Academic literature on the topic 'Délocalisation des entreprises'
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Journal articles on the topic "Délocalisation des entreprises"
Peeters, Carine, Sébastien Point, Patricia Garcia-Prieto, and Andrès Davila. "La diversité culturelle dans les délocalisations : apports nuancés de deux littératures." Management international 18 (December 16, 2014): 178–93.
Full textArtus, Patrick. "Délocalisations industrielles, croissance et bien-être." Économie appliquée 48, no. 1 (1995): 31–46.
Full textGallego, Virginie, and Lynda Saoudi. "Valoriser le potentiel humain ou délocaliser." Revue internationale P.M.E. 23, no. 2 (September 8, 2011): 107–30.
Full textNaïr, Nadia. "Globalisation, délocalisation des entreprises et travail des femmes." Reflets: Revue d’intervention sociale et communautaire 9, no. 1 (2003): 22.
Full textLecler, Yveline. "Les fournisseurs/sous-traitants japonais : quasi-ateliers ou partenaires de leurs donneurs d'ordres ?" Note 4, no. 2 (February 16, 2012): 137–62.
Full textLefilleur, Julien. "Déterminants des investissements directs étrangers en Europe centrale et orientale. Un bilan de la transition." Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest 39, no. 2 (2008): 201–38.
Full textPasset, Olivier. "Le Japon : les doutes d'un créancier." Revue de l'OFCE 54, no. 3 (September 1, 1995): 5–55.
Full textMessaoudi, Dalila. "Entreprises et territoires : entre délocalisations et relocalisations d’activités de production." Annales de géographie 723-724, no. 5 (2018): 588.
Full textMokaddem, Sarah, and Hazar Ben Barka. "L’impact d’une gouvernance socialement responsable sur les attitudes et les comportements des salariés au travail : une investigation théorique." Management & Sciences Sociales N° 12, no. 1 (January 1, 2012): 14–28.
Full textMessaoudi, Dalila. "Les enjeux géoéconomiques, industriels et territoriaux de la délocalisation des entreprises : le cas français." Carnets de géographes, no. 6 (September 1, 2013).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Délocalisation des entreprises"
Lougarre, Patricia. "Régles de droit et délocalisation des entreprises françaises." Nice, 2003.
Full textMessaoudi, Dalila. "Les enjeux géoéconomiques industriels et territoriaux de la délocalisation des entreprises françaises." Thesis, Paris 10, 2012.
Full textCompetition across territories has shaken the French industrial landscape. The economic survival of some industrial companies was achieved at the expense of a spatial reorganisation commonly referred to as “relocation”. These relocations first affected jobs where workforce constituted an important part of the cost of returns. Such activities went through difficult paths and led to numerous factory closures as well as thousands of job losses. Today, this scheme tends to evolve due to emerging countries’ willingness to position on technical and technological activities. In front of this worrying trend, local authorities are often powerless. How to avoid the exodus of French industrial companies? How to attract new investors? What are the most threatened activities? What are the real impacts on employment pools? Are some sectors still protected or is this movement going to extend until affecting all French industrial activities? Will we witness a “territorial redeployment” characterised by the marginalisation of former industrial regions and the emergence of new territories better equipped to resist in France? Can we really quantify and measure this phenomenon? This dissertation aims to observe and analyse the terms of spatial and organisational activities in the most sensitive sectors and the most affected regions. It intends to highlight the perspectives for such a trend in the French case while insisting on the parameters likely to make it evolve in the short and medium term, and analysing the types of local regulations that can promote the French territory
Wang, Rui. "Mondialisation et localisation des activités des entreprises : UE – R. P. de Chine." Thesis, Paris 3, 2009.
Full textThe objective of this work is to understand the localization of the European and the Chinese enterprises within the framework of globalization; The research is founded on three principal parts : a) the theoretical contribution with trade, IDE and globalization ; b) the principal determinants of offsourcing and localization between the European and the Chinese enterprises ; c) the activities of the enterprises localized and the consequences caused in the host countries and the countries of origin. The european enterprises, localized in China are generally attracted by the comparative advantages of this country like the low cost of labour and an immense domestic demand. The Chinese enterprises are interested to purchase the European enterprises since they could quickly control the leading-edge technology, the famous brands and the distribution network. China profited a lot from the localization of the European enterprises (the progression of technology), but it also encounters serious problems (the shortage of the raw materials). In the european countries, the localization of the enterprises in the foreign countries caused some problems such as the fall of industrial employment. Moreover, the arrival of the chinese enterprises cannot play an important role as regards creation of employment and reduction of the deficit on the side of the European Union. In conclusion, the challenges and the obstacles met in the host countries can leave the European and the Chinese enterprises to think about their strategies of localization
Mateur, Zouhour. "Attractivité à l'investissement direct étranger et la délocalisation industrielle en Tunisie." Paris 5, 2009.
