Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Détection du cancer'
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Freitas, David de. "Sondes de détection gamma : optimisation pour la détection peropératoire dans le cancer du sein." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003CLF1MM25.
Full textFranceschini, Emilie. "Tomographie ultrasonore dédiée à la détection du cancer du sein." Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00139036.
Full textTomographie qualitative : nous avons développé un algorithme de rétroprojection elliptique filtrée, établi grâce à l'introduction de la transformée de Radon elliptique et à l'extension au champ proche du classique théorème coupe-projection. La méthode de reconstruction a été étudiée expérimentalement sur des fantômes à base de gel d'agar-agar et de paraffine immergés dans de l'eau. Par ailleurs, afin de nous rapprocher des conditions opératoires du radiologue, nous avons développé des fantômes numériques anatomiques bidimensionnels de sein pour l'imagerie ultrasonore, tant pour la tomographie que pour l'échographie. Ces fantômes ont permis de simuler et de comparer les deux méthodes d'imagerie.
Tomographie quantitative pour la caractérisation tissulaire : Pour le paramètre de célérité, nous avons comparé une méthode de reconstruction par couches successives (en anglais ”layer stripping”) développée par Ferrière et al (2003) et une tomographie conique classique, toutes deux basées sur l'hypothèse de propagation en rayons droits. Des essais numériques et un essai expérimental ontmontré les limites de la méthode par couches successives à restituer les objets avec fidélité. Concernant le paramètre d'absorption, nous avons montré numériquement qu'il est indispensable de prendre en compte les effets de diffraction, qui sont généralement négligés dans le cas des tissus faiblement contrastés (le sein). Nous avons étudié l'erreur introduite par la diffraction dans une méthode fréquentielle d'estimation du paramètre d'absorption. Sur la base d'essais numériques, la méthode de correction des effets de diffraction proposée donne de bons résultats avec une tomographie pourtant simplifiée de rayons droits.
Tanos, Rita. "Développement de tests diagnostiques par détection d'ADN extracellulaire." Thesis, Montpellier, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MONTT054.
Full textAfter its discovery in 1948, circulating DNA (cirDNA) was studied in various fields. It has become an emerging biomarker, particularly in oncology, and several studies have recently sought to investigate its interest in cancer screening and early detection. The first part of my thesis was devoted to the study of the quantitative and structural characteristics of cirDNA, taking into account its origin (nuclear and mitochondrial cirDNA) and its structure (fragmentation and size profile), for the screening and early detection of cancer. Two cirDNA parameters, the Ref A 67 (total nuclear cirDNA concentration) and the MNR (Mitochondrial to Nuclear Ratio), were quantified by q-PCR in a mouse model and further validated in cell culture media to assess their potential to discriminate between a healthy and a cancerous state. These two variables were evaluated by taking into account other quantitative and structural parameters of cirDNA, after age adjustment, in the plasma of 289 healthy individuals, 99 individuals at risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) and 983 patients with CRC (n = 791), breast cancer (n = 169) and other cancers (hepatocellular, pancreatic, ovarian and lymphoma) (n = 23). Through a machine learning approach, we combined these different parameters into a prediction model using decision trees for the classification of healthy and cancer patients. We have obtained very encouraging results, especially for early-stage cancers. This method seems promising for early and non-invasive cancer detection. The addition of other biomarkers such as the size profile of the cirDNA or the detection of methylation markers could further increase its potential.The second part of my thesis was devoted to the study of the relationship between the quantity of extracellular DNA of nuclear and mitochondrial origin in the embryo culture medium, and the quality of these embryos during in vitro fertilization (IVF). It has been shown that an embryo releases extracellular DNA into the culture medium during IVF, and that this DNA could be a predictive biomarker of embryo quality and thus be used as a non-invasive preimplantation genetic test (PGT). We detected, as well, the SRY gene in the culture medium to determine the sex of the embryo, which is an important information in the case of gender-related genetic disorders. We also tried to detect the presence of the Delta F508 mutation of the CFTR gene responsible for cystic fibrosis, by analyzing extracellular DNA from high-risk embryos to assess its potential as a non-invasive PGT
Karageorgis, Anastassia. "Développement de vecteurs ciblants pour la détection et la thérapie des tumeurs." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENV004/document.
Full textA good tumor treatment relies on an early diagnosis and an efficient targeted therapy.Three theranostic tools are studied, each one having a different origin and different properties, in order to showtheir interest for tumor’s imaging and therapy.The first tool is a biologic one, human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) having a natural tropism towardinflammatory and/or hypoxic sites, which should permit them to reach tumors.The second one is nanoparticles, functionnalized or not with an antibody targeting tumor cells, delivered by alung spray. By this method we develop a non-invasive tool to treat patients with a disseminated lung tumor.The last one is a synthetic small sized theranostic tool with a reproducible synthesis, which, after a systemicadministration, targets primary and metastatic tumor cells.By my work, I show that even if MSC are not good vectors for diagnosis and delivery of therapeutic agents tothe tumors’ sites, they normalize tumors’ vessels, improving blood flow inside the tumor. This property presentsa real therapeutic interest, by pre-treating tumors before using chemotherapy.The study of aerosolized nanovectors reveals their interest for passive tumor targeting and for an active onewhen grafted with a specific monoclonal antibody as they permit the detection of tumor nodules disseminated inthe lungs.More, the targeting agent Cetuximab acquires new properties when grafted on nanoparticles permitting todecrease tumor cells resistance to the treatment.Finally, the small synthetic molecule PoroCombo developed from our previous work on RAFT-RGD vectors,seems to be the most appropriated to deliver a molecule in the cell’s cytoplasm after a systemic administration.This molecule has three anti-tumor activities by inducing cell death, by inducing anti-angiogenic impact and bytriggering anti-tumor immune reaction.The three studied “biovectors” reveal large applications to improve tumors’ treatment.Key words:
Tiffet, Olivier. "Evaluation de la détection du ganglion sentinelle en pathologie cancéreuse." Saint-Etienne, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STET006T.
Full textSalas, Daniel. "Parallélisation hybride d’une application de détection de noyaux cellulaires." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019STRAD018.
