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Andrea, Borri, ed. Il futuro della TV: Technologie-palinsesti-mercati. Roma: Laterza, 1991.

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Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Patrice Pollet, Jacques Trah. INTERNET EN RÉSEAU - Au-delà de l'organisation hiérarchique et des technologies de demain. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2003.

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Nicolas Martinez, Maria Carlota, and Scott Staton, eds. Studi per l'insegnamento delle lingue europee. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2005.

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This book represents a contribution to the elaboration of language teaching methods. It comprises a collection of the addresses made on the first two study days on the teaching of European languages (Florence 2002-2003) attended by teachers working in Italian universities, and also in higher educational institutes both public and private. From the comparison of different experiences and cultures there emerged a very dynamic scenario, open to new scientific and methodological stimuli. Among the issues addressed are the use of the new technologies in teaching, the implications of the expansion of the European Union, and the use of a foreign language for the teaching of non-linguistic disciplines.
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Oggetti da ascoltare: Hifi, iPod e consumo delle tecnologie musicali. Bologna: Il mulino, 2012.

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Baldini, Gianni, and Monica Soldano, eds. Tecnologie riproduttive e tutela della persona. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2007.

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Tecnologie riproduttive e tutela della persona. This book emerged from the collaboration between the department of Biolaw of the University of Florence and the non-profit association Madre Provetta. It represents the first stage in a larger editorial project that aspires to contribute study and research to build towards a common European law on bioethics. The authors who have collaborated on this book are among the leading experts, in their respective fields, on questions raised by technologies of reproduction, which are here elaborated at both medical-scientific level and in their relation to sociology, bioethics, law and politics. The various contributions are divided into three specific thematic areas: liberty of reproduction and rights of the individual, pre-implant genetic diagnosis and the freedom and limitations of scientific research.
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Ksenz, Nikolay, Boris Cheba, and Igor' Yudaev. Electroactivation of media in agricultural technologies as a way to intensify production processes. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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The monograph examines the scientific foundations, methodological approaches and applied aspects of the electroactivation of air and water solutions for their direct use in various technological processes of agricultural production. The results of numerous experimental studies of the authors and other researchers conducted over several years to substantiate the parameters and operating modes of electrotechnological installations for the electrical activation of various media are presented. It is intended for undergraduates, postgraduates, engineers and researchers who study and deal with issues of electrical technology, in particular, the development of electroactivators and the use of electroactivation processes in various areas of agricultural production and processing of agricultural products.
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Corporation, RONIN, ed. A survey of worldwide information technology trends =: Enquête sur les tendances mondiales des technologies de l'information = Eine Übersicht der weltweiten Trends in der Informationstechnologie = Un indagine delle tendenze mondiali della tecnologia dell'informatica. Princeton, NJ: RONIN Corporation, 1992.

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Bernier, Guylain. La vidéo de soi sur Internet: Rendre visible sa différence : au-delà de la technologie, les fondements sociaux. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2015.

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Pepin, Raynald. Au-delà des apparences: La dimension scientifique de la vie quotidienne. Sillery: Québec Science, 2001.

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Dalton, John P., ed. Fasciolosis. 2nd ed. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract This book consists of 14 chapters that deal with modern technologies applied to learn more about the molecular biology of liver flukes, biochemistry, metabolism, immunology, immunopathology and genetics of Fasciola. In addition, this book seeks to have a better understanding of global importance of fascioliasis, its cost to farming communities, and its distribution and epidemiology.
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Lee, Larssen, ed. Risk management for IT projects: How to deal with over 150 issues and risks. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006.

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Canada, Canada Industry, and Canada Industrie Canada, eds. Science and technology advice : a framework to build on : a report on federal science and technology -- 2002 =: Avis en sciences et en technologie : au delà du cadre établi : rapport sur les activités fédérales en sciences et en technologie, 2002. [Ottawa, Ont.]: Government of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, 2002.

