Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Deskriptiv'
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Sosnecki, Daniel, and Johan Sundblad. "Vrakbärgningar : En deskriptiv studie om vrakbärgning." Thesis, University of Kalmar, Kalmar Maritime Academy, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hik:diva-724.
Den här uppsatsen är en fallstudie och en deskriptiv uppsats i syfte att få överblick över de olika faktorerna som man överväger när man bärgar skadade fartyg.
Vidare inkluderade vi lite om de olika utrustningar som man använder när man bärgar fartyg. Som enskilt fall valde vi Skagern på 4451 grosston, som var inblandad i en kollision med ett Antigua-Bermuda flaggat fartyg, Samskip Courier, ett container fartyg på 7852 grosston.
Den deskriptiva metoden applicerad på den genererade informationen, angående bärgning, försåg oss med ett perspektiv på de olika metoder, faktorer och tekniker som används inom detta område.
När det kommer till fallstudiemetoden gav det oss en förståelse för hur dessa faktorer påverkar bärgningen i verkligheten samt en överblick hur de används i ett specifikt fall och av ett företag, nämligen Titan Salvage Company.
Detta arbete blir en deskriptiv studie (I detta fall blir fallstudien ett medium riktat mot samma syfte.) som ger mer utrymme för läsaren att göra egna tolkningar så slutsatserna blir i denna uppsats istället ägnade åt egna reflektioner från författarnas sida. Vi vill på det sättet uppmuntra till ytterligare teorier och frågor inom detta ämne. Ett problem är de potentiella faror som bärgarna ställs inför på grund av okända faktorer som härstammar från småsaker, som till exempel kopparplattorna som nämns i detta arbete .
The objective of this thesis was a case-study and a descriptive narrative with the purpose of getting an in-depth view of the different factors considered when salvaging damaged vessels.
Furthermore, we also included some of the different equipment utilized when salvaging. As a case we chose a Swedish dry cargo vessel, the Skagern of 4451 grosston, which was involved in a collision with an Antigua-Bermuda flagged vessel, the Samskip Courier a container vessel of 7852 grosston.
The descriptive method applied to the general information regarding salvaging, provided us with an angle for a good overview of the different methods, factors and techniques in this field of study.
In addition, the case-study allowed for an understanding of how these factors were applied and considered during a specific salvage and by a certain salvage company, i.e. Titan Salvage Company.
Since the nature of the descriptive case-study in this case was pre-defined as a narrative more than a means for reaching a conclusion it means that the conclusion(s) will be left mostly to the reader to draw from his or her perspective.
We have also included our own reflections in this thesis to encourage further theories and questions that may be of interest. The first is the potential danger posed to the Salvagers of unknown factors deriving from minor details.
Sandberg, John, and Stefan Lonne. "Offentligt samhällsarbete i Örebro - en deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Akademin för juridik, psykologi och socialt arbete, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-14111.
Full textThe purpose of this study was to describe and seek to understand the public community work in Örebro municipality. The questions were how the community workers explain social problems, how the community work is executed and in what way the citizens participate in community work. This is a qualitative interview study. The respondents were four publicly employed community workers in Örebro. The results were analyzed with marxist theory and strategies and principels for community work. The analysis showed similarities between the respondents’ explainations of social problems and marxist theory. The strategies of community work have some similarities with marxist theory, but not to the same extent as the responents’ explainations of social problems. The citizens participate in the community work, but advocasy is used to some extent, and this can hardly be described as community work due to lack of citizen participation. Public community work in Örebro is mostly conducted with a consensus perspective. Keywords: Community work, public, community development, participation, marxism
Fernlund, Anna, and Linda Johansson. "En deskriptiv analys av Europaskolan i Mol." Thesis, University of Gävle, Ämnesavdelningen för religionsvetenskap, 1997. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-4459.
Full textArbetet är en studie över tyska avdelningen och engelska gruppen på Europaskolan i Mol i Belgien. Vi har i arbetet återgivit intervjuerna vi har gjort med lärare, föräldrar och elever vid Europaskolan. I vissa fall har intervjuerna genomförts på ett språk som inte är modersmål för endera parten i intervjusituationen, därför blir det en tolkning, blandat med våra iakttagelser och samtal som vi haft under tiden vi vistades i Belgien.
De yttre förutsättningarna för alla avdelningarna är bland annat stora klassrum och stor skolgård. Sedan går vi vidare till båda avdelningarnas lärarperspektiv, efter det kommer föräldraperspektivet och sist elevperspektivet.
I intervjuerna med lärarna kommer det fram att man arbetar efter det egna landets läroplan i språk, i orienteringsämnena finns en lokal läroplan, matematiken och europeiska timmarna styrs av en gemensam läroplan för Europaskolorna. Lärarna har alla genomgått en lärarutbildning typisk för sitt hemland.
Föräldrarna berättar alla att de inte har informerats om läroplanen, de har inte något inflytande på skolans verksamhet och att det inte finns någon föräldraförening. Eleverna berättar att inte de heller informerats om läroplanen, de har inte elevinflytande. Slutligen, konstaterar vi att de har en god språkundervisning, att de arbetar traditionellt med matematik och att de skulle behöva arbeta med elevinflytandet.
Examensarbete på Grundskollärarprogrammet 1-7 ht 1997. Linda har senare bytt efternamn till "Andersson".
Nyberg, Eiroff Gunilla, and Kiro Frank. "Informationssökning bland nyblivna mödrar : En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-225051.
