Academic literature on the topic 'Delayed referral'
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Journal articles on the topic "Delayed referral"
Eadington, D. W. "Delayed referral for dialysis." Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 11, no. 11 (November 1, 1996): 2124–26.
Full textÇAVUŞOĞLU, Y. Hakan, Ayşe KARAMAN, İbrahim KARAMAN, Derya ERDOĞAN, and İsmet Faruk ÖZGÜNER. "Delayed Referral of Congenital Anomalies." Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 32, no. 3 (2012): 745–49.
Full textSengar, Mamta, Yousuf Siddiqui, Alisha Gupta, and Anup Mohta. "Delayed referral for orchidopexy: Scrutinising the causes." Tropical Doctor 52, no. 1 (December 17, 2021): 27–29.
Full textJerónimo, Teresa, Anabela M. Guedes, André Fragoso, Ana Pimentel, Sandra Sampaio, Ana P. Silva, Viriato Santos, Idalécio Bernardo, and Pedro L. Neves. "FP350THE ECONOMIC BURDEN OF DELAYED NEPHROLOGY REFERRAL." Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30, suppl_3 (May 2015): iii185.
Full textAklilu, Tamirat Moges. "Referral pattern of children with cardiac diseases: a cross-sectional review of referral documents in three teaching hospitals in Addis Ababa." Ethiopian Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health 17, no. 2 (December 28, 2022): 78–92.
Full textZammit, Marthaclaire, Jackline Nyaberi, Susan Mambo, and Careena Otieno. "A hospital-based survey assessing the health facility-level factors that contribute to delayed diagnosis of cervical cancer; patients views." Open Research Europe 4 (August 13, 2024): 175.
Full textSved, Paul D., Michael K. Morgan, and Neville C. Weber. "Delayed referral of patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage." Medical Journal of Australia 162, no. 6 (March 1995): 310–11.
Full textTrevathan, E., and F. Gilliam. "Lost years: Delayed referral for surgically treatable epilepsy." Neurology 61, no. 4 (August 25, 2003): 432–33.
Full textCass, Alan, Joan Cunningham, Paul Snelling, Zhiqiang Wang, and Wendy Hoy. "Urban disadvantage and delayed nephrology referral in Australia." Health & Place 9, no. 3 (September 2003): 175–82.
Full textA, Cass, Cunningham J, Snelling P, Wang Z, and Hoy W. "DELAYED REFERRAL WORSENS LONG-TERM SURVIVAL ON DIALYSIS." Nephrology 7, no. 1 (February 2002): A109.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Delayed referral"
Bungay, Hilary. "Pathways in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer : the significance of delay." Thesis, University of Kent, 2001.
Full textAtkins, Kristi Laurine. "Early Intervention Referral Outcomes for Children at Increased Risk of Experiencing Developmental Delays." PDXScholar, 2019.
Full textChausset, Aurélie. "Accès aux centres de rhumatologie pédiatrique pour les patients atteints d’arthrite juvénile idiopathique : parcours diagnostique et évaluation des facteurs prédictifs d’un retard de prise en charge." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.
Full textJuvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is the most common chronic pediatric rheumatologic disease. The importance of early management and timely referral to a pediatric rheumatology (PR) center has been widely demonstrated to reduce the risk of joint and/or eye damage and improve children's quality of life. Globally, the median time to access (TA) a PR center ranges from 3 to 10 months, but there is significant variability, with extreme delays of several years for some patients. Previous research has focused on identifying factors associated with delayed access to PR centers, mainly clinical and biological characteristics. However, these factors alone cannot fully explain the observed disparities in pathways and delays. It seemed important to us to study all the parameters that might complicate these journeys. A first study was conducted among patients followed in France and Switzerland, based on an international cohort, the JIR-cohort. This study aimed to identify individual and environmental determinants impacting TA. Among the 250 children in the cohort diagnosed with JIA, the median TA was relatively short compared to the literature (2.4 months). However, disparities existed: children with enthesitis-related arthritis or those who had consulted an orthopedic surgeon experienced longer delays. Distance from the PR center and place of residence (urban or rural) did not influence TA. Although the study did not find a direct link between socioeconomic status and TA, there was a trend suggesting that maternal education level could play a role in faster referral to the PR center (favoring a faster consultation with a primary care physician). The second study, also based on the JIR-cohort, examined the differences in care between France and Switzerland and their potential link to TA. Patients had similar median TA in both France and Switzerland, although Switzerland had a less complex pathway with fewer medical intermediaries before reaching the PR center. In France, children often saw a general practitioner as the first point of care (60%), while in Switzerland, it was a pediatrician in 82% of cases, which facilitated more direct access to the PR center. Finally, we wanted to explore the experiences of families and children before the diagnosis was established. The results showed that parents played a key role in the diagnostic journey and had to rely on their social network to access PR centers more easily. The initial symptoms, often trivialized, could delay access to the PR center. Families generally encountered primary care physicians who were not well-trained in JIA, which led to tension and a sense of misunderstanding. Receiving the diagnosis was a relief, but delays in care had psychosocial consequences, particularly for adolescents. The final part of the thesis is a discussion of the results and a reflection on concrete proposals for action. Strengthening the training of primary care physicians is a traditional approach but difficult to implement for all chronic diseases. Improving access to specialists also depends on national-level decisions, which should be considered in the context of the entire healthcare pathway for children. The emphasis is also placed on the need for better collaboration among healthcare providers and, most importantly, on integrating the experiences and perspectives of children and their parents into medical training programs and developing appropriate resources to facilitate diagnosis and access to information
Johnson, Jessica Fry. "An Evaluation of the Early Steps Referral Process in Hillsborough County to Detect Delays in Access to Early Intervention Services." Scholar Commons, 2011.
