Academic literature on the topic 'Description de l’expérience vécue'
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Journal articles on the topic "Description de l’expérience vécue"
Lapointe, Jean-René, and Jacinthe Dion. "Description d’un processus de théorisation portant sur les conditions de réussite d’une expérience d’inclusion vécue par des élèves en troubles d’apprentissage : pratiques éducatives, attitudes parentales et éléments contextuels." Approches inductives 2, no. 1 (January 19, 2015): 68–91.
Full textVoirol, Jérémie. "Récit ethnographique d’une expérience partagée de la fête de San Juan/Inti Raymi à Otavalo (Andes équatoriennes)." Ethnologies 35, no. 1 (September 9, 2014): 51–74.
Full textBreton, Hervé. "L’ENQUETE NARRATIVE : ENTRE DESCRIPTION DU VECU ET CONFIGURATION BIOGRAPHIQUE." Cadernos de Pesquisa 50, no. 178 (October 2020): 1138–58.
Full textMarion, Nicolas, and Gábor Tverdota. "Hobo Sacer ou l’hypothèse de l’oppression nécropolitique des sans-abris." Symposium 23, no. 1 (2019): 80–114.
Full textCoupé, Christophe, and Magali Ollagnier-Beldame. "La place du langage dans les premières rencontres entre soignants et soignés." SHS Web of Conferences 133 (2022): 03001.
Full textDéchamp-Le Roux, Catherine. "De l’expérience vécue à l’universel." Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19, no. 2 (December 12, 2011): 17–36.
Full textGuérin, Isabelle. "L’expérience vécue de la microfinance." Cultures & conflits, no. 83 (December 30, 2011): 39–56.
Full textPetitmengin, Claire, Michel Bitbol, and Magali Ollagnier-Beldame. "Vers une science de l’expérience vécue." Intellectica. Revue de l'Association pour la Recherche Cognitive 64, no. 2 (2015): 53–76.
Full textPetitmengin, Claire. "Découvrir la dynamique de l’expérience vécue." Bulletin de psychologie Numérohors-séri, HS (2007): 114.
Full textPetitmengin, Claire. "La dynamique pré-réfléchie de l’expérience vécue." Alter, no. 18 (October 1, 2010): 165–82.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Description de l’expérience vécue"
Doan, Patrick. "Parcours attentionnel chez le scripteur expert." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021.
Full textHandwriting is one of the most complex skill to learn and involves several processes: psychomotor, cognitive, sensorimotor, attentional. Its fluency can be characterized by the ability to trace in a fluid and precise way legible and rational graphic forms, the letters. The goal of the present thesis is to understand how attentional activity allows the writer to direct, coordinate and modulate the different components of his performance. More specifically, we try to apprehend how sensorimotor activity, cognitive activity and attentional activity are co-determining each other and allows the writer to live his experience as successive awakenings that are the result of his own active involvement in a situation. To do this, we used a first person approach that allows us to investigate the content of the lived experience, a dimension that has to be taken into account in order to understand cognitive processes in general, and attentional activity in particular. We adopted the theoretical and methodological tools developed by the « course of action » research program in order to interview the writer and collect detailed descriptions of his lived experience. The analysis of those data allows us to qualify attention in relation with the organization and the meaning of a task driven activity, calligraphy. This activity is not simply the repetition of a predefined experience but it is the continuous reconstruction, adaption, redefinition of its contents through the active involvement of the individual in a specific situation which finds its roots in a personal history and culture. The horizontal perspective that we developed shows that attention is experienced as the combination of a variety of inner gestures that allows the writer to put in specific relations the different components of his lived experience. The dynamic of those structures is defined by a constant process of hybridization and ramification of the attentional activity, and gives rise to regularities that can be viewed a techniques. The mastery of calligraphy relies on the emergence of attentional techniques, a form of know-how
Mercier, Stéphanie. "Contentions chimiques en psychiatrie : une étude phénoménologique de l’expérience vécue par les patients." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020.
Full textVachon, Nathalie. "Étude de l’expérience vécue de travailleuses et de travailleurs aux prises avec l’obsolescence professionnelle." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017.
