Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Démocratisation de la culture – Hauts-de-France (France)'
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Ballaguy, Cyrille. "La question des nouvelles médiations dans la valorisation des collections muséales des Hauts-de-France : l'exemple d'œuvres inspirées des épisodes de la mythologie classique dans les musées des beaux-arts." Thesis, Lille 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIL30014/document.
Full textMy academic research work in museology deals with the place of Greco-Roman mythology in the Fine Arts Museums of Hauts-de-France by proposing a critical analysis and raising the question of its possible links with the cultures of imagination. Indeed, while Greco-Latin mythology and its reception by a large public have never been more present than today in various media (literature, cinema, comics, video games) and many works of art are inspired by myths in museums (from Greek vases to contemporary art), the links between these two "worlds" are almost nonexistent, as shown by our analysis in eighteen museums of Hauts-de-France.Despite their undeniable potential, mythological works are often lost in the collections, poorly valued and little known by the general public. How can we make more available works inspired by a long and rich literary and artistic tradition, while cultural practices still often show a sort of elitism in Fine Arts Museums? The objectives of our research are to find solutions, through suitable mediation tools, to make accessible to the broader public the iconographic richness of these episodes of classical antiquity. Is there a common ground for dialogue between Fine Arts and the current cultures of imagination, through the prism of mythology? Through a precise museological analysis and a survey of more than seven hundred answers, we propose an adapted mediation program, while supporting our analysis through the study of experiments at national and international levels. Following the analysis of experiences already undertaken in the region, its purpose is above all to create a link by exploring various solutions with the help of human mediation and Internet: theatre in collections, off- the-walls workshops, virtual exhibitions are some of the answers we bring. Thus, our research is a reflective example of an attempt for a cultural democratization in the museum space on a regional scale
Grefils, Melvin. "Représentations et consommations d'une offre muséale dans une zone post-industrielle : le cas du Louvre-Lens." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ULILD026.
Full textThe dynamics of local appropriation are a major issue in national policies of cultural democratization. In this thesis, we seek to understand how the inhabitants of a post-industrial area, in this case, the mining basin of Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France, represent and appropriate a museum offer. More specifically, this research focuses on the case of the Louvre-Lens Museum and the development of a cultural offer for a population mainly from the working classes. Our research is inspired by the work of Maurice Halbwachs, to highlight the influence of representations and values on the behaviors of individuals and their appropriation of the museum offer. To this end, we have adopted a set of qualitative methods, including long interviews with local residents and local cultural actors, participant observation, as well as the collection of media archives. Our interpretative analysis shows different dynamics of appropriation of the museum offer: the development and reinforcement of a collective memory based on the mining past; the process of desacralization of the Louvre-Lens, in particular through its spatial dimension; and finally, the co-construction of a proximity between the museum and the local population. This work concludes with a discussion on the dynamic dimension of the consumption of cultural activities, as well as the challenges and limits of Place Branding strategies. This discussion leads to the formulation of recommendations for cultural organizations as well as public authorities wishing to develop a cultural offer in a post-industrial area
Portron, Quentin. "Du tronc commun au socle commun (1945-2005) : La question de la culture commune au coeur de la démocratisation de l'école." Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMC022/document.
Full textOur study analyzes the projects of common core (between 1993 and 2006) and core curriculum (between 1944 and 1977) from a double perspective: “democratization of selection” and “democratization of success”.On the opposite side from the institutional common core (2005-2006) which failed in getting out of the system of reference which is characteristic of the segregationist democratization of the French education system, the common core put forward by the Thélot committee is in keeping with a paradigm of “democratization of success”, the latter taking roots in a philosophical tradition which can be found in projects such as those defined by the Education minister René Billères (1956-1958) or the Langevin-Wallon committee. Beyond their different approaches, historical contexts or goals, the common point is the widening of a common culture for all, beyond an academic angle, which tend to promote a logic of selection.From the “democratization of success” point of view, the essential for everyone can only be gained within the framework of a “culture for all”
Lemêtre, Claire. "Entre démocratisations scolaire et culturelle : sociologie du baccalauréat théâtre." Nantes, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009NANT3031.