Full textWhitehead, Nathan Robert. "Design and Measurement of StrongARM Comparators." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2019.
Full textNilsson, Gunnar. "Ischaemic heart disease - risk assessment, diagnosis, and secondary preventive treatment in primary care : with special reference to the relevance of exercise ECG." Doctoral thesis, Umeå universitet, Allmänmedicin, 2016.
Full textSammanfattning på svenska: Bakgrund och syfte: Patienter med ischemisk hjärtsjukdom (IHD) utgör en diagnostisk och terapeutisk utmaning för läkare inom primärvården. Arbets-EKG är en vanlig metod vid utredning av patienter som söker till primärvården för besvär som kan vara förorsakade av IHD. Vi undersökte primärvårdspatienter remitterade till arbets-EKG, med avseende på de kliniska karakteristika (egenskaper och symtom) som kunde associeras med resultatet av arbets-EKG och med prognosen inom sex månader efter undersökningen. Vi jämförde arbets-EKG-svaren med avseende på efterföljande remittering för utredning vid hjärtklinik. Vi kartlade även faktorer av betydelse för tidsfördröjningen före sjukhusvård och för sekundärpreventiv behandling med kolesterolsänkande läkemedel (statiner), före insjuknande i hjärtinfarkt. Metod: De studier som ingår i avhandlingsarbetet (studier I-IV) genomfördes i Region Jämtland och Härjedalen, befolkningsunderlag cirka 99 000 personer i åldrar från 20 år och äldre, under åren 2010-2014. Undersökta patienter och studiedesign: Studier I och II: Prospektiv studie av 865 patienter undersökta med arbets-EKG, klassificerade som: positivt arbets-EKG (dynamisk ST-sänkning >1mm under arbetsprov och bröstsmärta typisk för kärlkramp), inkonklusivt (ST-sänkning eller bröstsmärta) eller negativt arbets-EKG. Utfallsvariabler: hjärt-kärlhändelser (instabil kärlkrampssjukdom, hjärtinfarkt, öppen kranskärlsoperation, ballongvidgning av kranskärl och kardiovaskulära dödsfall) (I) och remittering för utredning vid hjärtklinik inom sex månader efter arbets-EKG (II). Observerade hjärt-kärlhändelser jämfördes med förväntat utfall, enligt multivariabla statistiska modeller. Studie III: Retrospektiv studie av 265 patienter med förstagångs hjärtinfarkt, analyserade med avseende på faktorer av betydelse för tid från symtomdebut och till sjukhusvård, med brytpunkten två timmar eller längre tid för vård på sjukhus. Studie IV: Tvärsnittsstudie av 931 patienter med förstagångs hjärtinfarkt. Patienter med tidigare hjärt-kärlsjukdom analyserades med avseende på statinbehandling före hjärtinfarkten. Resultat: Studie I: Faktorer associerade med arbets-EKG-resultatet (positivt eller inkonklusivt svar mot negativt svar) var: ansträngningskorrelerad bröstsmärta före arbetsprovet, ST-T-segmentsförändringar på vilo-EKG, kärlkrampsdiagnos enligt patientens egen bedömning, samt medicinering för förhöjda kolesterolvärden i blodet. Hjärt-kärlhändelser inträffade i 52.7%, 18.3%, och 2.0% bland patienter med positivt, inkonklusivt respektive negativt arbets-EKG. Studie II: Resultatet från arbets-EKG styrde remitteringen av patienter till hjärtklinik, med högre sannolikhet för remiss efter positivt test. Bland patienter med positivt arbets-EKG remitterades färre patienter vid stigande ålder, justerat för tidigare känd hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Egenföretagande kvinnor blev oftare remitterade än andra kvinnor, justerat för ålder, bröstsmärtesymtom och arbets-EKG-svar. Studie III: I 52.3% av samtliga fall var primärvården (personligt besök eller via telefonrådgivning) den första vårdkontakten för patienter med förstagångs hjärtinfarkt. Tidsfördröjningen före sjukhusvård var 2 timmar eller mer bland 67.0% av alla patienter från primärvården och 44.7% bland de patienter som först ringde larmcentralen (112) eller sökte direkt till sjukhusets akutmottagning. Studie IV: Patienter med tidigare konstaterad hjärt-kärlsjukdom hade