Full textVenegas, de luca Pablo salvador. "Pour une sociologie constructiviste et phénoméno-compréhensive de l’expérience fictionnelle : sens et signification de l’expérience vécue de la fiction : une réalité signifiante mise entre parenthèses." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textResearch analyzing the phenomenon of fiction is countless, but rare is the one that approaches it from the broad spectrum of what the ordinary subjects-actors name and qualify themselves, in the context of their daily lives, as being fictional or as a fiction. The starting point of this thesis lies precisely in this perspective, but more specifically in the context of commonsense knowledge — universe of the stabilized subjective and inter-subjective representations within the language — that the ordinary subjects-actors have on what they call fiction, in order to articulate from these a (constructivist and phenomenological) sociological understanding of the meaning, and the significance that these subjects-actors confer to this type of experience in the context of their daily lives.In the context of their ordinary knowledge, or commonsense knowledge, what subjects-actors name and signify as fictional — or as fiction —, goes far beyond the field of arts - such as cinema, literature, or theatre - and before highlighting exclusively this, while including it of course, it refers more to a broad spectrum of playful situations that subjects-actors connote as fictional, a type of experience with very particular characteristics. In the context of this type of experiments, the subjects-actors develop representations of which they know that these are "false", they communicate to others information that is being presented as if it concerned real things while these are simply invented or they are interested in stories, in visual representations or in actions of which they know that these are "semblances". In this sense, the extent of these kinds of situations include that what traditionally — and institutionally— is named as fiction, that is to say the experiences of subjects-actors with artistic fictions — where a work of art depicts an imaginary world —, such as reading a novel or watching a fiction film. However, such situations also include a kind of experience that ordinary subjects-actors articulate and signify from a playful opposition at what they refer to as reality for real, that scholarly traditions of the fiction have a little more difficulty to catalog directly as fictional, but in the context of a comprehensive phenomenological-sociological approach we might resemble to what Alfred Schütz named as the worlds of imagination and phantasms, such as for example the experiences of daydreaming, but above all those of Make-believe Games (also called Pretend Plays), and that we also could resemble to modalizations or transformed frames found in Erving Goffman's microsociology. In this panorama, which at first glance one might think that this synonym used by ordinary subjects-actors, in order to refer to these two types of phenomena as fictions (the institutionalized artistic fictions on one side, the fictional playful experiences on the other hand), could be totally random and even ambiguous, is - quite the contrary - the fundamental way and the starting point from which articulates this doctoral research through which we seek to understand the significant and constitutive heart of fiction as experienced by the ordinary subjects/actors
Tremblay, Nicole. "Description de l'expérience vécue du rôle maternel chez des mères ayant la schizophrénie." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.
Full textPersico, Carine. "Conceptualiser l’expérience ordinaire vécue par les consommateurs : vers une grille de lecture des dimensions des expériences de consommation ordinaires." Thesis, Paris Est, 2018.
Full textExperiential marketing is built around a promise: to be able to create and offer its customers extraordinary experiences. This theoretical framework, which is over thirty years old, is part of a traditional vision of marketing; the company must create value for its customers and in the experiential paradigm, this creation involves the setting up of an experiential context aiming at re-enchanting the consumption.This observation has raised several questions for the author: on the one hand can the company create experiments? and on the other hand what do we mean by "re-enchantment"? These are the questions that nourished the initial reflection of this thesis. This reflection led to the formulation of a problem and research questions around the ordinary experience lived by the consumer.In marketing several authors have identified the main aspects that emerge from the ordinary experiences of consumers. Nevertheless, this research does not capture what they represent from the point of view of the consumer. However, from a managerial perspective, identifying the "ordinary" from the consumer's point of view will enable companies to understand where the value they perceive from the experience they have described as ordinary is. Thus, this would allow companies to set up measures devices to improve the ordinary of their customers through the implementation of a daily marketing. Thanks to a qualitative methodology (interviews and photo-analysis), this research examines the understanding of consumers' experiences through experiences they describe as ordinary. With the help of scientific works and the original contribution of literature that this thesis provides an analysis of this ordinary universe through consumption. Searching what constitutes this type of experience makes it possible to interpretative framework which will help understand the meaning that consumers attach to it
Cadieux, Michelle. "La place de la médiation sociale parmi les modes alternatifs de régulation au Québec : L’expérience-vécue de quelques médiateurs sociaux." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2015.