Full textBackground: Pregnancy and early motherhood are periods when women are actively seeking new knowledge. The public access to health information is enormous but the quality of the content varies between different sources. To make informed health choices, mothers need evidence-based information, and midwives have a responsibility to guide them to highqualitative sources. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore new mothers’ information seeking and to investigate the relationship between information seeking and various sociodemographic background variables. Method: The study was based on parts of a pilot study prior to a wider European project, and data from 137 questionnaires to new mothers were analysed. Results: The most frequently used sources of information among the mothers were childcare centres and health sites on the Internet, thus sources that provide evidence-based information. Almost as popular was, however, to turn to family / friends and to Internet forums, where the quality of information can vary and sometimes create confusion and anxiety. Conclusion: Midwives should therefore stay updated on the predominant flow of information, know which sources of information their patients are using and what type of information they obtain. They should also be able to guide their patients to high-quality information.
Jonsson, Annika, and Sofie Östergårds. "Att leva med KOL : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Medicin- och vårdvetenskap, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-23018.
Full textBackground: COPD is a relative common and incurable disease that causes a progressive deterioration of breathing. How to experience the disease may differ between individuals and between different stages of the disease. It is therefore essential that nurses gain insight into these experiences to provide good care to these people. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe people's experiences of living with COPD. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to describe the included articles data collection method. Method: A literature study with a descriptive design. The 12 included articles are of qualitative approach and sought out through the databases CINAHL and PubMed. The contents of the articles results were reviewed to identify similarities and differences and also the included articles data collection method. Main result: The results of the literature study showed that people with COPD experienced psychological, physical and social aspects that affect people's lives. The psychological impact was that the people had to make many changes in life. Breathing difficulties made the physical ability to reduce. The disease also affected the social affinity with other people. To manage and facilitate life with COPD people used different strategies. The most common data collection method that emerged in the articles were semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The people with COPD were affected psychologically, physically and socially to live with the disease. The people used different strategies to manage their life with the disease. It is important that nurses having knowledge of people´s experience of living with COPD because it makes it easier to preserve people´s integrity, dignity, and autonomy that can increase people's well-being.
Jansson, Helena, and Ingalill Laurell. "Innebörden av god handledning bland sjuksköterskestudenter i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning." Thesis, Högskolan Väst, Institutionen för omvårdnad, hälsa och kultur, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hv:diva-5361.
Full textHandledning har en stark påverkan på studentens professionella utveckling. Det är under den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen som studenten ska få hjälp att knyta samman teori och praktik. Syftet med studien var att beskriva innebörden av god handledning bland sjuk- sköterskestudenter i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. En kvalitativ design användes. Nio sjuksköterskestudenter i västra Sverige intervjuades, som alla hade erfarenhet av god handledning i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Intervjuerna analyserades med en deskriptiv fenomenologisk metod. Fenomenet god handledning i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning visade sig som att studenten successivt lotsas till ett ökat ansvar. Studenten kände sig trygg med handledaren och i den miljö där handledningen skedde, och hade kontinuerligt möjlighet till kommunikation och reflektion med handledaren som var engagerad och aktivt närvarande. Studenten hade möjlighet att agera självständigt och förbereda sig inför en omvårdnadssituation. Slutligen visade sig god handledning när handledaren visade förståelse för studentens bristande erfarenhet.
Sagli, Holte Mari. "Håndhygiene hos ansatte i barnehagen - en deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Nordic School of Public Health NHV, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-3627.
Full textBackground: Children in kindergarten are more prone to infections then other children, and the most common reason for children to be home from kindergarten is due to contagious diseases. Infectious diseases are almost twice as common with younger children who attend kindergarten compared to children who are not in kindergarten. Infectious diseases among kindergarten children can cause social consequences, and a high consumption of antibiotics can cause resistance development. Hand hygiene is a well-documented and efficient method for preventing the spread of infections, and both national and local policies for hand hygiene in kindergarten is developed. Aim: The aim with this study was to map the prerequisites for, and to measure the compliance of routines for hand hygiene among kindergarten caregivers. Method: This study is a descriptive study, where the results have been analyzed with a quantative method. Data from the study was collected through mapping, observation and questionnaires. Results: The physical prerequisites for hand hygiene complied with current policies. However, kindergarten caregivers reported varied levels of knowledge about such policies. Importantly, only 49% of caregivers followed hand hygiene guidelines. Conclusion: The total compliance of hand hygiene among kindergarten caregiversis unsatisfactory, and can have a importance for the frequency of infectiousdiseases in kindergarten. The caregivers have prerequisites to conduct hand hygiene according to current guidelines, but it requires that they have knowledge of the policies and follow them in their work to prevent the spread of infections in kindergartens.
ISBN 978-91-86739-93-5
Hofman, Maja, and Jennifer Olsson. "Kravprofil för basketlandslagsungdomar i Sverige : en deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-74208.
Full textLiss-Svedlund, Max, and Petra Björvall. "Omvårdnadsstuderandes fysiska kapacitet : En deskriptiv och jämförande studie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-27252.
Full textSegerblad, Fredrik. "Patienter som förts till närakut : en deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Sophiahemmet Högskola, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:shh:diva-2388.
Full textIn recent years, regional guidelines have implemented to provide patients’ cared for by Emergency Medical Services [EMS] care alternatives to the traditional transport to the closest hospital. The purpose for this is to provide the most appropriate level of care based on the patients’ needs. Since 2013, these guidelines have been tested on a project basis in a region in Sweden. Providing that certain criteria are met, the ambulance specialist nurse, in agreement with the patient, is able to offer the patient an adequate level of care, often with a quicker admittance at four walk-in centers in the region, During 2013, 566 patients have been brought by EMS to these walk-in centers, according to the EMS journal system. The purpose was to describe the patient that has been brought to walk-in centers by the EMS and describe the management process. The study was a retrospective journal review where results were presented by descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicate differences among patient demographics concerning gender, as well as differences in priority set by emergency dispatch and severity of the patients’ condition according to the EMS. Furthermore, the EMS was shown to deviate from the criteria that the regulatory guidelines were founded on. The study gives insight to a relatively new patient group, illustrating variations in demographic data as well as reasons contact with the EMS. There were differences concerning equality between genders, both from emergency dispatch as well as the EMS. The cause for these differences requires further research. The guidelines providing the basis for this new approach were not followed to the full extent, motivating further research into the content of these guidelines, as well as attitudes of the EMS personnel.