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Markozanēs, Nikolaos Iak. Hē "Hermēneia tēs zōgraphikēs technēs" tou Dionysiou ek Phourna kai hē dytikē technologikē paradosē tou mesaiōna : (Theophilus, On Divers Art - The Strasburg Manuscript - Cennino Cennini, Il libro dell' arte). Athēna: Ekdoseis Harmos, 2017.

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Canadian Association for Information Science. Conference. Beyond the web: Technologies, knowledge and people : proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, May 27-29, 2001 = Au-delà du web : les technologies, la connaissance et les gens : travaux du 29e congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne des sciences de l'information, Université Laval, Québec, 27-29 mai, 2001. [S.l: Canadian Association for Information Science, 2001.

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Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation., Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, and Associazione Italiana per la Documentazione Avanzata., eds. Stato dell'arte dell'applicazione delle nuove tecnologie dell'informazione nelle biblioteche e loro influsso sul funzionamnento in Italia =: State of the art of the application of new information technologies in libraries and their impact on library functions in Italy. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities, 1988.

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Environmental technology resources handbook. Boca Raton, Fla: Lewis Publishers, 2003.

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I segni dell' habitat =: Technologies et design d'italie. Rome: Istituto nazionale per il CommercioEstero, 1987.

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Coates, Hamish. Higher Education Design: Big Deal Partnerships, Technologies and Capabilities. Springer Singapore Pte. Limited, 2020.

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I Segni dell' habitat: Technology and design of Italy = Technologie und Design aus Italien. Venezia: Electa, 1988.

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García Orozco, Selef, and Edgar Mendoza Baldwin. Environmental Assessment Methodology for Ocean Technologies. EPOMEX-UAC, 2022.

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El presente material se enfoca en el desarrollo de una metodología de evaluación ambiental para tecnologías del océano. El diseño mecánico y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Agenda 2030 se vuelven ejes rectores para realizar una evaluación ambiental integral. Se presenta la metodología establecida por las normas iso 14040-14044:2006 para el desarrollo de la evaluación ambiental con el enfoque de análisis de ciclo de vida. Asimismo, se establece un panorama general de las herramientas computacionales para el desarrollo de las evaluaciones ambientales. Además, se plantea la importancia de realizar estos estudios para la toma de decisiones en etapas de conceptualización y diseño para minimizar los impactos al medio ambiente.
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Sartori, Giovanni. El reino de la belleza (Cuadernos De La Catedra Alfonso Reyes Del Technologico De Monterrey). Fondo De Cultura Economica USA, 2004.

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Lupano, Cecilia Elena. Modificaciones de componentes de los alimentos. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (EDULP), 2013.

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Vingt ans après son séjour dans notre laboratoire de Biochimie et Technologie Alimentaires de l’Université de Montpellier, Cécilia Lupano m’a fait le plaisir de me présenter son tout récent livre électronique. L’ouvrage porte sur les modifications des constituants des aliments sous l’effet des traitements technologiques et de l’entreposage. Sont pris en compte les macro-constituants (protides, lipides, glucides), ainsi qu’un grand nombre de constituants minoritaires, dont les vitamines. Les réactions chimiques et biochimiques affectant ces constituants font l’objet d’une description très complète appuyée sur de nombreuses références bibliographiques. Les facteurs (température, temps, pH, teneur en oxygène, pression, activités enzymatiques…) qui influencent ces modifications chimiques sont examinés, ainsi que l’impact bénéfique ou néfaste de ces dernières sur les plans sensoriel, fonctionnel et nutritionnel. <i>(del prólogo de J. Claude Cheftel)</i>
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Mukhopadhyay, Sandip, Srinivas Pingali, and Amitabh Satyam. Selling IT: The Science of Selling, Buying and Deal-Making. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Mukhopadhyay, Sandip, Srinivas Pingali, and Amitabh Satyam. Selling IT: The Science of Selling, Buying and Deal-Making. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.