Full textCartron, Emmanuelle. "Quelle place pour la décision médicale partagée en contexte de transplantation rénale ? : une recherche par méthodes mixtes sur l’expérience vécue par les patients." Thesis, Nantes, 2020.
Full textAlthough kidney transplantation provides a significant benefit over dialysis, question regarding the eligibility for transplantation, the impact of replacement treatment on their lives, make the mode of renal replacement therapy a difficult decision. Therefore, Health Authority suggests shared decision-making to help patients make timely treatment modality decision. Little is known about how patient perceive their participation in the shared decision-making process. This research aims to explore the experience of patients and the factors that influence them in decision-making situations, as well as to evaluate the impact of this experience on their future. This research is based on a mixed methods research (QUANTI > quali). It combines an interpretive phenomenological analysis and an observational study design to measure decisional conflict perceived by patients on the waiting list and to explore the factors that influence decision regret, quality of life and adherence among transplant recipients. This study reports that the experience of waiting list was identified as a necessary step in their pathway. They experienced as an implicit decision that shapes patients' attitudes towards other decisions and influences their ability to cope with the uncertainty of living with chronic kidney disease. The challenge of considering all stages of shared medical decision making is major in the context of kidney transplantation to support patient participation decision
Pannard, Myriam. "Exploration de l’expérience vécue et de la mise en sens des enjeux éthiques et psychosociaux lies aux innovations technologiques et thérapeutiques en oncogénétique : une approche critique." Thesis, Lyon, 2018.
Full textGenetic testing for cancer, which aims to identify hereditary predispositions to cancer, is a dynamic medical field, where many technological and therapeutic innovations emerge. Scientific progress allows genetic testing to be both less expensive, faster and more efficient, which paradoxically raises new ethical and psychosocial issues, such as the patient’s ability to give informedconsent, or the risk of misuses of genetic testing. These changes led us to explore how lived experience is mobilized in the process of making sense of the ethical and psychosocial issues related to innovations in the field of genetic testing of cancer. This research, anchored in social psychology, is based on a critical approach of health issues, which questions the needs, expectations and constraints of health professionals and patients, and the power relationships that take place both at the interindividual level and, on a larger scale, within health policies. Based on the theoretical notion of lived experience, we aimed to understand how individuals make sense of their world, and more particularly of innovations in the field of genetic testing. Lived experience, necessarily social and socially constructed, has many dimensions, among which we chose to investigate the following three: - A practical dimension, based on the study of doctor patient-relationship, - A knowledge dimension, investigated through the negotiation of expert knowledge and common sense thanks to the social representations theory, - And an emotional dimension, based on the study of the phenomena of emotion regulation and social sharing of emotions.Based on the principles of methodological and data triangulation, our exploration was based on two complementary qualitative studies. The first study aimed to investigate sense making processes related to professional activities and how health professionals working in genetic testing for cancer imagine their future and the future of genetic testing. We led 27 semi-structured interviews with genetic counsellors and clinical geneticists. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was performed analyze the data gathered, with the assistance of N-Vivo software. The second study aimed to explore the co-construction of representations related to new uses to genetic testing of cancer, and to investigate the impact of lived experience on the understanding of ethical issues related to genetic testing. We led ten focus groups, based mostly on the resolution of ethical dilemmas, with 18 women who attended at least one genetic counselling consultation, and 21 women who did not have a similar experience. All women were recruited thanks to the online collaborative research platform “Les Seintinelles”, which constitutes a cancer related community of interest.This research allowed us to highlight the social nature of genetic testing of cancer. This medical field is defined by two main goals: allowing carriers of genetic predisposition to undergo preventive measures, and making sense of a family history of cancer. Genetic counselling professionals report a high level of personal involvement in their work and emotion regulation strategies acquired on purpose and based on a strict division between their personal and professional life. The acknowledgement oftheir professional skills and the perceived quality of their relationships with their patients contribute highly to the work-related satisfaction of genetic testing professionals. The doctor-patient relationship is structured by an ideal of non-directivity, which can be questioned by the need to accompany and protect the patients, who are considered as vulnerable. Because of the risks of misuses of genetic testing, the strict legislation related to these practices in France is most often considered as valuable.Clinical geneticists and genetic counsellors are considered the most likely to provide genetic testing within an ethical framework
Abbes, Intissar. "Les mécanismes de l'expérience d'achat impulsif : analyse du rôle central du contenu de l'expérience vécue par le consommateur à l'intérieur du lieu de vente." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2012.
