagers d’innover. Influencés par la
thèorie de Norbert Alter sur l’innovation ordinaire13, les deux anthropologues, à la suite d’une
démarche comparative entre plusieurs espaces, considèrent que le SMS est un objet de
consommation. Ses développements différents, les pratiques changeantes, expression d’une
créativité individuelle et collective, font que le SMS accomplisse « les conditions » pour être
considéré un objet soumis au processus complexe de la consommation.
11 Gérald Gaglio, 2005, “La pratique du SMS en France: analyse d'un comportement de consommation in tant
que phénomène social”, Paris, Consommations et société n°4, electronic journal, www.argonautes.fr
12 Dominique Desjeux ,2005, „SMS uses and issues in China, France and Poland”, Paris, Consommations et
société n°4, electronic journal, www.argonautes.fr.
13 Norbert Alter, 2000, L'innovation ordinaire, Paris, PUF.
Cette façon d’aborder le SMS est celle que nous suivrons aussi ;quand même,
l’explication de l’émergence du SMS ne nous suffit pas. Considérer l’explosion du SMS
comme ayant ses racines que dans la capacité créative des usagers (les innovateurs ordinaires)
nous semble une explication un peu aride, qui laisse à coté les conditions du contexte qui ont
fait que le détournement se réalise. Et, en plus, en quoi consiste-t-elle, cette capacité créative ?
Suffit-il de le nommer pour expliquer tout un phénomène ?Quels sont donc les ressorts
intérieurs du passage de « manières de faire » aux « arts de faire »14 ?
Ces sont des questionnements qui font de SMS un objet qui peut être soumis à une
interrogation scientifique et à tout un travail de terrain.
Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
Plante, Marie-Pier. "Les représentations sociales véhiculées par les tribunes téléphoniques dans les médias interactifs." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2010. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/1741/1/030149073.pdf.
Full textCampillo, Jean-Paul. "Les représentations des problématiques sociales dans le cinéma espagnol contemporain (1997-2011)." Thesis, Université Côte d'Azur (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AZUR2002/document.
Full textThis thesis is about documentaries which, in Spain, are in a half-way between militant commitment and political disengagement. Our research focused on minority movies likely to take the opposite view of the feeble representations of social problematics, and thus, to propose a political interpretation. These productions, by coming closer to militancy, question the speech and the action of in place authorities (political and economical) and, at the mean time, show alternatives that belong to a distant or very recent past. Portmán, a la sombra de Roberto (Miguel Martí, 2001), El efecto Iguazú (Pere Joan Ventura, 2002), 200 km. (Discusión14, 2003), La mano invisible (Isadora Guardia, 2004), Veinte años no es nada (Joaquín Jordà, 2004), El astillero (Disculpen las molestias) (Alejandro Zapico, 2007), Flores de luna (Juan Vicente Córdoba, 2009), 15M Libre te quiero (Basilio Martín Patino, 2011), although these movies share a lot of things in common with social criticism, they do not focus on individual fates, but rather on collective projects. Moreover, beyond describing facts, they act as whistleblowers in order to modify the viewer’s consciousness
Stewart, Isobel. "Effets de contexte dans l'activation des représentations sociales : schéma de genre et professions." Paris 8, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA081744.
Full textCoelho, da Silva Abelardo. "Représentations du handicap dans les séries télévisées : exemples dans le Brésil post-dictature." Thesis, Artois, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ARTO0006.
Full textTelevision programs play a crucial role in Brazilian culture in that they create and convey specific norms, values and beliefs. This is particularly striking in the telenovelas – or soap operas -, which are produced in large numbers and broadcast on all television networks, especially TV Globo, the dominant media conglomerate.Telenovelas are the most important products in Brazil’s cultural industry. As such, they provide a comprehensive basis for the analysis of social representations related to significant objects or subjects in Brazilian society. This research is focused upon disability and its visual representations in a range of 30 telenovelas covering the period 1985-2013. Interestingly, postdictatorship Brazil saw the resurgence of social movements and the claiming of rights for persons with disabilities. The approach is based on film criticism, the analysis of aesthetic elements and discourses subsequently leading to anthropological perspectives. 40 characters are thus categorized taking into account gender, age and social class as well as the causes of disabilities and the specific locations where the disabled persons evolve in the telenovelas. These representations centre upon problematic issues as citizenship is often denied to them
Cloutier, Élisabeth. "Les représentations sociales dans les campagnes de marketing de cause : la campagne (RED) et les représentations sociales spécifiques à l'ethnicité et aux relations de pouvoir." Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2011. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/2271/1/030275981.pdf.
Full textSilva, Vanderlan Francisco da. "Dissonances tropicales : la violence dans l'imaginaire brésilien." Paris 5, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA05H091.