Full textThe introduction of theatre, as a practical subject, is a recent addition to High School education. The Option, Theatre-Dramatic Expression, was created in 1986 and lead to the first High School Theatre Diploma in 1989. This introduction was part of an evolution of the education system, changing cultural policies and public theatre. Driven by proselytism, this approach contributes to the general education of the public of tomorrow. The Option is unique in that it has introduced, for the first time, professionals from outside the educational system – namely engaging professional actors to participate in course work and evaluation. Supported by an Ethnographic research and using original statistical data gathered within the Regional Education Authority of Nantes (Pays de Loire) this thesis analyses in situ the construction of this new subject. If this new artistic subject does not constitute a school discipline on purely institutional lines, it is however far from being secondary in the social hierarchical organisation which intensified at the moment of the second school explosion. The thesis illustrates the process of scholarisation of theatre at the different levels and also demonstrates that the actual schooling of theatre (learning, practice and the acquisition of knowledge) is increasingly regulated by school norms. By exploring the Theatre Diploma, it provides an opportunity to examine conflicting issues and the unrecognised effects of policies of democratisation in both schools and culture
Montoya, Nathalie. "Médiateurs et dispositifs de médiation culturelle : contribution à l'établissement d'une grammaire d'action de la démocratisation de la culture." Thesis, Paris 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA030002/document.
Full textThis PhD dissertation aims to understand and render the “action grammar” of cultural mediation. While the limits of this field are hazy, this work presents a socio-historical definition of this type of activity, the development of which is ascribed to the reframing of the cultural democratization project. This PhD describes the topography of a field crisscrossed by complex and partially contradictory professionalization trends. A large number of mediation devices are observed and analyzed through a double angle: on the one hand, that of the forms, and on the other hand, that of the meaning of these projects. This double questioning unveils problems which are specific to the acknowledgment of mediation projects and to the definition of both the objects that are to be communicated (art works, aesthetical experience, artistic practice) and those at the receiving end (which audiences are targeted?). It also allows us to understand how mediators (educators) construct their activity as a transformation of the relationship to others and to oneself, endowed with meaning and with social and civic usefulness, conveyed by the term “ethics”. This is a contribution to the understanding of subjective processes of work commitment and of the enactment of the relation to values, while shedding light on mediation devices' action mechanisms. The fieldwork was carried out in various settings (performing arts, film, plastic arts) and in different institutions (Théâtre de l’Odéon, Parc de la Villette etc.), associations (CEMÉA, Chroma-Zebrock) or artistic education projects (Ecole au cinéma)
Choukroune, Nadia. "La nouvelle centralité de la culture : acteurs et territoires en recomposition." Paris 8, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA083260.
Full textThere are nearly 200 dictionary definitions for the word "culture", and for the various cultural actors on the ground there are practically just as many approaches available. Since the Lang years, culture has become centralized in France but this centralization has it's origins much further back. Differences within the French left remain strong, between heirs of “education populaire” (workers, Christians and laymen) and the heirs of May 1968. In spite of consensual slogans, promising that culture will unify the world, contradictions and strong antagonisms persist concerning the nature of this common good and how to protect it. The idea of cultural exception "l'exception culturelle" which now defines the French approach to the Arts seems in fact to be implemented only by a handful of actors on the ground. Certain institutions are following the general movement towards commercialism, avoiding the idea of public service, at a time where the creative industries are now deploying their activities in all sectors. How can we move towards a more democratic idea of culture without substituting culture for politics? (or politics for culture? which do you mean here?)Culture distinguishes itself from history because the variety of esthetic judgements and induced tastes that it it invokes and it's process of representation, smoothes out the differences and stops events in their own time. One could even say that the "cultural exception" needs to be reinvested by our institutions and support given to the few actors who by the nature of their projects put this philosophy into action. The question of training for public servants working in culture must be asked to train professionals, conscious of the social realities and the institutional mechanisms involved, to avoid investing in a politic more technocratic than cultural
Lee, Jong-Soo. "La convivialité dans les scènes nationales et l'effervescence dans les festivals vues au travers de la politique de démocratisation culturelle." Paris 5, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA05H044.
