Academic literature on the topic 'Désambiguïsation par le dialogue'
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Journal articles on the topic "Désambiguïsation par le dialogue"
Chihaoui, Amal, Asma Bouhafs, Mathieu Roche, and Maguelonne Teisseire. "Désambiguïsation des entités spatiales par apprentissage actif." Revue Internationale de Géomatique 28, no. 2 (April 2018): 163–89.
Full textRayon, Nadine. "Ambiguïté des kanji et stratégie de désambiguïsation par le contexte." Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, no. 50 (June 1, 2009): 115–32.
Full textGarric, Nathalie, and Denis Maurel. "Désambiguïsation des noms propres déterminés par l’utilisation de grammaires locales." Revue française de linguistique appliquée V, no. 2 (2000): 85.
Full textGrossmann, Francis, and Anna Krzyżanowska. "Désambiguïsation et description lexicographique des formules expressives de la conversation." La phraséologie dans les interactions orales et écrites 45, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 125–48.
Full textBlin, Raoul. "Résolution de l’ambiguïté sémantique des noms propres par utilisation des croyances sur les connaissances d’autrui – application au prénom." Lingvisticæ Investigationes. International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources 40, no. 2 (December 31, 2017): 200–227.
Full textZutavern, Michael, and Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont. "L’apprentissage par le dialogue." Swiss Journal of Educational Research 22, no. 3 (December 1, 2000): 417–20.
Full textHinton, Martin David. "On Arguments from Ignorance." Informal Logic 38, no. 2 (June 1, 2018): 184–212.
Full textMurray, Jeffrey W. "Dialogue of Motives." Philosophy and Rhetoric 35, no. 1 (2002): 22–49.
Full textHaig, Thomas, Philippe-Benoît Côté, and Robert Rousseau. "Intimité, dialogue et santé." Perspectives communautaires 21, no. 2 (January 25, 2010): 157–73.
Full textSaint-Martin, Lori, Sylvie Lamarre, and Laure Neuville. "Sexe, pouvoir et dialogue." Études françaises 33, no. 3 (March 15, 2006): 37–52.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Désambiguïsation par le dialogue"
De, Lagane de Malezieux Guillaume. "Contributions à l’ingénierie multilingue et sémantique des exigences en système de systèmes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Grenoble Alpes, 2023.
Full textContributions to the multilingual and semantic engineering of systems of systems requirementsOur research concerns the processing of large specifications in the field of systems of systems. A specification is a structured set of requirements. Current tools do not allow to detect cases of inconsistency, incompleteness, or even ambiguity or difficulty of comprehension, which pose many problems, and can even cause disasters during the realization and then the implementation. After having reviewed the state of the art on requirements processing systems (RPS), we propose an architecture implementing NLP techniques, interactive meaning elicitation, content extraction in one or more ontologies, and semantic computation. A cross-lingual representation (UNL graph) of each requirement is obtained thanks to a multiple factoring analysis followed by an interactive disambiguation (ID) step that improves on the technique prototyped in the LIDIA project [Blanchon & al. 1994]: automatic computation of a question tree, then user-initiated implementation, with a configurable strategy and more ergonomic interfaces (word clouds for lexical ambiguities, direct manipulation possibility for structural ambiguities). At this point, it is possible to create and store annotations that can be visualized in an self-explanatory format.A recurring and difficult problem is the implementation of solutions of this type (NLP + AI) as an addition to the already heavy systems for managing sets of requirements (under DOORS, RQS, or SBOCS). For this, we offer two environments. (1) UNSEL-INTER ensures the implementation of the resources and algorithms of UNSEL-DEVLING and UNSEL-DEVSEM, and of the disambiguation dialogue preliminary to the extraction, then of the possible interaction launched by UNSEL-SEM during the detection inconsistencies or incompleteness. (2) UNSEL-OPER is a front-end interacting with the content of a STEX, implementing linguistic-semantic processing by calls to UNSEL-INTER, storing the results (UNL graphs, extracted logical content, translations, SED form) in a database referring to STEX requirements, and notifying STEX of reformulations recommended by UNSEL-SEM. The complete UNSEL prototype could be validated on part of the SSS specification managed by SBOCS. The prospects are, in addition to scaling up and operationalizing in an industrial setting, the adaptation to other applications, such as high-quality interactive MT, the construction of meaning-guaranteed textual presentations, and answering targeted questions on voluminous documents such as annual company reports. This work has also led to the introduction of an innovative research direction, to be pursued in the future, namely the machine-aided discovery in a corpus of not yet described ambiguity types and the automatic proposal of ID rules