Full textThe present thesis work discusses the place of the violence in the imaginary Brazilian. It proposes a reading of the function of the violence in the process of construction of the social relationships in Brazil. Leaving of a perspective in the which the violence if constitue as an element of base of the social relationships between individuals and groups, deal with the symbolic images of the violence. In the first two chapters is discussed the influences that the first conflicts between the autochthonous people and the Portuguese settlers produced for the Brazilian society. In the third chapter, is the discussed the production of the conflicts of its links with the geaographic space, being demonstrated as the physical spaces is classified while rifts where the notions of good and of evil they settle down in consonance with the Brazilian imaginary universe. In that chapter, we looked for to decipher as the perception of the violence and the several denominations still elaborated in each time they are themselves same result of valued and conflicting relationships that seek to make sacred some expressions of the violence at the same time they condemn others. In the fourth chapter, it is discussed the aesthetic transformations of the violence in the Brazilian modernity. In the last chapter the relationship is discussed among the social structure, hierarchy and the production of conflicts. It tries to show that the violence constitue a type of anthropological structure of the social relationships in Brazil
Cadot, Christine. "Les deux Atlantiques : Europe-Amérique, la découverte de deux mondes et son influence sur la perception française du modèle fédératif américain." Paris 8, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA083707.
Full textThe main statement of this research is that Europe and America as political categories have their roots in a nationalistic rhetoric, both in France and in the United States. These categories act like a distorting mirror in French perceptions of American federalism. This research encompasses three main themes. First, we define the notion of "discovery" in pointing out its political presupposition, which represents and shapes both Europe and America as naturalized worlds. Second, we apply this distorting mirror to the special case of American republicanism and third, to one of its modalities - federalism. This research was conducted at some specific times of nationhood crisis, both in France and in the United States. We will particularly deal with the rhetorical use of a supposed ontological break between Europe and America in revolutionary times, as well as in the Jacksonian and Civil War eras
Cohen, Golda. "Les représentations sociales du médicament : une perspective iconographique." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MON30093/document.
Full textThe medicine is a social object that is at the heart of many material and symbolic relationships. In order to know the opinions and knowledge associated with it within the French population, we mobilized the theoretical framework of social representations. Due to the massive spread of images in new mediums of communication, we chose to limit the research that constitutes this PhD in the iconographic perspective. As such, our investigations revolve around two axes: The first axis (N = 946) is concerned with the involvement of the mental imagery in the formation of social representation of the medicine. The three investigations carried out with this focus allowed us to observe the collective nature of mental imagery, encouraging research on the images. The second axis (N = 615) focuses in the processes mobilized by individuals when it comes to selecting, memorizing and understanding the images associated with the prototypical words of the social representation of the medicine. The results suggest the development of a methodology with the images. As a whole, the investigations invite the reader on one hand, to consider the importance of social representations in the deciphering of visual images, on the other hand to dig deeper in the iconography of the methodological perspective of the theory of social representations
Gladysz, Marc. "Communication d'entreprise et identités d'acteurs : pour une théorie discursive des représentations sociales." Aix-Marseille 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996AIX10026.
Full textThe purpose of company communication is foten confined to transmitting operative information or employees' motivations. But this prospect is instrumental; it is based on two partial models : the "code" model which confines communication to the linear transmission of a piece of information and is relatively indifferent to the social context of the exchange, and "the paradigm of effects" which links information to the transforming of personal conducts and stems from a narroc behaviourist notion. In both cases, the whole cognitive process of the performer within the language is inderrated. We can talk of a flattening of the symbolic dynamics within the organisation. On the contrary, the model proposed here leads us to put the emphasis on the discourse as a place where social representations are carried out and around which the crurial stakes of communication are structured. Language operates as a mediatory structure, from which not only subjectivities are joined together, but also performers' identities are elaborated. Through three separate corpus (employees' interviews, article form a company publication, minutes from staff committees' meetings) and leaning on the theories of discourse analysis
Valencia, Abundiz Silvia. "Représentations sociales : image idéale et vécu de la relation de couple." Paris, EHESS, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EHES0029.
Full textThe study of social representations in couples' relationship and in the marriage, has a primary objective to know which is the relation between the ideal image of the couples' relationship and the marriage, and the personal experience; as well as to know the semantic contents of the representations regarding the couple relationship and the marriage, and also the way those meanings act over the individual and social practices. The methodological procedures used were the semi-directive interview and the questionnaire. The interviews went through two types of analysis : thematic and sequential content and lexicographic Alcest's support, for the questionnaire, the statistical processor SPSS. The results' interpretation was made according to three analysis levels: cultural (institution and values), social (expectations and hapiness) and individual (sexuality, affectivity and communication). The conclusions were that the image of the couples' relationship and the marriage, for men as well as women, still remains in traditional terms. It is due to this focus, that a new problematic about the ideal image and the personal experience on the couples relationship and marriage is approached, and by shedding light on the interactions and correspondences between representations, practices and values
Grazzini, Frédérique. "Les rôles managériaux dans le processus de formation de la stratégie : une lecture ancrée dans la théorie des représentations sociales." Grenoble 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009GRE21037.