en pågående statinbehandling i 34.5% av fallen, före insjuknandet i förstagångs hjärtinfarkt. Andelen patienter med pågående statinbehandling avtog med stigande ålder, justerat för diabetes och tidigare hjärt-kärlsjukdom. Kvinnor från 70 år och äldre erhöll statinbehandling hälften så ofta som jämförbara män. Slutsats: Patienter med låg risk för hjärt-kärlhändelser kan identifieras före remittering till arbets-EKG, med hjälp av kliniska karakteristika. Patienter med negativt svar på arbets-EKG har en god prognos, med få hjärt-kärlhändelser inom sex månader efter arbetsprovet. Urvalet av patienter som remitteras för fortsatt hjärtutredning styrs av resultatet från arbets-EKG, men interaktioner mellan ålder, kön och anställningsförhållanden påverkar sannolikheten för remittering. Tiden från symtomdebut och till sjukhusvård var avsevärt fördröjd, särskilt för de patienter som primärt kontaktade primärvården. Endast en tredjedel av alla patienter med tidigare konstaterad hjärt-kärlsjukdom hade en pågående statinbehandling vid hjärtinfarktinsjuknandet. Andelen patienter med pågående statinbehandling avtog med högre ålder, särskilt bland kvinnor från 70 års ålder och äldre. En ökad medvetenhet om hur ålder, kön och social ställning påverkar den medicinska beslutsprocessen är angelägen. Metoder för bättre identifiering och uppföljning av riskpersoner behöver utvecklas och införas i den medicinska verksamheten. Nyckelord och förklaringar: Arbets-EKG (kliniskt arbetsprov på ergometercykel med samtidig EKG-registrering), positivt arbets-EKG (talar för kärlkrampssjukdom), negativt arbets-EKG (talar för frånvaro av sjukdom). EKG (elektrokardiografi), hjärtinfarkt, ischemisk hjärtsjukdom (sjukdomstillstånd med otillräcklig blodtillförsel till hjärtat), sekundärprevention (förhindra återinsjuknande i tidigare genomliden sjukdom).
Lagerstedt, Marianne. "Komplexa operationer i en komplex vårdform : om ledning, ledningsbehov och möjligheter till ledning för säkrare vård i hemmet." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Patientsäkerhet, 2012.
Full textQC 20120525
Chawdhary, Ayesha Bartholomew L. Kay Sharma Shreela. "Delays in diagnosis and referral and treatment for hematologic malignancies." 2009.
Full textChiang, Yu-hsuan, and 江雨璇. "A Study of Public-private Partnership—The Case of Children with Developmental Delay Reporting Referral System in Yunlin Country." Thesis, 2006.
Full text南華大學
Since 1980''s, "Privatization" is gradually valued by countries. Western countries realize that the power of big government is still deficient in some sectors. Public sectors have big power but not use in right place, and also lack efficiency, lack competition, and monopolize public service. This makes government losing its sensitive but would stimulate privatization coming up. Government start to push monopolize public sector, and then apply policy of privatize to entrust folk to conduct or transfer to privative organization. The process should take all responsibility of public sectors, and pass on to operate by private sectors or markets. The privatization establishment is showing the relation that between public sectors and private sectors, and develops partnership of the two sectors.With tendency of privatization and more coordinated between public sectors and private sectors, the Public-Private Partnership is developed. In 2003, Children with Developmental Delay Reporting Referral System had established in Yunlin County, and this system commissioned to center of Taiwan Fund Children and Family in Yunlin. Public-Private Partnership is still in developing, and how to establish a good interaction process will be urgency in the moment. Therefore, the thesis will introduce outlook of public-private partnership for public and private sectors and group of policy target, and further confer partnership in between public sectors and private sectors.
