Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Détection des molécules individuelles'
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Etienne, Emilien. "Spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence sur miroir : détection et exaltation de la luminescence de molécules biologiques individuelles diffusant en solution ou en milieu cellulaire." Aix-Marseille 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003AIX30048.
Full textSingle fluorescent molecule detection is often resrtricted by two problems : photon collection and size definition of the observation volume. In Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), we show that a mirror located at the objective focal point enables : (i) to enhance the collected photon number per fluorescent molecule, and (ii) to reshape the confocal volume with interference fringes. This new technique is firstly checked for fluorescent nanospheres, then for molecules of biological interest. We show numerically that this technique is well suitable for measuring diffusion coefficients in confined wavelength-sized structure. Finally, we confirm these results by studying fluorescent proteins diffusion in bacteria cytoplasm
Lenne, P. F. "Etude physique de quelques problèmes de biologie : de la molécule individuelle à la cellule vivante." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paul Cézanne - Aix-Marseille III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00156483.
Full textconformationnels, et l'activité de molécules biologiques individuelles, non masqués par une moyenne d'ensemble. Dans ce cadre, je présente trois études que j'ai réalisées de 1998 à 2006.
La première concerne l'étude d'une protéine du cytosquelette, la spectrine. A l'aide d'un microscope à force atomique, nous suivons les états et les transitions de dépliement de protéines polymériques constituées de domaines identiques de la spectrine et montrons que le dépliement d'un domaine de spectrine peut se produire par étapes pendant son étirement.
Le second sujet porte sur l'organisation et la dynamique des membranes des cellules vivantes. Nous exposons une méthode fondée sur la spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence permettant de détecter des domaines membranaires. Nous revisitons les questions controversées dʹorganisation membranaire en étudiant une grande variété de marqueurs membranaires. Nous
montrons que les analogues fluorescents des sphingolipides et les protéines ancrées par un
glycosylphosphatidylinositol sont seulement confinés par des microdomaines dʹorigine lipidique.
En revanche, le récepteur à la transferrine est compartimenté à la fois par lʹorganisation lipidique et
le réseau du cytosquelette. Nous confirmons ainsi lʹexistence dʹune micro‐architecture dʹorigine
lipidique par des mesures sur cellules vivantes.
Pour améliorer la détection de molécules fluorescentes individuelles et réduire les volumes d'observation sous la limite de diffraction optique, nous utilisons des structures photoniques tels que des miroirs diélectriques ou des trous de taille sub‐longueur d'onde percés dans des films métalliques. A l'aide de ces structures, nous examinons la diffusion membranaire à l'échelle
nanométrique et en inférons la structure fine des membranes.
Enfin, je présente un projet de recherche sur la géométrie et la mécanique de l'épithélium
de l'embryon de drosophile lors de la morphogenèse. Ce projet vise en particulier à développer des
méthodes spécifiques pour mesurer et déterminer le rôle des forces de tension corticale du réseau
dʹacto‐myosine dans le remodelage des interfaces cellulaires.
Barulin, Aleksandr. "Label-free single protein fluorescence detection in the UV enhanced by aluminum plasmonic nanostructures." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2020. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/201204_BARULIN_360oitqab739occoku598wcb932u_TH.pdf.
Full textSingle molecule fluorescence techniques enable to monitor the molecular dynamics and interactions in the biological processes. Nowadays, the molecular dynamics of proteins is principally accompanied by external fluorescent labeling. However, an attached molecule might perturb the protein dynamics. Fortunately, a vast majority of proteins contain tryptophan and tyrosine that absorb and emit light in the UV range of 260-400 nm. These intrinsically fluorescent amino acids yield limited absorption cross-section, quantum yield, and photostability in the UV range, which hampers single protein UV autofluorescence detection. In order to reach single molecule sensitivity of protein UV autofluorescence, we develop a time-resolved UV confocal microscope with 266 nm and 295 nm excitations and the detection optics in the near UV. Based on the total fluorescence time traces, we quantify the single molecule sensitivity, the effect of photostabilization techniques on the protein autofluorescence. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) measurements provide quantitative information on the detection volume, the fluorescence enhancement factors, and the accelerated photokinetics of the UV emitting molecules in the presence and absence of the aluminum (Al) nanostructures. Using p-terphenyl as a bright UV emitting molecule, we optimize the Al plasmonic nanostructures to enhance the single molecule fluorescence. Under certain conditions, the light confinement and fluorescence enhancement in the aluminum nanostructures enable to apply the UV plasmonics for the single molecule detection of label-free beta-galactosidase protein
Fulconis, Renaud. "Recombinaison homologue sur molécules d'ADN individuelles : expériences et modélisation." Paris 6, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA066456.
Full textBrunel, Christian. "Optique non-linéaire et quantique sur des molécules individuelles." Bordeaux 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR10558.
Full textKirstein, Johanna Ursula. "Diffusion des molécules individuelles dans les matériaux mesostructurés et nanoporeux." Pau, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PAUU3035.
Full textSingle-molecule methods play a growing role in materials science because they can reveal structural and dynamic features which are obscured by ensemble averaging in conventional spectroscopic techniques. In this work, such methods were used to study the dynamics of single dye molecules (guests) within different surrounding porous matrices (hosts) using wide-field microscopy and single-molecule tracking. A significant amount of tracking data was collected and sophisticated methods to analyse the data according to diffusion theory were developed. A method was established to directly correlate the diffusion information that is provided by single-molecule trajectories with the images of the porous host systems obtained by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Furthermore, the results from single-molecule tracking experiments were compared with diffusion measurements using pulsed-field gradient NMR in the same samples. The data presented in this thesis thus provide for the first time a detailed picture of the real mesoporous structure and its effects on the dynamic behavior of dye molecules at the nanometre to micron scale, e. G. Information about pore connectivity and accessibility. The methodology established here is expected to provide detailed insights into the dynamics of other important host-guest systems, such as bioactive molecules in porous materials for drug delivery or reactants in porous catalysts
Julien, Carine. "Fluorescence et Diffusion Raman exaltée de surface (SERS) de molécules individuelles." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00011564.