Full textWe will find the way to establish cultural policy which can give the convivial to the public. For this purpose we want to describe two points which looks like essential, first the autonomy of dynamic culture concerning with the wish of public authorities, second the change of public policies with the plural concept of culture after recount the evolution of mission for 50 years: Then we are going to study the activities of Scenes Nationales, which is one of the policy of cultural democratisation using the method of participating observation in the theatre of 1'Apostrophe, Scene Nationale de Cergy-Pontoise et du Val d'Oise. We expect that our research can give the useful framework and performance to study the case of Republic of Korea where the system of cultural infrastructure is not deep-rooted. We also concentrate on the mime festival comparing the case of Perigueux in France and that of Chuncheon in the Korea. Then we want to do case study for example, the interview. We expect that this study can give us the answer to the question following : How the public can feel the passionate and user-friendly turmoil and the various spectacles in the festivals. And which effect the festival can bring to the public after participating in the festival ?
Grabowski, Camille. "L'éducation artistique dans le système scolaire français de 1968 à 2000." Thesis, Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013IEPP0059/document.
Full textAfter the 2nd world war, the french society has to deal with new demographic and economic datas. It has to be taken into account by the french education system which should adapt, break down barriers between disciplines and promote intedisciplinary because just school can overcoming social determinism linked at birth. The Amiens’ symposium (1968) lays the foundation for reflection which fed all the thoughts about artistic education. The seventies see the amendment for School and first thinking and experimentations for Culture. Eighties tag an actual opening of school for cultural institutions, the mediation of external partners and new topics. Opening, but also agreement between all the characters. The protocole d’accord signed in April 1983 between ministry of culture and ministry of education and the law about arts education (1988) are the results of an agreement. In the nineties, thinking globally about arts education and on a territory scale seem to be the best way to make work together schools, cultural facilities and to ensure a perfect network coverage, and so to reach cultural democratisation. But actually, we observe a stack of messy contracts. The plan Lang/Tasca which should come true till december 14, 2000, opens a new chapter. But the achievement of that brand new plan is not insured by its decision
De, Montgolfier Clémence. "Représentations des mondes de l'art contemporain à la télévision française de 1960 à 2013. De la médiatisation à la médiation." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCA126.
Full textThis research aims to determine how French television has been representing the worlds of contemporary art from the 1960’s to nowdays. Through a semiological and pragmatic analysis of a corpus of television programs about contemporary art, we have observed, on the one hand, a decrease of their share and their relegation to less favorable hours of programing since the 1980’s. Whereas the programs from 1960 to 1980 aimed to transmit the aesthetic experience of the artworks as seen from the field, the programs between 1980 and 2000 were more dialogical and hosted discussions between experts and artists in the television studio. Showing few negative critiques, they fell under the discourse of cultural promotion. And on the other hand, since the 2000’s, television shows about contemporary art have been taking on the entertaining forms of reality shows. Ideological contradictions arise, between the cultural mediation mission carried on by the ORTF and later public channels and those new narratives of competition. Contemporary art finds itself at the heart of conflicts regarding the definition of culture. On one side, its media coverage shows a hegemonic world of art where sociocultural inequalities are legitimated. And on the other side, those programs continue to promise an ideal of democratization of contemporary art through narratives of accessing knowledge, source of emancipation and equality. Moreover, the mediation of the artworks, from the filmed exhibition to a “curatorial” television, promise more immediacy while multiplying the dispositifs of mediation. It is within this impossibility to decide what their purpose is that television programs about contemporary art can’t hold their promises
Nouvellon, Maylis. "Le musée autrement ? : les mesures d'incitation à la visite et leurs effets sur le public des jeunes adultes dans les musées de France." Thesis, Avignon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AVIG1189/document.