Hadj, salah Marwa. "Désambiguïsation lexicale de l'arabe pour et par la traduction automatique." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThis thesis concerns a study of Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), which is a central task in natural language processing and that can improve applications such as machine translation or information extraction. Researches in word sense disambiguation predominantly concern the English language, because the majority of other languages lacks a standard lexical reference for the annotation of corpora, and also lacks sense annotated corpora for the evaluation, and more importantly for the construction of word sense disambiguation systems. In English, the lexical database wordnet is a long-standing de-facto standard used in most sense annotated corpora and in most WSD evaluation campaigns.Our contribution to this thesis focuses on several areas:first of all, we present a method for the automatic creation of sense annotated corpora for any language, by taking advantage of the large amount of wordnet sense annotated English corpora, and by using a machine translation system. This method is applied on Arabic and is evaluated, to our knowledge, on the only Arabic manually sense annotated corpus with wordnet: the Arabic OntoNotes 5.0, which we have semi-automatically enriched.Its evaluation is performed thanks to an implementation of two supervised word sense disambiguation systems that are trained on the corpora produced using our method. We hence propose a solid baseline for the evaluation of future Arabic word sense disambiguation systems, in addition to sense annotated Arabic corpora that we provide as a freely available resource.Secondly, we propose an in vivo evaluation of our Arabic word sense disambiguation system by measuring its contribution to the performance of the machine translation task
Djerbi, Zouhair. "L'ARTICULATION COÛT – VALEUR PAR LE DIALOGUE ABC – GRC." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2009.
Full textŞaim, Mirela. "La traversée du discours moderne par le dialogue /." Thesis, McGill University, 1990. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=70221.
Full textThe first part focuses on the general discourse elements of modern dialogue, such as narrativity, rhetorical devices, character definition and function, paratextual structures, etc.
The second part includes a series of text analyses that proposes a study of ideological tendencies of modern social discourse through the most representative dialogues of the age.
Finally, the third part concentrates on the literary value and the build-up of dialogue as an aesthetic structure towards the end of the XIXth century and at the turn of the XXth century.
MATROUF, ABDELKARIM. "Un systeme de dialogue oral oriente par la tache." Paris 11, 1990.
Full textCarrara, Nicolas. "Reinforcement learning for dialogue systems optimization with user adaptation." Thesis, Lille 1, 2019.
Full textThe most powerful artificial intelligence systems are now based on learned statistical models. In order to build efficient models, these systems must collect a huge amount of data on their environment. Personal assistants, smart-homes, voice-servers and other dialogue applications are no exceptions to this statement. A specificity of those systems is that they are designed to interact with humans, and as a consequence, their training data has to be collected from interactions with these humans. As the number of interactions with a single person is often too scarce to train a proper model, the usual approach to maximise the amount of data consists in mixing data collected with different users into a single corpus. However, one limitation of this approach is that, by construction, the trained models are only efficient with an "average" human and do not include any sort of adaptation; this lack of adaptation makes the service unusable for some specific group of persons and leads to a restricted customers base and inclusiveness problems. This thesis proposes solutions to construct Dialogue Systems that are robust to this problem by combining Transfer Learning and Reinforcement Learning. It explores two main ideas: The first idea of this thesis consists in incorporating adaptation in the very first dialogues with a new user. To that extend, we use the knowledge gathered with previous users. But how to scale such systems with a growing database of user interactions? The first proposed approach involves clustering of Dialogue Systems (tailored for their respective user) based on their behaviours. We demonstrated through handcrafted and real user-models experiments how this method improves the dialogue quality for new and unknown users. The second approach extends the Deep Q-learning algorithm with a continuous transfer process.The second idea states that before using a dedicated Dialogue System, the first interactions with a user should be handled carefully by a safe Dialogue System common to all users. The underlying approach is divided in two steps. The first step consists in learning a safe strategy through Reinforcement Learning. To that extent, we introduced a budgeted Reinforcement Learning framework for continuous state space and the underlying extensions of classic Reinforcement Learning algorithms. In particular, the safe version of the Fitted-Q algorithm has been validated, in term of safety and efficiency, on a dialogue system tasks and an autonomous driving problem. The second step consists in using those safe strategies when facing new users; this method is an extension of the classic ε-greedy algorithm
Dubuisson, Duplessis Guillaume. "Modèle de comportement communicatif conventionnel pour un agent en interaction avec des humains : Approche par jeux de dialogue." Phd thesis, INSA de Rouen, 2014.
Full textEydieux, Jérémy. "Gouverner les risques par le doute : une approche pragmatiste du dialogue technique." Thesis, Nantes, 2017.
