Academic literature on the topic 'Desmoid tumor'

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Journal articles on the topic "Desmoid tumor"


Ramonaitė, Justė, Gabija Imbrasaitė, Alfredas Smailys, Mindaugas Stravinskas, and Vėtra Markevičiūtė. "THE NEED FOR MULTIPLE SURGERIES FOR FREQUENT DESMOID TUMOR RECURRENCE." Health Sciences 33, no. 5 (August 1, 2023): 39–43.

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Desmoid tumors are very rare mesenchymal neoplasms with an estimated incidence of 3 per 100 soft tissue tumor cases. They are locally invasive, aggressive and cause significant complications. The treatment modalities of desmoids include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy. Currently there is no gold standard and neither therapy is effective for high recurrence (25‑77%) desmoid tumors. Desmoid tumors also have the capacity for self-limitation and, therefore, no treatment other than observation is possible expecting spontaneous regression. Treatment options for desmoid tumors are limited and as­sessment of treatment effects remains an unresolved issue due to no standard validated response criteria available.
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Koshariya, Mahim, Samir Shukla, Zuber Khan, Vaibhav Vikas, Avinash Pratap Singh, Puspendra Baghel, Varun Pendro, et al. "Giant Desmoid Tumor of the Anterior Abdominal Wall in a Young Female: A Case Report." Case Reports in Surgery 2013 (2013): 1–4.

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Desmoid tumors (also called desmoids fibromatosis) are rare slow growing benign and musculoaponeurotic tumors. Although these tumors have a propensity to invade surrounding tissues, they are not malignant. These tumors are associated with women of fertile age, especially during and after pregnancy. We report a young female patient with a giant desmoid tumor of the anterior abdominal wall who underwent primary resection. The patient had no history of an earlier abdominal surgery. Preoperative evaluation included abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. The histology revealed a desmoid tumor. Primary surgical resection with immediate reconstruction of abdominal defect is the best management of this rarity. To the best of our knowledge and PubMed search, this is the first case ever reported in the medical literature of such a giant desmoid tumor arising from anterior abdominal wall weighing 6.5 kg treated surgically with successful outcome.
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Khandelwal, Niranjan, Mandeep Garg, Nidhi Prabhakar, and Divya Dahiya. "Desmoid Tumor: Rare Abdominal Wall Lump in a Multiparous Woman." Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research 52, no. 1 (2018): 31–33.

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ABSTRACT Background Desmoids are rare tumors. Abdominal wall desmoids are more common in women of reproductive age, especially postpartum women. Here we present a case of desmoid tumor in a 37-year-old multiparous woman, who came with the complaint of a slowly growing painless abdominal lump. Case report A 37-year-old multiparous female presented with the complaint of a gradually increasing, painless abdominal lump. On physical examination, a well-defined, firm, mobile mass was palpated in the suprapubic region. Ultrasound revealed a homogeneous hypoechoic lesion in the right anterolateral abdominal wall. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen showed a well-defined homogeneous mass in relation to the inferior aspect of right rectus abdominis muscle. These clinical and imaging features were highly suggestive of abdominal wall desmoid, which was confirmed on fine needle aspiration cytology and postoperative tumor histopathology. Discussion Desmoids are uncommon benign, locally aggressive fibrous lesions that have an insidious course. Conventionally, these are classified as abdominal desmoids (occurring in abdominal wall, mesentery, or retroperitoneum) and extra-abdominal desmoids (affecting shoulder girdle, trunk, lower extremities, etc.). The definitive diagnosis of desmoid has to be established on histopathology. Wide local excision remains the definitive treatment of abdominal wall desmoids. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and endocrine therapy are the other treatment options. How to cite this article Garg M, Prabhakar N, Prakash M, Dahiya D, Khandelwal N. Desmoid Tumor: Rare Abdominal Wall Lump in a Multiparous Woman. J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2018;52(1):31-33.
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MINAMI, YUSUKE, SEIICHI MATSUMOTO, KEISUKE AE, TAISUKE TANIZAWA, KEIKO HAYAKAWA, MASANORI SAITO, and NORIO KUROSAWA. "The Clinical Features of Multicentric Extra-abdominal Desmoid Tumors." Cancer Diagnosis & Prognosis 1, no. 4 (September 3, 2021): 339–43.

