Academic literature on the topic 'Déficience intellectuelle – Chez l'enfant'
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Journal articles on the topic "Déficience intellectuelle – Chez l'enfant"
Clérebaut, Nadine. "Quelle communication précoce chez l'enfant déficient intellectuel ?" Contraste 22 - 23, no. 1 (2005): 133.
Full textHéron, Delphine, and Aurélia Jacquette. "Comment explorer une déficience intellectuelle chez l’adulte ?" 1, no. 8 (December 2009): 219–22.
Full textBielska, I. A., H. Ouellette-Kuntz, and D. Hunter. "Utilisation d'enquêtes nationales pour la surveillance de la santé mentale des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle au Canada." Maladies chroniques et blessures au Canada 32, no. 4 (September 2012): 216–22.
Full textBeaulieu, Judith, Noémia Ruberto, André C. Moreau, and Naomi Labrosse Noury. "Pratiques enseignantes pour soutenir la compétence à faire une demande chez des élèves ayant une déficience intellectuelle sévère à profonde." Revue hybride de l'éducation 7, no. 1 (June 22, 2023): 244–52.
Full textCanton, Marie, Oriane Pastore, Alain Trognon, Christine Bocéréan, Fanny Fouyssac, Emmanuel Raffo, Jean Donadieu, and Martine Batt. "Efficience intellectuelle des enfants porteurs du Syndrome de Shwachman-Diamond : revue de littérature et prospectives de recherche." Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 27 (February 21, 2017): 116–26.
Full textHaddar, Yazid, and Marie-Claire Haelewyck. "Le vieillissement cognitif chez des personnes avec déficience intellectuelle légère." Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 25 (November 17, 2014): 70–80.
Full textSimard, Linda, Francine Ferland, and Monica O'Neill Gilbert. "Analyse descriptive du comportement ludique d'enfants ayant une déficience physique et fréquentant la garderie." Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy 61, no. 2 (June 1994): 78–87.
Full textSaaidia, Salem, and Faten El Meddah. "L’apprentissage des notions mathématiques chez des élèves ayant une déficience intellectuelle légère entre une approche pédagogique traditionnelle et la médiation artistique." ITM Web of Conferences 39 (2021): 01003.
Full textMengue-Topio, Hursula, Yannick Courbois, and Pascal Sockeel. "Acquisition des connaissances spatiales par la personne présentant une déficience intellectuelle dans les environnements virtuels." Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 26 (May 18, 2016): 88–101.
Full textGagnon, Marc-André, and Diane Morin. "Facteurs contextuels et types de motivation reliés aux comportements agressifs." Revue francophone de la déficience intellectuelle 26 (May 18, 2016): 188–206.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Déficience intellectuelle – Chez l'enfant"
Remy-Neris, Amélie. "Lecture partagée et développement du langage de l'enfant avec une déficience intellectuelle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Full textShared reading, a play-based activity that involves interacting with a child around a book story and its illustrations, has been studied for many decades for its beneficial effects on language development. Research on typical children has shown that it enriches vocabulary and, possibly, promotes the learning of morphosyntactic structures. It could therefore be useful to promote this practice among children with language difficulties. This is particularly true for children with intellectual disabilities, who require regular and substantial language support to develop their lexical and morphosyntactic skills. However, research on the effectiveness of this activity is still in its beginning. In this thesis, we set out to address this question by implementing an interventional study. A randomized controlled trial was carried out with children aged 6 to 12 enrolled in instituts médico-éducatifs, which are special school for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Various tests were administered to all participants during the pretest. They consisted of two cognitive tests, four lexical tests and four morphosyntactic tests. Each language component was evaluated from both receptive and expressive perspectives. The language tests consisted of a balance of standardized and experimental tests, constructed for the purposes of the study. These tests, containing items directly related to the vocabulary or morphosyntactic structures worked on during the intervention, were designed to provide a more sensitive assessment of the participants' language skills. A total of 108 children with mild to moderate intellectual disability were included in the study. They were divided into two groups. The first group ("VOCABULARY") benefited from dialogic reading sessions, a particularly interactive form of shared reading. These sessions focused on the learning of 30 target words. The second group ("MORPHOSYNTAX") took part in dialogic reading sessions too, focusing on the learning of 3 morphosyntactic structures. At the end of the sessions, the language tests were administered again. A comparison of the two groups' performances indicates that training the VOCABULARY group significantly improved participants' comprehension and production of target words. This result confirms the findings of previous research on typically developing children, and opens up interesting clinical perspectives and avenues for future research projects in the field of intellectual disability. On the other hand, the results obtained on the morphosyntax tests do not allow us to conclude that the dialogic reading sessions were effective in improving the skills of our participants, possibly because the number of sessions was too low and/or because the morphosyntactic component of language was less malleable. However, the data collected provide food for thoughts and suggestions for future interventional work aimed at fostering the development of morphosyntactic skills of children with intellectual disabilities
