Academic literature on the topic 'Déontologie de la presse'
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Journal articles on the topic "Déontologie de la presse"
Horwitz, Marc, and Pierre Zimmer. "Presse, déontologie et dérives." Humanisme N° 289, no. 3 (August 1, 2010): 36–40.
Full textJespers, Jean-Jacques. "Histoire du Conseil de déontologie journalistique (CDJ)." Recherches en Communication 54 (December 14, 2022): 117–28.
Full textJongen, François. "autorégulation dans le cadre légal belge, ou l’oxymore de la déontologie." Recherches en Communication 54 (December 14, 2022): 171–83.
Full textHolleufer, Gilbert. "Éthique et images de l'humanitaire." Revue Internationale de la Croix-Rouge 78, no. 822 (December 1996): 655–59.
Full textCarignan, Marie-Eve, and Alexandra Joseph. "avenir incertain de l’autorégulation médiatique au Québec." Recherches en Communication 54 (December 14, 2022): 9–28.
Full textGarant, Patrice. "L’adjudication des contrats gouvernementaux sous les feux de l’enquête Gomery : pour une gestion efficace et éthique de la publicité gouvernementale." Colloque : L'État en marche, transparence et reddition de comptes 36, no. 4 (October 31, 2014): 831–53.
Full textGerbaud, Dominique. "La presse française en manque d'une instance déontologique." Pouvoirs 147, no. 4 (2013): 65.
Full textResweber, Jean-Paul. "HEYER René, Pourquoi la déontologie, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, Essais, 2020, 165 p." Le Portique, no. 45-46 (January 10, 2021): 263–68.
Full textTrautmann, Frédéric. "René H eyer , Pourquoi la déontologie , Strasbourg, Presses universitaires, coll. « Essais », 2020, 165 p." Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale N° 310, no. 2 (June 7, 2021): II.
Full textBugnot, Marie-Ange. "Traduction des discours sur l’islam dans la presse de France et d’Espagne." Meta 57, no. 4 (December 17, 2013): 977–96.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Déontologie de la presse"
Poirson, Christophe. "La déontologie des journalistes." Dijon, 2000.
Full textGodet, Amandine. "Pour une sociologie du journalisme : analyse de l'éthique et des valeurs communicationnelles du journalisme de presse écrite." Besançon, 2009.
Full textMy research is concerned with the question of the values of journalists ans is intituled: A sociology of journalism, analysis of ethics and communication values of the written press. This subject which is essentially based in the sociology of the media and communication, although the various points covered in this study are also based in the sociology of organisations and professions. The treatment of such a subject therefore calls for an investigation into the journalistic field from a sociological point of view. The subject also raiss the problem of the communication of information in general, be it between the various media, between the journalists and the compagny which employs them or between the media and the people for whom the information is intended. This thesis considers the suggeston that the journalistic field is one in which different values are confronted with one another on different levels; values concerning the individual practices of the journalists and values concerning the media as organisations. Jounalists would therefore seem to be under the influence of several different factors, a personnal value system and a more implicit system of values which is forced upon them by the demands and aims of their employer. Through investigation or professionnal introspection, it should be possible to understand the different value systems which drive the behavior and practices of this social group: journalists. It should also be possible to shed light on the way in which this set of norms affects the communication of information. If the poursuit of their profession presupposes that journalists are subject to antagonistic values, how credible and legitimate can the information they provide really be? Thus we can see that communication depends largely on the system of interpersonal values within the media organisation. The object of my research also implies that we take into account professional ethics. The study of journalists'values calls for reflexion on ethical principles of journalism, of the profession itself and of the way in which they have been forged by information professionals throughout history. This also requires an examination of the way in which this set of principles has been viewed by the journalists themselves in relation to their professional code of conduct
Yebouet, Boah Cofy Pascal Henry. "Presse et "affaires policières" en France de 1975 à 1995." Toulouse 1, 2001.
Full textPolice "affairs" are neglected by academic and scientific research. However, its newsworthy is great because police "affairs" are more or less sensational. This can be explained if we know that the way the press deals with those questions is often very much influenced by the ideological and political conception of the concerned publications, from 1975 to 1995
Lagneau, Éric. "L’objectivité sur le fil : la production des faits journalistiques à l'Agence France-Presse." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2010.
