Journal articles on the topic 'Decorrelation noise'
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Palmer, Alan R., Dan Jiang, and David McAlpine. "Desynchronizing Responses to Correlated Noise: A Mechanism for Binaural Masking Level Differences at the Inferior Colliculus." Journal of Neurophysiology 81, no. 2 (February 1, 1999): 722–34.
Full textTuzlukov, V. P. "Two approaches to multiuser detection over fading channels." Doklady BGUIR 19, no. 1 (February 23, 2021): 11–20.
Full textJiang, Guoqing, Chao Sun, and Lei Xie. "Diagonal Denoising for Spatially Correlated Noise Based on Diagonalization Decorrelation in Underwater Radiated Noise Measurement." Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 4 (April 5, 2022): 502.
Full textArienzo, Alberto, Fabrizio Argenti, Luciano Alparone, and Monica Gherardelli. "Accurate Despeckling and Estimation of Polarimetric Features by Means of a Spatial Decorrelation of the Noise in Complex PolSAR Data." Remote Sensing 12, no. 2 (January 20, 2020): 331.
Full textChen, Yaogang, Qian Sun, and Jun Hu. "Quantitatively Estimating of InSAR Decorrelation Based on Landsat-Derived NDVI." Remote Sensing 13, no. 13 (June 22, 2021): 2440.
Full textSathesh, Sathesh, and Dr J. Samuel Manoharan. "De-correlation stretch filtering approach for effective Poisson reduction in galaxy Images." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY 11, no. 9 (December 5, 2013): 2987–93.
Full textJung, H. Y., D. Y. Kim, and C. K. Un. "Frame decorrelation for noise-robust speech recognition." Electronics Letters 32, no. 13 (1996): 1163.
Full textPradhan, Somanath, Xiaojun Qiu, and Jinchen Ji. "A Four-Stage Method for Active Control with Online Feedback Path Modelling Using Control Signal." Applied Sciences 9, no. 15 (July 25, 2019): 2973.
Full textWang, Xinmei, Leimin Wang, Longsheng Wei, and Feng Liu. "Estimation of Object Motion State Based on Adaptive Decorrelation Kalman Filtering." Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 23, no. 4 (July 20, 2019): 749–57.
Full textAghanim, N., M. Ashdown, J. Aumont, C. Baccigalupi, M. Ballardini, A. J. Banday, R. B. Barreiro, et al. "Planck intermediate results." Astronomy & Astrophysics 599 (February 28, 2017): A51.
Full textPelgrims, V., S. E. Clark, B. S. Hensley, G. V. Panopoulou, V. Pavlidou, K. Tassis, H. K. Eriksen, and I. K. Wehus. "Evidence for line-of-sight frequency decorrelation of polarized dust emission in Planck data." Astronomy & Astrophysics 647 (March 2021): A16.
Full textMancini-Terracciano, C., and M. Vignati. "Noise correlation and decorrelation in arrays of bolometric detectors." Journal of Instrumentation 7, no. 06 (June 26, 2012): P06013.
Full textZhao, Sipei, Eva Cheng, Xiaojun Qiu, Ian Burnett, and Jacob Chia-chun Liu. "Spatial decorrelation of wind noise with porous microphone windscreens." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143, no. 1 (January 2018): 330–39.
Full textPicart, Pascal. "Recent advances in speckle decorrelation modeling and processing in digital holographic interferometry." Photonics Letters of Poland 13, no. 4 (December 30, 2021): 73.
Full textCocianu, Cătălina, and Alexandru Stan. "Neural Architectures for Correlated Noise Removal in Image Processing." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2016 (2016): 1–14.
Full textKorchynskyi, Volodymyr, Valerii Hordiichuk, Vitalii Kildishev, Oleksandr Riabukha, Sergii Staikutsa, and Khaled Alfaiomi. "Method of information protection based on the integration of probabilistic encryption and noise immune coding." Radioelectronic and Computer Systems, no. 4 (December 6, 2023): 184–95.
Full textSchaan, Emmanuel, and Martin White. "Multi-tracer intensity mapping: cross-correlations, line noise & decorrelation." Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2021, no. 05 (May 1, 2021): 068.