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Selling IT: The Science of Selling, Buying and Deal-Making. Routledge India, 2021.

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Aesthetic technologies of modernity, subjectivity, and nature: Opera · orchestra · phonograph · film. 2015.

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DELTORN, Jean-Marc, and Evelyne PICHENOT, eds. Algorithmes et Société. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.

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Au cœur d’un nombre croissant d’avancées technologiques, de l’exploitation des données de masse à la médecine, de la gestion de crises à l’automatisation de procédés industriels, les algorithmes font aujourd’hui partie de notre quotidien. Une omniprésence qui n’est pourtant pas synonyme d’infaillibilité, car, au-delà des apports indéniables de la machinerie algorithmique, celle-ci connait des limites. Ici, elle participe à augmenter la productivité et ouvre la voie à une «industrie 4.0», là, elle bouleverse l’emploi ; ici l’algorithme identifie les pathologies mieux que les meilleurs cliniciens, là il propose un traitement aberrant ; dans un cas l’algorithme s’illustre, dans l’autre il achoppe. Entre succès retentissants et dérapages incontrôlés, ce sont ces usages et ces limites qu’il est aujourd’hui essentiel d’explorer, sous toutes leurs facettes. Devant la variété des problématiques posées par les diverses applications des algorithmes, pour en dresser un «portrait-robot», une approche transversale, en intelligence collective, s’impose. Le rapport science et société est au cœur des problématiques abordées par l’Institut des Hautes Études pour la science et la technologie (IHEST). [...]
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Richardson, Megan. Advanced Introduction to Privacy Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.

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Presenting a concise, yet wide-ranging and contemporary overview of the field, this Advanced Introduction to Privacy Law focuses on how we arrived at our privacy laws, and how the law can deal with new and emerging challenges from digital technologies, social networks and public health crises. This illuminating and interdisciplinary book demonstrates how the history of privacy law has been one of constant adaptation to emerging challenges, illustrating the primacy of the right to privacy amidst a changing social and cultural landscape.
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Galetta, Diana-Urania, and Jacques Ziller, eds. Das öffentliche Recht vor den Herausforderungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien jenseits des Datenschutzes | Information and Communication Technologies Challenging Public Law, Beyond Data Protection | Le droit public au défi des technologies de l'information et de la communication, au-delà de la protection des donnés. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2018.

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Dukhovny, Stephanie. Prenatal Genetics for Women with Neurology Disease. Edited by Emma Ciafaloni, Cheryl Bushnell, and Loralei L. Thornburg. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The genetic evaluation of heritability of genetic disease, as well as screening of the fetus for neurologic diseases, have evolved a great deal since the 1970s. Screening and diagnostic evaluation now includes the ability to detect fetuses with anatomic abnormalities of the central nervous system and rare autosomal recessive disorders with neurologic features. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis now allows families with confirmed genetic abnormalities to utilize in vitro fertilization technologies to avoid affected pregnancies. For families that have not received a prenatal diagnosis, newborn screening allows for detection of diseases with potential neurologic implications in the child’s early newborn period.
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Ravi, Chaitanya. A Debate to Remember. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The US–India nuclear deal, popularly known as the 123 Agreement, announced by George W. Bush and Manmohan Singh on 18 July 2005, was a defining moment in the relationship of the two countries, as also India’s relationship with the non-proliferation regime. The Bush administration’s implied recognition of India’s nuclear weapons, and its abrupt reversal of three decades of sanctions to restore Indian access to nuclear fuel, reactors, and dual-use technologies despite being a non-proliferation treaty non-signatory, led to contentious debates in both India and the USA. A Debate to Remember emphasizes the multifaceted debate in India over the nuclear deal using concepts from science and technology studies. It focuses on the intense contestation over the civil-military mix of India’s separation plan, the competition between the Iran–Pakistan–India pipeline and the nuclear deal, the role of retired nuclear scientists, and the issue of liability that has stalled the full implementation of the nuclear deal. The impact of domestic factors on issues ranging from the civil-military status of breeder reactors to the Indian insistence on no restriction on future nuclear testing in the 123 Agreement is also revealed in this book.
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Matthews, Victor H. Super-Power Politics in Iron II and the Role of Vassal States. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter focuses attention on the division of David’s and Solomon’s kingdom into two separate states: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. The aftermath of that event and the subsequent interaction with both comparable states in Transjordan and the international super powers are chronicled both in the biblical narrative and in inscriptional evidence from these political rivals. Of particular importance is how these two minor political entities responded to their forced role as vassal states. Archaeological evidence of the Iron II period also provides a great deal more information on settlement patterns, various aspects of state formation, and the development of new technologies that energize the ancient economy.
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Amos, Martyn, ed. Cellular Computing. Oxford University Press, 2004.

