Academic literature on the topic 'Demand determination'
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Journal articles on the topic "Demand determination"
Korablev, Yuri A. "ARGUMENTATION OF CAPACITY METHOD DEMAND DETERMINATION." Statistics and Economics, no. 5 (January 1, 2015): 100–104.
Full textHe, Zhiguo, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Konstantin Milbradt. "A Model of Safe Asset Determination." American Economic Review 109, no. 4 (April 1, 2019): 1230–62.
Full textPopp, Richard S. H., and Michael F. Zaeh. "Determination of the Technical Energy Flexibility of Production Systems." Advanced Materials Research 1018 (September 2014): 365–72.
Full textVerlet, N. "ESSENTIAL OILS : SUPPLY, DEMAND AND PRICE DETERMINATION." Acta Horticulturae, no. 344 (November 1993): 9–16.
Full textUrban, T. L. "Reorder level determination with serially-correlated demand." Journal of the Operational Research Society 51, no. 6 (June 2000): 762–68.
Full textCanals, Antonio, Angel Cuesta, Luis Gras, and Ma Remedios Hernández. "New ultrasound assisted chemical oxygen demand determination." Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 9, no. 3 (July 2002): 143–49.
Full textUrban, T. L. "Reorder Level Determination with Serially-Correlated Demand." Journal of the Operational Research Society 51, no. 6 (June 2000): 762.
Full textPamplin, Kim L., and Dennis C. Johnson. "The coulometric determination of chemical oxygen demand." Electroanalysis 9, no. 4 (March 1997): 279–83.
Full textDavis, E. L., J. C. Laura, R. B. Joynt, and G. Wieczkowski. "Determination of demand for posterior resin restorations." Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 59, no. 2 (February 1988): 242–48.
Full textKadochnikov, D. "Money Demand in Structural Modelsof Exchange Rate Determination." Voprosy Ekonomiki, no. 7 (July 20, 2012): 96–113.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Demand determination"
Borggren, Lisa, Rebecca Grill, Susanna Lykken, and Maria Nilsson. "Demand based price determination for electricity consumers in private households." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för teknikvetenskaper, 2016.
Full textPhipps, Scott Douglas. "Performance Evaluation and Yield Determination of a Full-Scale Biological Aerated Filter." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2001.
Full textMaster of Science
Baker, Matthew Ernest. "Identifying Causes of Dissolved Oxygen Depletion and Determination of Sediment Oxygen Demand in the Souris River." Thesis, North Dakota State University, 2013.
Full textUnlu, Naim Teoman. "Improving the Turkish Navy requirements determination process ban assessment of demand forecasting methods for weapon system items." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2001.
Full text"December 2001". Thesis advisor(s): Gue, Kevin R. ; Crouch, Thom W. Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-41). Also available online.
Urban, Graeme John. "Probabalistic load modelling of electrical demand of residential water heating." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Energy efficiency and the move to renewable energy resources are of vital importance in growing profitable and sustainable economies. In recent years, greater emphasis has been placed on institutions, companies and individuals to reduce their electrical energy demand through energy management. In an attempt to reduce the demand, the electrical power utility in South Africa, Eskom, has introduced Demand Side Management programs and substantial increases in electricity tariffs. In addition to these, tax incentives have been offered to help off-set the capital costs associated with the investments made in replacing old electrical equipment with new electrically efficient equipment. Thus the need for accurate Measurement and Verification of electrical energy demand reduction, to substantiate fiscal claims, has become imperative. The main purpose of Measurement and Verification is to investigate the actual monetary performance of an energy savings project. Energy savings assessments, based on purely deterministic baseline demand, do not adequately represent the statistical nature of the savings impacts of many practical load systems, as disclosed in a reporting period. This thesis presents the development of a generic probabilistic methodology to determine the demand profiles of preand post-Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) for practical load systems. The difference between the simulated demand of the pre- and post-ECMs for a particular set of variables represent the electrical demand impact. The electrical demand of the pre- and post-ECMs is defined in terms of Probability Density Functions, and derived using a multivariate kernel density estimation algorithm. The approach is tested using a simulation model of a waterheating geyser implemented in MATLAB. Three different ECMs are simulated using the geyser model and demand density estimation. The results of the demand impacts of the ECMs are presented and evaluated. With regards to possible future research this methodology could be applied to the evaluation of the demand impacts of heat pump technologies and solar water heaters.