Academic literature on the topic 'Détection de voies'
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Journal articles on the topic "Détection de voies"
Segal, L., R. Schoysman, and M. Van de Casseye. "Détection et pronostic des obstructions partielles des voies seminales." Andrologie 9, no. 3 (September 1999): 405–10.
Full textKHOUDOUR, L., and J. BRUYELLE. "Détection de chutes de personnes sur les voies et d'intrusions en tunnels dans les transports publics." Recherche - Transports - Sécurité 62 (January 1999): 92–102.
Full textOllivier, M., N. Keromnès, V. Tissot, P. Robin, R. Abgral, M. Nonent, P. Y. Salaun, M. Gouillou, and J. Rousset. "Détection des tumeurs T1 et T2 des voies aérodigestives supérieures : comparaison des performances diagnostiques en IRM et en TEP/TDM-FDG." Médecine Nucléaire 38, no. 6 (December 2014): 419–28.
Full textLoubet, P., G. Voiriot, M. Neuville, B. Visseaux, and J. F. Timsit. "Virus respiratoires dans les pneumonies associées aux soins." Médecine Intensive Réanimation 27, no. 3 (May 2018): 217–27.
Full textLANTIER, F., D. MARC, P. SARRADIN, P. BERTHON, R. MERCEY, F. EYCHENNE, O. ANDREOLETTI, F. SCHELCHER, and J. M. ELSEN. "Le diagnostic des encéphalopathies spongiformes chez les ruminants." INRAE Productions Animales 17, HS (December 20, 2004): 79–85.
Full textFarrell, Catherine A. "Le diagnostic et la prise en charge du sepsis grave chez le patient pédiatrique." Paediatrics & Child Health 25, no. 7 (November 2020): 476.
Full textCléry-Melin, P. "Spécificités des troubles anxieux avec l’avancée en âge." European Psychiatry 30, S2 (November 2015): S53—S54.
Full textPELLICER-RUBIO, M. T., S. FERCHAUD, S. FRERET, H. TOURNADRE, A. FATET, S. BOULOT, J. PAVIE, B. LEBOEUF, and F. BOCQUIER. "Les méthodes de maîtrise de la reproduction disponibles chez les mammifères d’élevage et leur intérêt en agriculture biologique." INRAE Productions Animales 22, no. 3 (April 17, 2009): 255–70.
Full textThonda, O. A., A. O. Oluduro, O. O. Adewole, and P. O. Obiajunwa. "Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamases in enteric Gram-negative bacteria from patients with lower respiratory tract infections in a tertiary hospital, southwest Nigeria." African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology 22, no. 4 (September 27, 2021): 465–72.
Full textGuedjati, Mohamed Redha. "Early detection of glycemia disorders using one-hour post load plasma glucose after an oral glucose tolerance test." Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) 7, no. 2 (November 9, 2020): 148–50.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Détection de voies"
Dumery, Natalie. "Essai d'application de la thermographie infrarouge à la détection de défauts dans les remblais ferroviaires." Paris, Ecole des mines, 1986.
Full textJorand, Raphaël. "Amélioration des voies de détection et d'illumination d'un microscope SPIM pour l'imagerie 3D des sphéroïdes." Toulouse 3, 2013.
Full textThe aim of our thesis work was to improve spheroid imaging quality focusing on the study and development of both illumination and detection path of the SPIM. This work shows the possibility to improve deep image quality by using an adaptive optics loop consisting of a deformable mirror and a Shack Hartmann wavefront sensor. In order to work, the loop needs fluorescent source points known as "guide stars", which was also a part of our study. Furthermore, we have also compared different light sheet illumination modalities (1 photon versus 2 photons, Gaussian beam or Bessel beam. . . ) as well as developing an automated and standardized image analysis procedure
Ladeira, costa claudio Nuno filipe. "GADD34 : Lien moléculaire entre la détection des pathogènes et les voies intégrées de réponses au stress." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.
Full textDendritic cells (DCs) are the most important antigen presenting cells. In response to inflammatory stimulation, DCs display a distinct pattern of differentiation that exhibits specific mechanisms to control the immune response. In this work the responses to dsRNA were analyzed. We have shown that in response to a mimic of dsRNA, polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid (poly I:C), DCs mount a specific integrated stress response during which the transcription factor ATF4 and the growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein 34 (GADD34), a phosphatase 1 (PP1) cofactor, are expressed. GADD34 is important to counteract phosphorylation of eIF2α by PKR. In contrast to murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), DCs resist to protein synthesis inhibition induced in response to cytosolic dsRNA. Nevertheless, GADD34 expression does not have a major impact on global protein synthesis. Importantly, GADD34 was shown to be absolutely required for type I-IFN and IL-6 production by MEFs and DCs in response to dsRNA. This observation has important implications in linking pathogen detection with the integrated stress response pathways. The importance of this link is further underlined by the extreme susceptibility of GADD34-deficient fibroblasts and neonate mice to Chikungunya virus infection
Vila, Nova Meryl. "Détection et identification des mutations et des voies métaboliques associées à l'adaptation à l'hôte dans le pangénome de Salmonella." Thesis, Paris Est, 2019.