Full textMany researchers have highlighted the major roles of top and middle managers in the strategy process (Jarzabkowski, 2005 ; Ikävalko, 2005; Mantere, 2005), yet rare are those who describe these roles precisely and concretely. On the basis of a literature review, this research first emphasizes the need for researchers in strategic management to adopt more dynamic and integrating frames for the future when studying phenomenon such as managerial roles. It appears particularly fruitful to take behavioral and socio-psychological dimensions into account. Thus, from this perspective, relying on the young Strategy-as-Practice research field, combined with the Theory of Social Representations (Moscovici, 1961), this research proposes construction of a theoretical model intended to explain the constitution of managerial roles in strategy process. More largely, this theoretical model is anchored in critical management studies, especially those linked with Foucault’s work. From a discursive perspective, the present research invites consideration that the strategic discourses to which managers are exposed influence managerial roles in strategy process via the social representations these discourses contribute to developing. These roles are simultaneously constructed at the crossroads between strategic discourses and strategic practices. The theoretical model proposed here then leads to an empirical study of managerial roles in strategy process. This study is notably based on the three steps proposed by Clémence et al. (1994) to study social representations. A 79 item questionnaire was constructed and administered to top and middle managers : 1033 complete responses were collected. Some items enable highlighting manager's social representations concerning strategy; others are intended to interpret these social representations in terms of managerial roles. On the basis of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, four conceptions of managerial role have been emphasized. This typology highlights the influence of strategic discourses, and socio-psychological and socio-demographic variables in the constitution of managerial roles in strategy process
Guillou-Michel, Elisabeth. "Les agriculteurs et l'environnement : représentations sociales et pratiques dans un monde en mutation." Paris 5, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA05H050.
Full textThis research aims the study of the pro-environmental behaviour in agriculture, behaviour defined as the commitment or lack of commitment of farmers to agricultural actions in favour of environmental preservation. It is a question of defining which elements, related to the individual and the external context, distinguish the commited farmers from the non-commited ones in this type of actions. Specifically, we explore in which way the socioeconomic and political context, as well as the representations, the evaluation and the perception of the environement interfere with the behaviour of the subjects. The investigation consists in quantitative and qualitative study of the relationship between farmers and the society, their profession and the physical environment. The results highlight various ideologies within the agricultural world These ideologies define distinct parctices, some pro-environmental and specific to organic agriculture ones, others conventional and specific to traditional agriculture. At the same time, in the current agricultural context, social, political and economic constraints put pressure on the traditional farmers and modify the attitude and the opinions of some of them and incite them to turn their practices in favour of the environment. The adopting of new practices has, in return, an impact on the farmer's representations of the environment and the agriculture
Obama, Boris. "Représentations sociales et identité sociale dans les groupes hiérarchiques : le cas du tennis." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UBFCH044.
Full textThis doctoral work is based on the hierarchical social organization of tennis players. The ai mis to observe the effects of this hierarchical structure, on the social representations that groups of players have about tennis. The positionning of an individual, or a groupe within a social structure, has an impact on the way it is perceived and how he perceided himself. This perception results from a process of social comparison. This positionning also has an impact on the identification of individuals. Three studies are conducted. The first is interested in the perception of the organization of the social matrix of tennis by the players. It highlights the existence of different groups of practices : from leisure tennis player, to the professional tennis players and their positioning within the matrix. It also explore the identification to the group, according to the positioning within the matrix, and measures the representation that those groupes of players, have of tennis. The second stydu open the social matrix, by questioning a group composed of athletes whose discipline is not tennis. The goal is to question certain results observed during the first study, and more particulary to evaluate the impact of the level variable. The third and final study uses two confirmatory methods. It focused on the representation of tennis among the target groupes (High Level, Competition, Leisure). It aims to highlight the effects of identification with the group on the content but also on the structure of the social representation. In conclusion, we consider the implications of our results in the framework of the theory of social representations. We emphasize the interest of defining the structure of the social matrix (hierarchical) and the positioning of the groups to apprehend social representation
Ubeda-Gutermann, Maria. "Approche structurale et dynamique des descriptions et des explications dans une représentation sociale." Montpellier 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004MON30044.
Full textIn this research, we are interested in the deviant person representation among Delinquency Prevention Local Councils members. 120 people have been dispatched in 3 subgroups according to their contact frequency with deviant people. Our thinking relies on the idea that the elements of a representation can play different roles and that the knowledge of an object is mainly given by the descriptive and/or explanatory elements of the social representation. The results show that for the people who have the least contacts, the representation plays a rather descriptive role whereas it has a rather explanatory role for those who have the most contacts with deviant people. These results suggest a possible relation between the descriptive or explanatory orientation of a social representation and the proximity between the human beings and the object of representation
Duthu, Sylvie. "Représentations de soi dans le couple parental et représentations de leur enfant : rôle de la personnalité et des symptômes psychiatriques parentaux dans leurs représentations de la difficulté du tempérament de leur enfant." Toulouse 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010TOU20099.