Full textSince the beginning of the 70's, Tunisia has given a major importance to the FDI as a means of the economic development. As a consequence to the aims of the economic globalization, the political opening up adopted by the Tunisian government should profit by the offred opportunities to the delocation of the international industrial activities. However, the present situation is far from responding to the expectations. A great gap exists between the taken means and the measures to stimulate the MNF and the registered results. At this level of analysis, a question should be asked: Does Tunisia have the possibility to get industrial dynamics or will it stay for ever tributary to the delocation of firms? After a general evaluation, Tunisia has to change or improve its development strategy in the industrial field and especially towards the foreign delocating firms. For Tunisia the aim is no more to attract the MNF but mainly to target competitive investments whose technological contribution, known-how and job recruitment will be more significant for the national economy
Gallego, Virginie. "La valorisation de l'expertise humaine : une alternative à la délocalisation des PME." Montpellier 1, 2009.
Full textPlaced in a context of globalization, SMEs are subjected to the offshore phenomenon, in the same way as the big companies. Nevertheless, some of them choose to maintain their activities on the territory of origin by leading said strategies "alternatives". Our research considers the human dimension as foundation of an alternative strategy in the offshore. More exactly, it is a question of estimating the impact of human expertise valorisation on the preservation of the activities in a given territory. The analysis is based on resources based-view theory and simultaneously on the contributions of the literature to the skills in humans' resources and to the concept of expertise. This theoretical positioning leads us to integrate the human dimension into the resource based-view theory by proposing the concept of human expertise. The stake in this expertise in the competitiveness of companies and the preservation of their activities on the territory can be so esteemed. The research took place in three stapes. First of all, in an exploratory approach, a study case has been led among a SME having a offshore strategy and relocation on its territory of origin. First results show limits of an offshoring strategy and, in the same way, the alternatives strategies possibilities. Secondly, a study case based on interviews, observations and documentary analyses led with SMEs which keep their activities located in France, while wondering on a offshore strategy. In the third part, in order to improve results validity, surveys have been administered. To conclude, it has been show that the more companies value human expertise, the less their activities are exposed to this phenomenon. We proposed a method lead SMEs in their decision of localisation
Michel, Klaus-Bernhard. "Economic and environmental causes and consequences of offshoring: an empirical assessment." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2014.
Full textWith the increasing scale and scope of offshoring, it becomes crucial to get a grasp of its drivers as well as the gains and threats associated with it. The latter are the focal point of the public and academic discussion around offshoring, in particular the potential threats for workers in developed economies. Typical questions that are being raised are whether offshoring leads to job losses in developed countries and whether it favours certain categories of workers and is to the disadvantage of others. These threats are directly linked to the motivations for engaging into offshoring. In this respect, wage costs play a prominent role. But other factors may also influence offshoring decisions, e.g. regulations, in particular those regarding the environment. Last but not least, offshoring may also entail gains for developed economies through the improvements in the efficiency of production. In this PhD thesis, several causes and consequences of offshoring are examined empirically for Belgium.
The first issue that is investigated is whether offshoring of materials and business services affects industry-level employment. An improved offshoring intensity measure is introduced. It is a volume measure of the share of imported intermediates in output split into materials and business services and according to the country of origin of imports, i.e. high-wage and low-wage countries. Estimations of static and dynamic industry-level labour demand equations augmented by offshoring intensities do not reveal a significant impact of either materials or business services offshoring on total employment for Belgium. This result holds for both the manufacturing sector and the service sector and it proves robust to splitting the manufacturing sector into high-technology and low-technology industries.
These results raise the question whether there are actually productivity gains from offshoring. Therefore, estimates of the impact of materials and business services offshoring on industry-level productivity in Belgium are presented. Two features of the analysis are new compared to the existing literature on this subject: the issue is examined separately for manufacturing and market services industries and the possibility of forward and backward spillovers from offshoring, i.e. that productivity gains from offshoring feed through to upstream and downstream industries, is investigated. Results show that materials offshoring has no effect on productivity, while business services offshoring leads to productivity gains in manufacturing. Furthermore, there is no evidence of either forward or backward spillovers from offshoring.