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: en die skuif na hernubare energiebronne is van deurslaggewende belang vir die ontwikkeling van winsgewende en volhoubare ekonomieë. Onlangs is meer klem geplaas op instansies, maatskappye en individue om hul aanvraag na energie te verminder met behulp van energiebestuur. In ‘n poging om die aanvraag te verlaag, het Eskom, Suid-Afrika se elektrisiteitsverskaffer, aansienlike elektrisiteitstariefverhogings ingelyf en Aanvraagbestuursprogramme van stapel gestuur. Bykomend hiertoe is belastingaansporings ook aangebied, waarteen kapitale kostes, geassosieer met die vervanging van ou elektriese toerusting met nuwe elektries doeltreffende toerusting, afgeset kan word. Derhalwe het die behoefte aan akkurate Meting en Verifikasie van elektriese energie aanvraagvermindering, om finansiële eise te staaf, noodsaaklik geword. Die hoofdoel van Meting en Verifikasie is om die werklike finansiële prestasie van energiebesparingsprojek te ondersoek soos bekend gemaak word tydens ’n verslagdoeningstydperk. Energiebesparingassesserings wat slegs gebaseer word op die suiwer deterministiese basislyn aanvraag na elektrisiteit, verteenwoordig nie die werklike statistiese aard van die besparingsimpakte van baie praktiese lasstelsels nie. Hierdie tesis stel die ontwikkeling van generiese waarskynlikheids-metodologie voor, om die voor- en na- Energiebesparings-maatreëls se aanvraagprofiele vir sulke praktiese lasstelsels, vas te stel. Die verskil tussen die gesimuleerde aanvraag van die voor- en na- Energiebesparings-maatreëls vir spesifieke stel veranderlikes verteenwoordig die elektriese aanvraag impak. Die voor- en na- Energiebesparings-maatreëls van die energieverbruik profieldata word gedefinieer in terme van Waarskynlikheidsdigtheidsfunksies en afgelei deur gebruik te maak van meerveranderlike kerndigtheidafskattingsalgoritme. Die benadering is getoets deur gebruik te maak van simuleringsmodel van warmwaterstelsel geïmplimenteer in MATLAB. Drie verskillende voor- en na- Energiebesparings-maatreëls is gesimuleer met behulp van die warmwaterstelselmodel en aanvraag digtheidafskatting. Die resultate van die elektriese aanvraag impakte van die voor- en na- Energiebesparings-maatreëls word vervolgens bespreek en geëvalueer. Met betrekking tot moontlike toekomstige navorsing kan hierdie metodologie toegepas word om die aanvraag impakte van hittepomp- en sonwaterverwarmingstegnologieë te evalueer.
Yazgan, Ufuk. "A Methodology For Determination Of Performance Based Design Parameters." Master's thesis, METU, 2003.
Full textTamuno, Paul Samuel. "The potential of the indigenous people's right to self-determination as a framework for accommodating the Niger Delta Communities' demand for self-determination within the sovereignty of Nigeria." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2015.
Full textJiang, Dianlu, and n/a. "Studies of Photocatalytic Processes at Nanoporous TiO2 Film Electrodes by Photoelectrochemical Techniques and Development of a Novel Methodology for Rapid Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand." Griffith University. School of Environmental and Applied Science, 2004.
Full textFilho, Edmar Honorato de Sousa. "AnÃlise da demanda e modelos de preÃos hedÃnicos no mercado imobiliÃrio da cidade de Fortaleza." Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2004.
Full textO presente trabalho consiste no estudo dos determinantes econÃmicos que contribuem para a formaÃÃo dos preÃos do mercado imobiliÃrio da cidade de Fortaleza, Estado do CearÃ, na Ãtica dos agentes econÃmicos de demanda, fundamentado na teoria dos preÃos hedÃnicos ou preÃos implÃcitos. O modelo proposto pelo trabalho investiga preÃos implÃcitos na curva de utilidade de um agente de demanda segmentado em dois grupos: consumidor direto do bem habitaÃÃo e o investidor em imÃveis, que incorpora adicionalmente atributos econÃmicofinanceiros que medem o grau de risco e retorno na formaÃÃo dos preÃos hedÃnicos. O estudo estima os preÃos hedÃnicos atravÃs de uma regressÃo segmentada por tipo de imÃvel dos preÃos observados contra os diversos atributos distribuÃdos nos vetores de caracterÃsticas fÃsicas, locacionais, econÃmicas e financeiras. A amostra selecionada para estimaÃÃo do modelo à formada pelas transaÃÃes imobiliÃrias de lanÃamentos ocorridas na cidade (perÃodo de 1995 a 2003), bem como terrenos urbanos (perÃodo de 1995 a 1998), perfazendo o montante de 4.467 ocorrÃncias imobiliÃrias, sendo 876 apartamentos residenciais, 1969 flats, 539 terrenos e 1622 salas comerciais. O trabalho investiga ainda as principais caracterÃsticas do mercado imobiliÃrio, estima a funÃÃo de demanda imobiliÃria para a cidade de Fortaleza, fornecendo diagnÃstico da dinÃmica habitacional dessa metrÃpole e identifica o comportamento de risco imobiliÃrio dos bairros da cidade de Fortaleza.