Full textThe museum of the 21st century is characterized as an "inclusive and collaborative" space that integrates the voice of the public into the construction of its speech. It is based on a qualitative meaning of the project of cultural democratization as "democratization of a social relationship". We are interested in incentives to encourage young adult audience visits: free entry for under-26s in national museums and a set of events dedicated to young adults. Together these measures offer to discover the museum differently and participate in this qualitative meaning of cultural democratization. How do these public museum policies support the audiences’ renewal for these places? The social structuring of the public is the first key to analysing the effects of democratization. To study it, we support both the national surveys designed by the Ministry of Culture to measure the performance of national heritage institutions (2012 and 2015 editions surveyed all visitors and editions 2009 and 2014 surveyed those who benefit from free entry) and two surveys (quantitative and qualitative) which evaluated events for young adults. A second key integrates the understanding of cultural trajectories and the diversity of the factors that shape them, as well as a reading of individual range of cultural practices as a world of taste (biographical interview survey). By highlighting the role of public policies, this research proposes a dynamic model of understanding cultural practices to analyse the construction of museum audiences. In this perspective we place ourselves at the scale of the "lived culture" and two main elements hold our attention. One sees the museum as a platform of resources, that is to say, as one of the potential supports for the expression of tastes, and assumes that public policies support and nourish the cultural world of individuals. The other takes into account the processes by which individuals become visitors and the ability of public policies to consolidate these cultural dynamics, such as incentives to turn visitors into museum ambassadors. Therefore, this research aims to reassess the public policies of cultural democratization
Peyrouzère, Frédérique. "Le musée en partage : Etat et musée sous le ministère de Jean Zay (1936-1939)." Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010529.
Full textThis work is an analysis of the French political approach for national museums under the front populaire ; ministry of Jean Zay from 1936 to 1939. Socially, intellectually, administratively and politically it recounts one of the highlights of French museums during this period. These one which prepared throughout the reflexions engaged as well as an international, national and local scale, the context, the administrative framework and the approach of the contempory museums' action plans regarding social affairs. This study comprises three main axis. The first is what we call a projet populaire ; and points to one of the new political major targets which was to popularise ; the museums, giving access to all citizens. The second axis approaches the state's will to spread the museum's activities throughout France, trying to even-out the differences between Paris and the countryside. It is thanks to this national project ; and it's unifying vocation that the state succeeded. The third axis results from the first two. It is formed around the notion of the projet pour l'art vivant ;. It confirms the state's wish to introduce museums in the social environnement implicating its' contemporaries and especially the art vivant ; this art moderne ; which during the 1930's was not represented on the museum walls
Coiffier, Stéphanie. "Élite populaire : de l'éducation populaire à l'égalité des chances." Paris 5, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA05H024.
Full textThere is a lot of questions about the construction of elites, in particular about the challenges of cultural and educational democratization. An elite emerging from people can appear only when the society is opened enough, so that the human beings are not dependent from their social conditions of origin. According to the popular education movements such as People and Culture, the creation of an elite is the consequence of an active educational method based on a pooling of culture and the use of free time. This creation is necessary to avoid alienation and masses manipulation. At the end of the eighties, the model regarding the construction of a popular elite changed. Giving a social ascension to the popular layers has become a political need and a social demand. The thematic of equal opportunities is privileged. Positive discrimination programs are established. Supporting the young people coming from sensitive areas through academic success is a priority for the social promotion of human beings. We can ask ourselves about the composition of these elites, which appeared in the process of social transformation and on what they represent. Can we define popular education and equal opportunities as theoretical models for the inscription in the representations and social body of elites coming from all the social layers?
Gutierrez, Elise. "Les inégalités d'accès à la culture chez les élèves des écoles primaires : le cas des "classes à Paris"." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016USPCC266/document.
Full textThis thesis deals with the inequalities of access to culture for students of primary education. The subject was investigated through an integration into the initiative created and funded in the 90’s by Paris City Hall: “les classes à Paris”. The initiative offers scientific, urbanistic, cultural and artistic, projects led by professionals in Parisian schools. The investigations took place in six different schools. This research utilizes an anthropological methodology centered around an immersion into the initiative and classes and interviews with the actors, including the children. Their collision reveals several imaginaries and expectations from the Institution that question the perspective of equality linked to the School’s image
Mathieu, Isabelle. "L'action culturelle mise à nu par ses métiers (1788-1988)." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00591041.
Full textBordier, Julien. "Le musée national entre principe républicain et question démocratique." Thesis, Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100028/document.