Full textPar microscopie grand champ de fluorescence, l'émission de molécules uniques de pérylène orange insérées dans un film solgel mince, par enregistrement de films d'une large zone de l'échantillon sur laquelle plus d'une centaine d'émetteurs individuels sont détectés, fournit des informations sur cette espèce et la matrice sondée. Pour exploiter les films, un outil logiciel a été développé. Les processus de photoblanchiment, la mobilité moléculaire, la nucléation des molécules excitées sont mis en évidence et discutés. On note une grande richesse des dynamiques temporelles d'émission, mais aussi des spectres qui reflètent notamment la reconformation proposée du pérylène orange excité. Il s'ensuit l'existence de nombreux nanoenvironnements différents dans la matrice poreuse.
Par microscopie confocale à balayage, le signal de diffusion Raman exaltée de surface de molécules uniques organique adsorbées sur des agrégats d'argent de morphologie complexe est exploité. Certains objets présentent une exaltation géante, estimée être de plus de 14 ordres de grandeur, ce qui permet l'enregistrement de spectres résolus en seulement une seconde. L'analyse chimique offerte permet de distinguer différentes espèces, et la présence nécessaire sur ces points chauds d'Ag+ est démontrée. Une caractérisation corrélée par microscopie électronique des agrégats actifs repérés met aussi en avant l'existence d'une morphologie privilégiée, avec de nombreuses protubérances de dimension nanométrique et interstices.
Fennouri, Aziz. "Analyse de molécules individuelles de glucides bioactifs confinées dans des nanopores." Thesis, Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013EVRY0037/document.
Full textGlycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are bio-active polysaccharide expressed at the cell surface and in the extra-cellular matrix, which mediate cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions at the origin of a variety of physiological and pathological activities such as in embryonic development, cell growth, homeostasis, etc. Among all biopolymers, they offer the largest potential of information owing the incomparable variety of combinations and region-selective modifications of their building monosaccharides. The structural analysis of such complex carbohydrates is recognized as one of the most challenging task of glycosciences. New approaches based on single-molecule detection are currently arousing great interest in biology as it allows the direct observation and nano-manipulation of bio-molecules. Mainly applied to nucleic acids and proteins, these approaches have been not often used for the study of carbohydrates. We report here the detection of individual glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides confined in aerolysin and α-hemolysin proteic nanopores. Our results show the capability of this new approach to discriminate hyaluronic acid (HA) oligosaccharides according to their polymerization degree based on the analysis of duration and frequency of the current blockades. This feature prompted us to apply this approach to the enzyme monitoring of the hyaluronidase-catalyzed depolymerization of HA and the determination of its kinetic parameters. Translocation has also been proved by mass spectrometry. Other oligosaccharides like heparin, dermatan sulfate and dextran sulfate, have also been studied, showing different characteristic “fingerprints”, due to structure and/or conformation differences
Wenger, Jérôme. "Nanophotonique pour la détection exaltée de molécules fluorescentes." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Aix-Marseille Université, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00840843.
Full textBancaud, Aurélien. "Dynamique et structure de fibres de chromatine individuelles." Paris 6, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA066432.
Full textEliet-Barois, Sophie. "Détection, quantification et cinétique TéraHertz de molécules d'intérêt atmosphérique." Phd thesis, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00957068.
Full textOmar, Abdelaziz. "Détection ultrasensible de molécules d'intérêts atmosphériques dans l'infrarouge lointain." Thesis, Littoral, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016DUNK0430/document.
Full textQThe detection of trace pollutants is an important issue for monitoring air quality. Terahertz spectroscopy, used to probe spectral regions rich in molecular absorption, is an appropriate technique for measuring atmospheric pollution. This work of thesis consisted in developing and characterizing an ultrasensitive spectrometer to measure molecules of atmospheric interest. A terahertz spectrometer was mounted using a frequency multiplication chain emitting up to 900 GHz. The detection sensitivity has been optimized and characterized. In collaboration with the IEMN, a terahertz spectrometer using a vector network analyzer transmitting up to 500 GHz as a source, has been set up and characterized. The potential of terahertz spectroscopy has been demonstrated to monitor in real time the evolution of concentrations of gaseous pollutants during a chemical reaction and to deduce the kinetic rates. Following the rotational transitions of H2CO and CO of a photolysis reaction of formaldehyde, kinetic reaction rates were determined. Detection of radicals is a challenge because of their high reactivity. The configuration of our spectrometer was adapted to optimize sensitivity and to study the photolysis reaction of acetaldehyde using "Photosensitization" by mercury. Frequency modulation and Zeeman effect modulation were used to study HCO. The sensitivity was optimized, quantified HCO and measured over 200 absorption lines. A spectroscopy study of HCO is initiated in order to optimize the parameters of the international data bases
Viellerobe, Bertrand. "Microscopie en champ proche optique en vue de la spectroscopie de molécules individuelles." Bordeaux 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000BOR10576.
Full textCranney, Marion. "Activation électronique de la dynamique de molécules organiques individuelles sur des semi-conducteurs." Paris 11, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA112007.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis was carried out in the Molecular Nanoscience group in the Laboratory for Molecular Photophysics. During this thesis, I studied the electronic activation with the STM of the dynamics of individual organic molecules adsorbed on the Si(100)-2x1 surface. The molecular dynamics became progressively more complex as the size of the molecule increased: First, the change in adsorption of the biphenyl molecule from its weakly chemisorbed state to the strongly chemisorbed state. Second, the diffusion of the physisorbed stilben molecule. Third, the conformational changes induced in the hexaphenyl molecule. These results illustrate the different ways in which the molecular dynamics can be controlled depending on the localization of the electronic excitation inside the molecule and also the conformation of the molecule on the surface. This thesis also clearly demonstrates the new problems that arise due to the increasing size of the molecule. Indeed, these results show just how complicated a detailed analysis of the molecular dynamics becomes in the case of the hexaphenyl. This is due to the greater number of possible positions for the excitation combined with the different possible configurations. The results also raise new questions concerning the delocalization and propagation of the excitation within the molecule during the dynamic process
Perronet, Karen. "Etude par détection de photons des processus électroniques au sein d'une jonction tunnel dans un milieu moléculaire." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00008134.