The present work consists of the study of the economical determinants that contribute to the formation of the prices of the real estate market of the city of Fortaleza (CearÃ), in the optics of the economical agents of demand, based in the hedonic or implicit prices theory. The model considered for the work investigates implicit prices in the curve of utility of an agent of demand segmented in two groups: direct consumer of the good house and the investor in properties, that it incorporates economical-financial additionally that measure the degree of risk and return in the formation of the hedonic prices. The study esteem the hedonic prices through a regression segmented by type of property of the prices observed against the several attributes distributed in the vectors of physical, location, economical and financial characteristics. The sample selected for estimate of the model is formed by the real estate transactions of occured launchings in the city (period from 1995 to 2003), as well as urban lands (period from 1995 to 1998), totalize the sum of 4.467 real estate occurrences, being 876 residential apartments, 1969 flats, 539 lands and 1622 commercial rooms. The work still investigates the main characteristics of the real estate market, it esteem the function of real estate demand for the city of Fortaleza, supplying diagnosis of the habitation dynamics of that metropolis and identifies the behavior of real estate risk of the quarters of the city of Fortaleza.
Ilten, Paul. "Ansätze für profitables Wachstum von BPO-Dienstleistern." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015.
Full textIn this thesis it is studied how a theory-based assessment of business processes regarding their adequacy for outsourcing can be carried out and what starting points for profitable growth of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) providers in Germany can result from the application of such a methodology. For this purpose a three step approach is taken. As a first step a theory-based concept of an assessment model to determine the adequacy of outsourcing business processes is developed. As a second step possibilities for transferring the concept of this model to real life applications are examined. In a final third step it is shown how the assessment model developed here can be used as part of the marketing activities of BPO companies to contribute to their profitable growth
Books on the topic "Demand determination"
Tricarico, Julia. Market supply, demand and price determination (general). Kingston, ON: History Teachers' Counselling Service, 1989.
Find full textCochrane, John H. Money as stock: Price level determination with no money demand. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2000.
Find full textMcSwiney, Steven David. Determination of the water demand of fine aggregate and its relationship to shape. [London]: Queen Mary and Westfield College, 1993.
Find full textHotchkiss, Julie L. Evidence of demand factors in the determination of the labor market intermittency penalty. Atlanta, Ga.]: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2007.
Find full textKu, Ka Kit. The empirical modelling of the supply and demand factors in the determination of Hong Kong exports. [s.l.]: typescript, 1996.
Find full textRoy, Saikat Sinha. Demand and supply factors in the determination of India's disaggregated manufactured exports: A simultaneous error-correction approach. Thiruvananthapuram: Centre for Development Studies, 2007.
Find full textMuscatelli, V. Anton. Demand and supply factors in the determination of nie exports: A simultaneous error-correction model for Hong Kong. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, Department of Political Economy, 1991.
Find full textSchweitzer, Stuart O., and Z. John Lu. The Demand for Pharmaceuticals. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textStoneman, Paul, Eleonora Bartoloni, and Maurizio Baussola. The Demand for a New Product. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textI Demand: A Laotian-American's Memoir of Hope, Determination, and Pursuit of the American Dream. Khamkeo, Bounsang, 2020.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Demand determination"
Hang, Yong D. "Determination of Oxygen Demand." In Food Science Texts Series, 367–72. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2010.
Full textHang, Yong D. "Determination of Oxygen Demand." In Food Science Text Series, 503–7. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textNielsen, S. Suzanne. "Determination of Oxygen Demand." In Instructor’s Manual for Food Analysis: Second Edition, 86–88. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998.