Full textThe evolution of the genus Salmonella has led to the appearance of species and sub-lineages adapted to different hosts that have a major role in understanding the biological mechanisms of bacterial adaptation. Due to the heavy health and socio-economic burden of salmonellosis, the genus Salmonella is therefore controlled by hospital and food safety laboratories. We have therefore developed two analytical approaches to detect and identify mutations associated with Salmonella host adaptation without a priori on the explanatory genomic elements, identifying the fixed coregenome variants at each node of the phylogenomic inference or identifying pangenomic mutations associated with host adaptation independently of considered bacterial sublineages (GWAS). These two approaches have been linked to the enrichment of corresponding metabolic pathways (GOEA). Because of selection pressures from natural environment of animals, their feeding diets or supplements administered by humans, our results show that the host adaptation of Salmonella may have occurred inside sublineages or between them. These results reinforce the necessity to integrate clonal and panmictic sublineages in order to identify causal mutations associated with host adaptation. In a context of FBO control throughout the food chain, the identification of its recent mutations would improve the attribution models of Salmonella animals’sources and confirm the results of FBO investigations at genomic scale
Mroué, Ali. "Etude et évaluation d'un système multi-radars monostatiques ultra large bande : application à la détection et à l'identification de chutes sur les voies ferroviaires." Valenciennes, 2010.
Full textThis thesis presents the development of an Ultra Wide Band monostatic multi-radar sys- tem developed along a single axis. This system aims to detect and identify targets along its axis. The considered field of application is to detect and identify fall on track objects in order to enhance guided transport passenger safety. The main objective of this work is to study the different radiofrequency and signal processing subsets in order to validate the feasibility of the whole system. Simulation and expe- rimentations are performed. A slotted waveguide operated in its fundamental mode is used. Slots close to resonance are periodically perforated and constitute the monostatic radars. An optimal bandwidth and constant radiation coverage along the railway is then optimized. The singularity expansion method (SEM) is used and the characterization of objects fallen onto the track is performed. Complex natural resonances are computed and measured and then saved into a library for further use in a specific discrimination process. Using both numerical simulations and experimental results, the discrimination process shows that the human body is well discriminated as well as other typical objects (suitcases. . . ). In conclusion, this work has led to significant advances in object detection and identification in the railway field, and could have some fallout in other fields such as detection of liquids in the passenger luggage in the airport or detection and identification of intrusions in complex environments
Kassab, Souha. "Formation de voies vibroacoustique pour la détection d'une source monopolaire dans une coque cylindrique remplie de fluide lourd : Développements numériques et expérimentaux." Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Full textThe safety of nuclear reactors represents a necessary and vital condition for the exploitation of nuclear plants with liquid-cooled cores. This safety passes by the ability to detect and anticipate the earliest stages of a water leak into sodium within the heat generator. The study detailed in this manuscript has been initiated in a framework aiming to develop nonintrusive detection techniques for sodium water chemical reactions. Its main goal is to uncover the signal of a water leak into sodium, based on the measurements of the vibratory field recorded by the means of accelerometers externally mounted on the heat generator shell. However, such a spectrum is masked by the plant general background noise, especially that generated by heavy fluid flow (i.e. sodium flow) during actual operating times of the power plant. In order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of the leak, beamforming technique for the acceleration measurements of the mechanical system is considered. The aforementioned system is characterized by a strong non-linear coupling between the the heat generator’s cylindrical shell and the heavy fluid in motion. In particular, fluid motion and the acoustic emission of the leak seem to excite some eigen modes of the cylinder, at these same frequencies where the acoustic signature of the leak is at its highest amplitude. For the purpose of our study, a cylindrical mock-up connected by some very rigid links to a hydraulic circuit is considered. A hydrophone emission excites the mock-up from within and is being accounted for the acoustic leak. Water flows inside the cylinder at turbulent Reynolds number. An array of twenty-five accelerometers is mounted on the mock-up shell using ceramic insulators. The main goal is to combine the twenty-five signals in such a way that allows the increase of the SNR for the acoustic source while rejecting water flow noise. Two beamforming techniques are applied and compared: classical Bartlett beamforming as well as optimized beamforming for SNR maximization (Max SN
Guillet, Julie. "Les papillomavirus Humains dans les cancers des Voies Aéro-Digestives Supérieures : optimisation de méthodes de détection et étude de populations à risque." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2016.