Full textPouthas, François. "Détection de molécules d'ADN sur transistors à effet de champ." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2004. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00110318.
Full textà l'interface solide/liquide en utilisant des réseaux de transistors à effet de champ. Les structures
utilisées sont des réseaux d'EOSFET. Ce type de structures semiconductrices opère avec une électrode
de référence et possède une surface active dont l'interface est du type électrolyte/oxyde/semi-conducteur.
Des micro- ou macro-gouttelettes de solutions contenant des biopolymères chargés sont déposées en des
endroits prédéfinis sur les réseaux de transistors. Ces dépôts locaux induisent des variations des caractéristiques
courant-tension des transistors ayant été exposés à l'apport de charge. L'étude des variations des
caractéristiques DC des transistors après l'adsorption de deux biopolymères de charges globales opposées
(la polylysine et l'ADN), ont montré des effets contraires qui correspondent bien à un apport de charges
positives pour la polylysine et négatives pour l'ADN. Des expériences de variations en concentration de
biopolymères ont permis de mettre en évidence une zone dynamique de détection correspondant à une
augmentation du signal électronique en fonction de la concentration en biopolymères déposés jusqu'à une
saturation attribuée à la quantité maximale de biopolymères pouvant être adsorbée à l'interface. Des
signaux parasites observés sur des tampons servant aux dilutions limitent la détection de basses concentration
en biopolymères. Des sensibilités de 10^7 monomères lysines/FET et de 4x10^8 bases d'ADN/FET
ont ainsi pu être estimées. Une modélisation de l'écrantage des charges d'interface par l'électrolyte de mesure permet de rendre compte des diminutions des signaux électroniques observés lorsque l'on augmente
progressivement la molarité en sel de l'électrolyte de mesure. La détection électronique de l'ADN a été
démontrée de manière reproductible pour de courts fragments d'ADN simple brin (oligonucléotides) ainsi
que pour des molécules d'ADN double brin issues de synthèses par PCR. En utilisant des ADN marqués
par des fluorophores, les signaux électroniques sont comparés avec des mesures de fluorescence locale. La
détection d'une mutation ponctuelle a pu être mise en évidence en combinant l'approche électronique
avec un protocole d'amplification d'ADN : "allèle spécifique PCR".
Ayela, Cedric. "Micromembranes résonantes à actionnement et détection piézoélectriques intégrés pour la détection de molécules biologiques en temps réel." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00258395.
Full textAyela, Cédric. "Micromembranes résonantes à actionnement et détection piézoélectriques intégrés pour la détection de molécules biologiques en temps réel." Toulouse 3, 2007. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/147/.
Full textThe advantages provided by size reduction and microfabrication, inherent to the Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), considerably empowered these structures for specific use as biosensors. With this in mind, we have developed resonant micromembranes with an integrated actuation and detection scheme thanks to a piezoelectric layer (PZT), allowing the transduction of a biological recognition. Following to the fabrication of matrices of micromembranes using standard micromachining techniques, initial behavior of the structures and piezoelectric material properties were determined by static characterization. Optimizations made in this configuration were used for the dynamic characterization of the membranes, corresponding to their working mode as mass sensors. Thus, validation of the integrated actuation of the structures and detection of resonant frequencies thanks to the reversible piezoelectric effect, allowed to develop a dedicated electronic set-up for the matrices of micromembranes, which mass sensitivity in air was determined equal to -15 pg/(mm². Hz). The integrated dynamic characterization of the structures gave us the opportunity of studying the potential of micromembranes as transducers for biosensing applications: a first one in a diagnostic approach by the specific detection of antibodies in real time and in liquid medium while the second application concerned the combination of the micromembranes with molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP). .
Guyon, Laurent. "Spectroscopies femtosecondes de molécules biologiques : vers une détection optique des bactéries." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00195925.
Full textLa distinction des flavines par contrôle cohérent consiste à façonner une impulsion excitatrice à 400 nm, et à contrôler l'état excité des molécules en phase liquide par une deuxième impulsion infrarouge qui en diminue la fluorescence. Nous mettons en évidence le rôle du solvant dans ce processus bi-impulsionnel de déplétion, pour le tryptophane. Les études spectroscopiques en phase liquide, qui utilisent des impulsions intenses, engendrent des effets non-linéaires parfois inattendus, qu'il est important de connaître : c'est pourquoi nous étudions la filamentation dans un milieu liquide absorbant.
La photofragmentation des chromophores biologiques ionisés, flavines et tryptophanes, est examinée en phase gazeuse à l'aide d'un dispositif « pompe-pompe » similaire à celui de la déplétion. Nous montrons, avec la flavine mononucléotide, que la seconde impulsion diminue certaines voies de fragmentation au profit des autres. Enfin, nous révélons les potentialités de la LIBS femtoseconde pour l'analyse foliaire et la discrimination de bactéries.
Vardanega, Delphine. "Détection de molécules d'acides aminés par des nanotubes de carbone chiraux." Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00912684.
