Academic literature on the topic 'Déchets miniers de charbon'
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Journal articles on the topic "Déchets miniers de charbon"
Koto-Te-Nyiwa Ngbolua, Jean-Paul. "Evaluation des impacts environnementaux et des risques associés : Etude de cas sur le gisement de Fer de Bekisopa, Madagascar." Revue Congolaise des Sciences & Technologies 3, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 60–66.
Full textTornatore, Jean-Louis. "Les mines de charbon du Briançonnais (XVIIIe-XXe siècle): Essai d’anthropologie symétrique." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 61, no. 5 (October 2006): 1171–90.
Full textAugou, Ovo Sandrine Flora, Souleymane Ouattara, Conand Honoré Kouakou, Koffi Clément Kouadio, Aka Alexandre Assande, and Edjikémé Emeruwa. "Influence de la pression de compactage sur les caractéristiques physiques et la durée de combustion de combustible à base de sciure de bois et de liant végétal." Matériaux & Techniques 108, no. 4 (2020): 404.
Full textMenia, Sabah, Ilyés Nouicer, Yasmina Bakouri, Abdelhamid M’raoui, Hammou Tebibel, and Abdallah Khellaf. "Production d’hydrogène par procédés biologiques." Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 74 (2019): 34.
Full textIzoard, Celia. "L’esprit qui dévorait la matière." Écologie & Politique N° 69, no. 2 (November 29, 2024): 73–84.
Full textLemoine, Guillaume. "Intérêt, gestion, protection et valorisation des terrils miniers dans le Nord – Pas-de-Calais." Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, no. 19 (December 1, 2012): 109–16.
Full textBahati, Ass Serge Kambale, Patrick Mumbere Mubekwa, and Prof Tondozi Keto. "Valorisation Energétique Des Déchets Solides Dans La Ville De Kisangani / Commune De Makiso." International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 41, no. 1 (October 31, 2023): 228.
Full textDenimal, S., N. Tribovillard, F. Barbecot, S. Aglave, and L. Dever. "Impact des terrils houillers sur la qualité des eaux souterraines (bassin minier Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France) : approche géochimique et isotopique." Revue des sciences de l'eau 15 (April 12, 2005): 67–93.
Full textDidier, C., and N. Van Der Merwe. "Analyse en retour d’expérience de deux effondrements miniers dans des mines de charbon : cas des mines de Coalbrook (Afrique du Sud) et de Gardanne (France)." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 131-132 (2010): 119–35.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Déchets miniers de charbon"
Aboutaybi, Oumayma. "Performances mécaniques et durabilité du béton incorporant les déchets miniers du charbon(CMWGS)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., CY Cergy Paris Université, 2024.
Full textOver 50 millions tons per year of coal mine wastes (CMWs) are produced and stored in various locations in Poland. Exposure of these waste materials to atmospheric conditions leads to the formation of acid mine drainage and CO2 production. The objective of this research work is to study the feasibility of using CMWs as a substitute for natural aggregates in concrete and mortar, based on the characterization of coal mining waste properties, as well as the short-term and long-term properties of concrete/mortar. The effect of CMW content on compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, hardened density, water absorption, porosity, and durability was analyzed. It has been experimentally proven that mortar strength decreases with the incorporation of CMW sand. However, the addition of these waste materials does not significantly affect the workability of fresh mortars. The results also showed that the mechanical performance of concrete incorporating CMWs remains within acceptable limits for non-structural applications. The reduction in compressive, flexural, and splitting tensile strength is proportional to the substitution rate and type (sand or gravel). showed, on one hand, an increase in porosity and a reduction in compressive strength, especially for high substitution rates of CMWG gravel under freeze-thaw aging cycles. On the other hand, chloride ions penetration and carbonation tests showed increased chloride permeability and greater CO₂ penetration depth, which promotes the corrosion of steel reinforcement and reduces the durability of reinforced concrete structures. However, the use of CMW aggregates at low percentages (less than 30%) limits chloride diffusion to a level comparable to that of conventional concrete. Microstructural analyses (SEM/EDX) and chemical analyses (FTIR) confirmed that the incorporation of CMW leads to a significant increase in pore size and connectivity, which facilitates the penetration of CO₂ and Cl⁻ into the concrete structure. Additionally, it was shown that electrical resistivity is a reliable indicator of the durability performance of concrete incorporating CMW. A strong correlation was observed between electrical resistivity and permeability to chloride ions and carbonation
Coussy, Samuel. "Stabilisation de rejets miniers pollués à l’arsenic à l’aide de sous-produits cimentaires : étude de l’influence de la cristallochimie sur le risque de mobilisation des polluants." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2011.