Full textWhat kinds of true description of the reality are the journalists able to produce? Inspired by the French pragmatic sociology (Boltanski, Lemieux), this work try to avoid some pitfalls of the social constructivism in the analysis of the news production. Taking the journalism and the professional norm of objectivity seriously, it seeks to describe as precisely as possible the collective action of making news considered "objective". Like in the classical American sociology of news (Tuchman, Schudson), it takes the party to analyze (by the way of interviews, content and formal analysis, ethnographical observation and participating observation) in a practical way the questions raised for the journalists by the notion of objectivity, but also the political issues of their activity, through the example of one of the three worldwide News Agencies, the French “Agence France-Press”. It shows what AFP journalists makes concretely to translate “objectively” the events into news. But contrary to Tuchman’s work, it checks one central assumption of this study : the respect for professional rules of “distanciation” (to find the good distance with sources and audience), encouraged by what I call “formats of objectivity”, allows effectively the journalists, to a certain extent, to produce more "objective" news. This study also notes the limitations and difficulties of this “formats of objectivity” solution, pointing their ambivalence. The concern of industrial efficiency taken into account by the formats makes the AFP journalists particularly dependent from institutional sources for the success of their “translations”. That the price for the influence of AFP in the French media system
Silva, da Costa Helena da. "La perception de la déontologie par les journalistes en France : une étude sur les médias généralistes des années 1990-2010." Thesis, Paris 2, 2012.
Full textThis study is an exploratory research on a topic that has been slightly studied empirically. What are the issues of “professional ethics” and “deontology” amongst French journalists? What do they have to say? What problems are they confronted with? What is the role of chief editors? Because of increased competition, the concentration of press ownership, new technologies and other factors, “ethics” has now become a central issue in journalism. The thesis is, above all, a content analysis of journalists’ points of view, as recorded in some 100 face to face interviews of journalists in the generalist, private and public French press, newspapers and broadcasters. Participant observation was also a key methodology: some 10 quite lengthy internships in several media were done. Furthermore, the thesis analyses some 20 charters and codes of ethics and conducted a brief enquiry within schools of journalism. The thesis shows that ethics is now an absolutely central issue and that journalists (and their ombudsmen) have a very good will to cope with this new situation. Yet more, the thesis also shows the difference in the concrete practices of various medias, the incapacity of journalism schools to teach ethics, the extreme importance of the attitudes of the main editors, as well as sometimes the difficulties of journalists to cope with some pressures and dilemmas. One major issue for the future is to make the written charters and codes, press governance and journalistic practices more coherent
Zamit, Fredj. "L'éthique de la presse dans l'oeuvre d'Albert Camus entre théorie et pratique." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012.
Full textAs a reflexive journalist, Albert Camus had started a questioning on the essence of journalism and on the journalist's behavior. This thesis proposes to study the conception of press ethics in the author's work between theory and practice. An analysis of a press corpus which was formed mainly by his writings in newspapers such as, Alger Républicain, Le Soir Républicain, Combat et L'Express (1938-1958). This analysis had been supported by the studying of a complementary corpus including his essays, his works of fiction and his circumstances writings (1935-1960) concerning journalism. In order to place the author's thought and his behavior within the context of the social institutions and the situations in which he moved, not only biographical approach was crossed with the speech analysis technics but also the author's work and his real-life had been highlighted. To start, a panorama of principles, values and rules of the journalistic ethic advocated by the author was drawn. After that, in view of the conflicts that had marked Albert Camus' work because they went through his time (World War II and the French-Algerian conflict), a fine study of his commitment for peace had been developed from the point of view of the ethic practice. This stage had two goals; the first was to define and to characterize the editorials practices and the author's commitment methods for peace. The second was to report about the journalistic device that had been mobilized by him
Dossa, Sagbo Djifi Armistice Martin. "La gestion de l'information politique à caractère gouvernemental en milieu journalistique : cas de la télévision nationale du Bénin." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Clermont Auvergne (2021-...), 2024.
Full textThis thesis examines the management of government information in a journalistic environment on Benin national television in French-speaking Africa. The main objective here is to explore the meanders that lead to the production of news broadcast on the channel, to assess its professional rigor in relation to the principles of the journalistic profession, and to analyze newscasts and consumers' perception of the products of Benin's national television.By choosing this public medium as the field of study, this work proposes a framework for analyzing newscasts, the production and reception of government information within this television.This in-depth investigation, between questionnaires, group interviews, studies the treatment and angles of treatment adopted in the face of political information of a governmental nature with regard to the code of ethics of the Beninese press and law no. 2015-07 on the information and communication code in the Republic of Benin.The results then highlight the role of Decree no. 2005-252 of May 6, 2005, approving the statutes of this television station, in articles 3 and 25, in the treatment of government information. These two articles respectively entrust this medium with: "Produce general information broadcasts and radio and television programs in line with the political, economic and socio-cultural objectives of the Beninese state", and go on to state that the CEO, while responsible for day-to-day management, is above all charged with "overseeing the implementation of government information policy, as well as the dissemination of all currents of thought, insofar as they do not undermine public order and security".Finally, this thesis examines the effects of political communication, its links and influences on journalistic information on television, from the point of view of production and reception.On the basis of the results of our research, this work recommends staff training, a revision of the texts governing the operation of Benin's national television station, and work to raise awareness among political players of the role of a national media outlet
Karimu, Waliyu. "Pacifier la presse écrite en Côte d’Ivoire, Analyse de deux décennies de tentatives de professionnalisation des quotidiens ivoiriens depuis 1990." Thesis, Paris 8, 2017.