Full textNielsen, S. Suzanne. "Study Questions Determination of Oxygen Demand." In Food Science Text Series, 105–7. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2003.
Full textBenassi, Corrado, Alessandra Chirco, and Caterina Colombo. "A Simple Analysis of Price and Output Determination: A Model with Imperfect Competition." In Aggregate Demand and Supply, 177–208. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1998.
Full textHong, Wei-Chiang. "Hybridizing Meta-heuristic Algorithms with CMM and QCM for SVR’s Parameters Determination." In Hybrid Intelligent Technologies in Energy Demand Forecasting, 69–133. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textGoyal, S. K., and E. H. Mahmoud. "Determination of Economic Production Policy with Dynamic Demand and Production Capacity Constraint." In Toward the Factory of the Future, 680–84. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1985.
Full textWohlgenant, Michael K. "Retail-to-Farm Demand Linkages, Imperfect Competition, and Short-Run Price Determination." In Palgrave Studies in Agricultural Economics and Food Policy, 137–64. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textDombrowski, Uwe, and Sebastian Weckenborg. "Determination of the Spare Parts Demand for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Service Providers." In IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 433–40. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textRanjith, A. M., and V. Madhusudanan Pillai. "Determination of Safety Stock in Divergent Supply Chains with Non-stationary Demand Process." In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 63–73. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Demand determination"
Li, Ming. "(2) Protein structure determination on demand." In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). IEEE, 2012.
Full textBeber, S. D. "Kind of distribution demand for tariff determination." In 18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2005). IEE, 2005.
Full textMa, Xiangjuan, and Yang Gao. "Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand for Saline Wastewater." In 2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE). IEEE, 2010.
Full textMoscoso, S. A., D. X. Morales, and D. A. Balarezo. "Study for determination of projected maximum unit demand case study: Cuenca-ecuador." In 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Latin America (ISGT Latin America). IEEE, 2017.
Full textSteinbusch, Philippe, Jan Meese, Roman Uhlig, Jan Mehlich, Marcus Stotzel, Markus Zdrallek, Wolfram Heldmaier, Stefan Blanaru, Wolfgang Friedrich, and Uwe Schluter. "Determination of the future actuator demand of adaptive smart low voltage grids." In 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe). IEEE, 2017.
Full textFaizah, Restu, and Elvis Saputra. "Seismic Demand Due to the Earthquake Hazard Map 2017 Determination in Indonesia." In The 7th Engineering International Conference (EIC), Engineering International Conference on Education, Concept and Application on Green Technology. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2018.
Full textSahraie, Elahe, Alireza Zakariazadeh, and Mohammad Babaie Souchelmaie. "Development of the Demand Response Programs in Smart Grids with Determination of the Ancillary Services Price for Demand-side." In 2019 International Power System Conference (PSC). IEEE, 2019.
Full textKanchanasuntorn, K., M. Neawdong, and S. Yodsuwa. "Notice of Retraction: Determination and analysis of inventory policies for time-varying demand problem applied on continuous probability distributed demand." In 2010 International Conference on Education and Management Technology (ICEMT 2010). IEEE, 2010.
Full textWang, J. F., C. Bian, J. H. Tong, J. Z. Sun, Y. Li, H. Zhang, and S. H. Xia. "A biological/electrochemical reservoirs integrated microsensor for the determination of biochemical oxygen demand." In 2013 Transducers & Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXVII). IEEE, 2013.
Full textBortolato, Andrea, Pedro Faria, and Zita Vale. "Probabilistic Determination of Consumers Response and Consumption Management Strategies in Demand Response Programs." In 2020 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D). IEEE, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Demand determination"
Cochrane, John. Money as Stock: Price Level Determination with no Money Demand. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, January 2000.
Full textGeller, Drew Adam, and Scott N. Backhaus. Experimental Determination of Demand Response Control Models and Cost of Control for Ensembles of Window-Mount Air Conditioners. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2016.
Full textBrown, Richard S., and David R. Geist. Determination of Swimming Speeds and Energetic Demands of Upriver Migrating Fall Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Klickitat River, Washington. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), July 2002.
Full textBrown, Richard S., and David R. Geist. Determination of Swimming Speeds and Energetic Demands of Upriver Migrating Fall Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) in the Klickitat River, Washington. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2002.
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