Duthoit, Marion. "Socialisation et usages des médias sociaux par les adolescents présentant une déficience intellectuelle." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Full textThis thesis concerns the potential of social media to meet the social needs of typically developed adolescents and people with intellectual disabilities (ID). The first chapter highlights the importance of social media in the lives of teenagers, driven by their need for socialization. The literature has largely explored the direct and indirect effects of social media on social support, social capital (bonding social capital and bridging social capital) and subjective well-being, particularly among young adults. Valkenburg and Peter's (2013) model of differential susceptibility to media effects highlights individual differences in susceptibility to social media effects, influenced by various factors, including digital parental mediation. The second chapter presents a cross-sectional study involving typically developed adolescents, exploring the relationship between perceived digital parental mediations and perceived online social capital. Contrary to expectations, active or combined (active and restrictive) mediations did not significantly related to perceived online social capital, even though these strategies are often recommended. In contrast, restrictive mediations negatively predicted perceived bonding social capital. Other factors, such as developmental contexts, may also influence susceptibility to social media effects. Thus, it is suggested to focus research on subgroups, such as young people with low socio-emotional well-being. The following chapter focuses on young people with ID. The third chapter presents a systematic review aimed at identifying facilitators and barriers to social media use by people with ID. By applying Navarro and Tudge's (2022) neo-ecological theory, a deductive thematic analysis was conducted. It appears that virtual microsystems facilitate the use of social media by removing certain constraints of “real” life. People with ID generally report benefits, such as improved mood and reduced loneliness. However, negative aspects, such as cyberbullying, were also reported. Nevertheless, social media use is valued and increasing in this population, likely due to a positive change in the attitudes of family and professionals. The fourth chapter presents a mixed-methods study analysing the relationships between social media use, perceived online social capital, social support and subjective well-being among young people with ID, and explores the perceptions of the risks and benefits associated with these platforms. Social media use was not directly related to the number of people willing to help, but it was positively correlated with the satisfaction derived from this help, suggesting that social media offer an additional channel to enhance existing support in “real” life. Contrary to hypotheses, no significant difference was observed between social media users and non-users, regarding offline social capital and subjective well-being. Parental digital mediations did not significantly predict online social capital. In terms of perceived benefits and risks, the qualitative analysis revealed differences in perceptions according to user profiles (focused on family, friends and/or focused on strangers). In conclusion, it is recommended to respect the individuality of each internet user and to allow families to co-construct social media usage rules, without imposing societal perspectives on the management of these tools
Yarmohammadian, Hossein Abadi Ahmad. "Etude de méthodes d'éducation spécialisée du langage pour des enfants avec un déficit cognitif (déficience intellectuelle et autisme)." Lille 3, 1999.
Full textDubois, Amandine. "Expression et évaluation de la douleur chez l'enfant porteur d'un retard mental." Montpellier 3, 2008.
Full textWe have studied the behavioural expression and assessment of acute pain in children with an intellectual disability (I. D. ), for whom the abilities to explain and verbalise pain are insufficient. Expression of pain in children with I. D. Is compared, on the one hand to the ontogenetic development of pain expressed in normal children aged 0 to 36 months and on the other hand to children of the same chronological and developmental age. Results show the influence of the degree of intellectual disability, illustrated by the level of expressive communication and socialization, on the pain expression. Children with mild to moderate I. D. Who can verbalise their pain, produce a normative pain expression with behavioural traits similar to those of normal children aged 24 to 48 months; children with profound or severe I. D. Who are unable to verbalise their pain, produce a particular pain expression with behavioural traits that are atypical and without communicative goal. These results are used to produce a pain assessment implement. An Item Response Theory model, the Rasch model, is employed to realise 2 scales fitting the abilities of children with I. D. And the characteristics of their pain expression: the scale d3-24 originally validated for normal children has been adopted for children with mild to moderate I. D. ; 10 items have been highlighted for the assessment of pain in children with profound to severe I. D
Coudronniere, Charlotte. "La qualité de vie des enfants âgés de 5 à 11 ans : conceptualisation, auto-"valuation et relations avec le contexte de scolarisation chez les élèves présentant une déficience intellectuelle." Thesis, Nantes, 2016.
