Academic literature on the topic 'Dementia village'

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Journal articles on the topic "Dementia village"


Palmer, Sarah. "The dementia village concept." Nursing and Residential Care 26, no. 1 (January 2, 2024): 1–2.

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Sarah Palmer looks at dementia villages, which are a care initiative designed to ensure that people can enjoy their lives to the fullest, through the creation of an entire village just for people with the condition.
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Pedro, Catarina, Mariana Duarte, Beatriz Jorge, and Daniela Freitas. "440 - Dementia villages: rethinking dementia care." International Psychogeriatrics 32, S1 (October 2020): 158.

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Introduction:Over the past 20 to 30 years, alternative dementia care models have been developed. Dementia villages challenge popular perceptions about life with dementia and contrast to the traditional model of long-term care facilities that are often seen as institutional, impersonal, and risk-averse. The first dementia village, De Hogeweyk, was developed in 2009 and is located in Weesp, Netherlands. Hogeweyk aims to create a safe environment, enabling the person with dementia to live an “ordinary life” with as much autonomy as possible and also maintaining integration with the local community. Other dementia villages have been established in several countries, following De Hogeweyk model.Objectives:The aim of this presentation is to describe the functioning of dementia villages and evaluate its benefits on dementia patients.Methods:A non-systematic review of the literature was performed on PubMed, PsycINFO and Web of science using selected keywords. We also consult the official websites of the institutions.Results:Dementia villages seem to improve functioning and reduce the need for medication. Anxiety, restlessness and homesickness can still persist, but are reduced by the homelike and hospitable setting in which residents live. In fact, antipsychotic medication use at the residence has decreased from approximately 50% of residents, before the dementia village was introduced, to approximately 12% in 2019. The staff also reported greater job satisfaction. Although dementia villages are growing throughout the Western world, this concept has also been criticized, arguing that this type of living is dishonest, misleading the residents to believe that they are still living in the ‘real community’.Conclusions:Dementia villages are guided by the principles “deinstitutionalize, transform and normalize” care for people with advanced dementia. Although its intuitive advantages, there is no research evidence to demonstrate that this environment has any beneficial effect in behaviour, functional ability or cognition. In future studies, clinical outcomes could be used as a measure of quality of care. Hogeweyk concept has made societies rethinking dementia care and has been inspiring the development of other innovative models of dementia care.
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ABSTRAKKegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat mengenai pelatihan kader kesehatan tentang Screening Demensia Pada Lansia Menggunakan Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) untuk meningkatkan kesehatan lansia dan masyarakat di desa tambaksasri wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tajinan Kabupaten Malang diawali dengan menghubungi tokoh masyarakat dan petugas Puskesmas untuk mengetahui kondisi dan permasalahan kesehatan di Desa Tambakasri. Hasil survey dan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar lansia menderita hipertensi dan memiliki fungsi kognitif yang mengalami penurunan. Selain itu, ditemukan permasalahan bahwa masyarakat dan kader kesehatan masih banyak yang belum memahami mengenai cara screening demensia pada lansia pada lansia. Ditemukan permasalahan bahwa masyarakat dan kader kesehatan masih banyak yang belum memahami instrumen yang dipakai untuk screening demensia pada lansia. Oleh karena itu, kami mengadakan pelatihan kepada kader kesehatan di Desa Tambakasri Dusun Kalimeri Kab. Malang agar kesehatan para warga khususnya lansia dapat termonitor sehingga derajat kesehatan masyarakat terutam dapat meningkat. Kegiatan pelatihan ini dilakukan sebanyak 3x pertemuan yang dilakukan secara tatap muka dengan peserta pelatihan tanggal 21, 22 dan 23 Desember 2021. Penilaian terhadap skill peserta dalam menggunakan MMSE, semua peserta mampu melakukan dengan benar. Kegiatan screening Demensia menggunakan MMSE diharapkan dapat diterapkan oleh semua Kader Kesehatan Lansia di Desa Tambakasri, Kecamatan Tajinan, Kabupaten Malang. Kata kunci: kader kesehatan; demensia; lansia; MMSE ABSTRACTCommunity Partnership Program activities on health cadre training on Dementia Screening in the Elderly Using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) to improve the health of the elderly and the community in the village tambaksasri working area of Puskesmas Tajinan Malang began by contacting community leaders and health center officers to find out the conditions and health problems in Tambakasri Village. Survey results and research show that most elderly people suffer from hypertension and have cognitive function that decreases. In addition, it is found that the problem that the community and health cadres still many who do not understand about how to screen for dementia in the elderly in the elderly. There is a problem that the public and health cadres still many who do not understand the instruments used for dementia screening in the elderly. Therefore, we hold training to health cadres in Tambakasri Village Kalimeri Kab. Malang so that the health of residents, especially the elderly, can be monitored so that the level of public health can increase. This training activity was conducted as many as 3 times face-to-face meetings with trainees on December 21, 22 and 23, 2022. Assessment of the skills of participants in using MMSE, all participants were able to perform correctly. Dementia screening activities using MMSE are expected to be applied by all Elderly Health Cadres in Tambakasri Village, Tajinan Subdistrict, Malang Regency. Keywords: health cadres; dementia; elderly; MMSE
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김민규, 손정훈, and 장예빛. "The Policy implications on dementia care village as dementia-friendly environment." Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare 73, no. 1 (March 2018): 315–42.