Full textLabidi, Hatem. "Manipulations électroniquement induites de molécules individuelles à la surface de semiconducteurs : vers les dispositifs bi-moléculaires." Thesis, Paris 11, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA112265/document.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to explore the control of electronically induced processes in various functionalized molecules adsorbed on the surface of silicon (100). In the context of molecular nanoscience, this work has been carried out using a scanning tunneling microscope operating at low temperature (9K). We used an approach combining statistical study and theoretical modelling in order to explore the physics of the various observed processes. This thesis begins with the study of the Hexaphenylbenzene (HPB) molecule for which the lateral phenyl rings enable the molecule-silicon surface electronic decoupling. Thanks to this effect, we could achieve a directive and reversible diffusion control of physisorbed HPB molecules along the SA silicon step edge through a process combining the joint actions of tunnel electrons and the local STM tip induced electrostatic field. These first results allowed considering the study of a couple of metaltetraphenyl porphyrin molecules adsorbed on the Si(100)-2x1 surface. Similarly to the HPB molecules, the two chosen metalloporphyrins: NiTPP and CuTPP, have lateral phenyl rings. Several adsorption conformations for these molecules were characterized and their response to electronic excitation has been studied. In the case of NiTPP, this led to the control of the reversible activation of an intra-molecular bistable despite the partial chemisorption of the molecule on the silicon surface. As for CuTPP molecule, our study revealed hysteresis behavior on the I(V) conduction curves associated with reversible conformation changes which represents the realization of a memory function. Following the study of each molecule apart, we performed the co-adsorption of the two molecules on the Si(100) surface to study molecular pairs. Various pairs of molecules have been studied. On one of them, we were able to activate an inter-molecular excitation transfer process by locally exciting one molecule and observing a conformation change of the second molecule of the pair. This result thus shows the electronic control of a bi-molecular device getting rid of substrate mediated electronic process. Finally, as a perspective, this thesis presents a novel technique allowing the controlled local hydrogenation of the Si(100) surface. This is achieved thanks to the passivation of the STM tip by molecular hydrogen at 9K. The tunnel electrons are then used to induce the intra-dimer dissociative adsorption of H2 molecules on the Si(100) surface. This technique could be considered for the passivation of Si(100) or to locally modify molecular circuits
Ardhuin, Thibault. "Étude par STM et NC-AFM des mécanismes de charge de molécules individuelles sur substrats isolants." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU30315.
Full textIn recent years, new techniques have emerged to control the charge of individual nano-objects (atom, molecule, metal aggregate or semiconductor, etc.) deposited on insulating substrates. This achievement has been made possible by the refinement of Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force (AFM) methods. By combining these tools, the precursors succeeded in controlling the state of charge of a gold atom deposited on a NaCl (001) bilayer on a Cu (111) substrate. Subsequently, this type of manipulation has been extended to molecular systems, in particular at the CEMES with Cu(dbm)2. This subject is part of the continuity of these studies. The objective was to analyze the impact of the increase of the thickness of the insulating film on the charge mechanisms. This problem requires a quantification of the state of the system charge as well as a measurement of the insulation thickness. In this work, we have been able to study KBr and NaCl films deposited on Cu(111) and Ag(111) surfaces. For these studies, whether in tunnel current (STM) or force gradient (NC-AFM), the control of the tip state is essential. When working on an insulating substrate, the tip tends to collect contaminants that change their electronic properties. However, to charge a system in a reproducible way, we must imperatively control the metallicity of the apex. This control requires a frequent re-preparation of the tip on a metal surface, difficult to find in the case of a thick film. To overcome this scarcity, we have implemented a deposition mask allowing a control of the gradient of the thickness of the insulating film while preserving clean metal zones. This allowed us to carry out our measurements with a better controlled state of the tip. The instability of the tip state has also led us to perform Z (V) regulated current spectroscopies. By controlling this current, it is then possible to minimize the interaction between the tip and the insulating film, thus making the tip last longer. These Z (V) spectroscopies also make it possible to increase the measurement voltage until reaching the field emission regime. We have observed a variation of the modulation of the field emission resonances (FER) amplitude as a function of the thickness of the insulating film. [...]
Lambert, Girard Simon. "Détection de molécules par lidar agile multi-longueurs d'onde dans l'infrarouge moyen." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26425.
Full textThis thesis presents the proof-of-concept of a novel remote sensing system designed for the detection of molecular species, such as gas pollutants, via active Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) in the short and mid wavelength infrared (SWIR/MWIR). The system is designed to be used in applications where gases need to be detected at a distance of about one hundred meters with the use of non-cooperative targets such as topographical features. The system includes an Optical Parametric Generator (OPG) generating broad linewidth (10 to > 100 nm) pulses tunable between 1.5 and 3.8 µm. A telescope coupled to a grating spectrograph and an in-house gated MCT-APD measures the whole return spectrum of each pulse. Experiments show simultaneous detection in indoor atmospheric air and inside a cell of H2O and CO2 at 2 µm and H2O and CH4 at 3.3 µm. In the context of our experiment, the detection limits for CO2 and CH4 are 158 and 1 ppm·m, respectively. A new algorithm is also presented enabling the determination of concentrations when spectra include strong absorption features. The development of a dedicated Optical Parametric Generator (OPG) is presented in detail. Its use in remote sensing of gaseous pollutants offers some promising advantages. The OPG properties are studied numerically and experimentally in order to optimize its use for the application. We discuss trade-offs to be made on the properties of the pump, crystal and seeding signal in order to optimize the pulse spectral density and divergence while enabling energy scaling. A seed with a large spectral bandwidth is shown to enhance the pulse to pulse stability and optimize the pulse spectral density and divergence. A numerical model simulating the OPG process is proposed and includes the multiple wavelength nature of the beams. It shows excellent agreement with experimental output power. The model also explains the mechanisms of gain saturation in OPGs and helps finding means of enhancing the pulse to pulse stability.
Kechkar, Mohamed Adel. "Méthodes de reconstruction et de quantification pour la microscopie de super-résolution par localisation de molécules individuelles." Thesis, Bordeaux 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013BOR22130/document.