Östergren, Jonny, and Gunilla Sjöberg. "Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av moralisk stress : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för vårdvetenskap, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-34278.
Full textBackground: Stress is common among nurses and is mentioned as a fundamental cause of an increased number of sick leaves and mental illness. The Swedish Work Environment Authority reports occupational stress as the most common cause of sick leave among healthcare professionals. Moral distress is defined as situations when we know what is right to do, but when institutional limitations make it impossible to do the right thing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of moral distress. Methods: A descriptive literature study with a thematic data analysis method based on 13 scientific articles that answer the aim. Main results: The result revealed that deficiencies in the treatment that patients receive and the quality of care declines, many nurses experience moral distress. It also revealed that cooperation situations, deficiencies in communication and contacts with relatives can be sources of moral distress. The moral distress is triggered in the situations where nurses feel that the patients are suffering and when the nurse feels that she cannot act in the best way for the patient. As a consequence of the moral distress, the nurses experience several varying negative emotions, where frustration is the most frequent emotions. Conclusion: Experiences of moral distress are common among clinically working nurses. The moral distress arises in situations where nurses can’t act in a way that the nurses think is right. As a consequence of the moral distress, the nurses experience several different negative emotions. By gaining an understanding of what moral distress is, how it arises and how it manifests emotionally, nurses can more easily manage their own reactions when they experience moral distress.
Järnkrok, Malin, and Len To. "Livskvalitet hos kvinnor med bröstcancer : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-25883.
Full textBackground: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and in Sweden it affects 9000-10000 people per year. The number of people who gets ill in breast cancer increases every year, and women between 65-74 years are the age group with the highest percentage increase in the number of patients. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe how women affected by breast cancer estimated their quality of life during treatment and post-control period, and to investigate which data collection methods were used in the included articles. Method: The current study has a descriptive design and contains a total of 11 articles with quantitative approaches. Data collection has been carried out via PubMed. Main results: The women estimated their quality of life low when they experienced different treatment-related side effects such as fatigue, sleep difficulties, lack of energy, anxiety, depression and concentration difficulties. Some women estimated their quality of life low when they experienced high external control and felt that the environment was affected by fate, had low levels of education, and that if they had breast cancer at a younger age. Higher estimated quality of life could be seen among those women who had high inner strength, turned to their faith or spirituality. Women also estimated their quality of life higher if they were highly educated, had social support, and regularly performed physical activity. Conclusion: Women who suffer from breast cancer rate their quality of life worse after the onset of illness than before. What affects the low-estimated quality of life is the form of treatment, how they handle their inner and outer resources and socio-economic status. For those women who despite the breast cancer diagnosis rate their quality of life high, spirituality, support from family and partner, health care and physical activity has been crucial.
Asplund, Karl, and Henrik Klerfelt. "Bostadsrättsföreningars årsredovisning : En deskriptiv studie utifrån ett intressentperspektiv." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-314793.
Full textEk, Ann-Christin, and Gina Larsson. "Personcentrerad omvårdnad vid demens : En deskriptiv kvalitativ studie." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Omvårdnad, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-23537.
Full textBackground: Dementia is one of the major diseases and health professionals encounter these people with dementia both in emergency care and municipal care. At the end of life most people affected by dementia live in institutions. Personcentered care is described to be beneficial in the care of people with dementia and staff's experience of this is of great importance. Purpose: The aim was to study nurses, unit managers and staff nurses' experience of person-centered care in local health care. Method: The design was a descriptive study with qualitative approach which has been analyzed by means of an inductive content analysis. Participants enrolled in the interview study came from the same municipality. There were ten people and consisted of four registered nurses, four enrolled nurses and two managers for the organization. They were chosen by business manager and had worked with people with dementia in at least five years Results: The result showed four categories and 12 subcategories. Personcentered care was considered relevant in the context of good nursing care of people with dementia. In the process of person-centered care was the focus to; adapt to the person with dementia, to ensure the identity and personality. Furthermore, it was stressed relatives' participation, treatment and a common approach, which consisted of identifying the needs and sees the person Conclusion: The results showed that most interviewees had similar experiences in working with people with dementia. It emerged from the study that the patient specific approach had positive outcomes when caring for a person with dementia. Person-centered care was considered very important and necessary to ensure that people with dementia have good and dignified life after being diagnosed with the disease.
Westman, Malin. "Kommunikation med hörselskadade patienter inom vården : en deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-105923.
Full textObjective: From the patient’s perspective describe communication difficulties, which can arise, and how they are handled in their contact with public health care and illustrate their needs of communication.
Method: A study of literature was carried out to receive a background and an insight in previous research concerning the subject area. Twelve women with hearing loss was asked to complete a questionnaire, with open questions, regarding communication difficulties in health care situations.
Sample: For the literature review, scientific papers were selected via the database, PubMed using relevant keywords. Seven were selected for closer review. For the survey study twelve women were asked to participate which ten of those responded.
Results: The study of literature shows that communication difficulties occur in public health care between patients with hearing loss and the nursing staff. These are mainly due to lack of information, lack of knowledge and comprehension regarding hearing disorders. Also, there is a lack of knowledge about methods in communication and factors regarding environment and surrounding. This affects the patients with a not sufficient quality of the care in comparison with the care for hearing patients. The causes of communication problems above are confirmed by the questionnaire study. Most of the participants experienced insecurity in their contact with public health care due to communication difficulties and they expressed that they often meet unsympathetic nursing staff. This can create dejectedness among the patients. The results from both literature review and the survey shows that education to all nursing staff, regarding communication and meeting of patient with hearing loss, can solve the problems.