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Background: Extra-abdominal desmoid tumors often occur in the necks, shoulder, chest wall, back, arm, buttock, thigh and leg. Multicentric extra-abdominal desmoids are rather rare and seem to have other clinical features. The aim of our study was to investigate clinical features, especially multicentric occurrence of extra-abdominal desmoid tumors. Patients and Methods: A total of 135 patients diagnosed with extra-abdominal desmoid were enrolled in this study from January 2005 to December 2019 at the Cancer Institute Hospital of The Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research. The operative procedure was principally wide excision. The clinicopathological factors [e.g., age, gender, pain, restriction of range of motion (ROM), tumor site, tumor size, surgical margin, multicentric occurrence, local recurrence, tumoral regression] were collected and assessed by univariate analysis. We assessed how multicentric occurrence influenced clinicopathological factors of desmoid tumors. Results: The median follow-up was 39.9 months (range=0.29-259 months). Among 135 patients, 20 had multicentric occurrence. Multicentric extra-abdominal desmoids occurred in the neck in six cases, shoulder in four, chest wall in three, back in three, thigh in two and leg in two. In the case of multicentric occurrence on thighs and legs, tumors arose not in the anterior compartment but in the posterior compartment. Univariate analysis showed association of multicentric extra-abdominal desmoids with high local recurrence (p=0.0003), restriction of ROM (p=0.0012) and tumor size larger than 5 cm (p=0.04) but surgical margins were not correlated with local recurrence (p=0.37). Conclusion: Surgery should be performed in those who have severe pain or restriction of ROM. A 'Wait and see' policy is a first-line management, especially for those with multicentric extra-abdominal desmoids.
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Salas, Sébastien, Armelle Dufresne, Binh Bui, Jean-Yves Blay, Philippe Terrier, Dominique Ranchere-Vince, Sylvie Bonvalot, et al. "Prognostic Factors Influencing Progression-Free Survival Determined From a Series of Sporadic Desmoid Tumors: A Wait-and-See Policy According to Tumor Presentation." Journal of Clinical Oncology 29, no. 26 (September 10, 2011): 3553–58.

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Purpose Desmoid tumors are mesenchymal fibroblastic/myofibroblastic proliferations with locoregional aggressiveness and high ability to recur after initial treatment. We present the results of the largest series of sporadic desmoid tumors ever published to determine the prognostic factors of these rare tumors. Patients and Methods Four hundred twenty-six patients with a desmoid tumor at diagnosis were included, and the following parameters were studied: age, sex, delay between first symptoms and diagnosis, tumor size, tumor site, previous history of surgery or trauma in the area of the primary tumor, surgical margins, and context of abdominal wall desmoids in women of child-bearing age during or shortly after pregnancy. We performed univariate and multivariate analysis for progression-free survival (PFS). Results In univariate analysis, age, tumor size, tumor site, and surgical margins (R2 v R0/R1) had a significant impact on PFS. PFS curves were not significantly different for microscopic assessment of surgical resection quality (R0 v R1). In multivariate analysis, age, tumor size, and tumor site had independent values. Three prognostic groups for PFS were defined on the basis of the number of independent unfavorable prognostic factors (0 or 1, 2, and 3). Conclusion This study clearly demonstrates that there are different prognostic subgroups of desmoid tumors that could benefit from different therapeutic strategies, including a wait-and-see policy.
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Leal, Raquel Franco, Patricia V. V. Tapia Silva, Maria de Lourdes Setsuko Ayrizono, João José Fagundes, Eliane M. Ingrid Amstalden, and Cláudio Saddy Rodrigues Coy. "Desmoid tumor in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis." Arquivos de Gastroenterologia 47, no. 4 (December 2010): 373–78.