Full textBased on the study of the quality of life of children without disability, this thesis aims to examine the life satisfaction of children with intellectual disability aged 5 to 11 years and to study its associations with their schooling context. To this aim, three studies were conducted. The first study examined how children aged 5 to 11 years old conceive their quality of life through the dimensions contributing to their subjective well-being. The results show that family, friends, and school play an important role in children’s lives. On the basis of these results, the main objective of the second study was to validate a French adaptation of the Multidimensional Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) (Huebner, Zullig, & Runa, 2012) with 340 children without disability and 71 children with intellectual disability. Overall, the analyses indicate that this questionnaire has satisfactory psychometric properties. Finally, in the third study we used the MSLSS to examine the relationships between the perceived quality of life of 66 students with intellectual disability and their schooling context (inclusive classrooms versus specialised institutions). The results show that among students in inclusive classrooms some interventions designed to compensate for their disability can be source of dissatisfaction
Philippe, Orianne. "Approche génétique des déficiences intellectuelles : Contributions physiopathologiques et corrélations génotypes-phénotypes." Phd thesis, Université René Descartes - Paris V, 2012.
Full textVanwalleghem, Stéphanie. "L'enfant porteur d'une trisomie 21 et ses relations aux autres : liens entre les représentations d'attachement, le comportement social et l'attribution d'intentions chez les enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans." Thesis, Paris 8, 2016.
Full textThis study focuses on socio-cognitive development of children with intellectual disability due to Down Syndrome (DS). Links between attachment representations and, respectively, social behavior with peers and attributions of intentions in ambiguous social conflict situations were examined. Thirty children with DS aged 8 to 12, 30 controls matched on level of reasoning (CR) and 36 controls matched on chronological age (CA) participated in the study. Attachment representations were assessed with the Attachment Story Completion Task (Bretherthon et al., 1990), social behavior with the Teacher Assessment of Social Behavior (Cassidy et Asher, 1992) and attributions of intentions with a new experimental task we developed. Attachment representations were associated with both social behavior and attributions of intentions among DS and CA, but not among CR. These findings emphasize the importance of attachment quality for sociocognitive development of children with DS. Children with DS showed developmental specificities which are believed to lie on an implicit and inflexible representational format of information: the more insecure they are the more likely they are to internalize a negative model of relationships via procedural learning, possibly leading to lower levels of prosocial behavior and more hostile attributional biases in ambiguous social situations. Clinical implications are discussed
Depersin-Venon, Yvonne. "Relations entre image mentale et pensée opératoire : une étude comparative entre un échantillon d'enfants de classes primaires et un échantillon d'enfants en difficulté scolaire." Paris 5, 1990.
Full textThe piagetion hypothesis about mental imagery asserts that the development of imaginal representation of transformations abilities is subordinated to "mathematico-logical" operations. This hypothesis has been tested by comparing two groups of children. In one of thems children are mentally deficient, not in the other. If the piagetian hypothesis were true, then a retard in the "mathematico-logical" operations development should imply a developmental retard in the mental imagery. Any other kind of relation would disprove the subordination hypothesis. Two groups of 42 children from 9 to 12 have been examined over seven tasks : operational imagery and imitation tasks. One of these groups is composed of primary school children (from third to fifth grade), the other group includes children from special education. The comparative analysis findings din't disprove the piagetian hypthesis : results show an homogeneous retard in the mentally deficient children abilities in comparison with the primary school children. This finding is consistent with other hypothesis which are discussed. About the mental imagery origin, results don't show a relation between imitation an imagery as asserted in the piagetian hypothesis. The analysis of the relations structure between the different tasks, by the regression analysis, show that this structure is not the same in the two groups of children. It seems that mentally deficient children use imagery as a mode of processing in every kind of task, even in the "logical" tasks. The results extensions are discussed in conclusion
Kassouha, Souleiman. "Etude comparative du fonctionnement de la communication chez les élèves dans les écoles élémentaires : l'interaction entre deux types d'élèves : tout venant et déficient intellectuel intégré." Caen, 2008.
