Academic literature on the topic 'Dépôts de transport en masse'
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Journal articles on the topic "Dépôts de transport en masse"
Ben Abdelghani, Farouk, Michel Aubertin, Richard Simon, and René Therrien. "Simulations numériques de l’écoulement de l’eau et du transport de contaminants autour de rejets miniers entreposés dans un massif rocheux fracturé." Revue des sciences de l’eau 27, no. 1 (January 29, 2014): 1–19.
Full textGoger, Jean-Marcel. "La Caisse des dépôts et les infrastructures de transport." Revue d'économie financière 1, no. 1 (1991): 149–58.
Full textGosselin, Sylvain. "Les Archives des diocèses catholiques du Canada." Articles 61 (December 21, 2011): 63–79.
Full textArtières, O., and G. Stotz. "Caractéristiques des dépôts en réseau d'assainissement unitaire. Conséquences sur leur transport." La Houille Blanche, no. 3-4 (June 1989): 243–46.
Full textSyvitski, James P. M. "Marine Geology of Baie des Chaleurs." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 46, no. 3 (November 29, 2007): 331–48.
Full textColombani, J., B. Hervé, and J. Bert. "Gravité et transport de masse dans les mélanges liquides." Le Journal de Physique IV 11, PR6 (October 2001): Pr6–35—Pr6–42.
Full textCORRAZE, G., L. LARROQUET, and F. MÉDALE. "Alimentation et dépôts lipidiques chez la truite arc-en-ciel, effet de la température d’élevage." INRAE Productions Animales 12, no. 4 (September 1, 1999): 249–56.
Full textBaltean, Diana, Thérèse Lévy, and Stefan Balint. "Transport de masse par convection et diffusion dans un milieu multiporeux." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIB - Mechanics-Physics-Astronomy 326, no. 12 (January 1998): 821–26.
Full textMillet, Morgan, and Michel Guélat. "Les vestiges antiques de Rennaz-Noville (Vaud, Suisse) et leur contexte sédimentaire : nouvelles évidences de l’écroulement du Tauredunum." Archimède. Archéologie et histoire ancienne 7 (June 9, 2020): 176–87.
Full textFAUCONNEAU, B., G. CORRAZE, J. Y. LEBAIL, and J. M. VERNIER. "Les lipides de dépôt chez les poissons d’élevage : contrôle cellulaire, métabolique et hormonal." INRAE Productions Animales 3, no. 5 (December 10, 1990): 369–81.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Dépôts de transport en masse"
Claussmann, Barbara. "Dépôts de transport en masse le long de rides chevauchantes : nouvelles contraintes sur l'évolution tectonostratigraphique des bassins associés à la subduction (Marge Hikurangi, Nouvelle-Zélande)." Thesis, Amiens, 2021.
Full textAlong active margins, the prevalence of thrust ridges and tectonic processes (e.g., uplift, slope oversteepening) is generally called out as one of the main recurrent reasons for generating slope failures and mass wasting on subduction complexes. The resulting mass-transport deposits (MTDs) are often seen to vary strongly along a single margin and therefore, this research work proposes to investigate their nature, origin and significance in the frame of the tectonostratigraphic evolution of subduction-related sedimentary basins (e.g., trench-slope basins [TSBs]). Here, we present high-resolution outcrop-scale insights on both the characteristics and mechanisms of emplacement of the failed sediments by examining thrust-related MTDs from the Miocene cropping out in the emerged southern portion of the Hikurangi subduction margin (eastern North Island of New Zealand). Regional offshore seismic reflection data are also used to offer a broader overview and understanding of these systems through the study of the larger scale geometries and architectures. Results show the role and importance of the thrust ridges in controlling the TSB infilling. Different styles of MTDs are generated from different structural positions (forelimb and backlimb) and at specific times of thrust-ridge and TSB development. This suggests that MTDs are powerful tectonostratigraphic markers. Here, they help to unravel the evolution of two TSBs and more largely of the Hikurangi Margin at key periods. This study provides new insights on the close interplays between deformation and sedimentation, understandings of which may be key for geohazard, exploration and geodynamic predictions along active margins
Miramontes, García Elda. "Glissements sous-marins en mer Tyrrhénienne septentrionale et relations avec les dépôts contouritiques et turditiques : morphologie, stratigraphie, géotechnique et modélisation." Thesis, Brest, 2016.