Chang, Ching-yi, and 張靜儀. "On the Public Accountability and Autonomy of Public-private Partnership: The Case of Children with Developmental Delay Reporting Referral Center in Chaiyi." Thesis, 2010.
Full text南華大學
The transform of whole political and economic structures has led to a new model for countries to execute public policies, i.e. partnerships between governments and nonprofit organizations. Besides, internal and external factors have caused partnerships to be realized in the public policy such as rise of private participation, trends toward civilization of state-owned enterprises and a change of public management type recently. This study aims to understand what is the relationship between accountability and autonomy in nonprofit organizations with focus on how the public-private partnership is developed and goes when they interact with governments. In addition, finding a balance between accountability and autonomy is another main idea in this thesis. This research is qualitative, which will be done through the literature analysis and semi-unstructured interview. The outline for interviews is organized by referring to the literatures on the system and partnerships theories and therefore, three main concepts can be derived from them including administrative coordination (forcible means,) resource dependency (incentives and motives,) and degree of trust (normativity.) The study concludes that administrative coordination does help public sector and third sector seek a consensus and establish some rules of game governing mutual responsibilities and obligations, and resource dependency helps reach organizational goals by making resources exchanged and interactions closer. Additionally, a higher degree of trust can intensify the partnerships in a long term and increase the willingness of cooperation. In the conclusion, several suggestions presented are the ideas that may direct researchers who will study the same issues in the future to think of in different ways. “Contracting-out” is the latest trend in the new public management movement and when mentioning accountability and autonomy, considered a kind of important and classic discussions in the literatures on the partnerships between governments and nonprofit organizations. This research finds that institutionalized accountability from public sector is not necessary to impact the autonomy of third sector. However, a better way to help development of nonprofit organizations is to adopt self-regulation as a primary strategy and regulation as a second one.
Books on the topic "Delayed referral"
Mawhood, Lynn. The referral of language-delayed children for speech therapy: An investigation of the factors affecting age at referral. London: Central School of Speech and Drama, 1985.
Find full textSierakowski, Adam, David Warwick, and Roderick Dunn. Vascular. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textNick, Gallus. 4 Temporal Jurisdiction over Acts before the Period of Limitation. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textMathiesen, Amber, and Kali Roy. Common Indications. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textEmond, Alan, and James Law. Supporting children with developmental disorders and disabilities. Edited by Alan Emond. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textStephens, Paul, and Roderick Dunn. Soft tissue injuries of the hand. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textKohn, Robert, Jessica Warner, Wendy Verhoek-Oftedahl, and Emily Murphy. Elder Abuse. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textHolloway, Cheryl D. The Black Woman’s Breast Cancer Survival Guide. ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2017.
Full textHuber, Kurt, and Tom Quinn. Systems of care for patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI networks). Oxford University Press, 2015.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Delayed referral"
Cui, Shiliang, Zhongbin Wang, and Luyi Yang. "Referral Priority Programs." In Innovative Priority Mechanisms in Service Operations, 75–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textSetiawan, Budi. "Implementation of SISTRO (Truck Scheduling System) to Enhance Supply Chain Efficiency and Performance to Support Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Petrokimia Gresik." In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Management (INSYMA 2022), 1078–85. Dordrecht: Atlantis Press International BV, 2022.
Full textWilson, G. R., P. A. Nee, J. S. Watson, and R. K. Harrison. "Septic arthritis." In Emergency Management of Hand Injuries, 137–38. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1997.
Full textChandra Sahoo, Krushna. "Traditional Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis." In Rheumatoid Arthritis [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textDavidson, Mayer. "Case 72: Delayed Response to NPH Insulin By Mayer B. Davidson, MD." In Diabetes Case Studies: Real Problems, Practical Solutions, 267–70. American Diabetes Association, 2015.
Full textFulginiti, Adriana, Frank Borao, Martin Michalewski, and Robert A. Graebe. "From Open to Minimally Invasive: The Sacrocolpopexy." In Hysterectomy - Past, Present and Future [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2022.
Full textStein, Michael D., and Sandro Galea. "Healthy Homes." In Pained, 227–30. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Full textSwindall, Rebecca, William Sorensen, and Andria Horton. "Developmental Screening in Young Children: Subsequent Impacts in Academic Performance, Self-Management, and Parental Knowledge." In Physical and Mental Health and School Adjustment - Contextual, Psychological Variables and Performance in School Settings [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2024.