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CONTEXT: Desmoid tumors constitute one of the most important extraintestinal manifestations of familial adenomatous polyposis. The development of desmoids is responsible for increasing morbidity and mortality rates in cases of familial adenomatous polyposis. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the occurrence of desmoid tumors in familial adenomatous polyposis cases following prophylactic colectomy and to present patient outcome. METHODS: Between 1984 and 2008, 68 patients underwent colectomy for familial adenomatous polyposis at the School of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil. Desmoid tumors were found in nine (13.2%) of these patients, who were studied retrospectively by consulting their medical charts with respect to clinical and surgical data. RESULTS: Of nine patients, seven (77.8%) were submitted to laparotomy for tumor resection. Median age at the time of surgery was 33.9 years (range 22-51 years). Desmoid tumors were found in the abdominal wall in 3/9 cases (33.3%) and in an intra-abdominal site in the remaining six cases (66.7%). Median time elapsed between ileal pouch-anal anastomosis and diagnosis of desmoid tumor was 37.5 months (range 14-60 months), while the median time between colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis and diagnosis was 63.7 months (range 25-116 months). In 6/9 (66.7%) patients with desmoid tumors, the disease was either under control or there was no evidence of tumor recurrence at a follow-up visit made a mean of 63.1 months later (range 12-240 months). CONCLUSIONS: Desmoid tumors were found in 13.2% of cases of familial adenomatous polyposis following colectomy; therefore, familial adenomatous polyposis patients should be followed-up and surveillance should include abdominal examination to detect signs and symptoms. Treatment options include surgery and clinical management with antiestrogens, antiinflammatory drugs or chemotherapy.
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Makarenko, M. V., D. O. Govseyev, S. V. Gridchin, N. H. Isaeva, I. V. Sokol, V. O. Berestovoy, and R. M. Vorona. "Desmoid tumor of the anterior abdominal wall in a female (Clinical case)." HEALTH OF WOMAN, no. 5(131) (June 30, 2018): 116–18.

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Desmoid tumors (also called desmoids fibromatosis) are rare slow growing benign and musculoaponeurotic tumors. Although these tumors have a propensity to invade surrounding tissues, they are not malignant. These tumors are associated with women of fertile age, especially during and after pregnancy and postoperative surgeries. Our clinical case is interesting because of the rarity of the pathology and the difficulties in setting the correct diagnosis. The patient, with a history of laparoscopic myomectomy (2012), was preparing for a routine surgery for the endometrioma of the anterior abdominal wall, according to the results of the ultrasound and computed tomography. After surgical treatment, the final diagnosis was changed, based on the histological findings. Key words: desmoid tumor, abdominal wall tumor, fibroid.
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Boceska, Zhaneta P., Katerina B. Kubelka-Sabit, and Julija Zh Zhivadinovik. "FIBROMATOSIS (DESMOID TUMOR) OF THE BREAST. Fibromatosis (tumor desmoide) de mama." Revista Argentina de Anatomía Clínica 3, no. 2 (March 28, 2016): 99–105.

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El tumor desmoide (fibromatosis) es una entidad patológica extremadamente rara que se desarrolla de la fascia muscular y la aponeusorsis. Aunque sin potencial metastático, estos tumores son localmente muy agresivos y tienden a infiltrarse en los tejidos circundantes. Nosotros presentamos un caso de tumour desmoide de mama, que tuvo apariencias clínicas sugestivas a carcinoma. La paciente, de 56 años presentó una masa palpable de mama derecho. La citología por aspiracion con aguja fina (AGF) no detectó ninguna célula maligna, por lo que se hizo una escisión local conservadora. La paciente no recibió ningun tratamiento postoperatorio adicional, y continúa viva y sana en los siguientes 18 meses. Desmoid tumor (fibromatosis) is extremely rare benign pathological entity that develops from muscular fasciae and aponeuroses. Although without metastatic potential, these tumors are locally very aggressive and tend to infiltrate the surrounding tissues. We present a case of a desmoid tumor of the breast that had clinical appearance suggestive of carcinoma. The patient was 56 years old female with a previous history of surgical trauma who presented with a palpable mass in the right breast. A fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology did not reveal any malignant cells, thus conservative local excision was performed. The patient did not receive any additional postoperative treatment and was alive and free of disease after 18 months of follow-up.
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Murshid, Areen Abdulelah, and Hatim Q. Al-Maghraby. "Subsequent Development of Desmoid Tumor after a Resected Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor." Case Reports in Pathology 2018 (2018): 1–5.

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Desmoid tumors (deep fibromatosis) of the mesentery are rare mesenchymal tumors. They are often misdiagnosed, especially with a previous history of resection for gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Immunohistochemistry can help differentiate between these two tumors. In this article, we present a case we had encountered: a Desmoid tumor developing in a patient with a history of GIST 3 years ago. It is the first case of GIST with subsequent development of Desmoid tumor to be reported in Saudi Arabia. We discuss the two entities of Desmoid tumor and GIST by comparing their definitions, clinical presentations, histological features, immunohistochemistry stains, molecular pathogenesis, prognosis, and treatment. We also discuss the relationship between GIST and the subsequent development of Desmoid tumors and compare our case with case reports in literature.
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Mercier, Kelly A., and Darragh M. Walsh. "The initiation, design, and establishment of the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Patient Registry and Natural History Study." Rare Tumors 11 (January 2019): 203636131988097.