Full textThe objective of this study is to understand the geochemical behaviour of arsenic in cemented paste backfills. This technique consists in transporting the tailings in the mine openings. Two types of backfills are prepared in the laboratory for this study. First, synthetic cemented paste backfills artificially spiked with arsenic are synthesized, using silica in replacement of the tailings. In parallel, other cemented paste backfill specimens are prepared with arsenic-rich tailings. In the two cases, various types of hydraulic binders are tested. Several types of investigations are conducted on the cemented paste backfill specimens. A mineralogical characterization is carried out with the help of specific tools. At the same time, cemented paste backfill samples are submitted to several complementary leaching tests, to assess the mobility/immobilization potential of arsenic in these matrices. Finally, geochemical modeling is implemented, based on the results of the two previous studies, in order to refine the understanding of the nature and stability of the arsenic compounds. The results show that arsenic is better immobilized in Portland cement and slag-based matrices, rather than in fly ash-based matrices. The variable leaching behaviour from a given matrix to another is due to different arsenic trapping mechanisms. Arsenic can precipitate and form several arsenic minerals, mainly calcium arsenates, but also various other secondary compounds, which are different from a matrix to another. Physical entrapment of the tailings grains by the cementitious minerals can also occur, by formation of a coating around the grains, limiting the oxidation and dissolution of arsenic-bearing sulfides (passivation). These mechanisms are involved in the stabilization/solidification of arsenic by cemented paste backfills
Gairoard, Stéphanie Merrien-Soukatchoff Véronique. "Contribution à l'étude de l'impact des anciens travaux miniers de charbon sur les eaux souterraines application à la région d'Alès (Gard) /." S. l. : S. n, 2009.
Full textDumay, Dominique. "Etude analytique et valorisation des produits lourds issus des traitements du charbon et du pétrole." Metz, 1985.
Full textSing-Tenière, Christelle. "Etude des procédés de stabilisation/solidification (des déchets solides poreux) à base de liants hydrauliques ou de liants bitumineux." Lyon, INSA, 1998.
Full textThis research is devoted to the analysis of means used to define stabilization/solidification processes of specific industrial wastes. The selected wastes are a used catalyst containing vanadium V(V) and an activated charcoal polluted by iodine. We have shown that the water absorption capability, which is linked to the waste porosity, is the key factor of a treatment; the choice of the adequate binder for this treatment is suggested by the behavior of the bulk waste during leaching. Two treatment processes, one based on hydraulic binder stabilization and the other based on bitumen stabilization, are developed and tested. In both cases, it appears that the physical and chemical properties of the binder and the mixing of the waste and the binder determine the efficiency of the treatment. Thus we observed that the effectiveness of the hydraulic binder to chemically stabilize the bulk waste is linked to the waste solubility level in the binder leachates. Regarding bitumen, it appears that the treatment efficiency mainly depends on bitumen viscosity. The waste/hydraulic binder mixing process is based on a selected order of constituents’ incorporation and on selected proportions ratio. The waste/bitumen mixing process proved to depend on two parameters: the workability temperature and the residence time at this temperature We propose an empirical model that allows to evaluate the latter. After treatment of the two wastes using both processes, it appeared that although vanadium is reduced in V(IV) by bitumen, it is not more stable. By incorporating vanadium in its hydrates, the hydraulic binder chemically stabilizes the waste. It is therefore more efficient to treat the catalyst. Iodine is not chemically stabilized by these binders. However, by ensuring a greatest physical retention, the bitumen-based process constitutes the best approach for charcoal treatment. This methodology, based on the link between waste and binder, provides acceptable results on the viewpoint of the stabilization/solidification by two different binders. It opens interesting perspectives considering the number of existing hydraulic binders and bitumen
Conte-Fabre, Fabienne. "Etude de la régénération de charbon actif par induction électromagnétique." Toulouse, INPT, 1995.
Full textBélanger, Michelle. "Vers le paysage : photographie et aménagement des territoires miniers." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018.