Full textThe shared memory parallelized version of the Marked Point Process algorithm allows to speed-up cells nuclei detection. However, the limitations imposed by the number of CPU cores or the memory capacity of GPU cards do not allow to analyse an entire histological image (50,000 × 50,000 pixels). To achieve this, we propose to add a distributed dimension to this parallelization using the hybrid Ordered Read-Write Locks model. In order to guarantee the validity of the original algorithm, we have implemented different strategies to ensure that all nuclei are processed and that local processing is considered on a global scale. The tests carried out first validated the scalability of the application and then showed an acceleration factor of 40 on 64 CPU cores
Adumeau, Pierre. "Nano-sondes hybrides luminescentes pour la détection du cancer de la prostate." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01020604.
Full textD'Journo, Xavier Benoît. "Détection phénotypique et moléculaire des colonisations bronchiques périopératoires en chirurgie thoracique oncologique." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX20707/document.
Full textPostoperative respiratory complications remain the most frequent and seriouscomplications, as well as being the primary cause of hospital death after thoracic oncologicsurgery. Their incidence is relatively high and concern near 30 % of patients submitted forsurgery. These complications are notoriously infectious and airways colonizations (AWC)have been suggested to be an essential first step in the pathogenesis of this respiratorymorbidity. Previous studies have documented that AWC are presents in near 40 % of cases.However, correlation between AWC and respiratory complications remains controversial.One of the limits is the traditional phenotypic methods of cultures that precludes for definitiveconclusions when considering that majority of microbiological species required modern andinnovating techniques of culture to be identified. Recent data have demonstrated that 99% oforganisms seen microscopically are not cultivated by routine techniques and requiredmolecular techniques to be identified. We have postulated that instead of culture test,molecular detection (DNA genes amplification and sequencing of the bacterial 16S ribosomalRNA) applied to distal bronchial samples or to lung biopsies, should allow identifyingbacteria, virus or emerging pathogens. Our results suggest that molecular cultureindependenttechniques applied in the context of AWC will provide in the future a greatopportunity to precise correlation between colonization and respiratory complications and tothe other hand, to discover new and/or emerging pathogens that are currently unknown
Siebert, Christelle. "Détection et fonction des récepteurs des androgènes tronqués dans le cancer de la prostate." Strasbourg, 2010. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/restreint/theses_doctorat/2010/SIEBERT_Christelle_2010_ED414.pdf.
Full textIn 2010, the number of new cases of prostate cancers (PCa) is estimated at 71 600. With 10 000 deaths per year, PCa is in France the second cause of male mortality due to cancer. The dependence of cancerous cells towards androgens is taken into account in hormonal therapies against PCa. However, physiopathology of escape from hormonal therapies may involve several types of mechanisms. One is the emergence of mutations in the androgen receptor (AR) gene to promote proliferation and survival of cancer cells in the absence of androgens. Thereby, expression of genes involved in signaling pathways of growths factors or cytokines (CXCR4, CXCL12, EGFR, HER2, HER3, ET-A, VEGFR and Wnt11) was analyzed by RT-QPCR from samples presenting truncated AR variants. This study showed significant variation in the expression of EGFR, HER2, HER3 and Wnt11. A functional test realized in yeast was developed in the laboratory to detect truncated AR variants from PCa samples, but it is long and tedious. To overcome this situation, a more suitable version for routine detection of truncated AR variants was developed. This test has also been miniaturized into a 96-well plate to facilitate its routine use and its sensitivity was increased by using 2 ADE2 and lacZ reporter systems. The first validation of the new test confirmed that the new method is faster and more sensitive than the former. The final goal is to propose this test as an innovative tool for early detection of truncated AR variants in PCa and determination of subpopulations of patients
Lehaire, Jérôme. "Détection et caractérisation du cancer de la prostate par images IRM 1.5T multiparamétriques." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE1174/document.
Full textProstate cancer is the most frequent and the fourth leading cause of mortality in France. Actual diagnosis methods are often insufficient in order to detect and precisely locate cancer. Multiparametrics MRI is now one of the most promising method for accurate follow-up of the disease. However, the visual interpretation of MRI is not easy and it is shown that there is strongvariability among expert radiologists to perform diagnosis, especially when MR sequences are contradictory. Under these circumstances, a strong interest is for Computer-aided diagnosis systems (CAD) aiming at assisting expert radiologist in their final decision. This thesis presents our work toward the conception of a CADe which final goal is to provide a cancer probability map to expertradiologist. This study is based on a rich dataset of 49 patients made of T2w, dynamic and diffusion MR images. The ground truth was obtained through strict process of annotations and correlation between histology and MRI. This thesis focuses both for cancer detection and characterization in order to provide a cancer probability map correlated to cancer aggressiveness (Gleason score). To that end we used a dictionary learning method to extract new features to better characterize cancer aggressiveness signatures as well as image features. Those features are then used as an input to Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Logistic Regression (LR) classifiers to produce a cancer probability map. We then focused on discriminating agressive cancers (Gleason score >6) from other tissues and provided an analysis of the correlation between cancer aggressiveness and probabilities. Our work conclude on a strong capability to distinguish agressive cancer from other tissues but fails to precisely distinguish different grades of cancers
Cevallos, Ramiro. "Micrométastases dans le cancer du sein : de l'image scintigraphique à la détection moléculaire." Compiègne, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999COMP1241.
Full textPioger, Léo. "Rôle et détection des enhancers au cours de la différentiation normale et en contexte leucémique." Thesis, Montpellier, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020MONTT025.