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Desmoid tumors are locally invasive sarcoma, affecting 5–6 individuals out of 1,000,000 per year. The desmoid tumors have high rates of recurrence after resection and can lead to significant deterioration of the quality of life of patients. There is a need for a better understanding of the desmoid tumors’ patient experience from first symptoms through diagnosis, disease monitoring, and clinical treatment options. With the National Organization of Rare Disorders, the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Natural History Study was designed to be collected through the registry. This article describes the protocol for the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Natural History Study and some initial findings. The Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Natural History Study Advisory Committee developed a series of questionnaires and longitudinal surveys, in addition to those from the National Organization of Rare Disorders for all of the rare diseases. These 13 surveys are designed to uncover initial symptoms, diagnosis process, disease monitoring, quality of life, treatments, as well as socioeconomic information. Since launching the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Registry and Natural History Study ( ), more than 300 desmoid tumor patients have consented to the Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Natural History Study and completed the Participant Profile. The majority of the respondents are between the ages of 21 and 50 years (76%), female (81.2%), White (91.5%), and live in the United States (47.1%). The majority of tumors are in the lower or upper extremity, (22.9%) followed closely by abdominal desmoid tumors (21.5%). Most are willing to donate specimens (89.9%) and participate in trials (97.2%). Ongoing efforts are addressing the demographic differences between the respondents and non-respondents and any selection bias based on access to the registry and study. The Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation Natural History Study is built on the largest desmoid tumors registry and has recruited more desmoid tumors participants since launching in September 2017. It will serve to fill desmoid tumors knowledge gaps and assist other researchers in their recruitment efforts for additional studies.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Desmoid tumor"


Braumandl, Karin [Verfasser], and Florian [Gutachter] Haller. "Untersuchungen zu β-Catenin hinsichtlich des Mutationsstatus, sowie klinisch-pathologischer Eigenschaften in aggressiver Fibromatose (Desmoid-Tumor) / Karin Braumandl ; Gutachter: Florian Haller." Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 2017.

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Gantzer, Justine. "Integrative multi-omics characterization of mesenchymal tumors." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.

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Ce travail de thèse s’articule autour de trois projets indépendants dont le but est de mieux caractériser trois tumeurs mésenchymateuses grâce à une approche multi-omique intégrative.Les tumeurs thoraciques indifférenciées SMARCA4-déficientes (SMARCA4-UT), initialement « sarcomes » semblaient répondre aux inhibiteurs de point de contrôle immunitaire (ICIs) comme d’autres tumeurs SWI/SNF déficientes, sans qu’aucune caractérisation de leur microenvironnement tumoral (TME) ne soit faite pour le comprendre. Grâce à des immunomarquages et à une analyse transcriptomique, nous avons mis en évidence un TME désertique avec une efficacité limitée des ICIs, en lien avec la cellule d’origine. Les tumeurs des cellules épithélioïdes périvasculaires (PEComes) forment un ensemble hétérogène de tumeurs coexprimant des marqueurs mélanocytaires et musculaires lisses pour lesquelles deux types génomiques se distinguent. Grâce à notre analyse, nous avons démontré qu’il existait d’autres réarrangements que ceux impliquant TFE3 et qu’il existait une classification transcriptomique pronostique de quatre sous types de PEComes, chacun étant enrichi d’un profil génomique et présentant des vulnérabilités différentes sur le plan thérapeutique. Les tumeurs desmoïdes (TDs) sont des tumeurs bénignes localement agressives dont l’hétérogénéité dans l’évolution tumorale est peu comprise. Grâce à notre analyse, nous avons mis en évidence que plus de 50% des TDs avaient des mutations dans un des gènes remodelant la chromatine et que parmi les deux sous-types transcriptomiques identifiés, le type immuno-myogénique doté d’un programme transcriptomique proche de celui des muscles, activait les voies de l’immunité évoquant un potentiel thérapeutique des ICIs
This thesis work takes the form of three independent projects aimed at better characterizing three mesenchymal tumors through an integrative multi-omics approach.The thoracic undifferentiated SMARCA4-deficient tumors (SMARCA4-UT), initially classified as "sarcomas," appeared to respond to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) similarly to other SWI/SNF-deficient tumors, despite no characterization of their tumor microenvironment (TME) being done to understand this response. Through immunostaining and transcriptomic analysis, we highlighted a desert-like TME with limited ICI efficacy, linked to the tumor’s cell of origin. Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas) form a heterogeneous group of tumors co-expressing melanocytic and smooth muscle markers, with two distinct molecular types identified. Our analysis demonstrated that there are additional rearrangements beyond those involving TFE3 and provided a prognostic transcriptomic classification of four PEComa subtypes, each enriched with a unique genomic profile and presenting different therapeutic vulnerabilities. Desmoid tumors (TDs) are benign, locally aggressive tumors with poorly understood heterogeneity in tumor evolution. Our analyses revealed that more than 50% of TDs had mutations in chromatin remodeling genes and that among the two identified transcriptomic subtypes, the immuno-myogenic subtype, with a transcriptomic program similar to muscles, activated immune pathways suggesting a potential therapeutic benefit from ICIs
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Dufresne, Armelle. "Une étude des voies de signalisation impliquées dans la carcinogénèse et le traitement des fibromatoses agressives." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2014.