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The completion of the first draft of the human genome has led to an explosion of interest in genetics and molecular biology. The view of the genome as a network of interacting computational components is well-established, but researchers are now trying to reverse the analogy, by using living organisms to construct logic circuits. The potential applications for such technologies is huge, ranging from bio-sensors, through industrial applications to drug delivery and diagnostics. This book would be the first to deal with the implementation of this technology, describing several working experimental demonstrations using cells as components of logic circuits, building toward computers incorporating biological components in their functioning.
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Maasen, Sabine, and Jan-Hendrik Passoth, eds. Soziologie des Digitalen - Digitale Soziologie? Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2020.

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About ten years ago, we were still able to justify the reservations of sociology with regard to digitisation as a healthy caution against the hype of the ‘virtual world’ and ‘cyberspace’; today, the situation looks different: beyond the usual rhetoric of media revolutions, new forms of practice, organisation and order have emerged around digital technologies in more or less all fields, posing tangible challenges to sociological theory-building, methods development and empirical social research. Are our theories based on action, communication or practice suitable for describing the contribution of algorithms? Are our methods for dealing with language, images and printed text suitable for analysing the automatic modification of texts, images and videos by filter technologies? How do we deal with increasing competition in data analysis and evaluation? These are the questions that this special volume of the journal ‘Soziale Welt’ (ISSN 0038-6073) explores. With contributions by Dirk Baecker, Sascha Dickel, Tobias Wolbring, Barbara Sutter, Sabine Maasen, Elke Wagner, Niklas Barth, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Roger Häußling, Udo Thiedeke, Josef Wehner, Nicole Zillien, Bernadette Kneidinger-Müller, Heike Greschke, Jagoda Motowidlo, René König, Patrik Sumpf, Christian Stegbauer, Alexander Mehler, Oliver Nachtwey, Philipp Staab, Andreas Boes, Tobias Kämpf, Alexander Zielger, Sabine Pfeiffer, Anne Suphan, Uli Meyer, Uwe Matzat, Erik van Ingen, Christian Papsdorf, Tanja Carstensen, Jeffrey Wimmer, John Postill, Victor Lasa, Ge Zhang, Evelyn Ruppert
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Brümmer, Kristina, Alexandra Janetzko, and Thomas Alkemeyer, eds. Ansätze einer Kultursoziologie des Sports. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021.

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This volume collates different approaches to a cultural sociology of sport. Referring to recent theories of culture, its different chapters deal with diverse sporting phenomena and analyse them as cultural practices in which social orders and ‘their’ subjects are formed in constellations of bodies, movements, artefacts, technologies, the media and discourses. The volume pays particular attention to the emotions, experiences and power relations which take shape and are established in these processes. Apart from analysing sport from new cultural studies and historical perspectives and supplementing the currently hegemonic discourse in sports sociology, the volume aims to contribute to the refinement of the analytical instruments in this respect through their usefulness for exemplary empirical studies, thus adding new input to the respective theoretical debates.
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Cribb, Julian, and Tjempaka Sari. Open Science. CSIRO Publishing, 2010.