Despite the absence of an industry-level total employment effect, offshoring may alter the within-industry composition of employment. In this respect, a major concern is the worsening of the labour market position of low-skilled workers. This issue is addressed by providing evidence on the impact of offshoring on the skill structure of manufacturing employment in Belgium between 1995 and 2007. Offshoring is found to significantly lower the employment share of low-skilled workers. Its contribution to the fall in the employment share of low-skilled workers amounts to 35%. This is mainly driven by offshoring to Central and Eastern European countries. Business services offshoring also contributes significantly to the fall in the low-skilled employment share. As a complement to the existing literature, the widely used current price measure of offshoring is compared with a constant price measure that is based on a deflation with separate price indices for domestic output and imports. This reveals that the former underestimate the extent of offshoring and its impact on low-skilled employment. Finally, further results show that the impact of offshoring on low-skilled employment is significantly smaller in industries with a higher ICT capital intensity.
Furthermore, attention is drawn to environmental effects of offshoring by asking whether offshoring contributes to reducing air emissions from manufacturing. Indeed, since the mid-90’s, production-related air emissions in Belgian manufacturing have been reduced substantially. It can be shown that the pace of the reduction has been fastest for domestic intermediates. The issue of whether offshoring has played a role in this reduction by replacing domestic intermediates by imported intermediates is widely debated. Here, a decomposition analysis is developed to measure the contribution of offshoring – the share of imported intermediates in total intermediates – to the fall in air emissions for domestic intermediates. Based on the results from this decomposition analysis, it is possible to calculate that 17% of the fall in greenhouse gas emissions, 6% of the fall in acidifying emissions and 7% of the fall in tropospheric precursor emissions in Belgian manufacturing between 1995 and 2007 can be attributed to offshoring.
Finally, emission intensities are also considered as a potential determinant of offshoring. An econometric approach for testing the pollution haven effect for imported intermediate materials is developed. The approach is new with respect to the existing literature on pollution havens through its specific focus on imports of intermediates. The test is embedded in a cost function framework from which a system of cost share equations for variable input factors is derived. The set of potential determinants of the demand for imported intermediate materials includes emission intensities for three types of air pollutants. Their impact constitutes a test of the pollution haven effect. The system of cost share equations is estimated by a within ISUR using data for the Belgian manufacturing sector. Results show some albeit relatively weak evidence of a pollution haven effect for imported intermediate materials.
Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion
Hadadah, Ali. "L'impact de l'ouverture internationale des industries polluantes sur l'environnement : vers une contestation du phénomène de "Havre de pollution"." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 3, 2011.
Full textFor a long time, the policies of environmental protection were accused of being the cause of important relocations, entailing the risk of the « environmental dumping » and the appearance of the phenomenon of the « pollution haven ». It is this theory that we will take issue in this thesis by demonstrating that even it is exact in exceptional cases, it is not any more in most of the cases and it is because of several mechanisms which have relation with the nature of environmental policies, the structures of the market and the intern composition of companies. We are going to study factors encouraging multinationals to relocate. In addition, we are going to demonstrate the impact of these factors on the concentration of the polluting industries and consequently on the appearance of the phenomenon of « pollution haven » (Chapter 1). Then we will explain the ineffectiveness of the public interventions to resolve the environmental issues and the necessity of the social responsibility of companies as condition of success of environmental policies (Chapter 2). Finally, we will contradict the existence of « pollution haven » and we will verify that the environmental protection and the economic competition can converge in a way that the one be the condition of the success of the other (Chapter 3)
Kandoussi, Malak. "Essays on the labor market : remote work, economic consequences of COVID-19 lockdowns, and establishments’relocation." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2023.
Full textThis thesis consists of three chapters that study labour market.The first chapter focuses on examining the impact of working from home on the labor market outcomes using an extension of the search and matching model. By considering the changes that have occurred in the economy before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the objective is to address the data gap to (i) explain the increase in the share of remote workers following the COVID-19 crisis; (ii) investigate the effects of this shift on labor market outcomes in two distinct areas; and (iii) assess the potential benefits of working from home in reducing inequalities between urban and rural regions.The second chapter introduces a general equilibrium model that incorporates matching frictions to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on unemployment. The model is calibrated on the subprime-crisis experience and is then used to identify the job-specific lockdown shocks, allowing it to predict the observed worker flows by diploma. The study finds that the persistence of the model, which is notably higher than in the DiamondMortensen-Pissarides model, is mitigated by the effects of the CARES Act. This act plays a significant role in reducing the increase in unemployment by reducing the dynamics of worker separations and promoting job hires. Counterfactual experiments conducted in the study demonstrate that incorporating time-varying risk and externalities related to hiring costs are necessary to effectively explain the dynamics of these crises.The third and final chapter focuses on understanding the decision-making process of firms when selecting the locations for their establishments. The study investigates how changes in commuting time resulting from different types of relocations impact job separation and wages. The findings indicate that an increase in commuting time due to a relocation leads to a higher probability of job separation. In order to maintain the employment relationship, establishments that move to the suburbs tend to increase the wages of skilled workers, particularly those residing in the city center. Conversely, no evidence is found to support wage adjustments for establishments relocating to the center, and there is no indication of wage cuts for workers for whom commuting time decreases as a result of the relocation of their establishment
Hruza, Bernd. "Intégration des entreprises faisant l'objet d'acquisitions : planification, options, coordination." Université Robert Schuman (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1998.