Full textEnhancers and promoters are DNA sequences needed to precisely tune gene expression, in order to promote specific cellular functions during development and differentiation. They regulate gene transcription by recruiting specific Transcription Factors that modify chromatin, bend it to create contact between enhancer and promoter leading to gene transactivation. To ensure expression of critical genes at specific times, places and levels, multiple enhancers are activated and repressed, for example during T-cell development. Mutations, particularly in the context of cancer, can modify enhancer and promoter DNA sequences, creating or suppressing Transcription Factor binding sites. Those mutations tend to express critical genes in a wrong context, potentially leading to cancer. T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL) happens during T-cell development, particularly in children, with important mortality and relapse risk.During my thesis, we detected and filtered active putative enhancers through T-cell development using epigenomic approaches. Using various bioinformatics analyses, we found that genes with multiple promoters have multiple enhancers with a dynamic usage during differentiation. We also shed light on the role of Polycomb-driven repression in alternative promoter choice. I have also studied de novo enhancers, created by small insertions during normal and pathogenic situations in human samples. Focusing on T-ALL, we created a tool called EIDA (Enhancer Insert Detection and Analysis) for the detection of mono-allelic dysregulation of enhancers associated to insertional events. The EIDA pipeline allows for a thorough analysis of sequence context at insertion sites, including Transcription Factor binding sites created or disrupted by insertions. EIDA also screens for mutations in enhancers and promoters linked to dysregulated differentiation or cancer genes, allowing at a quick glance at the putatively most important candidates associated to insertions
Fabre-Aldegheri, Véronique. "Détection des métastases médullaires "infra-microscopiques" des cancers bronchiques à petites cellules par l'immunohistochimie." Montpellier 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990MON11171.
Full textSamouelian, Vanessa. "Détection de l'envahissement ganglionnaire dans les cancers du col utérin." Lille 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LIL2S028.
Full textLi, Guorong. "Détection moléculaire des cellules d'adénocarcinome rénal : concepts, techniques et applications cliniques." Saint-Etienne, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STET011T.
Full textBourg, Samantha. "Développement de systèmes miniaturisés à base d’aptamères pour la détection de biomarqueurs de cancer." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019PSLEC020.
Full textCommon methods of cancer diagnosis are invasive, expensive and rarely allow early cancer diagnosis. The discovery of cancer biomarkers present in the early stage of the disease, well before the development of symptoms make them interesting candidate for early cancer diagnosis. These markers are still not widely used, particularly because of their low concentration in healthy patient samples, but also because of their lack of specificity taken individually. Nowadays, clinical analyses for the diagnosis are performed by dividing samples and separate measurements of the concentration of the various clinically relevant analytes. In this context, the development of devices for the simultaneous detection of these markers in biological fluids is a real challenge. In addition, the miniaturization of measurement devices and their integration on a chip opens the way to automated analysis units that can be transported to the bedside and meet the needs of hospitals for fast, low-volume, low-cost, high throughput, sensitive and specific analyses. The objective of this thesis is to develop methods for the localized immobilization of selective ligands based on molecular recognition (aptamers) on different microsystem materials for the simultaneous detection of several biomarkers. Aptamers are a new classe of synthetic DNA/RNA molecules, known for their high affinity and excellent specificity for a selected target or family of targets. They also have the advantage of being easy to handle at room temperature and easily regenerated after denaturation. Despite these advantages, very few publications have been published on aptamer-based technologies for the selective extraction and analysis of biomarker traces in microfluidic devices. The creation of such localized zones ensures the overconcentration of target analytes to improve detection performance
Alouini, Mohamed Anis. "Conception et évaluation de biocapteurs de détection d’activités métalloprotéasiques pour le diagnostic du cancer." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011BOR14300/document.
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Poujol, Julie. "Techniques d'acquisitions et reconstructions IRM rapides pour améliorer la détection du cancer du sein." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0143/document.
Full textBreast cancer is nowadays the first cause of female cancer and the first cause of female death by cancer. Breast MRI is only performed in second intention when other imaging modalities cannot lead to a confident diagnosis. In high risk women population, breast MRI is recommended as an annual screening tool because of its higher sensitivity to detect breast cancer. Breast MRI needs contrast agent injection to visualize enhancing lesions and the diagnosis is mostly based on morphological analysis of these lesions. Therefore, an acquisition with high spatial resolution is needed. Despite the use of conventional MRI acceleration techniques, the volume of data to be acquired remains quite large and the temporal resolution of the exam is around one minute. This low temporal resolution may be the cause of the low specificity of breast MRI exam. Breast MRI with higher temporal resolution will allow the use of pharmacokinetic models to access physiological parameters and lesion specifications. The main aim of this work is to develop a MRI sequence allowing a flexible use of the acquired data at the reconstruction stage. On the one hand, the images can be reconstructed with a conventional reconstruction like the protocol used in clinical routine. On the other hand, the new MRI sequence will also allow the reconstruction of images with a higher temporal resolution allowing the use of pharmacokinetic models. The development of this sequence was done by modifying the acquisition order in the Fourier domain. A random acquisition of the Fourier domain will allow the reconstruction of sub-sampled domains acquired faster. We paid attention to fat suppression efficiency with this new Fourier domain acquisition order. Tests were performed on phantom, female volunteers and patients. These tests showed that the random acquisition did not impact the quality of images (MRI signal and lesion morphology) obtained by conventional reconstruction thus allowing the conventional diagnosis. The reconstructions of the sub-sampled Fourier domains were made using Compressed Sensing reconstructions to remove sub-sampling artifacts. These reconstructions were developed and tested on digital phantoms reproducing breast MRI. The potential of this new MRI acquisition was tested on an artificial enhancing breast lesion developed especially for this purpose
Toubhans, Benoit. "Bio-géochimie du cancer : Utilisation des nanoparticules de sélénium dans le traitement et des isotopes du cuivre dans la détection des cancers ovariens." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALU017.