Conclusions: Special education efforts to nursing staff regarding communication with patients with hearing loss are needed. That can give conditions to the health care service to achieve the goal about a good and high qualitative care.
Hallström, Erica. "Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av preoperativt omvårdnadsarbete : En jämförande deskriptiv enkätstudie." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Vårdvetenskap, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-182161.
Full textWahlquist, Ragne. "Webbpublicering av elevaktiviteter : en deskriptiv studie av gymnasieelevernas upplevelser." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Tema Kommunikation, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-88184.
Full textAnbo, Berglund Li, and Linda Skytesvall. "Patienters inställning till att dela rum : En deskriptiv tvärsnittstudie." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-177542.
Full textABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the patient´s views on their expirience and preference of sharing a patient room with other patients of the opposite sex en age. The metod was a deskriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitavie analyxix. A survey was conducted at two surgical departments. The sample consisted of 33 inpatients. The investigation included questions of gender and age in order to compare differances between men and women and between age groups. The differences between sexes were analysed using Mann Whitney U test and the Kruskall Wallis test was used to determine differances between age groups. The results showed that women felt it somewhat inconvenient to share a room with the opposite sex than men did. The women would also like to receive information about this before the were assigned a room and place. the youngest age group of 18-30 years was the most troubled by disturbed sleep compared with the two older groups. The conclusion was that women found it more uncomfortable to share a room with people of the opposite sex. Among age groups the youngest participants experienced that it was most embarrassing to share a room with others and especially when considering distrubed sleep. What created the most concern was when the other patients did not show respect or if they were medically worried.
Åberg, John. "Fotbollsmålvakters rörelsemönster : En deskriptiv videoanalys av herrmålvakter säsongen 2013." Thesis, Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH, Institutionen för idrotts- och hälsovetenskap, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:gih:diva-3324.
Full textNorèn, Ulf, and Sebastian Palmred. "Magnetresonanstomografi med diffusionsprotokoll vid stroke : En retrospektiv deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Radiologi, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-296220.
Full textKhalil, Samer, and Omar Kadum. "Preparationstekniker i Skandinavien - likheter och skillnader. En deskriptiv enkätstudie." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Odontologiska fakulteten (OD), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-19828.
Full textAbstract The purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there are differences in the preclinical teaching for the preparation of a metal-ceramic construction between the dental education in Malmö, Oslo and Copenhagen, and whether the students apply learned preparation technique in their clinical work.Method: The study was conducted in the form of a survey study, where the survey was submitted to last year's students at the dental education in the universities Malmö, Oslo and Copenhagen. The universities were selected based on geographical locations in order to represent three Scandinavian countries. The exclusion criteria were certified dentists and students who did not perform crown therapy clinically. In the survey, the students were asked if they performed prosthodontic work in the form of fixed dental prosthodontic and the type of fixed dental prosthodontic, the type of material they had prepared for, and what preparation design they used for each material. Results: The student population was 173. The number of students on plastic at the time of extradition was 110. A total of 65% of students from Malmö, 71% of students from Oslo and 55% of students from Copenhagen answered. The survey was submitted at compulsory lectures and collected at the same time, which gave a response rate of 100%, based on the number of students assigned to the survey. At Malmö University, 48.3% of the students performed a preparation for a metal-ceramic (mk) crown, 63% at Copenhagen, and 83% at Oslo University. The number of students who applied chamferpreparation for a metal-ceramic construction clinically in Malmö University was 100%, 50% in Copenhagen and 51.7% in Oslo. For a metal-ceramic preparation, 36% of the students in Copenhagen and 38% in Oslo University chose to combine a chamfer + slice preparation.Conclusion: There are differences in the choice of clinical treatment compared to the non-clinical preclinical treatment of courses in Oslo and Copenhagen. The preclinical steps are more in line with the clinical stage in Malmö. Treatment should, as far as possible, be based on clinical methods that have scientific support.
Perpåls, Adina. "Fosterskador i andra generationens atombombsoffer En deskriptiv systematisk litteraturstudie." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-87236.
Full textForsberg, Frida, and Helena Jensen. "Patientstrålskydd : En kvantitativ deskriptiv studie av tillämpning av patientstrålskydd." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för kirurgiska vetenskaper, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-322769.
Full textNilsson, Ylva, and Camilla Wallberg. "Fysisk aktivitet och depressiva symtom/depression : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Medicin- och vårdvetenskap, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-24500.
Full textBackground: Every fourth Swede is some time in life affected by the disease depression, 25 % women and 15 % men. Approximately 300 million people in the world are suffering from depression and the number is increasing. The diagnosis of depression is the most recurrent and expensive diagnosis of psychiatric diseases treated within the primary health center. Depression can develop into a severe health condition, which can lead to that the affected individual commits sucid. Purpose: The purpose of this literary study was to describe the impact of physical activity as nursing treatment for depression and depressive symptoms. Furthermore, the aim was to examine the methodological aspect of the articles in the literary study in detail and describe their selection method. Method: Descriptive literary study with systematic literary survey, the scientific articles searched in CINHAL and Medline by PubMed. One manual search was performed. A total of 16 articles were included in the literary study. Main result: Physical activity has a good preventive and symptom reducing effect on depressive symptoms/depression. In addition, physical activity can contribute to improvement in cognitive functions. Conclusion: Physical activity has a preventive and reducing effect on depressive symptoms and the patients should be defined in time. Information, motivation and encouragement are important measures for the nurse to be acquainted with in his/her health preventing work.
Chienh, Robin. "Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter inom nutritionsomvårdnad : En litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Medicin- och vårdvetenskap, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-26021.