Full textThe Corsica Trough is an asymmetric confined basin located between the Corsica Island and the Tuscan Ar-chipelago, with the western flank dominated by turbiditic and hemipelagic processes and the eastern flank by mass transport and contouritic processes. The present PhD project aims to develop our understanding of the mechanisms that control the formation of submarine landslides within muddy contourites (sediment deposits related to bottom currents) during the Plio-Quaternary. The broad data set available for this PhD project includes: multibeam bathymetry, seismic reflection data, sediment cores, in situ geotechnical measurements, current ADCP measurements and results of a hydrodynamic model.The contourites of the Corsica Trough are mainly composed of mud with sandy layers formed by enhanced bottom currents during periods of sea level fall. The contourite drifts grow slowly during sea level high-stands and rapidly during sea level low-stands due to the high sediment availability provided by an active turbidite sys¬tem. Bottom currents control the seafloor morphology and generate plastered drifts on the slope. This is a con¬vex-shaped contourite with steep slope gradients in the lower part limited by a moat (incision created by bottom currents). The Pianosa Slump was initiated in this lower part of the plastered drift. The occurrence of continuous erosive processes during cold periods could undercut the slope and trigger submarine landslides. Another predis¬posing factor for slope instability identified is the presence of a potential weak layer with a post-peak strain soften¬ing behaviour (strength loss with increasing strain). This particular property is caused by the presence of zeolites (product of the alteration of volcanic rocks). This layer originated the basal failure surface of the Pianosa Slump.In summary, the two main factors predispose the formation of submarine landslides in the Pianosa Ridge are: the morphology of the plastered drift with steep slopes in the lower part and a potential weak layer composed of zeolitic muddy sediment. The main triggering factor seems to be undercutting by bottom currents
Laborde-Casadaban, Marine. "Déformations et processus tectono-sédimentaires dans les sédiments marins semi-indurés : cas des bassins Permo-Triasique d'Europe du Nord (UK) et du bassin intra-montagneux de Tabernas (Espagne)." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017.
Full textThe aim is to study the sedimentary structures of deformation produced by liquefaction in subsurface of marine sediments (soft sediment deformations) during seismic events. A characterization of different levels of seismites is carried out in order to (1) establish links between the formation of SSDs and the regional tectonics with the time of destabilization using structural directions of deformation; (2) to discuss the impact of lithology on the shape and location of deformation structures in the sedimentary pile. The characterization of SSDs is realized from: (1) field observations and (2) statistical measurements of the direction of structures on objects of variable dimensions. The first studied case concerns the characterization of the SSDs that affect the Penarth group (Triassic-Jurassic boundary) deposits in the British Isles at the beginning of the break-up phase of the Pangea. The second example present the characterization of upstream areas of four major mass transport deposits, located in the intramontane basin of Tabernas, in the Betic Cordilleras (Spain). Sediment lithology and induration rates with depth, have a strong impact on the type of observed deformation structures. The parameters that encourage the triggering of the gravity destabilization above a liquefied level are (1) a low sedimentary induration rate which does not limit the liquefaction process (2) a high liquefaction duration which requires a high magnitude of the seismic event (3) the absence of faults which cross the liquefied level and can anchor the deformation in the underlying bed by forming relief
Grall, Céline. "La Faille Nord Anatolienne dans sa portion immergée en mer de Marmara : évolution du réseau de failles et migration de fluides." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013.
Full textThis study addresses the issue on the deformation and the fluid migration, associated to the North Anatolian Fault within the Sea of Marmara (Turkey).First, we aim to constrain the evolution of the fault network and the slip rate through time, by two independent approaches: - historical thermal modeling of a basin of the Sea of Marmara; - definition of a Mass Transport Deposit as a fault lateral slip marker, and dated by stratigraphic interpretation. We show that: - (1) the present day fault system, formed by a main fault which accommodated the main part of the inter-plate deformation does not significantly evolved since 330.000 ± 100.000 years - (2) a progressive reorganization of the fault network occurred since the last 2.5-1.5 Ma.Secondly, we discuss the triggers of Mass Transport Processes. We show that: - (1) despite submarine mass movements are related to tectonic activity (mainly earthquakes and crustal stretching), their frequency and their size are also modulated by glacio-eustatic changes; -(2) remarkable Mass Transport Deposits display some cyclicity in stratigraphic sequences which are apparently correlated to transitions between salty marine and lacustrine environments. This cyclicity is perhaps explained by marine clay activity (swelling) under low brackish-fresh water conditions, which can trigger sediment destabilization.Third, we investigate the diversity of active fluid seepages contexts. We propose that the widespread occurrence of fluid expulsion sites can be explained by up-dip gas migration by buoyancy along permeable strata toward their edges, and along fractures within the basement toward both the edges of the basins and topographic highs
Monnier, Denis. "Étude des dépôts par plasma ALD de diélectriques à forte permittivité diélectrique (dits "High-k") pour les applications capacités MIM." Grenoble INPG, 2010.