Full textMichael Anyaeze, Chineme. "Common Genitourinary Fistulas in Rural Practice: Treatment and Management." In Rural Health [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textLuiza Bejenaru, Paula, Raluca Grigore, Bogdan Popescu, Alexandru Nicolaescu, Mihnea Cojocărița-Condeescu, Catrinel Simion-Antonie, Gloria Berteșteanu, et al. "Pharynx Reconstruction and Quality of Life." In Pharynx – the Incredible Rendezvous Sites of Gas, Liquid and Solid [Working Title]. IntechOpen, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Delayed referral"
Nissen, Jeffrey, and Cody Torno. "On-Machine Inspection for Rotorcraft Manufacturing." In Vertical Flight Society 72nd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–5. The Vertical Flight Society, 2016.
Full textLeyakathali Khan, Shahul, Fawad Zaman, and Elizabeth Schofield. "Patient's Delay And Referral Delay, Do They Still Contribute To Delayed Diagnosis Of Lung Cancer." In American Thoracic Society 2012 International Conference, May 18-23, 2012 • San Francisco, California. American Thoracic Society, 2012.
Full textLamas, Daniela J., Steven M. Kawut, Nisha Philip, Selim M. Arcasoy, and David J. Lederer. "Delayed Referral To A Tertiary Care Center Is Associated With Higher Mortality In Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis." In American Thoracic Society 2011 International Conference, May 13-18, 2011 • Denver Colorado. American Thoracic Society, 2011.
Full textWu, Hon Lin, Salma Mahmoud, and Timothy Gatheral. "Effect of delayed secondary care referral on morbidity and mortality in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients treated with antifibrotics." In ERS International Congress 2019 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2019.
Full textDell'Anna, G., F. V. Mandarino, E. Fasulo, A. Barchi, F. Azzolini, L. Fanti, E. Viale, et al. "Endoscopic Management of Delayed-Gastric-Emptying after Esophagectomy in a Tertiary Referral Center: comparison between different endoscopic procedures." In ESGE Days 2024. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2024.
Full textOstovar, R., T. Claus, M. Hartrumpf, M. Erb, M. Zytowski, F. Schröter, M. Laux, and M. Albes. "MitraClip Implantation: A Word of Caution Regarding an All Too Liberal Indication and Delayed Referral to Surgery in Case of Failure." In 48th Annual Meeting German Society for Thoracic, Cardiac, and Vascular Surgery. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2019.
Full textFerreira Filho, Darley de Lima, Nancy Cristina Ferraz de Lucena Ferreira, and Thais Ferreira. "ANALYSIS OF WOMEN WITH BREAST CANCER SUBMITTED TO IMMEDIATE OR DELAYED BREAST RECONSTRUCTION." In Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium 2022. Mastology, 2022.
Full textPasquier, E., P. Lissouba, AM Moore, OO Owolabi, H. Chen, TN Williams, C. Schulte-Hillen, et al. "High severity of abortion complications in fragile and conflict-affected settings: AMoCo, a mixed-methods cross-sectional study in two referral hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa." In MSF Scientific Day International 2023. NYC: MSF-USA, 2023.
Full textTA, Haj-Hassan, Amer M, Al-Jubori K, Salim H, Hameed A, Thanon K, and Dewez JE. "The implementation of continuous positive airway pressure in a humanitarian content: The experience of Médecins sans Frontières in Mosul, Iraq." In MSF Paediatric Days 2024. NYC: MSF-USA, 2024.
Full textOtsuka, Kenju, and Jyh-Long Chern. "Coexistence of Two Attractors in Lasers with Incoherent Delayed Feedback." In Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1992.
Full textReports on the topic "Delayed referral"
Atkins, Kristi. Early Intervention Referral Outcomes for Children at Increased Risk of Experiencing Developmental Delays. Portland State University Library, January 2000.
Full textWallace, Ina F. Universal Screening of Young Children for Developmental Disorders: Unpacking the Controversies. RTI Press, February 2018.
Full textLeis, Brian, and Tom McGaughy. PR-185-163731-R01 Time-delayed Failure in X65 Moderate-toughness Line-pipes. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), May 2018.
Full textPantig, Ida Marie, Lovely Ann Tolin, Xylee Javier, and Valerie Gilbert Ulep. Analysis of the National Health Expenditure Survey Round 1 and Design of Survey Protocol for NHES Round 2 (Phase 1). Philippine Institute for Development Studies, February 2023.
Full textCvijić, Srdjan, Nikola Dimitrov, Leposava Ognjanoska Stavrovska, and Ivana Ranković. Bilateral Disputes and EU enlargement: A Consensual Divorce. Belgrade Centre for Security Policy, May 2024.
Full textUK-wide study reveals a pattern of delay in referrals to specialist end-of-life care. National Institute for Health Research, August 2018.
Full textTraditional birth attendants in maternal health programmes. Population Council, 2003.
Full text