Full textSince the 1970s, large organisations' governance is subjected to external control, materialised by auditing relationships. This is the case of nuclear risks governance of nuclear operators, which in France is controlled by the technical dialogue related to safety demonstrations. This thesis aims at identifying how the technical dialogue can articulate anticipation and resilience strategies for risk management, which current literature cannot clarify. We propose a pragmatist approach, based on notions of belief and valuation. Our inquiry on the technical dialogue is based on documents collection, then on a narrative analysis of dialogue processes and of the demonstration and evaluation texts. To track resilience in them, we do a methodological detour by studying heavy handling, an activity organised in "strained resilience". We did an ethnographic study of this activity, and a situation analysis. In the technical dialogue, we found 8 kinds of works involved in the dialogue animation and documents production. We identify 7 factors of heavy handling's reliability. Comparing the two fields, we show that, in the technical dialogue, anticipation / resilience articulation can be made by keeping an absence or by introducing some elements related to work activities. Our results invite to think anticipation / resilience articulation as a convergence between doubts produced by actors of resilience and of anticipation, and to think auditing relationships as managerial devices elaborating subtle beliefs by producing new doubts
Amblard, Philippe. "Régulation de l'Internet : l'élaboration des règles de conduite par le dialogue internormatif /." Bruxelles : Bruylant, 2004.
Full textBergeron, Mathieu. "Spécification, modélisation et analyse du dialogue entre agents par l'intermédiaire des engagements sociaux." Thesis, Université Laval, 2005.
Full textBooks on the topic "Désambiguïsation par le dialogue"
Conte-Stirling, Graciela. Colette et Sido, le dialogue par l'écriture. Paris: Harmattan, 2009.
Find full textLeclerc, Jean-Marc. Enseignement par contrats d'études et formation au dialogue scientifique. Montréal, Que: Service pédagogique, Université de Montréal, 1987.
Find full textPeyré, Yves. Peinture et poésie: Le dialogue par le livre, 1874-2000. [Paris]: Gallimard, 2001.
Find full textMernissi, Fatima, and Nadia Lamlili. Journalistes marocaines, Génération Dialogue: Atelier d'écriture animé par Fatema Mernissi. Rabat: Marsam, 2012.
Find full textThomas, Gordon. Parents efficaces: Le dialogue parents/enfants par la methode Gordon. Paris: P. Belfond, 1987.
Find full textMarec, Joëlle Le. Dialogue ou labyrinthe?: La consultation des catalogues informatisés par les usagers. [Paris]: Bibliothèque publique d'information, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1989.
Find full textPergaminus, Nicolaus, Mayno, de' Mayneri, d. 1368., Mansion Colard 15th cent, and Ruelle Pierre, eds. Le Dialogue des créatures: Traduction par Colart Mansion (1482) du Dialogus creaturarum (XIVe siècle). Bruxelles: Académie Royale de Belgique, 1985.
Find full textCoton, Pierre. Recheute de Genève plagiaire: Ou, Réplique par voye de dialogue aux prétendues défenses de Benedict Turrettin ... Zug [Switzerland]: IDC, 1987.
Find full textFrédéric, Beigbeder, and Guitton René, eds. Je crois, moi non plus: Dialogue entre un évêque et un mécréant arbitré par René Guitton. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Désambiguïsation par le dialogue"
Grue, Jan, and Silje Alnes. "Disability and employability." In Dialogue Studies, 49–66. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.
Full textKamm, Martina, and Lhamo Meyer. "Refugees in a Multimedia Dialogue: A Methodology that Inspires the Creation of New Narratives on Migration in an Evolving Process of Change." In IMISCOE Research Series, 199–218. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textClément-Tarantino, Séverine. "Vt solet, Venus uincit : le dialogue entre Vénus et Junon au chant 4 de l’Énéide lu par les commentateurs antiques de Virgile." In Studi e testi tardoantichi, 253–70. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2022.
Full textBufalini, Alessandro. "Waiting for Negotiations: An Italian Way to Get Out of the Deadlock." In Remedies against Immunity?, 191–208. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2021.
Full textNordera, Marina. "Une commande laïque à un clericus literatus : la traduction latine du dialogue Peri orcheseos de Lucien de Samosate par Athanase Chalkeopoulos et la culture de la danse en Italie du sud vers la fin du XVe siècle." In Humanistes, clercs et laïcs dans l’Italie du XIIIe au début du XVIe siècle, 505–18. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2012.
Full textKouidri-Uzan, Sfaya. "L'efficience par le dialogue..." In Performance et innovation dans les établissements de santé, 393. Dunod, 2015.