Full textThis thesis presents and questions the various policies aimed at professionalizing the 1990 Ivorian written press, thanks to the "spring of the press". Indeed, from that date onwards, many private titles have developed over the years. Problems related to compliance with ethics and ethical rules arise very quickly.In 1991, with the implementation of the first press law in Côte d'Ivoire, many other measures followed. They all aim to achieve the main objective mentioned above. Both on the government side and professional groups of journalists supported by non-governmental organizations, it became essential to mobilize to help journalists to become aware of their responsibility in society and to perfect their practice according to standards local.After more than twenty years of implementation of these various initiatives, we will first consider their real impact in the production of newspapers. We would then like to show how the Ivorian government has been heavily involved in the press sector, to the point of seeming to control it almost. Finally, we will try to explain on the one hand the important role played by the actors of the sector to reinforce the capacities of the journalists and to reduce the state interference, and on the other hand the new challenges that face in the rise of The Internet in Côte d'Ivoire. The approach adopted is that of a sociohistory which is based on interviews and analysis of documents produced internally by media professional
Anderson-Dupéré, Mélanie. "La liberté de la presse au Royaume-Uni depuis 1998." Thesis, Paris 3, 2020.
Full textThe period since 1998 is comprised of many paradoxes for the freedom of the press in the United Kingdom: some progress has been made but new hurdles have arisen. The newspaper industry’s credibility as a public interest medium is dependent on its ability to hold governments and other societal actors to account for their actions. This means that the press has a duty to communicate reliable information and pay due respect to journalistic ethics. Yet there are tensions between the commercial logic and the defence of the public interest. The inability of the self-regulatory system to put a stop to malpractice and the impact of the press economy’s progressive deregulation on the plurality of voices are points of contention. References to a “crisis” of the press abound within the various discourses, against a background of a lack of human and material resources being devoted to investigative journalism. The position granted to journalistic practice has changed since 1998, due to the recognition of the freedom of expression as a qualified positive right. However, the press is subject to curbs and pressures in relation to economic structures. Furthermore, it has to deal with measures involving prepublication censorship and self-censorship as well as the risks in relation to the seizure of journalistic material and the disclosure of sources. In the digital age, the ability of the press to practise freely has been shaken by developments in the United Kingdom’s anti-terrorist strategy and mass surveillance. Against this background of economic, political and technological changes, some elements of the traditional press have been capable of adapting, reinventing and reaffirming their legitimacy. This has resulted in new paradigms of cooperation such as transnational project partnerships. By going beyond the interests of competing publications, these partnerships are making it possible to deal with large-scale matters in the public interest
Kone, Tahirou. "Médias et démocratie en Côte d'Ivoire : traitement et analyse de l'information pluraliste sur le report des échéances électorales (octobre 2005-octobre 2006)." Bordeaux 3, 2009.
Full textThe process of democratization began in 1990 is facing severe political and institutional crises. The Ivorian press, through its excesses, has contributed to the exacerbation of social tensions and divisions btween people. The content analysis of five newspapers of general information during the period marked by reports of the elections (october 2005-october 2006) has revealed that the various editorial sensitivities are strongly influenced by partisan political speeches. The reconstruction of public space must be based on genuine democratic institutions, but also non media that are involved in the fight against corruption, violations of human rights, and abuses of all kinds. The challenge of the upcoming elections, postponed since 2005, should bring the media to adopt a new approach to information based on the ethics of the profession, but especially along the lines of "public journalism. "
Books on the topic "Déontologie de la presse"
Observatoire de la déontologie et de l'éthique dans les médias. Code de déontologie de la presse béninoise. Cotonou: Observatoire de la déontologie et de l'éthique dans les médias, 1999.
Find full textKathy, Fitzpatrick, ed. Journalism ethics. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1997.
Find full textQuenum, Blaise. L'éthique et la déontologie à l'épreuve des infractions de presse: Savoir pour prévenir. [Cotonou]: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2009.
Find full textLinard, André. Droit, déontologie et éthique des médias. Paris: Groupe de recherche et d'échanges technologiques (GRET), 1998.
Find full textBelgique) Colloque "Vers une déontologie positive" (2008 Bruxelles. Vers une nouvelle déontologie: Colloque 30 mai 2008, Centre de presse international, Résidence Palace, Bruxelles. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2009.
Find full textd'Ivoire), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Côte, ed. Le livre blanc de l'Observatoire de la liberté de la presse, de l'éthique et de la déontologie (OLPED) 2006-2010. Abidjan: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Côte d'Ivoire, 2011.