Full textWe hypothesize from a systemic perspective that parents' evaluations of their children's difficult temperament are related to their own representations of their personality and psychiatrics symptoms. Parents' ratings of child difficultness reveal interesting information about the quality of family relations (Bates, 1983). Parental characteristics such as their personality (Kochanska, et al. , 2004) and their psychiatric symptoms (Treutler, 2003) are linked to their representations of their child's temperamental difficulties and might alter family relations in general (Dopkins Stright & Stigler Bales, 2003). We postulate also that self-representation of the other parent's personality and psychiatric symptoms reciprocally influence the fathers and mothers evaluations of child temperament. Both parents of 74 children aged between 24 and 40 months responded to three questionnaires: Infant Characteristics Questionnaire (ICQ, Bates, 1999), Adult Psychiatric Symptom Checklist (SCL 90-R, Derogatis, et al. , 1976) and the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP, Goldberg, 1999). Results indicate that fathers' neuroticism and introversion as well his self-reported psychiatric symptoms are associated with maternal representation of children's temperamental difficulties. We also found that maternal impulsivity neuroticism, conflict tendency, extraversion and psychiatric symptoms are linked to fathers' evaluation of the child as having a difficult temperament. We have also identified that number of psychiatric symptoms reported by both parents are associated with child's easy temperament. We conclude that it is probable that these results reflect children's flexibility of adaptation to specific parental characteristics
Lemes, Lila Maria. "Le rôle des thêmata dans la structuration des ensembles représentationnels : étude des couples justice-injustice et égalité-inégalité dans deux populations (Brésil-France)." Paris 5, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA05H080.
Full textThis work presents the role of themata in the dynamics of social representations, as studied in the relationships between "justice/injustice" and "equality/inequality. " The first two studies demonstrate that the relationship between two opposing social representations contribute to the organization of four social representations: injustice, inequality, equality and justice. Thelast two studies are intended to demonstrate that the interactions between these four objects of social thinking work as a framework to interpret situations. To uncover any historical and cultural reasons for the organization, we systematically compared, in all of the studies, the findings from Brazil and France. The results demonstrate that the relationships of opposing social representations are organized into groups composed of distinct social representations. When we compared them, they demonstrated symmetries and asymmetries. These groups of social representations generate a framework in which to interpret reality, and they seem to be independent of any sociohistorical roots
Fontaine-Dumont, Aurélie. "Les représentations professionnelles : analyse d'un concept en émergence dans le champ des représentations sociales : application à la représentation de l'hygiène." Paris 8, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA084117.
Full textThis thesis has a dual purpose. On the one hand to provide some points for discussion with regards to the professional representation theory which remains an underdeveloped field of study in social psychology. For this first aim, we try (i) to highlight the specific and common features between social and professional representations and (ii) to explore the variables that may have an impact on the development of professional representations. On the other hand, the second purpose is to bring practical knowledge about hygiene in order to improve compliance with protocols in public and private organizations. To achieve those two objectives, we tested the effect of three variables: type of training, level of knowledge and frequency of practices. Professionals and nonprofessionals (researchers and technicians) participated in the study which took place in a questionnaire in the form of a verbal association task. Data processing was carried out by three additional analyses: prototypical, similitude analysis and three-compenential analysis. These results showed important distinctions despite a shared knowledge basis. We observed an impact of every tested variable which translated into a significant development of professional representations (contents and structures). We finished with (i) the advance of the thoughts related to the special features of professional representations compared with social representations and (ii) the impact of outcomes related to hygiene on professional trainings
Bouvier, Pierre. "Démarche socio-anthropologique et changements des représentations du travail." Paris 5, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA05H072.
Full textSocio-anthropology borrows from sociology and anthropology in order to analyze changing practices and representations that affect, for example, work in industrial societies. The "autoscopic" or endogenous approach covers observations conducted by the workers themselves as individuals or as a collective. An exogenous approach is carried out by specialists of the social sciences. Through the use of these methodological tools, socio-anthropology has been able to elaborate new concepts. The "coherent populational ensemble" is a heuristic device resulting from the "socio-technological bloc" - interaction between organizational technological procedures and practices representations of the work force-developing in conjunction with the historical and physical environment. Over the long term the ritualization of modern work also takes part in the formation of the "socio-technological bloc". The concepts of professionability, sociability and daily routine ("quotidiennete") have also been reformulated in this perspective. The socio-anthropology of daily work is proposed as an important inter-disciplinary approach which can help bring about a better in-depth under- standing of the evolutive nature of work. This supposes an investigation of the daily practices of specific segments of production and of the representations to which they correspond. The results will allow us to discern current changes not only in the work place but also in society as a whole
Galland-Seux, Muriel. "L'évolution des représentations sociales du quartier dans les politiques d'urbanisme : une comparaison franco-britannique." Grenoble 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003GRE21007.
Full textCooman, Jean-Noël. "L'implication des représentations sociales dans la gestion des formations plurilingues et pluriculturelles au Honduras." Antilles-Guyane, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AGUY0323.