Full textAs a revolutionary invention, art museum opened to the public in France is an institution that offers a contradictory space, in different levels: in the conflicts of the origins of the museum, in the validation of its relation of an institutionalized power, in the conceptualization of its public dimension. Mixing the particular history of this institution with an evolution of political issue, is a way to name these contradictions. This highlights a tension between two antagonistic poles, but in a constant dialogue, republican principle and democratic question. This conflictual dialogue has to be understood as an identification process and its crisis. This tension appears relevant to analyze national museums and cultural Policy during the french Fifth Republic. Therefore, national museum seems to be a republican institution and how “cultural democratization” enunciate itself with democratic question. From these reflexions, evolution of national museums and cultural Policy since 2000, and, the large amendments they know, are analyzable. Amendment of national museums presents itself as a modernization of their management and administration, by alleviating their ministerial tutelage. We analyze these amendments effects from two examples, Louvre and Orsay museums, by studying legislative dispositions, public statements of their directorate and interviews with employees in the museums. After this amendment movement has been contextualized and defined, it is analyzed from the tension between republican principle and democratic question. It is reconfigured and shifted in a new kind of museum appearing: company-museum
Marty, Laurent. "L'anthropologie chez soi : être anthropologue dans sa propre culture : deux terrains." Paris 5, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA05H049.
Full textRakotovololona, Lucia. "Quantification expérimentale et modélisation de la production, des flux d'eau et d'azote en systèmes de culture biologiques." Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018IAVF0024.
Full textNowadays, in a context of global changes, addressing the interlinked challenges of food security and environmental impacts is fundamental for the sustainability of agricultural systems. Therefore, the thesis aimed to assess agronomic and environmental performances of organic systems, by coupling the experimental monitoring of a 35 organic fields network in the Northern region of France with modeling the soil-crop continuum, to better understand the underlying processes in water and nitrogen dynamics within those systems, and to promote a more sustainable management.Water drainage and nitrate leaching were assessed by coupling soil, crop and climate data within LIXIM model. Then we analyzed N leaching pattern under diverse organic arable fields to explain its main driving factors. Leaving aside the strong soil type effect and the importance of climatic conditions on drainage, the combination of previous crops and autumn field management appeared to be a key determinant of nitrate leaching in the studied organic systems, as they both drive the amount of soil mineral nitrogen before draining period and explain the position of nitrate in the soil profile. We also showed the dichotomous role of legumes as preceding crop in organic cropping systems and the poor performance of the standard catch crops, sown in late summer in this context.Yield gap of cereals was investigated using a deterministic modeling approach as a diagnosis tool, to contribute in improving the productivity of organic agriculture. The soil-crop model STICS was used to estimate the potential yields of each studied winter wheat and winter triticale crop fields in their given soil and climate conditions. Our results reasserted how nitrogen stress could explain a major part of the yield gap occurring in organic crops and outweigh biotic limiting factors impacts, for cropping systems relying on few or no manures for nitrogen supply.Lastly, we aimed to address the challenge of nitrogen supply in organic arable systems for a better nitrogen use efficiency and improved crop yields. We used the model STICS to simulate the impact of alternative nitrogen management practices by carrying out a numerical experiment in a participatory approach involving farmers, technical advisors and researchers. The findings emphasized the importance of crop succession design and management practices, particularly the implementation of catch crops and the timing of the destruction of perennial legume crops. Optimizing the farmer’s actual practices could then be possible, reducing the potential emissions of nitrogen via leaching or gaseous losses, without decreasing the nitrogen supply for the following crop.Organic arable cropping systems, within the studied soil, technics and climate contexts, can achieve agronomic performances combined with low environmental impacts, with well-managed nitrogen practices
Lescot, Shantala. "Création contemporaine et territoire, résidences d'artistes et génie du lieu : contextes, modalités, valeurs." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BOR30030.