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Les fibromatoses agressives sont des tumeurs conjonctives rares, pouvant envahir les structures adjacentes parfois de manière très agressive et responsables de fréquentes récidives loco-régionales mais dépourvues de potentiel métastatique. Leur évolution est imprévisible. Actuellement, la stratégie de leur prise en charge est remise en cause et ces tumeurs sont de plus en plus souvent surveillées à leur diagnostic. En cas de tumeur évolutive, les traitements systémiques disponibles sont multiples mais d'efficacité variable. Aucun facteur pronostique de récidive ou d'évolutivité spontanée et aucun facteur prédictif d'efficacité des traitements médicaux n'a aujourd'hui été identifié. Les travaux de 2 premières publications ont étudié les facteurs cliniques de récidive après exérèse chirurgicale, et ont retenu le jeune âge du patient, la grande taille tumorale et sa localisation extra-abdominale comme étant de mauvais pronostic. Dans une 3ème publication, nous avons recherché si le sous-type moléculaire de mutation de CTNNB1 observé dans les fibromatoses sporadiques pouvait influencer la récidive: la mutation S45F est de moins bon pronostic que les autres. Un autre article rapporte les résultats de l'analyse des profils d'expression des miRNAs des fibromatoses qui semblent se corréler à leur pronostic mais cela doit être confirmé. Les 3 articles suivant présentent des travaux recherchant des facteurs prédictifs de réponse des fibromatoses à l'imatinib : l'expression d'aucune des cibles connues de l'imatinib n'a été retrouvée comme influençant significativement la réponse au traitement. Le rôle des variants M541L et V530I de l'exon 10 de KIT reste à déterminer
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Kotilingam, Dhanasekaran Douglas Tommy C. Ford Charles Erwin Rodin Andrei S. "Prognostic factors in desmoid tumors." 2008.

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Books on the topic "Desmoid tumor"


Litchman, Charisse, ed. Desmoid Tumors. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Litchman, Charisse. Desmoid Tumors. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011.

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Litchman, Charisse. Desmoid Tumors. Springer, 2014.

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Sri-Ram, Kesavan, Anthony Mcgrath, Eric Yeung, Ben Spiegelberg, Nick Kalson, Barry Rose, Rob Pollock, and John Skinner. Benign tumours of soft tissues. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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♦ Ganglion cyst♦ Intramuscular myxoma♦ Myositis ossificans♦ Nodular fasciitis♦ Haemangioma♦ Lipoma♦ Cavernous lymphangioma♦ Glomus tumour♦ Neurofibroma♦ Desmoid tumour♦ Elastofibroma♦ Schwannoma♦ Synovial chondromatosis.
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Denys, Hannelore. B-Catenin Target Genes in Desmoid Tumors. Leuven Univ Pr, 2002.

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Chambers, Anne. Eleanor, Countess of Desmond: A Heroine of Tudor Ireland. Wolfhound Press (IE), 1986.

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Tejpar, Sabine. Analysis of Wnt: Catenin Signaling in Desmoid Tumors (Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, 237). Leuven Univ Pr, 2001.