Full textThis paper proposes the basis of an analysis and a set of guidelines for integrating industrial groups. Contradictory conclusions from the evaluation of previous results leads one to believe that studying the problem of its strategic aspect is insufficient to explain fully the complexities and difficulties arising within the acquisition process. It becomes evident that the way in which the merger is organised plays a decisive role. In any case, planning has a positive effect on preparatory options. But action plans are only effective where there are constants in environmental conditions. However, at first, planning only forms a part of the actual acquisition. The difficulties of such a system arise from its realisation: most of the problems become visible upon completion. Therefor the coordination mechanisms must be constructed to obtain proposed objectives. This kind of problem is not merely operational - we also have strategic planning. I will examine which coordination systems best adapt to diversification as regards vertical and horizontal integration. After coordinating the merger of the companies, the next task is to resolve the conflicts, which arise from it. At the very beginning, conflicts arise from the struggle for a share of limited resources. But conflicts can also result from a clash of mentalities from different companies. Conflicts due to different mentalities depend more on differences of a socio-cultural origin rather than on decisions made as part o the integration plan. The analysis of socio-cultural barriers is a key to understanding the process of cultural adaptation. Management can have a positive influence on mis process by judicious me of measures " favouring socio-cultural integration, thus gradually causing a union between different business cultures
Masquefa, Christine. "La restructuration." Paris 2, 1998.
Full textThe legal understanding of the reorganization, a originally economical operation, is materialized by the construction of a autonomous legal notion and of a unitary regime. The reorganization is understood by the modification of the framework and organization terms of the entity, such modification being supported by a legal mechanism likely to entail a durable and significant transformation of its main elements, the power and the activity. This definition comprises two mains criteria. The first one - the structure - is a stable organization, location of a autonomous power of decision and of the developmant of an economical activity. This constitutes a specific legal category allowing a new approach of the concepts of corporation, group or business. The second - the mechanism - initialized by decision of the power holder, affects durably and significantly the entity affecting its identity. The reorganization is revealed by an dispersion of the working community and a market concentration. The reorganization regime is based on a princip of freedom of organization based on freedom of enterprise, as well on a princip of favor arising by incentive measures, a princip of neutrality of the legal form and by a optimization faculty only altered by reality and justification requests. The initialization of the reorganization must be distinguished from the stimulation and respect the interest of the concerned structure. Thus, the legitimacy of the operation is subject to a wide and complex control. The later is based on the transparency of the operation to which concur numerous duties of information and has for goal to protect the individuals - by recognizing a righ to be maintained and paradoxically a righ to withdraw - and the market. The heterogeneousness of these dispositions does not impeach complexity. It is a source of conflicts and inefficiency. Finally, the exceptional character of the discussion of the reorganization - or its terms - as sanctions, enlights a limited will of the legislator to oppose such reorganization
Books on the topic "Délocalisation des entreprises"
Alzina, Patricia Lougarre. Règle de droit et délocalisation des entreprises françaises: Thèse pour l'obtention du doctorat d'état en droit, université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, institut du droit de la paix et du développement, juin 2003. Lille: ANRT. Atelier national de reproduction des thèses, 2005.
Find full textMercier-Suissa, Catherine, editor of compilation, Centre d'études socio-économiques et de management, and IAE de Lyon, eds. Entre délocalisations et relocalisations: Mobilité des entreprises et attractivité des territoires. Rabat: HEM, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Délocalisation des entreprises"
Hugounenq, Réjane, and Thierry Madiès. "Chapitre 9 Concurrence fiscale et taxation du bénéfice des sociétés : quelle incitation à la délocalisation ?" In Stratégies de localisation des entreprises commerciales et industrielles, 189–208. De Boeck Supérieur, 2002.
Full textGerstenberger, Barbara, and Richard Alexander Roehrl. "4. L'externalisation des emplois dans les services aux entreprises en Europe." In Délocalisations, normes du travail et politique d’emploi, 99–122. La Découverte, 2005.
Full textVignal, Cécile. "Arbitrages résidentiels au sein des couples confrontés à la délocalisation de leur entreprise." In Élire domicile, 185–205. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2010.
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