Full textBackground Malnutrition is common among elderly people in Sweden. There are clear guidelines on what kind of intervention should be made, yet there are few actions being taken. This shows a sign of inadequate organisation and management, or lack of expertise in staff performing nutrition nursing care. Aim The aim for this study is to describe nurses’ experience in nutritional nursing care. And describe the article’s data collection method. Method A descriptive literature study based on 10 scientific articles. Result Nurses had limited knowledge and skills in nutrition nursing care and therefore could not identify patients who were malnourished. They were also reluctant to use screening instruments because they do not know how to use it. The nurse has a major responsibility to perform nutritional nursing care, which at the same time must prioritize other tasks. The results were divided into three sections, which are listed under the headings: Insufficient Knowledge, Attitude, Responsibility and Priorities Conclusion Studies show that nurses have insufficient knowledge in nutrition care and use of screening instruments to identify malnourished patients. The Nurse needs more training in nutrition care and how to use screening instruments to better respond and treat malnourished patients.
Blomqvist, Sara, and Johanna Thor. "Barnmorskans arbete kring kostråd till gravida kvinnor : En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie." Thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala University, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-105101.
Full textSyftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka barnmorskans syn på kostrådgivning till gravida kvinnor, om och hur de ger information om kost och i så fall vad de informerar om. Vidare undersöktes till vilken grad barnmorskorna på mödravårdscentralerna följer de rekommendationer om kost till gravida kvinnor som Svenska Livsmedelsverket tagit fram. En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes bland samtliga barnmorskor på mödravårdscentraler i Uppsala län. Det var 36 barnmorskor som deltog i studien (53 % svarsfrekvens) och som besvarade ett webbaserat frågeformulär. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att barnmorskorna ofta ger kostråd till den gravida kvinnan i samarbete med dietisten. Informationen ges då för det mesta både muntligt och skriftligt. Vidare visar resultatet att barnmorskorna anser att det är viktigt att ge kostråd till gravida kvinnor och att de allra flesta kvinnor får kostrådgivning på mödravårdscentralen. Barnmorskorna anser att de och den gravida kvinnan har ett gemensamt ansvar när det gäller information angående kost. Barnmorskorna grundar kostrådgivningen främst på Svenska Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer och undersökningen visar att de informerar om det mesta som det Svenska Livsmedelsverket tar upp angående kost under graviditeten. Slutsatsen av denna undersökning är att barnmorskorna ger en individuellt anpassad kostrådgivning som följer det Svenska Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer.
The aim of this study was to examine what view the midwives have on nutritional guidance towards pregnant women, if they give information regarding diets, and if so, how they inform pregnant women, and also what the information consists of. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to determine how the midwives comply with the recommendations given by the Swedish National Food Administration. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among all midwives at the maternity clinics in the county of Uppsala. There were 36 midwives that participated in the study (53 %) which consisted of a web based questionnaire. The result of this study indicated that the midwives frequently give nutritional guidance to the pregnant woman in collaboration with the dietician. The pregnant woman often receives both verbal and written information. The results also indicate that the midwives believe that it is important to give nutritional guidance to pregnant women and that most of them get this guidance at the maternity clinic. The attitude of the midwives is that they, together with the pregnant woman, have a mutual responsibility when it comes to information about nutrition during pregnancy. The midwives nutritional guidance is based on the given recommendations of the Swedish National Food Administration, and the study also shows that the information given by the midwife corresponds with the information that the Swedish National Food Administration emphasise. Therefore the conclusion of this study is that the midwives give an individually adjusted nutritional guidance which corresponds to the recommendations given by the Swedish National Food Administration.
Holtmann, Dieter. "Deskriptiv- und inferenzstatistische Modelle der sozialwissenschaftlichen Datenanalyse. - 5., veränd. Aufl." Universität Potsdam, 2008. http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/texte_eingeschraenkt_verlag/2008/2018/.
Full textLarsson, Ylva. "Skaparens dilemma : En deskriptiv studie om moralproduktionen på svenska reklambyråer." Doctoral thesis, Karlstads universitet, Centrum för tjänsteforskning, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kau:diva-2190.
Full textBorelius, Charlotta. "Distriktssköterskors arbetstid i fokus : En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie och kvalitativa intervjuer." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Omvårdnad, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:du-4237.
Full textHolmgren, Erik, and Ulrika Paluch. "Livskvalitet efter intensivvård : Upplevelser ur patientens perspektiv, en deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-15823.
Full textThe aim of this study was to describe how patients admitted to ICU experience their quality of life (QOL) after coming home. A further aim was to assess and describe the quality of the included articles according to the methodological aspect selection and nonresponse bias. The literature study had a descriptive design with a qualitative approach. For the literature study 14 articles were analyzed. The articles were found by searching Pubmed, Cinahl, PsycINFO and by manual search. The experience of quality of life was related to three main categories. The main results showed that patients experienced their QOL as impaired after coming home from the hospital, but usually improved gradually with time. How the QOL was raised or lowered, depended on the patients' coping strategies. Type of selection was described clearly in ten articles, the remaining four described no type of selection. Nonresponse bias was described in eleven articles. The conclusion was that relationships and interactions with relatives were important coping strategies and had an impact on patients QOL. Information about realistic expectations was found missing in nursing. The authors felt that more information and support to patients and relatives is needed about realistic expectations after ICU. The authors consider that patients should be offered a personal follow up support.
Wigren, Lina, and Madeleine Gyllenskepp. "Insulinbehandlade diabetikers erfarenheter av nya tekniska hjälpmedel : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-19266.
Full textHedberg, Sofie, and Malin Bergström. "Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av arbetsmiljöns betydelse för patientsäkerheten : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-20820.
Full textKervel, Barth Alette Jerring van. "Cloudbaserte systemer – deskriptiv beslutningsmodell : Fra litteraturens, kundens og leverandørens perspektiv." Thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för informationssystem och –teknologi, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-36443.