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Eleanor, Countess of Desmond: Captivating Tale of the Forgotten Heroine of the Tudor Wars in Ireland. M.H. Gill & Co. U. C., 2011.

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Book chapters on the topic "Desmoid tumor"


Clark, Sue. "Desmoid Tumor." In Encyclopedia of Cancer, 1–3. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.

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Clark, Sue. "Desmoid Tumor." In Encyclopedia of Cancer, 1342–44. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.

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Clark, Sue. "Desmoid Tumor." In Encyclopedia of Cancer, 1090–92. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

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Olvi, Liliana G., and Eduardo Santini-Araujo. "Periosteal Desmoid." In Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone, 731–35. London: Springer London, 2015.

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Olvi, Liliana G., Isabela W. da Cunha, Eduardo Santini-Araujo, and Ricardo K. Kalil. "Periosteal Desmoid." In Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone, 719–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Campanacci, Laura. "Desmoid Fibroma." In Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions, 61–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Gruber-Moesenbacher, Ulrike. "Desmoid Tumor, Lung." In Encyclopedia of Pathology, 143–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Van Dellen, Melissa. "Desmoid Tumor, Pleural." In Encyclopedia of Pathology, 75–77. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Weiss, Aaron R., Anthony Montag, and Stephen X. Skapek. "Desmoid Tumor in Children and Adolescents: The Influence of Age." In Desmoid Tumors, 159–78. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.

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Cheng, Xiaoguang, Yongbin Su, and Mingqian Huang. "Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis: Case 10." In Bone Tumor Imaging, 49–51. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.

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Conference papers on the topic "Desmoid tumor"


Itty, R., H. Chieng, J. Sung, L. Foulke, and A. Chopra. "A Pleural Rarity: Desmoid Tumor." In American Thoracic Society 2020 International Conference, May 15-20, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA. American Thoracic Society, 2020.

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Braun, Alexcia Camila, Fernando Campos, Emne Ali Abdallah, Anna Paula Ruano, Milena Tariki, Fabio Pinto, Celso Abdon de Mello, Vilma Regina Martins, and Ludmilla Thome Chinen. "Abstract LB060: Circulating tumor cells in desmoid tumors." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2021; April 10-15, 2021 and May 17-21, 2021; Philadelphia, PA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2021.

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Al-Jazrawe, Mushriq, Steven Xu, Qingxia Wei, Raymond Poon, and Benjamin Alman. "Abstract 5897: Single cell-derived analysis of desmoid tumors for studying tumor-stroma interactions." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2017; April 1-5, 2017; Washington, DC. American Association for Cancer Research, 2017.

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Tanaka, N., M. Okuda, K. Fukuda, and Y. Kato. "A Case of Chest-Wall Desmoid Tumor with Clip Marking for Treatment." In American Thoracic Society 2020 International Conference, May 15-20, 2020 - Philadelphia, PA. American Thoracic Society, 2020.

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Rodrigues Silva Catalá, Heloísa, Andressa Higa Shinzato, Alcânia Walburga de Souza Pereira, Edgard Torres dos Reis Neto, Felipe de Lacerda Veiga, Germana Ribeiro Araujo Carneiro de Lucena, Guilherme Pereira Carlesso, et al. "DESMOID TUMOR AS A DIAGNOSTIC OF GREATER TROCHANTERIC PAIN SYNDROME - CASE REPORT." In Congresso Brasileiro de Reumatologia 2020. Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia, 2021.

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Rosenberg, Laura M., Monica M. Bertagnolli, and Nancy L. Cho. "Abstract 3794: Sorafenib suppresses desmoid tumor growth and invasion via inhibition of ERK signaling." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2014; April 5-9, 2014; San Diego, CA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2014.

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Gomez, M., and R. Mehta. "440 Desmoid tumor of the breast after mastectomy for breast cancer, a case report." In IGCS 2020 Annual Meeting Abstracts. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2020.

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Belluco, Rosana Zabulon Feijó, Júllia Eduarda Feijó Belluco, Ana Elisa de Freitas Souza, Gabriel Piau de Castro, Heloisa Faria Gachet Rabelo, Letícia Sousa Amancio da Costa, Pamella Micaella Araújo Pinto, and Carmelia Matos Santiago Reis. "Desmoid breast fibromatosis occurring after reconstructive surgery simulating carcinoma: A rare case report." In Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium 2023. Mastology, 2023.