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Surahmawati, Surahmawati, Yuni Kartika, and Sitti Raodhah. "Hubungan Kebiasaan Membaca Alqur’an dan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Demensia Pada Lanjut Usia." JURNAL KESEHATAN POLTEKKES KEMENKES RI PANGKALPINANG 8, no. 2 (December 31, 2020): 87.

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Abstrak Latar belakang: Demensia merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan utama dikalangan lansia. WHO mencatat pada tahun 2016 diperkirakan angka kejadian demensia sebanyak 47,5 juta orang dan diperkirakan akan meningkat menjadi 75,6 juta orang pada tahun 2030 dan 135,5 juta orang di tahun 2050. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan membaca Al-Qur’an dan aktivitas fisik dengan demensia pada lanjut usia yang berkunjung di posyandu lansia desa Baringeng Kabupaten Soppeng, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan tahun 2020 Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik menggunakan desain cross sectional. Jumlah responden adalah 53 lansia diambil dengan cara total sampling, pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Hasil : Hasil uji statistik Kolmogorov-Smirnov didapatkan ada hubungan antara kebiasaan membaca Al-Qur’an dengan demensia, dengan p value = 0.000 dan ada hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan demensia, dengan p value = 0.000 Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan membaca Al-Qur’an dan aktivitas fisik dengan demensia pada lanjut usia yang berkunjung di posyandu lansia desa Baringeng tahun 2020. Kata kunci: Demensia, Kebiasaan membaca Al-Qur’an, Aktivitas fisik. Abstract Background: Dementia is one of the main health problems among the elderly. WHO noted that in 2016, it was estimated that the incidence of dementia was 47.5 million people and it is estimated that it will increase to 75.6 million people in 2030 and 135.5 million people in 2050. Objective: To find out the relationship between the habit of reading the Qur'an and physical activity with dementia in the elderly who visit the posyandu for the elderly in Baringeng Village, Soppeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province in 2020. Methode: This research is an observational analytic using cross sectional design. The number of respondents was 53 elderly taken by total sampling, data collection using a questionnaire, data analysis using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test. Results : The results of the analysis with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test found that there was a relationship between the habit of reading the Qur'an and dementia, with p value = 0.000 and there was a relationship between physical activity and dementia, with p value = 0.000. Conclusion: there is a relationship between the habit of reading the Qur'an and physical activity with dementia in the elderly who visit the posyandu for elderly in Baringeng village in 2020.
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Park, Young-Sun, and Young-Ju Jee. "The Effects on Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical Functions of the Elderly at Local Senior Center from Dementia Prevention Program for the Dementia Safety Village." Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 11, no. 2 (February 1, 2021): 508–12.