Full textWhy, where and when artist residencies have established in the Aquitaine region? How did they approach the implementation of institutional recommendations? What are these so-called structures and how are they organised in rural areas to ensure an actual visibility of contemporary art? Between art phenomenon, cultural programming and social actions, how does landscape immersion require to rethink art practice and its relationships with territorial collectivities, people and nature? Unprecedented encounters and experiences may happen thanks to showcase, design, life experience and key situation of artist residences in the heart of territories. The artist’s presence might reveal or wake up one’s qualities and full potential, enabling to give an unexpected picture of places and connections between territories and people. It is precisely because the “artist in residence” concept and the “artist residencies” facilities have different approaches to the ideas of places and landscape contexts that we decided to review the evolution of the artist’s relationship to space, landscape and populated areas – throughout his “migratory path” – so as to be able to understand the effect of mobility experience on artistic creation and connection to places. While distancing conventional definitions of landscapes, we will present the idea of a living and stimulating entity from which a new way of seeing and designing the world may occur. The revealed Genius Loci appears to have its temporary roots, dynamic and complicit with creative work
Poser, Christophe. "Influence de la température sur la phénologie de la canne à sucre : conséquences sur la phase d'implantation de la culture dans les Hauts de La Réunion." Thesis, La Réunion, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LARE0030/document.
Full textThis thesis is centered on the effects of temperature on sugarcane development and its potential for geographical expansion under low temperatures in high-altitude tropical conditions. In the highlands of Reunion Island (les Hauts), the duration of the germination, in planting years, affects the date and the level of the first harvest, as well as the sugarcane yield in the following ratoon crop cycle. Trials took place in climate chambers, greenhouses and fields at different temperatures and altitudes. A preliminary study validates the conditions governing the experimentation: bud bursts can be studied through single, healthy, single bud cuttings that are taken from the middle section of the mature stem. Temperature considerably influences the primary tiller germination and emergence stages. The thermal model that was developed satisfactorily predicts bursting at a constant temperature and allows for the quantification of observed varietal differences. Field trials reveal a disparity in the production and growth dynamics of leaves and stems according to locations and varieties. Temperature influences this differentiation. Among the indicators that were elaborated, the duration for the seedling of half the population, when applied to a climatic database, allows one to define geographical zones and time periods conducive to the introduction of sugarcane according to its variety. The methods presented herein can be used in varietal selection for all zones where cold temperature limits the spread of crops. Results could be used for the development of new cultural practices or for further studies in geo-referenced agronomic zoning
Bozic, Marko. "L’influence de la théorie du droit social d’origine française sur la pensée juridique serbe durant le XXe siècle." Thesis, Paris 10, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA100208/document.
Full textThe discourse analysis of the Serbian theory of law in the 20th century in the thesis contributes not only to the description of the distinctive features of the Serbian legal thought but also to the establishment of a possibility for the reception of liberal concepts by a society in transition, whose political culture differ from the western society. In that sense, a modest influence of the theory of social law of French origin indicates a conservatism of the Serbian university elite, who did not have faith in the Serbian society and its capacities. This elite was aware of the fact that the Serbian society was still traditionalistic, patriarchal and poor in the institutions of the civil society. Therefore, although they were familiar with the liberal idea of the civil society that includes the state, according to which the state is nothing else but a citizens’ service, it was unconvincing. On the contrary, their liberal program relied on the idea of the Legal state which would stand against the energy of the masses and which would put the existence of a society of free individuals before its elitist institutions. Firmly believing in the society as the final source of the legislative and judicial activity, these French theories of social law launched an idea which was unacceptable for the Serbian theory: the idea of the domination of the society over the state. Still, an aversion towards the autonomous society of Serbian theoreticians does not only reveal the lack of liberal tradition in there thought. It explains the causes of the problematic mapping of the western democratic institutions, but also a difficult transition of the Serbian post-communist society in general
Belondo, Sandra. "Diversité et pluralité linguistique d'enfants allophones en mobilité : réussir avec, malgré ou sans les langues ?" Thesis, Tours, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOUR2016/document.
Full textDiversity, linguistic and cultural pluralism of allophones children in migratory process: succeed with, despite or without languages? The purpose of this thesis is to study how the linguistic and cultural diversity of young allophone children and their families in migratory processes, is taken into consideration by the French society and, more particularly, the linguistic, social and academic systems established by the State and its institutions. Based on a comprehensive and interpretive approach, this study raises the question of how young migrants diversity is appreciated and handled, or not, questioning the use and/or the building of sociolinguistic representations concerning the roles and statuses of the languages in presence within migratory and integration processes such as social and academic achievement dynamics