Academic literature on the topic 'Désordres scolaires'
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Journal articles on the topic "Désordres scolaires"
Frétigné, Cédric, Rachel Gasparini, and Cedric Fretigne. "Ordres et désordres scolaires. La discipline à l'école primaire." Revue Française de Sociologie 42, no. 4 (October 2001): 774.
Full textMoignard, Benjamin, and Stéphanie Rubi. "Lectures sociologiques des désordres scolaires dans la recherche française. 30 ans de construction de l’objet. 1985-2015. Première partie. Les désordres scolaires en sociologie de l’éducation : cartographie et transformations d’un objet de re." Revue française de pédagogie, no. 208 (September 15, 2020): 97–134.
Full textMoignard, Benjamin, and Stéphanie Rubi. "Lectures sociologiques des désordres scolaires dans la recherche française. 30 ans de construction de l’objet. 1985-2015. Deuxième partie. Un nouvel âge des désordres scolaires : analyse des politiques éducatives et transformations de l’objet." Revue française de pédagogie, no. 213 (December 31, 2021): 105–41.
Full textLock, Margaret. "Les trésors perdus. Ordre/désordre social et récits de révolte des adolescents japonais." Anthropologie et Sociétés 14, no. 3 (September 10, 2003): 77–96.
Full textMadec, Annick. "Entre désordre politique et ordre scolaire, les appelés de la citoyenneté." L'Homme et la société 160-161, no. 2 (2006): 37.
Full textBarrère, A. "Un nouvel âge du désordre scolaire : les enseignants face aux incidents." Déviance et Société 26, no. 1 (2002): 3.
Full textMillet, Mathias, and Daniel Thin. "Une déscolarisation encadrée [Le traitement institutionnel du "désordre scolaire" dans les dispositifs-relais]." Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales 149, no. 1 (2003): 32–41.
Full textGanivet, Amélie, Isabelle Denault, Rosanne Superstein, and Nicole Fallaha. "Diverses modalités de traitement des troubles d’apprentissage scolaire par thérapies visuelles: quelles sont les évidences scientifiques?" Canadian Journal of Optometry 76, no. 2 (December 10, 2014): 15.
Full textGalan, Christian. "Une stratégie du désordre : l’assouplissement de la sectorisation scolaire au Japon." Les dossiers des sciences de l'éducation, no. 27 (April 1, 2012).
Full textMangeard-Bloch, Nathalie. "« Je veux pas aller à l’école ! Je veux rester dans ma chambre ! » Du désordre de la chambre à l’ordre scolaire : regard sur la chambre de l’enfant à la veille de la rentrée dans les albums destinés aux plus jeunes." Strenae, no. 7 (June 1, 2014).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Désordres scolaires"
Assere, Florian. "Une déscolarisation de la rescolarisation : Comment l'accompagnement des décrocheurs au sein du dispositif MLDS s'inspire-t-il de celui des chômeurs ?" Thesis, Paris 8, 2020.
Full textThis thesis shows how the model of support for dropouts within the MLDS « remobilization » program (Mission to fight against school dropout) is similar to that of social benefit recipients (notably of unemployed) which tends in France to individualize, psychologize and conditionalize. This proximity is observed in the setting aside of the school form in favor of objectives relating to social skills (self-confidence, open-mindedness, willingness, entrepreneurial spirit.) Individualized pedagogy is carried out but less on the student than on the person with his psychology, his desires and his body. The quality of this support, in particular through the orientations to which the pupils will then have access, depends on the supposed commitment of the young person in the system rather than on standard school expectations. This impregnation of the changes in social policies, is due to a synergy of factors both linked to the history of this type of programs, to contemporary ways of dealing with educational issues, to the external partnerships established by the system, as well as the critical relationship with the educational institution of field workers who coordinate the remobilization classes. Not very effective from the point of view of the announced effects, on the attendance and the support of the pupils, the methods of action end up transferring responsibility for their situation to the dropout students. By generalizing, the multiplication of devices could constitute a new "schooling network" made up of personalized social support, exclusion, waiting and slack periods preparing for precariousness
Gabillard, Yannick. "Le désordre à l'école élémentaire : étude des représentations du désordre chez les enseignants." Paris 5, 1999.
Full textGuinard, Yves. "Les fonctions sociales des troubles du comportement ou la gestion médicale des désordres sociaux." Thesis, Tours, 2011.
Full textBehaviour disorders of children and adolescents, classified among mental disorders justify the exclusion of pupils from schools to place them in institutions for disabled persons. By interfacing the study of the experience of young people and their parents, the history of that category and the part played in it by different actors, this research aims at understanding the world of behaviour problems and their functions. Behaviour disorders are more than a medical category, they are the the results of a social construction, they serve as a means to exclude and socially define children from the underprivileged classes. Following what happens in schools, they favour the shift of responsibility for underperforming from schools to families. The medical world plays a major part in this normative universe. It provides a would be scientific guarantee for the exclusion of the economically and culturally poorest section of the school population and for the more drastic security measures as well. The prevention of delinquency lies in controlling underperforming children from a very early age and socially deprived families. This implication of the medical world in the control of social disorders is a development of its missions as Foucault described it. In spite of inner conflicts, the world of mental medicine today wants to appear as experts in the prevention of deliquency through managing underperforming in schools and offering an early diagnosis of problems it fails to define
Books on the topic "Désordres scolaires"
Gasparini, Rachel. Ordres et désordres scolaires: La discipline à l'école primaire. Paris: B. Grasset, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Désordres scolaires"
Hélou, Christophe. "Avec les collégiens : entre ordres et désordres." In Les citoyennetés scolaires, 93. Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.
Full textBarrère, Anne. "Chapitre 1. Élèves, enseignants, chefs d'établissement face aux désordres scolaires : Des épreuves parallèles ?" In Prévenir les violences à l'école, 27. Presses Universitaires de France, 2012.
Full textLlobet, Aurélie. "Les enseignants du secondaire face au désordre scolaire : entre silence et résistance(s)." In Violences et institutions, 203–24. CNRS Éditions, 2011.
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