Full textThese past years, a change of attitude towards mining territories can be felt. Long seen as derelict or even ruined, those territories are now perceived as important historical witnesses and are, therefore, preserved as heritage landscapes. In 2012, for example, the Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin was included in the World Heritage List as an organically evolved cultural landscape. Having unique characteristics, mining landscapes are also requalified, in certain regions , as touristic attractions. They then become , just as natural landscapes are today, vectors of economic growth. The mine, harnessed for its natural ressources, is now assigned new values and, as well, new roles. Indeed, who would have thought that it would one day be managed and planned the same way beautiful landscapes are ? Conveying this new attitude towards mining sites , more and more photographers, from all backgrounds, represent them as landscapes. Artists , for example, showcase their wide range of shapes through esthetic images. With the advent of the digital era and online photography sharing, the amateur photographer , who is always searching for spectacular places to photograph , reclaims this type of representation. Disseminated on the web in an ever - increasing number, these photographies do not only attest of a new way of seeing mining territories as landscapes, but without a doubt also shape their perception. This research aims mainly at better understanding the spread of a new way of perceiving mining sites as landscapes . Since the photographic image stands as a witness and possibly as an actor of this phenomenon , it is used as the connecting piece to examine how mines can become landscapes. Focusign on the province of Quebec , this thesis analyses the practices through which mining sites are modeled and converted into landscapes, like patrimonialization, tourism development and nature restoration. These pratices, taking part in a process called empaysagement minier (mining landscaping), are then examined through photography and the landscape archetypes it produces. The photographic image quickly reveals itself as influencing not only the way we see mining sites, but it also seems to guide the way they are reappropriated and inhabited once they are perceived as landscapes . Therefore, photography and planning of mining territoires both reveal themselves as being more and more landscape oriented .
Full textCertaines émergences présentent une qualité qui rend impossible leur rejet direct dans l'environnement et il est important dans cette situation de bien définir la masse d'eau concernée. Pour cela, nous avons élaboré un modèle hydrodynamique par automates séquentiels. Il est appliqué aux anciens travaux de Rochebelle-St-Martin, aboutissant à la détermination des paramètres perméabilité et épaisseur du réservoir par reconstitution du niveau piézométrique du réservoir tout en tenant compte d'un pompage encore maintenu dans l'exploitation. Cette modélisation permet de mieux connaître les paramètres définissant l'aquifère minier dans la perspective d'exploiter cette réserve. Ces eaux de mines présentent une qualité médiocre. A partir d'une meilleure connaissance hydrodynamique du système, obtenue par la modélisation, il devient possible de proposer une valorisation de cette eau par utilisation de ses calories en géothermie connaissant la géométrie du réservoir minier. Les anciennes exploitations minières sont à nouveau source d'énergie.
Gairoard, Stéphanie. "Contribution à l'étude de l'impact des anciens travaux miniers de charbon sur les eaux souterraines : application à la région d'Alès (Gard)." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2009.
Full textThis thesis is a contribution to the knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative impacts, linked to the abandonment of the mining works on Alès coal basin. This work consisted in analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data on the waters outflows of former coal mines in order to determine the chemical composition of groundwaters outflows and the water chemistry. For that, we used principal component analysis, diagrams of Piper and Schoeller-Berkalov on all waters outflows. Secondly, we analyzed the temporal evolution of concentrations of each element for the waters outflows. The quantitative aspect is therefore considered by the synthesis of knowledge available on the mining reservoir of Fontanes (geology, spatial distribution, pumping data and piezometrics levels). Some groundwaters outflows have a quality that makes their direct discharge into the environment impossible and it is important, in this situation, to define the affected body of the water. For that, we have developed a hydrodynamical model by sequential automaton. It is applied to the former works of Rochebelle-St-Martin de Valgalgues leading to the determination of the parameters permeability and thickness of mining aquifer recovery of piezometric level of the reservoir while taking into account a pumping still maintained. This model will lead to a better comprehension of the parameters defining the aquifer in the mining perspective to exploit this reserve. The mine water has a poor quality. After a better knowledge obtained by a hydrodynamical modeling, it becomes realistic to propose a recovery of this water by use of its calories from geothermal and knowing the geometry of the tank mine
Gilbert, Jean-Emmanuel. "Valorisation de déchets minéraux : fabrication de zéolithes et de SiAlONs à partir de résidus miniers et de cendres volantes." Toulouse 3, 1996.
Full textBooks on the topic "Déchets miniers de charbon"
Duong, Dao (Dao N.B.) and Harding N. S, eds. Solid fuel blending: Principles, practices, and problems. Oxford: Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2012.
Find full textConference papers on the topic "Déchets miniers de charbon"
Fomenko, Alexandra Ivanovna. "ÉTUDE DE L'ADSORPTION DES PHOSPHATES DES EAUX USÉES PAR LES CENDRES COMBUSTIBLES." In Themed collection of papers from Foreign International Scientific Conference «Science and innovation in the framework of the strategic partnership between Algeria and Russia» by HNRI «National development» in cooperation with the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene. April 2024. Crossref, 2024.
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