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Open Science is about how we address the profound challenges which now confront humanity: climate, the food crisis, environmental degradation, resource scarcity and disease; through science communication. These call for the sharing of scientific knowledge among billions of humans, on a scale never before attempted. Open Science offers practical ways to communicate science in a highly networked world where billions of people still have little or no access to advanced knowledge or technologies. The authors describe low-cost, effective means to transfer knowledge to target audiences in industry, government, the community and to the public at large. The book features sections on good science writing, practical advice on how to develop communication and media strategies, ways to measure communication performance, how to handle institutional 'crises', how to deal with politicians and much more.
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Ghalambor, Ali, Syed A. Ali, and W. David Norman, eds. Frac Packing Handbook. Society of Petroleum EngineersRichardson, Texas, USA, 2009.

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Frac-packing procedures have advanced significantly since the 1990s, and engineers are in need of a go-to reference book on the subject. The Frac Packing Handbook is a comprehensive collection of technical materials that covers the most basic to the most highly advanced issues in frac-pack operations. The Handbook consists of 20 chapters to assist practitioners in selecting well candidates; frac-pack job design, preparation, and procedure; treatment execution; post-frac-pack treatment analysis; production expectation and evaluation; case histories; quality control; and emerging technologies. Because a properly designed and executed frac-pack job can improve cash flow, industry technical personnel can use this book to assist in improving profits. Additionally, the reader will learn the nuts and bolts of frac-pack technology applications as they are applied around the world. This practical book is intended for completion, production, and reservoir engineers, both highly experienced practitioners and those who are just beginning to deal with this expanding technology.
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Daniel, Yvonne. Igniting Diaspora Citizenship. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This book concludes by discussing the transcendence, resilience, and citizenship that have come to define Diaspora dance. It first explains the transcendent tendencies of Diaspora dance, emphasizing how its several genres have spread through migration, transnational connections, and communication technologies to Caribbean niches in other parts of the world. It then considers the resilience of both Diaspora dance and Diaspora dancers in response to change, able to recover spirit and energy in a quick but cool fashion as they deal with a variety of challenges. It also examines how citizenzhip is invoked in the social meaning of Diaspora dance amidst recreational or theatrical display, noting how historical drum/dances, quadrilles, and contredanses have signaled not only entertainment and diversion but also agency. Finally, the author reflects on her experiences and field research in Spanish, French/Kreyol, English/Creole, Dutch, former Danish and Portuguese Circum-Caribbean dances, as well as the contributions of Katherine Dunham in the field of Diaspora dance.
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Friedrich, Alexander, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski, and Alfred Nordmann, eds. Konfigurationen der Zeitlichkeit. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021.

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There is a relationship between time and technology which has been obvious since the classical philosophies of time. Even telling the time necessitates technologies relating to measuring and counting. Technological developments have changed the temporal state of our reality. Key terms such as deceleration, synchronisation, prevention and de-temporalisation point to relevant problem areas in this respect. This yearbook, whose thematic focus is 2021, endeavours to reveal new technological and philosophical perspectives on the temporal conditions in which we think, communicate, work and live. With contributions by Cornelius Borck, Stefan Böschen, Christopher Coenen, Olivier Del Fabbro, Andreas Folkers, Yvonne Förster, Alexander Friedrich, Steve Fuller, Gabriele Gramelsberger, Thilo Hagendorff, Thomas Hilgers, Dirk Hommrich, Erich Hörl, Sebastian Lederle, Janne Mende, Jürgen Meutgens, Carl Mitcham, Oliver Müller, Alfred Nordmann, Tom Poljanšek, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Ludger Schwarte, Astrid Schwarz, René von Schomberg, René Umlauf, Sarine Waltenspül, Bastian Weiß, Langdon Winner and Yongmou Liu.
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Stapf, Ingrid, Regina Ammicht Quinn, Michael Friedewald, Jessica Heesen, and Nicole Krämer, eds. Aufwachsen in überwachten Umgebungen. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021.