Full textFallon, Susan M., and Donald E. Robinson. "The effects of decorrelation on the discriminability of noise samples." Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 81, S1 (May 1987): S33.
Full textRao, Qiang, and Jianjun Wang. "Suppressing Random Artifacts in Reference Sensor Pattern Noise via Decorrelation." IEEE Signal Processing Letters 24, no. 6 (June 2017): 809–13.
Full textVahala, Kerry J., and Michael A. Newkirk. "Intensity noise reduction in semiconductor lasers by amplitude‐phase decorrelation." Applied Physics Letters 57, no. 10 (September 3, 1990): 974–76.
Full textSivaramakrishnan, Anand, James P. Lloyd, Philip E. Hodge, and Bruce A. Macintosh. "Speckle Decorrelation and Dynamic Range in Speckle Noise–limited Imaging." Astrophysical Journal 581, no. 1 (December 10, 2002): L59—L62.
Full textUribe-Patarroyo, Néstor, Anouk L. Post, Sebastián Ruiz-Lopera, Dirk J. Faber, and Brett E. Bouma. "Noise and bias in optical coherence tomography intensity signal decorrelation." OSA Continuum 3, no. 4 (March 17, 2020): 709.
Full textDuan, Meng, Bing Xu, Zhiwei Li, Wenhao Wu, Yunmeng Cao, Jihong Liu, Guanya Wang, and Jingxin Hou. "A New Weighting Method by Considering the Physical Characteristics of Atmospheric Turbulence and Decorrelation Noise in SBAS-InSAR." Remote Sensing 12, no. 16 (August 9, 2020): 2557.
Full textJiang, Yong, Ya Ping Wang, and Dong Mei Zhao. "Self-Adaptive Wavelet Based on Parametric Equation in Manufacturing Engineering." Advanced Materials Research 323 (August 2011): 176–80.
Full textLauritzen, K. C., S. H. Talisa, and M. Peckerar. "Impact of Decorrelation Techniques on Sampling Noise in Radio-Frequency Applications." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 59, no. 9 (September 2010): 2272–79.
Full textMolimard, Jérôme, Raul Cordero, and Alain Vautrin. "Signal-to-noise based local decorrelation compensation for speckle interferometry applications." Applied Optics 47, no. 19 (June 27, 2008): 3535.
Full textAwad, Samer I., and Jesse T. Yen. "3D Strain Imaging Using a Rectilinear 2D Array." Ultrasonic Imaging 29, no. 4 (October 2007): 220–30.
Full textPoittevin, Julien, Pascal Picart, François Gautier, and Charles Pezerat. "Quality assessment of combined quantization-shot-noise-induced decorrelation noise in high-speed digital holographic metrology." Optics Express 23, no. 24 (November 18, 2015): 30917.
Full textRighetti, Raffaella, Jonathan Ophir, Brian S. Garra, Rajah M. Chandrasekhar, and Thomas A. Krouskop. "A New Method for Generating Poroelastograms in Noisy Environments." Ultrasonic Imaging 27, no. 4 (October 2005): 201–20.
Full textTripp, Bryan P. "Decorrelation of Spiking Variability and Improved Information Transfer Through Feedforward Divisive Normalization." Neural Computation 24, no. 4 (April 2012): 867–94.
Full textMATSUMOTO, Mitsuharu, and Shuji HASHIMOTO. "Estimation of Optimal Parameter in ε-Filter Based on Signal-Noise Decorrelation." IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E92-D, no. 6 (2009): 1312–15.
Full textNewkirk, M. A., and K. J. Vahala. "Amplitude-phase decorrelation: a method for reducing intensity noise in semiconductor lasers." IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 27, no. 1 (1991): 13–22.
Full textGoutcher, R., L. M. O'Kane, and P. B. Hibbard. "Effects of inter-ocular contrast difference and decorrelation noise on disparity discrimination." Journal of Vision 9, no. 8 (March 22, 2010): 281.
Full textHe-Young Jung and Soo-Young Lee. "On the temporal decorrelation of feature parameters for noise-robust speech recognition." IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 8, no. 4 (July 2000): 407–16.