Full textThe Human Papillomavirus (HPV) are involved in almost 100% of cervical cancers. Recently, HPVs have been recognized as the cause of tumors of the upper aerodigestive tract, especially of squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx. In France, the proportion of oropharyngeal HPV-related tumors is unknown, partly because viral testing is not in guidelines. Moreover, assess the proportion of HPV-positive tumors in tumor banks is difficult because the tumor samples were fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin (FFPE), which complicates detection techniques. We tested a high risk HPV detection method, indicated for liquid based pap smear, on FFPE samples. We compared this technique to the gold-standard : PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) followed by electrophoresis. Our results indicate that this technique is applicable to FFPE samples and even appears to be more sensitive. The majority of French patients (2/3) with head and neck consult with an advanced stage of disease. This is explained in part by the lack of organized screening of these cancers, contrary to breast, prostate, cervical, or colorectal cancers. But an early treatment is essential to increase the survival rate. We therefore conducted a prospective study on patients with head and neck tumors to test the oral brushing as screening cancer and HPV detection. We found tumor and/or dystrophic cells in 97.8% of patients with biopsy, and in 88.9% of patients by brushing. Compared with biopsy, our results suggested that smear has similar specificity for HPV detection in tumors (94.4%), but lower sensitivity (66.7%). This study has shown an HPV-related tumor in 12.2% of cases. Among them, we detected by brushing (in healthy area) an oral infection by high-risk HPV in 53.3% of cases. WHO has classified HPV as carcinogenic agents since 1995, and determined that patients who developed cervical cancer are six-times more likely to develop another HPV-related tumor. In this context, we have planned a multicenter prospective study to detect oral HPV infection in patients with a pre-neoplastic or neoplastic lesion of the cervix. Co-infection rate of the two anatomical sites is unknown in women infected with genital level. Insofar oral infection could be the cause of a second tumor location, it seems important to know how much women are co-infected to propose thereafter a special monitoring. The preventive vaccination, which exists against HPV 16 and 18 in the prevention of cervical cancer, is a future perspective. Because HPV 16 is found in 90% of HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma of the oropharynx, extending vaccine recommendations emerge as a new public health issue
Tahri, Tarik. "Systèmes radars coopératifs multimodes pour la détection, l'identification des obstacles sur les voies, la localisation et la transmission de données trains-infrastructures." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2014.
Full textTelecommunication in railway land is in perpetual evolution, its investigation axes are mainly motivated by a growing need in term of data rates, quality of transmission, accuracy and reliability of the localization, but it remains slowed by a frequentiel environment, which is increasingly crowded. In this context, the design of a system that ensure in same time, localization, obstacles recognition and communication, seems a very critical. In this thesis, to design such a sensor, we propose the use of so-called spectral diversity techniques also found under the name of Ultra Wideband radio (UWB). To separate localization signal and communication signal and to increase communication data rate, several multiplexing techniques based on the principle of multiple modulation techniques and multiple access such as PPM, the OAM, the 2πM, and DS-CDMA have been developed. Theoretical studies combined with simulations were performed to evaluate and compare these techniques in term of binary error rate and data rate communication. Theoretical results and simulations of the proposed system have been validated by experiments conducted in a real environment
Bouchet, Aurélie. "Synthèse et propriétés d'une nouvelle famille de dérivés pyrrole-ferrocène hydrophiles : élaboration d'une biopuce de multi-détection sans marquage par des voies électrochimiques." Lyon 1, 2006.
Full textNew electrochemical biosensors for the detection of nucleic acids and antibodies are described in this work. Water-soluble pyrrole-ferrocene monomers were synthesized and efficiently co-electropolymerized with pyrrole monomers bearing either nucleic acids or peptides. Electrochemical studies were carried out onto innovative miniaturized graphite microelectrode arrays in aqueous solution. The multi-electrode device allowed to develop a multi-detection assay by the use of our strategy. The obtained polymers showed good electrochemical properties. When investigated as potential new DNA sensor, our system specifically correlated hybridization with concomitant strong decrease in ferrocene oxidation peak intensity. A low detection threshold of 100 pM DNA targets in 30 µL of sample was reached. Preliminary studies allowed us to detect specific peptide-antibody interactions using the same methodology
Moro, Clément. "Localisation de sources sonores par techniques d’antennes en milieu réverbérant." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014.
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