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Digital technologies are exerting a growing influence on the lives of children and teenagers: from video monitoring of babies and educational robots in nursery school to AI-powered learning assistants used to guarantee individual success in education. However, issues relating to privacy, surveillance and data protection are seldom reflected on with regard to this sensitive and important social sphere. The majority of these applications generate data which reveal a great deal about the adolescents who use them. This study addresses this subject area. Together with practitioners from the field of education and with the goal of laying the foundations for addressing this issue in both academic and (socio-) political discourse, it depicts interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary exchange that extends beyond disciplines and academic borders. The authors Regina Ammicht Quinn, Jutta Croll, Sephan Dreyer, Michael Freidewald, Elena Frense, Marit Hansen, Asmae Harrach-Lasfaghi, Jessica Heesen, Gerrit Hornung, Andreas Janson, Nicole Krämer-Mertens, Leonie Kreidel, Marco Leimeister, Yannic Meier, Judith Meinert, Maxi Nebel, Carsten Ochs, Dr. Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger, Alexander Roßnagel, Sofia Schöbel, Reinhold Schulze-Tammena, Matthias Söllner, Ingrid Stapf and Prof. Dr. Isabel Zorn.
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Genetic improvement of farmed animals. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract This 484-paged book is an extensively updated and expanded edition of the previous book by Simm, which focused on cattle and sheep. It has 14 chapters, the first chapter in the book sets the scene for modern livestock breeding, by looking at the origins and roles of today's livestock breeds. The next four chapters deal with the scientific principles of livestock improvement. Chapter 2 outlines some of the basic principles in genetics and attempts to illustrate the link between genes and the performance of individual farm animals, or populations of them. In Chapter 3 the main strategies for genetic improvement are discussed. The factors which affect responses to within-breed selection, and some of the tools and technologies used, especially for more effective within-breed selection, are discussed in Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 6 explores in more depth how we analyse variation in farm animals. Chapter 7 discusses approaches to predicting breeding values. Chapters 8 to 13 deal with the application of these principles in practical breeding programmes in dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and goats, poultry, pigs and aquaculture. Finally, Chapter 14 discusses some of the key societal, technical and ethical challenges facing farm animal production in general, and animal breeding and genetics in particular. It discusses how livestock breeders, scientists and others might respond to ensure wide societal and animal benefits from future breeding schemes. There is a glossary of technical terms at the end of the book.
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Majolica and glass from Italy to Antwerp and beyond = Majolica en glas van Italië naar Antwerpen en verder = Majolique et verre de l'Italie à Anvers et au-delà: The transfer of technology in the 16th-early 17th century = de overdracht van technologie in de 16de-begin 17de eeuw = la diffusion de la technologie au XVIe et au début du XVIIe siècle. Antwerpen: City of Antwerp, 2003.