Full textOvarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer in women with five-year survival rates of less than 45%, and only 20% of cases are detected at early stages of the disease. Major challenges still exist to treat this lethal disease.The development of new drugs that target better cancer cells and reduce side effects is highly needed. Selenium at high doses has been shown to act as a cytotoxic agent, with potential applications in cancer treatment. However, clinical trials have failed to show any chemotherapeutic value of selenium at safe and tolerated doses (<90 g/day). To enable the successful exploitation of selenium for cancer treatment, I evaluated inorganic selenium nanoparticles (SeNP), and found them effective in inhibiting ovarian cancer cell growth. In both SKOV-3 and OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cell lines SeNP treatment resulted in significant cytotoxicity. The two cell types displayed contrasting nanomechanical responses to SeNPs, with decreased surface roughness and membrane stiffness characteristic of OVCAR-3 cell responses. In SKOV-3, cell membrane surface roughness and stiffness increased, both are properties associated with decreased metastatic potential. Very excitingly I made the novel discovery that SeNPs dramatically increase histone methylation at three histone marks, namely H3K4, H3K27 and H3K9. This effect was partially blocked by pharmacological agents that blocked histone methyltransferase (HMT) function. Gene expression profiling of SeNP treated cells demonstrated that Se caused changes in the expression of HMTs suggesting one mechanism for its ability to alter histone methylation. Further interrogation of RNA seq data showed the SeNPs impact on the expression of genes linked to hallmarks of cancer such as DNA repair activation, ROS response, extracellular matrix organization. The beneficial effects of SeNPs on ovarian cancer cell death appear to be cell type dependent, and due to their low in vivo toxicity, offer an exciting opportunity for future cancer treatment.Finally, following on from recent studies in breast and colorectal cancer patients revealing that measurement of circulating copper isotopes (63Cu/65Cu ratio) can be related to cancer development I investigated this in clinical ovarian cancer samples (blood and tissue). A significant decrease in copper isotopic ratios in the serum of cancer donors was observed demonstrating the potential effectiveness of 63Cu/65Cu for the blood-based detection of ovarian cancer
Gratas-Rabbia-Ré, Catherine. "NSCLC N6 (carcinome bronchopulmonaire non à petites cellules) : nouveau modèle expérimental d'origine humaine pour la détection et l'étude de produits potentiellement anticancereux." Nantes, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989NANT03VS.
Full textAngermann, Quentin. "'Détection temps réel assistée par ordinateur pour le dépistage précoce du cancer colorectal en vidéocoloscopie'." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018CERG0926/document.
Full textThis manuscript presents the work carried out for the development of a new tool dedicated to real-time computer-assisted detection for the detection of colorectal polyps in videocoloscopy, in the context of early detection of colorectal cancer. This cancer remains today associated with a high mortality rate when detected too late. A such tool could help to improve medical care.First of all, an analysis of the state of the art makes it possible to highlight the limitations of current methods. It is then possible to determine the scientific and technical positioning to adopt in order to create an innovative tool dedicated to this detection task.A first phase dedicated to the analysis of still frames confirms or invalidates the possible scientific choices and thus develops an approach in accordance with the constraints imposed by clinical use (processing time, performance in particular). This first method is able to detect polyps in less than 40 milliseconds per image, which is compatible with real time, with good performance (F1 Score of 47.55%).Logically, we are interested in the detection of polyps in videos, which allows to get closer to real exams. In particular, several optimizations (such as temporal coherence) are proposed to benefit from video. The tool is then able to alert the doctor about the presence of polyps in 97.6% of cases (on a set of 36 videos) in real time with only an average processing time of 23 milliseconds per frame.In the end, this tool, which can alert the doctor of the presence of colorectal polyps in real time during the examination, could therefore be part of the clinical routine of videocoloscopy. Future clinical trials will identify possible limitations to be overcome
Brosseau, Jean-Philippe. "Détection, annotation fonctionnelle et régulation des isoformes de l'épissage alternatif associées au cancer de l'ovaire." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6652.
Full textMaynadié, Marc. "Détection des cellules multichimiorésistantes dans des lignées cellulaires et dans les hémopathies malignes." Lyon 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996LYO1T118.
Full textFabre, Jean-Michel. "Les métastases hépatiques des cancers côlo-rectaux : intérêt de l'échographie per-opératoire dans leurs moyens de détection." Montpellier 1, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988MON11016.
Full textFalcoz-Vigne, Vincent. "Définition d'un principe de détection de fluorescence induite applique au diagnostic en cancérologie." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993INPL065N.
Full textWeber, Jérémie. "Nouvelle méthode de détection de mutations inconnues : applications au diagnostic génétique." Paris 6, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA066560.
Full textLe, Roux Émilie. "Détection des mutations de TP53 et CTNNB1 dans l'ADN tumoral ou plasmatique : signification comme biomarqueurs de l'hépathocancérogenèse." Lyon 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LYO10103.
Full textHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is frequent in tropical regions where its diagnosis is late and its treatments are inefficient. Early diagnosis implies identification of HCC specific molecular markers which can be detectable in easily collected samples such as blood samples. In this work, we have studied the interest of mutations in TP53 and CTNNB1 genes as biomarkers for early detection and determination of HCC etiology. On one hand, we have analysed a specific mutation at codon 249 of TP53 gene (Ser249). We have shown that variations in concentration of Ser249 mutation in circulating DNA are a marker of exposure to aflatoxin B1 and hepatitis B virus, and that they may predict hepatocarcinogenesis. On the other hand, we have observed that mutations in TP53 and CTNNB1 genes can occur in the same HCC revealing complex mechanisms integrating the two pathways depending on etiology. Understanding these mechanisms will allow us to determine the value of mutations as molecular markers of HCC
Berois, Nora. "Détection moléculaire des microsmétastases chez les malades atteintes de cancer du sein : application de l'immunoséparation magnétique." Compiègne, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997COMP1048.
Full textRenard, Emma. "Conception d’agents d’imagerie moléculaire et théranostiques pour la détection et la thérapie ciblée de cancers." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UBFCK029.