Full textThe field of fluorescence microscopy has witnessed a real revolution these last few years, allowing nanometric spatial resolutions, well below the diffraction limit predicted by Abe more than a century ago. Single molecule-based super-resolution techniques such as PALM (Photo-Activation Light Microscopy) or (d)STORM (direct Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) allow the image reconstruction of biological samples in 2 and 3 dimensions, with close to molecular resolution. However, while they require a quite straightforward instrumentation, they need heavy computation, limiting their use in routine. In practice, few tens of thousands of raw images with more than one million molecules must be acquired and analyzed to reconstruct a single super-resolution image. Most of the available tools require post-acquisition processing, making the acquisition protocol much heavier. In addition, the quantification of the organization, dynamics but also the stoichiometry of biomolecular complexes at nanometer scales can be a key determinant to elucidate the origin of certain diseases. Novel localization microscopy techniques offer such capabilities, but dedicated analysis methods still have to be developed. In order to democratize this new generation of localization microscopy techniques and make them usable in routine by non-experts, it is essential to develop simple and easy to use localization and quantitative analysis methods. During this PhD thesis, we first developed a new technique for real-time localization and reconstruction based on wavelet decomposition and the use of GPU cards for super-resolution microscopy in 2 and 3 dimensions. Second, we have proposed a quantitative method based on the visualization and the photophysics of organic fluorophores for measuring the stoichiometry of AMPA receptors in synapses at the molecular scale
Le, Fur Elisabeth, and Patrick Étiévant. "Détection et quantification de molécules d'arôme en sortie de CLHP par ampérométrie pulsée." Dijon, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994DIJOS056.
Full textBégon, Cédric. "Intérêt du contrôle de l'émission spontanée pour la détection ultrasensible de molécules fluorescentes." Aix-Marseille 3, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002AIX30014.
Full textWe have implemented a fluorescence con-elation spectroscopy (FCS) set up to coefficients for fluorescent organic molecules freely diffusing into a confocal volume of 10 femtolitres (10-15 litres). The technique, which uses Cyanine 5 reporters gives, for a wide range of concentrations (1011 M-10'8 M), the mean number of fluorescent molecules present into the confocal volume and their mean residence time. The detected signal per molecule per unit time is a key parameter which defines the accuracy of the measurements. To improve the FCS technique, we show that a dielectric multilayer mirror located into the confocal volume alters the radiation pattern for the fluorescent molecules and enhances the signal to noise ratio per molecule per unit time
Labeau, Olivier. "Détection et étude de nano-objets : nanocristaux de CdSe/ZnS et molécules uniques." Bordeaux 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005BOR13004.
Full textRemy, Charlotte. "Synthèse et étude de récepteurs moléculaires fluorescents pour la détection de molécules neutres." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLN070/document.
Full textThe detection of molecules toxic for man and his environment is one of the major concerns of our society. Melamine and the pesticide residues such as atrazine are some of these dangerous molecules. These two molecules are usually measured with time-consuming and costly techniques like mass-spectrometry, chromatography or electrochemistry. In the same way, the detection of biogenic amines is of the greatest importance. They are produced by some bacteria during the decarboxylation of amino acids in the cells. So their detection allows to assess the microbiologic contamination and the potential degradation of a food. Today they are measured by chromatography in the liquid or gas phase, capillary electrochromatography and UV-visible spectroscopy. Some examples of detection by fluorescence have been described in scientific literature, but it is really necessary to develop some new efficient fluorescent receptors.Fluorescence is a technique which offers many advantages such as sensitivity, selectivity and a low cost. A lot of fluorescent probes able to detect heavy metals have been developed in PPSM laboratory. However the detection of neutral molecules by fluorescence represents an additional challenge as the interaction is weaker than with charged species.The first step of this thesis was to design and synthesize a set of fluorescent molecular probes designed to detect atrazine, the products of its degradation and melamine derivatives as well as biogenic amines. Some fluorophores based on maleimide, naphtalimide and barbituric acid moieties have been developed for the detection of the triazines derivatives by exploiting their three hydrogen bonds for molecular recognition. In order to detect the presence of biogenic amines, a fluorescent calix[6]arene which lead to a fluorescent change upon encapsulation in the calixarene cavity has been designed.The second step consisted in studying the photophysical properties of these probes. Naphth-AlcyneOMe probe which has a high quantum yield turned out to be highly solvatochromic. Moreover it is sensitive to the deprotonation of its imide function. NMR studies and molecular modeling were conducted in order to deepen the characteristics of the probes and better understand their reactivity. NMR spectroscopy confirmed the interaction through hydrogen bonding between maleimide and naphtalimide probes and the atrazine molecule.It highlighted the encapsulation of heptylamine in the calix[6]arene. Molecular modeling enabled us to better understand the photophysics of Naphth-TriazoleOMe probe.Finally the capacity of probes to detect the various analytes by fluorescence was assessed in our last part. TPA-BARB probe presented a high exaltation of fluorescence in presence of melamine derivatives whereas the calix[6]arène-quinoleine Calix-Quino is able to detect aliphatic amines by fluorescence
Bienaimé, Alex. "Microcapteur en arséniure de gallium pour la détection de molécules dans un fluide." Thesis, Besançon, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BESA2025/document.
Full textThe biomarkers detection for screening, diagnosis or treatment of disease requires the development of highly sensitive devices combining low cost of analysis, a small size and quick responses. In this context, we develop a biosensor using bulk acoustic wave to allow the detection of specific analyte in a complex biological medium. The geometry used is a piezoelectric resonant membrane using shear mode vibration excited by lateral field. The transducer uses the specific properties of gallium arsenide to provide a highly sensitive and selective detection thanks to its piezoelectric properties and also its microfabrication or biofonctionnalisation facilities. First, we dimensioned the device and modeled it behavior. A sensitivity to adding mass has been estimated at 0.1 ng.Hz-1. Then, we considered the sensor microfabrication using only low cost process (photolithography and wet etching). Through these processes, we obtained well formed thick membranes (50μm) with specific surface properties and microstructuration. Next, we realize the biointerface through the development of a specific chemical interface in order to immobilize a dense protein monolayer covalently attached to the GaAs surface. This monolayer was characterized by an original analysis coupling the atomic force microscopy and the mass spectroscopy MALDI-TOF. Finally, fluid and electrical interfaces have been developed and we tested the device by impedance measurements
Mammez, Marie-Hélène. "Détection hétérodyne de molécules d'intérêt atmosphérique à l'aide de lasers à cascade quantique." Thesis, Reims, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016REIMS027/document.