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Craig, Anne, and Anthea Hatfield. The Complete Recovery Room Book. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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New technologies are increasingly available for patient care but simple ‘tried and true’ old fashioned methods are still essential. The care that a patient receives in the first hours after surgery is crucial to minimizing the risk of complications such as heart attacks, pneumonia, and blood clots. As the patient awakes from their drug-induced coma, it takes time for them to metabolize and excrete drugs. They remain unable to care for themselves, and are at increased risk of harm. The recovery room staff must manage both comatose and physiologically unstable patients and deal with the immediate postoperative care of surgical patients. The sixth edition of this popular book, introducing a new author Dr Anne Craig, will provide nurses, surgeons and anaesthetists guidance on how to manage day-to-day problems and make difficult decisions. Previous editions of this book have established it as the definitive guide to setting-up, equipping, staffing, and administering an acute care unit. Basic science, physiology and pharmacology are fully explained. There are chapters on specific symptoms including pain and vomiting, and chapters devoted to the unique postoperative needs of individual types of surgery. This new edition brings this important text up to date and new drugs and techniques for monitoring are described. A new section looks ahead to the future development and design of recovery rooms and how they can contribute to patient well-being.
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Neer, Richard, ed. Conditions of Visibility. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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We often assume that works of visual art are meant to be seen. Yet that assumption may be a modern prejudice. The ancient world - from China to Greece, Rome to Mexico - provides many examples of statues, paintings, and other images that were not intended to be visible. Instead of being displayed, they were hidden, buried, or otherwise obscured. In this third volume in the Visual Conversations in Art & Archaeology series, leading scholars working at the intersection of archaeology and the history of art address the fundamental question of art's visibility. What conditions must be met, what has to be in place, for a work of art to be seen at all? The answer is both historical and methodological; it concerns ancient societies and modern disciplines, and encompasses material circumstances, perceptual capacities, technologies of visualization, protocols of classification, and a great deal more. The emerging field of archaeological art history is uniquely suited to address such questions. Intrinsically comparative, this approach cuts across traditional ethnic, religious, and chronological categories to confront the academic present with the historical past. The goal is to produce a new art history that is at once cosmopolitan in method and global in scope, and in doing so establish new ways of seeing - new conditions of visibility - for shared objects of study.
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Herring, Ronald J., ed. The Oxford Handbook of Food, Politics, and Society. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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This book explores the complex interrelationships between food and agriculture, politics, and society. More specifically, it considers the political aspects of three basic economic questions: what is to be produced? how is it to be produced? how it is to be distributed? It also outlines three unifying themes running through the politics of answering these societal questions with regard to food, namely: ecology, technology and property. Furthermore, the book examines the tendency to address the new organization of global civil society around food, its production, distribution, and consequences for the least powerful within the context of the North-South divide; the problems of malnutrition as opposed to poverty, food insecurity, and food shortages, as well as the widespread undernutrition in developing countries; and how biotechnology can be used to ensure a sustainable human future by addressing global problems such as human population growth, pollution, climate change, and limited access to clean water and other basic food production resources. The influence of science and politics on the framing of modern agricultural technologies is also discussed, along with the worsening food crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa, food security and food safety, and the relationship between gender inequality and food security. Other chapters deal with the link between land and food and its implications for social justice; the "eco-shopping” perspective; the transformation of the agrifood industry in developing countries; the role of wild foods in food security; agroecological intensification of smallholder production systems; and the ethics of food production and consumption.
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Datta, Debasish. Optical Networks. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This book presents an in-depth deliberation on optical networks in four parts, capturing the past, present, and ensuing developments in the field. Part I has two chapters presenting an overview of optical networks and the enabling technologies. Part II has three chapters dealing with the single-wavelength optical networks: optical LANs/MANs, optical access networks using passive optical network architecture, SONET/SDH, optical transport network and resilient packet ring. Part III consists of four chapters on WDM-based optical networks, including WDM-based local/metropolitan networks (LANs/MANs) using single and multihop architectures over passive-star couplers, WDM/TWDM access networks as an extension of PONs with WDM transmission, WDM metro ring networks covering circuit-switched (using point-to-point WDM and wavelength-routed transmission) plus packet-switched architectures and WDM long-haul backbone networks presenting the offline and online design methodologies using wavelength-routed transmission. Part IV deals with some selected topics in six chapters. The first deals with transmission impairments and power-consumption issues in optical networks, while the next three chapters deal with the survivable optical networks, network control and management techniques, including GMPLS, ASON, and SDN/SDON, and datacenter networks using electrical, optical, and hybrid switching techniques. The final two chapters present elastic optical networks using flexible grid for better utilization of the optical-fiber spectrum and optical packet and burst-switched networks. The three appendices present the basics of the linear programming techniques, noise processes encountered in the optical communication systems, and the fundamentals of queuing theory and its applications in telecommunication networks. (238 words)
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Epstein, Ben. The Only Constant is Change. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The Only Constant Is Change presents and tests the political communication cycle (PCC), a model describing how political actors and organizations make decisions about if, how, and when to innovate their political communication practices. Generally speaking, political communication goals have remained largely stable over time, but the strategies used to accomplish these goals have changed a great deal. The PCC describes the recurring process of political communication innovation through American political history. This model incorporates the technological, political, and behavioral factors influencing how and when changes in political communication activity take place. The PCC is made up of three phases that also serve as an organizational structure for the book. First is the technological imperative, which focuses on how new information and communications technologies (ICT) are developed and what types of ICTs may be more or less likely to be used to innovate political communication. Next, the political choice phase incorporates the behavioral processes embedded in how different types of actors choose whether to innovate or not. This phase is the most critical and is analyzed through case studies evaluating how campaigns, social movements, and interest groups have or have not changed their political communication activities over time. Finally, the stabilization phase encompasses the process of how once innovative techniques become the new status quo though the establishment of new norms, regulations, and institutions. The book explores these changes through historical and contemporary analysis, which offers important context and tools to understand political communication through history and today.
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Kovid, Dr Raj K., Dr Daleep Parimoo, and Dr Santhi Narayanan. EMERGING CONTOURS OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT. SVDES BOOK SERIES, Delhi, 2021.