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This non-synchronized design research tested the effects of dementia prevention program on cognitive and emotional functions, and activities of daily living of subjects in The Dementia Safety Village by National Responsibility System for Dementia. The subjects were 11 elders at local elderly center of The Dementia Safety Village. Outcome variables include cognition (MMSE-DS: Mini-Mental State Examination-Dementia Scale), emotion (SGDS-K: Short form Geriatric Depression Scale-Korean version), and physical function (IADL: Instrumental Activity of Daily Living). The program provided two hours per a session per week for eight weeks. After completing the program, the score of MMSE-DS, a tool for cognitive function evaluation, increased with a statistically significant figure (t = –3.35, p = 0.007). The score of SGDS-K, which evaluated emotional function, increased, though it did not reach in a statistically significant level (t = –0.482, p = 0.640). The score of IADL showed no a statistically significant figure (t = 0.680, p = 0.512), but the mean showed a slight decreased figure (pre 12.00 ± 4.49, post 11.00 ± 2.19). Based on these results, the dementia program may be used for dementia prevention to the patients of The Dementia Safety Village. This research suggests that an appropriate program for the prevention of dementia needed to be developed further in the future.
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Novita Wulan Sari, Margiyati Margiyati, and Nanang Khosim A. "IBM Pelatihan Kader dalam Deteksi Dini Lansia dengan Demensia di Desa Deliksari, Gunungpati, Semarang." ALKHIDMAH: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Kemitraan Masyarakat 2, no. 3 (July 23, 2024): 119–27.

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This research aims to develop a cadre training program in early detection of dementia in the elderly in Deliksari Village, Gunungpati, Semarang. Dementia is an increasingly urgent health problem in Indonesia, including in rural areas such as Deliksari Village. This program uses an educational approach and practical training to increase cadres' knowledge and skills in recognizing early signs of dementia. Training methods include the delivery of theory, case studies, and direct practice in identifying symptoms and behavior that indicate dementia. Program evaluation was carried out to measure the increase in cadres' knowledge and skills in carrying out early detection of dementia. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to efforts to prevent and early treat dementia at the rural community level
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Spada, Rosario S., Giuseppe Stella, Santa Calabrese, Paolo Bosco, Guido Anello, Rosa-Maria Guéant-Rodriguez, Antonino Romano, Lahoucine Benamghar, and Jean-Louis Guéant. "Prevalence of dementia in mountainous village of Sicily." Journal of the Neurological Sciences 283, no. 1-2 (August 2009): 62–65.

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Hillary Shelyn Harsono, The Maria Meiwati Widagdo, and Johan Kurniawan Djonggianto. "ELDERLY FAMILY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT DEMENTIA IN WONOKERTO VILLAGE, TURI DISTRICT, SLEMAN REGENCY, YOGYAKARTA." Indonesian Scholars Scientific Summit Taiwan Proceeding 4 (August 17, 2022): 97–102.

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Background: According to WHO, an elderly person is someone who has reached the age of 60 to 65 years and over. The development of the number of elderly people in Indonesia in 2020 reached 9.93 percent. The incidence of dementia generally increases with age. Dementia is a syndrome that characterized by a progressive and persistent decline in cognitive function. In the condition of dementia, there is a decrease in the independence and dependence of the elderly on the productive population, one of which is the family. Objective: This study aims to describe the knowledge of elderly families about dementia in Wonokerto Village, Turi Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Methods: The subjects of this study were elderly families who cared for and lived at home with the elderly in Wonokerto The research was conducted using a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews. The sample was taken by purposive sampling with a total of ten research subjects. The interview transcript was analyzed using the thematic framework. Results: Three research subjects with the latest high school education and experience caring for the elderly more than ten years were able to answer questions about dementia knowledge well. The remaining seven research subjects did not know the knowledge related to dementia or answered undecided. Conclusion: The results showed that most of the research subjects still do not understand about dementia knowledge such as the definition, types, examination, and management of dementia. While most research subjects have sufficient knowledge related to elderly support, how to care for the elderly with dementia.
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Han, Myeong-Il, Ji-Young Oh, Mi-kyeong Park, Myoung-Ok Shin, and Yun-Mi Go. "[P2-484]: A DEMENTIA-FRIENDLY VILLAGE PROJECT AND DEMENTIA AWARENESS, COGNITION, AND DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS." Alzheimer's & Dementia 13, no. 7S_Part_17 (July 2017): P825—P826.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Dementia village"