Full textDRENGUBIAK, Ján. "La complémentarité du prévisible et de l’imprévisible dans l’œuvre d’Anne Hébert." In Le prévisible et l’imprévisible, 281–88. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2023.
Full textKisukidi, Nadia Yala, and Fabien Eboussi-Boulaga. "« Poursuivre le dialogue des lieux »." In Dix penseurs africains par eux-mêmes, 69–87. Chihab Éditions, 2016.
Full text"IV. Les conditions d’un dialogue fructueux." In Appropriation des technologies par la société, 31–38. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"IV. Les conditions d’un dialogue fructueux." In Appropriation des technologies par la société, 31–38. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Désambiguïsation par le dialogue"
Cahen, Françoise. "L’éclatement du dialogue romanesque par le Net. L’exemple de deux œuvres d’Éric Reinhardt." In Internet est un cheval de Troie. Fabula, 2017.
Full textRiou, Matthieu, Bassam Jabaian, Stéphane Huet, and Fabrice Lefèvre. "Évaluation de l'adaptation par renforcement d'un générateur en langage naturel neuronal pour le dialogue homme-machine." In XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole. ISCA: ISCA, 2018.
Full textCordier, Thibault, Fabrice Lefèvre, Tanguy Urvoy, and Lina Maria Rojas-Barahona. "Et la robustesse ?... bordel ! Comment les stratégies de dialogue par apprentissage structuré résistent aux bruits des entrées ?" In XXXIVe Journées d'Études sur la Parole -- JEP 2022. ISCA: ISCA, 2022.
Full textAragón Ronsano, Flavia. "Renata Mauperin, la liberación de la feminidad a través del elemento líquido." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textPodlesskaya, V. I. ""A TOT PEROVSKOJ NE DAL VSLAST' POSPAT'": PROSODY AND GRAMMAR OF ANAPHORIC TOT THROUGH THE LENS OF CORPUS DATA." In International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies "Dialogue". Russian State University for the Humanities, 2020.
Full textREIDT, Camille, Michel PAYSANT, Idelette PLAZANET, David MARIONNET, and Vincent GLOAGUEN. "Créer un langage végétal." In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2022. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
Full textSorocean, Inga. "”A Writer’s Diary” by Nicolae Esinencu: Identity Markers of the Diary Character." In Conferință științifică internațională "Filologia modernă: realizări şi perspective în context european". “Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” Institute of Romanian Philology, Republic of Moldova, 2022.
Full textVainovski-Mihai, Irina. "GIVING PRECEDENCE TO COMMON POINTS: THE LIMITS OF THE OTHERNESS IN FETHULLAH GÜLEN’S DIALOGIC METHODOLOGY FOR INTERFAITH ENCOUNTERS." In Muslim World in Transition: Contributions of the Gülen Movement. Leeds Metropolitan University Press, 2007.
Full textPalacios, Fernando. "Breath: Reciprocities Without Words. Music, sound and videoart as communication paths on migration processes." In II Congreso Internacional Estéticas Híbridas de la Imagen en Movimiento: Identidad y Patrimonio. Valencia: Universitat Politàcnica de València, 2021.
Full textMejía Vallejo, Clara Elena, and Juan Deltell Pastor. "Búsquedas para el establecimiento de una relación armónica con el paisaje. Dos exploraciones paralelas." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Full textReports on the topic "Désambiguïsation par le dialogue"
Sow, Fatoumata, Lansine Sountoura, Aminata Niang, Haoussa Ndiaye, Imogen Bellwood-Howard, Peter Taylor, and Julie Doyle. L’usage des arts pour le dialogue environnemental au Sahel. Institute of Development Studies, December 2022.
Full textMbaye, Safiétou, Rémi Kouabenan, and Philippe Sarnin. L'explication naïve et la perception des risques comme des voies pour améliorer les pratiques de REX: des études dans l'industrie chimique et l'industrie nucléaire. Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle, September 2009.
Full textGruson-Daniel, Célya, and Maya Anderson-González. Étude exploratoire sur la « recherche sur la recherche » : acteurs et approches. Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, November 2021.
Full textBreton, Laurence, and Margo Hilbrecht. Les droits des conjoints de fait au Canada. L’Institut Vanier de la famille, November 2023.
Full textDroits des communautés et changement climatique: Quel avenir voulons-nous? Rapport de synthèse pour un Dialogue sur l'avenir du climate. Rights and Resources Initiative, February 2024.
Full textFICHE D’INFORMATION : Contrevenants à la légitimité : Les femmes dans les groupes armés communautaires. RESOLVE Network, December 2020.
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