Find full textJay, Black, ed. Mixed news: The public/civic/communitarian journalism debate. Mahwah, N.J: Erlbaum, 1997.
Find full text1933-, Giles Robert H., and Snyder Robert W. 1955-, eds. What's fair?: The problem of equity in journalism. New Brunswick [N.J.]: Transaction Publishers, 1999.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Déontologie de la presse"
Blondeau, Danielle. "I. La déontologie infirmière." In Histoire de l’éthique médicale et infirmière, 339–45. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2000.
Full textMarchand, Michèle. "III. La déontologie médicale." In Histoire de l’éthique médicale et infirmière, 353–61. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2000.
Full textPaschke, Marian. "Presse." In Springer-Lehrbuch, 133–39. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.
Full textFlöhl, R. "Presse." In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, 331–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textStöber, Rudolf. "Medienstrukturen: Presse." In Öffentliche Kommunikation, 313–29. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2003.
Full textPeterson, Klaus. "Die Presse." In Zensur in der Weimarer Republik, 113–55. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1995.
Full textDrüke, Helmut. "Die Presse." In Italien, 179–82. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1986.
Full textKrause, Skadi Siiri. "Presse/Pressefreiheit." In Tocqueville-Handbuch, 397–98. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2024.
Full textHartwich, Hans-Hermann. "Überregionale Presse." In Universitätsjubiläum und Erneuerungsprozeß, 182–91. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1995.
Full textHoltz-Bacha, Christina. "Alternative Presse." In Mediengeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 330–49. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 1999.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Déontologie de la presse"
Belin, Olivier. "La presse lycéenne, permanences d’un média éphémère." In Les éphémères, un patrimoine à construire. Fabula, 2015.
Full textRime, Jean. "Les visages littéraires de la presse au XIXe siècle." In Littérature, image, périodicité (XVIIe-XIXe siècles). Fabula, 2020.
Full textLavaud, Martine. "Quand la presse fait son cinéma : le cas d’Excelsior." In Littérature, image, périodicité (XVIIe-XIXe siècles). Fabula, 2020.
Full textCaraion, Marta, and Barbara Selmeci Castioni. "Revisiter l’essor de la presse illustrée (XVIIe-XIXe siècles). Introduction." In Littérature, image, périodicité (XVIIe-XIXe siècles). Fabula, 2020.
Full textCzerny, Boris. "Babi Yar 1941‑1948 dans la presse et la poésie." In Témoigner sur la Shoah en URSS. Fabula, 2015.
Full textAzevedo De Abreu, Marcia, and Beatriz Gabrielli. "Novel advertisement in the daily newspaper La Presse (1836-1849)." In XXIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica da Unicamp. Campinas - SP, Brazil: Galoá, 2015.
Full textHirchwald, Gabrielle. "La réception des Soirées de Médan dans la presse parisienne." In Les Soirées de Médan. Fabula, 2024.
Full textTröger, Mandy. "Eine Kritik der Ideologie der 'freien Presse' zur Wendezeit 1989/1990." In 2. Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft. München, 29. November 2018. Leipzig University, 2019.
Full textZavrški, Veronika. "1914. GODINA U OSIJEKU U NOVINAMA – NARODNA/HRVATSKA OBRANA I SLAVONISCHE PRESSE." In Europski realiteti. Academy of Arts and Culture of the J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, 2023.
Full textANTOINE, Philippe. "Qu’attend-on d’un récit de voyage ? L’Itinéraire et la presse de 1811." In L’Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem de Chateaubriand. Fabula, 2006.
Full textReports on the topic "Déontologie de la presse"
F., Kengoum, Kabamba F.M., and Mbelu A. Les politiques de la REDD+ dans les médias : Le cas de la presse écrite en République Démocratique du Congo. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2013.
Full textDubé, Jean, François Des Rosiers, and Nicolas Devaux. Les propriétaires de maisons ont-ils raison de craindre l’arrivée de logements sociaux dans leur quartier ? CIRANO, March 2023.
Full textMoro, Leben Nelson, and Tong Deng Anei. Considérations clés : Atténuer l’insécurité alimentaire chronique au Soudan du Sud. Institute of Development Studies, July 2024.
Full textPrysyazhna-Gapchenko, Julia. VOLODYMYR LENYK AS A JOURNALIST AND EDITOR IN THE ENVIRONMENT OF UKRAINIAN EMIGRATION. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, March 2021.
Full textLamarque, Hugh. Considérations clés : Flambée épidémique de maladie à virus Marburg au Rwanda, octobre 2024. Institute of Development Studies, November 2024.
Full textRevue de presse : No 107. University of Arizona Libraries, 2012.
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