Full textTeknologi er altomfattende og oppslukende. Teknologiutvikling aksele-rerer raskere hver eneste dag, og kan raskt bidra til å skape et skille mellom de aktører som følger utviklingen og de som uteblir fra utvik-lingen. Tilfører cloudbaserte og cloud computing nytte til bedriften eller er det kun en IT-trend? Hensikten med dette studiet er derfor å skape en beslutningsmodell som skal avgjøre om bedriften skal implementere et cloudbasert system eller bevare de systemer de har i dag i et on-premises miljø. Beslutningsmodellen skal belyse ulike kriterier innen cloudbaserte løsninger. Studien skal utformes med hjelp av TOE-rammeverket (teknologi, organisasjon og miljø). Målet med studien er å besvare følgende forskningsspørsmål: (1) hvilke konsekvenser og nytteverdier medfører cloudbaserte systemer? (2) hvilke forskjeller er det mellom kriteriene i litteraturen og det som utføres i praksis? (3) finns det forskjeller på synspunktene til leverandøren og kunden rundt dette fagområdet? Resultatet bygger på kvalitative intervjuer med personer fra leverandøren av tjenesten og kunden. I tillegg har det blitt gjennom-ført et intervju med en ekstern ekspert, for å evaluere og støtte opp under resultatet fra gjennomførte intervjuer. Undersøkelsen har resul-tert i en beslutningsmodell med to alternativ og elleve kriterier. Analy-sen viser at det er forskjeller på hvilke kriterier litteraturen vektlegger sammenlignet med de kriterier som benyttes i praksis. Det er også forskjeller mellom de synspunkter som mellom leverandøren utrykker sammenlignet med og kundens synspunkter. Kunden ønsker ikke å miste kontrollen og opplever en innlåsingseffekt. Leverandøren derimot ønsker å levere den nyeste teknologien samt bidra til økt stimulering gjennom effektivisering av arbeidsprosesser og rutiner. Dette bidrar til å stimulere og utfordre den enkelte ansatte. Studien kan konkluderes på følgende måte: hovedårsaken for å ikke implementere cloudbaserte system for kunden er; innlåsing, investering og driftskostnad og risiko for tap av kontroll. Hovedårsaken for å implementere et cloudbaserte system for leverandøren er; organisasjonens mulighet til å jobbe med nyeste teknologi stimulerer til økt konsulent utvikling, funksjonalitet og tilgjengelighet.
Johansson, Susanna. "Preoperativ information inför cancerkirurgi : - Patienters erfarenheter- En kvalitativ deskriptiv intervjustudie." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-389383.
Full textBackground: Information regarding the pre/intra/post – operative routines is given prior to surgical interventions. It is not entirely clarified how patients perceive this information. Objective: To explore patients´ experiences regarding preoperative information before undergoing colo-rectal cancer surgery. Design: Qualitative descriptive study with semi-structured interviews. Setting: Interviews were conducted in a hospital ward on a university hospital in Sweden. Participants: 14 participants were asked to participate and seven accepted to participate in the study. Method: Interviews were tape recordered and collected data were transcribed verbatim and analyzed for latent content using Graneheim and Lundman´s outline for content analysis. Results: Main theme: Person-centered nursing care. Four themes were identified: 1. The meaning of individual-based information. 2. Explicit notifications and warm receptions promote feelings of safety. 3. Support from next of kin are meaningfull. 4. Waiting for answers promotes feelings of uncertainty. All of the participants were satisfied with acquired preoperative information. However, a few of the participants had difficulties remembering all of the information given. Feelings of uncertainty about the prognosis and the future were present and were experienced as to somewhat burdensome. The importance of relatives and next of kin were very important in regard of understanding and memorizing given information, but also for emotional support. The need for further desired information included pharmacological side effects, dietary advice following surgery, test results, perioperative complications and information regarding life after discharge. Conclusions: Providing person-centered care based on the narrative from the patient can help healthcare professionals to provide more accurate and individual based preoperative information.
Joacim, Levander. "Säkerhet, risker och stress : en deskriptiv fallstudie av ramppersonalens arbetsmiljö." Thesis, KTH, Ergonomi, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-223578.
Full textEriksson, Anne-Sofie. "Kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med självskadebeteende : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-28768.
Full textRose, Anna-Karin. "Nyexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av ett introduktionsprogram: En deskriptiv kvalitativ studie." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-26646.
Full textBackground: During recent decades, the nursing education, the nurse’s professional competence and the healthcare in Sweden have undergone extensive changes. The situation is described as complex when newly graduated nurses are expected to become acquainted with the work environment and expectations in the profession at the same time as the introduction period is to take place. Internationally, introductory programs have been shown to improve new nurses’ job satisfaction, skills, social affiliation and the number of nurses who have chosen to stay in the profession. However, there are no studies that have examined the experiences of newly graduated nurses of introductory programs regarding the transition from education to professional life, or whether they have made it possible to establish knowledge. Objective: The purpose of the study was to evaluate newly graduated nurses’ experiences of Region Skåne’s introductory program, concerning whether it has facilitated the transition from education to professional life, and whether it has created increased opportunities for anchoring knowledge in the new profession.Method: A descriptive qualitative study.Results: The results revealed that the introduction program had facilitated the transition from education to professional life, contributed to anchoring knowledge and that the knowledge was used in work as nurses. It was also found that experiences of the program were about expectations, in-depth knowledge, network, profession and security.Conclusion: There is scientific support for the use of introductory programs to ensure the transition between studies and professional life. At the same time, information emerged about what efforts need to be made to improve the introductory program and the first time in the profession for the newly graduated nurses.
Abou-Soultan, Nariman, and Ahmed Abujazar. "Hur personer med schizofreni upplever sin livskvalité : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Medicin- och vårdvetenskap, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-23159.