Dedenroth, Høj Louise. "Exploring the potentials of dementia village architecture." TUDpress, 2019.

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This paper is exploring dementia village architecture as a new architectural model, addressing the dementia care challenge, and linking it to the continuous process of deinstitutionalization, as a broader political, social, and cultural project. The paper will investigate the specific challenges and opportunities of the village model, through a case study of two exemplar cases of this model, asking, what are the properties of ‘villageness’, and to what degree are they each responding to an idea of ‘villageness’? This is explored through different scales of the village, going from ‘part’, to ‘relation between parts’ and ‘whole’, investigated through themes, related to the dementia care challenge; domestic interior, promenade, and community.
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Krier, Damien. "Évaluation coût-résultat d’un modèle d'inclusion sociale et de soins personnalisés pour les personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer et autres maladies apparentées : le « Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli » comme modèle alternatif aux EHPAD." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Le vieillissement démographique augmente les cas de maladie d'Alzheimer et de maladies apparentées, souvent associées à la démence. Le « Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli » (VLHE) est une initiative unique en France visant à améliorer la qualité de vie des patients, de leurs aidants et des professionnels de santé. Cette thèse évalue l'efficience du modèle VLHE comparée à un EHPAD, en se focalisant sur ses impacts cliniques et économiques. Le VLHE fait l'objet d’un étude observationnelle prospective, dont les résultats ont servi de base pour ce travail. En l'absence de contrefactuel direct, des groupes témoins de personnes admises en EHPAD ont été constitués à partir de plusieurs sources de données. La thèse se divise en quatre chapitres : une revue de la littérature et trois analyses comparatives sur les coûts de prise en charge en institution, le recours aux soins hospitaliers et l'évolution clinique des personnes atteintes de démence et admises au VLHE ou en EHPAD. Sur le plan clinique, la durée médiane de survie pour des personnes atteintes de démence et nouvellement admises en institution est d’environ 38 mois, sans différence significative entre les résidents accueillis en EHPAD et ceux au VLHE. La sévérité des troubles cognitifs ainsi que les comorbidités, telles que les antécédents de cancer et l'hypertension, influencent significativement la durée de vie des résidents. Un déclin des fonctions cognitives et fonctionnelles est observé après l'admission en EHPAD ou VLHE, avec un ralentissement potentiel de ces pertes chez les résidents du VLHE durant la première année, bien que cette différence ne soit pas significative par rapport aux résidents en EHPAD. Sur le plan économique, le coût est plus élevé au VLHE, mais avec un recours réduit aux soins hospitaliers et de meilleures conditions de fin de vie. Ce travail offre des perspectives pour améliorer la prise en charge des personnes atteintes de démence et justifie la nécessité de recherches supplémentaires pour valider et compléter ces résultats
Population ageing is leading to an increase in cases of Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, often associated with dementia. The "Village Landais Henri Emmanuelli" (VLHE) is a unique initiative in France aimed at improving the quality of life for patients, their carers, and healthcare professionals. This thesis evaluates the efficiency of the VLHE compared to a traditional nursing home (NH), focusing on its clinical and economic impacts. The VLHE is the subject of a prospective observational study, the results of which served as the basis for this work. In the absence of a direct counterfactual, control groups consisting of individuals admitted to EHPAD were created using several data sources. The thesis is organised into four chapters: a literature review followed by three comparative analyses on institutional care costs, the use of hospital services, and the clinical progression of individuals with dementia admitted to either VLHE or NH. Clinically, the median survival for individuals with dementia newly admitted to care is approximately 38 months, with no significant difference between those in NH and VLHE. The severity of cognitive impairment, as well as comorbidities such as a history of cancer and hypertension, significantly influence residents' survival. A decline in cognitive and functional abilities is observed following admission to both NH and VLHE, with a potential slowing of this decline in VLHE residents during the first year, although this difference is not statistically significant compared to NH residents. Economically, costs are higher at VLHE, primarily due to a higher staffing ratio, but with reduced use of hospital services and improved end-of-life care. This work provides insights into improving dementia care and highlights the need for further research to validate and expand upon these findings
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Brooker, Dawn J. R., Elaine Argyle, David Clancy, and Andy J. Scally. "The Enriched Opportunities Programme: A cluster randomised trial of a new approach to living with dementia and other mental health issues in ExtraCare housing schemes and villages." 2009.