Full textLagneau, Frédéric. "Rigidité cognitive et retard mental : la capacité de flexibilité cognitive dans des situations propices aux persévérations." Amiens, 2007.
Full textBooks on the topic "Déficience intellectuelle – Chez l'enfant"
Kibelolo-N'Gabala, Jacqueline. L'enfant handicape par déficience physique chez les Kongo. Paris]: Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 1990.
Find full textJohn, Morton. Understanding developmental disorders: A causal modelling approach. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2004.
Find full textCarminati, Giuliana Galli. Retard mental, autisme et maladies psychiques chez l'adulte: Approche thérapeutique à visée réhabilitative : le modèle genevois. Genève: Editions Médecine et Hygiène, 2000.
Find full textPerron, Roger. L' intelligence de l'enfant et ses troubles: [des déficiences mentales aux souffrances de la personne]. 2nd ed. Paris: Dunod, 2004.
Find full textGascon, H. Modèles de soutien socioprofessionnel et bien-être psychologique chez les personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle. Lille: A.N.R.T. Université de Lille III, 1997.
Find full textMazereau, Philippe. La DÉFICIENCE MENTALE CHEZ L'ENFANT ENTRE ÉCOLE ET PSYCHIATRIE - Contribution à l'histoire sociale de l'éducation spéciale 1909-1989. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2002.
Find full textForgan, James W., and Mary Anne Richey. Impulsive, Disorganized Child: Solutions for Parenting Kids with Executive Functioning Difficulties. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textForgan, James W., and Mary Anne Richey. Impulsive, Disorganized Child: Solutions for Parenting Kids with Executive Functioning Difficulties. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textForgan, James W., and Mary Anne Richey. Impulsive, Disorganized Child: Solutions for Parenting Kids with Executive Functioning Difficulties. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textRichey, Mary Anne, 1947- author, ed. The impulsive, disorganized child: Solutions for parenting kids with executive functioning difficulties. 2015.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Déficience intellectuelle – Chez l'enfant"
Rigard, C., and C. Demily. "Remédiation cognitive chez les adultes ayant une déficience intellectuelle." In Outils de la Réhabilitation en Psychiatrie, 253–74. Elsevier, 2016.
Full textJourdan-Ionescu, Colette, and Francine Julien-Gauthier. "Encourager l'expression du point de vue des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle." In Psychopathologie et handicap de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, 155. ERES, 2013.
Full textNader-Grosbois, Nathalie, and Anne-Françoise Thirion-Marissiaux. "Développement de la ToM chez des personnes présentant une déficience intellectuelle." In La théorie de l'esprit, 183. De Boeck Supérieur, 2011.
Full textNader-Grosbois, Nathalie, Catherine Fiasse, and Céline Baurain. "Théorie de l'esprit, fonctions exécutives et autorégulation chez des enfants typiques et des personnes avec déficience intellectuelle." In La théorie de l'esprit, 259. De Boeck Supérieur, 2011.
Full textBaurain, Céline, and Nathalie Nader-Grosbois. "Compétences émotionnelles, régulation émotionnelle en contextes interactifs et ToM-émotions chez des enfants typiques et avec déficience intellectuelle." In La théorie de l'esprit, 213. De Boeck Supérieur, 2011.
Full textZabalia, Marc. "Chapitre 2. Contributions de la psychologie du développement à l’évaluation de la douleur chez l’enfant typique et l’enfant atteint de déficience intellectuelle." In 12 interventions en psychologie du développement, 33–51. Dunod, 2019.
Full textGilliand, Morgane, Kétia Alexandre, Ariane Bernier, and Léonie Chinet. "Innovation Booster Technologie et Handicap." In Innovation Booster Technologie et Handicap, 211–20. Association Sociographe, 2024.
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