Full textThis research aims to investigate the plurilingual and pluricultural education process of language teachers, translators- interpreters and professionals in the tourism sector in Honduras (and by extension in the Central American region). The principal issue in this study consists of identifying in which way and under which conditions a plurilingual conscience could emerge in Honduras and the region in a nearby future, enabling to conduct a plurilingual and pluricultural education. This conscience concerns and embraces not only learning and teaching in mother tongue (in Spanish or in different vernacular languages like Miskito and Garifuna in the north of Honduras), but also in foreign languages, English being the most extensively used in Honduras and in the region, followed by French. In view of establishing plurilingual education processes, this research (project) will consist, in a first phase, in analyzing the representations of the different social actors implied, in order to focus subsequently on the implementation of construction processes of plurilingual, pluricultural (and – identity) competences
Kotsyuba-Ugryn, Tetiana. "Les représentations sociales des personnalités politiques ukrainiennes dans le discours médiatique français (2004-2009)." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON30036/document.
Full textThe present paper examines the social representations of the Ukrainian political leaders in the French media discourse from the "Orange revolution" of November-December 2004 till May 2009. This doctoral thesis integrates a multitude of interdisciplinary researches on intercultural representations conducted at present in France and in Ukraine and can be defined as a study of an isolated case. The assembled corpus of reference comprises two types of media, the articles of national daily and weekly press (1292) as well as the extracts of television broadcast (605) referring to Viktor Yanukovych, the incumbent President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, the former Ukrainian President, and Yulia Tymoshenko, the former Prime minister of Ukraine. The analysis of media semiotisation of these Ukrainian political leaders formerly unknown in France is based on the quantitative (lexicometric) and qualitative study (lexicographic, semantic, stylistic, context analysis, linguistic and cultural interpretation) of the elements of the French picture of the world such as representations, stereotypes, symbols, emblems and myths, verbalized on the discourse level by the fixed lexical units
Дане дисертаційне дослідження є спробою проведення комплексного міждисциплінарного аналізу міжкультурних репрезентацій українських політиків у французьких медіа у період з помаранчевої революції листопада-грудня 2004 року по травень 2009 року. Дана робота вписується в ширше коло досліджень міжкультурної комунікації, що в наш час проводяться як в Україні, так і у Франції.. Матеріалом дослідження послугували два типи вибірок, які увійшли до нашого корпусу: статті з щоденних та щотижневих видань французької національної преси (1292) та уривки телевізійних програм (605), де в тій чи іншій мірі фігурують постаті діючого Президента України В.Ф. Януковича, колишнього Президента України В.А. Ющенка та колишнього Прем’єр-міністра України Ю.В. Тимошенко. Вивчення медійної семіотизації вищеназваних українських політичних лідерів, до недавнього часу маловідомих у Франції, спирається на кількісний (лексикометричний) та якісний аналіз (аналіз словникових дефініцій, семантичний, стилістичний, контекстуальний аналіз, лінгвокультурологічна інтерпретація) таких елементів колективного уявлюваного французів, як репрезентація, стереотип, символ, емблема та міт, вираженим на дискурсивному рівні за допомогою стійких лексичних одиниць
Guelai, Tsouria Amel. "Critères de différenciation et d'indifférenciation dans les représentations sociales de l'autistme chez les éducateurs." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MON30050.
Full textDespite its heuristic interest, very few studies have been made about social representationsof autism. And in this study, we use the concept of social representations to analyze howeducators exercise their profession in these psycho-educational centers, and had no training inautism, perceive children affected by autism, and we wondered about the way that theseprofessionals recognize these children in terms of signs observed.This research is involved in understanding and explaining the difficulties in the recognitionand differentiation of autism found by educators, according to the social representation thatthey have this disorder.Our first objective is autism as an object of social representation and in particular to identifythe criteria of differentiation and non-differentiation of autism in their social representations.We will interrogate the fundamental representation, the "core" that determines both themeaning and organization of the representation and check how educators prioritize theidentification of autism criteria which will allow knowing the subjective nature of these signs.This research can also be seen in the context of a search for innovation insofar as it seeks tobring up new things to the system. In fact, it is interesting insofar as it reveals their beliefsystems, stereotypes, values produced and shared by individuals within a group and their positioning towards the scientific knowledge to develop strategies for a more focusedawareness.Our results show that educators share common sense knowledge about autism. And wefound that for untrained teachers, an autistic child is an individual who lives in his own worldand has communication disorders. there are two central criteria for the recognition of autismcalled otherwise, the core of their representations consists of these two elements. We alsoexamined the effect of different variables such as sex, professional status of teachers on socialrepresentations of autism in this population
Ben, Saad-Dusseaut Fatma. "Pratiques professionnelles du journalisme et représentations des victimes." Bordeaux 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR30063.