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People living in extra care housing have a variety of mental health needs. Whilst many people opt for extra care housing as a means of enhancing quality of life, it is recognised that around 30% will experience significant mental health problems notably dementia and depression. This often leads to them having to move out of extra care housing or becoming isolated within their apartment. The Enriched Opportunities Programme (EOP) was developed by ExtraCare Charitable Trust and Professor Brooker and her research team as a means of ensuring that people experiencing mental health problems can continue to enjoy a good quality of life. EOP brings together what is known as best practice in a structured, systematic and proactive way. Key facets of the programs include a specialist staff role ¿the EOP Locksmith¿; staff training; individualized case work; liaison with health and social care teams; activity & occupation; and leadership. This report summarises a recently completed 2 year cluster randomised controlled trial. 5 extra care housing schemes were randomly assigned to receive the EOP for an 18 month period. A further 5 housing schemes were randomly assigned to receive a placebo intervention consisting of employing an extra member of staff called a Project Support Worker Coach (PSWC) for the same time period. We followed the lives of the 268 most vulnerable residents living in all these extra care housing schemes and villages. We compared the results for people receiving the EOP intervention with the PSWC intervention and analysed the differences. The process of implementing EOP and the impact on people¿s lives has been very positive. The main advantages in the EOP schemes were that residents were Half as likely to have to move out into a care home ¿ Far less likely to spend time in hospital as an in-patient ¿ More likely to have a GP visit ¿ More likely to see a community physiotherapist, occupational therapist and a chiropodist More likely to have their mental health problems diagnosed In addition residents in the EOP schemes and villages ¿ Rated their Quality of Life more positively ¿ Reported decreased symptoms of depression over time ¿ Reported greater feelings of social support and inclusion There were also a number of advantages enjoyed by participants in both the EOP and the PSWC interventions. Residents in both interventions reported ¿ Greater opportunity to be active ¿ Greater use of community facilities ¿ More fun ¿ Greater variety of things to do. This report will be of interest to all those involved in the provision of extra care housing and to those implementing the National Dementia Strategy.
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Book chapters on the topic "Dementia village"


Haeusermann, Tobias. "The Dementia Village: Between Community and Society." In Care in Healthcare, 135–67. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Sturge, Jodi. "The adaptation of the dementia village model." In Design for Dementia, Mental Health and Wellbeing, 171–81. London: Routledge, 2024.