Full textBendoumia, Rédha, Mohammed Kerkar, and Sohib Abderrahim Bouzekkar. "Acoustic noise reduction by new sub-band forward symmetric adaptive decorrelation algorithms." Applied Acoustics 152 (September 2019): 118–26.
Full textZHANG, Lifu, Xuhui LU, Yi CEN, and Xuejian SUN. "Optimized spatial and spectral decorrelation method for noise estimation in hyperspectral images." National Remote Sensing Bulletin 25, no. 7 (2021): 1411–21.
Full textZhu, Qi, Yuxuan Ding, Dawei Tu, Haiyan Zhang, and Yue Peng. "Experimental Study of Defect Localization in a Cross-Ply Fiber Reinforced Composite with Diffuse Ultrasonic Waves." Applied Sciences 9, no. 11 (June 6, 2019): 2334.
Full textCassé, Gibert, Edouart, Chomette, and Crevoisier. "Optical Energy Variability Induced by Speckle: The Cases of MERLIN and CHARM-F IPDA Lidar." Atmosphere 10, no. 9 (September 11, 2019): 540.
Full textQi, Yang, Yu Wang, Jun Hong, and Shaoyan Du. "Additional Reference Height Error Analysis for Baseline Calibration Based on a Distributed Target DEM in TwinSAR-L." Remote Sensing 13, no. 14 (July 13, 2021): 2750.
Full textBrand, Andreas, Christian Noss, Christian Dinkel, and Markus Holzner. "High-Resolution Measurements of Turbulent Flow Close to the Sediment–Water Interface Using a Bistatic Acoustic Profiler." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33, no. 4 (April 2016): 769–88.
Full textNardelli, Bruno Buongiorno. "A Novel Approach for the High-Resolution Interpolation of In Situ Sea Surface Salinity." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 29, no. 6 (June 1, 2012): 867–79.
Full textPiniard, Matthieu, Béatrice Sorrente, Gilles Hug, and Pascal Picart. "Theoretical analysis of surface-shape-induced decorrelation noise in multi-wavelength digital holography." Optics Express 29, no. 10 (April 28, 2021): 14720.
Full textKobayashi, Masaki, Yasunori Nagasaka, and Yoshio Itoh. "A Noise Free Adaptive Transversal Notch Filter Using SSCF Algorithm with Decorrelation Parameter." IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 133, no. 12 (2013): 2236–42.
Full textXia, Haiting, Silvio Montresor, Rongxin Guo, Junchang Li, Feng Yan, Heming Cheng, and Pascal Picart. "Phase calibration unwrapping algorithm for phase data corrupted by strong decorrelation speckle noise." Optics Express 24, no. 25 (December 5, 2016): 28713.
Full textStähler, Simon C., and Karin Sigloch. "Fully probabilistic seismic source inversion – Part 2: Modelling errors and station covariances." Solid Earth 7, no. 6 (November 7, 2016): 1521–36.
Full textPeng, Hui, Juhong Tie, and Dequan Guo. "An Iterative Axial and Lateral Ultrasound Strain Estimator Using Subband Division." Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 10, no. 5 (May 1, 2020): 1057–68.
Full textSiegel, Jared C., Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Samuel Halverson, and Andrew W. Howard. "Into the Depths: A New Activity Metric for High-precision Radial Velocity Measurements Based on Line Depth Variations." Astronomical Journal 163, no. 6 (May 11, 2022): 260.
Full textFLANDRIN, PATRICK, and PAULO GONÇALVÈS. "EMPIRICAL MODE DECOMPOSITIONS AS DATA-DRIVEN WAVELET-LIKE EXPANSIONS." International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 02, no. 04 (December 2004): 477–96.
Full textMestre-Quereda, Alejandro, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez, and Jordi J. Mallorqui. "Range Spectral Filtering in SAR Interferometry: Methods and Limitations." Sensors 22, no. 22 (November 10, 2022): 8696.
Full textQian, Nijia, Guobin Chang, Pavel Ditmar, Jingxiang Gao, and Zhengqiang Wei. "Sparse DDK: A Data-Driven Decorrelation Filter for GRACE Level-2 Products." Remote Sensing 14, no. 12 (June 11, 2022): 2810.
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