Full textBackground: Schizophrenia is a form of psychosis, it is rare but a very serious disease and the lifetime risk of becoming sick is 0.8% in Sweden. People with schizophrenia experience altered perception of reality because of symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. Many relatives of people with schizophrenia argue that there is a lack of knowledge that leads to distorted view of themselves and the environment. The diagnosis of schizophrenia is based on symptoms, which consequently means that nurses have an important role which should include plenty hospitality, communication and understanding of patients' quality of life. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how people with schizophrenia experience their quality of life and to describe the method of selection of the articles included. Method: The present study has a descriptive design and contains a total of 12 articles with qualitative and quantitative effort. The majority of the articles that have been used has the qualitative approach. Data collection has been conducted via PsycINFO. Main Results: The diagnosis of schizophrenia contributed to confusion and difficulties to accept their disease. Symptoms and side effects of the medicine were the most conspicuous factors that resulted in the loss. Experiences of stigmatization and rejection by the environment were also a contributing factor for a poorer quality of life. The 12 included articles have mainly used the interviews to reach people's subjective experiences of living with schizophrenia. Conclusion: Schizophrenia affects people's daily lives and relationships with other people negatively which led to the suffering and poorer quality of life. Knowledge of how people with schizophrenia experience their quality of life is important information for nurses that can lead to greater understanding, better reception, care and treatment.
Karlsson, Beatrice, and Carolina Kemppi. "Kvinnors erfarenheter av att leva med urininkontinens. En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Örebro universitet, Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:oru:diva-54844.
Full textAndersson, Fredrik, and Lindberg Christina. "Sjuksköterskans vårdande på akutmottagningen – ur ett patientperspektiv : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-21421.
Full textBackground: The emergency department has a high patient inflow and this results in increased waiting times for patients with low priority injuries and diseases/conditions. The confidentiality in health care prevents the nurse from giving information on why other patients are prioritized over them. Nurses can with the knowledge of patients' experiences of care in the emergency department, get a better understanding and through this provide more individualized care and increased satisfaction of patients. Aim: To describe patients' experiences of care from nurses in the emergency department. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to examine the data collection method of the included articles. Methods: A literature study with descriptive design. The twelve included scientific articles were sought out in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. The approaches of these are quantitative, qualitative or mixed. Results: Many patients felt that the treatment they received by the nurse in the emergency department was good. The good hospitality, ability to listen and the high competence of the nurse brought a mutual respect between nurse and patient. During the waiting time, however, the patients sometimes felt as a burden on nurses and in some cases even felt ignored. The lack of contact with the nurses during the waiting time meant that the patients did not receive the information they deemed necessary. Patients described that the nurse communication was adequate and that they used an easy to understand language. Conclusion: Most patients were satisfied with the care they received by the nurse in the emergency department. They felt that the nurse had a high level of competence and communication was adequate. However, there were patients who felt that the information was inadequate.
Falkholt, Johan. "En deskriptiv studie av planeringsprocessen avseende anpassning inom det civila försvaret." Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2001. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-1911.
Full textThe fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 and the following disintegration of Soviet Union have led to a more dynamic world. The threat of a military invasion to Sweden has decreased, but instead the range of future possible threats has increased and their nature has become more unpredictable. In the view of this development, the ability to adapt and change the volume and know-how of the total defence has under the 1990:s become a main issue in the planning process of the Swedish total defence. This essay aims to describe the civil planning process that has been accomplished so far but also to describe the process which is currently under way in order to improve the adaptability of the civil defence. One aim of this essay has been to study if the authorities and the community have been able to reach their target group, which is the population of Sweden. The study has been carried out as a case study of the civilian function with a focus on the protection of the population and the rescue services. The planning process has been studied by interviews on central, regional and communitylevel. A number of interviews of the civil population have completed the study. The studies have shown that each level has its own planning process separated from the others and also that authorities and communities in an acceptable way have reached the population with their information.
Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01
Flodin, Jan. "En deskriptiv studie av SWAFRAP, AJS 37 planeringsprocess på F 21." Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2001. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-1913.
Full textIn a world that creates higher and higher demands for international participation, a decision from the Swedish Headquarters came on 30 March 2000 to the wing F 21 that they were to establish a new unit. This unit was specifically to be able to deploy within thirty days to a base anywhere in Europe, in order to participate in peace keeping missions. The Swedish Rapid Reaction Unit, SWAFRAP AJS 37 was born. The main objective of my study is to describe and analyse the planning process that has taken place from the traditional perspectives of problem description, implementation and evaluation. The study has been done as a case study at wing F 21, and its scope has been limited to AJS 37. The study has been accomplished through interviews with commanders at different levels and within different specialities within the SWAFRAP planning process. The result indicates that a process like this is very complex and demands more research if we are going to understand all components and their interaction.
Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01
Karlsson, Anna-Märta. "Färskhetens dilemma : En deskriptiv studie om hållbarhet i korv- och hamburgerbröd." Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Sektionen för lärande och miljö, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hkr:diva-9267.
Full textKarlsson, Maria, and Charlotte Arborén. "Vilometabolism hos barn och ungdomar med Cerebral Pares : En deskriptiv korrelationsstudie." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-200311.