Full textDespite significant advances in cancer detection and treatment, cancer is now the second leading cause of death worldwide. The aim of this thesis project was to design and optimize imaging agents for the diagnosis and/or therapy of various cancers.The first axis of this thesis focused on the development of a bimodal PET/fluorescence imaging agent capable of targeting neurotensin NTS1 receptors overexpressed in certain cancers. PET imaging would allow efficient detection of tumors and their metastases, while fluorescence imaging would facilitate the evaluation of tumor margins during surgery. Several compounds were synthesized, labelled with gallium-68 and studied in preclinical studies in a pancreatic cancer model. Very promising results were obtained for one compound, making it a good candidate for the diagnosis and fluorescence guided surgery of pancreatic cancer.The second line of research was devoted to the design of a PET radiotracer targeting NTS1. A molecule named [177Lu]Lu-IPN01087 is currently being evaluated in clinical trials for targeted radiotherapy. The identification of a diagnostic companion agent would facilitate the selection of patients eligible for this therapy. We synthesized and evaluated in vivo, in a colorectal cancer model, different gallium-68 labelled tracers, highlighting a potential candidate for the diagnosis by PET imaging of NTS1 overexpressing cancers.Finally, the last part of this thesis focused on the development of a theranostic SPECT/PDT imaging agent targeting the EGFR receptor. SPECT imaging would allow the diagnosis and staging of patients, while the PDT probe would facilitate the surgical resection of the tumor and eradication of cancer cells. We used a trivalent platform, dichlorotetrazine, that allowed us to introduce an indium-111 chelating agent and a photosensitizer via a site-specific bioconjugation reaction on a nanobody. The resulting conjugate was evaluated in vitro and the biodistribution and efficacy of the photodynamic therapy were investigated in preclinical studies
Desmet, Cloé. "Systèmes de détection multiparamétrique de marqueurs biologiques ou de polluants, appliqués au diagnostic et au contrôle environnemental." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LYO10149/document.
Full textThe work reported in this thesis focuses on the development of new multiplex analytical devices on biochip or electrode microarray format, dedicated to diagnosis and environmental monitoring. The objective of the first research axis is diagnosis, thanks to the detection in patients’ serum of a panel of antibodies, biomarkers of a pathological state. For that purpose, two immunotests have been developed, enabling the multiparametric detection of specific antibodies by automated and high-throughput analysis of serum samples. This approach is based on the antibodies capture by antigens probes immobilized in a matrix of spots on a membrane surface composing the wells bottom of a micro-titer plate. Enzyme-labeled antibodies have been used, providing a colorimetric detection. This device enabled the achievement of the analysis of 96 samples in less than three hours and has been applied to different applications. The first one consists of allergy diagnosis, and the second focuses on cancer diagnosis. The second part of this work is applied to environmental monitoring, through water analysis. Different types of pollutants have been defined as targets: pesticides, toxins and explosives. In order to integrate them in a matrix of probes, different conjugates have been synthesized with these haptens. After screening and optimization of the conjugates through their reactivity and cross-reactivity with the specific antibodies, the developed device demonstrated his analytical performances in terms of sensitivity and selectivity. Finally, for the European Project BONAS, a last sensor based on water analysis has also been developed. This electrochemical microarray aims to detect explosives precursors, used in improvised explosive devices, for the localization of hidden bomb factory. The chip was designed as a screen-printed electrode network, which was modified by different metals electrodeposition
Cacheux, Jean. "Développement d'un système autonome de détection et de quantification des microARNs avec une plateforme nanofluidique pour la prise en charge du cancer du pancréas." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU30152/document.
Full text85% of patients affected by pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDA) are diagnosed at an advanced stage, preventing effective care and curative treatments. Therefore, it is urgent to identify reliable biomarkers for the early detection of disease status, including relapse. MiRNAs (micro ribonucleic acids) are biomarkers of PDA, with demonstrated clinical value for early detection of tumors and monitoring of response to treatment. However, current methods of extraction and detection of miRNA are not compatible with clinical use. New technologies derived from micro and nanofabrication methods have the potential to facilitate the implementation of diagnostic tests, by offering a high degree of portability and robustness, short time to results at low cost. Here, we propose a nanofluidic platform coupled to fluorescence detection for the real time measurement of molecular interactions in a confined environment. We first describe the detection platform via a one-dimension theoretical model based on molecular dynamics to predict the capture of miRNAs into biofunctionalized nanochannels. The originality of the system lies in the non-homogeneous hybridization of miRNA targets onto the sensor. We demonstrate that the analysis of the spatial hybridization profile enables the determination of the affinity of the captured miRNA with the probe sequence in a wash-free single step. We then show the rapid discrimination (less than 10 minutes) of single nucleotide difference (SND) using this strategy. The performance of the device in the context of pancreatic cancer detection is discussed: the effect of sample preparation of complex biofluids is studied and two labeling approaches compatible with the detection of endogenous miRNAs are described and compared, leading to the detection of miRNAs extracted from model cell cultures of pancreatic cancer
Grezes-Besset, Louise. "Détection et analyse du mouvement respiratoire à partir d'images fluoroscopiques en radiothérapie." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00735816.
Full textSurriabre, Dick Pedro. "Développement d'une stratégie adaptée a la situation bolivienne pour la détection des papillomavirus humains de haut risque." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/285674.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Pharmacie)
Garlan, Fanny. "Nouvelles méthodes de détection de l'ADN tumoral circulant par PCR digitale en gouttelettes : application au suivi des patients." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCB108/document.
Full textCirculating tumor DNA (ctDNA) carries tumor-specific alterations that are detectable by minimally invasive sampling. It represents a highly pertinent marker for cancer monitoring during patients’ follow-up. CtDNA detection requires a highly sensitive and quantitative technique. In this context, this project focused on ctDNA quantification and monitoring by picoliter-droplet digital PCR. Thanks to the compartmentalization in millions of picoliter droplets, this tool allowed the detection of single DNA molecule with a sensitivity reaching 0.001%. Testing of ctDNA was performed through the evaluation of different potential biomarkers: specific mutations, ctDNA fragmentation, and hypermethylation of target sequences. On one hand, we observed in cancer patients that ctDNA is more fragmented than wild-type DNA, and, globally more fragmented than circulating DNA in healthy individuals. On the other hand, a strong correlation between percentages of hypermethylated and mutated DNA was observed during the follow-up of patients. Such results suggest the feasibility to precisely and quantitatively monitor ctDNA by the evaluation of hypermethylation as an alternative to the determination of mutational status. We have applied such ctDNA detection strategies in the context of two clinical studies. The PLACOL study, enrolling 82 metastatic colorectal cancer patients, allowed to highlight two prognostic factors: a ctDNA concentration threshold of 0.1 ng / mL, and the evaluation of ctDNA decreasing slope. In the second study, ctDNA was monitored in 11 melanoma patients in the context of a targeted therapy (vemurafenib). An inverse correlation between the concentrations of vemurafenib and ctDNA was demonstrated. These results suggest the clinical relevancy of ctDNA in advanced cancer patients, for the optimization of therapeutic management
Drouet, Mireille. "Techniques de détection des molécules HLA solubles de classe 1 dans le plasma : étude de sujets sains et de transplantés." Limoges, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993LIMO0241.