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The pandemic has triggered changes across the walks of life including governance, business and management. External environmental turbulence is reshaping the market landscape drastically and hence the way organizations run. Normal practices in corporations are being redefined and revisited. The organizations are trying innovative approaches to face the unparalleled challenges staying afloat. So, the key of success lies in the way corporations adapt to the emerging trends the business sector is leaning toward. The emerging contours of business and management in the ‗new-normalized‘ situation include increasing role of technology convergence, balancing the organizational and individual expectations among others. Advancement of Artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things and other emerging technologies have spilled over to create impact on socio-psychological dimensions of human behaviour at large. Business organizations are facing challenges across the dimensions of doing business. For example, cyber-crimes and issues related to protection of intellectual property in the virtual world are keeping the managing executives on their toes. The pattern of organizations‘ responses to the emerging challenges is embedded with innovative ideas leading to entrepreneurship at individual and corporate level. The innovation and entrepreneurship as a response to deal with an unprecedented crisis has found roots down to the bottom of the pyramid. Reskilling and upskilling the workforce is one of the dominating emerging corporate landscapes. Further, organizations appear to have extended their support-net even to the family of their employees. This edited book provides insights on varied aspects of emerging contours of business and management around the world. The themes around which authors have contributed chapters include entrepreneurship, innovation, managing human resources, managerial competences, intellectual property, globalization, online marketing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and business data mining among others. The book also highlights issues related to emerging themes in sectors such as healthcare, tourism, academics etc.
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VV, AA. Automata, 1 - 2006 Rivista Di Natura, Scienza, e Tecnica Del Mondo Antico Journal of Nature, Science and Technologies in the Ancient World : Comitato Scientifico: Annamaria Ciarallo, Soprintendenza Archeologica Di Pompei; Prof. Masanori Aoyagi, Universita Di Tokyo; Prof. Paolo Galluzzi, Istituto e Museo Di Storia Della Scienza, Firenze; Prof. Maciej Hanneberg, Universita Di Adelaide; Prof. Jur. L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2006.

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VV, AA. Automata, 3/4 - 2008 Rivista Di Natura, Scienza, e Tecnica Del Mondo Antico. Journal of Nature, Science and Technologies in the Ancient World : Comitato Scientifico: Annamaria Ciarallo, Soprintendenza Archeologica Di Pompei; Prof. Masanori Aoyagi, Universita Di Tokyo; Prof. Paolo Galluzzi, Istituto e Museo Di Storia Della Scienza, Firenze; Prof. Maciej Hanneberg, Universita Di Adelaide; Prof. Jur. L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2011.

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