Full textThe representations of victims in the media were analyzed in more general researches on the social reactions to the crime, but more rarely in the intrinsic mechanisms of the relation media-victims; an interaction which, let us imagine, possesses his own dynamics. Our theoretical reflection took support on an approach which journalistic exercise is considered as material and symbolic production based on interactions and social standards. The social logics determine the functioning of the journalistic practices through the various forms of interactions and dependences between the journalists and the society to which they belong. These engender representations which result from interpretations elaborated by the journalists of the social environment. The media space which seems accessible to the victims is it, really, only for a certain type of victims. We assist, obviously, a media exploitation targeted by the suffering of the victims and the representations which they embody. Besides, the exaggerated attention carried to the victims contributes to provoke a discursive formatting where several media impose their own specific railings on the reading of the "reality" which is other one than the way she treats the subjects of their preoccupation. This media exploitation of the suffering knows in his turn a second political exploitation. From there, it is not surprising any more to confuse “true” and “false” victims since the media validation of the suffering, got back by a “political doggedness”, seems to get the upper hand over the judicial and\or medical pledge. We have to hope that the " media due skids " in the conformist treatment and compassionnel to these victims, stressed by evident trade and political interests, will allow a questioning of the journalistic practices. A return towards ethical rules, among which media and journalists will assure the application and the respect, seems inevitable
Boussoco, Julie. "Représentations alimentaires mises en jeu lors des choix dans la préparation culinaire." Thesis, Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080100.
Full textThe thesis aimed to understanding social representations (SR) of domestic culinary chefs (non-professional cooks). Are there different SR of culinary preparation? If so, how to identify these groups with different SR? So we focused on the concept of distance to the object (DO), which, by interviewing the individual on his level of practice, knowledge and involvement, sheds light on the link between the individual and the object (which is here the "culinary preparation") emphasizing that this link is submitted to social and psychosocial variables.We then asked about the interest of the use of DO as ad hoc segmentation variable of the sample, and how this DO would be an appropriate system to analyze SR, practices and their close connectionTo answer these questions, with a strategy of triangulation, we proceeded in two steps. The first step was the study of social representations of culinary preparation and the impact of the distance to the object (DO) on them. The second step was the study of the culinary preparation as "signifying practice" and the impact of CAD on them. It is made through an innovative method based on observations filmed domestic chefs preparing a dish, followed by explications of interviews.All our results allowed us to highlight the interest of the DAO as a means of sample segmenting, and the impact of the distance to the object on the content and structure of culinary social representations. Our results are discussed in terms of theoretical and operational contributions about social representations and distance to the object
Hayel, Kélig. "Processus identitaires en jeu dans la représentation sociale des régions : identités endogroupes et différenciations intergroupes." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MON30051.
Full textThe goal of the research proposed in this thesis, is to enforce the links between socialrepresentation theory and social identity theory in the regional geographical area context.Precisely, we wanted to put in evidence the identity processes involved into the social representation of the regional identity. Based on our experiments, we have found two main concepts based on social representation dynamics. First, we proved the existence of endogroupes identytites inside social representation of regional identity. Second, we show the existence of inter-group differenciation of the social representation of the regional identity. The endogroupe and intergroup regional identities build the basement of the social reprensentations of the regionalidentities.Finally, as we have been able to deduct that the social representations of the regional identities are absed on these two types of representation, we have determined if the outside point of view of a region, is based on the endo-group identity or the inter-group differenciations of the social representation
Hétu, Michael. "Les représentations sociales des savoirs dans l’enseignement du français chez des futurs enseignants du secondaire." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/5431.
Full textPoirier, Sylvie. "Représentations religieuses et sociales de la femme dans l'enluminure gothique - Analyse du langage iconographique médiéval." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6701.
Full textDemoulin, Hugues. "Des représentations sociales de la maladie mentale dans des groupes en formation sur cet objet." Paris 10, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA100134.
Full textAs the very full knowledge of all the elements of the environment is impossible, it is necessary to build up representations about these. Among other functions, they allow to resolve the dissonance between actual and aspirational connections with the represented object. Our purpose is not only to describe social representations about mental illness, but principally to appraise in what degree the prospect of connections with an object induces the structure and the dynamic of its representations. In this way, some elements of representations was compared close to groups of students according to their formation affiliation, about mental illness or not (between psychiatric mursing or not in a first time, and psychology studding or not in a second time). The results we obtained, at the end of these two experimental studies, brought us up to come to the conclusion that the social representations about an object which belong to the actual or potential of the ulterior practice of the members of a group -are determinated by the importance of this object in the definition and the upholding of the identity of this group -will be altered reciprocally to this importance of definition and upholding. Meanwhile, these assumptions cannot be confirm, an account of methodological wants. But they allow to explain the results we obtained, and the conflicting conclusions we laid in a circumstantial bibliographical analysis about opinions, representations and attitudes to mental illness
Lecomte, Jean-Philippe. "Représentations et réalités des fonctions sociales du service militaire dans la société française (1868-2001)." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001IEPP0023.
Full textViviere, Manon. "Les représentations sociales de la densité dans l'habitat : vers une faubourisation métropolitaine : "Fabrication, appropriation, territorialisation"." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0399/document.