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Røhnebæk, Maria Taivalsaari, Marit Engen, and Ane Bast. "Co-designing a Dementia Village: Transforming Dementia Care Through Service Design." In Human-Centered Service Design for Healthcare Transformation, 449–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Bellini, Gloria, Marco Cipriano, Nicola De Angeli, Jacopo Pio Gargano, Matteo Gianella, Gianluca Goi, Gabriele Rossi, Andrea Masciadri, and Sara Comai. "Alzheimer’s Garden: Understanding Social Behaviors of Patients with Dementia to Improve Their Quality of Life." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 384–93. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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AbstractThis paper aims at understanding the social behavior of people with dementia through the use of technology, specifically by analyzing localization data of patients of an Alzheimer’s assisted care home in Italy. The analysis will allow to promote social relations by enhancing the facility’s spaces and activities, with the ultimate objective of improving residents’ quality of life. To assess social wellness and evaluate the effectiveness of the village areas and activities, this work introduces measures of sociability for both residents and places. Our data analysis is based on classical statistical methods and innovative machine learning techniques. First, we analyze the correlation between relational indicators and factors such as the outdoor temperature and the patients’ movements inside the facility. Then, we use statistical and accessibility analyses to determine the spaces residents appreciate the most and those in need of enhancements. We observe that patients’ sociability is strongly related to the considered factors. From our analysis, outdoor areas result less frequented and need spatial redesign to promote accessibility and attendance among patients. The data awareness obtained from our analysis will also be of great help to caregivers, doctors, and psychologists to enhance assisted care home social activities, adjust patient-specific treatments, and deepen the comprehension of the disease.
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Sturge, Jodi. "Dementia-Informed Policy and Practice for Social Well-Being in Groningen and Nearby Villages in the Netherlands." In Inclusive Cities and Global Urban Transformation, 155–63. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2025.

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AbstractAs the global population ages and expectancy increases, there is a significant projected rise in dementia cases. Recognizing this trend, the World Health Organization (WHO) has prioritized dementia as a global public health concern.
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Morrow, Deana F. "Affirmative Practice With Older Adults in Rural Settings." In Back Home, 181–201. Oxford University PressNew York, 2025.

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Abstract This chapter focuses on affirmative practice with older adults in rural settings. Topics include a discussion of challenges common to rural older adults, including kinship care, social isolation and loneliness, dementia, chronic disease, and functional impairment. Care options, including informal care, day services, assisted living, and nursing home care, are also discussed. Special attention is given to the value of aging in place and the village movement model in support of older adults aging in their home settings for as long as possible. The chapter also addresses the importance of affirmative, ethical practice in working with rural older adults, and it concludes with specific guidelines for conveying respect when providing services.
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Mitchell, Wendy. "My neighbourhood, my future …?" In Dementia and Place, 90–93. Policy Press, 2021.

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This chapter tackles Wendy Mitchell's narrative about being diagnosed with Mixed Dementia, Alzheimer's and Vascular and her life moving into a new neighbourhood. People in the neighbourhood had been vital in fighting loneliness amidst the pandemic. Whilst Zoom and technological connection had been a lifesaver during the pandemic lockdown, human contact and socialisation are still essential in people's lives. Thus, the safety of her neighbourhood due to simple acts of kindness enabled Mitchell to venture out of her comfort zone, and to take the chance to photograph and post on the village's Facebook page. The chapter clarifies that a person's talent does not go away simply after being diagnosed with dementia. It notes how the COVID pandemic gave people a chance to appreciate forms of people and places.
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Conference papers on the topic "Dementia village"


Nariai, Tomoko, Shiroh Itai, and Hiroaki Kojima. "Conversation Analysis of Robot-Assisted Recreation for Older Adults with Dementia." In 2020 5th International Conference on Universal Village (UV). IEEE, 2020.

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Itai, Shiroh, Atsushi Shimoda, Toshihiko Yoneoka, and Toshimitsu Hamada. "Development of Scenario-Type Robot Recreation Program for the Elderly with Dementia and Its Evaluation." In 2020 5th International Conference on Universal Village (UV). IEEE, 2020.

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Zhang, Kelly, Hao Yuan, and Yajun Fang. "Evaluation of Smart Agitation Prediction and Management for Dementia Care and Novel Universal Village Oriented Solution for Integration, Resilience, Inclusiveness and Sustainability." In 2022 6th International Conference on Universal Village (UV). IEEE, 2022.

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