Full textBakgrund: Cerebral Pares brukar delas in i undergrupper: ataktisk, spastisk och dyskinetisk, där barn och ungdomar kan, beroende på felskattningar av näringsintag och energiberäkning, lida av över- eller undervikt. Syfte: Att jämföra uträkningar med ekvationer med individernas uppmätta vilometabolism i de tre undergrupperna, för att se om någon ekvation lämpar sig bättre. Detta skulle kunna ge ett verktyg för att kunna räkna ut vilometabolismen vid de tillfällen då det inte är möjligt att utföra kliniska mätningar. Metod: Mätningar av vilometabolismen har utförts på 37 barn och ungdomar i åldern 3-15 år genom indirekt respiratorisk kalorimetri. Värdena har jämförts med uträkningar från fem ekvationer. Resultatet har sedan analyserats, för att hitta någon ekvation som är bättre lämpad för att räkna ut vilometabolismen, för respektive undergrupp. Resultat: Den ataktiska gruppen överskattades i 56,5% av uträkningarna av vilometabolism. WHO/FAO/UNUs ekvation påvisar ett signifikant starkt samband mellan det uppmätta och uträknade värdena (r=0,85, p<0,05). Den spastiska gruppen underskattades 53,3% av de uträknade värdena. Det föreligger signifikans för alla ekvationer, dock ett relativt lågt samband (r=0,63–0,66, p=0,02–0,03). Den dyskinetiska gruppen underskattades i 95 %. Det förelåg inget signifikant samband mellan kliniskt uppmätt och uträknad vilometabolism (r=0,21–0,45, p=0,26–0,61). Slutsats: Ekvationerna är inte tillförlitliga för uträkning av energibehov för alla undergrupper. Risk för över- och underskattning är överhängande, och en ökad medvetenhet om ekvationernas ofullständighet måste belysas. Studier bör göras med större underlag och med fler ekvationer. Framförallt ekvationer med fler variabler som tar hänsyn till kroppssammansättning.
Dagudde, Jenny. "Pojkar dömda till ungdomstjänst – en deskriptiv studie om kriminalitet och beteendeproblematik." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Psykologiska institutionen, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-93096.
Full textNieznanowski, Hannah, and Johan Rodskjer. "Sjuksköterskors användning av SBAR vid akutvårds- och vårdavdelningar : En deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-214741.
Full textBackground: Within health care there is a constant flow of information regarding patients. To have a good communication system between hospital staff is important since patient safety always is at risk. One example of a communication model is SBAR, which stands for “situation”, “background”, “assessment” and “recommendations”. Aim To investigate to what extent nurses use SBAR at five wards at a university hospital in Sweden and to see if there is a correlation between numbers of years in the profession and attitude towards SBAR and to see in what situations nurses think SBAR is most useful. Method: Empirical descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. 103 questionnaires were handed out to nurses at wards and at intensive care units at a hospital in Sweden. Results: Regardless of ward-type, a total of 56 percent of the nurses (n=33) thought that SBAR was most useful when reporting to emergency teams. Thirty-six percent of the nurses (n=26) at intensive care units used SBAR on a daily basis, compared to nurses at regular wards where 11 percent of the nurses (n=8) used SBAR daily. No correlation was found between number of years in the profession and attitude towards SBAR. Conclusion: Ninety percent of the participants used SBAR occasionally. Forty-six percent used SBAR on a daily basis. Most nurses thought that SBAR was most useful when reporting to emergency teams followed by reporting to doctors. Resarch supports the fact that SBAR is useful in non-acute situations. Despite that, the result showed that nurses don’t use SBAR on such occasions to the extent, which is possible. Continuous training is demanded for SBAR to be used more.
Blomgren, Ann-Christin, and Marie Nilsén. "Trycksårsprevention med inriktning mot individanpassning : En deskriptiv observationsstudie vid två operationsverksamheter." Thesis, Umeå University, Nursing, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-31006.
Full textJansson, Lizette, and Maria Nikander. "Alternativ behandling vid depression och ångest hos vuxna : En deskriptiv litteraturstudie." Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Avdelningen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-20788.
Full textBackground: Depression and anxiety are two common diseases. About 350 million people globally are calcuated to be affected by depression. Every fourth person will experience anxiety sometime in their lifes. Depression and anxiety cause together a large demand for care in Sweden and in other parts of the world. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe alternative therapies in adults with depression and anxiety and to examine the data acquisitions of the articles. Method: A literature review with descriptive design. After searching in the databases PubMed and Cinahl, 14 research articles were identified. These articles were examined by the aim and the issues, and compose the result of the present study. Results: The main result of this literature review showed four forms of alternative therapies. These were Yoga, Mindfulness, Acupuncture and Plants, supplements and naturopathic care. The examination of the methodological aspect showed that questionnaires were used in the majority of the studies. Also a semi-structured interview could be seen to collect data. Conclusion: The present study results show that there are four different forms of alternative therapies that can have a positivt effect on depression and-/or anxiety. These are; Yoga, Mindfulness, Acupuncture and Plants, supplements and naturopathic care. The nurse have an important role in caring of patients with depression and anxiety. Therefor the nurse should have an interest in the knowledge of alternative therapies, to optimate caring and self-care for patients. There’s a need of more research in the area of alternative therapies.
Wallard, Emma, and Aleksandra Zivkovic. "Hungriga vargar jagar bäst : En deskriptiv studie om belöningar som motivationsfaktor." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-29410.
Full textHennerfors, Sandra, and Lise-lott Löf. "Sjuksköterskestuderandes kunskap och kännedom om kommunikationsmodellen SBAR : en kvantitativ deskriptiv studie." Thesis, Röda Korsets Högskola, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:rkh:diva-106.
Full textBackground: A significant reason to many damages and announcements that is done within the healthcare is when verbal or written communication lacks on structure and effectiveness. This can also affect on the patient safety. SBAR is a communication model that is used in healthcare to structure information and present important facts on a fast and effective way, this will also improve on patient safety. Aim: The aim with the study was to examine what nurse students had for knowledge and understanding about the communication model SBAR. Method: The study was a quantitative descriptive study, where data have been collected through a questionnaire that consisted of eleven questions, seven of them were multiple choice, three open alternatives and one were the students had to estimate their answers. Results: The result of the study revealed a limited knowledge and understanding about the SBAR model, only three participants had knowledge and understanding of the model on a total of 25 participants. They considered that the model where easy to use, easy understandable, effective and that the model increased patient safety. Conclusion: In the health care sector, it is extremely important that there is a communication model that facilitates and organizes up communication, such a model is SBAR. The study indicates that the nurse students that participated in the study had a meager knowledge of the SBAR model.