Full textMeddeb, Romain. "Détection et quantification de l'ADN circulant : conditions pré-analytiques et applications pour le suivi des patients atteints de cancer colorectal." Thesis, Montpellier, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MONTT037.
Full textThe analysis of circulating DNA has already demonstrated its potential in oncology as a biomarker for diagnosis, prognosis of relapses, detection of minimal residual disease, monitoring tumor clonal evolution and acquired resistances, as well as a theranostic tool in predicting the efficacy of some targeted therapies. But apart from the recent approval by the FDA of two tests for the detection of EGFR gene alterations in circulating tumor DNA before the initiation of treatment with Gefitinib or Afatinib in non-small cell lung cancer, no application of circulating DNA in oncology has yet been validated in clinical practice. One of the main hurdles that has been well identified for several years, and therefore one of the main challenges for the scientific and medical community, is the harmonization and standardization of pre-analytical procedures for sample processing and associated analytical techniques. In addition, it seems that other recent issues have emerged, including the need for procedures adapted to particular clinical applications. Still with the aim of optimizing the analysis of circulating DNA, one of the two objectives of my thesis project was to study the influence of pre-analytical and demographic parameters on the quantification of circulating nuclear and mitochondrial DNA on a cohort of 104 healthy individuals and 118 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. In particular, we showed a significant difference between healthy individuals with an age below and above or equal to the median value (Mann-Whitney U test, Pvalue = 0.009), and between females and males (Whitney U test, Pvalue = 0.048). Multivariate analysis of these data then confirmed that age was the only predictive factor of a high nuclear-related circulating DNA concentration in our healthy individuals’ cohort (Odd Ratio = 2.41, Pvalue = 0.033). All other parameters studied did not show any influence on the quantification of nuclear or mitochondrial circulating DNA in healthy individuals or patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. In a second step, aware of the difficulties observed in the literature regarding the lack of harmonization and heterogeneity of results, we proposed a more complete and detailed guideline than that proposed by El Messaoudi et al in 2015, but mainly adapted to different clinical applications in oncology and other fields such as organ transplantation and non-invasive prenatal testing. Based on our own observations and a non-exhaustive review of the literature, this guideline is only validated for the analysis of nuclear circulating DNA. Specificities relative to the study of mitochondrial circulating DNA are now established and require a guideline entirely dedicated to its analysis. The second objective of my thesis project was to evaluate the prognostic value of circulating DNA analysis in the early detection of recurrences in patients curatively treated for stage II/III colorectal cancer, as part of a prospective multicentric clinical study called "DNAcir" promoted by the Limoges University Hospital. At this stage, the results of this project are preliminary and therefore the hypothesis made in this manuscript should be taken with caution. In addition, this thesis work provide a recent review of the literature in the field of circulating DNA and their clinical applications, while providing new knowledge on pre-analytical treatment of samples and also opening up new avenues for reflection, particularly on the potential effect of surgery on the quantification of circulating DNA, or even adjuvant therapy if necessary
Fournier, Patrick. "Évaluation de traceurs peptidiques radiomarqués pour la détection du cancer du sein et de la prostate par imagerie TEP." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6302.
Full textGarcia, Cruz Alvaro. "Micro et Nano structuration du Poly(pyrrole) sur substrat polymérique : développement d’immunocapteur pour la détection des biomarqueurs du cancer." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LYO10105.
Full textNon-conventional lithography techniques have made for the two last decades a huge impact in the engineering sciences. They are now regarded as a main challenge for the development of the devices. The objective of this thesis is to explore new alternative possibilities for designing micro & nano biosensors based on poly(pyrrole) (PPy) high resolution microprinting attended by catalytic polymerization (nanoCP-CCP) on substrates Polymer (poly (terephthalate) ethylene (PETE), cyclic olefin copolymer (COC), polyetheretherketone (PEEK), poly (ethylene 2,6-naphthalate (PEN), and polyamide (PI)). In a first step We have developed various printing techniques (grafting printing, addressed printing and direct printing) and polymerization conditions to modulate the characteristics of PPy micro and nano-structured in order to control the size, shape and Electrical desired properties. We found that the most important parameters that affect the printing process especially at the nanoscale are: a.) The ratio of the concentrations of reagents for the polymerization process which includes the Py-silane, nitrate silver (AgNO3), iron chloride (III) / lithium chloride (FeCl3 / LiCl). b) The physical parameters of the GeSIM machine; the printing pressure, contact level, the inking time stamp of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), and printing time. Finally, we got to manufacture PPy nanowires (PPy-NW) 747 ± 12.2 nm wide, 114 ± 8 nm in height and with a separation of 573 ± 13.4 nm between two consecutive PPy-NW. These micro and nano-structured films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electron-photon spectroscopy induced by X-rays (XPS). In the second part, we have developed a PPy-NW-based immunosensors sensitive to interleukin 8 and 6 biomarkers. For this, different strategies have been adopted to immobilize antibodies specific to these two biomarkers. These immunosensors were characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method (EIS). The results obtained in relation to the sensitivity and selectivity are very satisfactory with the security detection limits of a few pg / L for both developed immunosensors
Lebal, Naîma. "Développement d'architectures innovantes associant capteurs acoustiques et matériaux polymères à empreintes moléculaires pour la détection de biomarqueurs de cancer." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0411/document.
Full textColorectal cancer statistics in France and all over the world demonstrate theneed for fast, sensitive and specific technological platforms development for cancerdiagnosis. A rapid diagnosis will improve the patients’ health status and reduce the resultswaiting time which could be a great stress factor. Biomarkers analysis in blood, urine andother body fluids is recognized as one of the applied methods for early cancer detection. Inframe of this project, urinary nucleosides have been identified as colorectal cancerbiomarkers. Funded by the National Research Agency (ANR), through the cancer sensorproject (TECSAN program), this thesis was carried out in IMS laboratory. Hence, a colorectalcancer biomarkers detection and monitoring technological solution has been proposed. Inour detection strategy, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP) has been identified asbiomarker recognition element. The MIP layer has been associated to Love Wave acoustictransducer. This biosensor will sense the identified colorectal cancer nucleosides
Tellier, Franklin Gérard Francis. "Détection du ganglion sentinelle par des méthodes optiques : utilisation des photons diffusés et de fluorescence." Strasbourg, 2011. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2011/TELLIER_Franklin_Gerard_Francis_2011.pdf.