Full textInfrared heterodyne sensing is a technique which has been developed primarily toimprove the detectivity of infrared detectors, particularly in the 8 − 12 μm window. This technique has long been closely associated with the use of gas lasers. The fields of application were mainly astrophysical and atmospheric studies. Due to the complexity of implementation and the size of this type of instrument, ew other applications could have been envisaged. Recent progress in the field of semiconductor lasers (Quantum Cascade Laser - QCL - cover a large part of the infrared spectrum) enable to consider new developments and new applications for infrared heterodyne sensing, for example for the remote detection and identification of atmospheric molecules, such as pollutants. The main advantages of heterodyne sensing concern spectral and directional selectivity of the instrument. It is applicable in civil sector to atmospheric molecules such as ozone and carbon dioxide, and for the military one to detect hazardous species. A heterodyne receiver has been developed with a QCL emitting at around 10 μm and a temperature stabilized black body. To this end, several systems were considered: a system based on lens, another one based on off-axis parabolic mirrors and a last one based on mid-infrared optical fibers. Meanwhile, a heliostat has also been developed in order to do atmospheric measurements
Saadi, Lama. "Etude de l'adsorption des molécules simples sur WO3 : application à la détection des gaz." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM4346/document.
Full textThe team of micro sensors at IM2NP mainly focuses onthe development of gas sensors based on measurement in conductancevariation in presence of gas. The material used as sensitive element istungsten oxide (WO3) thin film. The objective of present thesis is to studythe surface properties of WO3 in its reconstruction c(2x2), obtained bycleavage along the [001] direction. This study is also followed by a gapanalysis using ab initio calculations based on DFT in both LDA andGGA approximations. Then, the adsorption of molecules of simple gases((O3, COx NOx) for these surfaces (more or less rich in oxygen), is performed.To simulate these systems, we have chosen the SIESTA code based onDFT which is used for the larger number of atoms as compared to other codes
Gueroui, Zoher. "Observation par microscopie de fluorescence de la transcription de l'aon." Lyon, École normale supérieure (sciences), 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ENSL0229.
Full textBendriaa, Loubna. "Etude et caractérisation de biocapteurs bactériens luminescents pour la détection de molécules et de microorganismes." Le Mans, 2005. http://cyberdoc.univ-lemans.fr/theses/2005/2005LEMA1024.pdf.
Full textGuernet, François. "Spectroscopie d'absorption saturée à ultra haute résolution par sélection de molécules lentes et détection hétérodyne." Paris 13, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA132030.
Full textTalon, Hervé. "Aspects théoriques de la spectroscopie haute résolution de la phase dense : creusement de trous spectraux et spectroscopie de molécules individuelles." Bordeaux 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992BOR10557.
Full textLagardère, Matthieu. "Développement d’un Simulateur fondé sur la Dynamique Brownienne de molécules individuelles et dédié à l’Imagerie de Fluorescence sur Cellules Vivantes." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BORD0786.
Full textFluorescence has revolutionized cellular imaging: by deeply increasing contrast, it permits to image cellular structures, and to follow molecular dynamics, which were not achievable by other optical imaging methods. Nowadays, a great number of optical microscopy techniques use the properties of fluorescent dyes and proteins. They have allowed scientists to observe finer and finer structures, to study the dynamics of an ensemble of molecules (FRAP, PAF) or of individual particles (SPT, FCS) but also to investigate the interactions between molecules in live conditions (FCCS, FRET). However, these experimental paradigms are complex and numerous biases can introduce inaccuracy in the obtained results.To the aim of precisely interpreting live cell fluorescence imaging experiments, we have developed a simulation software which takes into account the characteristic parameters of these experiments. This software, which provides a graphical interface to adjust in real time the simulation parameters, utilizes Monte Carlo Methods to simulate the Brownian motion of single molecules and the photophysics of associated fluorophores. These molecules diffuse in a user-defined geometry and can transit between fast and slow diffusion (trapping state), depending on the cellular compartment. Fluorophores can be fluorescent, blinked or photobleached. Transition rates between these states are used to simulate the fluorescence experiments.We show that the simulations generated by the algorithm are in accordance with the theoretical results typically used to analyze fluorescence experiment outputs. Then, we use the software to study an artificial cell-cell junction made up with two COS cells overlapping with each other. This junction, called adhesive contact, is mediated by two adhesion proteins called neurexin and neuroligin which establish a heterologous complex. Fluorescence imaging experiments (SPT, FRAP, FCS) have been performed, and are interpreted using simulations generated by our software. In this study, we show that the dynamic properties of neurexin are modified in the cell-cell contact area in accordance with the model
Ridier, Karl. "Etudes des relations magnéto-structurales dans les composés à base moléculaire par diffusion des neutrons : des molécules individuelles aux nanoparticules." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA112312/document.
Full textOne of the major issues in the field of molecular magnetism is to better understand and predict the correlations between the structural properties of molecule-based compounds and their magnetic properties, all of which may be tunable using “bottom-up” synthesis methods. In particular, the understanding and control of the magnetic anisotropy at the atomic scale is essential, especially with the aim to design Single-Molecule Magnets (SMM) with higher blocking temperatures. In this context, this thesis work is focused on two mains subjects. The first part deals with the determination and the characterization of the local magnetic anisotropy in low-nuclearity molecular complexes based on transition ions. Polarised neutron diffraction (PND) allows us, for the first time, to directly access the local susceptibility tensor in a Low-Spin Fe3+ mononuclear complex as well as in two, mononuclear and dinuclear, High-Spin Co2+ complexes. This innovative approach leads to the establishment of unique and direct magneto-structural correlations, by relating the local magnetic principal directions with the coordination environment of the metallic ions and, in particular, with the local distortion axes. We have also carried out an original investigation by inelastic neutron scattering (INS) of a Mn3+ thermo-induced spin-transition compound in both High-Spin (HS) and Low-Spin (LS) states. On the basis of this study, we were able to propose an anisotropic spin-Hamiltonian model in both HS and LS phases, and their relationships with the structure of the molecule are discussed. In a second more exploratory part of the thesis, we have carried out by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) a complete study of the structural and magnetic properties of Prussian blue analogues (PBA) ferromagnetic nanoparticles CsNiCr. The effects of size, organization and concentration on their superparamagnetic properties have been clearly highlighted. In particular, a strong magnetic contribution has been observed for the smallest particles (5 nm diameter) which results from the manifestation of a collective process, while the biggest (28 nm diameter) appear to be in a multi-domain state
Le, Roux Émilie. "Détection des mutations de TP53 et CTNNB1 dans l'ADN tumoral ou plasmatique : signification comme biomarqueurs de l'hépathocancérogenèse." Lyon 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LYO10103.