Full textThe continuous decreasing size of integrated circuits in the field of microelectronics is now applied to passive components such as MIM (Metal/Insulator/Metal) capacitors. To increase the capacitance density of MIM capacitors, new materials with high permittivity are required to replace silica (Si02, E = 3. 9). Zr02 permittivity is around 47 for the tetragonal phase. Zr02 is deposited by PEALD. We studied the Zr02 deposition method with TEMAZ and ZyALD precursors. Thermodynamic properties of TEMAZ have been analyzed by Knudsen cell mass spectrometry. PEALD process parameters and post-treatments influence on the tetragonal zirconia synthesis have been investigated. Various characterisation methods (XRD, Raman spectroscopy, TEM, SIMS, XPS, electrical characterisation) were employed to establish an optimum between Zr02 films properties and deposition process performance
Duez, Benoit. "Caracterisation de dépôts multicouches TiCxNy et Al2O3 sur WC : analyse quantitative par SIMS." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2003.
Full textQuantification in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry is a recurring problem since the creation of this analytical technique. The determination of elements concentration inside an industrial sample was the final goal of this project. So, we work on several ways to succeed: some of them are already known (oxygen bombardment and cationization), others are more original (EEF/OF). EEF/OF technique uses oxygen bombardment, secondary ions have an initial energy of 600eV and there is oxygen flooding on sample surface. For these three methods, quantitative power has been tested on calibration standards and on multiplayer based titanium and aluminum samples. Our study shows us that oxygen bombardment will never be a quantitative analytical technique in spite of an important detection sensibility. The two others techniques have quantitative power: for majors elements EEF/OF has an important quantitative power but this technique is unable to quantify oxygen and the limit of detection sensibility does not authorize the detection of some minors elements. EEF/OF could be used in addition to cationization method, which allows oxygen detection and which have a higher detection sensibility limit. On the other hand, the accuracy between calculated concentrations and real concentrations are better for EEF/OF method
Dréano, Julie. "Dynamique et morphologie de dépôts sédimentaires en chenal expérimental." Phd thesis, Université Européenne de Bretagne, 2009.
Full textCHEN, SI. "Transport de chaleur et de masse dans l'atlantique tropical." Paris 6, 1991.
Full textTedgui, Alain. "Étude du transport de masse dans la paroi artérielle." Paris 12, 1987.
Full textTedgui, Alain. "Etude du transport de masse dans la paroi artérielle." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textBooks on the topic "Dépôts de transport en masse"
Giot, M. Phénomènes de transfert: Fluides, chaleur, masse. 2nd ed. Louvain-la-Neuve: CIACO, 1989.
Find full textFriedman, Morton H. Principles and models of biological transport. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer, 2008.
Find full textPrinciples and models of biological transport. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer, 2008.
Find full textFriedman, Morton H. Principles and models of biological transport. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer, 2008.
Find full textSnipes, R. F. Statistical Mechanical Theory of the Electrolytic Transport of Non-electrolytes. Springer, 2014.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Dépôts de transport en masse"
Epple, Bernd, Reinhard Leithner, Horst Müller, Heimo Walter, Andreas Werner, and Karl Ponweiser. "Umwandlung und Transport von Masse, Energie, Impuls und Stoffen." In Simulation von Kraftwerken und Feuerungen, 17–158. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 2012.
Full textThomson, J. M., R. J. Allport, and P. R. Fouracre. "Le transport en masse dans les grandes villes en développement: l'étude du TRRL." In Rail mass transit for developing countries, 41–60. Thomas Telford Publishing, 1990.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Dépôts de transport en masse"
Faraji, Mustapha, and Hamid El Qarnia. "Numerical Analysis of a Hybrid Heat Sink Using Phase Change Material: Application to Cooling of Electronic Components." In ASME 2008 Heat Transfer Summer Conference collocated with the Fluids Engineering, Energy Sustainability, and 3rd Energy Nanotechnology Conferences. ASMEDC, 2008.
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