Full textAs part of an approach by the content of experience, this research aims to assess the level of the influence of the consumer‘s experience inside the place of sale in the realization of an impulse buy-inducing need to reexperience. The ultimate goal of this approach is to identify techniques that could be adopted by managers of retail outlets in view of balancing immediate profitability (ie frequency of impulse buying) and future profitability (ie intention to return to the same store). The thesis seeks to attempt to open the black box of the consumer experience inside the point of sale and offer a dynamic conceptualization of impulsive buying experience by combining different methodological ways, quantitative and qualitative ones. From an extensive investigation from consumers of clothing and accessories stores in the “Géant Casino” shopping mall in Tunis, we succeeded in proving that the content of the consumer’s experience inside the place of sale is a subsidiary construction of three dimensions: pleasure, sensory-awakening and immersion. This global construct explains the formation of a positive attitude towards the store products, the appearance of impulses of purchase, the mitigation of the anticipated regret of buying and the accentuation of the anticipated regret of not buying (internal mechanisms of negotiation) and therefore the realization of impulse buying. This construct also affects the need of reexperience that the consumer felt at the time of the experiment and also after 15 days. The latter could thus be seen as a powerful tool for monitoring the level of interactivity with the consumer experiential contexts set up by brand stores, a way to customer loyalty and an instrument of strategic action for strengthening their competitive commercial’s advantage
Book chapters on the topic "Description de l’expérience vécue"
König, Julia. "Simone de Beauvoir: Le Deuxième Sexe. Tome I: Les Faits et les Mythes. Tome II: L’expérience vécue, Paris: Librairie Gallimard 1949, 988 S. (dt. Das andere Geschlecht. Sitte und Sexus der Frau. Aus dem Französischen von Eva Rechel-Mertens und Fritz Montfort, Hamburg: Rowohlt 1951, 751 S.; Neuübersetzung 1992 im gleichen Verlag durch Uli Aumüller und Grete Osterwald, 941 S.)." In Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften, 174–78. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016.
Full textPetitmengin, Claire. "De l’activité cérébrale à l’expérience vécue." In Le cerveau et la pensée, 59–69. Éditions Sciences Humaines, 2014.
Full textRécopé, Michel, Géraldine Rix-Lièvre, Hélène Fache, and Simon Boyer. "La sensibilité à, organisatrice de l’expérience vécue." In Expérience, activité, apprentissage, 111. Presses Universitaires de France, 2013.
Full textLe Van Quyen, Michel, and Juliana Bagdasaryan. "Chapitre 4. Rapprochement entre les neurosciences et l’expérience vécue : la neurophénoménologie." In Soigner par les Pratiques Psycho-Corporelles, 44–51. Dunod, 2015.
Full textBioy, Antoine, Marie-Carmen Castillo, and Marie Koenig. "Chapitre 3. Des paradigmes mettant à l’honneur l’expérience vécue des sujets." In Les méthodes qualitatives en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie, 51–64. Dunod, 2021.
Full textCros, Muriel, and Noëlle Mathis. "Choisir ses langues et stratégies d’écriture en contexte universitaire d’appropriation du FLE : comment les identités plurilingues émergent de l’expérience vécue de l’espace." In Écrire et faire écrire dans l’enseignement postobligatoire, 301–18. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Description de l’expérience vécue"
Labbé, Mickaël. "« L’espace indicible »: conceptions et textualités." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
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