Full textHepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is frequent in tropical regions where its diagnosis is late and its treatments are inefficient. Early diagnosis implies identification of HCC specific molecular markers which can be detectable in easily collected samples such as blood samples. In this work, we have studied the interest of mutations in TP53 and CTNNB1 genes as biomarkers for early detection and determination of HCC etiology. On one hand, we have analysed a specific mutation at codon 249 of TP53 gene (Ser249). We have shown that variations in concentration of Ser249 mutation in circulating DNA are a marker of exposure to aflatoxin B1 and hepatitis B virus, and that they may predict hepatocarcinogenesis. On the other hand, we have observed that mutations in TP53 and CTNNB1 genes can occur in the same HCC revealing complex mechanisms integrating the two pathways depending on etiology. Understanding these mechanisms will allow us to determine the value of mutations as molecular markers of HCC
Lassus, Antoine. "Méthode de détection de sources individuelles d'ondes gravitationnelles par chronométrie d'un réseau de pulsars : application aux données de l'EPTA." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01017215.
Full textZhu, Zhenyu. "Développement de nouveaux outils analytiques à base d'acides nucléiques aptamères pour la détection de petites molécules." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00770171.
Full textRyzhikov, Andrey. "Modification de surface des couches minces d'oxydes pour la détection sélective de molécules gazeuses et biologiques." Grenoble INPG, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005INPG0183.
Full textThis study is devoted to modification of surface of sensitive elements of resistive type SnO2 gas sensors by thin films filtering membranes and to modification of surface of thin oxide films by oligonucleotides for DNA detection. The thin films ofpure and Pd-doped tin dioxide for gas sensors and the films ofSnO2, SnO2(F), TiO2, AI2O3 for DNA biochips have been obtained by aerosol pyrolysis method and magnetron sputtering. Microstructure and compostion of the films have been investigated by multiple techniques. The surface of SnO2 films has been modified by deposition of thin films of platinum and pure and doped with noble metals (Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru) porous AI2O3. Platinum and alumina thin films play role offiltering membranes. Superficiel modification of SnO2 by platinum allows to optimise selectivity and sensitivity of hydrogen detection in presence of CO. A prototype of intergrated sensor has been realised on the base of SnO2(Pt) films. Pure and doped Al2O3 filtering membranes permet to improve selectivity of detection of reducing gases (H2, CO, CH4, C3H8). Selective detection ofhydrogen in presence of CO and ofhydrocarbons in presence of H2 and CO by AI2O3/SnO2(Pd) et AI2O3(M)/SnO2(Pd) structures is possible. Porous thin films of pure and doped AllO] have been studied in MIS structures Pt/AI2O3/p-Si et Pt/AI2O3(M)/p-Si. The structures possess high senstivity towards reducing gases. The surface of SnO2, SnO2(F), TiOl, AIzO] films have been successively modified with grafted oligonucleotides. The possibility of the use of the surfaces for optical detection of DNA by fluorescence has been proven. The influence of material and film thickness on fluorescence intensity has been studied
Nguyen, Alisée. "Contrôle de rayonnements térahertz intenses produits par lasers femtosecondes et applications à la détection de molécules." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLS020/document.
Full textThe terahertz waves (THz), located between the infrared and the microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum, correspond to the characteristic frequencies of numerous molecular motions and thus make it possible to characterize complex molecules by time-domain spectroscopy. This thesis aims to study the THz fields emitted by a source formed by a two-color laser pulse generating a plasma by air ionization. Due to the time asymmetry of the laser field, an electric current having a low-frequency component in the THz range is formed in the plasma by nonlinear conversion, generating a secondary field including a THz component. The nonlinear effects involved in the generation of THz radiation are the Kerr effect at low intensity (< 10¹³ W/cm²) and the photocurrents at higher intensity (> 10¹³ W/cm²), above the ionization threshold. This latter mechanism, which generates the most THz radiation, is mainly studied in this manuscript. If the peak power of the laser pulse is sufficiently high, light filaments can be created by combining the focusing Kerr effect and the defocusing action of the plasma. So, the filamentation process can produce THz waves remotely. By modulating the laser pulse, it is possible to modify the associated THz fields and spectra. In particular, we study the effects of pulse chirping and multi-pulse combination. We also devote a large part of our studies to the influence of increasing the laser wavelength on the THz energy yield
Mammez, Dominique. "Détection de molécules gazeuses d’intérêt atmosphérique par spectrométrie infrarouge avec laser à cascade quantique largement accordable." Thesis, Reims, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013REIMS003/document.
Full textAs the study of the atmosphere is growing strongly in response to environmental issues, the needs in terms of laser sources for spectroscopy of complex molecules require the development of widely tunable sources. The PhD work presented in this manuscript is focused on the implementation of quantum cascade lasers in external cavity (EC-QCL). Part of this work deals with the characterization of a commercial EC-QCL source and its application to gas detection by photoacoustic spectrometry. Measurements were performed on carbon dioxide in exhaled air and butane. The central part of this thesis consists in the development of ECQCL sources based on quantum cascade laser chips from III-V Lab. The aim is to obtain widely tunable sources that can be used for the detection of complex molecules. This includes simulation, design and implementation of external cavity systems. Two EC-QCL sources were implemented. The first one is a pulsed laser emitting around 4,5μm. The second one emits around 7,5μm and is operated at room temperature in continuous wave mode. This laser was used to record the spectra of acetone and phosphoryl chloride
Melaine, Feriel. "Biopuce à aptamères : application à la détection de petites molécules par imagerie de résonnance plasmonique de surface." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014GRENY054/document.