Full textThe density finds itself in the very heart of the concerns of city-actors. It is a technical tool measuring the concentration of housing or populations in a given space. Today, the density sees itself as the symbolic receptacle of a more long-lasting town planning. The density has no good press with the inhabitants, being associated in the collective imagination with deprived neighbourhoods and large housing complexes, which are often off-centered. Density seems indeed responsible for a mental blocking because of its social appropriation, widely looking like rejection. The density seems to produce architectural, urban and social perceptions reminding us of symbolic systems of their own.The density can then be sociologically questioned as a set of social representations which allows the realisation of housing projects. It guides public actions and urban policies and influences the residential choices of the inhabitants. Often described as the crystallization of incomprehension between designers-experts and inhabitants-receivers of a more sustainable housing project-and from now on denser- the thesis develops a more transversal thinking on the density : the crossroads of the architecture as well as town planning and urban sociology. How can the « city-makers » adapt to the values renewed by the density in a time when the search for new urban models for the metropolisation is central? How can the inhabitants adapt to the urban and architectural mutations of the metropolises in view of their residential aspirations but also of their social interpretations of spaces and forms?The density is also a dynamics of the city's production. The densification generates processes of social and urban reorganizations. The latter reveal the originality of the evolution of the territories in metropolitan inner suburbs, sociological and urban phenomenon crosses. This is neither périurbanisation, nor gentrification nor banishment in their strict definitions. The metropolitan governance challenges, the residential strategies and the forms of appropriation of the densification by the inhabitants are reflected in a singular way, revealing a phenomenon which it is possible to call the « inner suburbanisation »
Léziart, Jean. "Les représentations des capacités et des moyens dans les disciplines au lycée : les connaissances métacognitives des élèves." Lille 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994LIL30005.
Full textThe study covers representations of abilities and means in subjects in french lycee. Most often previous surveys have been indeed restricted to a strict subject context. The first part - thoritical contribution- lays out the essential concepts as far as social representation and metacognition are concerned. Examining the previous surveys and the methods adopted enables the construction of an experimental situation. The second part - the stages of research - describes the hypotheses chosen and the operational process of this experimental situation. Choosing an open questionnaire allows to collect the data. It implies processing the latter through content analysis. The items thus examined - common to all the subjects or specific to each - lead to the evolving of categories : interests and basic knowledge, abilities, volition factors, personal methods of learning and external educational assistance. The third part implements a comparison between the subjects concerning these common and specific items. Results of the monovariate statistic processing - flat sort for each variable : school attendance, sex, sociocultural background and section attended, are compared to the hypotheses. The fourth part keeps only the common items in the comparison between subjects. Choosing a multivariate statistic processing - factor analysis (p. C. A. ), allows a new interpretation of the abilities and means
Patane, Frédéric. "Les représentations sociales du handicap en milieu kanak et leurs résonances sur les pratiques sociales." Thesis, Lyon, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LYSE2114.
Full textThe multicultural issue of disability in New Caledonia became a central issue when, in 2009, the territory adopted a law in favour of people with disabilities, modelled on a Western model. By institutionalizing the care of the handicap, the public authorities weaken the kanak local solidarity. The study of the representations and social practices of disability in the kanak world makes it possible to understand the impact that this legislative framework can have on families and persons with disabilities. In order to legitimize our anthropological approach, we show that disability is a culturally based situation. The study of available data on disability in the oceanic and kanak world in particular reveals the diversity of practices according to economic and social contexts. Semi-structured interviews and participant observation, carried out in tribal and urban areas, show that the magico-religious approach occupies an important place in the interpretation of disability. In the kanak world, interpreting disability means, in the end, looking for what lies behind a biomedical explanation. In addition, while the kanak custom guarantees protection and solidarity of proximity towards people with disabilities, it encourages their social participation only through traditional activities.In 2009, the legislative framework in favour of people with disabilities introduces foreign concepts to kanak culture such as disability rate, loss of autonomy, life project. Moreover, as a factor of individualization, it weakens traditional solidarity based on family networks of dependence and protection.The Western system, by investing in the field of disability, leads Kanak to question the level of cultural differentiation they want to preserve in terms of caring for the most vulnerable
Fouassier, Frédérique. "Représentations de la transgression sexuelle féminine dans le théâtre anglais de la Renaissance." Tours, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOUR2005.
Full textBoubekeur, Farid. "École et société en Algérie : analyse des représentations qu'ont les familles de l'école." Nice, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996NICE2010.
Full textThis doctoral research deals with the different representations about the french public school in Algerian from 1833 to 1962 and about the algerian fundamental school which has been estabilished since 1962. In order to investigate the social representations of the french public school, we have adopted a socio-historical approach and analysed a series of novels in which algerian novels vividly sketched their schooling. Importantly enough, the corpus consists of isotopic passages which reflect instrinsic relationships between pupill's parents and school. A semiotic analysis of the contents of narratives eanbles us to undrestand deeplay the meanting of relationships between french school and algerian families through different perceptions. This analysis revealed some sociological correlations in a sens that the representations about school are determined by the instructional and cultural level of the narrators'parents. As far as the social representations about the algerian fundamental school are cocerned, they have been subjected to empirical investigation via interviews with 120 informant from three different social milieux
Tur, Bruno. "L’immigration espagnole à Paris dans les années 1960 : discours, représentations et stéréotypes." Thesis, Paris 10, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA100049.