Full textThe sentinel lymph node (SLN) method has become the gold standard to detect breast cancer metastasis. Two optical methods of detection and localization of SLN have been implemented. The first is based on the recording of scattered photons in the tissue to detect dye accumulated in the node. The second consists in detecting the emission of fluorescence photons. For both applications the dye selected is the most frequently used in clinical routine: Patent Blue V (PBV). A first optical instrument has been developed, using 4 excitation laser diodes, to discriminate absorption of PBV from that of other tissue chromophores, and one photodiode of detection. Experiments on solutions simulating the optical properties of breast tissue determined that the probe was 30 times more sensitive than the eye. Animal experimentation allowed to verify, in-vivo, the feasibility of the method. Subsequent collaboration with a regional cancer centre has permitted ex-vivo characterization of the prototype using 78 surgical pieces marked with low volumes of PBV and not visually blue. Our parallel studies highlighted an enhancement of the PBV fluorescence quantum yield by a factor of 30 when it was bounded to human serum albumin. Thus, a prototype to detect fluorescence photons has been developed. Its detection threshold is 100 times as low as that of the human eye. Fluorophore-marked nodes were detected in an animal model, with this device and using an appropriate imaging system. This device can localize precisely a marked SLN after percutaneous injection of a fluorescent dye
Monteil, Jacques. "Imagerie au 18-FDG avec un tomographe d’émission de positons par détection de coïncidences (TEDC) : optimisation pour l’oncologie expérimentale animale." Limoges, 2004. http://www.unilim.fr/theses-doctorat/2004LIMO310D/html/index-frames.html.
Full textChevalier, Arnaud. "Développement de nouveaux outils chimiques pour la synthèse de sondes optiques fluorogéniques pour la détection d'activités enzymatiques en milieu biologique." Rouen, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ROUES050.
Full textOptical imaging is a continuously developing field of bio-organic chemistry over the past decades. The understanding of the physical phenomena and of the structure/photophysical properties relationship has resulted in the establishment of new strategies for the fluorogenic detection of (bio)analytes in vivo. Many tools have been developed leading to both sensitive and inexpensive diagnosis systems aiming at increasing their performances. My Ph. D. Thesis has been focused on the synthesis of new chemical tools (both quenchers and fluorescent organic dyes) for the development of new fluorogenic probes (based on FRET and/or pro-fluorescence concept) for the detection of enzymes in biological media. We proceeded to the synthesis of unsymmetrical sulforhodamines leading to novel fluorescent organic dyes whose the usefulness has been proved through the preparation of a wide range of new activatable "smart" optical bioprobes. In addition, a panel of various bioconjugatable quenchers (including water-soluble analogues) has been synthesized. Several synthetic routes have been developed for the rapid and effective access to new protease-sensitive "activatable" FRET-based probes. Some of them have been successfully applied to cellular molecular imaging assays. The major result of these works is probably the developement of two synthetic strategies to access to original heterotrifunctional molecular platforms for the simultaneous detection of two distinct protease activities. We expect that these tools could be highly useful for the early detection of some diseases as prostate cancer for which actual diagnosis technics based on detection/quantification of a single biomarker often lead to many false positive results
Tadlaoui, Hbibi Ali. "Détection de facteurs de transcription actifs dans le cancer colorectal et inhibition spécifique de leur activité par des oligonucléotides leurres : applications à STAT3 et NF-kB." Paris 13, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA132023.
Full textThe important role of transcription factors such as STAT3 and Nf-kB in biological processes, and their involvement in oncogenesis, justifies the numerous studies on these factors. To inhibit and control their activities appears to be promising therapeutic approach. Firstly, we have shown that STAT3 is constitutively activated in colon cancer and is associated with histopronostics features. In secondly, we inhibited the transcription factors STAT3 and NF-kB in cancer cell lines, we using decoy oligonucleotide containing the consensus target ssequences of these two factors. The decoy oligonucleotides induce the death of a cell line of colon cancer (SW480), however, the decoy ODN of STAT3 was found to interact with STAT1 and prevent IFNy action. Thus, it's of interest to inhibit transcription factors in tumor cells but specific issues are not resolved
Crespin, Sylvain. "Etude d'un détecteur scintigraphique pour la localisation de tissus radiomarquées : application à la chirurgie radioguidée dans le cancer du sein." Montpellier 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON20034.
Full textGuillet, Julie. "Les papillomavirus Humains dans les cancers des Voies Aéro-Digestives Supérieures : optimisation de méthodes de détection et étude de populations à risque." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LORR0050/document.