Full textAptamers are single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or RNA molecules capable of binding to target molecules, including proteins, metal ions and drugs. Because of their specific binding abilities and many advantages over antibodies (higher stability, lower cost, easy chemical modification…), they provide a great opportunity to produce sensing surfaces for effective and selective detection of small molecules. Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi) has become one of the most widely used label-free method for the study of biorecognition events on sensor surfaces. This technique provides a rapid approach, however, limited by low refractive index changes occurring when small molecules (<2000 Da) are captured on the sensor. Whereas significant reflectivity variation is observed upon the interaction of large molecules like proteins with the sensing interface, for small molecules targets such adenosine, the reflectivity variation is often too small to be detected by SPRi. Thereby, only few studies have been reported so far on SPRi-based biosensor for small molecules detection using aptamers. In this work, we developed two bioassay strategies for the detection of a model small molecule, adenosine, using Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging. The first one combines the SPRi signal enhancement effect induced by gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with the advantage of using engineered DNA aptamers. The experimental results have demonstrated that the presence of gold nanoparticles and adenosine, which works as a molecular linker between engineered aptamer fragments, can significantly increase the SPRi response. The second strategy is based on the thermodynamics of binding between adenosine and its aptamer. To that end, SPRi technique was coupled with rigorous temperature control and aptamer duplex stability was monitored (affected by target binding) by quantification of melting transitions. Our results initiate a new approach for small molecule detection using SPRi with the aim to validate future prospects for integration in parallelized platform
Elbhiri, Zoubida. "Nouvelles molécules pour la fonctionnalisation de capteurs isfet : Application à la détection du potassium et du calcium." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996ECDL0052.
Full textBelemtougri, Gourounga Raymond. "Détection immunohistochimique de molécules peptidiques et d'amines : leur coexistence dans le système nerveux d'Aeshna cyanea (insecte, odonate)." Lille 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986LIL10065.
Full textOlivéro, Aurore. "Développement d'un instrument plasmonique bimodal couplant SPRI et SERS pour la détection et l'identification de molécules biologiques." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLO017/document.
Full textSurface Plasmon Resonance Imaging (SPRI) is a powerful technique to study molecular interactions providing a real time, label free and high throughput analysis. The transduction of an interaction between complementary molecules into an optical signal is based on the perturbation of a plasmonic evanescent wave supported by a thin metallic film.However, despite its direct and label free assets, the specificity of SPR measurements is only guaranteed by the probe molecules grafted on the metallic surface and therefore by the quality of the surface chemistry. This limitation becomes an issue when addressing major health concerns relying on the detection of trace molecules. In particular, new systems are required to help early diagnosis and the control of food contaminants.In view of improving measurement’s specificity, this work reports the development of a bimodal instrument coupling SPRI, allowing the quantification of captured molecules, with Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS), adding the precise identification of the molecules by measuring their spectroscopic fingerprint. This PhD is part of an ANR project bringing together academic and industrial partners.This manuscript focuses on the development of the optical instrument combining the two detection systems in a unique prototype. SPRI measurements are performed in the Kretschmann configuration while SERS analysis is implemented from the top, in solution, through a glass window. Nanostructured substrates have been designed and realized to allow the simultaneous experiment.The optical system is described, characterized and validated on the model case of a DNA hybridization. These first results prove the capabilities of the bimodal instrument in the perspective of more complex biological applications
Pérot-Taillandier, Marie. "Dynamique de photofragmentation de molécules d'intérêt biologique protonées." Thesis, Paris 11, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA112204/document.
Full textThe Arc-En-Ciel experiment allows the investigation of UV photo-fragmentation dynamics of protonated biomolecules produced by an electrospray ion source. The specificity of the set-up is based on the detection in coincidence of ionic and neutral photo-fragments coming from the same fragmentation event. The study of simple charged molecules allows the identification of each fragmentation channel by the mass of the emitted ionic fragment. With the time and spatial correlation of the information of detected photo-fragments we identify:- the number of neutral fragments as well as their masses associated with each ionic fragment- the number of fragmentation steps of each channel as well as their fragmentation times (20 ns ≤ τ < 1 μs)This information provides a comprehensive understanding of the photo-fragmentation dynamics.The photo-fragmentation dynamics of protonated Tryptophan is driven by concerted electron and proton transfers in the excited state. When protonated Tryptophan is complexed witha crown-ether, proton transfers are inhibited and dynamics is modified.The excited state dynamics of small protonated peptides containing Tryptophan is governed by the position of Tryptophan in the peptide chain. The specific fragmentation channels involved are explained by concerted electron and proton transfers. We show how these mechanisms change with the composition of peptides
Colas, Florent. "Propriétés optiques et thermoplasmoniques de réseaux de nanocylindres : applications à la détection de molécules et de micro-objets." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCD039/document.
Full textRaman spectroscopy is a technique that is non-invasive, non-destructive, allowing the identification of the molecules contained in a solid, liquid or gaseous sample. However it suffers from one major drawback : low sensitivity. This limit is now about to be pushed through the fast growth of SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering). This phenomenon has been already implemented successfully in various applications : biomedical, biology, analytical chemistry,environmental science... However, despite a growing number of scientific works, some aspects of the SERS sensors still need to be studied. This work focused on the study of the near-field and the far-field properties of arrays of nanocylinders for the detection of organic compounds. The studied parameters are the period of the array, the diameter of the cylinders, but also the material constituting the nanoparticle as the adhesion layer. The study of optical properties naturally led us to investigate the phenomenon of absorption. The incident light energy is converted into heat. The nanocylindres then behave like nanosources of heat. Thus, part of this work focused on the effects of thermoplasmonics. One of the applications that we demonstrated is the ability to manipulate the micro-objets, thanks to the control of the phenomena of advections
Xue, Baiyi. "Mise au point d’approches méthodologiques innovantes par spectrométrie de masse pour la détection de (bio)molécules d’intérêt pharmaceutique." Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066707.
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