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Introduction: Desmoid fibromatosis is a rare tumor, representing less than 0.2% of all breast tumors, characterized by clonal fibroblastic deep soft tissue, locally aggressive growth and high incidence of recurrence (between 24% and 77% in 10 years). It is associated with trauma or surgical procedures of the breast and presents similary to breast carcinoma. Diagnostic criteria are histological, and breast imaging techniques are non-specific. The treatment is surgical with complete excision and safety margin, varying according to the studies, from 0.5 to 3 cm to avoid recurrences, which, when they occur and reach vital organs, cause 8% of mortality. Case Report: A female, 56 years old, with infiltrating ductal carcinoma in the upper lateral quadrant of the left breast, measuring 2.0 cm, high nuclear grade, triple-negative, and acquired at the age of 53 years. She underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy, quadrantectomy with negative sentinel lymph node biopsy, and radiotherapy. Two years later, she returned with a recurrence in the lower lateral quadrant of the left breast, measuring 1.0 cm. Despite the negative genetic study for pathogenic variants, she opted for bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction (prostheses and dermal matrix), the one on the right being prophylactic. There was infection on the right, rejection, and loss of the prosthesis. After 1 year, she presented with a bearable nodule, immobile and adhered to the chest wall, measuring 2.2 cm on the lateral border of the pectoral muscle, on the right, confirmed by chest tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. She was submitted to mammotomy whose biopsy showed low-grade spindle cell in the inferolateral quadrant. A segmental resection was performed, whose anatomopathological and immunohistochemical studies confirmed the diagnosis of fibromatosis in the right breast, positive reaction to the beta-catenin antibody, measuring 2.5×2.5 cm and free elastic margins. She is being followed up at the outpatient clinic, with no signs of recurrence.
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Khudari, Husameddin El, Arsalan Nadeem, Meghana Muppuri, and Rakesh Varma. "Strategic Debulking and Neuropraxia Mitigation in CT-Guided Cryoablation of Rectus Sheath Desmoid Tumor: A Case Report." In PAIRS 2024 Annual Congress. Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2024.

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Park, Changhee, Kum-Hee Yun, Sanghoon Song, Jin Kyung Lee, Jiyeon Ryu, Bitna Oh, Sunjin Hwang, et al. "Abstract 2250: Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of desmoid tumor reveals enrichment of transforming growth factor beta responsive signature." In Proceedings: AACR Annual Meeting 2021; April 10-15, 2021 and May 17-21, 2021; Philadelphia, PA. American Association for Cancer Research, 2021.

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Reports on the topic "Desmoid tumor"


Tran, Emily, Jasmine J. Park, Nandini N. Kulkarni, and Vinay S. Gundlapalli. Left Facial Primary Leiomyosarcoma Misdiagnosed as Atypical Fibroxanthoma and Immunochemical Markers Relevant to Diagnosis: A Case Report. Science Repository, February 2024.

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Soft tissue sarcomas are relatively rare neoplasms of mesenchymal origin that generally make up less than 2% of all adult malignant neoplasms. Atypical fibroxanthoma is a benign soft tissue tumor often confused with malignant variants of similar tumors such as leiomyosarcoma due to similar staining markers and cell morphology. We report a case of a 70-year-old caucasian male who initially presented with a 2 cm exophytic left facial lesion that was misdiagnosed as atypical fibroxanthoma upon biopsy. The patient underwent a wide local excision of the growing 11 cm mass and immediate reconstruction with a cervicofacial flap and full thickness skin graft. Pathological analysis of the specimen revealed the final diagnosis as confirmed primary leiomyosarcoma. Both the patient’s biopsy report and the surgical pathology report revealed similar negative findings (desmin, cytokeratin AE1/AE3, p63, SOX10) as well as similar positive findings (smooth muscle actin and CD68). Critical distinctions that led to a change in diagnosis from atypical fibroxanthoma to leiomyosarcoma emerged during the final pathological analysis, which revealed more widespread positive staining for smooth muscle actin and muscle-specific actin throughout the surgical specimen along with detailed cell and nucleus morphology of atypical spindle cells in the dermis and subcutis. This valuable information was not available during the initial biopsy when the lesion was smaller. It is possible that earlier diagnosis of primary leiomyosarcoma could have resulted in advanced pre-operative treatment and excision of the facial lesion, preventing involvement of surrounding areas such as the patient’s left eye, ear, and facial nerve.
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