Full textThe Human Papillomavirus (HPV) are involved in almost 100% of cervical cancers. Recently, HPVs have been recognized as the cause of tumors of the upper aerodigestive tract, especially of squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. In France, the proportion of oropharyngeal HPV-related tumors is unknown, partly because viral testing is not in guidelines. Moreover, assess the proportion of HPV-positive tumors in tumor banks is difficult because the tumor samples were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin (FFPE), which complicates detection techniques. We tested a high risk HPV detection method, indicated for liquid based pap smear, on FFPE samples. We compared this technique to the gold-standard : PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) followed by electrophoresis. Our results indicate that this technique is applicable to FFPE samples and even appears to be more sensitive. The majority of French patients (2/3) with head and neck consult with an advanced stage of disease. This is explained in part by the lack of organized screening of these cancers, contrary to breast, prostate, cervical, or colorectal cancers. But an early treatment is essential to increase the survival rate. We therefore conducted a prospective study on patients with head and neck tumors to test the oral brushing as screening cancer and HPV detection. We found tumor and/or dystrophic cells in 97.8% of patients with biopsy, and in 88.9% of patients by brushing. Compared with biopsy, our results suggested that smear has similar specificity for HPV detection in tumors (94.4%), but lower sensitivity (66.7%). This study has shown an HPV-related tumor in 12.2% of cases. Among them, we detected by brushing (in healthy area) an oral infection by high-risk HPV in 53.3% of cases. WHO has classified HPV as carcinogenic agents since 1995, and determined that patients who developed cervical cancer are six-times more likely to develop another HPV-related tumor. In this context, we have planned a multicenter prospective study to detect oral HPV infection in patients with a pre-neoplastic or neoplastic lesion of the cervix. Co-infection rate of the two anatomical sites is unknown in women infected with genital level. Insofar oral infection could be the cause of a second tumor location, it seems important to know how much women are co-infected to propose thereafter a special monitoring. The preventive vaccination, which exists against HPV 16 and 18 in the prevention of cervical cancer, is a future perspective. Because HPV 16 is found in 90% of HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx, extending vaccine recommendations emerge as a new public health issue
Chemouny, Stéphane. "Filtrage et segmentation d'images tridimensionnelles : application à la détection et à la caractérisation des structures anatomiques et pathologiques du foie." Montpellier 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001MON20140.
Full textPham, Minh Hoan. "Méthodes de détection des régions cancéreuses dans des images obtenues par tomographie calculée." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015TOU30388.
Full textComputed Tomography (CT) is a non-invasive technique which provides images of the human body without superposing adjacent structures. This technique is based on the absorption of X-rays by the human body. Analysis from X-ray absorption is subject to a variety of imperfections and image artifacts including quantum noise, X-rays scattered by the patient (absorptive environment), beam hardening, and nonlinear volume effects. Image processing is a crucial tool for contrast enhancement and region analysis. Analysis of CT images is a decision-making tool for cancer formation at an incipient phase. Segmentation of computed tomography (CT) images is an important step in image-guided surgery that requires both high accuracy and minimal user interaction. Previous attempts include thresholding (global and optimal), region growing (region competition, watershed segmentation), edge tracing, and parametric active contour (AC) approaches for segmentation, are not fully satisfying. In this dissertation we have been interested in the CT image processing methods to detect and analyze cancerous regions in phase II and III. A new algorithm, which hinges on dynamic programming, has been proposed for automatically extracting region of interest using adapted active contours. In our new approach, Entropy is used to estimate the parameters alpha and beta of the active contour internal energy. In order to enhance the image quality in terms of contrast and to understand more the regions of interest, image fusion is used. Image fusion is a process of combining multiple images into a single image containing more relevant information. We use Wavelet Transform and a specific Fusion Rule to identify and select relevant information of the process. All these methods have been implemented as plugins in GIMP software
Linares, Aurélien. "Histone désacétylases, signalisation œstrogénique et cancer du sein : établissement d’outils bioluminescents pour la détection d’inhibiteurs sélectifs de HDAC : expression et rôle de HDAC9 dans les lignées cellulaires de cancer du sein." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON13504/document.
Full textThe estrogen receptor (ER) can modulate the gene expression with consequences in the cell proliferation, apoptosis. This modulation is possible by the recruitment of coactivator or corepressor complexes. The repression activity is in particular explained by the histones deacetylases (HDACs). This protein family is composed by eighteen members who have been classified in four groups. These HDACs are subdivided on structural and functional similarities. The class I isoforms (HDACs 1, 2, 3 and 8), class II (HDACs 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10) and class IV (HDAC11) are Zn-dependent enzymes, whereas class III HDACs (Sirtuins 1-7) are NAD+-dependent. Recent data from the laboratory have shown, at the mRNA level, there is an enormous expression differential of HDAC9 between breast cancer cell line ER positive and negative or OHT resistant cell line. During my thesis, I demonstrated that the regulations of the HDAC9 on the level of its expression as of its role in the various breast cancer cell lines were implicated in the estrogen signaling. This regulation takes place at the transcriptional level and in the ERet#945; activity.In addition, using broad spectrum HDAC inhibitors (HDIs) such as TSA (Tricostatin A), many studies have shown that these inhibitors had antiangiogenic activity. Thus, the design or the identification of selective and potent HDAC inhibitors as agents anti-tumoral and/or anti-metastatic can emerge in a novel opportunity used alone or in combination with the already existing agents for the treatment of cancers. In order to identify and characterize new HDIs, my thesis works consisted to establish bioluminescent cell lines for screening HDAC inhibitors. Different cell GAL4-VP16-HDACs chimeras' models were generated to determine the selectivity of HDIs for the different HDACs
Diou, Odile. "Synthèse de nanocapsules polymères pour la détection de tumeurs solides par échographie et IRM du Fluor : vers un outil théranostique." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00907145.
Full textGraffeo, Nathalie. "Méthodes d'analyse de la survie nette : utilisation des tables de mortalité, test de comparaison et détection d'agrégats spatiaux." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM5067/document.
Full textIn cancer research, net survival is a key indicator of health care efficiency. This theoretical concept is the survival that would be observed in an hypothetical world where the disease under study would be the only possible cause of death. In population-based studies, where cause of death is unknown, net survival allows to compare net cancer survival between different groups by removing the effect of death from causes other than cancer. In this work, after presenting the concept and the estimation methods of net survival, we focus on three complementary issues. The first one is about the life tables used in the estimates of net survival. In France, these tables are stratified by age, sex, year and département. Other prognostic factors impact on mortality. So it would be interesting to use life tables stratified by some of these factors. We study the impact of the lack of stratification in life tables on the estimates of the effects of prognostic factors on excess mortality by simulations and real data studies. In 2012, the Pohar-Perme estimator was proposed. It is a consistent non parametric estimator of net survival. The second issue involves the building of a log-rank type test to compare distributions of net survival (estimated by the Pohar-Perme estimator) between several groups. Our third issue is to propose a method providing potential spatial clusters which could contain patients with similar net cancer survival rates. We adapt a clustering method using the test we have built as a splitting criterion. This work proposes new developments and new tools to study and improve the quality of care for cancer patients. These methods are suitable to other chronic diseases