Full textThe objective of this work is to analyze the social representations and stereotypes concerning Spanish immigration in the 1960s in Paris, not only in the decade that saw the arrival of Spanish women and men in the French capital, but also in the years that followed, until today. Starting from the premise that both the country of emigration and immigration countries have produced discourses on migrants, this work first seeks to identify these representations, mainly from three sources: oral interviews, audiovisual archives (photographs, radio, television), and dummy productions (literature, cinema). It follows that three "players" produced discourse on migration and migrants: the society of origin, the host society, migrants themselves. The proposed development therefore seeks to analyze the speech to show what they have in common and how they differ. If some speech left few traces contemporary, fading gradually as time passed, others have instead endured over time and are still recognizable today, in both Spain and France. This study shows that it is mainly women who have been the subject of speeches and performances. In Spain, emigration was considered an opportunity for men to move forward in their career but rather a danger for women. In France, it is the strong presence of Spanish women in Paris that has fueled most of the speech up to create a stereotype: that of the servant Conchita
Sarrazin, Jean-Paul. "Représentations et valorisation de l'indigène par les élites en Colombie : une construction locale de l'altérité dans un contexte globalisé." Migrations internationales, espaces et sociétés (Poitiers), 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010POIT5001.
Full textIn contemporary Colombia there is a growing tendency to represent the “indigenous culture” in positive terms, a phenomenon that involves the development of what we call “indigenism”. Beginning with an ethnographical research on why some urban, non-indigenous people where interested in shamanism, this investigation goes beyond to consider the positive representations and the practices related to the matter of individuals belonging to middle and upper classes in Bogota. By analyzing the discourses expressed publicly or during our interviews, a basic and necessary contribution of this thesis is to classify and untangle the logic structure of those representations. In order to understand the social conditions and the cultural trends which favor the reproduction of “indigenism”, the historical and sociopolitical contexts are described in the first part, and then the reader will find the forms of expression and the cultural dispositions by which the population has access to those representations, considering for instance, museums, hand-craft commerce, new health notions, or the consumption of information through the media. In this way, it seemed inevitable to consider the globalised diffusion of information and of ideologies such as New Age and multiculturalism, a process that leads to the presence of similar representations of the “ethnic” or of the “Orient” in other countries, notably in the West. Finally, the reader will find some considerations regarding the consequences of this phenomenon and the power relations that are implied
Camara, Lima Laura. "Les représentations sociales de la réduction du temps de travail : un système complexe : étude des indicateurs langagiers des processus de formation des représentations sociales dans trois registres de production de connaissances." Paris, EHESS, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005EHES0058.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to identify social representations of work time reduction in specific contexts where such representations activate intergroup dynamics and mobilize social actors to communicate about. We study specific periods where texts of law are beeng discussed or voted on, when information has been treated or diffused by the press and when opinions have been exchanged between different categories of public agents. The corpus is composed of three kinds of text files (written legislation, neswpaper titles and employees' narratives (testimonies). The files are gathered from the French Labor cde, articles publish in French newspaper Le Monde, and interviews with people employed by the French National Electric company. These three sources produce different dimensions of collective knowledge (expert, public opinion, practice). The process of investigation comprises an examination of the three processes of elaboration of social representations (objectivation, anchoring, thematisation). Pragmatic analyses where performed using a multi-methodological approach confronting "chronologies", "cartographies" and "topologies", dealing with three types of indicaors found in the three levels of language (term of reference, object of reference, topic). Once the specificities of each level were identified, a more global analysis was performed (to compare the results by kind of text and analyses) in order to establish a general framework for the representational field. Finally, a model is proposed to illustrate the social representation as a dynamic system
Bouraima, Zakari. "Sociologie de l'assainissement : latrinisation, représentations sociales et logiques d'action dans les villes moyennes au Burkina Faso." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017TOU20001/document.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to analyze the interface between, on the one hand, the technological supply of sanitation and latrinization in Burkina Faso, which is largely reflected in the setting up of latrines in concessions and in public places, and on the other hand, the social dimension through the social representations of individuals and communities and their action logics in relation to the latrine. The confrontation between the two dimensions involves a field of study that analyzes the “latrine” equipment through social representations associated and objective constraints of its implementation. The thesis addresses sociology of sanitation that more specifically questions about the process of latrinization in Burkina Faso, througt the representational dimensions, including the representations of the clean and the dirty and the symbolism of the latrine, the logics of action of users, their subsequent practices, from the domestic sphere to the public sphere. In a national context of Burkina Faso marked by a low rate of access to sanitation and where, in a process of decentralization, the municipalities are under construction, the study of latrinization in tne medium-sized cities (Ouahigouya, Dori, Houndé and Pouytenga hemps in understanding the overall problem of sanitation facilities, through the effective latrine management systems